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G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk

23 Jan 06 - 08:58 AM (#1654110)
Subject: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: George Papavgeris

Radio Britfolk, in their wisdom and in their series "Tracing the influences" are airing a 55-min programme on yours truly. And before someone asks the question: No, it did not involve testing for drug traces.

Anyway - you can listen here:
Tracing The Influences - George Papavgeris

23 Jan 06 - 09:57 AM (#1654144)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: breezy

well the original link is working for me.

'popping on a plane after the CD launch' like it

Very informative and interesting.

Ta for that

Now why werent you there last night?

u going to Maidenhead for Mike S on Thursday

See ya soon

and by the way ,   did you know , that ,

they are only watermelon seeds ?

next stop, Seaford

25 Jan 06 - 04:23 AM (#1655270)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: George Papavgeris

as Sir jOhn would have said.

25 Jan 06 - 10:47 AM (#1655473)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: YorkshireYankee

Good on ya, George! Have tried to check it out, but neither format will play on my machine (Mac -- still on OS 9... maybe my software is too old?)

25 Jan 06 - 11:31 AM (#1655507)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: George Papavgeris

Yes, I understand some earlier Macs have a problem with RadioBritfolk.

25 Jan 06 - 11:34 AM (#1655509)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: John MacKenzie

This Mac had no problem at all, very enjoyable George.

26 Jan 06 - 12:30 PM (#1656034)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: robinia

Thank you, thank you, El Greko, for giving me a link to Radio Britfolk that WORKS! At the beginning of the month another mudcatter turned me on to this neat station -- and then, all of a sudden, the link stopped working (on my Mac, OS 10.4 yet!). According to the error message, it was something to do with an unspecified MIME type, which experts at the Seattle computerstore understood -- but they couldn't raise the station either, so I figured I was stuck until Radio Britfolk's own Mac expert came back. (Last heard from, she was "off to get married, woo hoo"). And then you come along. Hooray!

Now for one more minor miracle; can anyone fill in a few murky words for "The Boatie rows"? It's one of the songs I heard magically sung on Britfolk, and I now have CMR's (trio of three women) gem of a CD. But I'm still missing a few bits of meaning, I'll put down what I think I have:

The boatie sails and the boatie rows
They set their sail, and they haul their taws (???)
Hush a ba ba, my puir wee lamb,
thy feyther is coming awa' frae fran (???)

The sheep they baa, and the craws they craa
They flap their wings, and they flee awa.
Hush a ba ba, my puir wee flea (??)
Thy dad'll be coming wi' shells tae dee (today??)

The burnie rins, and the burnie rows,
The lambs they dance oer the heather coes (knowes??)
Hush a ba ba, my treasure dear,
Thee'll niver tae hurt ye when ma is near (????)

The laverock lifts, and he sings to a'
The winter comes wi' the cold and sna'
Hush a ba ba, my puir wee floor, (flower, no?)
Lang Willie is lying ahint the door.

The mist it burns (?) and the kye comes hame
Wi' labors doon (?) and ???
Hush a ba ba, my puir wee ??
He covers us a' wi' his holy wing.

----You can see I need help here!

26 Jan 06 - 12:58 PM (#1656056)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: robinia

Hey I just got this phonetic transcription via Dick Greenhouse (and C Robson). It answers some questions and still leaves some unanswered ....

Da boatie sails an da boatie rowes
Dey set dir sails and dey hail dir towes
Hush a baa-baa, me peerie lamb,
Da faider is comin awa fae fram.

Da sheep dey baa, and da craas dey craa,
Dey flap dir wings an dey flee awa,
Hush a baa-baa, me peerie flee,
Aald Daa'll be comin wi shalls ta dee.

Da burnie rins an da burnie rowes,
Da lambs dey dance ower da hedder-cowes
Hush a baa-baa, me treasure dear,
Dey'll naebody hurt dee whin Mam is near.

Da laverick lifts and he sings tae aa,
Da Winter comes wi da caald an snaa,
Hush a baa-baa, me peerie flooer,
Lang willie is löin ahint da door.

Da mares dey böl an da kye comes hame,
We lay wis doon in da Gödie's name,
Hush a baa-baa, me peerie ting,
He covers wis aa wi His holy wing.

Da boatie sails an da boatie rowes
Dey set dir sails and dey hail dir towes
Hush a baa-baa, me peerie lamb,
Da faider is comin awa fae fram.

26 Jan 06 - 03:24 PM (#1656096)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: treewind

Why not go to their website where all three email addresses are published and ask them, instead of speculating.
Specifically Moira as it's her song - I'm sure she'd be delighted to know that someone was showing so much interest.


26 Jan 06 - 03:49 PM (#1656123)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: The Fooles Troupe


Good to see that you are now influencing the traces.

26 Jan 06 - 04:44 PM (#1656177)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: Willa

learnt this at Whitby from CMR - a beautiful song.
hail der towes- haul their halyards
faider- father
awa fae fram- from a long way away
hedder-cowes- large clumps of heather
laverick- lark
ahint- behind
bol - bawl

Hope this helps

26 Jan 06 - 04:49 PM (#1656182)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: Willa

Sorry about the thread drift, George. I'll go and log onto Britfolk now!

Robinia look here for a glossary

26 Jan 06 - 05:19 PM (#1656190)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: Lizzie Cornish

Thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it George! I've listened twice so far!

Took me to lots of places and you taught me yet more new names. Pete Atkin amongst them:

I've put a longer reply over on the Radio 2 board's 'Radio Britfolk' thread:

Thanks heaps for doing it!

Lizzie :0)

27 Jan 06 - 02:54 PM (#1656621)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: alanabit

It's a good interview and an entertaining show. I am going to join Lizzie Cornish in recommending it.

27 Jan 06 - 02:57 PM (#1656626)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: George Papavgeris

Thanks Alan.

You have until Sunday night, before it goes into the Archives (which you can still access if you are a member, of course)

27 Jan 06 - 11:35 PM (#1656832)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: JennyO

Hi George. I just listened to it all the way through, to whet my appetite for your visit downunder in April. I can hardly wait!

I feel especially lucky, as we are having George AND Cloudstreet at my folk club on the 9th April. What an afternoon that will be! Then of course there will be the National!


28 Jan 06 - 12:32 AM (#1656849)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: Pauline L

George, that's great news. I will listen to the show just as soon as I figure out how to get the audio working on my computer again.

28 Jan 06 - 12:41 AM (#1656854)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: KT

Waahhh! I can't get it. I'll keep trying though.

04 Feb 06 - 08:16 PM (#1661779)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: Pauline L

George, I've got audio now, but there is another problem. I followed your link and got to a page with the right name, but there were big red Xs over the links to the audio clips. Have they archived your show already? Is there some other way that I can hear it?

05 Feb 06 - 04:14 AM (#1661970)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: Singing Referee

Shows are archived each week, you have to join to get at the archive. It only costs £2 per week, well worth it! Click the "Join" link on the left of the Home page.

05 Feb 06 - 10:00 AM (#1662101)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: breezy

maybe El G will make it available as a CD

Is that possible George me old bubb?

Fancy being 'archived' when you're still alive !!!

how was Seafood /

05 Feb 06 - 10:10 AM (#1662112)
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
From: George Papavgeris

Seafood was great, but I'll be glad to go to Bedworth (Wed).
I don't have a copy of the interview myself, it's the property of RadioBritfolk - I couldn't put it out as a CD on my own.