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Whitby - New Year

07 Dec 05 - 04:51 AM (#1621771)
Subject: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Who's going to Whitby for New Year, what's happening where and when. I presume the Tap & Spile will have something on under the good auspices of Jude.

07 Dec 05 - 05:30 AM (#1621788)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Charliestu

Yo Raggy!
I'll be here...but not down there. Nothing special on at the FILO 'cept usual Tuesday nights and the first Saturday of each month which will be Jan 7th.

Christmas comes but once a firkin, and when it come I'm firkin........

07 Dec 05 - 05:43 AM (#1621794)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: ossonflags

Me and Mrs.Ossonflags, Thursday Friday and Saturday,going back to Hull on the Sunday to run "Monks Walk" session.

07 Dec 05 - 06:59 AM (#1621823)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Aelfleda

YYes, the usual stuff happening. Treasure Hunt (assuming Jim & Ken get it sorted). A choice of fancy dress for new year's eve - Goths or Gardeners - & the usual singing going off other afternoons/evenings.
I'm hoping to be back in the hearing world by then. I've just had a mastoidectomy on the ear that I used to be able to hear in! The packing comes out on 22 December so I've got fingers & toes crossed that all will be back to normal! Well - as normal as they can be anyway!
See you all soon

07 Dec 05 - 07:43 AM (#1621855)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Raggytash

I really, really hope this has well for you Jude (apart from you'll be able to hear just how truly awful Jim is)

Sorry Jim, omly joking :-)

When is't treasure th'unt, I'm sure you keep moving it so I can't win again

07 Dec 05 - 09:16 AM (#1621912)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Thought you were my twusty second Sir Raggy!!!! Treasure Hunt is in hand and will be different and entertaining (we hope). Hope all goes well Jude love. Will be in touch soon.

07 Dec 05 - 12:41 PM (#1622038)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Les from Hull

Maggie and I will be there Tuesday to Tuesday. Will there be a music quiz?

All the best for your hearing, Jude. We've got everything crissed, crossed and crust too.

07 Dec 05 - 02:44 PM (#1622101)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: R. Padgett

Hey up

Booker Padgett Speake Richardson will be pulling their collective weight probably from Thursday til Tuesday am

Deakin appears to have turned into Mr Blobby so the arguments on the treasure hunt will be less heated

Hope your ops ok Jude

Cyas all

07 Dec 05 - 02:55 PM (#1622112)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: My guru always said

Would love to get along at some point & meet you all (it's about time), anyone know of any floor space available for a couple of nights before New Year?

07 Dec 05 - 03:24 PM (#1622131)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,GUEST- Old Timer

Hey Jude, hope all goes well. I can understand what your going through cause I had one of the 'ectomy things once, could hardly walk for a week afterwards !!!

08 Dec 05 - 04:13 AM (#1622536)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Aelfleda

Thanks everone!
Old Timer - are you sure it was the op that made you legless???
Raggytash - not sure when the Treasure Hunt will be - over to you Jim...
I'm assuming that Neil will do his usual brilliant stuff & organise a music quiz that I won't know any of the answers to - who are atomic kitten anyway??
For the record - I haven't had a pint for 2 weeks now -s this a record??

08 Dec 05 - 10:23 AM (#1622747)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Myself and the Good Lady Wombat will be there from Friday AM till Sunday PM

08 Dec 05 - 10:45 AM (#1622770)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: ossonflags


08 Dec 05 - 10:49 AM (#1622776)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Raggytash

At New Year Michael 30th, 31st and 1st

08 Dec 05 - 11:59 AM (#1622839)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: ossonflags

Hullo Raggy, thought you had fallen out with me !!

08 Dec 05 - 12:10 PM (#1622855)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Nat Mr Wilkes, looking forward to seeing you and the good lady Mary in 3 weeks, Black Horse back room for Cocktails

08 Dec 05 - 01:12 PM (#1622915)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: ossonflags

Sounds good to me old bean.

08 Dec 05 - 04:34 PM (#1623110)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Mrs.Duck

We'll be there from Wednesday until and if work requires or the following Wednesday whichever is the sooner.
Hope it all goes well with the earoles Jude.
Jane and geoff

09 Dec 05 - 01:11 PM (#1623686)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Raggytash

My Guru, I know where there may be a room to let, very reasonable rates PM me for phone number

09 Dec 05 - 03:08 PM (#1623800)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Mrs.Duck

Hope you can both make it Hilary. We are in a different cottage this year and don't know what space there may or may not be otherwise you'd have been more than welcome.

09 Dec 05 - 08:08 PM (#1624029)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: brid widder

We'll be there Monday to Monday... in our very own building site!!

11 Dec 05 - 05:15 AM (#1624831)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Aelfleda

Would think that the Treasure Hunt will be Thursday (if the Barnsely contingency let us know that they'll be up & ready for this by Thursday lunchtime. If not it'll be Friday. Nothing like having an organised programme is there???

11 Dec 05 - 02:32 PM (#1625100)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Old Timer

Hey Jude, is there anything happening beyond the T&S, like the Black Horse or the Endeavour over the Christmas break.
More importantly has the hearing improved any and is Wendy looking after you ok?

12 Dec 05 - 04:22 AM (#1625448)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,padgett

Hey Jude as I will be driving I will be setting off early on Thursday am and should be there by 11am, with Booker not sure about Bill although I have offered to take him, he should be there Thursday tho I'll tell him

What time for the treasure hunt then 12.30pm to 1pm start O organised one?

Malcolm Speakemouse likely to be there Wednesday, but I would nt trust him with a pencil!

12 Dec 05 - 04:54 AM (#1625467)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Aelfleda

Hello All
Hearing's gettng a bit better but not brilliant yet so am only communicating via email & text messages.
Right then - treasure hunt on Thursday about 1pm in the Tap - unless Jim says otherwise!
Old Timer - Wendy's been brill, as have all me other mates up here - really don't know what I would have done without them. Yes, I expect there will be other sessions kicking off - definitely in The Endeavour but not sure when yet - you're expecting me to be very organised aren't you - and me not having been well!

12 Dec 05 - 05:13 AM (#1625477)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: ossonflags

I will be spending a lot of time in the "Endeavour" and the "Black Horse" so summat is bound kick of in there.

12 Dec 05 - 07:54 AM (#1625523)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: My guru always said

Thanks Raggy (will PM just in case) & Jane, still hoping to get along. If I don't, have a fab time & a great New Year! Well done to all organisers!

16 Dec 05 - 04:11 AM (#1628564)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Raggytash

I don't know the lengths some people will go to, to stop me winning the treasure hunt, Jim do it Friday !

18 Dec 05 - 11:21 AM (#1629982)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Working on treasure hunt as we speak !!! Will be different and have a nice twist. Looks as though Ken might not make it and I'm on the ook out for a lift !! Any ideas ? Can't PM at the moment my cookie is down but can e-mail on

18 Dec 05 - 12:29 PM (#1630010)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Raggytash

Does this mean you may not get there till Friday ........ Yippeeeeeee

18 Dec 05 - 12:31 PM (#1630011)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Dunno yet

18 Dec 05 - 12:33 PM (#1630012)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Leraud

Pat Turner and I will be there, weather permitting. we're coming on the 28th until 31st.

Lynne Heraud

18 Dec 05 - 02:32 PM (#1630121)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Be great to see (and hear) you two again

21 Dec 05 - 04:10 AM (#1631976)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Any more details on events when and where, Jude how's the lugholes ?

21 Dec 05 - 04:53 AM (#1631987)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Aelfleda

Hiya Nick & all
Well, given that I still haven't heard from Jim (!) I've still only guessing that the treasure hunt will be Thursday. There'll also be a music quiz on Friday afternoon & lots of singing the rest of the time!
Lugs are still on strike but I get the packing out tomorrow so fingers crossed!
So pleased that Lynne & Pat are coming up - should be a good do I think!
See you all soon

21 Dec 05 - 05:57 AM (#1631995)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Jude trying to sort out a lift Thursday is ok for Treasure Hunt. May need to do a little recky.The Treasure Hunt will by bnature be slightly different this year but fun. Doesn't look like Ken can get up there for New Year cos of work shit but things is in hand. E-mail me Jude I've lost yours. Best of luck with t'ears although think of the down side it means you'll be able to hear George Clarke again !!!

21 Dec 05 - 06:55 AM (#1632013)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Old Timer

Jude, be carefull when they pull the packing out, make sure they stop before they can see daylight at t'other side. We've all got our fingers crossed for you.

21 Dec 05 - 08:07 AM (#1632046)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Best of luck with the ears Jude, fingers and all other digits crossed, see you next week

21 Dec 05 - 08:17 AM (#1632053)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Joules

Hi Jim

Tina and I are going to the Borders on Wednesday 28th. Don't mind picking you up and doing a detour to Whitby on the way if that's any help to you.

21 Dec 05 - 09:08 AM (#1632091)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Thanks Jools will bear it in mind a very kind offer.

27 Dec 05 - 08:04 AM (#1635336)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: R. Padgett

Any updates?

Is it snowing Jude; how are doing, OK I hope?

27 Dec 05 - 10:53 AM (#1635430)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: gnomad

Ray: Arrived back in Whitby, via W Yorks, about 30 mins ago. Yes it was snowing a bit, but nowt to concern a moderately competent driver, and nothing lying yet. You may get snowed in during the week, but should have no problem getting here just yet.

Expect I will see you (and many others) shortly.

Paul S

27 Dec 05 - 01:48 PM (#1635493)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: R. Padgett

Well mixed good and bad news Paul!

I dont know what the weekend forecast is, I could well be on Booker's shoulders for t'New Year

Travelling hopefully Thursday


27 Dec 05 - 04:58 PM (#1635599)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Carol

We're supposed to be on our way tomorrow but he's mumbling about the weather - we've quite a bit of snow here and it's freezing.
Bah Humbug

27 Dec 05 - 05:58 PM (#1635637)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: My guru always said

Am hoping to come up on Thursday for 2 nights but still haven't sorted accommodation - how unorganised of me! I'll have a try tomorrow - unless anyone knows of a spare room due to duff weather?

27 Dec 05 - 06:16 PM (#1635648)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Zany Mouse

Be warned - it's the ICE that's the problem around here rather than snow. We are near Junctions 30 and 31 of the M1, if that helps anyone heading up from the bleak South.


27 Dec 05 - 07:56 PM (#1635684)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Richard Atkins

Rhiannon a reply from the bleak South! Tiz warmer here. However want to go Whitby its brill .Done the 14 hour drive home on ice at minus 10 before and the same with fog. Weather rules, will decide today and hopefully book a kippage point! May All Men and Women sing!!! :>)

28 Dec 05 - 04:08 AM (#1635860)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Just heard on the news that the A169 Pickering to Whitby road is only passable if you have a 4 x 4, any local information from Whitby, I know that the Police try to prevent sightseer's by sending out such messages and that the road may well be passable if you have any nous

28 Dec 05 - 05:52 AM (#1635881)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: nutty

It said on the local news that the Whitby/Pickering A167 was closed earlier today but haven't any up to date news, but it is still snowing here (Redcar) and likely to continue for the rest of the day.

28 Dec 05 - 06:12 AM (#1635889)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Thanks Hazel, but do you mean the A169 as the A167 is to the north of you, more Newcastle way



28 Dec 05 - 06:19 AM (#1635890)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Aelfleda

Here's the update as at 11,20am - As Nick says Blue Bank (Sleights) is closed unless you've got a 4 x 4. Nothing about the 171 Scarborough Whitby road closed though so that might be an option.
Forecast is for more snow showers tomorrow but then improving by the weekend
Will post another thread is things change but the sun's shining now & the skies are blue!

28 Dec 05 - 06:27 AM (#1635892)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year

Ceefax reports Guisborough approach is cut off by snow, but Pickering & S'boro not mentioned.

AA report snow on the Pickering route, but don't elaborate.

Aaagh, just seen I'm cookiless, but its me, gnomad

28 Dec 05 - 06:35 AM (#1635896)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Aelfleda

Pickering/Whitby road now open - hurrah - see you all soon!

28 Dec 05 - 10:20 AM (#1635989)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: ossonflags

that is news of the most excellant fancy !!

See you all tomorrow one way or 'tother.

28 Dec 05 - 12:31 PM (#1636076)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: R. Padgett

Hope to set off with Booker about 9am Thursday hopefully then things clearer and snow plough/gritters may have been out

Fingers crossed ~ better weather I believe for weekend forecast

Has Malcolm turned up yet?


28 Dec 05 - 03:15 PM (#1636152)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,vectis

How're the lugs Jude?

28 Dec 05 - 05:30 PM (#1636224)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Richard Atkins

Another Southerner is going today,will be snowed in on friday then! Kippage sorted. Looking forward to seeing Ray and Booker again and Jude and . Keep it short long trip zzz

02 Jan 06 - 04:50 AM (#1639422)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Raggytash

Thanks for the treasure Hunt Jim, good to see everyone again and nice to meet Hil & Richard, it's always good to put faces to names. Jude do you want volunteers to set next years treasure hunt, it may be a tad harder than Jim's though.
Roll on Moor & Coast although we'll be up a few times before then

02 Jan 06 - 11:44 AM (#1639648)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Leraud

Pat Turner and I had a great time, but felt we weren't there long enough. It just went too quickly. It was lovely to see everyone and meet new people.

We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did.

Lynne Heraud

03 Jan 06 - 06:11 AM (#1640235)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year


03 Jan 06 - 07:47 AM (#1640270)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Leraud

Can someone please remind me what the website address is for any pics?



03 Jan 06 - 08:30 AM (#1640299)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: gnomad

Here is the photosite

03 Jan 06 - 10:57 AM (#1640359)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: R. Padgett

Happy New Year to all those who came and went and didn't stop for New Year

Weather was kind to us and good to see and catch up with people


03 Jan 06 - 03:44 PM (#1640555)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: My guru always said

Wish we could have stayed for New Year itself, but thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent with you all. Great to put faces & voices to names too! Heard some wonderful songs and singing and was made very welcome, thank you all!

03 Jan 06 - 04:15 PM (#1640580)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: Carol

Same here always enjoy it, even though
I missed the singing in the Tap on Thursday evening ('cos there wasn't any)- ended up flat on my back in the snow with Dave??!!

05 Jan 06 - 09:36 AM (#1641948)
Subject: RE: Whitby - New Year
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Good time had by all me thinks, even though the jairmans won again