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punch the horse

26 Aug 05 - 11:02 AM (#1550275)
Subject: punch the horse
From: ossonflags

We will be at "Durty Nellies" Hull sat night.9.00pm start.

26 Aug 05 - 02:16 PM (#1550438)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: GUEST,Hector Ballsworthy, the Independent Press

...where they will be engaging in lurid, satanic practices, and plotting the overthrow of Western civilization! Yes, it's all true! And you can read about it in Hector Ballsworthy's Independent Press, available now at progressive newstands all over the U.K.

Read about the vile, unspeakable, and heretofore totally secret rites of this group of radical degenerates who pose as "roots musicians"! Read about the central power group of depraved individuals who control the membership through a combination of threats, thuggery, and mind control! Read about their secret connections to the Royal Family, the Lizard people, the Twillingsgate Triad, and the mind-sucking aliens of Krith!

Read about it while there is still time to stop it! Yes, my friends, it's worse than you thought, but there is still time to stop "Punch the Horse", a front group for the most corrupt and dangerous band of deviant, soul-destroying monsters that ever crawled forth from the pit of madness!

And remember our motto:


I am Hector Ballsworthy, for the Independent Press, the voice of sanity in a world spiralling out of control!

26 Aug 05 - 03:01 PM (#1550476)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: ossonflags

H'm.............and how is everything in south ferriby?

26 Aug 05 - 03:44 PM (#1550502)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: Linda Kelly

keep taking the tablets oaklet

26 Aug 05 - 05:52 PM (#1550575)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: Banjo-Flower

Nice to see you're still posting David


27 Aug 05 - 02:02 AM (#1550779)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: ossonflags

We are still at "Durty nellies" tonight, come early to avoid disappointment.

27 Aug 05 - 05:25 PM (#1551058)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: GUEST,Veronica Rutledge

Hi! Just wanted to let you chaps know that Aunt Penelope is of the opinion that Hector Ballsworthy is (1) a lunatic, (2) a cynical panderer to the public appetite for melodrama, (3) a complete and utter prat. Personally, I think he is all three of those! Pay no attention to his idiotic ramblings. He has even accused my Uncle Winston of being an alien "lizard-man" and engaging in blood-drinking rituals. Imagine! The man is so far off normal that he should be writing articles about himself to warn the public! He is the one who is a threat to society.

By the way, I happen to know that Aunt Penelope still has a soft spot for your great fiddle player, Oakley, who now calls himself Oaklet. It is because of that that she has a dreadful fight with Uncle Winston every time she brings up the possibility of "spending a day in Hull" or "viewing the scenic splendours of South Ferriby". Uncle Winston goes berserk or else he just gets very, very sarcastic. (At first it worried me when he did that. The going berserk I mean. Now I'm used to it.) He's madly jealous, but has no cause to be. Aunt Penelope would never cheat on her husband. Never. She's a Rutledge, after all. Besides, she loves Uncle Winston dearly, they just like to fight, that's all. I've noticed that. They always get along much better after one of their big blow-ups. It's beginning to seem quite normal in fact.

Well, TTFN!

* Veronica

27 Aug 05 - 08:37 PM (#1551199)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: GUEST,Flossonbiggles

Does jOhn from Hull go to Durty Nellies? Can he be expected to be there tomorrow? I need to know.

27 Aug 05 - 11:31 PM (#1551305)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: Little Hawk

Shatner is more fun.

28 Aug 05 - 01:36 AM (#1551339)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: GUEST,Sidewinder.

An interesting nome de plume why did you choose this as your monicker? And why not "Drown The Cat" or "Poke The Pig"?



28 Aug 05 - 09:09 PM (#1551897)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: GUEST,Olive Whatnoll

I seen 'em, and I 'ave seen better. As for jOhn from 'Ull, 'e is a public disgrace! 'E should be sent to the Isle of Wight and re-debilitated.

- Olive Whatnoll

29 Aug 05 - 11:59 AM (#1552247)
Subject: RE: punch the horse
From: GUEST,Olive Whatnoll

Or post-debilitated. Whatever.

- Olive Whatnoll