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BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?

15 Nov 05 - 11:43 AM (#1605548)
Subject: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Peter K (Fionn)

I thought I was unique. But HERE I find Mr Red and Don(Wysiwyg)T both claiming they have never opened the mother of all threads. Who else?

(I'm keeping my fingers crossed that no-one will unearth some post I contributed to it, oh, a thousand years ago.)

15 Nov 05 - 11:59 AM (#1605562)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Cluin

I opened it once.

15 Nov 05 - 12:01 PM (#1605567)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Amos

I open it every day.


15 Nov 05 - 12:06 PM (#1605572)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Gervase

Never. Ever. And should the slightest temptation arise, I do a search for "censorship on Mudcat" and remind myself how much bandwidth is already wasted.
Anyway, what's it about? How about a 200-word synopsis, someone?

15 Nov 05 - 12:08 PM (#1605575)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: MMario

usually several times a day.

15 Nov 05 - 12:08 PM (#1605576)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: katlaughing

Me, never.

15 Nov 05 - 12:10 PM (#1605578)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: greg stephens

I dont believe I've ever opened it. But like Fionn, it may that some aeons ago, after coming back from the pub, I just have given them the benefit of my wit and wisdom. But is there a way of searching: "greg stephens"+"mother of all threads" in google, or something like that?

15 Nov 05 - 12:13 PM (#1605582)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Ebbie

There are many threads I never open but I am aware that I'm missing out on many thoughts, much information, and helter skelter fun whose loss I would regret. The Cat and its people are a remarkable lot. But you gotta draw the line somewhere.

I don't think I've opened the MOAB thread since early days.

15 Nov 05 - 12:13 PM (#1605584)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: MMario

in 200 words or less; Life, the universe, freds, ralfs, motherhood, apple pie, The Idaho Legion, sex and the city.

15 Nov 05 - 12:13 PM (#1605585)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Dave'sWife

me either. I'm still on Dial-up. It's all I can do just to open the Secret Santa thread and be patient enough for it to load.

15 Nov 05 - 12:14 PM (#1605586)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I'm afraid it is more likely to be a 200 year synopsis, Gervase.

As I understand it, the thread is a free ranging interchange on a multitude of subjects, and well worth viewing, but I know if I open it I will get sucked in, and I already spend more time on Mudcat than I should.

So, reluctantly, I have resisted the temptation.

One day, when my mobility has deteriorated to the point of my being completely sedentary, I shall open it and read the (by then) half million posts with great relish.

Don T.

15 Nov 05 - 12:15 PM (#1605587)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: MMario

I'm on dial up at home as well - and by seecting the "d" to open the thread get just the most recent posts, paginated. Doesn't take much longer then a two or three post thread.

15 Nov 05 - 12:17 PM (#1605590)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Morticia


15 Nov 05 - 12:23 PM (#1605597)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: greg stephens

I've always imagined it was probably a thread devoted to Little Hawk and his opinions on Shatner and Dylan, but I've never bothered to find out.

15 Nov 05 - 12:26 PM (#1605600)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Metchosin

I've never opened it either, for basically the same reason as Don(Wyziwyg)T .

15 Nov 05 - 12:30 PM (#1605606)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Clinton Hammond

Never either... Nor do I suspect I ever will....

15 Nov 05 - 12:33 PM (#1605610)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Joe Offer

Not me.
At least, I don't think I have.
-Joe Offer-

15 Nov 05 - 12:38 PM (#1605619)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Cluin

Not true, MMario. The very long threads DO take a lot longer to open, not matter how you open them. And basically none of them are worth the wait.

15 Nov 05 - 12:41 PM (#1605624)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: MMario

well - cluin - let me say there is no *DISCERNABLE* difference opening the MOAB and any other thread on my 28.8 modem at home.

15 Nov 05 - 12:47 PM (#1605629)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Cluin

That's `cause they're ALL slow then.

There's a big difference with my cable connection.

The forum is a database of posts. That's why it's searchable. It's not sitting on the server in the form it appears in your web browser. The server has to search and compile the posts according to the thread title fields. The longer the thread (and the older it is) the more time it takes to do this. Add pagination and it increases the time needed. While the server is doing this, it's not doing something else. That's why I say it adds to the slowdown around here at times.

15 Nov 05 - 12:49 PM (#1605631)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Tannywheeler

Me. The # of posts is daunting. Kinda like "War & Peace".    Tw

15 Nov 05 - 12:50 PM (#1605632)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Tweed

That thread? Naw, not me. Never..

15 Nov 05 - 12:51 PM (#1605634)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: MMario


15 Nov 05 - 12:57 PM (#1605640)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Jim Dixon

Never deliberately, but I think I once looked at one message by mistake. I was searching for lyrics and something came up in the search results that looked like it might be the lyrics I wanted, but it wasn't. I can't remember what it was, but it didn't make any sense to me.

I do a lot of searching for lyrics, song titles, artists' names, etc., and it's amazing that this only happened once. I guess they never discuss music in that thread.

15 Nov 05 - 12:59 PM (#1605641)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Beer


15 Nov 05 - 01:06 PM (#1605646)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Blowzabella

I haven't - nor will I, in all liklihood.

15 Nov 05 - 01:08 PM (#1605647)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: mooman

I've never opened it and it is unliokely that I ever will!



15 Nov 05 - 01:12 PM (#1605650)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Tweed

Who me?? Naw, not me, never...

15 Nov 05 - 01:14 PM (#1605652)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Mr Red

nice to be in such good company.

15 Nov 05 - 01:34 PM (#1605673)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Stilly River Sage

We discuss music and literature and fine poetry and history and politics and computer stuff and family stuff and made-up stuff and there are a fascinating number of alter-egos who turn up regularly. "BS" doesn't mean it is nonsense, it does mean shooting the breeze with imagination and it does mean occasionally running off someone who decides they want to set the rules for us or dictate what we should talk about. Political Correctness is not in the MOAB charter, for example. It means having to deal with interlopers who have no interest except to score certain significant numbers. As it happens, Little Hawk was channeling for Willam Shatner when number 10,000 came around, because my DSL hesitated or I'd have had it.

Think "streams of consciousness" and compare MOAB with some of the fine contributions to English language literature and you'll have an idea of what the Mother of All BS threads is about. It is difficult to read from the beginning because after "The Crash" it became scrambled.

(170 words)

I have dibs on 20,000, by the way.


15 Nov 05 - 01:41 PM (#1605678)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: suzi

I never opened until I read the thread this morning, I have tried on many occasions, but alas got fed up of waiting.
Hooray I can get into it now...........Thanks

15 Nov 05 - 01:44 PM (#1605682)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Tweed

Poor lost soul...pore suzie, get out while you can!!

15 Nov 05 - 01:56 PM (#1605698)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: mack/misophist

Hollow and pointless. Inane and jejune.

15 Nov 05 - 01:56 PM (#1605699)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: kendall


15 Nov 05 - 02:03 PM (#1605709)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Amos

Ah, mack, you suffer great missed opportunities due to your exclusive filtration devices.

Inane? Sometimes. Profound? More often. Jejeune? Not a scratch on some of the yuk stuff posted in many bland and clotted threads offered as humor elsewhere, IMNSHO...


15 Nov 05 - 02:13 PM (#1605719)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Clinton Hammond

We can crash mudcat by all opening the MOAB thread at once??

That's funny!

15 Nov 05 - 03:10 PM (#1605742)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Rapparee

You all are talking about MOTHER!!!

15 Nov 05 - 03:25 PM (#1605757)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Clinton Hammond

Wasn't that the name of the Nostromo's homicidal computer in the movie Alien?

15 Nov 05 - 03:49 PM (#1605769)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Stilly River Sage

I haven't been able to get in for a while. Too many sidewalk superintendents taking a gander, I suspect.


15 Nov 05 - 04:22 PM (#1605800)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: M.Ted

Not me. Too much to read. But Cluin's point above makes a lot of sense, in terms of the on-again, off-again availability of Mudcat--

15 Nov 05 - 04:38 PM (#1605815)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: GUEST,Martin gibson

I have never opened it.

The only reason I might post in it is to get Joe Offer to finally open it also.

15 Nov 05 - 04:48 PM (#1605828)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: GUEST,Eorlgh

You are such a useless toad, Martin. I bet you think people on the MOAB are going to be just devastated by the fact that you haven't opened it. To the contrary, they consider it blessed relief. Your absence makes the heart grow fonder. The longer you are not around, the better it gets. This may be why the MOAB is such a lengthy thread and goes on being so popular with its adherents.

15 Nov 05 - 07:18 PM (#1605929)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?

Me. Don't belong with the inner circle.

15 Nov 05 - 07:38 PM (#1605945)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: bobad

Me never, don't think I have enough time left in this incarnation for it to load ; dial-up.

15 Nov 05 - 07:40 PM (#1605948)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: khandu

I have never been there and never shall. However, I must tell ye all that Joe Offer officially sanctioned the MOAB thread in the opening post of that thread!!!

It is true. Joe Offer, who may or may not be khandu (who, supposedly, "created" the thread), did add a comment to the opening post, giving the thread its Official Mudcat Cafe Blessing!

That alone makes the thread worthy of anyone's time to open it!

Let me aslo testify that Tweed speaks great truth when he says he has not opened the thread!


15 Nov 05 - 08:09 PM (#1605968)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Col K

I don't think that I have ever opened it either.Or ever will.

15 Nov 05 - 08:30 PM (#1605983)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Peace

My memory ain't that good. And now it takes too much time to load, so I guess I'll never know.

15 Nov 05 - 08:35 PM (#1605992)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: curmudgeon

Opened t once, It was rubbis9h

15 Nov 05 - 08:47 PM (#1605996)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Sandra in Sydney

I know I looked in the early days, but I don't know whether I posted or not.

Only way to check if I posted is to click on my name when this submits & read thru the list of my posts, but I dunno whether I will.


15 Nov 05 - 09:43 PM (#1606027)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: open mike

the thought of opening it at this point, is scary!!@
I'd much rather go to Moab, Utah.

15 Nov 05 - 09:49 PM (#1606036)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?

I haven't been able to get in for a while. Too many sidewalk superintendents taking a gander, I suspect.

so sorry

15 Nov 05 - 09:51 PM (#1606040)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

15 Nov 05 - 09:52 PM (#1606043)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

Guest, eorlgh

Just for that I'm going in. The MOAB thread is now ready for me.

Thanks for the invitation, douche.

16 Nov 05 - 04:40 AM (#1606225)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?

Not me. Seems a bit of an ego trip. Bearing in mind cluin's observations about it slowing down the place, why are those who post to it so defensive? The world won't stop spinning if you close it and start part two to satisfy whatever need it fills. Scary.

16 Nov 05 - 05:46 AM (#1606251)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: MBSLynne

Not me

16 Nov 05 - 07:40 AM (#1606299)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Mr Red

I fear this thread will run and run and may just become a leviathon it i's own right.

MOAB has a lot to answer for.............

16 Nov 05 - 08:23 AM (#1606339)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: A Wandering Minstrel

Not me,

would take about a year to read it anyways

16 Nov 05 - 08:39 AM (#1606351)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: GUEST,catsPHiddle@work I missing something???

16 Nov 05 - 10:19 AM (#1606424)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Alice


16 Nov 05 - 10:27 AM (#1606433)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?

I go with the in crowd
I go where the in crowd goes

16 Nov 05 - 12:27 PM (#1606549)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Little Hawk

The MOAB started as a joke. For awhile it was quite funny. Then it became a daily addiction for a group of about 10 people. I can understand that. I'm addicted to this forum in a general sense. It can easily happen. You keep doing something mainly because you are accustomed to doing it. It's a mental reflex action. Running jokes are jokes that go on forever and the repetitive stuff they had on various TV shows over the years. (Example: Laugh-In was based on a whole series of running jokes. They just kept doing the same jokes again and again. People found it hilarious...if they liked the show.)

The MOAB is 2 things: a running joke...and a private club for those who have become addicted to that running joke.

16 Nov 05 - 12:33 PM (#1606554)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Joe Offer

Khandu, say it isn't so. Did I post in the MOAB thread?
Don't make me look to find out...

16 Nov 05 - 12:38 PM (#1606559)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Big Mick

I have never opened or posted to it.


16 Nov 05 - 01:16 PM (#1606594)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Gurney

Opened it, looked at the first couple of posts, decided to go no further. Does that count? Same with any thread of many posts unless I have a particular interest, or something that I MUST contribute.

16 Nov 05 - 01:50 PM (#1606614)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: AlexB

No. Nay. Never.

16 Nov 05 - 02:18 PM (#1606630)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: gnu

No. Nay. Never. No morrrrrre.... well... once. It's just too bad that that people click on the title and open the whole works, instead of the fifty posts at a time. I was told by a long time member last night that they didn't know what the "d" was for. There's yer crash.

Too bad there wasn't a way to institute the "fifty post rule". Eh   Jeff? Max?

Or am I just talking through me hat?

16 Nov 05 - 08:45 PM (#1606877)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Joe Offer

Well, gee, I guess I've been caught. I don't remember doing it, but khandu says that in the first message of the thread, I posted the following editorial comment:
    (Thank you, khandu. I worship at your feet.)

        -Joe Offer- ***
Since I refuse to open the thread AGAIN, I guess I have to take khandu's word on it. And of course, who would have reason to doubt khandu? Ah, but it is a bitter pill to take.
-Joe Offer, penitent-

16 Nov 05 - 09:00 PM (#1606887)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Joe Offer

OK, so now I took the bait and opened the damn thread, and I see no such comment. But khandu has suckered me in, and I can no longer claim that I haven't opened the thread.
-Joe Offer, hoodwinked-

16 Nov 05 - 09:01 PM (#1606888)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: khandu

This is a copy of the actual first post on MOAB...note the comment added by Joe Offer at the bottom!!

Subject: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
From: khandu - PM
Date: 05 May 03 - 08:31 PM

Another brainstorm of mine, inspired by Tweed, Spaw, Carol the Sailor and their ilk.

We can save time which we spend searching through all the BS threads very easily. Henceforth, post all BS here in this thread. Soon there will be only one BS thread. We won't have to look for particular threads as this will be the only one and it will contain all the BS we have to offer.

My Gawd!! Why has this not been thought of earlier? It is so obvious!

I swear, sometimes I even amaze myself!

Once again, for those of you who are slow in understanding...hear me, Tweed! Post all BS in this thread from now on!

Pene Azul and Joe Offer will thank me for making their job so much easier! My fellow 'Catters will also thank me when they realize the time my idea will save them! Maybe this will finally get me the coveted "Time/Life Man of the Year"!!

I swear, sometimes I even blow my own mind!!

King khandu

    (Thank you, khandu. I worship at your feet.)
    -Joe Offer- ***

16 Nov 05 - 09:58 PM (#1606923)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Bob Bolton

WHAT thread ... ?



16 Nov 05 - 10:54 PM (#1606959)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: MOAB

I strongly object to being referred to as "THAT thread"! How would you like it if I referred to you as "THAT human"?

My name is "The Mother of All BS Threads", or "MOAB" for short.

Watch it, Buster!

16 Nov 05 - 11:42 PM (#1606975)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Stilly River Sage

That's telling 'em, Mom!

17 Nov 05 - 01:41 AM (#1606996)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Cluin

Whoa! This thing's getting outta hand.
Now THAT thread is posting to other threads.
We'd better kill it before we all get banished to the cornfield one by one.

17 Nov 05 - 01:49 AM (#1607000)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Cluin

I didn't say that!

It's GOOD that THAT thread posted here.

Yes.... Good.....

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17 Nov 05 - 05:54 AM (#1607086)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: My guru always said

Not been tempted at all, it was much too big before I realised it was there & growing like a plague. Just don't have enough time on my hands! i'm sure it;'s a fabulous thread though....

17 Nov 05 - 06:48 AM (#1607100)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Fibula Mattock

Me. I never ever yielded to temptation. And never will!

17 Nov 05 - 11:43 AM (#1607303)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?

I agree with little hawk. Too snooty for the likes of me.

18 Nov 05 - 06:50 AM (#1608010)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Cluin

It's good to have a hobby, isn't it?

18 Nov 05 - 11:11 AM (#1608218)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: Bard Judith

(sung with guitar accompaniment and a cowboy twang)

"There is ah thread they caall the MOAB,
A beast so great an' pale,
It mite be relayted tuh Moby Dick,
Cause it shore is a whale!

Ah've been in bars where whiskey flowed,
An' men sang 'Eskimo Nell',
And rough saloons and frontier dives,
But MOAB looks wuss than hell.

Ah've heard of threads upon mah coat,
Ah've picked them frum mah shoe,
Ah've follered the 'conversayshun's thread',
But now Ah think Ah'm through...

Oh mawthers, tell yore children,
To stay away frum there!
It wuz that thread that did me in,
An' gave me snow-white hair..."

18 Nov 05 - 11:56 AM (#1608253)
Subject: RE: BS: Who else has never opened THAT thread?
From: MMario

Martin - compared to the ralfs you are a minor (very minor) annoyance.