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BS: ~{@}-{@}~

08 Aug 05 - 04:22 PM (#1537884)
Subject: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert


No, it's not Dolly Parton's ummmm......

08 Aug 05 - 04:23 PM (#1537887)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: MMario

Harry Potter's Glasses

08 Aug 05 - 04:28 PM (#1537891)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Cluin

It's not Dolly wearing a nip-less bra?

08 Aug 05 - 04:34 PM (#1537895)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Clinton Hammond

Rose coloured glasses....

08 Aug 05 - 04:36 PM (#1537897)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Donuel


08 Aug 05 - 04:36 PM (#1537898)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: bobad

I think it's Bobert going all google eyed ogling the well endowed lady on the beach.

08 Aug 05 - 04:37 PM (#1537902)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: bobad

Hey nice pic of GWB Donuel.

08 Aug 05 - 04:41 PM (#1537906)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Liz the Squeak

No, that would be ~{@}-{ }~ = a right tit.


08 Aug 05 - 04:52 PM (#1537913)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Ebbie

'jahave an allergic reaction to something lately, Beaubear?

08 Aug 05 - 05:03 PM (#1537923)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Amos

That's Bobert's face when he meets Jacqui at the Getaway ... or vice-versa... I am not sure of the perspective in ASCII.


08 Aug 05 - 05:04 PM (#1537926)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

Ahhhh, we're off to a fine start here... Some really bad guess, tho, but real, ahhhh, *quality* bad guesses....

As fir allergic reactions??? Unless I've developed one from hard work and little play, I don't think so.... Why? Do I look kinda funny?

Don't answer that....

08 Aug 05 - 05:29 PM (#1537941)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I have no idea, but I see you found Peace's (formerly Brucie's) missing ampersand. Is his the one on the right or the left? They pretty much all look the same to me. Seen one ampersand, seen 'em all.

08 Aug 05 - 06:00 PM (#1537968)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: rumanci

a carthorse doing a handstand with forelock and ears brushing the ground

08 Aug 05 - 06:34 PM (#1537984)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

No.... Go smoke another bowl....

Awwww, jus' funnin' wid ya but still,


08 Aug 05 - 06:38 PM (#1537989)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: LilyFestre

Awww no fair....Mmario stole my answer!!!!!!!!!!


08 Aug 05 - 06:48 PM (#1537993)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: freda underhill

These images from Bobert are really subliminal hypnotic messages which he is implanting in our minds. by looking at this one (two symmetrical spinning spirals) we are being hypnotised into believing that world peace is not only possible but is happening right now. The two spirals are essential to reach both the conscious mind and the unconscious mind - if you go cross-eyed while gazing at these spinning spirals, you may have a profound insight at the point where the two spinning spirals become one.

be careful, if you watch the spirals spinning in the other direction, you may be implanted with the message that Paul Is Dead.

08 Aug 05 - 07:18 PM (#1538013)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: wysiwyg

Two people walking abreast?


08 Aug 05 - 07:49 PM (#1538043)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: greg stephens

Bobert: as far as I can understand, you have a big old hotel in Luray to convert into a trendy shopping mall(whatever that is, we dont have them in Stoke), plus another farmhouse up the mountain to do up and live in, plus a few blues guitar licks to learn: so how come youve got time to do this what does "££///@@00x" mean?

08 Aug 05 - 08:57 PM (#1538080)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

Well, Gregster, my best drinkin' buddy ever, I ain't got the time but just make the time... You see, I'm also trying....

(Ahhhhh, can you keep this between you and me?...)

.... ahhhh, tryin' to hypnotize the entire planet into world peace??? Yeah, I know, "Good bloody luck" but so far I don't think anyone, 'cept maybe Freda, has figgured it out and by the time they do they'll just want to be chummy wid whoever it was they used to hate....

(That's the plan but please keep it between us...)


08 Aug 05 - 10:14 PM (#1538101)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: JennyO

Looks a bit like two of my snails that got away, but I think I'll guess an owl's eyes.

08 Aug 05 - 10:19 PM (#1538104)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

Nope, not snails but, hey, does look like snails... Danged good guess...

08 Aug 05 - 10:28 PM (#1538108)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: CarolC

It's either Mr. Peabody, or Sherman.

08 Aug 05 - 11:01 PM (#1538124)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert


08 Aug 05 - 11:22 PM (#1538132)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: CarolC

Yes it is.

08 Aug 05 - 11:24 PM (#1538133)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Metchosin

Betty Boop with glasses?

08 Aug 05 - 11:48 PM (#1538146)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

No, CarolC, it isn't!!!!

Guess agin....

08 Aug 05 - 11:57 PM (#1538150)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: CarolC

Yes it is.

08 Aug 05 - 11:57 PM (#1538151)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: CarolC


08 Aug 05 - 11:58 PM (#1538152)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

And not Betty Boop with glasses either...

09 Aug 05 - 01:45 AM (#1538176)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Cluin

Woody Allen

09 Aug 05 - 02:41 AM (#1538192)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: open mike

Kilroy was here..

09 Aug 05 - 04:23 AM (#1538217)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: GUEST,puss

When I look at them as if looking at 'magic eye' pictures I get three spirals.

Two sperms going head to head

09 Aug 05 - 04:32 AM (#1538225)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: GUEST, topsie

Catherine wheels, when they've been lit but haven't quite got going yet.

09 Aug 05 - 05:43 AM (#1538254)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Jos

It's horse brasses

09 Aug 05 - 06:08 AM (#1538269)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: freda underhill

Two celestial objects?

09 Aug 05 - 06:23 AM (#1538279)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Crane Driver

Two fat ladies on a tandem (seen from above)?

09 Aug 05 - 07:01 AM (#1538307)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Splott Man

2 eggs frying on a 2 ring camping cooker

09 Aug 05 - 09:08 AM (#1538389)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

Nice guesses....

Nope, nope, nope, nope and nope....

09 Aug 05 - 09:10 AM (#1538392)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: rumanci

two ammonites on the ......nah ! two old fossils in a doctor's waiting room ?

09 Aug 05 - 10:09 AM (#1538455)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: GUEST, topsie

a sushi bar?

09 Aug 05 - 10:15 AM (#1538460)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: freda underhill

a pair of 3D specs?

09 Aug 05 - 10:26 AM (#1538469)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Metchosin

I know, I know....Dick Cheney!

09 Aug 05 - 10:35 AM (#1538474)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: freda underhill

twins in utero

09 Aug 05 - 12:16 PM (#1538546)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Cluin

Two fat ladies in an outhouse (seen from below)?

09 Aug 05 - 12:54 PM (#1538583)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: GUEST, topsie

a couple of Chelsea buns?

09 Aug 05 - 01:01 PM (#1538587)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Stilly River Sage

A snake that has had two meals in recent days?

You're out there in the boonies, there may still be some nature doing natural things in your yard. :) Lucky you!


09 Aug 05 - 06:15 PM (#1538831)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Stilly River Sage

Aw, Bobert, have a heart--come back and tell us if someone got it right. Don't leave us hanging!

09 Aug 05 - 06:31 PM (#1538838)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

Bad news, SRS....

Tho some of guesses have been entertainin' no one has guessed correctly...

If we get to 55 'er 60 guesses an' no one has figgured it out, maybe I'll drop a little hint...

09 Aug 05 - 06:39 PM (#1538846)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Seaking

Elton John on speed

09 Aug 05 - 08:04 PM (#1538907)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: bobad

OK Bobert it's gotta be those X-Ray specs that were advertised on the back page of those comic books that we were reading when we were supposed to be doing our homework.

09 Aug 05 - 08:54 PM (#1538955)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

Worst buck I ever spent, bobad...

Ahhhhh, wrong but guess again....

09 Aug 05 - 11:28 PM (#1539058)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: JennyO

I still think they look like an owl's eyes, looking a bit to the right. Or Santa Claus with spectacles. Dunno what else.....

09 Aug 05 - 11:35 PM (#1539067)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Clinton Hammond

A Two-seater, seen from below

(it is actually Net "speak" short-hand for 'Rose Coloured Glasses', regardless of what Bobert wants it to be)

09 Aug 05 - 11:40 PM (#1539071)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Metchosin

Donald Rumsfeld

09 Aug 05 - 11:45 PM (#1539077)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Cluin

Two pollywogs, with dioxin-induced tumours, french kissing.

10 Aug 05 - 12:56 AM (#1539111)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Cluin

Sorry, that would be this:


10 Aug 05 - 04:55 AM (#1539175)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: GUEST, Topsie

They say a slice of cucumber on each eyelid is really cool and refreshing.

10 Aug 05 - 05:12 AM (#1539183)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: GUEST, Jos

Middle section of a rowing boat, seen from below.

10 Aug 05 - 05:33 AM (#1539193)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: freda underhill

two raindrops in a pond

10 Aug 05 - 08:51 AM (#1539350)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: GUEST,Mr Red wearing his glasses

~{@}-{@}~ or without glasses the morning after.

10 Aug 05 - 08:57 AM (#1539355)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

Oh,my gosh!!!!

WE HAVE HAD A WINNER since Aug. 8th at 10:14 and the Bobert's lexdexia got holt of the boy and he never saw it until it was posted a SECOND DANGED TIME at 11:28 lass night by..... drumroll...


Yes, it is an owl's eyes!!!


And fir being the WINNER, the Bobert sends one week's worth of peace in yer life so if anyone bugs you, remind them of this proze... Might of fact, you have my permission to copy this post and show it to anyone who bugs you...

And fir all those folks who saw two holers, come on out into the sunshine but don't come too close to me until yer spend a couple hours in the shower...


10 Aug 05 - 09:21 AM (#1539381)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: CarolC

That's not an owl, Bobert..


~{@}v{@}~ an owl.

I'm telling you, it's Mr. Peabody or Sherman.

10 Aug 05 - 02:25 PM (#1539594)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Cluin

What kind of twisted psychological tests are you running on us here, Bobert? Trying to weed out the perverts and misfits with your ASCII Rorshach samples? How come the right answers are never as interesting as some of the ones offered up by Mudcatters?

Who are you working for, Bobert? Who stands to gain?...

10 Aug 05 - 10:32 PM (#1539814)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

I did not have sex with that woman!!!

10 Aug 05 - 10:41 PM (#1539815)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~

This was really stupid. Possibly the eyes of an Ass?

Cluin has spoken!

10 Aug 05 - 11:17 PM (#1539821)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

Well, well, well...

Hey, this ain't no more stupid a lot of the crap that goes 'round here in Mudville...

Sorry if anyone feels cheated 'er feels like this is some kinda pervert weedin' out game 'cause it ain't that at all...

Yeah, sure, Cluin has come up witha couple real good guesses and that's part of the fun of it but this ain't 'bout the best guess bou the correct guess...

Reckon Iz kinda simple feller that jus' occasionally tries to bring somethin' a little different to the Catbox but Iz also an honest ol' hillbilly in that, hey, if I think is a camel gol dangit, don't matter if it's more like Dolly Parton, Iz gonna say, "Hey, good answer" but its a danged camel...

OKay? I mean, it ain't like some highly competitive thing here... It's jus another dumb BObert post....

New one tomorrow....

10 Aug 05 - 11:44 PM (#1539833)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: CarolC

Awww... Bobert, Cluin's just sore because I was right and he wasn't.

10 Aug 05 - 11:51 PM (#1539836)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Bobert

Sorry, Cluin...

11 Aug 05 - 12:24 AM (#1539847)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: JennyO

Well SKEWSE ME! I thought my answer was very interesting!

Yer all just jealous because I got the right answer - ha ha.

And yer not allowed to bug me either, cos the Bobert has given me a week's worth of PEACE in my life, so there!

Thanks Bobert. After the couple of weeks I've just been through, that week's peace is just what the doctor ordered!

Bring on the next one!

Jenny (feeling peaceful)

11 Aug 05 - 04:21 PM (#1540374)
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
From: Cluin

Bobert knows I was joking..... maybe....

These are kind of fun.

And at least nobody has mentioned Shatner in this thread yet.
