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BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...

18 Oct 05 - 08:34 PM (#1585778)
Subject: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Bobert

Yeah, ever since I got home from the Getaway, I'z been like real tired and not wantin' to play no guitar...

Then I look at the TV an' it says there's some chicken flu goin' 'round so figgures Iz got it 'cause, while I ain't eat no chicken, I did pass several KFC's on the way home from the Getaway...

Ahhhh, can you catch it from drivin' by KFC's???

Okay, answer me this one... Lets say that you ain't drove by the KFC but you get a Sunday paper and inside there's this clear plastic thing wid lots of ads in it and there's like an ad fir KFC!!! Can you catch chicken flu from the ad???

18 Oct 05 - 08:39 PM (#1585781)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Rapparee

Do you have an extraordinary taste for worms and cracked corn? Are feathers sprouting from your arms? Do you want to lay an egg?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you might have Chicken Flu. Try to stay away from butcher shops and any place named "Perdu" or "Tyson".

18 Oct 05 - 08:51 PM (#1585791)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: bobad

If you're feeling a little peckish that might be a sign.

18 Oct 05 - 08:55 PM (#1585796)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: The Fooles Troupe

Can you do The Chicken Dance?

18 Oct 05 - 09:03 PM (#1585801)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Bobert

Yeah, Fooles-t, I just went outside and did the chicken dance but it made me want drink beer and play on the pudder...

Is that a sign that I got the chicken flu???

18 Oct 05 - 09:07 PM (#1585803)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Bobert, no offense, but I don't care whether or not you have the chicken flu! I just need to bump this thread to the top so it'll quit being the next thread.

18 Oct 05 - 09:13 PM (#1585810)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: The Fooles Troupe

Ya failed!

18 Oct 05 - 09:33 PM (#1585822)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Bobert

Shoot, Beezer... I couldn't give a rats ass if this was the last thread 'er the next thread... Like, who cares...

Don't matter much since the chicken flu done got me real bad an' I'll prolly be dead by morinin' 'er sooner...

The chicken dance din't help much either since it's cold outsides and now I'z prolly gonna catch me a cold and be dead before the chicken flu can kilt me...

But should I survive the night, which is very much in doubt, I leave all my threads to you, Beezer, fir safe keepin'... Yeah, feel free to say any dumbass stuff you want on any of them....


Chicken Fluzed Bobert

18 Oct 05 - 09:38 PM (#1585829)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Mrrzy

Wait - if we get the chicken flu what kind of hot soup will make us feel better??? Yikes!

18 Oct 05 - 09:43 PM (#1585836)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: The Fooles Troupe

Very Good Point!

Someone think with their stomach - must be a man...

As my mother said, men only think of their stomachs and what hangs under them....


18 Oct 05 - 09:54 PM (#1585846)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Bobert

Ahhhh, since I'll most likely be dead by mornin, Fools-t, what that 'sposed to mean, anyway????

It's womenz that gotta take themselves off to get their pedicures...You see men havin' their feet scrubbed down???

Well, heck no... So maybe you'd like top elaboate on that last observation about males whilst I still 'live...

No piccures, please...

18 Oct 05 - 10:01 PM (#1585852)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: The Fooles Troupe

Was there much pain after The Operation, Bobert?

18 Oct 05 - 10:01 PM (#1585853)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Bee-dubya-ell


That am the way to spell "chicken"!

18 Oct 05 - 10:14 PM (#1585859)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: bobad

The culprit?

18 Oct 05 - 10:28 PM (#1585870)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Bobert

Wellm, gol dangit, I din't have no operation, Fools-t... I might need one but ain't fir chicken flu but maybe a 2nd frontal labotomy... First one din't take too good...

Then I'd be perfect fir this joint...

'er not???


18 Oct 05 - 11:11 PM (#1585892)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: frogprince

If it's the chicken flu, do ya got the chicken shits?

19 Oct 05 - 12:24 AM (#1585919)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Ebbie

Woke up this mornin' and feeling tol'able bad
Went to the doctor and he tol' me what I had
Yeh, he smiled real evil and gave me the news:
I Got the Lowdown, Belly Draggin' flippin' Chicken Blues.

19 Oct 05 - 02:43 AM (#1585965)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Liz the Squeak

Do us a favour Bobert - cluck off!


19 Oct 05 - 05:44 AM (#1586024)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Rapparee

Bobert ain't got no chicken flu -- he's got ahold of our leg and he's gonna pullet. He's just egging us on, doin' a reality chick, see if we're as hard shell as we appear to be. He'll gather us up, but he's really a nest guy when you get to know him. But he's just wingin' it, tryin' to create big flap and see if we show the white feather, ya know?

19 Oct 05 - 07:53 AM (#1586078)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: The Fooles Troupe

Aawwwkkkk Rapaire!

19 Oct 05 - 08:38 AM (#1586114)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Rapparee

I ain't buyin' it -- I'm no dumb cluck!

19 Oct 05 - 08:42 AM (#1586115)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Bobert

Well, you all is off the hook, 'cept fir the bad Rap puns, 'cause here it is the next mornin' and I'z feeling okay and don't feel much like diein' no more...

Think I'll even plunk a bit on the guitar later today... Thanks top Ebbie, I gotta a start to a new song...

The undead and undiein' Bobert

19 Oct 05 - 09:05 AM (#1586134)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Rapparee

I ain't sayin' how, but I obtained this picture of Bobert and his group. It was taken from orbit by a CIA spy satellite the last time Bobert played at Getaway and it CLEARLY shows that while he might have had the chicken flu it was a very mild case. Had it been worse, he would have looked like this (Amos is at the extreme right, rear).

19 Oct 05 - 10:08 AM (#1586161)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Ebbie

Oh no! Does that mean that Bobert's chicken is cooked?

19 Oct 05 - 11:17 AM (#1586217)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: skarpi

Bobert , you aint got it , I think you r are busted after this weekend,
go and rest, you´ll be better , just see.
I know some people from the Getaway got some belly proplems.
All the best Skarpi Iceland.

19 Oct 05 - 11:25 AM (#1586224)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Ebbie

"Waal...Woke up this mornin' and feelin' tol'able bad
I went to the doctor and he tol' me what I had
Yeh, he smiled real evil and he gave me the news:
I got the lowdown, belly Draggin' flippin' sick Chicken Blues."

Beaubear, I got ahead of myself before- this edited version scans a bit better, dunnit.

19 Oct 05 - 01:50 PM (#1586359)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: frogprince

Rap, does Bobert usually draw that big a crowd?

20 Oct 05 - 04:48 AM (#1586820)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: GUEST,noddy


20 Oct 05 - 08:03 AM (#1586854)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Bobert

An'a big bird back atcha, Rap...

Awww, jus' funnin'... I don't think that piccure was taken from no satalite 'er you'd all know I have a spot on top of my head where the hair ain't as thick as it used to be... No, I think someopne done snuck in one of them cameras that look like a ball point pen...


20 Oct 05 - 08:38 AM (#1586877)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Does that mean that Bobert's chicken is cooked?"

I thought he was a bit of a goose myself...

20 Oct 05 - 09:13 AM (#1586907)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Rapparee

Well, Bobert, like I said, I got that from Super Secret CIA Sources. It was taken with a camera concealed in the mute of a dobro, and the photo beamed upwards to a relay mounted on top of the hill in the background, to a Super Secret CIA Satellite Station at Wallops Island, Virginia, and from there to a Super Secret CIA Satellite, and then beamed back down to the CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia.

It would probably have been cheaper and easier to just take the picture and have the film developed at Langley, but it wouldn't have been nearly as cool.

20 Oct 05 - 09:22 AM (#1586918)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: The Fooles Troupe

So has the CIA had budget cutbacks? Why is the pic in black and white and not colour?

20 Oct 05 - 09:26 AM (#1586921)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: Rapparee

It IS in color.

20 Oct 05 - 09:35 AM (#1586930)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: The Fooles Troupe

Agggh! My eyes, My eyes! It's the satellites!

20 Oct 05 - 10:20 AM (#1586978)
Subject: RE: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
From: GUEST,leeneia

"Yeah, ever since I got home from the Getaway, I'z been like real tired and not wantin' to play no guitar..."

I haven't been to a Getaway, but if I don't come home from an early-music bash sleep-deprived and with aching hands from too much playing, then the bash was no good.

You're not sick,you're just a folkie.