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TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes

29 Dec 98 - 09:49 PM (#51349)
Subject: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Art Thieme & Walkin' Jim

Walkin' Jim Stoltz is one guy who, in his dedication to wilderness and wildlife, truly "walks the walk"--as well as talkin' the talk. Jim has walked well over 24,000 miles walking through wildernesses from border to border wherever they still remain. He has written many songs about his adventures---has done many recordings also. Recently he asked me to give him a list of TRADITIONAL SONGS that SPECIFICALLY PRAISE AND PUT LIGHT ON THE WONDERS OF NATURE AND WILDERNESS. (Trad songs only---please!)

All I could think of, sadly, was "The Ash Grove"---actually Carol thought of that while I was drawing a complete blank.

Can anybody out there come up with songs about nature & wilderness--descriptive songs that aren't encumbered by story line or action details like story songs/ballads.

Thanks folks,


29 Dec 98 - 10:12 PM (#51353)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: schmuze

How about this one?

A daffodil is born and rises in the spring
It opens out its beauty to hear th cricket sing
But as quick as it does grow it decays away so soon
Before the summmer sunshine has reached its golden moon
Before the summer sunshine has reached its golden moon

A stream it does rise in the mountains so tall
It grows into a river as quickly it does fall
It meanders through valleys, through cities and through towns
Til in the boundless ocean this river it does dorwn
Til in the boundless ocean this river it does drown

And would you believe it? I can't remember the last verse off the top of my head. Is this what you were after? I can get the rest if you're interested.

HTML line breaks added. -JoeClone 7-Mar-01.

This song is not traditional. It is "Wave Up to the Shore" by Luka Bloom, and the words can be found here. --JoeClone, 9-May-02.

29 Dec 98 - 11:59 PM (#51367)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Duane D.

Right from the pages of THE BOOK: PG 49 "The Country Life" PG 151 "Captain Kidd (hymn) PG 152 "De Colores"

more later...

30 Dec 98 - 12:10 AM (#51368)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Big Mick

Hi Art,

Have you ever heard "Vale of Avoca"? Lovely song, I will find the lyrics, and see if they apply.


30 Dec 98 - 12:17 AM (#51371)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: dick greenhaus

There are several in Scotish and Irish and Nova Scotian tradition: Road Top the Isles is my pet, but most songs that praise nature seem to make that praise incidental to praising an individual (presumably) of the opposite sex. Hence Rose of Tralee, and the like. How about Blue Mountain?

30 Dec 98 - 12:40 AM (#51374)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Sandy Paton

Hey, Art!

Remember the very lovely "Golden Bees" that Rosalie Sorrels (and, from her, my wife Caroline) sings? I believe Rosalie collected it in Utah. It's clearly a written text, but I understand it has gone into oral tradition.

By the way, are you in touch with Roy Harris in Wales? He has a new E-mail address which I can give you, if you need it. Drop me an E-pistle direct to


30 Dec 98 - 02:25 AM (#51380)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Barry Finn

Westlin Winds, The Dark Island, South Wind. I'll try to refresh with a nap & see if any thing else springs (seasonal) to mush. Barry

30 Dec 98 - 03:53 AM (#51386)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY Mature Thiemes
From: Joe Offer

Hmmm. I can think of lots of songs with mature themes, Art. How 'bout these?
Oh, you said nature? Why didn't you tell me?
How 'bout Flow Gently, Sweet Afton? Can't think of a prettier traditional nature song.
-Joe Offer-

30 Dec 98 - 04:51 AM (#51387)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: AndreasW

What about

Green Glens Of Antrim
Kells waters
Rowan Tree
Song For Ireland


30 Dec 98 - 06:06 AM (#51396)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Animaterra

What about "Oak and Ash and Thorn"? I can't remember the verses, but the refrain praises the trees! Allison

30 Dec 98 - 08:37 AM (#51405)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Susan-Marie

How about "Come by the Hills"? We had a thread on this many months ago, but I can't remember its title.

30 Dec 98 - 09:08 AM (#51412)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Bert

Some of these may be stretching your definition a bit but here goes...
The Rattlin' Bog
Wild Mountain Thyme
The Keeper
The Lambton Worm
Frozen Logger
Davy Crocket
Big Rock Candy Mountain
Way out on the Mountain

There's also songs against the city, such as Dirty Old Town and Mechanical Balckbird.


30 Dec 98 - 02:38 PM (#51447)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Susan of DT

You might try looking up @plant @tree @animal and @bird. While the nature is usually secondary, as mentioned above, there may be some. Also there are many oak and some other tree songs, usually oak and ash and xtree, but not always ash. I just tried [oak and] and got 19 hits.

30 Dec 98 - 03:21 PM (#51449)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Sandy Paton

How about that hymn to the glories of the state of Illinois that most of us learned from you, Art? Move your family westward and cross at Shawnee Ferry.

Another thought: the text Vance Randolph originally collected to "The Rivers of Texas" generally praises the "sweet Angelina," the "crooked Colorado," etc. Shucks, Art, you sing the Illinois re-write, which may not be traditional, but the Texas text ought to qualify.


30 Dec 98 - 06:16 PM (#51462)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Art Thieme

Good list people; thanks so much.

Jim Stoltz just E-mailed to say he's pretty amazed by your response. He's out there way below zero in Big Sky, Montana. I think he's glad to find Mudcat. If ya got more ideas I'm sure he'll be poppin' in to check every so often.


30 Dec 98 - 06:23 PM (#51463)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Ferrara

There's a song called "The Broomsquire's Bird Song" in a book called The Chime Child. It starts, "Of all the birds that ever I see, / The Colley bird (blackbird) is the singer for me .... " It's a catalogue of singing, warbling, cackling, quackling and otherwise vocalizing birdlife in Britain, very nice.

There's some argument about whether it's really, really trad -- some folks suspect the author wrote all the songs in the book rather than collecting them as she claimed. But a great song.

If anyone wants it, Bill (D) and I can post it here, with tune (I think). We've both tried for years to learn it, maybe this will do the trick.

Also there's a song written "in the tradition" about the daffodils and other flowers planted by settlers' wives, that still grow up in the West around the decayed sites of settlers' homes. Not trad but lovely. Again, I have a tape somewhere, will find it if anyone asks.

How about "The Dark Island", given in the DT DB as "Dark Island 2"? All about natural beauties. Has a fine tune, not in the DB but we are using Noteworthy Composer now and will post.

31 Dec 98 - 08:02 AM (#51510)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Susan-Marie

Oh good, I've been wanting the tune to Dark Island. Thanks so much Ferrara. Before I joined Mudcat I had a hard time finding songs I wanted to learn - now I have a hard time finding the time to learn all the songs I've found!! All my troubles should be so sweet.

31 Dec 98 - 08:30 AM (#51514)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: alison


the tune for Dark Island is there for the other version. Or is there another tune? I only know of the one and it fits the lyrics.



31 Dec 98 - 10:33 AM (#51530)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Barry Finn

There are two Dark Islands in the DT the tune is the same for both. It's a favorite of tune for pipers. Always been a favorite of mine. Barry

01 Jan 99 - 01:25 PM (#51655)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Sandy Paton

Another thought, Art:

What about "The Scarborough Settler's Lament?"


07 Jan 99 - 08:10 AM (#52509)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Wolfgang Hell

Cliffs of Dooneen

07 Jan 99 - 12:40 PM (#52559)
Subject: Lyr Add: COTTAGE BY THE LEE^^
From: Reta

Cottage By The Lee
by Richard Farrelly

'Tis well I know that often folk keep won'dring
When in my eyes a far off look they see,
What it can be the cause of all my dreaming,
What is this dream so very dear to me?
And truth to tell 'tis often I go roaming
In dreams along the road of memory,
To where my heart will find its consolation,
Within the lovely Cottage by the Lee,
My home sweet home that I so fondly cherish,
The dear ones there mean ev'rything to me;
In all this world, if there can be a heaven,
I'm sure it's in that Cottage by the Lee.

'Tis well I stand outside that cottage doorway,
And gaze across the corn fields rich and gold,
To hear the stream go rippling by the meadow,
Or watch the shepherd calling to his fold,
From down the lane, that winds behind the garden,
The blackbird greets the smiling summer morn,
And as his music echoes o'er the valley,
You smile and bless the day that you were born.
Yes that's my dream, my lovely dream of homeland,
And tho' I thought a rover I could be;
It's soon I found I left my heart behind me,
Within that lovely Cottage by the Lee.

(As printed in Walton's New Treasury of Irish Songs and Ballads Part 1 l968
Luck and blessings.

added to DT (click).

07 Jan 99 - 08:48 PM (#52662)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Bill D

I am posting a thread which I HOPE has the words & tune to "The Broomsquire's Bird Song" first attempt at postin tunes!

07 Jan 99 - 09:37 PM (#52674)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Barbara

the Happy Wanderer or Valderee, valdera (with my knapsack on my back)
pretty sure it's in the book.

28 Sep 00 - 10:12 AM (#307288)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Snuffy

The Meeting of The Waters by Thomas Moore was posted in this thread and celebrates not only nature, but "something more exquisite still" - friendship.

In the DT there is a hideous American version called The Meeting of The Waters of Hudson and Erie celebrating "something more exquisite still" than filling your coffers! Is there any such thing in the American Dream?

Wassail! V

28 Sep 00 - 10:40 AM (#307307)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: sian, west wales

Just came back from Ireland, and visited the Meeting of the Waters. Ah, jes' luvlee, folks!

I take it you're looking for English-language songs? Took me a minute to work out that the English Ash Grove would fall into that category, where the Welsh wouldn't. Conversely, I was going to suggest "Ar hyd y Nos - All through the night" but I'm pretty sure that, although the Welsh words are spot-on, the English are ... a lullaby? Pity.

And, this won't be any more help but ... there's a Welsh song, Moliannwn, which is standard rip-snortin' sing-along stuff over here ... but was originally a Minstrel Show piece - all about winter being over, spring springing, lambs prancing, ... I think it was done by the Christy Minstrels (?) in 19th C. I'll see if I can find any refs: for it as it might be a nice change of pace ...


28 Sep 00 - 10:43 AM (#307308)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: GUEST,Mbo_at_ECU

Where the Lilies Used to Spring lyrics by David Grey, music by me.

28 Sep 00 - 11:01 AM (#307318)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Peg

Some more that were not specifically listed in this thread:

Bonny Portmore
The Orchard
Pretty Maid Milking a Cow
Ca' the Yowes
Turlough og O'Boyle
Banks of Claudy
Dark Innishowen

28 Sep 00 - 04:47 PM (#307561)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Barbara

Linden Lea is fairly old but not "traditional" in the sense that the names of the word and tunesmiths are known.

28 Sep 00 - 07:33 PM (#307713)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes

Not sure if these work for you:
Loch Lomond
Home on The Range
Bendemeer's Stream

28 Sep 00 - 07:40 PM (#307727)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Liz the Squeak

Searching for Lambs - haunting tune and age old story of bloke trying to get into girls knickers whilst she is busy looking after the sheep.

Linden Lea is a song about being homesick/content at home, not really about nature, although it does paint a pretty idyllic picture.

By nature do you mean just about trees and animals and that?


29 Sep 00 - 12:57 AM (#307989)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Wotcha

Babes in the woods (its got English robins in it). Candlemass Eve
Drive Sorrows Away
Helston Hal an Tow


29 Sep 00 - 02:47 AM (#308017)
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Robert Burns is renoun'd still in nature did he find
The world verdur'd mysteriously with beauty of e'ry kind
Cowboy songs will serve you well, for the rigours o'nature abounding
In 'fourty a month and found' you'll find the referrences most confounding

'The song of the wandering Angus' is so dreamy and so true
'I wish my love was a red red rose' is plentiful for you too
John Barleycorn, that noble prince, and Sean O'dwyer of the glen
'wildwood flower' and 'sweet fern' will your heart to nature send

But you see, I don't know many, that speak of nature purely
And though I wish I did it's true, I'll find 'em slow and surely
For nature beckons, and she calls, to everyone who listens
In birds she calls, and waterfalls, her dewy rainbow glistens
