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11 Aug 05 - 05:51 PM (#1540484)
Subject: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,M. Garvey

Hi..I will be stopping in from time to time to check on this thread, but it is best if you contact me by email at

Anyway, Sunnycamp is coming up soon. It will be September 30, and October 1 and 2 this. That should guarantee us a bit sunnier weather.

This is a music camp in Southwest Washington State, USA. Lewis and Clark slept here. It is a very beautiful and historical part of the state, and there are a number of L&C events going on around this time.

Cost will be $50 for adults for Friday, Sat. and Sunday. Leave Sunday afternoon. Costs will be prorated for shorter stays or if you prefer luxurious motels to unheated cabins. That is for food and bunks in simple cabins. There is a nice main lodge with fireplace (lodge is a loose term) and sort of a boathouse that can be used for music in addition, plus hopefully a little teahouse.

It is right on beautiful waterfront on Willapa Bay. It is about 3.5 hours from Seattle and 2.5 or 3 from Portland.

The camp is an old church camp, just bought by 4H and being remodeled. The kitchen might be torn up when we are there but we will have electricity and refer. We might have to do some very creative cooking.

Website is The camp is usually much smaller than other camps, 30 or so people. Hope you can make it. mg

12 Aug 05 - 05:31 PM (#1541303)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: open mike

thanks mary...where you been, stranger? are you a guest now? whassup?

12 Aug 05 - 07:58 PM (#1541393)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Barbara

Hi mary, we will be there with bells on.
Or not on the bells, but
definitely there. should we bring our bbq grill?
And we send the money where?
Barbara (and Mark)

12 Aug 05 - 08:38 PM (#1541413)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005

You just had to pick the same weekend Eric bogle was in town....sigh.

12 Aug 05 - 08:58 PM (#1541418)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,guest

Guest, Bring Eric along with you to Sunnycamp after his show. What a treat that would be!

15 Aug 05 - 01:32 PM (#1542336)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,m. garvey

Hi..yes.I am basically gone but I will check in from time to time. We are getting a bit more interest this year it seems.

Good news, the kitchen will not be torn up till after camp so cooking should be as before...a decrepid but funcitoning kitchen.

If people can help spread the word that would be great. I am the weakest link here.

I thought I had posted a url but looks like not.

I'll post an address for the checks in a bit. It's a bit early to send money. mg

15 Aug 05 - 05:22 PM (#1542498)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,m.garvey

the url is
click here

15 Aug 05 - 09:06 PM (#1542716)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: David Ingerson

Hi Mary,

I'd love to be there but I still don't know when the Corvallis FS campout is at Silver Falls. If it doesn't conflict, I'll be there!

Here's hoping.


16 Aug 05 - 12:32 PM (#1543195)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: open mike

checking to see maps, etc--here is what i found
is this it? Ocean Park Retreat?

16 Aug 05 - 01:58 PM (#1543289)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

Definitely not ocean park retreat but close. It used to be owned by the same camp I think. It is camp morehead in nahcotta. Look up Nahcotta or I will try to post some nahcotta links at some point It is very very pretty there. Sounds like quite a few people are interested earlier than ever..I think moving the date up helps and we made sure not to conflict with the Jewish holy days as we have in the hope everyone can come.

If you insist on sending money, I can't stop you...M. Garvey, 2907 Pioneer Road, Long Beach, WA 98631. It will be prorated if you don't stay the full time and you are welcome to pay the day fee and come for the day. Just email me at home computer is for a price. mg

16 Aug 05 - 04:11 PM (#1543387)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

16 Aug 05 - 04:12 PM (#1543390)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

sorry I was going to make a clickly

that is a view from the Ark..there is a place to click for a nearby webcam. If you would for some reason rather stay in a beautiful b & b and eat at a world-class restaurant, OK..
click here

27 Aug 05 - 09:32 PM (#1551228)
Subject: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

Beats me but I can never find old messages in the forum...oh well, here is a new one. We are actually doing well with this year's Sunnycamp...earlier interest and actual money coming in than in the past. We will have the full use of the kitchen, which is good. We should have a water color class offered. We are the week before the Getaway so you can come here first and then go back east. Weather is just gorgeous right now and salmon are running and huckelberries are ripe. Just email me at for more info. Dates Sept 30 and Oct 1 and 2, and cost is $50 for weekend, includes food. Less if you stay in a motel (cabins are unheated) or come for a shorter stay.

It looks like this is not a direct conflict with Silver Falls, so again, come to both...I think it will be a lot of fun again as it has been in the past.... mg

28 Aug 05 - 02:19 AM (#1551365)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: open mike

yes it is wierd about the old messages, isn't it?
I refreshed several of them, 2004, 2003,
and now most of those are missing in action.
well, glad you started a new one! see you there!

28 Aug 05 - 08:37 PM (#1551887)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: mgarv

Are you coming then for sure? Hooray....that means anyone else in California, Idaho, Washington and Oregon and British Columbia can also come....should be fun..modest in scope but fun... Can you chop down some trees on the way? I am starting to wonder about the firewood situation with the change in ownership of the camp. But we'll get some. mg

28 Aug 05 - 09:18 PM (#1551900)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005

Iwent to Rainy Camp this year and really enjoyed it. Am thinking about doing Sunny Camp also and wonder if any of the fine people I met at Rainy Camp will be there also?
Malcolm in California ( Dave Perasso's Mate)

28 Aug 05 - 09:23 PM (#1551903)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: JohnInKansas

SUNNYCAMP 2005 28 Aug 05
SUNNYCAMP 200517 Aug 05
Sunnycamp Washington State USA Oct 9 2004 16 Aug 05
Sunnycamp last minute 08 Oct 04
SUNNYCAMP, directions to 01 Oct 04
Review: Sunnycamp report 09 Oct 03
Sunnycamp 2003 Registration now open 24 Jul 03
Pacific Northwest Event: SUNNYCAMP 14 Oct 02
Pacific Northwest Event -- Sunnycamp '02 20 Sep 02
SUNNYCAMP IS A GO!!!!! 11 Sep 02
BS: Sunnycamp planning - Jewish holy days 11 Feb 05
BS: Pacific Northwest: Sunnycamp very soon 21 Oct 02
BS: Sunnycamp at Long Beach WA...Interest? 29 Aug 02
BS: Cranberry Coast 'Sunnycamp' in October? 28 Jul 02

28 Aug 05 - 09:32 PM (#1551911)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: mgarv

Yes. They will all be there as will everyone from Singtime Frolics and Camp Alexandra. There will be lots and lots of people. You will also probably get to hear about the tape Stewart started at Rainycamp..and maybe we can persuade him to record a bit here too..who knows.

No, actually it is similar to Rainycamp because they both follow the same general camp plan that is pretty common to northwest camps..potluck and song circle Friday evenings, workshops on Saturday, followed by nice dinner, followed by concert...general chaos on Sunday..maybe workshops...last year we had a great jam session as the sun came out over beautiful Willapa Bay...We share chores, which aren't bad really...the camp is a bit rundown but not was just bought by 4H and is gong to be remodeled a bit...

It is a smaller group..has run about 30 but if I get off my duff and spread the word better (and I will appreciate anyone with any email lists or radio shows etc. helping to spread the word) it might be larger this year. More interest from Olympia, Port Townsend, Shelton etc. It always either directly conflicts or is too close to an event that Portlanders go to (I won't tell you in case you go to that instead..but this year you could stay for a week and go to both). I also just found out that the bridge walk across the Columbia River is on for Sunday October 2. you can walk across the Columbiia River...great news for hikers..bad if you are in a hurry to get back to Portland early...but it is just down for a couple of hours I think.

Well, you can't beat the price ... $50 for the weekend..includes food..which if I say so myself has been pretty good in the past..I think we have had great cooks outdoing themselves..and with a small group the kitchen lends itself to people getting creative. Just email me at   I'd rather people didn't use my address because my home computer is not working right now and it is hard for me to read via web.

Also, let me remind people to really really watch for deer on the roads..bear too but they are quite rare....

If you come up from Portland and day is early and weather is clear, I really recommend coming up the Washington can drive to Longview and then take Ocean Beach highway all the way..or drive to Westport and take ferry over to Puget Island. Really pretty. I have some songs about the area, which is probably one of the most beautiful places on earth...the lower Columbia River.

If you are interested in Lewis and Clark history, history of northwest in general..this is the place to come. Oh, and we also sing really pretty, or have in the past. The music has been extremely enjoyable. mg

29 Aug 05 - 05:24 PM (#1552458)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: David Ingerson

I just found out last night that SunnyCamp will not be in conflict with Silver Falls this year! Hooray! I'm planning on being there. I'll get back to you after I clear it with my family--they return tonight.


30 Aug 05 - 02:03 PM (#1552893)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: mgarv

They will of course want to attend with you..horses and all ....just joking but in the future who is turned over to a 4H camp soon and they are planning at least for small animal shows etc. So you can bring your little lamb etc.

I am really looks like a great mix of new and old

30 Aug 05 - 10:15 PM (#1553197)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Genie

Looks like I'll be able to come, Mary.

Now to see if I can find someone to carpool with. It's always a good idea, economically and ecologically, but with gas approaching $3/gal., it's an idea whose time has really come, I think.


31 Aug 05 - 02:30 AM (#1553269)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: open mike

what did you find out about dogs?

31 Aug 05 - 03:41 PM (#1553633)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005

Maybe dogs can come if they sing or play an instrument?


31 Aug 05 - 04:15 PM (#1553676)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: mgarv

Open mike gets to bring her dog from California...and I'll just hope we don't get in trouble..but please no one else. This is an exception because of the long distance she has to travel and she of course will assure us that the dog does not bark, poop etc. So it wil be the official watchdog...but if you live in the local area then we absolutely can't have other dogs, cats, etc. Genie, I am thrilled you will be coming...David..interested in a carpool? I know there should be others coming from Portland.. mg

01 Sep 05 - 12:36 PM (#1553861)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Stewart

Hi Mary. My wife and I plan to come - she will bring her hammered dulcimer and I will come with fiddle and guitar and voice. We visited the area last June and it really is a nice place. I'll also bring my recording gear and we can do some more recording. And I'll bring copies (hot off the press) of our new CD "Songs of the Pacific Northwest" for its first release. That came out of a workshop I did at Rainy Camp last Feb and features 16 regional singers singing traditional and original songs. If it sells as well as I think should, a second edition may be in the works - I've already have more recordings in reserve. So we look forward to meeting everyone and having a great time.

Cheers, S. in Seattle

02 Sep 05 - 12:01 AM (#1554440)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Genie

Stewart, I'm delighted the two of you will be coming!

Mary, if Open Mike's dog doesn't poop, that's a rare pup, indeed!   ยง;-D

I do hope David, Lorna, and others are interested in carpooling, because if gas is over $3/gal, I really doubt I can afford to make the trip alone.

It would also be nice to share the driving too. My friend Lee wants to come, too, but since she's blind she only serves as my designated driver when I'm REALLY tired or have been drinking a lot. Anyway, I hope she can come, because she's great on piano, vocals, flute and Irish whistle.

I guess we'll see what happens with the gas price gouging over the next few weeks, but I do hope Lee and I will be able to make it.


02 Sep 05 - 02:27 PM (#1554965)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,winniemih

Mary, I'll be in touch by email to register. I think I'll be able to make it this year.

   Genie, I'll be coming from the Forest Grove area, so I don't know how convenient it would be to carpool with you. Say Hi to Lee, I haven't seen her for a while and have been wondering how she is (we know each other from the Scottish Fiddle Club). I hope she comes to camp.                                                Wendy

02 Sep 05 - 05:02 PM (#1555001)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

I can't log in to send a p.m. Genie, can you please email me at this p.m. or I might not see it for a whil.e mg

08 Sep 05 - 07:05 PM (#1559371)
Subject: Sunnycamp 2005 new thread
From: GUEST,mg

Sorry...I just can't bring up the old ones. Someone bring a laptop to sunnycamp and educate me...

So I'll start another new one.

Despite my pitiful publicity efforts, I think things are going very well..we are having numerous people from all over the Northwest and it looks hopeful for California people too.

We have had someone offer to teach a watercolor class..outside if weather permits. I think the setting will really lend itself to painting, photography etc...right on the waterfront with the oyster boats etc. in background. Also an offer to teach a dulcimer workshop..I know there will be a lot of interest for that.
We will be reserving a rec room/boathouse? type of building for instrumental music, using the main lodge room for water color on Sat. morning (and will have lunch preparations going on then too). Other standard type workshops depending on who does what. Maybe we can get Hank to put on a mining songs workshop...

Please either email me at for directions, or I do send them out by mail when I get your check...or just do a mapquest search from your origin to Port of Peninsula, Nahcotta, Washington. We are just on the other side of the fence from the Port..turn right into a grove of trees with an obscure sign that says Camp Morehead. There will be some sort of lights there at night.

Please bring a map with you if you haven't gone here before. It is just straight up the peninsula and if you stop at the light in Ocean Park and turn right, then left at the T stop. Then go about less than a mile past Port of Peninsula sign and watch for the Camp Morehead sign or the is an obscure turn..lots of trees. Park in the parking area and not by the main lodge. If you see Harbor View motel you have gone a bit too far so turn around and look closely in the trees for a turn.

I always ask people to bring any garden vegetables or fruits and we have a harvest type of dinner. This year especially we'll try to economize on food and give any extra money (and usually realistically there isn't's close to the bone)to hurricane victims. Extra food anyway gets donated to food banks etc.

I am hoping we can keep politics sort of out of the main lodge and keep it for music, fun etc. Lots to say about Katrina f-u etc. but let's have a special time and place for that, hopefully with constructive suggestions etc.

Not sure what salmon situation is...hopefully they are running and not outrageously expensive...we might be eating chicken and calling it salmon.

Bring bikes if you is a beauitful flat place..only 2 miles or so from the ocean and lots of good biking, wildlife refuge etc.

If you are even thinking of bringing a kayak, you must go with a guide. It is treacherous water and people are swept out to sea. There are lakes that would be better to kayak in around here.

Please start letting me know and sending money. I am starting to shop for staples... m. garvey 2907 pioneer road, long beach wa 98631. $50 for the weekend. email me if you want to prorate for shorter time, if you plan to stay in motel etc.
I combined three threads.
To find the threads, I typed "sunnycamp" into the filter box on the main forum page, set the age to "1 year" (because I was pretty sure it would include the thread), and click "Refresh". Have fun at camp! --JC

09 Sep 05 - 01:24 AM (#1559517)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: open mike

i am preparing to send $ but want to know if there is a vegetarian
meal choice/ i do fish but not fowl or is that foul?

also what about motor home parking? if i bring my r.v. can i park
there? some places say o.k. but do not stay in must stay
in the facility...but then it would be a good dog house for the
night even if i do not sleep in there. Can you check on this?

Laurel (and Abbie)

09 Sep 05 - 01:45 AM (#1559520)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: mg

The camp is in transition so I am just going by the old rules. There is plenty of room for a motorhome if you can make the turns, which I presume you can unless it is a monster size...there is a big field where people park....You can sleep in it and that in fact will save you some money going by the old rules again...I'll just charge you a couple of day fees plus food so you can put a bit more money toward gas.... I hope Abbie can pass for a bear....and there will be vegetarian type foods but maybe not vegan..I usually make a big pot of minestrone..but we will have rice, beans, vegetables and fruit and the kitchen is big and people can whip up special meals as long as they time it to not interfere with the main cooking...I have a bread maker at home..think I should bring it? mg

09 Sep 05 - 02:55 AM (#1559538)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: open mike

if you want to spend time in the kitchen baking
and if the ingredients are do you
usually get bread there? yum, minestrone!

i have this cake recipe (Amish friendship bread)
that grows and grows...sort af a sour dough thing.
i always have a batch of it going...bake a cake
or loaf every 7-10 days...if there is an over big enough
for a bundt pan i could bring a batch...and have some
starter to share, too. (sort of like a chain letter--
for each time you bake you have 2 portions to give away..)

are there hiking trails near by? or is the beach accessible
to walk along?

09 Sep 05 - 11:53 AM (#1559859)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: mg

I know we have a pizza oven that works fairly well...can't guarantee it..and there is a big gas oven we have never mastered.

The ocean is about two miles away and you have to walk on roads. It is pretty rural at that tip of the peninsula if you head toward oysterville...and there is a wildlife refuge at the tip of the peninsula a few miles away with can walk miles and miles on the ocean and proabably not on the bay as the grounds are owned by oyster farmers..also, you can't just go out and pick up oysters..but there is a place by Fish and Wilflife that i think you can get some for free... mg

10 Sep 05 - 12:46 AM (#1560269)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Mudjack

I plan on being there but Hur Katrina might call me for duty. At this time it looks like Sunny Camp is a go.

10 Sep 05 - 10:29 PM (#1560793)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: mg

Hope you are back by then....I am thinking someone else might have to go down there as an engineer..and i am thinking of a phone engineer who could too...I would go myself if i could but for sure when I retire I want to be of the great tragedies of this storm is all the able-bodied skilled people who were lined up ready to go with trucks full of food and supplies and boats ready to rescue people...well go down there and fix things...and tell me please why lawyers are in charge of this mess..the mayor of no is a lawyer and the fema head i think is a lawyer. Give me one electrician for any 50 lawyers in a mess like offense to lawyers. Oh, I will start yet another

12 Sep 05 - 02:34 PM (#1561951)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005

here is a rough schedule..lots of space (cabins)to start your own workshop..also, there are cabins etc. outside..

FRIDAY        6 TO 12        SONG CIRCLE, JAMS        

SATURDAY        9 TO 10        TBA        
        10 TO 12        WATERCOLOR CLASS        MAIN LODGE
        10 TO 12        INSTRUMENTAL JAMS        REC HALL

        12 TO 1        LUNCH        

        1 TO 3        TBA        MAIN LODGE
        1 TO 3        DULCIMER WORKSHOP        REC HALL

        3 TO 5        SONG-LEADING WORKSHOP        MAIN LODGE
                OLD TIME WORKSHOP/JAMS        REC HALL
                TBA        CABINS

        5 TO 6        WALKS, BIKING, PAINTING ETC.        

        6 TO 7        DINNER        

        7:30 TO 9:30        CONCERT        

        9:30 ON        SONG CIRCLE        MAIN LODGE


        10 TO 12        TBA        REC HALL
        10 TO 12        TBA        CABINS



Looking forward to seeing some of you soon. mg

12 Sep 05 - 04:35 PM (#1562068)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: David Ingerson

I'll be there, Mary! Glad I could make it this time.

I can also offer rides from the Portland area or between Portland and Long Beach to 3 or 4 folks (or maybe 5, depending on how much baggage we all have).

Looking forward to it, especially the late night singing.


12 Sep 05 - 05:24 PM (#1562148)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

Wonderful. Check with Genie and Lee, and or Lorna and her daughter, Margaret. mg

17 Sep 05 - 09:38 PM (#1565797)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg


Get a map and get to Long Beach, Washington..very southwest corner on the mouth of the Columbia. Basically, you are going to go about 10 miles up the Peninsula on one of two roads. Well, if you are in the city of Long Beach, just go straight north about 10 miles until you get to Ocean Park. DO NOT GO TO OCEAN SHORES. IF YOU GET THERE YOU ARE WAY LOST. You can't get there from Long Beach, but there is a turn near Aberdeen that will take you there. Anyway, you are in Long Beach. Go to Ocean Park. There is a stop light (and we are very proud of it.) Turn right at the stop light. Go about a mile to a T in the road. Turn north - left. Go less than a mile. You will pass the sign for the Ark. Pass the Fish and Wildlife and Sandy Bradley's little pottery shop. You will see (all of this on your right on the bay side) a sign that says Port of Peninsula. Slow way down. The camp is on the other side of the peninsula fencing. There is a clump of trees coming up...the sign to Camp Morehead is buried in them...turn in there and turn into the parking area...don't park by the lodge etc. There you are.

The other road is turn a bit sooner than actually going into Long Beach but make sure you are on that road. If you are, then go straight north about 10 miles, past a 4 way stop. Then go about another mile to Port of Peninsula and Camp Morehead is just right past that.

At night, we'll have some lights etc. I should be there after 3...hopefully everything will be open sooner because there is a caretaker but I can't guarantee it..go to the ocean, go to Oysterville and look around..there are galleries etc..have fun...Dates again Sep 30 and Oct 1 and 2.

If you are just now sending a check or just did recently, I might not cash it right away..I have so much money coming and going right now and I am doing a house repair thing and I am trying not to entangle money more than I have to...

Still room for late registrants..I won't scold you because I always do it myself. It should be a lot of fun..the weather is just lovely right now and should continue I hope but you never know...


23 Sep 05 - 07:05 PM (#1569540)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

It is only a week from today. Weather right now is perfect..foggy in the morning and clammy at night but bright sun in the day..probably in 60s..might continue..who knows..bring warm sleeping stuff..fleece is good..cabins are unheated.

Email me at if you need directions.

If you have any fresh harvest fruits or vegs or flowers, bring them along..

Bring folding chairs if you have them. THey have disappeared.

Bring a hatchet or ax if you can.

Potluck dish for Friday or you can pick up something on the way...

Workshops on hammer dulcimer, song-leading, mining, a water color class, women's songs...

Place will probably be open at 3 but not guaranteed till 5...go on a nice hike if you get there early...oysterville is nice..old cemetary..

If you know where I work, it is best not to stop by to say boss hates it..but I might contact a couple of people to help carry the groceries there...

Get gas now before it goes up...


25 Sep 05 - 12:35 AM (#1570135)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Genie

See y'all next Friday!


25 Sep 05 - 01:28 AM (#1570148)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: mg

it is going to be fun..might have to call it foggycamp never has been foggy in the mornings a lot but then it breaks up and has been glorious. Bring warm wool and fleece because the cabins are not just chilly but clammy if it is foggy. please bring an ax or hatchet if you have one. I'm getting some nice cedar for kindling. Still not sure about the salmon situation but I am hopeful...don't worry we have lots of granola instead...just made it..i'm really looking forward to it...remember the boathouse is for instrumentalists, of which there might be more than usual so they ahve priority. I hope the little teahouse is available for small quiet is so cute...otherwise, we'll have to commander cabins. remember folding chairs...we apparently have none there anymore and I will be bringing a few from work but otherwise it is those benches. Look for a streamer and maybe orange paper plates and blinking lights where you have to turn in..not hard to find in daylight but hard at night but it is right past the port of peninsula and a bit before you get to the Harbor View motel so backtrack if you see that. If you really get lost, ask someone how to get back to Jack's store and from there, go to the stoplight as though you were heading north (ocean on your left). Turn right at light at jack's. Go about a mile. Road turns into a t. Turn left..go about another mile past Port of Peninsula sign...just a little ways, about a city block, you will see a clump of trees on right...should be a streamer or some lights..turn in and then turn left into parking...hope for a beautiful sunset... lmg

25 Sep 05 - 07:00 PM (#1570514)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: open mike

I may have some sour dough starter to share..
it is not really bakes into a sweet
treat..."Amish Friendship Cake (or bread)"
i usually bake a (bundt) cake every week to 10
days and i will be baking one before i come up.
also will have a couple of portions of starter
and the recipe for any bakers out there who
might be interested in grows....and
there is always some to share. You pass some on
each time you make a cake.
a great way to heat the kitchen in the cooler
months is to have the oven going!

25 Sep 05 - 09:37 PM (#1570585)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

Sounds delicious. We are having the most beautiful sunset right now and I have my fingers crossed that the weather will continue. mg

29 Sep 05 - 01:56 PM (#1572238)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

Oh hurray it is tomorrow. Does everyone know how to get there? Directions are a couple of times up farther in this thread. Remember, get to the city lf Long Beach, WA and go north up the peninsula. Weather is a bit misty right now but it has been wonderful lately...

Last minute items: we are going to tighten the purse strings all of a sudden, so if anyone has vegetables and fruits from their garden, please do bring. I have bought very few in anticipation of this. Likewise flowers. Likewise, if someone gave you fancy vinegar for Christmas we could use some for salad dressing..or just ordinary vinegar. Likewise, some white sugar for baking. Remember to bring folding chairs as we have benches and a few folders but not too many.

Watch for deer and raccons etc. on roads.

Bring warm clothes and bedding. It will probably be between 40 and 60 degrees at all times but can be damp.

Remember that instrumentalists will have the priority use of the boat hall...and singers the priority use of the main building, except for during the art class.

Bring any fancy tea or coffee you need..we have some but then we switch to generic...but we have enough real maple syrup.

You don't need to leave early on Sunday...can stay through the afternoon but just can't mess anything up once cleaned. We will do most of the regular cleaning up as usual, and then a professional cleaner will come in to finish it won't be burdensome at all and we'll try to get it done early on and then just have a cold lunch..

We'll share chores and cooking but it all works out easily in this camp...if you hate cleaning toilets here is you chance..I need three volunteers up front..

1. To make sure everyone has paid and take care of the money and not accidently run off with it on anal-retentive type would be good here...several people have not paid and I run a very tight budget so I have to make sure no one forgets....especially important to get the people who come in for the day on Saturday.

2. Someone to take charge of the scheduling of workshops, chores, cleanup etc...not too hard a job but again better than cleaning toilets..we have a prelimin schedule...

3. A baker to do some baking of cookies and pies ..cookies for lunch and pies for dinner...must be done before meal prep for main meals.

See you feel free to come at the last minute. mg

p.s. L. I forgot to call you last night.. We have lots of cranberries and I had better get out and pick a few...also, if people want to pick some blackberries for a cobbler I am short on blackberries and probably won't have blueberries this year. mg

29 Sep 05 - 02:26 PM (#1572269)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

Thought of some other things...for various reasons if you want to bring the following items and sell them to me for a couple of dollars each...stuff you might be thinking of selling at a garage sale..I could use a small radio with good reception and built-in speakers...a portable hair dryer...a floor lamp but not

29 Sep 05 - 03:00 PM (#1572300)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Barbara

I just pulled up the three day forcast for this weekend at Long Beach, and not to rain on anyone's parade (or folk music camp), but rain gear is probably a good idea. Rain Friday, thundershowers Saturday, and rain Sunday.

Oh well, last year it was Sunnycamp. See you there tomorrow.


29 Sep 05 - 03:08 PM (#1572303)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Genie

BTW, Mary,
I can bring my 2 large air pots for coffee (one for decaf and one for regular), so brewed coffee can be kept hot without leaving the pot on the burner.   I'll call you about details.

I'll also bring some of my homemade grapes (Niagaras and purple Concords). Some will get eaten during the camp, but people can also take some home with them if they like.

I will bring 2 or 3 jars of salsa, some fancy vinegar, and some soup makings for Friday night.   

Does the facility have a microwave?   A coffee brewer (as opposed to a percolator)?   


29 Sep 05 - 03:17 PM (#1572312)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

The coffee fixings are church basement style as I recall. Bring any coffee fixings that you would will be great...we have some coffee I bought from church and backup from cOSTCO...i AM NOt a coffee drinker so I don't pay it too much attention....but we do have quantity at least of caff type..not much decaf...grapes will be great...I am bringing asian pears if they are still on the tree and just picked some cranberries...we can make a great salad or lots of spinach...

mg is only Oregon mist right now.. NOT RAIN...(missed Oregon came to Washington they say). It really is very nice, the Oregon mist...what I hate is just heavy clouds, not that we would have them here...I don't mind the rain etc. mg

29 Sep 05 - 08:08 PM (#1572497)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

well we are working our way up to a bit of ocean spray..

the private little cabin is not going to be available at least Friday night but might be on has a private bathroom and two sets of bunk beds...

I have most of the stuff already up there so nobody needs to stop by to pick up chairs or anything as was a possibility I'll see youse all tomorrow. My work number till probably 5 is 360-642-2031 but it will be very hard to talk more than a minute and the line is usually busy. Be sure to print out directions. If you get lost, ask how to get to Jack's store and go there and they will guide you to the Port of Peninsula..from there it is just about a block further north. mg

30 Sep 05 - 01:23 PM (#1572832)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

Today is the is not raining..not even misty..a bunchof high streaky clouds but even a chance it will clear promises...getting the salmon should be open after 3 p.m....if you are getting here much earlier...a great little historical museum in South Bend by Raymond..or from Astoria..a great maritime museum'll recognize it if you come in from Portland...huge soaring roof onthe waterfront.

30 Sep 05 - 06:59 PM (#1573006)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

4 p.m. misty and overcast but not raining....I'm heading up there after 4:30 with the salmon. See you soon. Have fun this weekend even ifyou aren't there. mg

03 Oct 05 - 12:17 AM (#1574488)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Barbara

We all had a lovely time, at least I did, tho not near enough sleep.
We also had sun, surprise surprise! Was pouring rain when we left home, we drove four hours north, crossed the Columbia at Astoria, and the rain turned to fog and then sunshine. Rained a little today, but Friday and Saturday were perfect, we got home and discovered it had rained over two inches here while we were gone.
Nice to finally meet open mike, and you should hear her on that Swedish keyed fiddle she plays. People were waltzing to it. Genie was there too, helping out, and any number of other Mudcatters, I didn't figure out who all. Fred, Mary B (are you syren here?), mg (our hostess), Raffi, Fred's son, Rabinia, Gary, Lorna, David Ingerson. Mudjack didn't make it, I suppose that means he's mopping up from Katrina and Rita. (if I didn't say your name and you were there, I either didn't know you were a Mudcatter, or I forgot your name) (shoot, after last night, I forgot mine).

We had forty+ people this year, and some logistics that worked for 15 or 20 needed something different for the larger group. But it didn't change how much wonderful and varied music there was. Great food, too. Apple pie, salmon, brownies, salads, sausage and pancakes and eggs in the a.m., tho not too early, and Genie the press pot coffee wizard who made my staying up till three possible.

Thank you friends, thank you mary g.


03 Oct 05 - 01:17 PM (#1574736)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg was really wonderful music..probably the best I have heard.especialy when the last morning we sang the crossing of the bar...and the shipping boats were to be seen heading out along the bay outside....

We did for the first time have some hurt feelings and misunderstandings etc....most could be explained by the layout of the place..we just did not have enough separate areas for people with different preferences to go to at night..during the day we had cabins, but not at fault too for not understanding that not everyone shares my preference for free for all song circles after a certain hour...I'll be more clear next year that after midnight it is anything just really cranks the music up another notch I think..and that is the main reason I go is to hear the group stuff...but a few intrigues aside, we had just wonderful music and the weather was on and off but overall quite good. mg

03 Oct 05 - 02:09 PM (#1574776)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Stilly River Sage

Last week Mary wrote: Watch for deer and raccons etc. on roads.

Did anyone catch (or hit/pick up) any for you? Did all of you dine on coon or venison this weekend? :-D

03 Oct 05 - 02:57 PM (#1574824)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

No wild life....but the silver salmon were jumping outside our window or so I heard...usually we would at least see deer.....I like them in meadows but not in front of my windshield...and that song about the bar keeps running through my head. mg

03 Oct 05 - 07:47 PM (#1575054)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Barbara

How peculiar. My previous post vanished. Are we not supposed to name mudcatters anymore?
Anyway, I had a lovely time, thank you mary, thank you deleted friends.

03 Oct 05 - 07:54 PM (#1575061)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Stewart

Barbara, your post is still there with all the names except mine which must have mysteriously disappeared. Anyway, I was there and had a great time. Thanks Mary G.

Cheers, S. in Seattle

03 Oct 05 - 08:19 PM (#1575079)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: David Ingerson

What a wonderful weekend! Lots of inspired singers, logs of great songs. Hearty food and companionship. A musical atmosphere so charged it carried our singing until 3:30 and then past 4:30 for the two nights.

Thanks, Mary, for gathering such an enthusiastic and skillful group of singers.


03 Oct 05 - 08:41 PM (#1575086)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GPaine

I have never done this before. I have used e-mail for years, but I must live in the dark ages, because topics with threads are new to me. I discovered Mudcat last Friday and I just found this thread. I have followed it to the end, and now here is a box for a reply, so I am trying it out. (to see if I can send something off into the ether and come back and see it in this thread tomorrrow).
Gary Paine
(I named myself GPaine, and only time will tell if I want to be more cryptic or less cryptic.)

Hi Mary,
I want to rave about Sunny Camp. I know it is a lot of work, but I hope you keep doing it. I had a great time. I love singing songs with a bunch of pretty voices. There were beautiful harmonies and many wonderful songs - old and new. I met many nice people, and I ate a lot of good food.

I was in the bathroom when people left with their knickers in a knot, so I missed the controversy. But I have a simple solution. If you want to sing a song without other instruments, tune your guitar a half note too high. This is tongue in cheek; I don't do this on purpose; but if you need to dance to your own drummer, simply get out of tune with the world.

Thank you again,
I had a great time.
Gary Paine

04 Oct 05 - 02:43 AM (#1575229)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Genie

Hi, Gary, and welcome to the 'Cat!   It was a delight sharing songs with you (especially "Hallelujah!"). Hope you'll stick around the Mudcat Cafe and be a regular at Sunnycamp, too.

Stewart, I was gonna add your name to the list but you beat me to it. So glad you and your Mrs. could make it -- but we missed you and your fiddle at the Sat. night "talent show."

Is Hank a Mudcatter, too? I know Malcolm (yrlancerlad?) is, and he had us all rolling on the floor laughing with his music-hall songs and other randy, irreverent 'ballads."

WinnieMih didn't make it, more's the pity.

Mary, I agree the music was extraordinarily good.   As for the few misunderstandings, I don't think that should be too hard to fix. A couple rules might could be mentioned at the outset, e.g., that whoever's turn it is needs to let the group know if they want harmonies, instrumental backup, etc., or not. And, yeah, at some point I think "chaos mode" is expected and encouraged. But since "chaos mode" inevitably results in some people calling/initiating 4 songs to other people's 1, I kind of think midnight is too early to ditch the circle format unless the group has dwindled to less than 8-10 people.   

One thing we've done at Singtime Frolics and Rainy Camp is designated one cabin for the night-owl singers.   Anyone who bunks there is prepared to stay up all night, if needed, or at least to be serenaded while they try to sleep.    I think this could work as a place for the mellow, mostly a cappella, marathon unstructured songfests.

Anyway, we have a while to work on logistics like that before next Oct.

Thanks for doing such a fantastic job of organizing and running Sunnycamp!


04 Oct 05 - 03:40 AM (#1575247)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Amergin

Boy, I sure wish I could have come. It sounds like a great time as usual.

04 Oct 05 - 03:42 AM (#1575248)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Genie

I was hoping you would be there, Nathan. We missed you.


04 Oct 05 - 09:29 PM (#1576099)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Barbara

Sorry, Stewart, I didn't realize you were a mudcatter. I'm not here much these days (too busy), but yes, it was good to see you and your spice again.
The one thing I think I could have done differently, was to make new people more welcome, by talk and action. To begin with, I wasn't sure who was new to whom, but I did notice that for some people, it's hard to break into the circle and interrupt others. I was guilty of walking between one of the folks and her music stand a couple times as I tried to find my way thru the press to the bathroom, and it was rude, especially since I didn't ask or apologize. The only thing I can say in my defense is I get that way when I haven't had enough sleep.
Some people need more encouragement than others, and it's wise to notice them and offer it. At least I think so, because I've been there. When I walked in Friday night, there was a whole room full of folks and I knew three or four of them. I figured they were a pack and must all know each other (not true).

A friend of mine once told me that whenever he is feeling left out at a music gathering, he finds someone else and welcomes them.

More distribution of name tags might have helped too.


05 Oct 05 - 01:41 AM (#1576186)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: open mike

it was so good to put faces and voices to the names!!
and oh, what a great variety of voices we had!
and a couple of mud cat shirts made appearances
What a nice peninsula you have mary!
and nice neighbors...most there were
from around portland or seattle
as far as i could tell.

did anyone else notice the wonderful mural
on sandridge road south of the camp>?
when i stopped to take a picture,
the guy who's building it was on
came around to point out to me the
things in the picture..eagles, elk,
and timbers, which after being dragged
on the ground get worn down on one side.
i had to leave the blueberries and cranberries
for the bears, cuz it was pouring rain as i left.

abbie says thanks for the girls who took her for walks
and gave her attention...

i brought a sand castle book, and did not go build one,
but next year, let's do a giant one!

thank you mary for organizing this...did anyone get
pictures of all the beautiful water colors??

Laurel--open mike

05 Oct 05 - 01:29 PM (#1576594)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GPaine

Hello all,
HELP! I am new to this site and I am looking for some Mudcat expertise.

I heard many beautiful songs at Sunny Camp that I want to learn. I will use "Orphan Train" by Utah Phillips as an example.

My normal procedure to learn this song, would be to go to Alta-Vista, select audio, enter "orphan train", then open the selections until I find an MP3 of the song. I don't download songs I don't own, but I can listen to it on someone else's site, until I get it into my head. Then I google "orphan train", and can find the lyrics ( and occasionally, the chords). Once I've printed the song, I figure out the chords myself, or play the MP3 for a musician friend who is an ace at putting chords and lyrics together.

I noticed that Mudcat allows you to join Digital Traditions for a lifetime fee of $34.95, which advertises 8 billion songs. Is this worth doing? Can I do what I was doing above all from Mudcat? Is there an easy way to ethically get the MP3, the lyrics, and the chords, for new songs that I like?

Thank you in advance,
Gary Paine

p.s. - a second Mudcat question. The thread for Sunny Camp appeared at the top at some times, and way down in the list of threads at other times. Is there a way to make a particular thread always appear first in your list? (or to alphabetize them, so you can find a particular thread quickly?)

05 Oct 05 - 02:17 PM (#1576630)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,mg

I'm glad people had a good time...(well, not everyone and I have heard from one of them)....the best way to learn that song I would say would be to go to the singer...I can give you his email and if your computer is set up I know he can send you something...I love the way he does that song....

Referring back to the interpersonal stuff that happened and some people know bits of, let us keep that off this list. I think there were some serious misconstruings of whatever....but generically there are some logistical suggestions and welcoming type suggestions that we will incorporate..but we can't be all things to all people..I have never been one of those consensus type people...and I am not happy with them for not telling us that they knew the dishwasher was not heating up right...that would have saved us all kinds of effort and I would have hired a dishwasher and taken it out of what I paid the camp...and I am glad we hired someone to clean at the end...what a difference that be able to enjoy the last couple of hours, which were among the best I would say, instead of dragging a broom around...and the new camp lady came in and gave the professional cleaner a hard time and made up all sorts of new rules on the spot...part of the confusion this year was the camp has changed hands and is in a definite transitional state...

I think soon I will start another thread on suggestions for putting these camps on...we can incorporate some of the suggestions here, like a welcoming team..that is good...a cleanup person...some camps have professional cooks which is always nice... mg

05 Oct 05 - 05:18 PM (#1576748)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: David Ingerson

Hi Gary, and welcome to Mudcat!

I rarely use the Digital Tradition, partly because few of the songs I want to learn are on it partly because the quality is occasionally spotty. However, the forum is the most amazing place for getting words to songs, different versions of songs, correcting mondagreens, finding out obscure meanings, getting the context and history of songs, a good laugh, a good (or sometimes a bad) argument about a song. And some great cyber-community.

Having said that, I should point out that I go after pretty obscure songs and even then, I would search the DT first before starting a thread for getting the words to a song. If something is not in the DT, there is usually a thread (or dozen) about the song. Use the search engine at the top of each page to find them. Then read and enjoy!

That's also the way you can bring up a certain thread you'd like to see. Just type in "Sunnycamp" or "2005" and hit the refresh button. The usual list is in chronological order with the most recently posted to thread at the top. After 24 hours with no posts, the thread drops off the bottom of the list but can be recovered using the search engine.

I found that poking around among the introductory threads, the classic threads and just lurking around I learned a whole lot about both music and Mudcat.

So type in "Orphan Train" in the search engine and you'll come up with (proibably) more info than you'll ever want.

See you around on Mudcat, Gary.



06 Oct 05 - 01:19 AM (#1576908)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: open mike

another way to finid a thread is to click on the "trace' link
and it will be found on your personal page...until you untrace it.

a thread jumps to the top of the list when a new post is added to it.

and it is pushed down further each time a newer post goes to the top.

the search engine on mudcat has access to all the digital trad. data
as far as i know...and most of the DT postings have lyrics, chords and
many also have midi you can see and hear them.

AND for helping many new folks meet everyone at camp the name tag worked goo..GARY is the only one i saw wearing one but it sure helped me to
recall his name!!
there were tags there, but were not known to many...

Utah Phillips has a song book!!
and i believe that "Orphan Train" has been recorded..
by Kate Brislin & Jody Stecher- on Heart Songs
but this review is on a scottish site so getting it from
there might entail massive postage costs..
so the best way to get it would be to support the song writer
and purchase one of these...see

or you an come to his concert in Chico, Calif. on Dec. 3!!

06 Oct 05 - 10:29 AM (#1577017)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: GUEST,Fred Maslan

Mary, you did it again! Sunny camp was great. Malcolm, it was great seeing and listening to you again. Barbara and Mark ditto. And everyone else Betsy, Gary, Stewart, all the various Laura-Lorna-laurens etc. and Fred and Emily from Canada, Mary B. David etc. etc. etc. wish I could name and thank you all for a wonderful experience. See you next year (or at Rainy Camp)

Fred Maslan

12 Oct 05 - 11:52 PM (#1581968)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Virtual256

Yet another Fantastic camp, full of great people, food, songs, and weather! (I happen to love singing in the rain ;-))

I do have several songs that I would love to get the lyrics to:
The Kid Hauling Shanty, The parting shanty, and the other parting songs we ended up singing at 4:00 in the morning when we finally went to bed.

See you all at Rainy Camp! (hopefully)

-Raffi Maslan

13 Oct 05 - 03:13 AM (#1582023)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Genie

C'mon, Raffi, you know you never went to bed before 5 AM any night (morning) at Sunny Camp! LOL

'Fraid I can't help with those lyrics (having hit the sack by 3 AM-ish every night (morning), myself, but I'm delighted you graced us at Sunny Camp with your presence, m'lad!

Lee was especially impressed with your talents and effervescence!

See ya soon in Seattle!


13 Oct 05 - 01:06 PM (#1582397)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: open mike

mary--since you are a
guest here now (?)i am
not sure if you read you
p.m.'s i just tried to
e-mail you but it bounced
back from pacifier...
please e-mail me at
i am trying to send a
recipe for the woman
who got the sour dough
starter from me...she
needs the instructions!


13 Oct 05 - 02:25 PM (#1582468)
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
From: Barbara

I PMed you the words, Raffi, if you can figure out how to make that work (click on the message at the top of the page that tells you that you have two messages).
For any others that want them, they are here, just put "Kid Hauling" into the search engine.
I also emailed them to your dad.
Have a blessed Yom Kippur.
