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BS: Dave Bryant

02 Sep 05 - 10:34 AM (#1554775)
Subject: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

There has been some speculation as to how Dave is faring. As many of you will know he was unwell at Sidmouth. I am very sorry to have to tell you but he was diagnosed a week ago with cancer of the spine. He has been told that it it is a very aggressive form and he has probably had it for 4/5 months. There is no treatment that they can offer. He is not in any pain, and is feeling a lot better than he did in Sidmouth. At the moment he is stable. He does not want any cards but I will pass on any good wishes and print out any messages from the cat. If anyone wishes to visit him please PM me and I will give you the details. He is quite bright but tires easily. I'll post an update when I get one.

02 Sep 05 - 10:39 AM (#1554780)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: mooman


I'm very sorry indeed to hear this.

My very best thoughts to both Dave and yourself.


moo (Richard)

02 Sep 05 - 10:44 AM (#1554787)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: alanabit

Here is another one who has missed his wit and enthusiasm here lately. Here's another one on his side on the European mainland.

02 Sep 05 - 10:57 AM (#1554795)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: katlaughing

Thanks so much for letting us know. Please let him know we are thinking of him and giving thanks for the pain-free to continue and that he be as comfortable as possible. Words are so inadequate...

Peace be unto you, Dave, and thanks for being here on the Mudcat,


02 Sep 05 - 10:57 AM (#1554796)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Sorcha

Oh man.....I so don't want to hear this....good wishes, all of you.

02 Sep 05 - 11:28 AM (#1554818)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Wolfgang

I'm very sad to hear that. Tell him my thoughts are with you both. My memories of him are of a man full of music and enthousiasm, a real gem of an entertainer and a very nice man to boot.

A sad Wolfgang

02 Sep 05 - 11:32 AM (#1554822)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dave Masterson

We're so sorry to hear this Dave. As if you haven't been through enough over the last year. Our prayers are with you, you can count on that.
Our fondest Love to you both,
Dave & Eileen.

02 Sep 05 - 12:17 PM (#1554849)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: George Papavgeris


Dave, Linda, our thoughts with you both.
George & Vanessa

02 Sep 05 - 12:50 PM (#1554886)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

I feel as though somebody just kicked me in the guts, Dave mate I'm really sorry to hear your news, remember it's not over till the fat lady sings, so dig your heels in, I'm keeping everything crossed for you, fingers legs, and eyes!
Linda thanks for letting us know, I know it's hard for you too.

02 Sep 05 - 02:20 PM (#1554957)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Allan C.

Yes, I would very much like to come to visit Dave. I only wish it weren't so far. Best wishes. I send you as much strength as I can muster.

02 Sep 05 - 02:27 PM (#1554964)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

My best thoughts and wishes are with you. May this be a very rich time of your life.

Ebbie/Elva B.

02 Sep 05 - 02:31 PM (#1554968)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: catspaw49

All my best to Dave and his family. I'll pray the fat lady has laryngitis......for a long time!


02 Sep 05 - 04:18 PM (#1554976)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: gnu

Thoughts and prayers.


02 Sep 05 - 05:35 PM (#1555026)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Wilfried Schaum

Dave, Linda - I felt like kicked in my belly, my breath stopped for a moment. I wish you both the best one can do, and support my wishes with a silent prayer.


02 Sep 05 - 06:15 PM (#1555055)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dave the Gnome

I was going to say Bugger but George beat me to it! Never mind, I'll say it again. Bugger!

If wishes and prayers are anything to go by you will all have a lot of help. Good luck you you both, Dave and Linda.


02 Sep 05 - 06:19 PM (#1555061)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant

Oh Linda both Pat and I are really sad to hear this news. Give our love and best wishes to Dave and if you need anything, any help at all just give us a bell you have got our number.

Take care of yourself you also need to keep your strength up as Dave is going to need you strong and healthy.


02 Sep 05 - 06:22 PM (#1555064)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)

Sorry to hear this. The Balls Pond Road isn't ready for a quiet spell yet. Best wishes.


02 Sep 05 - 06:39 PM (#1555074)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Zany Mouse

Sorry to hear the news. Keep hanging on in there, Dave.

Positive thoughts heading south for you.


02 Sep 05 - 07:34 PM (#1555116)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Dave and Linda, that's devastating news.

You are both constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

Don & Winnie T.

02 Sep 05 - 07:57 PM (#1555129)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Geoff the Duck

Both Jane and myself were sorry to hear the news.
It is difficult to know what to say, so I will assume that Dave might wish to hear something daft or obscure as a reminder of times enjoyed.
Big hugs to you both.
Geoff and Jane.

02 Sep 05 - 08:04 PM (#1555135)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Peace

This news sucks. Dave, I hope you do get a chance to post here now and agin when you're feeling OK to do so. I have seen the respect in which you are held, and the love people have for you. I hope you are aware of the positive, vibrant and meaningful impact you have had on people, and I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with all here.

03 Sep 05 - 02:50 AM (#1555265)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Eileen Masterson

Dave told me the news yesterday. Just to let you know I did listen to you back in April!!! I am now a mudcatter signed up a number of weeks ago. Didn't expect to start posting on a thread such as this.

As Dave has already said, our prayers are with you and you can count on that.

Linda, that goes for you too. You both mean a lot to us.
Love Eileen

03 Sep 05 - 03:52 AM (#1555276)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Best wishes from me too, to "Whispering" Dave and Linda.


03 Sep 05 - 04:42 AM (#1555288)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Avril Betts

Dave, you are such a hunky chunk of spunk. All my love to you -

big hugs


* smoooooch*

03 Sep 05 - 05:03 AM (#1555292)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: My guru always said

And a Bugger! from me too.
I am so sorry to hear about this, Dave (and you too Linda) is one of those special people who make a difference. Thinking of you both and sending positive thoughts & hugs.

Good to see that Avril is still sending hugs too!

03 Sep 05 - 05:24 AM (#1555294)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dead Horse

Bugger bugger bugger.
"Good to see that Avril is still sending hugs too!" Yes, especially after their last meeting which ended rather awkwardly.
Avril apparently knocked over Daves pint with one of her appendages, and then refused to but him another on the grounds that "he deliberately placed his pot close to her (appendage) in order to cop a quick feel, so its his own bloody fault!"
Dave professed his innocence of course, and we all believed him.......

03 Sep 05 - 06:22 AM (#1555312)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: MBSLynne

I echo everything everyone has already said...(especially the "Buggers".) My thoughts and 'vibes' are going out to you both.


Love Lynne

03 Sep 05 - 06:24 AM (#1555314)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: rumanci

I've never met either of you for real but I too echo the above
My thoughts, prayers and hopes are with you both
rum x

03 Sep 05 - 06:27 AM (#1555316)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: el_punkoid_nouveau

I think "Bugger" is about the most succinct way of putting it. Our thoughts are with you both


03 Sep 05 - 07:06 AM (#1555342)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Hamish

That's a shock and no mistake. My dad just died recently of cancer - well a heart attack at the end - but he was 84, not a babe like Dave. All the best for what time Dave and you have.


03 Sep 05 - 09:18 AM (#1555390)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Wendy

Dave phoned me from his hospital bed last evening, it was so good to hear his voice, he is amazing! He was worried about everyone hearing the news and concerned about all of us!!! Bill and I are going to see him Sunday afternoon so I will take all the love from the "folks" at Walton on the Naze with me.Dave has been a wonderful friend to me and my family for nearly 40 years and we all send much love and hugs ( and to Linda )and lots of positive thoughts.
Lots of love Dave, from my mum and dad, Reg and Margie , brother Tony , and Samantha and Christopher xx

03 Sep 05 - 09:27 AM (#1555393)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: freda underhill

Dave, I'm Glad-glad-glad I got to hear your wondeful songs last year. I've just had a cat fight with Avril Betts in the Ladies'over which of us can apply liniment!

my love and best wishes to you and to Essex girl


03 Sep 05 - 10:01 AM (#1555415)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Catherine Jayne

Sorry to hear this news Dave.

Big hugs to you both

Love Khatt x

03 Sep 05 - 01:57 PM (#1555491)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,harlowpoet

Hi Dave

Kevin just told me about this news. Wishing you all the best. I've always had the highest respect for you as a performer, and you've encouraged me with my stuff all the time at sessions.

Will plan a visit to South London to see you and Linda


03 Sep 05 - 02:53 PM (#1555525)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: MudGuard

I am completely shocked!

Best wishes to both of you, Dave and Linda!

Andy (a/k/a MudGuard)

03 Sep 05 - 04:09 PM (#1555567)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Cattail (No cookie)

So sorry to hear that, words are so inadequate but best wishes
and thoughts to you both.

Cattail !

03 Sep 05 - 04:57 PM (#1555589)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Tig

Sorry to hear the news.



03 Sep 05 - 06:40 PM (#1555635)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Bonnie Shaljean

I've just seen this thread and am devastated to hear the news. Dave was one of the first folkies I knew, way back in the old days when I moved to London. I now live in Ireland so can't easily visit, but my thoughts and good wishes will. Hang in there, Dave, you have a lot of friends who care about you.

Bonnie    xxx

03 Sep 05 - 09:06 PM (#1555727)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

All I can do is echo what everyone else has said.

All the best to you both.

Lots of love from both of us.

04 Sep 05 - 03:42 PM (#1556035)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Richard Bridge

I am sorry to be late posting to this thread but have just got in from Faversham Hop Fest.

Dave has done a huge amount for the mudcat, and a huge amount for English Folk music. I think no-one will fill his shoes.

04 Sep 05 - 04:29 PM (#1556071)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Morticia

Blimey Dave, what a facer!! Still, we know you well enough to know there's still plenty of fight left in best to you and to Linda.

04 Sep 05 - 05:27 PM (#1556103)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Noreen

A big hug for you Dave, and one for you too Linda. So sorry to hear this.


04 Sep 05 - 07:22 PM (#1556180)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Shanghaiceltic

Hi Dave, Like other on the Cat I have not met you but I just want to send my best wishes and regards to you. From other catters who I have met I have heard some great things about you. Keep fighting!

04 Sep 05 - 07:36 PM (#1556190)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: rock chick

Our (bassic and I) love is with you, may you both find the strength you will need for this from all your friends here and everywhere.

Love shelagh and Gordon xx

04 Sep 05 - 07:58 PM (#1556204)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant

It's yout turn to prove the doctors wrong, Dave. Stay the course!I have no idea what that means but George Bush says it all the time so it must be semi-true and just as important

05 Sep 05 - 03:58 AM (#1556370)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Words are not adequate at times like this, I can only hope Dave can fight and fight. Thinking of you both. I might have to bring Avril Betts antithesis my very own Betty Noir out to play

05 Sep 05 - 04:21 AM (#1556381)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: pixieofdoom

So sorry to hear this...........very best to you both

05 Sep 05 - 04:25 AM (#1556385)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Paco Rabanne

Terrible! Sympathies from sunny Hull.

05 Sep 05 - 08:24 AM (#1556475)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Moses

Very sorry, Dave, to hear this news and that it's put you in bed.

Just don't let that Avril Betts take advantage of you!

Glad you are feeling a bit better than at Sidmouth - I was there but didn't hear the news until I checked out the Cat.



05 Sep 05 - 08:48 AM (#1556486)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: RoyH (Burl)

So sorry to hear this news Dave. As Bonnie says, "Hang in there.........."    The thoughts and prayers of the harris family are with you. All the bwest mate. ROY

05 Sep 05 - 09:38 AM (#1556510)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Schantieman

Bugger, double bugger and triple bugger.

Very sorry to hear this Dave. Just you keep fighting - and singing!


05 Sep 05 - 11:46 AM (#1556592)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Liz the Squeak

The Plaistow Hospital And Resthome Team are ready to visit... just say the word and the PHART will be with you!


05 Sep 05 - 12:13 PM (#1556611)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant


So many memories from Catford (and all points East and West!) in the 70's
Thanks for the songs, and thanks for the time you still give to the English folk scene.
Long may that continue.
All Best Wishes

Ralph Jordan (on behalf of James and John. PJD)

05 Sep 05 - 02:23 PM (#1556726)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Bill and I spent a very happy three hours with Dave on Sunday. Typical Dave, I left with a gift of a book ( thanks Dave I spent the afternoon today in the garden with Inspector Morse) while he insists he does not need anything.We had a lovely time talking about the old days and also saw Linda, who is being wonderful. We also saw Peter , Dave's twin brother who is there 24/7, so take care Peter and get a bit of rest!
It was lovely to see you David, and thanks for the singing ,YES he did! See you again soon, and love to Linda and Peter.
Wendy xxxxx and hugs

05 Sep 05 - 03:12 PM (#1556789)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Herga Kitty

Have just caught up with this thread. Love and hugs to Dave and Linda.


05 Sep 05 - 03:33 PM (#1556806)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Linda Kelly

Dave, it ain't over till the bloke with the beautiful voice sings- so just keep quiet mate!!! best wishes and love Linda

05 Sep 05 - 08:21 PM (#1557056)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Snuffy

This is one occasion when I will use a big, big, D.... All my best wishes to you and Linda.


06 Sep 05 - 02:18 AM (#1557231)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Kampervan

Hey Dave

One day at a time, just keep paddling.

There's a lot of prayers and good wishes winging their way in your direction from people you've never met but who's lives you've touched one way or another.

Best wishes

06 Sep 05 - 05:09 AM (#1557285)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Skipjack K8

You're in me thoughts, mate.

06 Sep 05 - 05:43 AM (#1557305)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,The Barden of England at work

This is just so unfair. I really don't have the right words to say except it's so bloody unfair. Fighting back as well as you did from the stroke and now this. I just hope you get all the help and care you need to come back from this. I for one will be thinking of you and hoping to see you bounce back very soon.
John Barden

06 Sep 05 - 02:35 PM (#1557802)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dilligaf

Dilligaf & Slats

06 Sep 05 - 07:12 PM (#1558023)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Lanfranc

I don't often stray into the realms of BS, but joined this thread with trepidation that proved all too justified.

Thinking of you both, Dave and Linda, be strong and loving for each other.


06 Sep 05 - 08:42 PM (#1558082)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant

We heard the the awful news just before we were about to play at Nellies, it put us right off our stroke I can tell you. Hang in there Dave and Linda, we are all rooting for you, love and best wishes Judith and Bill.

07 Sep 05 - 06:51 AM (#1558334)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Thanks for all your messages, Dave is very amused at some of the comments. Although he is quite calm and resigned hearing them keeps his spirits up. PHART - Dave would love to see all of you. He will be in hospital for another week or two but then they hope to move him to a nursing home. He is going to try to do a posting himself which I will send on.

08 Sep 05 - 05:53 AM (#1558869)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Partridge

Bugger, bugger, bugger................thinking positive healing thoughts in your direction.



08 Sep 05 - 06:19 AM (#1558884)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Gadaffi

I think 'bugger' says it all. That, and the stroke!

08 Sep 05 - 07:34 AM (#1558923)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: sian, west wales

I don't know how I missed this before now!

I had a delightful clonc* with Dave at Micca and Phid's handfasting and learned a hell of a lot even in that brief time.

Keep clonc-ing Dave.


*clonc = gossip / catching up on news (west Welsh slang)

08 Sep 05 - 06:48 PM (#1559362)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Hawker

Oh Pooo! So very sorry to hear this news, sending you love, healing thoughts and good wishews that you may remain cheerful and painfree.
On a positive note, a friend of mine has a secondary tumour and was told there was nothing they could do, she has been having some new drug as a sort of guinea pig and at her most recent scan the tumour had almost disappeared off the scale, hope they try it on you - in the meantime hang on to that wonderful sense of humour. Love and kind thoughts to Linda too XXXXXXXX

09 Sep 05 - 08:14 AM (#1559691)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

I went in to see Dave last night.

He's in pretty good spirits and dealing with all the practicalities that the situation has thrown up.

He told me that there is no treatment, the cancer is too wide spread and that all they can do is make him comfortable.

If you get a chance please go visit - he really enjoys having people around and you will come away feeling quite humbled by the way that this guy is coping with his impending death. It puts our everyday moans and groans into real perspective.

Oh, and as usual with Dave, you will be lucky to get a word in edgeways! :0D

09 Sep 05 - 11:40 PM (#1560258)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: YorkshireYankee

Hi Dave... wanted to add my own warm thoughts and hugs (for both of you), but am also at something of a loss as to what to say to this shocking, �#!+≠ news.

Am remembering your & Linda's warm hospitality last spring (2004) -- after having met me only briefly at the European Gather in/near Hull. Based on those two weekends, I have to confess to a serious suspicion that once you are in a 'rest' home, there will be a lot less resting going on there -- but a lot more laughing and singing!

Keeping you both in my thoughts,


10 Sep 05 - 05:45 AM (#1560344)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

Dave may have somewhat the same reaction my brother had. My brother had lymphoma for 12 years then finally developed bladder cancer in 1999 and died. He was 62.

When he was first diagnosed and people came to see him and commiserate with him, he said that at first he was puzzled, he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Then he realized that some people were talking to him as though he were facing something that they never would. My brother was very aware of his own mortality; but, as he said, the only difference between him and his friends was that he was likely - but not with certainty - to die before they.

Enjoy this experience as much as you can, Dave. I plan to - as much as I can - take an active interest in my own endtime.

10 Sep 05 - 10:40 AM (#1560434)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Sarah the flute

Hi Dave & Linda

Only just picked this up. What sad news. If it's any consolation, my sister had advanced cancer diagnosed in 1981 and despite having been in a coma and given less than 24 hours on 3 occasions did not pass away until April this year. After her very poor diagnosis she just decided to live each day as it comes. She came and saw us last Sept and we went to a pub session, played, drank and smoked away the evening although we knew she was heading for the final few months (she lived in Spain). I have some very fond memories my message is fight on, you never know no matter how bad it is, and enjoy each day.


10 Sep 05 - 12:45 PM (#1560506)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: gnu

Thanks for the updates. Still checking in on this thread and still sending thoughts and prayers as I know many others are. I must say, there is a great deal of compassion and wisdom in this thread.

Take care.


10 Sep 05 - 04:00 PM (#1560608)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Giok

I'm still so fucking angry about the apparent injustice of this, a stroke first and then this; I mean, come on; this is getting beyond a joke!
Dave mate I wish you all the best, and I hope that whatever you want to happen, happens, and I'm really sorry I'm so far away and can't get to come and visit.
All the very best of everything.

12 Sep 05 - 04:47 AM (#1561547)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Dave is still keeping cheerful, and is feeling a lot more comfoteable. He is hoping to be able to use a wheelchair soon so he can visit the outside world. (Actually there's a nice Sheps pub just by the hospital entrance). He looks forward to having visitors and phone calls. If you would like the details please PM me.

12 Sep 05 - 07:31 AM (#1561624)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: freda underhill

Glad to hear he's feeling good, Linda. Sing him a song for me!

best wishes


12 Sep 05 - 08:24 AM (#1561664)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Wolfgang

I very much like your brother's take to the situation, Ebbie.


12 Sep 05 - 12:17 PM (#1561827)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

My brother's reaction was an inspiration to me, Wolfgang. And since nothing ever comes out of nothing- he said that his own inspiration came from someone else. His father in law whom he deeply loved, he said, taught him how to die.

My brother loved life- and he really wanted to become an old man someday. At the same time, he was aware that many people don't get to have as long a life as he had already had, and he was grateful for his own longevity.

As someone said about you above, Dave, people frequently spoke about my brother's gifts to them. We all left his presence more cheerful and profoundly grateful and respectful of the extraordinariousness of ordinary people.

My brother was a musician- and whenever I came to visit him he would suggest a song or two. I have many cassette tapes of our singing and playing up to a week before he died.

12 Sep 05 - 12:54 PM (#1561864)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: katlaughing

Ebbie, have you read "Tuesdays with Morrie?" If not, I think you would really enjoy it.

Dave, you probably would, too, and, it might help. Still sending you lots of thoughts for Peace and Ease.


12 Sep 05 - 06:12 PM (#1562182)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Girl Friday

Well. Making another attempt at posting. We are both still coughing , so can't visit yet. Thanks for the phone call. Good to talk . This'll make you laugh, Dave. We went to Knockholt on Saturday, it pissed with rain, so we had our picnic in the car. At the same time as I fel over the marquee guy ropes , Trevor smashed up my antique plastic coated, metal folding chair ! Fancy trying to sit on it ! He propped it up with a log, which they kept trying to nick for the fire. We left early due to sore bums , and smoke inhalation. Also tired leopard cubs. Lots of love.

Sue and Trev.

12 Sep 05 - 06:30 PM (#1562206)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

Yes, kat, I read and enjoyed that book. My brother wasn't like that, really, but he stayed interested in everything from music to astronomy to religions until the day he died.

13 Sep 05 - 08:31 PM (#1563117)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Atkins

Such bad news Dave life or the other is a bugger. Can you escape for the Banbury mudcat gather. Five mins walk from the station .OK I push chair! Caravan has room for four Linda and you stay over if she drives. This sould have been a PM , but I Am still learning :>)

14 Sep 05 - 06:48 AM (#1563365)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Richard, we would love to make the mudgather, but don't think Dave will be up to that. He is feeling much better and is having an MRI scan today to see if radiotherapy on his spine will help him become more mobile. If this works then he should be able to leave hospital/nursing home for a few hours, but overnight will probably not be an option. Drink a toast to him there, we'll be with you in spirit.

14 Sep 05 - 06:57 AM (#1563372)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Fibula Mattock

So sorry to hear this. I hope the hospital/nursing home is ringing with the sound of song and music - don't let them sit there in silence Dave!

16 Sep 05 - 07:55 AM (#1564824)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

If anyone is intending to visit Dave in the near future, pleasec cintavt me first. He is having a series of radiotherapy treatment at St Thomas's, so won't be around on some days. He is also due to go to the nursing home fairly soon. Will post when I have more details.

16 Sep 05 - 08:48 AM (#1564829)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

Linda how are you managing with all this added worry, it must be strain for you too?

16 Sep 05 - 10:44 AM (#1564911)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Partridge

I'm thinking of you both.
take care,
Pat x

16 Sep 05 - 10:59 AM (#1564930)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: The Barden of England

I visited Dave yesterday and as Jacqui C and Essex Girl have said, he's in surprisingly good spirits. He is fully aware of the prognosis and is at least not in the pain he was in a couple of weeks back.
Here's to you Dave, my thoughts are with you.
John Barden

18 Sep 05 - 03:08 PM (#1566142)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

This thread should remain before our eyes as long as necessary.

19 Sep 05 - 04:52 AM (#1566478)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dipsodeb

refresh {{{{{big hugs dave}}}}}

19 Sep 05 - 05:29 AM (#1566493)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Dave's radiotherapy is taking place every morning until Thursday. On Friday he is moving to a nursing home in Chislehurst. Visitors are welcome at the hospital in the afternoons still and after that at any time in the home. If the treatment proves effective he may be able to come home for a few hours or even go to the pub, so keep your fingers crossed.

19 Sep 05 - 06:00 AM (#1566502)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

Crossed; and toes and eyes and legs, sock it to them Dave!

19 Sep 05 - 10:50 AM (#1566649)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

That's some choice for the medics to force on a chap like Dave...,,, pub...

19 Sep 05 - 11:06 AM (#1566663)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

Wishing you both strength in abundance.

20 Sep 05 - 10:13 AM (#1566777)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

I spoke to Dave this morning, he was on the way for radiotherapy to make it easier for him to sit up.

20 Sep 05 - 01:13 PM (#1566940)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

May this be a good day.

20 Sep 05 - 01:19 PM (#1566946)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

Love again from both of us. I hope they do let him loose for a while.

20 Sep 05 - 01:21 PM (#1566947)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant

Dave woke me up on Sunday with a phone call,we had a long chat about funny old memories, the best was the tale of moving his boat from Shotley Suffolk to Kent 18 or so years ago,as Dave was involved it became such a wonderful saga, Bill and I were moving house that weekend, but offered to take time out to tow the boat, 3 miles from shotley the rope broke (holding boat on trailer) while we stopped to make safe a bewilldered woman drove into the back of Dave's car,after exchanging the nessesary, we retired to a pub for lunch. On the A12 near Witham the wheel fell off the trailer,3 hours passed while Dave and Bill went to Colchester for a wheel bearing(wrong one first time!We arrived at Petts wood after midnight and turned down the offer of a spag bol to return home and move house.A barrel of bricks comes to mind! Dave is really enjoying all these old stories so what story do you have to tell us and keep his spirits up? Does anyone else remember "God is alive and living in Beckenham with a Barclaycard?"
Lots of love David, see you soon xxx hugs to linda

20 Sep 05 - 03:38 PM (#1567049)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: My guru always said

Positive thoughts You Two!!

20 Sep 05 - 04:00 PM (#1567066)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Phot

I've only just found out (Royal Navy, finger on the pulse as always!). I'm so sorry to hear of your illness, just be a stubborn bugger and never give in! Best wishes and thoughts to you both.

Wassail, Chris

PS. See the two of you at Banbury

20 Sep 05 - 05:19 PM (#1567120)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: katlaughing

Thanks to those of you who know Dave and Linda and are sharing your stories of them. I keep reading and keep holding them in my thoughts and thanks givings.

{{{{{{Dave and Linda}}}}}}}}


21 Sep 05 - 04:30 AM (#1567472)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

I really do think this thread ought to stay on the board for as long as necessary!

Can anyone get Les Barker to pop in and post the story of how he nicknamed Dave the Tito Gobbi of the Balls Pond Road?

21 Sep 05 - 07:22 AM (#1567547)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,billybob

I guess it was Les Barker, Richard, but the first time I met Dave at Beckenham Folk Club he was introduced as The Tito Gobbi of the Balls Pond Road by John Barker of The Crayfolk.Slatts was there that night so he may know more,that was in January 1970! The rest,as they say, is history, maybe we can write a book? Between us there must be hundreds of stories.Next time you visit Dave ask him to tell you about the old lady in Beckenham who prodded him with her walking stick!
Keep singing Tito xxxxx Wendy

21 Sep 05 - 01:29 PM (#1567810)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

I add my vote for the stories. Can't imagine a better thing than laughter.

21 Sep 05 - 02:40 PM (#1567854)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: katlaughing

How about a sound recording of the stories, esp. of Dave himself telling them? There's nothing like actually hearing them from the "Tito Gotti's" mouth, eh? (I'd love to hear that one!)

21 Sep 05 - 08:13 PM (#1568043)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Girl Friday

Hi Dave. Hope the radiotherapy is having the desired effect. Bob very much wanted to come and visit with you before he left for Kings. The powers that be wouldn't let him ! We think it would have been good for the both of you to talk. Some of your positive attitude would have helped him. He is due to have a biopsy tomorrow (Thurs ) all being well. We are getting better, albeit slowly, and hope to see you next week. Meanwhile , all our love, and keep your end up (if they are not feeding you bromide !)

Sue and Trev

22 Sep 05 - 06:17 AM (#1568275)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

With all those nurses about, bromide woudn't do it.....Kryptonite maybe?

Always thinking of you Dave, and praying too.

Don T.

22 Sep 05 - 07:36 AM (#1568312)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Wilfried Schaum

Yeah - that's a good idea. Recording the tales of Tito is surely better to idling on parade or chasing the nurses. I shouldn't mind the costs of good CD with Dave's stories. Lindas to the front!

22 Sep 05 - 08:14 AM (#1568335)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: My guru always said

What a Fab idea about the recording of stories! Any chance Dave?

22 Sep 05 - 11:36 AM (#1568455)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Dave is intending to have his laptop in the nursing home, so he will be able to get some stories down. He's busy planning his wake at the moment. I have suggested that he might like to be there!. If the nursing home are agreeable we may try to have a small session one afternoon.

22 Sep 05 - 07:55 PM (#1568787)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

When a friend - diagnosed as terminally ill - was first in hospital and then in a nursing home we visited him a number of times with our instruments. They paraded us down the hall - him in a wheelchair - to a day room with lots of plants and sunshine, and we'd play for an hour or so. He's been home now for about 6 years.

One never knows. Hang in there, the both of you. Sometines I wish one could just sleep while the body and spirit work together to bring one back to optimum health. You suppose that's what Rip Van Winkle was up to?

22 Sep 05 - 08:30 PM (#1568813)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Atkins

Dave Planning a wake! Character I know had his early so he would not miss it! The prognosis was bad so the local undertaker took him to to his Club in a hearse sitting in a coffin. He drank scotch till the early hours sitting in it ,and complained that it was too short, no room for the legs with lid on for the carry out. The guy is still about and fine years later ,positive thourghts Dave.

23 Sep 05 - 07:57 PM (#1569573)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

If I were to get married again - which, heaven forfend!- I would want the same kind of party as for my wake. Lots of music, good friends, liquid refreshments and loud noise. Plus enough beds that everyone could sack out as needed.

23 Sep 05 - 08:06 PM (#1569579)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Dave phoned again this evening, to say he was happy with the care home, in fact he said it is really lovely, super room, wonderful staff.The manager is irish, found out who he is and asked if there was a possibility of some folk singing! Oh my lordy, let the singing commence!!Dave told her that "a few" friends were just waiting for the chance!
Make room Dave we are on our way xxxxxxx Wendy

23 Sep 05 - 08:40 PM (#1569592)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,tone deaf leopard

Hi Dave, it was good to talk to you earlier on. Put us down for the gig. It will be fun to do "The nudist Song" with the man it was written about ! When you get your laptop, have a look at "Pubsongs in North West Kent." Lots of amusing stuff, posted by R. Bridge Esq. aka "The Marquis". Shall we all try to get this thread into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest thread ever ? It's got a little way to go yet we think, seen one with 250 plus !
All the best, love to Linda

Sue and Trevor

24 Sep 05 - 03:33 AM (#1569687)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: The Barden of England

OK - when's the session at the care home? I'm on the starting blocks raring to go too.
John Barden

24 Sep 05 - 08:50 AM (#1569766)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Me too Dave. Music, the universal panacea.

Don T.

24 Sep 05 - 10:49 AM (#1569798)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

TDF, what is that you attribute to me? Baffled of Lower Stoke....

25 Sep 05 - 04:53 AM (#1570185)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge


25 Sep 05 - 06:10 AM (#1570202)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Dave is very happy in the home and is getting excellent care. The first musicians are visiting on Monday (Ted Clark, Roger & probably Jim Radford- the Shantyman). We will try to arrange a proper session soon. Dave has asked me to post the address here. It is Whiteoak Court,Selby Close,Chislehurst, Br7 5RU. Could someone do a blue clicky for me? It`s good to know so many of you are thinking of him.

25 Sep 05 - 07:25 AM (#1570220)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: woodsie

Here is a link to White Oak Court and here is a location

Sorry I haven't been to see Dave yet, I've got no excuse now. We missed Dave at Knockholt in December, I still think that the highlight back in june was Dave's Friday night rendition of "Our House... etc."

THinking of you both


25 Sep 05 - 08:05 AM (#1570238)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Wilfried Schaum

And don't let all the singing be done by the birds in the sanctuary nearby!

Love to you both

25 Sep 05 - 09:00 AM (#1570270)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: woodsie

That should have read Knockholt September.

25 Sep 05 - 02:34 PM (#1570401)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,frogette

only just found this thread. we'll be down to see you soon if that's ok Les has a couple of new songs he'd like you to hear. love to you both

Les & Carys

25 Sep 05 - 08:33 PM (#1570557)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant

Whiteoak Court Nursing Home

26 Sep 05 - 05:55 AM (#1570730)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Morning Dave and Linda
Bill and I hope to pop in next Sunday, hopefully there will be singing?Not too loud though Dave, as we are attending Brixton Bert's daughters wedding the day before and we may have sore heads?
Hope you have your laptop by now.
love and xxxx's Wendy

26 Sep 05 - 06:51 AM (#1570749)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: mooman

Dear Linda,

Continuing best wishes and positive thoughts to Dave and yourself from Lady McMoo and myself.



26 Sep 05 - 08:21 AM (#1570795)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

"Not too loud though Dave"

Have you found a way to turn his volume down? Otherwise there's no chance! *G*

26 Sep 05 - 03:31 PM (#1571022)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

Jacqui, you turn his knob anticlockwise. I thought eveyone knew that!

27 Sep 05 - 07:09 AM (#1571352)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Partridge

Just a note to let you know I'm thinking of you both.


Pat xx

27 Sep 05 - 07:51 AM (#1571366)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

Which knob would that be Richard?

27 Sep 05 - 08:28 AM (#1571394)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

Jacqui's feeling better!

27 Sep 05 - 02:02 PM (#1571626)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

Why, his volume knob of course.

28 Sep 05 - 10:24 AM (#1571726)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

You mean he has one! Where is it situated?

28 Sep 05 - 11:03 AM (#1571770)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

It's the one between Diapason and Bass Coupler, it may be marked Swell!

28 Sep 05 - 12:02 PM (#1571792)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Sorcha


29 Sep 05 - 02:50 AM (#1571851)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge


29 Sep 05 - 04:30 AM (#1571886)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Dave's nursing home has put a 'curfew' on him as they want him to get some rest. Can anyone who wants to visit please avoid the hours 12 - 1 and 5 - 6, and don't go in after 8pm. (You can stay later as long as you are there before) Thanks to all those who have already visited, it's what keeps him going.

29 Sep 05 - 06:07 AM (#1571929)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Liz the Squeak

Poor Dave... being curfewed at his age! I'm surprised they haven't tagged him to stop him wandering down the pub!

Are you sure it's him that needs the rest or the staff that need the rest from him?!

Take care all.


29 Sep 05 - 03:33 PM (#1572323)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

Freshen up

30 Sep 05 - 10:59 AM (#1572742)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: woodsie

Reefer.. I mean refresh!

30 Sep 05 - 12:45 PM (#1572804)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,

Hi Dave

I was really shocked when Lynne phoned me with the news and so was Ken when I told him. What can I say that others haven't already? We are thinking of you, of course, and send you our love. I know we never were very close but you're part of our past and our happy memories that will always be with us.

All the best,

Chris and Ken

30 Sep 05 - 06:58 PM (#1573005)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

AS promised Bill and I are going to see Dave on Sunday,spoke to him tonight and AT LAST he said we could bring a pressy!I said "what would you like" and Dave said he would like a "mini" bar, little swigs before bedtime! So we are taking Tia Maria and Drambouie( spell check please) So all visitors,little bottles of sweet tasting and soothing tintures will be welcome!
I feel quite guilty about the curfew Dave, I was joking about the volume control,but would love to know how John knew where it was? Does he have one too?

30 Sep 05 - 07:26 PM (#1573013)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: gnu

(_)~ (_)~   Never mind them little bottles. Here's a mug at ya!

01 Oct 05 - 12:31 PM (#1573475)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

Refreshers [scrummy!]

02 Oct 05 - 02:57 AM (#1573911)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

Fresh start.

02 Oct 05 - 03:42 PM (#1574216)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

There is a huge well of goodwill incoming from Tenterden.

02 Oct 05 - 07:14 PM (#1574337)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Bar is now open,when we saw David today armed with half bottles of the requested Tia and drambouie( no minatures in Chislehurst! did D B get to the offie before me? ) Dave was on the cointreau!!
We had a pleasant time talking of weddings that we had shared,the theme of weddings because Bill and I were en route home from Brixton Berts daughters wedding the day before,and had wedding cake for Dave and Linda... that set us off on " do you remember?"( I cannot remember the wedding yesterday, like father, like daughter! Bless you Bert you would have been proud!)
I love visiting Dave,he has such great stories and reminds me of so much fun.Too many memories for this page, but Dave get them down on the laptop!! And give my love to Breezey on Friday x
Wendy xxx

02 Oct 05 - 07:47 PM (#1574354)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Gillie

Oh B, sorry to hear the news Dave, just caught up with this one.

It happens to the best of us.

Peace, love and light to you


04 Oct 05 - 07:37 AM (#1575351)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob


04 Oct 05 - 11:01 AM (#1575509)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Dave is in danger of becoming a liqueur addict. Keeps saying, I think I'll have a little drop of....... Visitors might find him and his brother sleeping it off in the afternoon.

04 Oct 05 - 01:45 PM (#1575627)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dave Masterson

I take it he's drinking it in his tankard then?
Love Dave

04 Oct 05 - 04:27 PM (#1575801)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

Way to go! They probably never tasted so good.

07 Oct 05 - 05:16 AM (#1577781)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

How is the bar? Any empties??
On Sunday Dave mentioned the contents of his hip flask for festivals, Rum and Shrub! Whats shrub??

07 Oct 05 - 05:20 AM (#1577782)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,catsphiddle@work

Shrub is an alcoholic liqueur that goes really well with Rum. Micca is infamous for having rum and shrub in his hip flasks at festivals!.

Hope to get to see you soon Dave and Linda, possible when we get back from the getaway.

Love Khatt x

07 Oct 05 - 07:16 AM (#1577853)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

infamy, infamy, somebody's got it in for me!!

I think you mean notorious Khatt ¦¬]

07 Oct 05 - 07:24 AM (#1577858)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,catsPHiddle@work

Yep that's probably right Giok...Oh well I was never any good with words!

07 Oct 05 - 07:27 AM (#1577861)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh I dunno... you're pretty good with the rude ones and 'mine's a pint!'


07 Oct 05 - 08:51 AM (#1577924)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

There soon will be empties!! I'm going to see if Dave has anything in the top up flask left over from Sidmouth, then take it in to him.Come and share or bring flasks then we can all have a taste.(If there's anything left over after Banbury that is!) He is hoping to be out of his room and socialising today, in a wheelchair, but it will be good for him to see the world outside of his room.

07 Oct 05 - 10:34 AM (#1577982)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Wilfried Schaum

So you'll not only wheel the barrel along ... Glor<, how I'd like to be there! Best wisjes to you all!

07 Oct 05 - 10:36 AM (#1577987)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Wilfried Schaum

Oh my god, I'm afraid I have read to many posts from the Hullish jOhn ...
Read: Glory, how I'd like to be there! Best wishes to you all!

07 Oct 05 - 10:40 AM (#1577992)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Watch out Linda, if he is in a wheelchair he might make a run for it, there is a wine warehouse at the end of the road!
Good news about the wheelchair,hopefully Dave will be able to use the laptop now?
love & xxx's Wendy

08 Oct 05 - 05:26 AM (#1578665)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

Hope you're mobile now Dave, it makes such a difference to escape from the same environment non-stop. What you need now is to get your wheeling speeds up, or you could just stick to chasing the slower nurses.

08 Oct 05 - 12:48 PM (#1578886)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Girl Friday

Pleased to say that the bar now has a couple of miniature ports in it. Had you good folks tried Chiselhurst Sainsbury's ? Trev and I visited Dave yesterday and found him in good spirits. Cocktail cabinet looking well stocked. Had much nattering, mostly about Bob Woollett, former Friday Folk resident, who , unfortunately has a brain tumour. Dave has been very supportive, but I still feel as though I have been kicked in the guts ! Keep up the positive attitude Dave. We all love you.

Sue Tuckey

08 Oct 05 - 07:58 PM (#1579043)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Last Sunday, Sainsburys closed at 4 , but I am sure he had sent out "staff" to buy up all the mini bottles!
Glad the bar is filling up. See you in 2 weekends Dave, Mandrake 25 years reunion next week,so I will bring all their love and good wishes, remember Covent Garden when you were the jester?National Folk Day 198?,and a terrible smell of drains outside the pub!Wonderful memories,
love Wendyxx

Ps Linda says you got downstairs yesterday and "introduced" yourself
Do the other residents know what to expect?

09 Oct 05 - 11:15 AM (#1579404)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

A new day.

10 Oct 05 - 05:10 AM (#1579925)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

If I catch you slipping off the bottom again Dave Bryant I shall tell Matron!
How are the driving skills coming along; run over any toes yet?

10 Oct 05 - 08:45 AM (#1580020)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

We are still expecting the laptop/pda/mobile phone posts, with links to upskirt shots (from the mobile phone) of the nurses....

Is Hattie Jacques in charge...?

10 Oct 05 - 09:25 AM (#1580050)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

Quick nurse, the screens!!

10 Oct 05 - 12:09 PM (#1580191)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

Just watch out for nurses carrying daffodils.

10 Oct 05 - 01:23 PM (#1580254)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge


10 Oct 05 - 07:22 PM (#1580561)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

oooooH Matron!!!

11 Oct 05 - 05:11 AM (#1580786)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Wilfried Schaum

A song for Dave

1. Oh my name is Rolling Dave on my wheels, on my wheels,
Oh my name is Rolling Dave on my wheels.
When I was a young lout
I rolled many a barrel out,
But now I roll myself on my wheels, on my wheels,
But now I roll myself on my wheels.

2. I like bingeing through the town on my wheels ...
For when I'm deadly drunk
I need neither bed nor bunk,
I can easily sink down on my wheels ...

3. You nurses young and smart on your heels ...
So always be on guard
And ready for a start,
When I'm chasing you around on my wheels ...

Tune: Captain Kidd

Get well soon!

11 Oct 05 - 05:23 AM (#1580793)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Laptop & printer installed up & running. He says he's now got more of an incentive to get up. Expect posts!!!

11 Oct 05 - 06:50 AM (#1580826)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

wonderful news!!

11 Oct 05 - 07:40 AM (#1580849)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

Great news Dave. We shall be expecting great things from a man who has had so long lazing around to think up lots of good retorts.

11 Oct 05 - 08:02 AM (#1580866)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

Whoopee, I shall be logging on from the US to check on you Dave, so no slacking in the ranks!!

11 Oct 05 - 09:08 AM (#1580913)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

We can expect Dave to fix your spelling above Giok (ooh, Matron, again)

Now what was the name of the very pneumatic girl in the carry on films (not the young Barbara Windsor) who used to do things like struggle with shorthand and then say "Ooh, Sarge, it was "improper", that's what it was"?

11 Oct 05 - 09:12 AM (#1580919)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Snuffy

Liz Fraser?

11 Oct 05 - 03:09 PM (#1581173)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Ok Dave, no excuses now you have the lap top! Please tell us the truthful verions of,
the old lady with the walking stick!
The boat on your head in Wateringberry,
The "dry" wedding in Beckenham ( and the tips for the driver)
God IS alive and living in Beckenham with a barclaycard!
and... who did christen you the tito gobbi of the balls pond road?
enough to be getting on with?
love Wendy xxx

11 Oct 05 - 05:15 PM (#1581295)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

Yep. Liz Fraser.

12 Oct 05 - 05:10 PM (#1581705)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

going off at the bottom Dave,you need a heinikan? refresh the parts and all that!Or maybe a little drop of....?

13 Oct 05 - 04:01 AM (#1582048)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dave Masterson

I dunno Wendy - the Tito Gobbi of the Balls Pond Road sounds a bit of a Diz Disleyism to me!
C'mon on Dave, the nation wants the truth!!

13 Oct 05 - 08:27 AM (#1582159)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Dave is preparing his posting. As he has not got internet access at the moment- except through his mobile, I expect he will give me a disk to post onto mudcat. As I won't be around for 10 days from 18th October,(Half term holiday with the kids) can anyone else do this for him? Thanks Pam & Paul for the port, I left him last night enjoying a glass.

13 Oct 05 - 10:34 PM (#1582779)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Girl Friday

So now Dave is awash with port....what next? Len and I will check out the status of our hip flasks. Certain some remains of what you tried at Knockholt, Dave. Be in to see you with it soon armed with daffodils ... wrong season.... will conkers do ? Loads of them outside my door.
Lotsa love matey Sue ans Trev.

14 Oct 05 - 04:57 AM (#1582865)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dave Bryant

Hi everyone, sorry it's taken so long for me to post in person. I'm not actually online here at the nursing home, but now I've got my laptop all set up with a printer, Linda can take my jottings home on a floppy and post them for me.

I'm really happy here in Whiteoaks, the staff are wonderful and I've got my room customised and sorted out with all the things I need, including a new TV (with digital channels) and DVD player. My little bar of liqueurs is getting wonderfully stocked and I can't think of a nicer place to be. The location in Chislehurst is very near home, so Linda can drive here in under 10 minutes.

Thank you all for your good wishes and postings – Linda prints them out and brings them into me regularly and it's great to hear from you all.

Linda will be having a well-needed family holiday in Florida (I don't know exactly where) from next Tuesday (18th – 28th Oct) and if there are any 'catters over there who want to meet her then why not PM her (Essex Girl) and try and sort something out. During that time I might try and sort out my old dial-up net connection (using the very slow Bluetooth modem in my mobile phone) so I can keep in touch.

Cheers, Dave.

14 Oct 05 - 05:17 AM (#1582885)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: My guru always said

Great to hear from you Dave, sounds like you're surrounded by creature comforts! As soon as we get a chance we'll be over to top up your cabinet, we've been thinking of you.

Hope that you've been getting those stories of yours down on your lap-top. Have you done any recordings of your singing over the years?

EssexGirl: So glad you're off for a family break! To find Catters in Florida it may be best to create a thread & ask for Florida info on sessions etc. There are 6 Catters shown in the MudCat Locator (I looked for someone else this morning) but I've only seen 2 of those recently. But on the other hand, that page is Very out of date so I wouldn't be surprised if you find a dozen or more. Do give it a go, they'd love to meet up!!

14 Oct 05 - 05:52 AM (#1582902)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Great to see your name pop up at last Dave!!
I remember a certain recording at Catford for Tony Capstick for the BBC folk programme( in fact you gave the tape to me some years ago) if I remember correctly Tony thought the lady singing with you would have a " little" voice?However in the middle of "Tamlin" she belted out "out then cried the elfin Queen" and Tony came out from the recording caravan with his headphones off and tears in his eyes!

PLEASE solve the mystery of Tito Gobbi!!!We are popping in to see you Sunday, will bring more bar supplies and take out the empties!
Love & hugs Wendy xxxx

14 Oct 05 - 05:54 AM (#1582904)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Wilfried Schaum

Hello Dave - I'm so glad to read your own posts again. Welcome home, dear friend! [The home here I understand as the Catters' company.]
And I'm eager to read about Tito &c. soon.

14 Oct 05 - 07:50 AM (#1582954)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

Hi Dave

Glad to hear that you are so well set up.

We have been staying overnight with the Patons on our way to the Getaway and Caroline has given me a miniature honey liqueur of German origin to pass on to you. It will be winging its way to you when we get home next week.

Big hugs from me and Kendall.

14 Oct 05 - 09:09 PM (#1583440)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Atkins

On visit I must bring High Quality Recorder then for songs and stories. Wife away could be a gem :>)

15 Oct 05 - 06:23 PM (#1583804)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: My guru always said

Hoping to get along tomorrow to listen to a story & check out the cocktail cabinet....

16 Oct 05 - 05:44 AM (#1583979)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dave Bryant

Hi again, it seems that you all want to know where the epithet "Tito Gobi of the Balls Pond Road" came from. It was coined by the late John Barker of "The Crayfolk" – one of the founders of Farningham Folk Club. He originally called me the "Maria Callas . . .", but I objected to the gender change and as I was singing mainly as a baritone (in opera and oratorio) those days he changed it to suit the Italian singer. I assume he chose the "Balls Pond Road" bit because it sounded funny – the only vague connection which I can think of with the locality, was a folk club which I visited on the odd occasion

16 Oct 05 - 06:30 AM (#1583993)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Terry K

Hi Dave - that would be the Sugawn Kitchen no doubt

16 Oct 05 - 03:12 PM (#1584229)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: My guru always said

Can report that Dave is on fine form & surrounded by miniatures. Was really good to see him today, it's a lovely nursing home & I'm sure he's keeping all the staff cheerful!

17 Oct 05 - 06:14 AM (#1584508)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Saw Dave last evening, and he asked me to tell"my guru" that we arrived en route back from Leatherhead with bottle of rum!
Two rums in one day and both from Leatherhead!!
He is certainly the favourite with all the staff, and they are all really lovely girls and spoiling him as he deserves.
Have a lovely holiday Linda,have a good rest and do not worry we will all keep Dave's visitors going while you are away

17 Oct 05 - 09:38 AM (#1584594)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Giok

Hi Dave, me and Skarpi send our regards from Mudcat Central, where Lord Max has graciously consented to give us an audience. We have been given a guided of the palace and we have been out in the royal Cadillac touring the grounds and feeding the unicorns their milk and honey. We have also had the great honour of a guided tour of the basement where all the Mudcatters live in a little box, and I was given permission to go down and give it a kick in the night if it dares to hiccup while we are in residence.
It sounds as though you too are living in a palace Dave, keep up the good work it is nice to hear from you in person; as it were.

18 Oct 05 - 12:28 AM (#1585063)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Well I'm off to Florida now. Dave was still cheerful drinking rum & ginger to be followed by Benedictine for a nightcap when I left last night. Can any catter visiting print off the latest items on this thread and take them into him. I last printed it off on 14th October. We are going to try to communicate by PM. I'll post from the states. Linda

18 Oct 05 - 06:46 AM (#1585125)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

I will print off and pop into the post box.Have a good holiday Linda
Wendy xxx

18 Oct 05 - 05:19 PM (#1585644)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Susanne (skw)

Enjoy yourself, Linda. And I wish I could PM Dave a good strong local schnapps to add to his private bar!

18 Oct 05 - 05:33 PM (#1585665)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: My guru always said

Rum & Ginger? Hmmm, I'll have a try of that now to keep Dave company! Bit spooky, 2 sets of vistors via Leatherhead complete with rum......

18 Oct 05 - 08:27 PM (#1585776)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Girl Friday

Definitely sounds like a rum do. Personally I hate the stuff, but each to their own. Just returned from Dartford and Mrs Ackroyd. Wonderful evening but no floor spot for leopards. Undaunted we showed Les the rabbit ears. Don't think he could have handled the competition ! Enjoy Florida Linda. See you when you come back.
Will try to keep an eye on Dave meanwhile.

19 Oct 05 - 04:25 PM (#1586471)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob


21 Oct 05 - 08:39 AM (#1587710)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: GUEST,Essex Girl in Florida

Just cos I'm out of the country there's no need to drop off the bottom. I've spoken to Dave every day and he's keeping cheerful with visitors on most days. Will try to hunt out unusual liqueurs while I'm here.

21 Oct 05 - 11:14 AM (#1587796)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

keep away from hurricanes! Have a great time.I printed off the messages from the 14th and sent by old fashioned mail to Dave, he should have them by now.
love Wendyxx

21 Oct 05 - 07:19 PM (#1588022)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

catsPHiddle and I are going looking for miniatures tomorrow morning.

22 Oct 05 - 04:23 AM (#1588270)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Richard Bridge

Refresh (maybe even with miniatures, but bigger bottles are better value)

22 Oct 05 - 03:43 PM (#1588555)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

Dave if things work out OK will try to come over on the 14th November on my way home to Scotland from Amerikay.

22 Oct 05 - 04:34 PM (#1588576)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: growler

John Matthews and I intend to come up next week, We just want the words of 'Sweeney Todd the Barber'. But we would quite like to see you as well

22 Oct 05 - 05:01 PM (#1588585)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

Speaking of schnapps, on my way to the Getaway I bought some bottles at Harvey and Grace, as Bobert would say, (Havre de Grace) including a bottle of Butterscotch Schnapps. Sounds weird but Micca assured me that it is a lovely taste with a kick. Sadly I never got to taste it since I never saw the bottle again after arrival at Ramblewood. I'm going to pick up a local bottle shortly. Research is such fun.

22 Oct 05 - 08:01 PM (#1588673)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

I will print off again to night and put in the mail Dave,
Now we know about the "Tito Gobbi of The Balls Pond Road" it does not get you off the hook for all the other stories!! We want to know!!!
by the way I just found a letter from Peter Pilbeam in my desk..Quote" Dear Dave and Wendy
Herewith as you requested a 7 1/2 ips sterio copy of your performance at the Rising Sun which was used on Folkweave.
I would be obliged if you would keep this to yourselves as I do not want a whole flood of requests for copies"
1976 BBC"
Oh my!!! could we have been famous??
Shame on you Peter!!

23 Oct 05 - 08:11 AM (#1588932)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Essex Girl

Thanks Wendy. Still waiting for the hurricane! Will hunt the liquor stores soon for unusual refreshment.

23 Oct 05 - 02:42 PM (#1589098)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Sounds like the hurricane is on go slow Linda, Hope it waits till you come home, I do hope it has been good weather where you are as you are fairly north? Just hope it does not hit Sanibel, it is my most favourite place!!
Dave I trust you are getting those stories down on the laptop!Your audience awaits!!
love and xxx

23 Oct 05 - 03:18 PM (#1589126)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: My guru always said

You keep away from that hurricane Linda, you don't need a tail-wind for your return home!!!

24 Oct 05 - 01:21 PM (#1589794)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dipsodeb

ooppss right on the bottom again Dave I will save you. Pat and I and a few of the other miscreants are hoping to land with-in sight of the mini-bar soon.
Big hugs (((Dipso)))

25 Oct 05 - 12:09 PM (#1590549)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

May today be a day of comfort and peace. And fun.

25 Oct 05 - 04:45 PM (#1590742)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

Does anyone know how Linda is? When is she due back from the windswept state?

26 Oct 05 - 12:44 PM (#1590906)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Spoke to Peter(Dave's twin) this morning. Linda is back Saturday, she is fine and has been phoning Dave everyday.Missed the hurricane thank goodness.
Dave is on his mobile if you want to have a chat!
Printing these off again and putting in post Dave.Glad you like the stick man,( meant to be me!! Did you not see the big hair??
love and xxxx's see you again soon
Wendy and Billy.

26 Oct 05 - 06:22 PM (#1591214)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

send you back to the top Dave
where is everyone?
lots of messages please!

27 Oct 05 - 05:16 PM (#1591954)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Dipsodeb

Just a quick refresh!

See you soon Dave.

Dipso x

27 Oct 05 - 05:39 PM (#1591983)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Ebbie

I don't know Dave Bryant - other than through the love and respect for him that comes through in these posts - and yet I do. He is Every Man; he is US. We all fly under the same banner, we all approach the gate at the end of the slope (I'm thinking of slaloms now!), only at a different speed and with a different style. Our journey is the same, as is the game plan.

Dave's physical strength is the only thing smaller than ours.

27 Oct 05 - 06:09 PM (#1592007)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: My guru always said

So glad Linda missed the Hurricane!!! Hope the cocktail cabinet is doing well & that you're keeping the Staff happy Dave! Hoping to visit again soon!

27 Oct 05 - 06:47 PM (#1592031)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: John MacKenzie

Dave I'm here in upstate New York thinking of you, and wishing you could come on line and chat direct. Anyway failing that I'm sure you are 'within' yourself and have a good handle on what you do and don't want, you certainly don't want to waste the time you have on inconsequential crap.
Keep the faith my friend. still planning a swift visit on my way home from the colonies.

27 Oct 05 - 07:12 PM (#1592052)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

I spoke to Dave today on his mobile, he has his brother busy on the laptop jotting down all his thoughts, sounds like a good idea! I didn't know you took dictation Peter!
Linda have a safe flight home
love to you three xxxxx
see you soon

28 Oct 05 - 11:47 AM (#1592402)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

Get back up the top!

28 Oct 05 - 05:33 PM (#1592683)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: jacqui.c

Good thoughts still coming from Maine Dave.

28 Oct 05 - 10:24 PM (#1592879)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: wysiwyg

God bless your lovely soul, Dave, from a friend-not-met, this side of the pond.


29 Oct 05 - 07:59 AM (#1593033)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: billybob

I am so sorry to tell you all that Dave died at 12.10pm( UK time) today.Linda was with him and his brother Peter.
We will all miss him so much,but have such happy memories he will always be with us.

29 Oct 05 - 08:26 AM (#1593058)
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
From: Rasener

A very brave man. RIP Dave

Obit Thread