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Song Circle at SINSULL's

17 Nov 05 - 08:23 PM (#1607713)
Subject: Song Circle at SINSULL's

Saturday, November 26th at 6PM.
I will roast a turkey. Bring your Thanksgiving leftovers.
Who's in?

17 Nov 05 - 08:24 PM (#1607715)
Subject: RE: Son Circle at SINSULL's

OOOPS - that's SONG!

17 Nov 05 - 08:24 PM (#1607717)
Subject: RE: Son Circle at SINSULL's
From: Celtaddict

With Thanksgiving and all, I love the idea of a "son circle."
Wish Maine were closer!

17 Nov 05 - 08:25 PM (#1607718)
Subject: RE: Son Circle at SINSULL's
From: Celtaddict

Ha! You noted it at the same time I did!
One day I will get to one of your renowned circles.

17 Nov 05 - 09:00 PM (#1607745)
Subject: RE: Son Circle at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Brian

Is this Son of Song Circle?


17 Nov 05 - 09:11 PM (#1607757)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

Careful guys or I will make a gallon of creamed onions!

17 Nov 05 - 09:22 PM (#1607765)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

I fixed the title for you, SINS.

I may get there. It depends on whether I can move on Saturday and whether any of my clothing fits.

17 Nov 05 - 09:28 PM (#1607766)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Midchuck

How do you get there from here (western VT)? I got the impression you go down to Albany, drive west on I-88 for a hell of a ways, then leave it at some point and wander south for a ways further.

I'd like to try it, but maybe when snow risk is de minimus.


17 Nov 05 - 09:35 PM (#1607771)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Brian

I actually like creamed onions. I'll see if I can clear my schedule.


17 Nov 05 - 09:39 PM (#1607775)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

You take Rt 4 (with a bit of I89 in the middle) until you get to I95 and go north. Take exit 44 to Rt 295, take exit 1 to Rt 1, and then use the rest of the directions which someone will provide in a PM if you're serious. Snow?! Are people in VT that scared of snow in Nov?

If you go south on 88, there will be less of a chance of snow - especially if you take the shortcut through Florida - but it will take you a lot longer.

17 Nov 05 - 09:41 PM (#1607779)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's

Keep in mind, the Second Annual New Year's Eve Song Circle is next. Between Kendall and Jacqui and me there will be beds. Come on, Peter. Don't wimp out on us.

18 Nov 05 - 07:06 AM (#1608019)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: John MacKenzie

Don't forget to bring your banjo!
G ☺

18 Nov 05 - 07:28 AM (#1608036)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,catsPHiddle@work

Wish we could be there...I'll be there in spirit...or in the spirits!!

18 Nov 05 - 07:41 AM (#1608042)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Bat Goddess

Argh! Not enough time!

We may or may not be there -- depending on when and how much time we need to get a new window installed. Tom has off the day after Thanksgiving. I, however, not only have to work, but depending on how close I am to having the magazine prepped for the printer with a day off for Thanksgiving, may have to put in some hours on Saturday, too.

The good news is Tom's put in a window just like this one last year, so now knows how to do it. The bad news is I'll have to move the plant that at Nottingham.


(See you Turkey Day and probably New Years.)

18 Nov 05 - 08:40 AM (#1608081)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Micca

For a moment then I thought it was "Song of Songs" at Sinsulls, with all that trhat might imply!!!!! wish we could be there, the last one was such FUN!!! still, "sometime again" Micca

18 Nov 05 - 08:43 AM (#1608085)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

We'll be there!

18 Nov 05 - 08:44 AM (#1608086)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

Mid chuck and all who are interested, you must come!

18 Nov 05 - 08:58 AM (#1608092)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble


We're not sure we can gear ourselves up for this one, but let's discuss it some more at the Press Room this Saturday.

Charley and JudyB

18 Nov 05 - 09:22 AM (#1608113)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: ranger1

Count me in, Mary. Will there be edibles besides turkey and creamed onions? I may be able to talk Jason into coming, but who knows.

18 Nov 05 - 11:34 AM (#1608236)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's

Possibly a baked ham and a crabmeat appetiser. And of course whatever leftovers arrive. My theory is that turkey leftovers are far superior to the dinner itself. Sandwiches layered with sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, turkey, mayo, etc. YUM!

18 Nov 05 - 05:25 PM (#1608447)
Subject: RE: Son of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: ranger1

Ooh, ham! I'll definitely be there now!

18 Nov 05 - 06:42 PM (#1608498)
Subject: RE: Snog of Song Circle at SINSULL's

Who keeps screwing around with the title of this thread???? Where's Shambles? I need his advice!

18 Nov 05 - 07:21 PM (#1608537)
Subject: RE: Snog of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Brian


v : snuggle and lie in a position where one person faces the back of the others [syn: smooch, spoon]

18 Nov 05 - 07:32 PM (#1608546)
Subject: RE: Snog of Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Leadfingers

What a shame there are three thousand miles of Atlantic in the way Mary ! One day I hope to make one of your 'circles' - The session I did get to was NOT a proper one , was it ?

18 Nov 05 - 08:20 PM (#1608575)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

I can bring wine. Did y'all enjoy the Wild Irish Rose, or should I try some Ripple or... Boonesfarm has some really cool sounding wines. For example, Boone's Farm "Tropical, "Strawberry Hill" (my favorite, and if you're having a wine and cheese party, it goes great with a nice mellow Velveeta), "Sun Peak Peach," "Snow Creek Berry," "Krazy Kumquat", or "Chokecherry Cha-Cha."

Actually, in late summer of 2004, I was inspired by the Rumkopftpftp (or whatever) thread and started throwing fruit and rum in a plastic container. I DID read the comments about light, so I kept the plastic container in a paper bag in a cabinet I don't tend to open much. Perhaps I can find a way to transport it up there. Hell - it could probably drive itself, but would likely get arrested.

18 Nov 05 - 09:53 PM (#1608619)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

Plastic??? Isn't that supposed to be done in glass? Has it ballooned up in the process?

Oh goody! Jeri's coming. Ripple, Velveeta and toxic fruit.

Next time, lead.

Hey Brian. I thought you were doing a SOng Circle. What happened?


18 Nov 05 - 10:13 PM (#1608628)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

Ballooned up? Rum and sugar and fruit? The fruit gets more rum flavored and the rum gets more fruit favored, but mostly everthing just lies there. No ballooning. If anything around here balloons, it's me.

I'm going to make a real effort to get there. Tom needs a window. I need a door, but it's not an emergency at the moment.

19 Nov 05 - 11:25 AM (#1608931)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: KathWestra

Hey Mary,
I'm gonna try. Got a spare bed? My trip to VT for turkey day looks like it's off, so turkey and friends on Sat. sound like a necessity. I'll bring something yummy to share. DEFINITELY make the creamed onions--one of my faves!

19 Nov 05 - 02:52 PM (#1609017)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

I hear that Sinsull's creamed onions are to die forLOL

19 Nov 05 - 05:09 PM (#1609107)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: ranger1

Only if they have Bernaise sauce on them.

19 Nov 05 - 05:27 PM (#1609118)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

Go to hell, Kendall!

20 Nov 05 - 07:31 AM (#1609367)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

That should have read, die FROM.

20 Nov 05 - 08:33 PM (#1609782)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

Have fun, gang. We're going to relax up here on the Kennebec, open up a can of saradines, pop some Rolling Rock, and party at home.

Charley Noble

20 Nov 05 - 09:53 PM (#1609855)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

In the 70s, a group of chemists at Pfizer Drug had a tradition. On January 2, upon returning from holiday break, they would put some fermentable substrate (mind you, they produced penicillen at the time), something alcoholic and a layer of fresh fruit. Easch month they added a new layer of fruit - cherries, pears, peaches, berries, etc. It was beautiful...and vented to prevent an explosion. By Christmas it was ready to break open and start over.

Always a bed for you, Kath. Hope the weather cooperates. Snowe is predicted for Wednesday and thursday but I haven't heard how much.


21 Nov 05 - 07:34 AM (#1610099)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

Senator Snowe? Wow!

21 Nov 05 - 10:18 AM (#1610190)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

I liked you better when you were cranky. Knock off the happy quips or I will put you on a calling list for undeveloped properties in the Cayman Islands.

21 Nov 05 - 09:19 PM (#1610758)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

Turkey was on sale and too big to fit in the freezer. Come hungry.
Who's in?
Kendall & Jacqui
Tami and Jason
Kath Westra
Jeri (maybe)
Tom and Linn (maybe)
The 'Chucks (maybe)
Deborah and tom (locals)

Please come. I hate turkey soup.

21 Nov 05 - 11:48 PM (#1610875)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Fred

I was the interloper from the Press Room last session. Gonna try and make it this Saturday.

22 Nov 05 - 08:00 AM (#1611056)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Bat Goddess

We're pretty definitely not going to make it. Way too much (including installing that window) to get done around the house. Sigh.

We'll talk about it more at Thanksgiving.


22 Nov 05 - 08:48 AM (#1611098)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

PM anyone but me for directions. Kendall is probably best.
SINS, directionally impaired and proud of it.

22 Nov 05 - 09:00 AM (#1611108)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: John MacKenzie

Excuse me officer, but can you please dirct me to the nearest available banjo player?
Did it strike you like it did me that Kendal seems happier now he's further away?

I'll get my coat

Giok ☺

22 Nov 05 - 09:03 AM (#1611112)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Be very careful or I will Nair your hair next time you visit!

22 Nov 05 - 05:41 PM (#1611509)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: ranger1

I'm out. Stupid family obligations!

22 Nov 05 - 06:18 PM (#1611528)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

Tammy, I'm sure your family would be VERY hurt to hear you calling them stupid!

Kath, I really hope you can make it! Chucks too-- listen guys, it's FREE FOOD! (Plus music and drinkables and SINSULL's paying for the heating fuel

SINS, let me know if you want my mom's recipe for turkey croquettes. for the leftovers, including turkey AND stuffing. You fry them (can probably spray them with a bit of oil and bake as you just have to brown their little crumb jackets) and then dump gravy on and they are to die for. They freeze well, too.

22 Nov 05 - 06:25 PM (#1611531)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

I'll take that Jeri. I love croquettes.

22 Nov 05 - 06:36 PM (#1611538)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: John MacKenzie

Little crumb jackets??? Sheesh!!
G ☺

23 Nov 05 - 09:32 AM (#1611918)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: KathWestra

I'll definitely be there. (Jacqui, this is your big chance to bring the necklace & earrings!)

Jeri, we're gonna need that recipe. SINSULL told me the turkey weighs 28 pounds!!

SINSULL and I had a conversation last night about my potential culinary contributions to the feast (basically, the collection of interesting sounding recipes I've cut out recently and would like to make for friends), and settled on two: cranberry conserve and leek/corn pudding. I will also make the Survivors Breakfast, since QueenBatGoddess has abdicated (boo hoo!), and our SINSULL has confessed (big surprise) to not being the morning person that I am.

Kendall, I'll definitely be in touch to get reliable directions from I-295 South. See everyone on Saturday!

Tami: boo hoo! stupid family (obligations), indeed! I'd been looking forward to seeing you (and hearing you sing) again! Boo hoo.

23 Nov 05 - 09:40 AM (#1611926)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

Jack "Doc Rogers, a fiddler, will be there too. Now all I need is a banjo player.

23 Nov 05 - 10:26 AM (#1611960)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: John MacKenzie

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
Giok ☺

23 Nov 05 - 04:03 PM (#1612248)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

Kathy, I sent directions via PM

What a feast this will be! I haven't eaten a coquette in years.

23 Nov 05 - 04:14 PM (#1612263)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: John MacKenzie

Oh dear you are in trouble Cap'n!

23 Nov 05 - 06:03 PM (#1612355)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

Giok, the little crumb jackets are easy. The tiny won-ton bow ties are a real bitch to tie.

23 Nov 05 - 06:53 PM (#1612404)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: John MacKenzie

I do good wanton me!

24 Nov 05 - 12:06 PM (#1612897)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

You are all sick! Happy Thanksgiving.

25 Nov 05 - 04:04 PM (#1613753)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

So...beds for Kathy and Jeri only?

25 Nov 05 - 04:36 PM (#1613765)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

I could bring my banjo, but I play for the other team. Well, I sit on the bench a lot, but if I did play... you know.

I promise not to make too many gross comments.

Mom's Turkey Croquette Recipe:

Grind leftover turkey together with dressing
Add enough white sauce (thick) to make particles adhere
Chill overnight [I don't like this part. Chill until you can roll them without having them smoosh and stick]
Roll in egg beated with 1 Tblsp cold water, then in bread or cracker crumbs
Fry in deep fat at 325° (F) until golden brown

After that, stick 'em on a plate and make croquette soup with the gravy. [I like gravy.]

25 Nov 05 - 04:49 PM (#1613775)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

"I promise not to make too many gross comments."


25 Nov 05 - 04:55 PM (#1613776)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

Wow! that recipe sounds like the croquettes are better tasting than the coquetts!

25 Nov 05 - 05:55 PM (#1613811)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

I miss them. I never cook turkey, so I never have leftovers. The last time I had Mom's croquettes was quite a while before Mom died. I have an anxiety thing since, when I was 3, I cut off part of my finger in the grinder when Mom was making these. She threw the mixture out. I remember I was extremely pissed off because I wasn't going to get any croquettes that year. Little kids have different priorites, and different little kids have some fairly bizarre ones.

One of these years, I'm going to make the full dinner, freeze some of the bad boys and eat 'em all year.

25 Nov 05 - 06:19 PM (#1613825)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: karen k

Those sound really good, Jeri. Sure wish I could be there but I'll be spending the weekend with Patons. Mary, say hi to Kathy for me. Happy belated Thanksgiving to all of you.


26 Nov 05 - 03:54 PM (#1614243)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

HelloOoo? Any signs of life?

26 Nov 05 - 06:05 PM (#1614314)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

Kath Westra just arrived and is mucking about in the kitchen. Bobbie has a cold and cancelled.
So????let the games begin!

26 Nov 05 - 11:50 PM (#1614476)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

WE just got back from the song circle. HAd a great time as usual.

It was nice to see both Jeri and Kath - I finally managed to unite Kath with the booty she won on the silent auction at the Getaway.

There was so much good music tonight. Can't wait for the New Year's Eve session!

27 Nov 05 - 08:26 AM (#1614621)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

I was surrounded by nice ladies. What a way to go!

27 Nov 05 - 08:33 AM (#1614626)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

By the way, the creamed onions were delicious.

27 Nov 05 - 08:35 AM (#1614629)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: John MacKenzie

You're an old roué Kendall!
G ☺

Takes one to know one they say!

27 Nov 05 - 10:08 AM (#1614669)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

The creamed onions were perfect but everyone ate Kath's corn pudding. Go figure. I had fun although it broke up early - all these people with early morning plans.
Alex and Sheena showed up - a pleasant surprise. And a Jazz fiddler named Doc who will return with an assortment of Gospel tunes. Lots of old and new songs. Jeri performed and when asked "Who wrote that?" replied "I did." every time. When is she going to put them on CD?
Kath's sweet voice was a joy. Deborah has got her lyric book together and functioning. She did some early tom Lehrer that was fun - Ricki Ticky Tin (?) Now she has to work on Tom. Jacqui ended the evning with "Let It Be Me" sung to a glowing Kendall. When will those two cease to be newlyweds?
New Year's Eve is next. Make your bed reservations early so that we have enough clean towels and sheets. Giok? It's only a short flight.

27 Nov 05 - 06:04 PM (#1614975)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble


Thanks for the update! Sure sounds like a wonderful way to share a holiday.

Yes, Jeri, should settle down and record some of her songs.

Charley Noble

28 Nov 05 - 08:02 AM (#1615374)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Bat Goddess

Tom and I will be there for New Year's -- good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise.


28 Nov 05 - 10:48 AM (#1615513)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: ranger1

Glad eveyone had a good time. Wish I could have been there.

28 Nov 05 - 11:19 AM (#1615540)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: MaineDog

Sounds like it was a good time. Sorry, I had a major gig in NH that day.
One of these times I hope to actually make it, since I really am not very far away!


28 Nov 05 - 05:58 PM (#1615818)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

Not EVERY time, Mary! I did one of somebody else's. If you don't want to worry about stepping on someone else's repertoire, write your own songs, that's what I say.

I ate the creamed onions. I ate the corn pudding. I also ate a lot of other stuff, including Jacqui's breakfast the next day. (She made breakfast for everybody, I didn't swipe her food.)

It was good to see and hear Kath again as well as others more recently seen and heard, to meet folks and to enjoy the meal and the music.

Nobody drank what I brought even though it was cream sherry and not cough syrup base, Seamus did not fart (much) and no dogs crapped in the house. There was a bull mastive lap-dog incident and a disgruntled cat, but no fights - only dirty looks. You ALL should have been there. SINSULL wouldn't have had that much leftover turysaurus.

Thanks, SINS.

28 Nov 05 - 06:28 PM (#1615847)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at SINSULL's

Favorite moment? Jeri and Kath harmonizing and playing together on Sunday AM.

That turkey was an abortion. Too big for my oven. Outside singed and dry but at least the inside didn't bleed when we cut into it. But the creamed onions were perfect.