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BS: Mxeid Wrods

30 Jul 05 - 01:00 PM (#1531579)
Subject: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: *Laura*

The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt

30 Jul 05 - 01:01 PM (#1531581)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: *Laura*

I had this saved on my computer and thought 'twas interesting - apologies if I got it from here!!


30 Jul 05 - 01:15 PM (#1531590)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: gnu

I sped-read that and had no problem at all. Neat!!

30 Jul 05 - 01:19 PM (#1531594)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Clinton Hammond

Good cripse... can we have this thing posted ONE MORE TIME here...

30 Jul 05 - 01:21 PM (#1531596)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: khandu

Yeah, it has been here before in a slightly different form. But, what the hay!

The title, "Mxeid Wrods" reminded me of one of G. Dubya Bush' bloopers during the debates. He was saying Kerry was always sending "mixed messages". It was coming out "mexed missages", but he caught it and corrected it after he had said "mexed miss..."


30 Jul 05 - 02:16 PM (#1531623)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Le Scaramouche


30 Jul 05 - 02:39 PM (#1531632)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Amos

Hwy ton?


30 Jul 05 - 03:06 PM (#1531639)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Le Scaramouche


30 Jul 05 - 04:44 PM (#1531706)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Little Robyn

No, no, you have to strat woth teh rihgt lteter or it deons't wrok!

30 Jul 05 - 04:53 PM (#1531717)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Firecat

Tihs is ralely wreid! I hvena't got the hnag of it yet, and it dseont wrok wtih two or tehre lteter wrdos.

30 Jul 05 - 04:57 PM (#1531720)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: *Laura*

no but wehn it wroks its rlaely wried how fsat you can raed it!!

30 Jul 05 - 05:08 PM (#1531726)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Le Scaramouche

Hwat Wroks Sruely?

30 Jul 05 - 05:10 PM (#1531728)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: jpk

seen that i readers digst alittle while back still neat

30 Jul 05 - 05:13 PM (#1531731)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Raedwulf

Idened! It really does work, but I wonder how much it relates to the ability to spell. My English has always been excellent (blame my parents & the house full of books...).

Is it the case, therefore, that I recognise the group of letters & infitdey (I find it a real btsarad to deliberately mispell - how the hell did Les Dawson manage to purposely misplay songs at the piano?!) the word because of that?

I read the initial post at more or less normal speed. How would a dyslexic find it? I imagine as easily, perhaps more easily (on the grounds that this is more or less normal?), as I did. But would one of the... ummm... how do I put this... the educational underclass (NB: I make no comment about their intelligence, just the fact that they don't do well in mainstream schooling) be able to make sense of it?

Phonetic & written spelling are often very different. Take "phaonmneal" as an example. Fi-nom-e-null would be a reasonable phonetic rendition. If you are not sufficiently schooled to be able to recognise the original, will you be able to recognise the "mxeid" version?

30 Jul 05 - 08:09 PM (#1531786)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Shakey

Looks like yer average thread to me

30 Jul 05 - 08:15 PM (#1531794)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Georgiansilver

Seem to rmemeber a trhaed lkie tihs bfoere....not too lnog ago. Was it jsut my igmanition?

30 Jul 05 - 08:25 PM (#1531798)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Shakey

This was supposedly developed as an age test by an R&D department at
Harvard University.

Take your time and see if you can read each line aloud without making a

The average person over 40 years of age can't do it.

          1. This is this cat.
          2. This is is cat.
          3. This is how cat.
          4. This is to cat.
          5. This is keep cat.
          6. This is an cat.
          7. This is old cat.
          8. This is fart cat.
          9. This is busy cat.
          10. This is for cat.
          11. This is forty cat.
          12. This is seconds cat.

Now go back and read aloud the third word in each line from the top down.

30 Jul 05 - 08:32 PM (#1531804)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Raedwulf

Under forty, no mistakes, & took less than 20 seconds... Harvard? Pish!

31 Jul 05 - 01:40 AM (#1531909)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Dave Hanson

I still get my muckin furds wuddled.


31 Jul 05 - 02:16 AM (#1531914)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Peace

Fckunig azamnig!

31 Jul 05 - 05:12 AM (#1531929)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Dave Hanson



31 Jul 05 - 10:20 AM (#1532031)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: Flash Company

Used to be a guy in ITMA in wartime who 'Wessed up his murds', can't remember who played him at the moment, but will find out.
This subject rather reminds me of Tommy Beechams theory of conducting ,'As long as the orchestra start together and finish together, the audience don't care what happens in the middle!'


31 Jul 05 - 12:36 PM (#1532104)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: GUEST,lurch

Laura, must get my nuts tightened, my head hurts reading that!
If that is the case, which it appears to be, then WHY did my teachers at skcool say I was dislocksik, I've been wrod blnid all my file!

31 Jul 05 - 05:56 PM (#1532243)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods

How to play                                           how to play
computer tennis                                       computer tennis
follow the dotted line>-->--->------------<---<--
01 Aug 05 - 05:12 PM (#1532882)
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
From: jpk

same reason so many people can read it as what the want it to be instead of what it really was,they see what they expect AND want to see.
ad ta al a gd dy hv.