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Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'

11 Jan 99 - 07:53 PM (#53509)
Subject: Name & lyrics to

Would like name of song and lyrics to "look down my rain barrel slide down my cellar door and we'll be jolly friends forevermore"


11 Jan 99 - 08:15 PM (#53514)
Subject: RE: Name & lyrics to Playmate
From: Barbara

Put the word PLAYMATE in the box above right and the song will show up. It's in the database, though in a slightly newer version than the one you are asking for.

11 Jan 99 - 11:13 PM (#53562)
Subject: RE: Name & lyrics to
From: Frank Maher

After the first verse....

She couldn't come out to Play,It was a rainy Day, With Tear filled Eyes,She gave a Sigh, And then I heard Her Say......

I'm sorry Playmate,I cannot play with You..etc

12 Jan 99 - 01:32 PM (#53679)
Subject: RE: Name & lyrics to
From: katlaughing

There's a different one which I used to know; in fact, I won a elementary school talent show when my girlfriend and I sang it in second grade.

It's called, "I don't want to play in your yard" and you can find in in the Lester Levy link, here from Mudcat. It is in Box 105 No. 77.

It has some lyrics about "you can't holler down my rain barrel; you can't slide down my cellar door" etc. "if you can't be nice to me", thus, "I don't want to play in your yard".

We used to love singing it.


12 Jan 99 - 04:36 PM (#53707)
Subject: Lyr Add: PLAYMATE
From: Reta


Oh Playmate, come out and play with me,
And bring your dollies three,
Climb up my apple tree.
Look in my rain barrel,
Slide down my cellar door,
And we'll be jolly friends,
For ever more.

Now it was a rainy day,
So she couldn't come out to play,
With tearful eyes, she breathed a sigh
As if she seemed to say.

I'm sorry Playmate,
I cannot play with you,
My dollie has the flu,
Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.
Can't look in rain barrel,
Or slide down cellar door.
But we'll be jolly friends
For ever more.

This is the version my aunt use to sing to us.


HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 17-Sep-02.

12 Jan 99 - 08:54 PM (#53755)
Subject: Lyr Add: PLAYMATE
From: little ree

I learned a bit differently--it went with a hand-clapping game or jump rope.

Ci-ci my playmate, come out and play with me,
And bring your dol-oh-lies.
We'll climb an apple tree.
Slide down the rain barrel into my cellar door,
And well be jolly friends forever more.

(Same second verse as above.)

The sun is shining. The radio is on.
No clouds are in the sky.
The rain has said "goodbye."
Let's ride the wheelbarrow down to the corner store
And we'll be jolly friends forever more. More. More.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 17-Sep-02.

12 Jan 99 - 09:08 PM (#53762)
Subject: Lyr Add: PLAYMATES

Or there's the lovely

Ci-ci oh playmate, come out and play with me
And bring your dollies 3.
Climb up my apple tree,
Slide down my rain barrel into the cellar door
And we'll be jolly friends forever more, more.
Shut the door!

(Then the second verse)

Ci-ci oh enemy! Come out and fight with me!
And bring your soldiers three.
Climb up my spiny tree!
Slide down my razor blade into the dungeon door
And we'll be jolly friends forever more more!

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 17-Sep-02.

14 Jan 99 - 03:33 PM (#54089)
Subject: Lyr Add: PLAYMATES (Saxie Dowell)
From: SingsIrish Songs

Made popular by Kay Kyser (vocals Sully Mason and Trio) and written by Saxie Dowell...


Oh, playmates, come out and play with me,
And bring your dollies three.
Climb up my apple tree,
Look down my rain barrel, slide down my cellar door,
And we'll be jolly friends forevermore.

Now she couldn't come out to play,
It was such a sunny day.
With a tearful eye,
She breathed a sigh,
And I could hear her say:

I'm sorry, playmates. I cannot play with you.
My dollies have the flu.
Boo-hoo, boo-hoo, boo-hoo!
Ain't got no rain barrel, ain't got no cellar door,
But we'll be jolly friends forevermore.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 17-Sep-02.

06 Feb 03 - 03:31 PM (#884215)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: Joe Offer

The Levy Sheet Music collection has an undated song by Harry Dacre called Playmates, and other sources show a publication date of 1899 for that song. The chorus starts, "Playmates were we! Little we thought it then...," so that's not the song we're talking about here. anybody have time to transcribe the Dacre song?
Apparently, the song above and in the Digital Tradition was written by Saxie Dowell and published in 1940. It was one of those songs my little sister used to sing to aggravate me.
-Joe Offer-

06 Feb 03 - 03:43 PM (#884221)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I really had to laugh, reading this... My Mother used to sing this song and taught it to my sisters and me. If you ever need someone to sing bass harmony with you on this Kat, just give me a call..

My Mother also used to sing a song, Stay In Your Own Backyard, which she taught to us... about a little black boy who is being taunted by the white kids in his neighborhood... couldn't sing it now, because it has the word Pickaninny in it, but it was a great song for little kids to learn tolerance from.


06 Feb 03 - 04:38 PM (#884256)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: Cool Beans

Leo Kottke plays a delightful instrumental version of "Playmate'' in a medley with "Jambalaya'' and "Tumblin' Tumbleweeds'' on his 1972 album, "Greenhouse.'' It's been reissued in CD.

06 Feb 03 - 04:57 PM (#884267)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)

The Saxie Dowell song was undoubtedly based on "I Don't Want To Play In Your Yard," words by Philip Wingate and music by H. W. Petrie, composed in 1894, in Levy as pointed out by KatLaughing.

The chorus:
I don't want to play in your yard,
I don't like you any more.
You'll be sorry when you see me
Sliding down our cellar door.
You can't holler down my rain barrel,
You can't climb my apple tree.
I don't want to play in your yard,
If you won't be good to me.

06 Feb 03 - 06:05 PM (#884319)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: Little Robyn

Back about 50 years ago, my sister and I were in a Sunday School concert singing this song, dressed in blue gingham and with artificial plaits attached to the back of a tied-on sun bonnet. I can't remember who taught us the song but I remember it well.

Once there lived side by side
Two little maids,
Used to dress just alike
Hair down in braids
Blue gingham pinafores
Stockings of red
Little sun bonnets tied
On each pretty head.
When school was over
Secrets they'd tell,
Whispering arm in arm
Down by the well.    (change key here)
One day a quarrel came,
Hot tears were shed.
You can't play in my yard!
But the other said:
I don't want to play in your yard.....(see above)

06 Feb 03 - 06:48 PM (#884344)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)

Very good, Little Robin. That is the first verse of the song by Wingate and Petrie.
Second verse:
Next day two little maids, each other miss,
Quarrels are soon made up, sealed with a kiss,
Then hand in hand again, happy they go,
Friends all through life to be, they love each other so.
Soon school days pass away, sorrows and bliss,
But love remembers yet, quarrels and kiss.
In sweet dreams of childhood, we hear them cry,
"You can't play in my yard," and the old reply:

"You can't play in our yard," etc.

06 Feb 03 - 07:12 PM (#884363)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: Joe Offer

Now, children, if you're going to talk about I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard (click) you really ought to do it in the appropriate thread - although information on these two songs is mixed in all the threads (see crosslinks above). But, if you ask me, the recording of "Your Yard" by Peggy Lee is definitely not for children.
-Joe Offer, still looking for a volunteer to transcribe the other "Playmates"-

30 Apr 03 - 01:45 PM (#943688)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: GUEST,Old Woman

We sang this song when I was little. The words where as Rita (1/12/99 post) except the second thing we did was SHOUT DOWN THE RAIN BARREL.

    Climb up my apple tree.
    SHOUT DOWN my rain barrel,
    Slide down my cellar door

Because rain water was collected in these (for washing our hair), most rain barrels had different amount of water in them. When you shouted in them, each made a different echo. It was way cool. It was like being in the mountains and shouting.

30 Apr 03 - 04:03 PM (#943797)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: Inükshük

I just have to but in here and say that twenty or so years ago the kids were singing this on the playground where I taught. We put it together with Red Wing (sung simoultaniously) It was a great favourite for a couple of years.

22 Oct 03 - 11:13 AM (#1039700)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)






21 Nov 03 - 10:20 AM (#1058521)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: Agabe

I learned this song as a child. It was a clap song, but this is all I remember.

Say, say, oh playmate,
come out and play with me,
and bring your dollies three,
dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee (not sure about words here)

slide down my rain barrel,
and through my cellar door,
and we'll be jolly friends, forever more, more,
more, more, more, more

So sorry playmate,
I cannot play with you,
my dollies have the flu,
boo hoo, boo hoo, boo hoo

but you can still slide down my rain barrel,
and through my cellar door,
and we'll be jolly friends, forever more, more,
more, more, more, more

22 Nov 03 - 12:24 AM (#1058965)
Subject: RE: Name: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: Coyote Breath

My mom taught it to me but she said;

"Shout down my rain barrel" (if you have a rain barrel, shout into it and you'll see what the "attraction" was,). I thought that my mother was singing about her house on Bradford avenue in Milwaukee since it had a rain barrel and a slanting cellar door (well I was four at the time) I remember being a little disapointed when I heard someone else sing it and realized my mother hadn't made it up!

Otherwise "my mom's song" is the same as Reta's.


22 Nov 03 - 01:11 PM (#1059147)
Subject: Lyr Add: PLAYMATES (Harry Dacre, 1899)
From: Jim Dixon

Anything for you, Joe. Here's my transcription from the sheet music image that Joe provided the link to, at the Levy Collection.

(Harry Dacre)

Through the storms of life I've battled, I have seen its seamy side ;
Fortune has not deigned to hear me, though my level best I've tried.
Some get but the milk and water ; others get the richest cream—
Oft the mem'ries of my boyhood come back to me as a dream.
All the troubles of those schooldays centered in the master's rule.
All we had to think or care for were our lessons and the school.
Oftentimes I meet those playmates who once made this heart rejoice—
Some are smiling—glad and hearty—others sing with broken voice—

REFRAIN: Playmates were we—little we thought it then
How we should change when we would all be men !
Ah ! sweet boyhood's days—free from all care and pain !
Playmates ! playmates ! I wish we were boys again.

Very well can I remember one young lad named Henry Dare ;
Brightly gladsome were his features, brightly golden was his hair ;
He was everybody's idol, softened e'en the master's heart ;
When young harry got in mischief, everybody took his part.
Some few months ago, I met him, all his hair was ghastly grey ;
When he saw me, with a shudder, he turned off another way.
Years ago he'd robbed employers, been in prison as a thief,
Sought in drink and dissipation what he ne'er could find—relief !


Sometimes I have grown weary of the world and all its strife—
Out of work and out of money, black and dismal seemed this life.
One day by some chance I wandered past a mansion in the "West"—
"DR. JASPER" on the door-plate—on the steps I sank to rest !
Presently the door flew open—could it be ?—the jack of yore—
"Johnny Jasper ! Don't you know me—your old playmate ? Look once more !
I am starving, cold and homeless ! Help me !—hear my piteous tale !"


This is some few years ago, boys, yet remembrance will not die,
Neither in the jail nor workhouse have I yet been forced to lie ;
But I've been inside a workhouse ; I was sent for yesterday,
Some one dying wished to see me, and I went without delay.
When I reached that wretched bedside, there lay, gasping for his breath,
Johnny jasper—DOCTOR JASPER !—almost at the gate of death !
"Tom," he whispered, "I have fallen from my wealth and grand estates—
For my cruelty forgive me ! Don't say 'No'—we once were mates."


04 Apr 04 - 09:57 AM (#1154104)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: GUEST,Devon

I have a slightly different version of "Ci-Ci My Playmate":

Ci-Ci my playmate,
come out and play with me
and bring your dollies three,
climb up my apple tree,
slide down my rainbow
into my cellar door
and we'll be jolly friends
forever more, more
lock the door.

09 May 04 - 07:00 PM (#1181851)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: GUEST,Sara

The "rainbow" version comes from later generations of girls having no idea what a "rain barrel" is. I sang it with "rainbow" when I was a girl in the 60's. My mother tried to explain to me how it should be, but I didn't buy it. After I grew up, of course, I understood what she was talking about. I even tried to convince a friend's daughters that it should be "rain barrel" but they wouldn't hear if it either!

10 May 04 - 12:33 AM (#1182032)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate
From: Mark Cohen

True, Sara, and the same thing is true of "slide down my cellar door." I've seen houses with slanting doors outside the house that opened into the cellar (like in "The Wizard of Oz"), but in the house I grew up in you reached the basement -- which my grandmother and some of my friends called the cellar -- by opening a door that looked just like the door to a bedroom or closet. I never figured out how you were supposed to slide down a door like that!


PS, I first heard the song on Captain Kangaroo

12 May 04 - 08:29 AM (#1183703)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: Jim Dixon

Parlor Songs has a midi file of PLAYMATES.

According to Warner Chappell Music, there were 2 hit recordings of PLAYMATES in the same year, 1940: One by Kay Kyser and His Orchestra, and one by Mitchell Ayres And His Orchestra. The first recording was apparently by Hal Kemp and the Smoothies; Saxie Dowell, the songwriter, was a sax player (naturally) in that band.

A version performed by the Kipper Kids was used in the soundtrack of "The Addams Family" in 1991 and appears on the soundtrack album (it's only 25 seconds long).

Following are lyrics from Lyrics Playground, although I don't know how much they can be trusted, since they have the title wrong.

(Words and music by Saxie Dowell)
The Playmates

There's a catchy little tune a-floatin' through the air.
You hear it here and there. They sing it ev'rywhere.
How it started, where it started, seems nobody knows.
But what's the diff'rence where it came from? Here's the way it goes:

Oh playmate, come out and play with me
And bring your dollies three.
Climb up my apple tree.
Look down my rain barrel.
Slide down my cellar door,
And we'll be jolly friends forever more.

It was a rainy day. She couldn't come out to play.
With tearful eyes and tender sighs I could hear her say:

I'm sorry, Playmate, I cannot play with you
My dollies have the flu,
Boo-hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.
Ain't got no rain barrel,
Ain't got no cellar door
But we'll be jolly friends forever more.

12 May 04 - 01:03 PM (#1183966)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmates)
From: GUEST,bnemerov

Since no one's mentioned it...there's a bizarre recording of Playmates by the late, great guitarist and singer (and former Skillet Licker) Riley Puckett on the Bluebird label, c. 1940.

bruce nemerov
Center for Popular Music

13 May 04 - 09:56 PM (#1185282)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmates)
From: Jim Dixon

The Riley Puckett recording can be heard at The Record Lady's All-Time Country Favorites, Requests Page One.

15 May 04 - 11:30 PM (#1186579)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmate)
From: GUEST,Thtr Tchr

Does anyone know where I can buy a CD of Oh,Playmate - a child's voice singing it?

17 May 04 - 10:59 PM (#1187562)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmates)
From: Jim Dixon

I can find only 2 currently available vocal recordings of PLAYMATES (the correct title):

The Murmaids (sic) -- a 60s girl group, on their album "Popsicles and Icicles" CD Collectables 5538, 1995.

Kay Kyser, on the various-artists compilation, "Small Fry: Capitol Sings Kids' Songs for Grownups" Capitol CD C2-99179, 1992.

Neither of these are children exactly, although The Murmaids were quite young (teens or early 20s) when they made their records in the 1960s.

29 Dec 06 - 08:09 PM (#1921754)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'slide down my cellar door' (Playmates)
From: Azizi

Here's some links to a couple of examples of the Playmate rhyme and its "Say Say My Enemy" version:

What's Over The Rainbow?

and I'm Rubber. You're Glue Children's Rhymes


07 Jan 07 - 12:26 AM (#1928885)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: GUEST,kitty

ci-ci oh druggie
come out and smoke with me
and bring your joints three
climb up my Ladder
slide down my rainbow
into my meth lab
and we'll be druggies for ever more

07 Jan 07 - 08:51 AM (#1929063)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: Azizi

Here's three versions of Playmate from

Cee Cee my playmate,
come out and play with me
and bring your dollies three,
climb up my apple tree.
Slide down my rainbow
into my cellar door
and we'll be jolly friends
forever more more, shut the door!
-mulfig on Saturday, May 29, 1999 - 10:46 pm; Discussion: Girl Games: Clap & rhyme;Archive through June 8, 2000


"Here was our version of "Say say my enemy"

say say my enemy, come out and fight with me,
and bring your swords three...
climb up my cactus? tree,
slide down my razor blade, into a bowl of alchohal,
and we'll be the very worst enemies of them all... all... all."
-Anonymous on Saturday, April 22, 2000 - 03:34 am ; Discussion: Girl Games: Clap & rhyme;Archive through June 8, 2000


See see my baby
I cannot play with you
For I have got the flu
Chicken pox and measles too
We slid down drainpipes
In 1952
And we'll be best of friends
For ever more, more, shut that door, eat that rat
that's on that floor!
-By Anonymous on Friday, April 7, 2000 - 01:43 pm; Discussion: Girl Games: Clap & rhyme: Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa Pop


With regards to the ending line "shut the door" [in the first version and the third version presented here]- in another rhyme, I've seen handclap partners try to be the first one to flick {lightly slap] their partner on the forehead or pinch their handclap partner on the arm while saying these words...
Both girls would quickly try to do this and also lean backwards so they wouldn't be flicked [or pinched].

I'm curious if anyone else remembers or have currently seen these action being done while saying the end line "shut the door" in Playmate or another children's rhyme.

11 Mar 11 - 10:55 PM (#3112101)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'

Here are the words:

Oh Playmate, Come Out and Play With Me
Version 1
Words and music by Saxie Dowell, Copyright: Santly-Joy-Select Inc.

Say, say, oh playmate,
Come out and play with me
And bring your dollies three
Climb up my apple tree

Shout down my rain barrel
Slide down my cellar door
And we'll be jolly friends
Forever more more more more more

Say, say, oh playmate
I cannot play with you
My dolly's got the flu
Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo

Ain't got no rain barrel
Ain't got no cellar door
But we'll be jolly friends
Forever more more more more more

12 Mar 11 - 11:30 AM (#3112378)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: Jim Carroll

I don't Wanna Play in Your Yard
Beautifully sung by Peggy Lee in the Film Pete Kelly's Blues.
Jim Carroll

14 Mar 11 - 09:43 PM (#3113857)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: Jim Dixon

According to, several libraries have the sheet music. It is described thus:

Words and music by Saxie Dowell
"Featured by Hal Kemp and 'The Smoothies'."
New York: Santly-Joy-Select, Inc., © 1940.

FIRST LINE: There's a catchy little tune a-floatin' through the air

FIRST LINE OF CHORUS: Playmate come out and play with me

15 Mar 11 - 03:46 AM (#3113961)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: JohnInKansas

I can't say in which direction the derivation went, but more than one relative from earlier generations made remarks about particular playmates with whom they "took turns sliding down the cellar door."

In each case, the following remarks made it clear that the cellar door wasn't the real attraction. It was "pickin' out the splinters" that was the real fun. (The two activities were always connected.)

All of those I remember who made remarks of the kind would have been a bit past "childhood" ca. 1930 or before, so I'd suspect that the "euphemism(?)" originated before then and appears to have fallen out of general use in the community by about then; but none of them mentioned the song so I can't say whether they picked up the terminology from an older version of the song or whether perhaps the term was just "folk-familiar" enough to have been inspiration for a song that came later than their childhood years.

It was always my impression that one wouldn't/shouldn't refer to "slidin' down the cellar door" with someone for whom there was not "considerable affection," but none of my sources were sufficiently into etymology to offer an intellectually satisfying description of precise meanings, derivations, or usage,


21 Jun 11 - 09:19 AM (#3173839)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'

Love all of this info., and I do enjoy listening to Kay Kyser's swing hit version of Playmate. I just can't find that version I used to hear on Capt. Kangaroo back in the early to mid-1960's!
Hey, thanks, again! Steve in Chicago

07 Apr 13 - 09:20 AM (#3500016)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'

YES! You have it is Shout in my rainbarrel and slide down my cellar door... I remember it quite well. I suppose that other lyrics were substitued when a child or a parent didn't remember the actual words..

12 Nov 13 - 08:31 AM (#3574974)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: GUEST,Betty Saunders

This is another part of the same song.

12 Nov 13 - 10:11 PM (#3575147)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: JohnInKansas

I don't know anything about the origins of the song, but it was apparently popular enough to be a common term of reference around 1910 - 1920. At a family reunion long ago there was a mention of a certain young lady during which my dad said "I used to play slide down the cellar door with ***" just so we could take turns picking the splinters out of each other's butts. Two uncles said "yep, so did I."

They all graduated from H.S. around 1920 - 1924, so I would expect the "game" was a memory from 10 or so years earlier when they were younger - but one never knowns all the truth about their elders.


10 Feb 16 - 10:10 AM (#3771830)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: GUEST,leeneia

When I was a kid, we had a Little Golden Record of 'Playmate,' and I remember the tune well. Recently I got a surprise. I was looking at old parlor songs at the University of Missouri - Kansas City's collection of local music. (It is called the Kansas City Collection.)

Charles L. Johnson was a resident of Kansas City, Kansas, and he published about 300 works, including the well-known rag 'Dill Pickles.' I downloaded a tune he wrote in 1906, called 'Iola' and played it. The chorus of 'Iola' is the tune for 'Playmate.'

It's been fun exploring that collection, but there are problems at present with printing things. They are "changing platforms."
The old house to the north of me has a cellar door as in the song. I cannot imagine anybody sliding down it, even after a rain. The wood's too rough and there isn't enough incline to get going.

I doubt if any kid ever really did it.

10 Feb 16 - 10:47 AM (#3771841)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: GUEST,leeneia

I had to clinch it, so I went to YouTube and listened to various versions of 'Playmate'. Every one (Kay Kyser, Jimmy Boyd, Amber, and amateur) uses the tune from Charles C. Johnson's 'Iola' of 1906.

You can find Iola on the Lester Levy site - it's easier.

22 Dec 16 - 12:51 AM (#3827906)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: GUEST,Scooter

My mom gave me the sheet music of "Playmates." "Words and Music by Saxie Dowell. Copyright 1940 by Santly-Joy-Select Inc., 1619 Broadway, NY, NY. Printed in U.S.A."

Following is the exact verbiage:

There's a catchy little tune a floatin' through the air,
You hear it here and there,
They sing it ev'ry where.
How it started, where it started seems nobody knows. But
What's the diff'rence where it came from,
here's the way it goes Oh!

come out and play with me -
And bring your dollies three. -
Climb up my apple tree, -
Look down my rain barr'l -
Slide down my cellar door -
And we'll be jolly friends -
forever more. -
She couldn't come out and play,
it was a sunny day.
With tearful eye, she breathed a sigh
and I could hear her say,
I'm sorry, PLAYMATE, -
I cannot play with you, -
My dollies have the flu, -
Boo-hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo. -
Ain't got no rain barr'l, -
Ain't got no cellar door -
But we'll be jolly friends -
for-ever more. - Oh! [back to chorus]

22 Dec 16 - 01:04 AM (#3827907)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: GUEST,Scooter

The "cellar door" could be a shute entering into a coal storage cellar in a house basement.

22 Dec 16 - 08:24 PM (#3828160)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: Joe_F

It used to be common for a sloping door to cover an exterior staircase leading down into a basement.

23 Dec 16 - 10:32 AM (#3828270)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: leeneia

Not a coal chute. Too steep and black with coal dust.

The house to the north of me is a former farm house about 125 years old. It has a sloping cellar door just as you describe, Joe.

24 Oct 21 - 09:58 AM (#4124029)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Playmates 'slide down my cellar door'
From: GUEST,Sher da loo

There’s at least one 78 rpm shellac from sound of it that was played on “Captain Kangaroo” early 60s (CBS/Bob keeshan in his post-Howdy Doodie “Clarribel the Clown” role, suggest contacting Museum of Radio and Television, the former Museum of Broadcasting for details.
When you do, ask why recordings can’t be made available at every public library, rather than locations only in NY and LA - could be made perfectly safe for those in fear of losing copyright to things like “NBC News 6 pm, June 14, 1967” or other “valuable “ property.