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SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

15 Dec 05 - 06:45 PM (#1628299)
Subject: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

Who's in?
I am thinking of a sit down dinner followed by music 'til the wee hours. Beds available and a motor home in the driveway in case we need it or Kendall isn't fit to drive home.

15 Dec 05 - 07:11 PM (#1628318)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

Come hell or high water we will be there.

15 Dec 05 - 07:22 PM (#1628324)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble


Judy and I are willing to give it another go. We'll plan to stay over with other friends in Portland.

Will we be seeing you at the Press Room this Saturday?

Charley Noble

15 Dec 05 - 08:21 PM (#1628376)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: curmudgeon

Linn and I will be there for certain, barring a violent weayther event.

See you on Saturday -- Tom

15 Dec 05 - 08:27 PM (#1628378)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

You will see me at the Press Room...barring the damn weather!

15 Dec 05 - 08:36 PM (#1628383)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Jeri

I'm planning on it, also depending on weayther, viral infection, post-Christmas inertia, demon possession, unwilling deities or risen creeks. I've got a blow-up mattress, sleeping bag and pillow, should I need them.

15 Dec 05 - 09:22 PM (#1628421)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: ranger1

I guess I'd better come, as I have already ordered a case of Guinness for the event. I think Jason will be coming, too.

15 Dec 05 - 09:29 PM (#1628431)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: KathWestra

Count me in, and for a bed too. Thanks, Mary!

16 Dec 05 - 07:27 AM (#1628648)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Bat Goddess

Looking forward to it!


16 Dec 05 - 09:19 AM (#1628700)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

Note: To those of you who left here last time with a coating of cat hair on your butts, I apologize. I will vacuum this time AND I have secured a large supply of sticky rollers to defuzz anyone who insists on wearing black.
The Hostess

16 Dec 05 - 10:25 AM (#1628763)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Bat Goddess

People COMPLAIN about cat hair?!?

I think of it as a mulch (at least at my place) -- keeps the dust off the furniture.


16 Dec 05 - 10:46 AM (#1628793)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Jeri

I hope you don't think I was complaining! If you wear black or fuzzy material in a house with cats, you've pretty much volunteered to be a fur magnet. I also think the little hair tumbleweeds are cute. If you sprinkled some glitter on your cats before they shed, it would even be seasonally festive.

I wonder if there's a market for tinsel kitty treats...

16 Dec 05 - 10:52 AM (#1628797)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: MMario

Well - cats have been known to EAT tinsel - which causes tinsel kitty poopies - but I wouldn't say it's a treat, 'cause they usually don't seem to enjoy it that much.

16 Dec 05 - 01:39 PM (#1628913)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

No one complained, Jeri. I was just a bit embarrassed when I viewed an assortment of fuzz covered butts on people who didn't know they were fuzz covered.

Tinsel poops - the ultimate tinsel poop event at my house involved a cat producing a large round stool with imbedded tinsel. The tinsel didn't fully evacuate and said cat ran around the house with tinsel hanging out his butt and a large blob of shit on the end of the tinsel. He ran in terror from the thing that was chasing him. I had read that one does not grab at the offending tinsel lest it be caught in the intestines and result in a disebowelment. Life is never dull at my house. I managed to catch the cat and cut ogg the blob. It all came out in the end.

16 Dec 05 - 05:47 PM (#1629039)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble

"cut ogg the blob"?

What are you drinking? Your words are beginning to shlurrr!

Charley Noble

16 Dec 05 - 06:07 PM (#1629054)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Brían

Aren't pets wonderful? I have a friend whose dog ate a loaf of bread. Unfortunately, it was still in the wrapper.


16 Dec 05 - 06:41 PM (#1629095)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Jeri

SINS, I think your tinsel turd story might have been what I was thinking about.

The woman accross the street had a Bull Mastiff (a proper one which weighed about 200 lbs) swallowed rocks. Not pebbles, not stones, but rocks. Apparently, it's something that breed does. Had to have 'em surgically removed. I've also heard about bubble-gum fart bubbles, but I think that may have been an urban legend.

16 Dec 05 - 09:02 PM (#1629180)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

NO ONE...I REPEAT...NO ONE... IS TO GIVE SEAMUS BUBBLE GUM! And keep the Guinness and champagne to a minimum.

17 Dec 05 - 10:05 AM (#1629442)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Bat Goddess

You mean don't feed Seamus MUCH Guinness and champagne, right? We adults among adults can have as much as we'd like, right?

(And it's usually Kendall who feeds , uh, questionable, stuff to Seamus -- with a sly grin on his face.)


18 Dec 05 - 02:15 PM (#1630096)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

11 so far. Brian is that a "Yes"?

18 Dec 05 - 07:57 PM (#1630257)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Bat Goddess

Have Edmund and Charmion been heard from?!?

Ye gods, haven't seen them since October!


19 Dec 05 - 09:55 AM (#1630531)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: ranger1

Mary, I don't feed questionable things to pets that produce flatulence. I might get stuck having to bring them home with me!

19 Dec 05 - 10:24 AM (#1630557)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Jeri

Mary, perhaps I should bring some pickled eggs, porter, kimchee, lima bean & cauliflower surprise, or something.

19 Dec 05 - 12:06 PM (#1630615)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: kendall

Seamus loves kimchee!

19 Dec 05 - 05:00 PM (#1630766)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: GUEST,Uncle Jaque

Ya talkin REAL kimchee there, Mate?

Pulled a 13-month stint in the Land of the Morning Calm back in '68, and was starting to aquire a taste for the stuff, actually.

The way they make in in the old Country it'd burn the bark off of a birch tree with one application.
They had some interesting libations to wash it down with, too.

Ahh; the memories!

20 Dec 05 - 08:04 AM (#1631191)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Bat Goddess

Speaking of pickled and/or fermented things, traditionally I bring pickled herring in sour cream sauce on New Year's Eve -- someone else will have to bring the lutefisk!

Bring the kimchee, Jeri! Bring the kimchee!


20 Dec 05 - 09:18 AM (#1631234)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: ranger1

No, no lutefisk! Agh! I used to like you, Linn! That stuff is evil! Mary, if someone shows up with lutefisk, don't let them in!

20 Dec 05 - 09:42 AM (#1631255)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Jeri

Mmmmm...Norwewegian fish kimchee...

You can claim
You have a wish
No rotten fish
Say it ain't so

You can say
Get that outta my car
Fish in a jar
You really love it, I know

But don't forget we're all Norwegian
Someplace in our ancestry
So darlin'
Save the eyeballs for me

20 Dec 05 - 09:46 AM (#1631260)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: MMario


20 Dec 05 - 09:46 AM (#1631263)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

Ye've gotta mogo the kimchee with chopsticks, of course!

Every now and then I pull a set out just to see if I have remembered how to use 'em. A little rusty after all these years, but it's kinda like riding a bicycle...

with a 300 pound pig on the back... (estimated weight; actually seen it done on the streets of Seoul).

20 Dec 05 - 09:57 AM (#1631267)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Micca

ranger1, just thank your stars that Skarpi isnt going to be there with the Brennivin and pickled Shark!!!

20 Dec 05 - 10:04 AM (#1631272)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

That settles it. Sit down dinner. Bring booze not disgusting food.

20 Dec 05 - 10:25 AM (#1631306)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: ranger1

Disgusting is definitely the word for dried, reconstituted codfish that was preserved with lye. It's amazing I survived three years living in Norway...

26 Dec 05 - 12:45 PM (#1634969)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

11? 4 overnights?

26 Dec 05 - 01:03 PM (#1634987)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble

I was thinking about bringing some take-out from my favorite Eritrian restaurant The Asmara in Portland, assuming it's open on New Year's Eve. Otherwise I may stop by Amatos for a bucket of pasta and meatballs.

Charley Noble

26 Dec 05 - 02:39 PM (#1635056)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

I'm bringing back a big tin of English chocolates that might come with us, if the Cap'n doesn't confiscate them beforehand.

26 Dec 05 - 04:03 PM (#1635098)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: curmudgeon

This is actually Bat Goddess, not Tom, but . . .

We'll be TWO overnights (as usual). (I think we're in your talley above.)

And I WILL bring pickled herring in cream sauce even if I'm the only one who will eat it!

Jacqui, were you able to retrieve my original copy of the 3 tapes from the August sea music singaround? (I need to learn a song from them.)


26 Dec 05 - 04:10 PM (#1635102)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

I was and have them in my luggage

28 Dec 05 - 09:01 AM (#1635948)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

Linn and Tom
Kendall and Jacqui
Charlie and Judy
Deborah and Tom
Tami and Jason + Kathy
Kath Westra
Brian and?????

If you don't reserve a space you will be relegated to the children's table.

28 Dec 05 - 11:29 AM (#1636033)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: JudyB

BobBi is coming with us (or more accurately, we're coming with her). We've mentioned it to the Roll & Go gang, but haven't heard of any takers - Charlie may know more after tonight's rehearsal. And I saw Fred and Julia, and they're hoping to pop in for a bit - though it sounded as if it would be later in the evening before they're free.


28 Dec 05 - 12:19 PM (#1636063)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble

Yes, I'll remind the Roll & Go gang of the festivities when I'm with them for practice this evening.

Charley Noble

28 Dec 05 - 10:40 PM (#1636439)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble


Add Nor and Eli for the early part of the evening.

We're really bringing some firery hot lamb stew and some wimpy lamb stew with injera from the Asmara Restaurant, not enough to feed everyone but enough so everyone can have a taste. This saves $1500 on the round-trip airfare to Eritria. So make the most of it!

Charley Noble

29 Dec 05 - 09:26 AM (#1636648)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

I've got traditional British Christmas pudding to bring, and some brandy to do the traditional setting fire to it.

29 Dec 05 - 11:47 AM (#1636732)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

16 it is.
Still no word from Brian?????

I will keep appetisers to a minimum so we can nibble on Charlie's goodies. heh heh

The Plan:
Dinner for 16:
Melon and Prosciutto
Lemon Ginger Chicken
Scalloped Potatoes

Assorted Sweets
and the usual wine, beer, and whiskey

Champagne at midnight unless Jacqui and I decide to indulge early.

29 Dec 05 - 01:16 PM (#1636748)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Bat Goddess

I'm bringing the traditional herring, too. Even if I have to eat it myself. I think it counts as an appetizer.


29 Dec 05 - 01:50 PM (#1636770)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: ranger1

Make her eat it outside!

Both Jason and Kathy are waffling on me and I am ready to hit them both. I have had enough holiday dysfunction without them adding to it!

29 Dec 05 - 02:36 PM (#1636804)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: curmudgeon

29 Dec 05 - 02:38 PM (#1636807)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: curmudgeon

The mouse got away from me.

I also like herrings, especially those we're bringing which have been bathed in wine then swathed in billows of rich sour cream.

29 Dec 05 - 08:41 PM (#1637007)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Jeri

Well, I'm eating them! Ranger, you are Lobster Saviour. Surely you can overcome you herring phobia? Please let Jason and Kathy know that some whacko woman they've never met says they'll be consummate wimps if they don't show up. I made some comment in Mudcat about not being able to remember the last time I laughed until I got a cramp in my face. This nearly happended at Mary's. I just barely avoided it because face cramping has, due to age and physical issues, been replaced by nearly pissing myself at the highest level of mirth. The usual position for uncontrollable laughter involves crossed legs. Anyway, they should go. I've figured out the safest food for me to 'prepare' would be olives purchased from a decent olive bar.

I could bring the results of a rum & fruit experiment I began in 2004. Stuff tastes like ambrosia, but doesn't look terribly appealing. (After a few grapes or a couple of peach slices, you don't really care what it looks like.)

29 Dec 05 - 08:42 PM (#1637008)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

Leave them, Tami and come yourself. More champagne for us. Melon and prosciutto has been voted down so I am considering hot crab dip with fresh veggies. Fred and Julia will be here later in the evening.

29 Dec 05 - 08:49 PM (#1637016)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: curmudgeon

But I like melon and prosciutto.

29 Dec 05 - 09:04 PM (#1637030)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

I've just spoken to Mary and she's going to have a selection of appetisers, to include Linn's herring, before the main course.

Since this will be a sit down meal with a set menu I think that it might be better to bring alcohal than another main course dish.

29 Dec 05 - 09:07 PM (#1637034)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: JudyB

Aw, I haven't had melon and prosciutto in years. Oh well - sounds delicious anyway, and there'll be plenty of choices.

29 Dec 05 - 09:13 PM (#1637040)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Jeri

I hope melon and prosciutto are still being considered. If they got voted down, nobody asked me and I never got to vote. Sounds interesting, sort of like the pineapple and ham on a Hawaiian pizza.

29 Dec 05 - 10:20 PM (#1637100)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

So melon and prosciutto are back in even if Jacqui gags and coughs up pickled herring on the table. I will be sitting at the opposite end.

MEMO to SELF: Placecards!

30 Dec 05 - 10:18 AM (#1637355)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Bat Goddess

I LOVE melon and prosciutto -- I could make a full meal of it. (But I promise to leave some for others -- after all, I'll be stuffing my face with herring.)

Also looking forward to sampling Eritrean delicacies. My adventurous palate is always on the lookout for new flavors.


30 Dec 05 - 11:26 AM (#1637414)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: JudyB

THANKS, Mary!!


30 Dec 05 - 05:07 PM (#1637627)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble

Does anyone know when this soirée begins? We've been assuming around 6 pm but one never knows and if everyone else shows up at 8 pm the early birds may be marinated to the gills!

Charley Noblé

30 Dec 05 - 06:24 PM (#1637700)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

6PM as always. Dinner about 7PM with drinks (big surprise!) in advance.
Not a buffet but donations to the appetiser platter will be gratefully accepted. As will desserts.
Did anyone else notice that Burger King on Gorham Rd. is offering deserts at a sale price? I was tempted to go in and ask Gobi? Sahara?

30 Dec 05 - 07:14 PM (#1637745)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble

Thanks for confirming the time, Sinsull.

Make mine a Kalahari!

Charley Noble

30 Dec 05 - 08:00 PM (#1637780)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: ranger1

Ooh, I've always been partial to Sonora, myself. Please tell me melon and proscuitto are back on the menu and not more icky seafood/fishy type items? And Jason WILL be attending. Kathleen is still waffling. She's blaming it on poor Joey the dog.

30 Dec 05 - 11:43 PM (#1637953)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Naemanson

Sign me up for a short visit. I won't be eating or drinking though.

31 Dec 05 - 12:08 PM (#1638137)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: karen k

Wish I could be there. Have a great night and Happy New Year to all.


31 Dec 05 - 10:40 PM (#1638500)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

10.30 and we're having a great time.

SINSULL provided a wonderful meal and we have good company, which includes Gordon Bok and Carole Rohl, Bat Godess and Curmudgeon, Ranger1, Charley Noble and Judy B, Jeri and a number of non Mudacatters who are fine musicians and singers.

I've just printed off the words to Auld Lang Syne, so that we can all sing it at midnight The champagne is at the ready and we are looking forward to seeing the New Year in in style

31 Dec 05 - 11:18 PM (#1638515)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Leadfingers

I wish I was there ! had a gig tonight but did make it to another Catters place before Midnight GMT ! Seasonal thingies to you all !!

01 Jan 06 - 12:22 AM (#1638542)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: GUEST,Dani

Thinking of you all right now.

I wish you all a WONDERFUL new year!

I kicked the old one's ass right out the front door, slammed it and locked it.


01 Jan 06 - 01:02 AM (#1638567)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: GUEST,ranger1

It's after midnight and the party's still going on. I'm stuffed with SINSULL's wonderful food and somewhat dazed and in awe that I was at a New Year's Eve party with Gordon Bok. Not to mention that there was pyrotchnic pudding and brandy butter. Someone please warn me next time that it's not vanilla ice cream, okay? Jason had a good time, too.

01 Jan 06 - 05:38 AM (#1638645)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Catherine Jayne

Whoever's idea it was to phone us at 5:40 AM this morning to sing to us and wish us a happy new year....thank you, it was a lovely thought, but we can wait to get you back *Evil Grin*!!!

Glad the party went well, you all sounded in fine voice.

Happy New Year!!

Love Khatt

01 Jan 06 - 12:48 PM (#1638838)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: ranger1

I had nothing to do with that...but only because I didn't know it was going on at the time. I hate being left out!

01 Jan 06 - 12:50 PM (#1638843)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: rumanci

Good to hear some of you had fun
some of us were working !!!
Happy New Year to you all
rum xx

01 Jan 06 - 04:10 PM (#1638959)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: kendall

I had nothing to do with any of that!

You know you have had too much to drink when you get the idea that your friend wants to talk to you at 2 am, so you call him...

01 Jan 06 - 05:58 PM (#1639015)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

The dishwasher is running...AGAIN! Had to wash dishes to have something to serve breakfast on. This place is a bloody tip! Confetti appears to be a permanent condition.

Micca may never speak to me again. Khatt is sticking pins in dolls. Too much trash for my mandatory trash bin.

All in all I guess we had a good party. Thank you to all who made the evening special. And especially to Judy who this year left lyrics to an odd assortment of songs. No digital cameras or blackberrys though.

Happy New Year to all.

01 Jan 06 - 06:08 PM (#1639024)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: curmudgeon

And an especial Happy New Year and thanks to you, Mary, founder of the feast and Pearl Mesta of Folkdom for your hard work, kindness, generosity and warmth, in helping us to commence what must surely be a new and better year - Tom

01 Jan 06 - 06:19 PM (#1639033)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

And a good time was had by all....even those of us in the north country whose participation was limited to the reading of this thread!   One of these times, I'm going to get there!! Happy New Year, all!

01 Jan 06 - 06:36 PM (#1639045)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble

What a wonderful party!

More details if I ever wake up...

Charley Noble

01 Jan 06 - 07:41 PM (#1639103)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Naemanson

Well, it sounded like fun when I called them at 7:30 PM. Everyone seemed to be having a good time even though the chicken wasn't cooked yet.

01 Jan 06 - 09:13 PM (#1639191)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble


That was one fine party, and I hope you had time to enjoy some of it. There were truly amazing quanities of food, some of it conventional goodies but there was also the scallaped potatos, the marinated fish (which I usually pass on), and the Eritrian lamb stew, spicy or wimpy, with injera that I brought from the wonderful Asmara Restaurant in Portland, 51 Oak St, between Congress and Free streets (tell 'em Charley sent you!). And the steamed pudding & hard sauce, not to mention a lovely and tasty mousse (not to be confused with the moose head on the wall).

I can never have enough singing but there was lots and lots of singing and most folks were leading songs that were not within our usual sea music repertoire. I love our sea music but a change was really nice!

Kendall appeared to be having a hysterical time, and every once in a while we'd convince him to share why. I managed to prod him into telling the story of the little boy who was rescued by an out-of-stater after falling through the ice, returned to his mother, who hours later appeared at his cabin door and asked "But where are his mittens?"

Judy launced a new shanty about some mytical character named "Charley Noble." Mary led several lovely temperence songs, including "The Drunkard's Child;" but for a while I thought she'd never get through it with Kendall convulsing in hysterics. I sled "Dead Dog Cider" and got some fine chorus support. Jeri sang her "Diamond" songs which she refuses to e-mail me even after repeated requests. You would think that the huge number of songs I've sent her would get me something but, no, she values quality! Linn regaled us with "We Never Speak of Aunt Clara" and Nor and Eli led several lovely songs but I think one of my seaonal favorites has to be "Oh, Cold & Misery!"

Gordon led one of our favorite John Warner songs "Wind in a Million Leaves" with the compelling question "Must we make a desert with our own cruet hands?"

And Tami led the wonderful parody of "Will you go, Lassie, Go!"

Judy did Les Barker's "History Man," just to cheer us all up as the old year was drawing to its close. I started out with Si Kahn's "New Year Eve" tribute to burnt out organizers.

Someone else better fill in!

I bet the dogs are still hung over!

Charley Noble

01 Jan 06 - 10:35 PM (#1639246)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

I was genuinely touched by Gordon and Carole's House Blessing. And Jeri and Jacqui's Gaudey Tree.
I hope the dogs felt better than I did this AM.

02 Jan 06 - 08:29 AM (#1639520)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

I'll download the pics onto Flickr today if I can get the energy together.

I didn't have a hangover but needed to catch up with my sleep last night....

I think this counts as my best New Year ever, shared with wonderful friends and full of laughter and song.

02 Jan 06 - 09:44 AM (#1639567)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Jeri

Charley, you never asked for the song! (That I recall.) I had a copy with me I oould have given you.

Khatt, do you even have to wonder whose idea that phone call was? Sister Mary Looniepants. (Whose karma is opening chain stores in a town across the globe. There may be a 'Mary's Karma' opening near you. They're going to put the 'W' store out of business.) She was expecting a retaliatory phone call from you next morning, but perhaps any weekday will do, and will be more of a surprise.

I didn't have a hangover either, but I slept for 11 hours. Best New Year that I can remember as well. Would have liked more music and less loud talking, but that's what happens when you put champagne (and wine and scotch and...what else?) and people together. I'm sorry Kath didn't make it and Brien remained...wherever it was he remained, and other people who might have come didn't. Good to hear from Brett, on behalf of himself and Wakana, all the way from Guam.

SINSULL, thank you for the lovely gift which I almost left there. If Jacqui hadn't run out of the house and thrown it into my back seat (and run away) before I even realized what the dear girl was doing, it would have remained in your house. I shall have to look for something for you, of at least equal size and value. I may try to give you something even more speshul, but I'll be somewhat limited in choices, as I don't own a forklift.

02 Jan 06 - 01:18 PM (#1639718)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

Jeri - I was under threat that if it didn't get into your car it was going to end up in our house and, to be quite honest, we have been blessed with an abundance of the amazing gifts that SINSULL manages to find, mainly at the Christmas Tree Shop, and on sale.

I think getting that one to you probably saved the sanity of my dear husband who seems to be developing a strange sort of tic, with his eyes just going heavenward, every time another Mary present comes into the house.

02 Jan 06 - 02:56 PM (#1639790)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Tinker

Lately everytime I shop something I pass seems to call Mary's name.... don't know how long my will power will last... I knew better than to count it as a resolution It's only a matter of time.


02 Jan 06 - 03:07 PM (#1639801)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Bat Goddess

This is the first chance I've had to catch up on this thread. As soon as I was able yesterday I took a nap. (Having to take a nap the next day is definitely the sign of a good party!)

But I had , uh, adventures before I made it back to the house. I almost made it uneventfully to the deck steps, but, alas, I managed to step on glare ice hidden under the snow -- which I expected and was being quite cautious about.

But . . . my feet went out from under me and I pulled a full "State o' Mainer" (see one of Doug Coffin's "Cronies" cartoons, circa 1978) landing flat on my back, my head bouncing and hitting the driveway twice. Didn't knock me out, but I couldn't get up at the time, either. Could tell I was a bit dazed. Hollered for Tom (who had made it to the house before me) and after a few yells, he rushed out the door. I still couldn't stand, even with help, because the whole area appeared to be slick. Managed to get to my knees and crawled on my hands and knees to the steps where I could stand up. (Tom gathered up my glasses and the stuff I was carrying.)

Bit achy today -- mostly my neck and stomach muscles from trying to sit up. The thwap on the head competed with my headache yesterday, but both were gone this morning after 9 hours sleep.

I know I said this after hitting the deer and again after ending up in the ditch during the snowstorm, but I'm gonna say it again -- I'm really tired of winter!

Good thing we've got music gatherings to take our minds off of it!


02 Jan 06 - 05:32 PM (#1639883)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: GUEST,Dani

"Confetti appears to be a permanent condition."

My kinda woman....


02 Jan 06 - 05:37 PM (#1639891)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble


Anyone who leaves Mary's parties should be well armoured with pillows and a well-cushioned hard hat.

Are you sure you do not have a concussion?

We're safe at home but it's gonna be a long winter.

Charley Noble

02 Jan 06 - 06:41 PM (#1639958)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: ranger1

Gee, no one seems to have mentioned the odd, um, toys that Jacqui and Mary brought out after midnight, or the inflatable, remote-controlled, battery operated musical Santa (look out Spaw, it'll end up at your place soon enough!)

02 Jan 06 - 09:02 PM (#1640051)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

Linn - hope you're OK now. Must have been a shock!

Tinker - go for it - she deserves it, believe me!

We've been talking to our friend, Deborah, who has a big house and would be happy to host a song circle, maybe once a month, so that there could be music every fortnight. Anyone interested?

02 Jan 06 - 09:55 PM (#1640072)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: KathWestra

So sorry to have missed you all--and to have missed all the fun! Happy belated new year to all my Maine and N.H. buddies who partied extra hard on my behalf. I had a big editing project--my very first paying assignment of my newly formed business--due today at 1:00, and knew I wouldn't get it finished if I drove to Portland for NYEve. Boo hoo. But it's done, and I'm feeling moderately virtuous if not properly festive. Jeri, there's a silent auction in early May where you might unload, er, donate your gift to a good cause. Love to all, Kathy

02 Jan 06 - 10:27 PM (#1640082)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble


It's just not fair that you couldn't join us, but sometimes one just has to swallow hard and grind a project out.

See you next time around.


03 Jan 06 - 09:06 AM (#1640320)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

Ah Tinker. You are not aware of the Michael Jackson Angel of Liberty winging its way to you if I can get it to the Post Office this week.I will post a picture when I find my camera. It screams "Goddess Garden!" or would look lovely standing by a leering garden gnome. Bubba will probably think it's a fire hydrant.

Linn - that's no way to start the New Year. Are you sure you haven't done some serious damage? Sometimes it takes a few days for the swelling to go down and the real injury to appear.
SO sorry. Been there; done that.

Dani and Tinker were missed! As was the UK contingent. Giok, Micca, and Khatt - your names were mentioned more than once. Leadfinger and his banjo were missed as well.

Now - to work!

04 Jan 06 - 08:03 AM (#1641034)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Bat Goddess

I don't think so (more damage) -- It happened so fast I was pretty relaxed when I hit the ground. The "lump" on my head doesn't hurt, but I know it when I touch it.

What I DO have is minor whiplash, sort of -- my neck muscles ache. Would have been whiplash if the frozen ground hadn't kept stopping my head's bounce.

And the muscles on my stomach area from trying to sit up, etc. still let me know they're there.

Yesterday I was just so sleep-deprived I was barely functional. I woke up at 3 and couldn't get back to sleep. Spent the day just bashing out ads and hoping the phone didn't ring so I'd have to actually think. Got nine hours of sleep last night but still really tired.

Not a good weekend for others at work -- the compressor in my boss's refrigerator died and my co-worker's purse (cell phone, camera, etc.) was stolen out of her hotel room in Portland.

Gotta go to work . . .


04 Jan 06 - 08:08 AM (#1641039)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Tinker

LIberty Angel

Ahh Mary... It wouldn't be something like this would it??? I do have impressionable children still at home....


04 Jan 06 - 08:41 AM (#1641046)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: ranger1

Oh, Tink, nothing that classy! You have no idea...

04 Jan 06 - 09:21 AM (#1641070)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Naemanson

Getting back to the party talk, I had fun for the few minutes I was there.

04 Jan 06 - 09:42 AM (#1641083)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Leadfingers

That all sounds like a cracking party ! Perhaps we ought to either get a UK party to come over , or arrange something over here at New Years for you all to come over for !

04 Jan 06 - 10:31 AM (#1641109)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: kendall

Kathy my dear, it just proves the old saying, "Work is the curse of the drinking class."

04 Jan 06 - 10:35 AM (#1641113)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

I'll drink to that.

04 Jan 06 - 12:39 PM (#1641172)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Amos


There's still a little room for new residents here in San Diego. Get your application in early! Guaranteed no winter. Not in the sense you'd understand the word, anyway!


04 Jan 06 - 12:57 PM (#1641189)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Leadfingers

I recall the delight of 'Wintering' in the warm !! Managed it two years on the trot way back then !!

04 Jan 06 - 12:58 PM (#1641191)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Leadfingers

And another 100 !!

04 Jan 06 - 01:40 PM (#1641221)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: kendall

jacqui will drink to anything...

04 Jan 06 - 01:59 PM (#1641246)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

I'll drink to that!

04 Jan 06 - 10:11 PM (#1641582)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: GUEST,Dani

Is there really still room there, Amos?

I spent a too-brief fun time there years ago, and have very fond memories of working and playing. We used to take off from our downtown office cubes and go swimming at the cove in La Jolla. That'll unwind ANYthing! I never got tired of the incredible beauty of the scenery, the air, the light, the food, the.....


06 Jan 06 - 05:25 PM (#1643013)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

I finally got round to downloading the New Year photos and you can find them here

07 Jan 06 - 06:26 PM (#1643673)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c


07 Jan 06 - 10:07 PM (#1643822)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: JudyB

Nice photos - thanks, Jacqui!


07 Jan 06 - 10:11 PM (#1643828)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: Charley Noble


Thanks for posting the pics!

Now I remember what was going on...

Charley Noble

07 Jan 06 - 11:23 PM (#1643928)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

Someday you will learn to edit out the undesirables...

07 Jan 06 - 11:29 PM (#1643936)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

Which ones are you talking about Mary?

08 Jan 06 - 05:27 PM (#1644408)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle

"No Tongue!" for starters.

08 Jan 06 - 06:28 PM (#1644451)
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
From: jacqui.c

You posed for it!