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Bad news for Mrrzy & kids

06 Jan 06 - 05:03 PM (#1643001)
Subject: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Mrrzy

The twins' father went into the hospital last week with pneumonia and was found to have large-cell cancer in his right lung invading all three lobes (which is how he got pneumonia, one collapsed) and at least 2 tumors in his brain. They have moved him to UVA neuro (where our eldest niece died 5 years ago but not because of anything that most excellent center did wrong) and are doing more diagnostic tests there, but we don't have those results yet.
The twins are 10 now and haven't lived with their dad since they were 2, but they did spend a lot of weekends together so there has been constant contact. Any help with the realities of the parental situation here would be greatly appreciated but, and please do not be offended, I would prefer not to be proffered supernatural solutions although of course you are free to beseech your imaginary friends for help.
Thank you all.
I'm glad you're here.

06 Jan 06 - 06:00 PM (#1643037)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Azizi

Mrrzy, both of your children may have different ways of dealing with crisis and traumatic situations {including a parent's serious illness or terminal illness}. If they are readers, you may want to search out age appropriate books on cancer.

I'm wondering if the hospital has a support group for children with relatives who have cancer or other life threatening diseases. If not, are there such groups in your area? If there are such groups, I'd suggest that you check them out before enrolling your children in them or attending the groups as the philosophy/approaches the group takes may not be compatible with your children's personalities and with your and their philosophy/beliefs about life.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


06 Jan 06 - 06:23 PM (#1643046)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: GUEST,Be positive

At 10 they will have some idea of how the world wags, especially if they had a relative die 5 years ago in the same unit. In fact you might find that they are already worrying along those lines because of this previous history.
There's nothing you can do except sit them down tell them what's happening, and ask them what they need to know. Tell them the answers to everything you can, and stand by to catch them if they need it.
Sorry to hear your sad news, and I hope things are not as bad as they may seem at the moment.

06 Jan 06 - 07:10 PM (#1643049)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Mrrzy

Hi, just got the prognosis - nothing is operable, and it is short. I will look into books and support groups, and what do you think about some kind of Big Brother thing?
Songs on losing a parent?

06 Jan 06 - 07:32 PM (#1643059)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: GUEST,Be positive

Support group is what you all need, people who have gone through or are going through the same experience.
Sorry about your news.

06 Jan 06 - 07:43 PM (#1643064)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Liz the Squeak

So sorry to hear this news. Take comfort in the time you have together and be honest with the children. Take it from me, being told a half truth at the age of 9 (as I was when my brother died) does no favours at all in later life.

Take care, we're here for you.


06 Jan 06 - 07:50 PM (#1643072)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: open mike


06 Jan 06 - 08:25 PM (#1643110)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Amos

I am very sorry to hear the news, Mrz. The obvious thing in this rough passage is lots of love, repeatedly expressed, and being ready for whatever they may have to ask or say with benevolent affection.

There is a slim chance he might pull through, and I am sending wishes for it.


06 Jan 06 - 08:44 PM (#1643137)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Azizi

Mrrzy, there may be long waiting lists for a Big Brother. Besides those who sign up for this may not have the skill level/understanding of your children's particular need/situation. Not to mention that your children might view your encouraging them to interact with a Big Brother as trying to replace their dad.

Please let me share something personal- my very best girl friend died of lung and brain cancer November 12, 2004. For 31 years my girlfriend was like a sister to me. We were actually closer than I was to my twin sister. My girlfriend had two children-a daughter and a son. These children are now young adults, but when they were 12 and 11 their father died of cancer. I saw how they coped with the loss of their father in different ways-I think in some ways due to their personalities. And I can see them copying with the loss of their mother in different ways too, again I think that to some degree this is because of their personalities and the different ways that they approach life.

Mrrzy, I think it is too simplistic to say that you should expect your children to be depressed, or that they will act out in anger. It's true that some children who lose a parent do. But there could be many different ways that this lost will play out-and all of them need not be bad for the short term or the long term. For example, I'm no psychologist, but I think that one reason why my girlfriend's daughter seems to be such a social person who always wants to be surrounded by friends is partly because of her Libra nature {pardon the astrological referent} but also because she lost someone close to her and wants/needs assurance that she will be surrounded by those who care about her. However, her {Virgo} brother is much more a loner, and is much quieter by nature. He was quite angry when his father died and his mother had many difficult years with him. However, he eventually "settled down"-thanks {I think} to a large extent because of his interest and skill in sports. After his mother was diagnosed with cancer, her son became very religious-which was a surprise to us all. Her non-religious daughter seems to have had a much more difficult time accepting her mother's death-but that may be because her daughter invites others to share her grief while her son goes it alone and works through emotions and other experiences on his own. My girlfriend's daughter has participated in two support grief support groups. The son has not gone to any grief session and absolutely doesn't want to do so. IMO, it is wholey consistent with the daughter's nature to share her grief this way. In the same token, to expect the son to publicly share his grief and discuss his loss of his mother and father with strangers {or even with as close a family "member"/friend as I am} would absolutely be going against his nature.

I'm "speaking" off the cuff here, and I hope that some of what I am saying clicks for you. If not, I hope it doesn't muddy up your thinking in this difficult time. You certainly don't need that right now.

Please feel free to PM me if you'd like to talk further about this.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and all of your family.


06 Jan 06 - 08:49 PM (#1643140)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Sorcha

Mrz....just don't lie to them. Tell them he is gone and won't be back. Kids need truth. Give them lots of love and cuddles, and time with grand parents if possible.

06 Jan 06 - 09:02 PM (#1643150)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Bobert

Now listen to me 'caue if there one danged thing on the planet I know about it's dieing...

Yer ex is gonna die from this stuff and, yeah, it's gonna be hard on yer lids but, hey, talk with yer ex about getting into hospice care...

Yeah, lotta folks spend their last days fighting a disease that si gonna take 'um no matter the fight...

My late wife, Judy, was diagnosed with cancer and, yeah, she went thru all the treatments... Heck, the doctors will "treat" yer butt right into the grave...

But when things looked bad she elected to bring in hospice care and these folks allowed for the alst couple of months to be very meaningful.... She and I actually co-wrote a song topgether about her childhood and put it out on cassette and made over 100 copies and sent it out to to all her family and friends....

Yer 10 year olds will appreciate any time away from the hospital they can get get with their dad... So will dad...

Contact yer local hospice tomorrow first thing....

Bring some levl od humanity and grace to an otherwise difficult situation...

If you want to run this post off and show it to the ex, PLEASE do so...

Jusdy packed more into her last three months of life than a lottta folks pack into a life time....

Do it....


06 Jan 06 - 09:14 PM (#1643164)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: bobad

Good advice from Bobert.

06 Jan 06 - 09:18 PM (#1643167)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Ebbie

Mrrzy, as you can see, we're all here to lend you strangth and anything else that we can send to you.

In addition to Bobert's experience and sound advice, I would also like to see what Spaw has to say. I know that he and Karen have taken in foster children and judging by my own family's experience, some of these kids have had recent and devastating losses. I'm sure he has observations and ideas on what your boys can expect and how to deal with it.

I agree with Bobert about Hospice- since they are not on board focusing on the patient's recovery, they are free to devote their energies to providing comfort and just being there. My brother and my sister both had positive experience with them.

They may also have experience and advice for your kids or at least be able to direct them to the help they need.


06 Jan 06 - 09:29 PM (#1643173)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Bobert

Yeah, if I didn't mention it, hospice fols is like angels that bring such blessings to everyone....

They have lots of tarining about all kinds of situations that most folks don't have a clue about until they are faced witrh a dieing loved one...

These folks become part of yer family... They will be there for yer kids... And fir yer ex.... They'll take as much of the anxiety outta the dieing process as can possibly be done...

I promise....

Make the call tomorrow....



06 Jan 06 - 10:03 PM (#1643193)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: wysiwyg

Mrrzy, it's wonderful that your focus is on you kids and how you will deal with this, and of course my thoughts are with you all. About the kids, you really can't predict how they will be about this.... just love 'em as they show you how they are feeling. Probably the nmost important things to remember is that no matter how awful they feel or how much they try to keep that under a lid, people are actually wired to deal with loss and grief, and they are sure to take some good things from it all, at the same time they are hurting. If you help them focus on how much they love him and all the great memories, you will help them keep those good things in central focus.

But then there's you, too. You get to have feelings, too. I hope you have a safe place to curl up and feel your own feelings, and to talk about it. Trust yourself to know who that is, and tell that person what you need from them about this.

Breathe. Your kids know you love them. They will not break, and you cannot really screw up being their mom. Just love them and be yourself with them. That will be their security.


07 Jan 06 - 12:56 PM (#1643451)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: black walnut

No words to say at the moment, but didn't want to be quiet either.


07 Jan 06 - 12:57 PM (#1643453)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Mrrzy

Thanks, all; I've already talked hospice, and he seems to think it a good idea. We now have some data - Stage IV, he's out of the hospital now that they've located all the tumors (turns out he does have one on each adrenal) and there is nothing to be done about any of them, median survical with chemo is 5-15 months. I don't know the 1- and 5-year survival percentages but we should have a year or so, which I find merciful, compared to the way my dad died.
Thanks for the stories.
I am thinking of the song Warren Zevon wrote when he was dying of lung cancer about Shadows falling and running out of breath. Will look for those lyrics.

07 Jan 06 - 01:47 PM (#1643490)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids

So sorry that you and your children have to deal with this. The hospital and hospice will have suggestions for support groups. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

07 Jan 06 - 01:55 PM (#1643500)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: GUEST,Clogger

You have probbly thaught about this already but, why not get him to record each of the "kids" a personal message that they can play back when needed. Don't forget yourself eather!
My Dad died of "the big C" and I found the help given by St Annes hospice (I think it is UK only, sorry) to be more help than I can say. Write a wish list and then do as many of them as you can!
All my best!

07 Jan 06 - 02:29 PM (#1643529)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Stilly River Sage

Let's see if this goes through today:

My children were 9 and 12 when I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Two surgeries cured it, but it was shocking and alarming for all of us, my ex included. Our world suddenly became much simpler, because the nonsense with my ex just stopped. Our divorce was amicable, but it still had it's stress points, petty power plays. It doesn't make any difference that your children don't actually live with their father--he is still their father.

I could see my children acting out their fear, my 9-year-old in particular. Since my circumstance was so different (I survived) I won't go into detail about how I got past that, except to say that I played a bit of a trick on him to let him think the surgery was fairly minor (it was done vaginally, so all that showed were a couple of bandaids on my abdomen--"Did they use that Sesame Street bandaid like I asked?" as I pulled the gown aside a little to reveal a simple pink bandaid.) As time passed I was able to tell him more about the surgery. You'd be a fool to try to trick your children into believing anything but the truth in this instance, but you can be very sure that the time they spend with him is quality time for him as well as them.

Palliative care information, hospice (as recommended), and support groups/counselling will be of help to ALL of you. Just because you're divorced doesn't mean you, as the ex, can get through this any easier than if you were still married.

Good luck to all of you. If you need to talk, please PM for my (or any of our) email.


07 Jan 06 - 02:54 PM (#1643543)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: fat B****rd

Kind thoughts from Charlie S.

07 Jan 06 - 06:33 PM (#1643678)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Mrrzy

Thanks all. Here is that Warren Zevon song:

Shadows are falling and I'm running out of breath
Keep me in your heart for a while
If I leave you it doesn't mean I love you any less
Keep me in your heart for a while

/ G Gmaj7 Cadd9 G / Cadd9 - G - / :

When you get up in the morning and you see that crazy sun
Keep me in your heart for a while
There's a train leaving nightly called when all is said and done
Keep me in your heart for a while

Sha la, la-la-la, la-la-li, li, lo
Keep me in your heart for a while
Sha la, la-la-la, la-la-li, li, lo
Keep me in your heart for a while

Sometimes when you're doing simple things around the house
Maybe you'll think of me and smile
You know I'm tied to you like the buttons on your blouse
Keep me in your heart for a while

   Hold me in your thoughts, take me to your dreams
   Touch me as I fall into view
   When the winter comes keep the fires lit
   And I will be right next to you

   / Cadd9 - G/B - / A7sus4 - G - / 1st / A7sus4 - D7 - /

Engine driver's headed north to Pleasant Stream
Keep me in your heart for a while
These wheels keep turning but they're running out of steam
Keep me in your heart for a while


07 Jan 06 - 10:39 PM (#1643864)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Charley Noble


So sorry to hear of this.

The Warren Zevon song may be a good start. I would tend to look to Bob Franke for something, although some of his are really wild cards. This doesn't sound like "Thanksgiving Eve" but that song might help you.

Maybe you should write a song.

Charley Noble

08 Jan 06 - 12:15 AM (#1643965)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids

Mrzzy - My heart goes out to you and the kids. It won't be easy but remember that all things pass in time.

When my daughter was sixteen, we discovered that dad had an inoperable brain tumor. He went on a marobiotic diet and shrunk it from the size of a walnut to the size of a pea. That was 14 years ago and he's still with us. He is blind in one eye, slurs his speech a little but has exactly the same personality and still writes music.

Life is not easy but the children will surprize you with their strength, their courage and their dignity. My children have become kind and thoughtful adults. I think they owe it to their experience with human frailty.

Good luck to you all and cherish each moment.

08 Jan 06 - 04:41 PM (#1644372)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: GUEST,Dani

I'm so sorry Mrzzy. Religion or no, you will need grace and peace wherever you can find it. If it can be found here, that's great.

Let me second/third/etc. the thoughts on hospice care. They have SO MANY resources, particularly for children. They were so very helpful and kind to my girls when my mother was dying, and I wasn't able to see/know how to help myself, let alone the girls. Their care extended throughout the year AFTER her death, which is when it really counted.

Keep us posted.


08 Jan 06 - 05:19 PM (#1644405)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: CapriUni

Hugs in spirit to everyone in your circle, Mrrzy.

08 Jan 06 - 08:08 PM (#1644547)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Allan C.

Very sorry to hear this, Mrzzy. Please let him know I'll be sending good thoughts his way. And please give the boys a special hug from me.

09 Jan 06 - 12:59 AM (#1644689)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: M.Ted

I think the hospice is very important, because the kids, and you, need a way to come to terms with this situation. Our society has gotten to the point where we avoid dealing with, or even thinking about, death--and it leaves most of us unsure of what to do, to say, or even to feel when we are confronted with the inevitable.

I am not a Buddhist, but Buddhism places a lot of emphasis on preparing to deal with and accept death. There is a lot of their stuff on the web, and your thread has made me start to read a bit, and reflect on how I should start talking about this stuff with my kids.

I wish you the best, and hope that you find a positive way to deal with this very difficult situation. My thoughts and prayers are with you.Please keep us posted on what happens.


09 Jan 06 - 01:31 AM (#1644698)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: SunnySister

Mrrzy- I have nothing more to add than the very thoughtful comments posted here. Hospice has been a very important part of my family's journey through the last days of a loved one and after. I think it would be a good place to start for all of you.

Please know you and your family and ex are in my thoughts through this difficult time.


09 Jan 06 - 05:10 AM (#1644739)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: jonm

You all have my sympathy. My brother's wife died three weeks after diagnosis leaving children aged three and four.

Hospice care is a good idea - the kids were terrified of hospitals because you went in and never came out. They thought the same would happen to them on a simple trip to casualty.

However old the children are, don't lie to them. Tell them what you think they will understand then give them time to digest it and ask questions and answer those as fully and honsetly as you are able to.

Build some photographic or other recorded memories of your ex while he is still relatively OK that they can look back on. However you parted, all bets are off now and you need to be amicable and talking from the kids' viewpoint. Their memories of these last few months will be irrevocably tarnished by acrimonious disputes. They may wish to provide input into funeral arrangements.

The most important person to look after in all of this is you, Mrrzy. You are the one who the kids will depend on, now and in the future. You need rest, support, someone to talk to, cuddles etc. to keep you on the straight and narrow to be there for them. Make time for yourself and don't feel guilty about it.

09 Jan 06 - 06:02 AM (#1644756)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: gnu

Thoughts and prayers.

10 Jan 06 - 12:49 PM (#1645673)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Pseudolus

Prayers are all I have to offer...

I wish you strength.

God bless,

10 Jan 06 - 02:14 PM (#1645710)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: GUEST,leeneia

Can I share something I read in the paper?

Our paper had a story about a caseworker in Children's Hospital. She was helping a family that had had a fire. One young son had died, and another was in the hospital.

The caseworker said that she could do nothing to ease their grief over their sons. However, she could take the load of dealing with life's small issues off their shoulders. For example, the mother wanted to buy groceries, but couldn't because she didn't have her driver's license to present along with a check. So the caseworker dealt with the bureaucracy to solve that problem.

You can be the caseworker for your children. You can't ease the loss of their father. But you can help deal with other problems they face, problems they might normally handle on their own. I'm thinking of the (hypothetical) crabby teacher, the playground bully, the sport they're not good at, the lessons they don't really enjoy. Now is the time to get rid of these stresses. Also, TV, media and games which deal with violence and death. Death is no longer unreal for them.

I realize that as a Mudcatter, you control this stuff already. But you never know what might be on TV at a friend's house, etc.

Help them get enough sleep. Make sure their teachers are in the loop.

This is from my personal experience - beware of human vultures who descend at times like this, saying something like "Your father must have done something bad, because God is punishing him by giving him cancer." These will usually be kids they hardly know.

Well, if I were in your shoes, I think I would find the concept of mother-caseworker a comfort. What do you think?

10 Jan 06 - 08:41 PM (#1645942)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Mrrzy

Thank you all for your good thoughts and ideas. I will definitely be looking more into hospice stuff, and he's going to get himself declared disabled so he can get on medicaid/care, and he can apply for veteran stuff too, so we're looking into all of that. Gives us all something to do. Will look into that loony songwriter, too, Charley Noble!

11 Jan 06 - 03:41 AM (#1646133)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Ella who is Sooze


From personal experiences, it is good to be totally truthful to your children about what is happening, openess works and is the key to understanding. That's the main things you'll have to battle with, is understanding and getting the children to work through things. My family have always worked on being totally open with each other, and as a child I was told everything that was going on - even if they hadn't I was pretty astute and would have guessed something was up.

I've seen children's books over here in the UK that have stories in them about grief, loosing someone etc to make it easier to conect the facts. But children are surprising initiative and will always guess what is going on.

In my adult life I have always apreciated the openess of my parents with me about things that have happened and they encouraged open discussion after the loss of family members. That's the key I think, to keep the memory alive for them as they get older, the remember this and that. Can you get your ex to write them letters not to be opened till later? Or get the kids and their father involved in making up scrap books of photos and stuff - this is one thing that helps memories and discussions later on.

My thoughts are with you too, as well as the kids.

Take care, I hope the above helps.


11 Jan 06 - 06:44 AM (#1646192)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Joe Offer

Hi, Mrr - I wish the best for you and your family. It sounds like many of us have children who have had to deal with grief. My wife and I have been married four years now, and her son is now 16. He lost his father at the age of 7, and his stepfather at 11. That's a lot for a kid to handle, and it really affected him - still does, to a degree. For several months, he went to a weekly children's session offered by our local hospice, and I think it was very helpful. the Social Security Administration also provides support for him - I think it ends when he finishes high school.
All the best to you. I'm sure you're a wonderful mom.
-Joe Offer-

12 Jan 06 - 04:49 AM (#1646856)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: The Fooles Troupe

My sympathies. My well liked next door neighbour of 24 years has now gone, dues to widespread cancer in his back.

28 Feb 06 - 11:00 PM (#1681871)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Mrrzy

OK, this seems to be it. The nurses said "hours, not days" tonight. I'll let you know.

28 Feb 06 - 11:04 PM (#1681877)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: wysiwyg

Well, we'll be "here" thinking of you all, and we love you just as much and as strong as ever.

Try to let it just be, and roll with it, and be kind to yourself. Not just the passage-- all of it, in the days to come.


28 Feb 06 - 11:24 PM (#1681890)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: JudyB

Thoughts are with you and the rest of the family.


01 Mar 06 - 01:04 AM (#1681929)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: open mike

take a deep breath...
and treasure the memories..
thanks for sharing with us..
feel free to lean on friends, and
neighbors and this
delicate time...

01 Mar 06 - 01:44 AM (#1681933)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Stilly River Sage

Take care, and let us know what we can do to help.


01 Mar 06 - 01:49 AM (#1681934)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Azizi

Sending positive vibrations your way.


01 Mar 06 - 03:10 AM (#1681951)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids

Thinking of you Mrrzy, and wishing you strength, peace and love.


01 Mar 06 - 05:01 AM (#1681992)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: GUEST,catsPHiddle@work

Thinking of you x

01 Mar 06 - 12:25 PM (#1682364)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Wesley S

Our thoughts are with you. We know it must be a difficult time.

01 Mar 06 - 12:28 PM (#1682371)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Bert

Love and kind thoughts

from Bert & Tree

01 Mar 06 - 06:58 PM (#1682684)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: GUEST,Dani

Thinking of you and the little ones, and sending warm thoughts.

May he, and you all, find contentment, peace and light.


01 Mar 06 - 07:38 PM (#1682715)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Alba

Holding You All in my thoughts tonight.
Light, Peace and Love

01 Mar 06 - 07:42 PM (#1682719)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Janie

May you all dwell in your hearts.
May you know mercy.
May you have peace.
May you feel loving-kindness around and within you.


02 Mar 06 - 01:38 AM (#1682955)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: mg

I hope that his end is peaceful and the children know that his love for them will continue on. mg

02 Mar 06 - 01:55 AM (#1682963)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: SunnySister

Sending my best- I've wondered and kept you, your ex and your children in my thoughts and prayers. So young for your children to have to go through this. I'm so glad that have you for a mom to support them.


02 Mar 06 - 05:31 AM (#1683038)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Cllr

My thoughts are with you and the kids. Cllr

02 Mar 06 - 07:57 AM (#1683099)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: jacqui.c

Keeping you and the children in my thoughts Mrrzy.

02 Mar 06 - 08:06 AM (#1683108)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Mr Red

Not an easy thing but perhaps it is relevant to let the kids know (as if they didn't) that death is part of life and natural.

My father died when I was 9 months old - at least they had him for 10 years. Maybe you don't miss what you never had - maybe - but believe me - I would NOW have preferred to have had 10 years of memories. Rather than 36 of a grieving mother.

Life is cruel.

02 Mar 06 - 04:37 PM (#1683515)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: autolycus

Really sorry. Feeling sad and helpless. "In the midst.....". My Dad died last summer, so all my sympathy. And look after yourself, too.



02 Mar 06 - 10:48 PM (#1683901)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Mrrzy

He died in the wee hours of the night, so Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on how you want to look at it. There had been a lot of family around, and I wanted to stay but the boys really wanted to leave, so we did, and he died a few hours later while his sister, who was the one spending the night, slept. Funeral Saturday, big party afterwards, you are all welcome, PM for directions.

I'm fine. Tim is delicate, and Wil is mostly really sad. We are doing the pilgrimage go-round, tomorrow it will be the pool hall where they hung out with their dad while I wasn't looking.

02 Mar 06 - 11:03 PM (#1683913)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Bert

Your life's hard work is over
all the storms have left the sky
the sun sets in the mountains
and its time to say goodbye

you have been my own true lover
the time has come I know
you'll be part of me forever
though I have to let you go

03 Mar 06 - 08:24 AM (#1684263)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: GUEST,maryrrf

So sorry to hear this, mrrzy.

03 Mar 06 - 09:44 PM (#1684723)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Mrrzy

Thanks, all.

04 Mar 06 - 08:30 AM (#1684964)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: suzi

So very sorry.... x

04 Mar 06 - 10:10 AM (#1685012)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: gnu


04 Mar 06 - 02:49 PM (#1685167)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: GUEST,Dani

I'm so very sorry. Please let the boys know that many (I'm one) are sending them hugs, and thinking of them.

Tell them that they will ALWAYS miss their Dad, no matter what. I still do, almost every day. But the pain does lessen, and the good memories (and good for you for giving them that gift) are what truly last.


09 Mar 06 - 02:26 PM (#1689408)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Mrrzy & kids
From: Melani

I'm so sorry. At least his suffering is over.