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DCMS to review licensing

18 Sep 05 - 11:48 AM (#1566035)
Subject: DCMS to review licensing
From: ET

The Ministry of Fun (DCMS - Department of Culture Media and Sport) have promised to review the Licensing Act 2003 because the advice they have issued, it is said, shows bias towards pubs and clubs and against objectors, leaving the local authorities with too little discretion. This review will be issued in January, 2 months after the act comes into force. I wonder if they will take the opportunity to review music licensing, eg by adding the word "amplified" to live music thus freeing up acoustic music. I doubt it somehow. They are getting cold feet about freeing up drinking and are now thinking of tightensing controls, not losening them. Any views on how musicians might influence things?

18 Sep 05 - 12:13 PM (#1566049)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: John MacKenzie

It always makes me wonder what sort of totalitarian society we live in when we have a ministry with a name like that, it's positively Orwellian.

18 Sep 05 - 01:32 PM (#1566086)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: GUEST,Mr Happy

noy much chance of musicians having any influence- after all they compltely ignored & turned a blind ear to the petition!

18 Sep 05 - 02:02 PM (#1566100)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: The Shambles

18 Sep 05 - 02:52 PM (#1566130)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: Richard Bridge

Ahem: as I said, the guidelines cannot alter or control the meaning of the Act.

18 Sep 05 - 02:59 PM (#1566134)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: GUEST,Legal Eagle

Licensing Panels across the country who are discovering they are almost powerless to stop late night drinking are tightening controls on live music and entertainment instead.

It's about the only way they can support residents concerned about noise resulting from extended licensing hours.

This is not only a problem for pubs, especially those in residential areas, who traditionally support live music.

It is likely to also become a problem for festivals based in urban areas such as Chippenham, Sidmouth and Broadstairs.

A festival like Sidmouth with a local authority known for its 'tough' licensing policies could be at particular risk in future of finding much tighter controls on performances and sessions in licensed premises.

Afterhours sessions in The Bedford, for example, could well be a thing of the past as could the LNE events.

All very depressing and not what we were promised under the reform of licensing regulations.

18 Sep 05 - 03:05 PM (#1566138)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: Richard Bridge

Hello legal eagle. That used to be my handle on the CB. I'm in Doodlebugs book of handles. How curious to see me coming back the other way, as it were.

18 Sep 05 - 08:50 PM (#1566345)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: GUEST,A Publican

Back to front or forward to your past eh Richard?

On the serious subject of licensing the DCMS announcement this weekend seems to be an admission that they've messed-up yet again.

Legal Eagle is correct in saying councils are tightening-up on hours for live music because they feel their hands are tied and they can't restrict opening hours. That is certainly the case here in Manchester and as someone who has enjoyed late-night lock-ins at The Bedford during my annual holiday in Sidmouth I fear the session musicians there may well find 'time' called on their session at 11pm prompt next year.

It will be ironic if they can continue drinking legally after 11pm in future but cannot play a tune for fear of the landlord being prosecuted.

Back to your caravans and tents eh guys. It will be like listening to Radio Luxembourg in the old days. You'll only be able to play your instruments under the bedclothes!

19 Sep 05 - 12:29 AM (#1566418)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: The Fooles Troupe

... but you can only play with yourselves there - or is the old rule about "two in a bed" still ok? :-0

19 Sep 05 - 02:13 AM (#1566441)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: The Shambles

Licensing Panels across the country who are discovering they are almost powerless to stop late night drinking are tightening controls on live music and entertainment instead.

I reported the local conditions imposed - that live music and pub games had to stop at 11pm and recorded music had to stop at 12pm - to my MP.

I have received the following on 12 September 2005.

This is to let you know I have raised your concerns directly with the relevant minister at the Department for Culture,media and Sport I will ensure you receive a reply.

19 Sep 05 - 04:33 AM (#1566469)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: The Shambles

The Ministry of Fun (DCMS - Department of Culture Media and Sport) have promised to review the Licensing Act 2003 because the advice they have issued, it is said, shows bias towards pubs and clubs and against objectors, leaving the local authorities with too little discretion.

Eric - where does this information come from?

19 Sep 05 - 06:14 AM (#1566507)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing

Licensing Panels across the country who are discovering they are almost powerless to stop late night drinking are tightening controls on live music and entertainment instead.

Evidence? This is not what is happening in the real world. There might be some isolated cases but there are many applications already processed which suggest that the live music box is being ticked unopposed.

19 Sep 05 - 06:24 AM (#1566511)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: The Shambles

Even if these were 'isolated cases' - they are still happening in the 'real world'.

The point is that no live music is supposed to be placed at risk by new legislation that has been sold to us on the basis that opportunities for live music would be improved.

19 Sep 05 - 06:30 AM (#1566512)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: The Shambles

Some evidence in the following.

Minister say's jamming OK

19 Sep 05 - 12:48 PM (#1566723)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: The Shambles

noy much chance of musicians having any influence- after all they compltely ignored & turned a blind ear to the petition!

The undertaking given in the Government's response to the E Petition can be seen on the following.

Orbut: Live music 28th November 2005

19 Sep 05 - 01:45 PM (#1566756)
Subject: RE: DCMS to review licensing
From: The Shambles

This was the undertaking:

We have also given an undertaking that we will review the existing descriptions of entertainment in the Act six to twelve months after the end of the transition period. If the Act has had an unintended, disproportionate negative effect on the provision of live music -or other forms of regulated entertainment-, there are powers already in the Bill to modify the position through secondary legislation. However we believe that the provisions in the Licensing Act will allow live music and other regulated entertainment to thrive.