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BS: Chalabi is a loser

27 Dec 05 - 11:40 AM (#1635450)
Subject: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: dianavan

Now that Chalabi has lost the election, who will the U.S. support? The Bush administration has put all of its eggs in one basket and now their 'main man' has not accomplished their goal. I wonder when Bush will realize that this is a lost cause and start minding his own business?

From the Seattle Times:

"Chalabi is regarded as both a master deal-maker and remarkable political survivor. The longtime exile and his associates played an influential role in the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein; U.S. authorities tapped Chalabi to lead a small Iraqi force in the U.S.-led invasion. But his reputation suffered from past financial scandals, and critics have charged he was always more popular with Americans than with Iraqis.

Chalabi's supporters here had hoped he would do well among exile voters who were allowed to cast ballots overseas. But results announced Monday showed he received just 0.89 percent of the "special vote," from Iraqi citizens in foreign countries, hospitals, the army and prisons."

27 Dec 05 - 02:34 PM (#1635516)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Woody

WTF are you talking about?

The US has discredit Chalabi and no longer supports him.

After convincing Congress that there were WMDs in Iraq and all kinds of crap about how easy it would be to topple Saddam, they discovered that they had been had. Now they try to blame it all on Bush.

27 Dec 05 - 05:36 PM (#1635623)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: dianavan

Chalabi may not be the favorite, now, but the occupation of Iraq was instigated by him and the U.S. was very willing to go along with it and put him in place to be their puppet.

Now who will be their puppet?

28 Dec 05 - 03:29 PM (#1636160)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: kendall

Shades of Viet Nam and Diem, and Thieu...when will we ever learn?

28 Dec 05 - 10:09 PM (#1636414)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Woody

Who else but Pinocchio? Howdy Doody is dead.

28 Dec 05 - 10:12 PM (#1636415)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: DougR

I suspect, Woody, that the Disney Organization is going to be much pissed at you. Mickey Mouse was around long before Pinocchio I believe.


28 Dec 05 - 10:23 PM (#1636426)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser

Ahhhhh, can I ask for a rfefund of any of the tax bucks I gave over gthe last 5 years that went directly into Chalibi's bank account???

Hey, what I would freraally like to see is a money back guarentee from these cjurrent batch of crooks.... yeaah, they screw lots of stuff up, waste a lot of the hard earned tax dollars I send 'um, and I have no recourse what so ever???

At least witha piece of junk toaster oven you get some kind of guarentee...

$400,000 a month down the Chalibi rat hole and I can't ask fir a refun d???

Like what's that all about???

Hery, I earned the friggin' money the hard way and I resent it being handed ovefr to this crook... Yeah, let him come work for me fir a couple weeks and learn just how hard folks work to pay these taxes and maatbe he'll have some understanding why folks like me is so pissed about my hard earned money going to this imposter....


28 Dec 05 - 11:22 PM (#1636475)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Old Guy

Yes, All that money that was allocated by Congress should be refunded by Chalabi directly to the American people.

He convinced Congress that WMDs were there amongst other things and Congress was saying Yes there are WMDs there and we must get rid of them by force. Go ahead Mr Bush and use force.

Now the same ones are saying Bush lied about WMDs

It is really easy to understand if you think normally and are not all screwed up by personal grudges.

Read Chopra and Peale.

28 Dec 05 - 11:27 PM (#1636477)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

"It is really easy to understand if you think normally and are not all screwed up by personal grudges."

And you would know about this how???

28 Dec 05 - 11:32 PM (#1636479)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Amos

Bush did lie, Old Guy. He lied through his teeth in order to support a war-mongering agenda thta was handed to him by his Good Ole Boys inner circle, who wanted Iraq long before they had 9-11 as an excuse no matter how shallow. He lied about nuclear threats "within 72 hours" from Saddam. He lied about biochemical factories. He lied about chem weapons. He lied about linking Saddam Hussein to 9-11 and al Queda. He lied about the benefits of his medical benefits program. He lied about the money he was going to spend on Katrina. He lied about the efficacy of FEMA. He has lied about every goddamn thing in the book.

You really should go back through some of the prior dialogue on the subject, though, so we don't have to drag you through all the old arguments over again.

I will tell you this, though. I appreciate you sticking to your Red Ryder guns for what you believe, no matter how misguided I think it is! :D


28 Dec 05 - 11:35 PM (#1636482)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Bobert Still in North Carolina

No, Old Guy, as per usaul you are wrong...

Chalibi convinced an allready willing war monger in Bush that WMD's existed who in turn used every PR trick in the book to bac vk Congress into a corner with a lot of lag waving and references to 9/11 to get gthe US into Iraq-mire...

BTW, did you see today where the Kurds are ready to do gthe civil war dirt deed at the drop of a pin... Yeah, Kurds in Iraqi uniforms have stated that they are ready to kill their Arab com rades within their own Iraqi battalians and to take Kirkut and bayby Mosol....

(But, Bobert, isn't this what you have predicted would happen in Iraq all along???)

Well, yeah.....

28 Dec 05 - 11:38 PM (#1636484)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

Old Guy and GUEST A are likely the same person. Don't bother with either. They add nothing at all in the way of fact. They both tend to say that whatever fact IS presented from anyone who does not hold 'their' position just isn't fact at all. 'Their' sole purpose here is to waste yer time, and 'they' are both very good at it.

28 Dec 05 - 11:42 PM (#1636491)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Amergin

Actually, Doug...Pinocchio was around a helluva lot longer than Mickey Mouse...

29 Dec 05 - 12:17 AM (#1636506)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Alphabet

Nothing to add to the thoughts above except that Bush lied.

29 Dec 05 - 03:11 AM (#1636534)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Teribus on his way to North Carolina

Good heavens, Dianavan, how could this have come to pass with the iron-tight grip the US and all those big bad western/American Oil Companies had on Iraq's Oil. A couple of weeks ago you had this man making sure Iraq's oil fields were sold off for next to nothing. Take it then that nothing came of that dire prediction

29 Dec 05 - 03:36 AM (#1636539)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: dianavan

Thats right, Teribus.

Chalabi is a loser.

BTW DougR - Mickey Mouse is not a puppet.

Puppets and cartoons are two different things.

Chalabi is a puppet.

Bush is a cartoon.

29 Dec 05 - 05:06 PM (#1636894)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I like that one Dianavan. How perfectly apposite.

One (Chalabi), an unsuccessful puppet ruler, and the other an even more inept Mickey Mouse president.

Don T.

30 Dec 05 - 08:15 AM (#1637283)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser

bobert, bobert, bobert and anyone else that beieves his crap.
Chalabi recevied his first $400 million in operating capital in 1998 as part of the Iraq Liberation Act signed into law by........can you figure it out.

30 Dec 05 - 08:23 AM (#1637287)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser

Peace, I am somewhat of an "old guy" but I am not he. (he, him, it?)

I admire some of your posts as they are very intelligent, but, you sometimes drop into that void of no information. If the truth be known, all can stumble occasionally, and do. Facts are facts and they don't have to parallel my position. They do, however, have to be fact and not simply feelings that are supported by biased information. That goes for all of us.

By the way, thanks for the previous greetings and may you and yours have a good 2006.

30 Dec 05 - 08:26 AM (#1637291)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser

....and by the way Bobert, we all travel, not just you, and I don't think the concern of where you are and what you are doing is being manifested by anyone in these hallowed halls.

30 Dec 05 - 01:40 PM (#1637497)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: dianavan

Well, well, imagine that.

Chalabi has been appointed oil minister.

He may be a loser but he is a smart loser who will gain power no matter what the price. Anyone who thinks he has fallen out of favour with the U.S. govt. should think again. The oil crisis in Iraq has been fuelled by more lies, propaganda and misuse of funds.

How could anyone trust Chalabi to fix this?

I am astounded that after lying about weapons of mass destruction, he is still considered a friend in Washington.

Could it all be a lie? Did Chalabi take the blame for false intelligence in exchange for his new found position as oil minister? Hmmm... I wonder who will be given oil contracts while he is in power?

Does anyone find it slightly suspect that although he lost the election, he has now managed to be appointed oil minister?

This is one scary and very intelligent man. He sacrificed the people of Iraq by telling a big, big lie and now controls oil production in Iraq. Sounds a bit like a new Saddam in the making.

30 Dec 05 - 08:02 PM (#1637782)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Woody

The truth according to Amos:

#1 Bush lied.

#2 If you don't believe me read #1 over and over again.

Why is Bush's approval rating rising even while under attack by the right wing?

Very Simple. Because it proves Bush is right and they are wrong.

Imagine that Dianavan was placed in a position of responsibility. Would Pinnochio do better?

30 Dec 05 - 08:21 PM (#1637797)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

Hey, Old Guy: You worry too much what people think of Bush. The history books will contain a few lines about him concerning the good he did while in office--and then that will be overshadowed by his impeachment.

30 Dec 05 - 08:39 PM (#1637815)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Bobert

Quiz for "A"...

Did the Bush administration pay Chalibi $400,000 a month of tax payers money during the mad-dash-to-invade-Iraq???



Not a clue _____

This ain't about money that Chalibi had or didn't have, A...

Answer the friggin' qiestion...

Yeah, you always accuse me of not answering yer questions though I think I've answered every one of them... In these little quizes you have not answered one of them...

... but you will go on saying that it is me that doesn't answwer the questions... I answer 'um, pal, 'cept yopu don't like the answers umless they fall in the lines of "Bush was right, Bush is God and Bush is King"... Anything short of that in yer book won't do and so you say that I don't answer the questions... I have now given you maybe 6 quizes and you won't answer any of them... And all you have to do is just check the appropriate answer???

What's that about, A??? Hey, I'm not asking you to write a "Tropic-of-Cancer-length-Teribus" answer... Just check the box... How hard can that be???

Chilibi is now somewhat responsible for the exportation of Iraqi oil, right???

How many barrels of Iraqi oil were exported last month???

1 Million barrels ___________

1/2 Million barrels _________

100,000 barrels _____________

10 barrels __________________

No barrels __________________

Don't hurt yerself, pal....


30 Dec 05 - 10:08 PM (#1637867)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Alphabet

We of the Alphabet Gang do not answer questions from leftists--because we just know that Bush is right and that he would never lie to us. He doesn't tell us and so we don't tell you. We cover our lack of answers by just not answering. It's a clever little ploy on our part.

30 Dec 05 - 10:15 PM (#1637874)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: dianavan

Bobert, one of the reasons oil production in Iraq is at an all time low is that both Halliburton and KBR have botched the reconstruction effort. Another factor is that the pipelines have been sabotaged.

Of course we are told that the pipeline was sabbotaged by those mysterious insurgents but never a word about how Halliburton and KBR have played a role in the mismanagement of reconstruction funds or the fact that the Army Corp of Engineers were incapable of doing the necessary repairs.

No wonder production is down. To compensate, the Iraqi govt. wanted to raise the price of gas to Iraqis. The oil minister objected and has now been replaced by Chalabi.

Isn't it amazing! All this time I thought that Chalabi was a puppet of the U.S. government when it seems, in fact, that Chalabi has used the U.S. government to do his dirty work and then some. For all we know, the insurgents are mercenaries paid by Chalabi. Anything is possible.

Like I said before, Bush should never have been allowed to play with the big boys. He just doesn't know how to play the game.

Why am I thinking of T. E. Lawrence?

30 Dec 05 - 10:28 PM (#1637883)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Bobert

Good point, d.... Halliburton, inspite ot T-Apologists pleas of being the "only" company in the world that could do this kind of work, hasn't been u0 to the task...

Seems that all the Hlliburton does well is overcharge the middle class taxpayers who pay disporportionately to the war effort....


p.s. Who is T.E. Lawrence???

30 Dec 05 - 11:01 PM (#1637912)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: dianavan

Lawrence of Arabia.

What would he have done? ;>)

31 Dec 05 - 12:38 AM (#1637997)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser

And there is Peace, as usual with not one thing to say. I hope the Terrorists are paying you well for the job you try to do--troll and waste time. And waste more time. And more.

Peace: you are one of those people who, given enough rope, will hang themselves every time. Here's some more rope.

My message is that Amos is driven to post to his own thread as a monument to himself. Definaltely not normal though he claims to be perfectlly normal.

Another message is that all of the stuff he cuts and pasts is drivel. It is gleaned from avery Anti Bush source he can find. Then he proclaims it is the truth.

The truth is that Amos is an anarchist trying to influence others to be anarchists.

The problem is when you ask an anarchist what should be done, they have no idea of what is right, they only know what is wrong. Hence they don't know right from wrong.

31 Dec 05 - 12:42 AM (#1638002)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

". . . they only know what is wrong. Hence they don't know right from wrong."

You dolt, you just said they know what's wrong. Therefore, whatever ain't wrong is right. You gotta start thinking before you post this tripe. Don't go with your first thought. Ya ain't been doin' too good with that strategy so far.

31 Dec 05 - 12:53 AM (#1638011)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Old Guy

Need some more rope? I got plenty.

You can call me names all you want. It just makes your kneejerk reactions seem dumber.

31 Dec 05 - 12:54 AM (#1638013)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

Coming from you, my heart is all a-twitter.

31 Dec 05 - 12:56 AM (#1638015)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Old Guy

Thanks for the compliment.

31 Dec 05 - 12:57 AM (#1638017)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

Most welcome, I'm sure.

31 Dec 05 - 02:05 PM (#1638210)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: gnu

I prefer something close to a Newfoudland Gooseberry, rather than a French Burgundy.

Pardon? Oh, excuse me. Carry on.

31 Dec 05 - 04:23 PM (#1638274)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: dianavan

Woody, you say, "The US has discredit Chalabi and no longer supports him. After convincing Congress that there were WMDs in Iraq and all kinds of crap about how easy it would be to topple Saddam, they discovered that they had been had."

If that is true, why is he still in the picture? How does Chalabi, a British citizen with his own little army (backed by the CIA), convicted of fraud in Jordan (Petra bank scandal), and a big loser in the Iraqi election, manage to secure a powerful position in the new Iraqi government as director of the oil ministry?

The U.S. has not been 'had' by Chalabi. They still meet with him and they are still 'hand in glove' with the man who gave them their excuse for invading Iraq in the first place. By 'hook or by crook' the U.S. and Britain (including Chalabi) will secure their interest in controlling the extraction and distribution of Iraqi oil.

Whether or not Chalabi is still interested in creating peaceful relations between Israel and Iraq remains to be seen. It appears to me that he is indeed a double agent who is playing Iran and Israel against each other and dragging the U.S. into an all out war in the Middle East while he runs off with the cash.

I have some big questions about Chalabi and it is beyond me, why anyone would trust a known liar and a man convicted ofembezzlement. Why is it that he is able to escape public scrutiny? Why does the White House still include him in their inner circle. Have they ever pointed a finger directly at Chalabi?

Chalabi also owns the Iraqi newspapers that were paid to print U.S. propaganda.

More importantly, why are you paying for it? In total, how many of your tax dollars have gone to supporting this liar and thief? How many more tax dollars will he be getting as the oil minister of Iraq?

...and you thought the oil for food scandal was bad news.

01 Jan 06 - 01:02 PM (#1638853)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Woody


What year are you living in?

You are dredging up things that got started during the Clinton administration and were carried through into the Bush administration and were terminated by the Bush administration when Chalabi was found to be a fraud.

The bad intelligence that liberals are blaming on Bush was initiated by Chalabi and his DNC for the purposes of wheedling money from the US. He had the Clinton adminstraion Congress completely convinced there were WMDs in Iraq.

When it turned out to be a lie he was cut off. He has been on the administration's shit list since he gave secret US intelligence to Iran.

In short US good will toward Chalabi was inherited by the Bush administration from the Clinton administration, not iniated by the Bush adminsration.

Put your grudge on hold and get get some facts.

01 Jan 06 - 03:01 PM (#1638920)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Bobert

Clinton didn't cough up $400,000 a month of taxpayers money to Chalibi...

First, Bush goes and starts a war that Chalibi wants then pays the man, too???

Purdy indefensable policy...

Just facts...


01 Jan 06 - 06:07 PM (#1639023)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

Do NOT confuse him with facts, Bobert. That's a sure way to get him riled up.

01 Jan 06 - 06:29 PM (#1639043)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser

I doubt this bobert fellow could confuse anyone with facts.
But he does a good job without any.

01 Jan 06 - 08:23 PM (#1639144)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Bobert

Okay, GUEST, little quix fir ya:

Did Clinton pay Chalibi $400,000 a month of taxpayers money when he was president???

Yes _________

No __________

Has Bush paid Chalibi $400,000 a month of taxpayers money???

Yes _________

No __________

I mean, let's get real... You want to lobe yer little stink bombs over the fence from GUESTdom but when the tables are tu8rned and yoyu are asked pointed questions that have nothing to do with opinion, you chickenhawks run like a "pig froma gun"...


Keep lobing yer little stink bombs... It's all you have...


01 Jan 06 - 08:34 PM (#1639157)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

Dammit, Bobert! Stop with the embarrassing questions.

01 Jan 06 - 08:39 PM (#1639159)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

01 Jan 06 - 08:39 PM (#1639160)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Bobert

Yeah, Bruce, yer right... Seems that it takes all the fun outta being a GUEST 'round this joint when mean folks like me keep embarrassin' 'um.... Not very hospitible, is it... Heck, sooner 'er later there won't be no GUEST's comin' 'round...


01 Jan 06 - 08:40 PM (#1639162)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: michaelr

From the BBC article referenced above: "Iraqi Oil Minister Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum has been temporarily released from his post amid a dispute over the government's petrol pricing policy.
He is to be replaced for 30 days by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Chalabi."

I think the question should be "How did Chalabi get to be Deputy Prime Minister without getting any votes?"

01 Jan 06 - 09:29 PM (#1639202)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Geoduck


Here is your answer contained in some of that fact filled cut and paste that you refuse to read lest it conflicts with your warped opinions.

Yes I agree with you that reading and gathering facts before making a judgement is much harder than just making a judgement based on one's personal feelings but intelligent people take the harder path to the truth and crybabies don't take any path. They already know.

A lot of this is focused on rebutting something Dick Durbin said but it is revealing of the whole of Chalabigate.

Democratic Senator Durbin is blaming Chalabi on the Republicans. He voted in favor of the Iraq Liberation Act, passed with the total support of the Clinton administration in 1998. This act of Congress officially put Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress on the U.S. dole put more than $100 million into his coffers until he was cut off in 2004. It was during the Clinton administration, when the CIA was under leadership of James R. Woolsey, that Chalabi's group really came into its own as a Washington-based lobbyist.

The Iraqi National Congress (INC) originated as a project of the Rendon Group � a public relations firm founded by former Democratic National Committee executive John Rendon � which signed a contract with the CIA to build up the Iraqi opposition. This was under George Herbert Walker Bush but once Clinton got into office the money � and congressional support from liberals like Durbin � began to roll in, and the INC set up a formidable lobbying organization. As Jane Mayer relates in an excellent New Yorker piece:

"In 1994 and 1995, Robert Baer, the former CIA officer, met Chalabi several times in Kurdistan, in northern Iraq, an autonomous area protected from Saddam by the United States. Chalabi had established an outpost in Kurdistan. 'He was like the American Ambassador to Iraq,' Baer recalled. 'He could get to the White House and the CIA. He would move around Iraq with five or six Land Cruisers.'"

We didn't hear from Dick Durbin (or Dianavan) back then. It was okay with him (them) that the U.S. was openly proclaiming its alleged right to engage in a policy of "regime change" in Iraq � and throughout the world, including the Balkans. (Although, to his credit, he did try to limit the Kosovo war by trying to ban the introduction of ground troops.) As Baer puts it:

"Hundreds of thousands of dollars were flowing each month 'to this shadowy operator � in cars, salaries � and it was just a Potemkin village. He was reporting no intel; it was total trash. The INC's intelligence was so bad, we weren't even sending it in."

Chalabi's agenda was to convince the United States that Iraq under Saddam was "a leaking warehouse of gas, and all we had to do was light a match." And the Democrats were eager to start the conflagration, including longtime Chalabi booster Peter W. Galbraith, former ambassador to Croatia and one of the main architects of the "humanitarian" intervention in Kosovo that put in power the "Kosovo Liberation Army" � a gang of scamsters, gangsters, and thugs in every way similar to the INC. Says Galbraith:

"Chalabi is one of the smartest people I know. He figured out in the eighties that the road to Baghdad ran through Washington. He cultivated whom he needed to know. If he didn't get what he wanted from State, he went to Capitol Hill. It's a sign of being effective. It's not his fault that his strategy succeeded. It's not his fault that the Bush administration believed everything he said. Should they have? Of course not. They should have looked critically. He's not a liar; he believed the information he was purveying, and part of it was valuable. But his goal was to get the U.S. to invade Iraq."

Upon passage of the Iraq Liberation Act into law on Halloween 1998, Chalabi issued a statement, which said in part:

"Today, October 31, 1998 is a great day for the Iraqi people. Today President Clinton signed into law the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998. The American people have given their support for the end of dictatorship and for democracy in Iraq. The INC welcomes this courageous and historic action by President Clinton and thanks him for it. I will begin immediate consultations with leaders in the INC and others to work for a united response on how best to take advantage of the provisions of the Iraq Liberation Act. We will present a united front to maximize the chances of success. We look to President Clinton to support and work with a united INC to achieve our common goals."

Bill Clinton was unequivocal in his support for a change of regime in Iraq, and asked Americans to "just consider the facts":

"We have to defend our future from these predators of the 21st century. They will be all the more lethal if we allow them to build arsenals of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them."

Clinton's former CIA director, R. James Woolsey, took up the cause of Chalabi some years later, serving as a pro bono lawyer for INC members � including Aras Habib Karim, Chalabi's intelligence chief and known to be on the Iranian payroll for years. These INC members were in trouble with the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which was trying to deport them as likely Iranian agents. Woolsey said:

"Aras was known to have seriously irritated a senior CIA official who resented Aras' and Chalabi's disinclination to follow orders. It was indeed possible, Woolsey speculated, that Ali had simply been the victim of a private CIA 'jihad' against his cousin and ended up spending three years in jail."

Steve Clemons reports:

"Woolsey's client Ahmed Chalabi secured Woolsey's services in 1998 clearing from an INS detention center in Guam six Iraqi National Congress associates of Chalabi that the INS (and CIA) believed to be threats to American interests. As it turned out, the INS and CIA were right as one of the detainees, Aras Habib Karim, became Chalabi's Chief of Intelligence and was a sieve of sensitive and classified American information to Iran, now under investigation by the FBI. "

The INC propaganda machine enlisted politicians in both parties in an effort to free these "political prisoners," who were supposedly victims of CIA "persecution". Congressman David Bonior (D-Mich.), Senators Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.), Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), Trent Lott (R-Miss.), Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) participated in a campaign to "free the Guam Six" (as they were known).

The Chalabi-Aras-Iranian connection was confirmed by the Jordan last year, which, in tandem with the discovery that Chalabi had passed highly compartmentalized secret US information to the Iranians, was a pivotal factor in turning Washington against him.

If the Congress launches "phase two" of the SSCI investigation into the Bush admistration "misused" intelligence and perhaps even fabricated the rationale for war with Iraq, they are going to be investigating themselves. The Iraq Liberation Act passed the Senate unanimously.

01 Jan 06 - 09:34 PM (#1639203)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Bobert

Long cut 'n paste but no answer...

Another D- for the Duck...

Maybe you need to answer the questions in yer own words, Quackster 'cause yer post above ceratinly didn't...

Tho extra credit for its length...


01 Jan 06 - 10:21 PM (#1639234)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Geoduck

The Bobster is ducking and weaving around like a hillbily trying to avoid his once a year bathtime. His heritagee of fueds like the Hatfields and McCoys prevents him from admitting Bush, pernounced Boosh in the mountains, won twice in a row even though his fellow anarchist extremists were persuing thier god givin' civil rights to pervent it like slashin' Republican tires and cuttin' down Republican campaign signs with a chain saw.

I hope this is homey enough for the Boobert.

Did Clinton pay Chalibi $100,000 a month of taxpayers money when he was president???

Yes ______X___

No __________

Has Bush paid Chalibi $400,000 a month of taxpayers money???

Yes _________

No ________X__

I mean, let's get real... You want to lobe yer little stink bombs over the fence from GUESTdom but when the tables are tu8rned and yoyu are asked pointed questions that have nothing to do with opinion, you chickenhawks run like a "pig froma gun"...


Keep lobing yer little stink bombs... It's all you have...


01 Jan 06 - 10:30 PM (#1639241)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Bobert

Is this yer final answer, Quackster???

Ahhh, BTW, you changed some numbers.... You want to change 'um back???

01 Jan 06 - 11:10 PM (#1639267)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Geoduck

I wirked 'im out wif da wes ginny slide rool. Eny misteaks is doo too thet corntraption.

01 Jan 06 - 11:13 PM (#1639271)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: dianavan

Yes, Geoduck, Chalabi is a slippery operator. He duped Democrats and Republicans into supporting him and his INC. I was not interested in his involvement with the Dems because at that point he had not provided the false information that gave the excuse needed to occupy Iraq.

It was the Republicans, however, that continued to trust him and use his army to secure the removal of Saddam and attempted to place him as a leader in the new Iraq even after he was convicted of embezzlement in Jordan and after an FBI investigation into the of leaking top secret information to Iran.

In November of this year, the Pentagon continued to wine and dine him at the office in talks that were not widely reported in the media. The investigation by the FBI didn't seem to hamper neo-con support of this scoundrel one little bit.

His INC was not supported by enough Iraqis during the election to give him a democratically elected seat but he still managed to be appointed to very high positions in the newly formed government. In fact, he will be the man responsible for getting the oil up and running once again although another member of his family has been responsible for "protecting" the pipelines. It is because the pipelines are constantly sabbotaged and the truck drivers threatened, that the distribution has come to a grinding halt in the first place. Go figure!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that until Chalabi becomes the 'man in charge' pipeline sabbotage, threats and so-called insurgencies will plague Iraq. Once he gains power, the oil will flow directly to those he considers to be allies.

He makes the Bush administration look like the sucks that they are.

I don't like or trust Chalabi one bit and I don't believe for a minute that he cares about the Iraqi people any more than Saddam or Bush. They are all scoundrels.

Chalabi is a very intelligent but ruthless politician who is a master at playing both ends against the middle if it means there is money to be made. He does not have the support of the Iraqi people so why is the Pentagon still licking his boots?

01 Jan 06 - 11:17 PM (#1639277)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

May we come to a concensus over the spelling of lob?

lob is a verb.
lobe is a noun.

To affix a suffix to the verb, double the b and add the suffix.

02 Jan 06 - 12:26 AM (#1639325)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Geoduck


Take a big black magic Marker and black out anything related to Democrats and Clinton in my post and one can easily come to your conclusion.

But if you want the whole picture like most people withourt an agenda and you will see that the entire congress was conned by Chalabi.

When a president comes into office does he totally stop every process and program that is in place when he takes office and restart them the same day?

First of all it is impossible. Second when a new president from a different party lets an appointee stay over or a program stay in place, it is a compliment or a concession implying that his predecessor was not completely imcompetent.

It amazes me how People who voted for Clinton and Gore can blame Bush for situations he inherited because he did not end everything and restart it correctly.

Would Vice President Gore have done so? I don't think so.

Democrats have a different set of rules that they be apply to Republicans. Like if a Democrat wins they take what ever happens but if a Republican wins they say "I didn't want you to win so you must do perfect or I will raise hell and make your life miserable" They hold a grudge.

02 Jan 06 - 12:28 AM (#1639327)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

You and Old Guy with that grudge thing again.

02 Jan 06 - 12:43 AM (#1639337)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: freda underhill

this old mud thread Iraqi Puppet leader embezzled millions

is worth reading in retrospect. excerpts from an article on that thread report that Chalabi

1. was scorned by most of America's national security establishment,
2 is ostracised in the Arab world
3 has no support or poweer base in Iraq

4 is wanted in Jordan for stealing hundreds of millions of depositors' dollars from a bank he managed which collapsed


5 that Chalabi, "more than any other person", had been the key supplier of faulty intelligence to the CIA about Iraq's purported "stockpiles" of biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction.

02 Jan 06 - 12:53 AM (#1639341)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: dianavan

Geoduck - Bush has had many good opportunities to dump Chalabi since he became president - embezzlement, lies and spying.

Why then, was he back in Washington in November meeting with Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Snow, and national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley? He also gave a talk at the American Enterprise Institute.

Why would so many in the White House want to continue a relationship with a man who has little or no support in Iraq and why has the administration continued to funnel huge sums of money to him?

Is this American-style democracy?

Donuel - Can you make a cartoon showing the face of Chalabi which says, "Your tax dollars at work"?

02 Jan 06 - 01:19 AM (#1639360)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

"Why would so many in the White House want to continue a relationship with a man who has little or no support in Iraq and why has the administration continued to funnel huge sums of money to him?"

The lady has nailed it in one!

02 Jan 06 - 07:21 AM (#1639492)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser

Mr Bobert, I will give you credit for one thing even though I am not positive of it and that is you really don't fail to recognize the truth when it comes to you, you merely refuse to accept it, particulary when it would tend to refute your Anarchist points of view.

03 Jan 06 - 05:29 PM (#1640634)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

"Anarchist points of view."

You seem to misunderstand what anarchist means. Bobert is not an anarchist.

03 Jan 06 - 06:28 PM (#1640679)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

"Main Entry: an·ar·chism
Pronunciation: 'a-n&r-"ki-z&m, -"när-
Function: noun
1 : a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups
2 : the advocacy or practice of anarchistic principles"

People who vote in elections--as Bobert does--cannot be 'true' anarchists, FYI.

03 Jan 06 - 06:54 PM (#1640697)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: pdq

Actually, the Socialist and Anarchist movements were quite closely associated with each other. Both demanded huge social change and railed against the free market system (my term). On paper, one demands a huge centralized government, the other no government at all. In practice, they wanted to punish the rich and reward the is a bit about the assasination of president McKinley:

"A more dangerous element -- anarchism -- exacerbated the situation when it arrived from Europe. Anarchists brought a more radical philosophy to the scene, maintaining that any form of government exploited and oppressed the people. They believed that one way to combat government was to eliminate those in power. Since 1894, anarchists had assassinated four European leaders -- President Sadi Carnot of France, Empress Elizabeth of Austria, King Humbert of Italy, and Spanish statesman Cánovas del Castillo. In the United States, an anarchist had attacked industrialist Henry Clay Frick, in part for his role in the failed Homestead strike.

For some individuals with little or no formal education, few skills, and no hope of improvement, anarchism offered a natural outlet for their frustration. Cleveland resident Leon Czolgosz fit the profile perfectly. Poor, reclusive, and often unemployed, he had been born in Detroit to Polish parents in 1873. He left school after five and a half years and worked at various jobs and later drifted to Chicago and became interested in the socialist movement. The interest continued in Cleveland, where he took a job in the city's wire mills. Two weeks before he traveled to Buffalo, Czolgosz attended a lecture given by the nation's most notorious anarchist leader, Emma Goldman. She spoke of the struggle between the classes and why the time had come for action against government."

03 Jan 06 - 11:55 PM (#1640893)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: GUEST,Jeremiah Muskrat

Al Gore's Victory Speech

Good Evening. I would like to thank the American people, except for the ones in my home state who know me too well, for voting for me. I would also like to thank Chad in Florida and my team of airborne Lawyers who made this all possible.

I will immediately reverse all of the decisions made by my former President, Bill Clinton, even though I supported them 100% when I had to as Vice President. All acts of Congress done onder his administration are now suspended and all his appiontees are now fired.

In the next few hours I will get our government all straightened out. The con man Chalabi, who duped everybody in the former administration, including me will be immediately cut off and all monies given to his phony INC will be recalled. Bin Ladin will be captured by nightfall and we will never ever have any more terrorist attacks on American Ctitzens. Saddam Hussein will be contained in a few minutes and he will not be able to support terrorisim or murder his own people ever again.

I hate to cut it short but I have 50 years of work to do before the end of the day.

04 Jan 06 - 05:53 AM (#1640989)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser

Peace, how do you know that bobert votes?

04 Jan 06 - 10:15 AM (#1641097)
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
From: Peace

I know he votes because he says he votes.