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BS: Sleep aids

02 Aug 05 - 11:38 AM (#1533384)
Subject: BS: Sleep aids

I can't sleep! Once before I got stressed out enough to screw up my sleep pattern and the doctor prescribed Ambien. It worked but frankly I liked it too much - vivid electric color dreams in a deep deep sleep.
Anyone got an idea for something less alluring but effective?

02 Aug 05 - 11:50 AM (#1533391)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: GUEST,leeneia

How about lots of exercise, so you're so tired you conk out right away?

When I was a kid, this was the best way to sleep through a hot, humid summer night. (We'd swam in the county swimming pool.)

02 Aug 05 - 11:51 AM (#1533393)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Amos

A long walk in one direction until you are too tired to go on. Then turn around and go home. You'll sleep fine.


02 Aug 05 - 11:53 AM (#1533396)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Paul Burke

Drink. Cheap Rioja, and lots of it. It isn't good for you, I'll die prematurely (I won't say young, it's too late for that), you wake up with a bad headache if there's anything there to ache, but you certainly sleep.

Dreams? I dreamt I was Death the other night. Terry Pratchett style.

02 Aug 05 - 11:55 AM (#1533397)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: LilyFestre

LOL Sinsull, I have Ambien too...and you are wonderfully...almost too well.

Not being able to sleep really sucks. The best thing I have found, aside from really busy days and Ambien are the CDs of natural sounds. I have one of a heartbeat that knocks me out in about 10 minutes. It's only a heartbeat, no music. It works for me because my heart tries to keep rhythm with the one on the CD which starts at a normal pace and gradually slows down. I never thought it would work but it really is very helpful.


02 Aug 05 - 12:04 PM (#1533404)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Amos

In the "natural aids" department, I get good results with Melatonin, and others have success with ORGANIC (very important) L-Tryptophane, the soporific found in turkey and milk. Do NOT use a synthetic, though. If you use synthetics, there is a risk of poor quality which can have hard consequences. Cf. Shawa Denko and the synthetic L-tryptophane/eosiniphilia myalgia syndrome panic of I think 1990 thereabouts. The natural product is fine though.


02 Aug 05 - 12:19 PM (#1533421)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids

Lettuce contains a natural narcotic - see Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit, who ate too many letuces and fell asleep in the vegetable garden. (Eat the stems with the white sap in.)

02 Aug 05 - 03:19 PM (#1533504)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Tinker

Mary, AJ's been using Melatonin to help him sleep when the back pain gets too bad. For him it just jump starts the sleep cycle and knocks him out. It's non prescription and doesn't have the pretty side effects.   Didn't work for Julienne though....


02 Aug 05 - 03:31 PM (#1533510)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Le Scaramouche

Read a good book with good music on, that has a rhythmic pattern. Not too much syncopation, mind. Monotony is the best sleep inducer.
Trust me on this one, I worked irregular shifts for two years and it's taken me another to get back to a normal pattern.

02 Aug 05 - 03:34 PM (#1533512)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Le Scaramouche

I should mention that because it was so monotonous I used to fall asleep during guard duty. When I finally got to bed it was a different matter, the excersize seemed to wake one up!!!

02 Aug 05 - 04:24 PM (#1533551)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: CapriUni

I've discovered lavender tea... (yes, it is edible -- it's in the mint family). I steep the dried flowers as I would an herbal tea, and let it get strong. I let it cool to just warm, strain out the flowers, and stir in a liberal amount of powdered milk (so it's basically warm milk flavored with lavender), and a little light brown sugar, and I find I get drowsy immediately... but I make myself stay awake for a little while, so I don't have to wake myself out of a sound sleep to pee, so a good book (not a murder mystery! Maybe an anthology of poetry) and soothing music would be a good follow-up.

It not only makes me drowsy, but it calms me -- makes it easier to say: "yeah, yeah!" to that voice chanting worries in my head.


02 Aug 05 - 04:29 PM (#1533554)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: gnu

CU... you made me yawn.

02 Aug 05 - 04:50 PM (#1533570)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Polly Squeezebox

To go with CapriUni's lavendar tea try a few drops of essential oil of lavendar on your pillow - or an old fashioned lavendar bag tucked inside the pillowcase. One of my herbals also informs that lavendar flowers soaked in gin or brandy was a popular farmhouse remedy in days gone by.

Sleep well,


02 Aug 05 - 05:11 PM (#1533598)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Le Scaramouche

So was laudunum for that matter.

02 Aug 05 - 07:32 PM (#1533714)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids

A session of horizontal dancing works pretty good.

02 Aug 05 - 07:41 PM (#1533729)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Liz the Squeak

Make sure there are no electrical items in your room on 'standby'... the little red light can be really annoying, your eyes are drawn to it and you start to concentrate on it.. thus it stops you sleeping.

Don't eat too soon before bed either.. your system will get no rest because it's digesting your food.


02 Aug 05 - 10:55 PM (#1533866)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Bill D

melatonin and/OR Benedryl (Tylenol PM and the like)...look for 1MG or so melatonin...maybe even ½mg to start. Take it on a schedule and early, if possible, rather than late at night when you're desperate. The ingredient in Benedryl has the virtue that it doesn't require stronger doses after awhile.

I do have a prescription for Temezepam (Restoril) which will put me to sleep for a few hours, but is not intended for everyday use for long periods, as you can get to where it loses its efficaciousness...(means you get saturated with it, or something)

02 Aug 05 - 11:01 PM (#1533869)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Cluin

Read Moby Dick.

Or anything by one of the Bronte Sisters.

02 Aug 05 - 11:05 PM (#1533874)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Bill D

or Adam Smith.."Wealth of Nations"

02 Aug 05 - 11:12 PM (#1533880)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: number 6

Moby Dick is a good book.

Read computer manuals ... that will certainly do it.

even better surf guitar forums on the net ... they will knock you down in no time at all.


03 Aug 05 - 09:05 PM (#1534543)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: GUEST,Desdemona

Hot bath. Chamomile tea. Practice morris figures in your head (no, really, it works. Other options include non-brain-stressing poetry,shopping lists, etc.)...if all else fails wake up your partner for a good hard shag.


03 Aug 05 - 09:14 PM (#1534549)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: wysiwyg

Sleep aids / Fancy condoms - Are they a stupid idea?


04 Aug 05 - 12:09 AM (#1534570)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Melatonin - Tryptothan - Kava Kava - Vallerium Root - St. John's Wort (winter) - Catnip - Yarrow Root - Confession of sins before the cross/blood of Christ - are from the top-of-my-head....

From: Hutchins Indian Herbalogy of North America you might include:Hops, Lady's Slipper, Kendir konoplevy,Passion Flower.

PLEASE consult your physician! - insomnia maybe a first warning signal of a far more serious condition than a few night's sleep.


04 Aug 05 - 12:32 AM (#1534582)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: LadyJean

Having spent my life with hayfever, I can definately reccomend benadryl. Nonaddictive, and will it put you out!
My friend Sherry, who's husband is from Bombay, introduced me to Indian tea. It will also do the job. Put about 3/4 cup of milk in a saucepan. Add a half a cup of water and a teabag. Top it off with a little cinnamon and some nutmeg, and bring the whole thing to a boil. Let it steep. Then drink it, and you'll be out for the night. I know. I was at her house one night and had a world class allergic reaction to her guinea pig. She dosed me with the stuff, and it was nearly miraculous what happened next.
Of course a good slug of vodka works too.

04 Aug 05 - 12:41 AM (#1534590)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Kaleea

In college, [many moons ago as it were] a friend suggested I use "Sleepy Time Tea" & it didn't work. Well, not for the purpose of putting me to sleep. It made me, ummhmm, well, uh, desire the umm shall we say, Libido Mambo.

04 Aug 05 - 03:24 AM (#1534637)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Dave Hanson

Several large whisky's and anything on the TV, instant sleep.


04 Aug 05 - 04:36 AM (#1534659)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Le Scaramouche

Don't read something too boring, read something that relaxes your mind.

04 Aug 05 - 10:18 AM (#1534856)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: bbc

How old are you, Mary? I've recently starting having a lot of problems w/ sleep--not getting to sleep, but staying asleep. I'm afraid it's hormonal--menopausal symptoms. Some things to watch out for--avoid caffeine, alcohol, or heavy meals late in the day. Get exercise, so you feel tired. Don't worry about not sleeping; that just makes it worse. Lots of times, I read in bed till I get sleepy again (Works best for those of us who sleep alone!). My doctor has suggested hormone replacement therapy, if lack of sleep starts interfering w/ my functioning. So far, I feel ok & would prefer to avoid that. If this is a temporary problem for you, just realize that most things pass, given time.



04 Aug 05 - 10:19 AM (#1534858)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids

For men - try sex, for women - dunno (being a mere man)

05 Aug 05 - 08:09 AM (#1535550)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: GUEST,Whistle Stop

Lots of non-pharmaceutical options being suggested here, which is fine if they work. However, my wife suffers from chronic insomnia, and has tried many of these things, without much success (no jokes about the "sex before sleep" option, please; the sex is working just fine, but not necessarily as a sleep aid). She has also tried Ambien, and it got her to sleep, but made her feel kind of dopey after waking, which isn't so great. She has recently started taking the relatively newer prescription drug Lunesta, and swears by it; it helps her sleep, but it's not a narcotic, and she feels fine the next day. Might want to talk to your doctor about that one.

06 Aug 05 - 10:54 PM (#1536674)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: bbc

How are you doing, Mary--any better?



07 Aug 05 - 01:39 AM (#1536711)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: John O'L

Chamomile tea while watching infomercials on TV. You'll be asleep before your head hits the pillow. No worries.

07 Aug 05 - 03:15 AM (#1536728)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Liz the Squeak

I found that settling down to watch a programme or film that I really REALLY want to see does it for me... I'm asleep before the first commercial break usually!


07 Aug 05 - 09:24 AM (#1536891)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: RangerSteve

I seem to have built up a resistance to melatonin, and need more, like 9 mg's for it to work. Lavender air fresheners work, but the smell can be overpowering.

Don't try Sominex or similar sleep aids available over the counter. They don't put you to sleep, but actually render you unconscious, which is not the same thing.

07 Aug 05 - 01:36 PM (#1536979)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids

Anything with a battery that vibrates does it for me

07 Aug 05 - 01:39 PM (#1536981)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: GUEST,Lopworthy

Any of Shambles' threads complaining about Mudcat works for me. He ought to go professional, in fact.

07 Aug 05 - 01:45 PM (#1536984)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: freda underhill

hot milk before bed.

hot water bottle

hypnotic tape.

this combination works for me!


(at 3.42 am, just checking in while re heating hot water bottle!)

07 Aug 05 - 02:06 PM (#1536991)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: McGrath of Harlow

Generally speaking I find if I stay awake long enough I fall asleep without me doing anything about it. I suppose if you've got to go off to work and you fall asleep when it's just about time to do so it's a drag.

07 Aug 05 - 03:18 PM (#1537012)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: GUEST,Rumncoke

I was constantly waking up - turned out that I was stopping breathing - sleep apnoea - or something with lots of vowels - I woke because otherwise I'd have died - there is an anti suffocation trigger in the brain.

Do see your doctor just in case you have developed an aversion to sleep for a good reason.

My diurnal rhythm is not working - I can use melatonin and try to get it back to normal, but often I let the cyle run itself - I feel tired later and later each day, but having had to get up with my children I can now get up and see people off to work, then go to sleep again, or not - but thank goodness for all night shopping.

Could you do this or do you have fixed time working?


07 Aug 05 - 10:50 PM (#1537246)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

With Melatonin, I have found that "less is more. I usually bite a one mlgram Melatonin pill in half. I use the smaller half if I have to get up in 6 hours or less. If I can sleep in, I use the larger half of the pill. If I take any more than that I'll be dozing off all through the morning hours.

Art Thieme

08 Aug 05 - 08:24 AM (#1537455)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids

Problem solved; normal sleep renewed without any aids. Thanks all. Guess I should have some Melatonin in the house.

08 Aug 05 - 06:09 PM (#1537976)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids

Where do you place the hot water bottle?

08 Aug 05 - 08:22 PM (#1538065)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: bbc

Yay! Lately, my hot flashes have been better, too. Sleep is good!


09 Aug 05 - 02:41 AM (#1538191)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: John O'L

Guest -

For optimum distribution of warmth the hot water bottle should be placed between the legs, just above the knees.

09 Aug 05 - 06:07 AM (#1538268)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep aids
From: Liz the Squeak

But make sure the lid is well fitting or you could end up thinking you'd had a childish accident!