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BS: MedicaidGate...

15 Jan 06 - 10:57 AM (#1648753)
Subject: BS: MedicaidGate...
From: Bobert

Here we go again...

With two years to try to sugar-coat a horribly planned perscription plan for our seniors and disabled it finally has gone into effect and, remember Apollo 13???

Yeah, seems that it don't work and sstates are haveing to pick up the slack...

Exactly where did the dough go???



15 Jan 06 - 11:46 AM (#1648789)
Subject: RE: BS: MedicaidGate...
From: Old Guy


You are right about one thing. Drug companys donate more to Republicans than to Democrats.

15 Jan 06 - 12:50 PM (#1648840)
Subject: RE: BS: MedicaidGate...
From: GUEST,Art

We are in the belly of that beast---and it is truly just about unendurable. To be actually sick and dealing with those bureaucracies is so stressful that any disease is compounded immeasurably.

Good people, you have no idea!!!! And count yourselves lucky that you don't!

Art Thieme

15 Jan 06 - 07:16 PM (#1649133)
Subject: RE: BS: MedicaidGate...
From: leftydee

This is ridiculous that in 2006 we need to discuss this. Universal health care should be the right of every American. If this policy had been enacted years ago our major corporations, that are now floundering under the weight of health care cost issues, would be healthy (or so they say). The AMA, drug companies and all others that oppose universal health care are letting their greed get in the way of a prosperous and healthy America. Shame on them!

15 Jan 06 - 08:54 PM (#1649191)
Subject: RE: BS: MedicaidGate...
From: Bobert

Well, thankee Old Guy, fir the chart but that's just the tip of the iceburg...

The pharmeacudical companies funnel tens of millionms thru 501(c)'s that go purdy much 100% to attack ads against Dems and pro_Repub ads...

This is totally unregulated soft money... And it's the big bucks...

That, leftydee, has a lot to do with why we don't have national health care in the uS... Every policy in the uS is "For Sale" and the health industry is making the big bucks right now and they like things just the way there are...

Lobbiest for the drug companies wrote most of the Medicaid perscription program that the Repubs voted in... Heck, there was one Repub. Congressman, I forget his name now but can find it out if called to do so, who wa strongarmed by the Repubs in the House and threatened that if he didn't vote for the package that the would work against his son, who was running for something at the time...

This was a bad pice of legislation and now it's looking wevn worse...

Welcome to Boss Hog's America where policy goes to the highest bidder...


15 Jan 06 - 10:02 PM (#1649239)
Subject: RE: BS: MedicaidGate...
From: Old Guy

So are the lobbyists at fault??

Damn right. Get rid of ALL lobbyists and make the practice illegal.

Make all of these things the people's choice and not which organization or business sector can amass the most money.

Some people say lobbying does some good but I do not see how it can do any good except to sway politicians to vote based on something other than what the people want.

15 Jan 06 - 10:29 PM (#1649261)
Subject: RE: BS: MedicaidGate...
From: Bobert

No, just put it out there as to who is rally paying for ads... If the drug companies spend $10M in atack ads against Keer I think the American people should eb trusted to know who paid for those ads and not be led to think they were sponsored and paid for by the Council for American Family Values or some other BS organiszation whiich is just a check writter for the drug companies...

But that ain't happening... The Americna people, who are way too busy trying to make ends meet, see that American Family Values thing and then go back to work.... or shopping....

This the the largest loophole in campaign finacing and McCain couldn't care less about it because almost 100%m if not the entire 100%, goes to supporting Repubs....

We're not talkin' ten million here but upwrads of $100M in any one campaign cycle... This makes the Dem's 527's llok like radside lemon-aide stands...


16 Jan 06 - 08:31 AM (#1649468)
Subject: RE: BS: MedicaidGate...
From: Bobert

Looks as if even Stingy Arnold is having to cough up an additional $80M to thrown into the states Medicaid program for cover meds that the fed's aren't... Some 30 states have allready had to act quicky to keep folks from loosing their meds...

And if folks think this is criminal wiat until the now-you're-covered-now-you're-not "doughnut hole" kicks in...

Tell ya what, when the smoke clears you're gonna find that the reason this program was qwritten to be so cumbersome and complicated that even the folks administareing it don't have a clue is because in the long run it will be just another redistribution of wealth from the average working class stiff to the wealthy drug copmpanies and their stock holders...


16 Jan 06 - 11:44 AM (#1649558)
Subject: RE: BS: MedicaidGate...
From: leftydee

That's what all this nonsense is about Bobert. The whole conservative agenda is about shoveling all the money upstairs. Completely dominating a society that has no middle class is easy.