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BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...

05 Feb 06 - 07:28 PM (#1662473)
Subject: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk

Have enemies on this forum? Want to drive them nuts? It's simple. Agree with them. Agree with everything they say from now on. If everyone did this, eventually they would get bored and go away.

I'm not saying it's easy, but if we could all just get organized and all do it simultaneously it could really be fun.

05 Feb 06 - 07:34 PM (#1662481)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: number 6

I agree with everything ..... the problem is that no one agrees with me.


05 Feb 06 - 07:34 PM (#1662482)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Cluin

With a little steeering wheel.

Though why you think you'd get anywhere worthwhile is beyond me.

05 Feb 06 - 07:37 PM (#1662486)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk

You're all absolutey right.

05 Feb 06 - 07:39 PM (#1662489)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: number 6

Your just saying that L.H. ... you don't really mean it.


05 Feb 06 - 07:40 PM (#1662490)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk

Again, I have to agree... ;-)

05 Feb 06 - 07:42 PM (#1662491)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: number 6

Your jiving me man !!

You act just like every other f'n Canadian.


05 Feb 06 - 07:43 PM (#1662493)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk

Yes, that's what we're like, eh?

05 Feb 06 - 07:46 PM (#1662497)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: GUEST,Wartballs the Elder

I do understand your point old boy. Agree entirely.

05 Feb 06 - 07:46 PM (#1662498)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Cluin

Boy, when you're right, you're right.

05 Feb 06 - 07:48 PM (#1662500)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...

I couldn't agree more.

05 Feb 06 - 07:49 PM (#1662501)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Once Famous

Your ass sucks buttermilk. Agreed?

05 Feb 06 - 07:50 PM (#1662503)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: frogprince


05 Feb 06 - 07:50 PM (#1662504)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: number 6

even when your wrong you right ... L.H. you are right when your even wrong .... I like this 'cause there will no longer be the need to correct a right when your wrong!!

Yeah, you are really onto to something here!



05 Feb 06 - 07:50 PM (#1662505)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: GUEST,Wartballs the Elder

Absolutely, Martin. And good it is, too.

05 Feb 06 - 07:51 PM (#1662506)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Cluin

He does, given the chance. But he prefers oats.

05 Feb 06 - 07:54 PM (#1662512)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: GUEST,Would anyone care to scratch me warts?

05 Feb 06 - 07:55 PM (#1662513)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...

Speaking of driving your enemies nuts,

Start out by driving his Volkswagen.

05 Feb 06 - 07:58 PM (#1662517)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk

In order to drive, first insert ignition key and turn. Listen for sound of engine starting. Then grasp wheel firmly, depress gas pedal, and steer in the desired direction.

05 Feb 06 - 07:59 PM (#1662519)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

But if you agree with your enemies to drive them nuts, won't your friends think you've turned into a total asshole, begin hating your guts and thus become a whole new set of enemies?

05 Feb 06 - 08:00 PM (#1662520)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Beer

Agree with you as well L.H.

05 Feb 06 - 08:01 PM (#1662522)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...

I agree with BWL and Beer.

05 Feb 06 - 08:04 PM (#1662529)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

And when your enemy says you should surrender your wealth, women, children and homes, you meekly reply ok.... I dont think so mate....

05 Feb 06 - 08:06 PM (#1662531)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Cluin

Is this like turning the other cheek?

Cause I assumed that was so the enemy was distracted from seeing the sucker punch coming his way.

05 Feb 06 - 08:07 PM (#1662533)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: GUEST,dame judith kneesup

My kind of folk hurray and hurray again. Neddy agrees too.

05 Feb 06 - 08:08 PM (#1662538)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: artbrooks

As a semi-liberal, philo-semetic historian and bibliophile, I cannot but agree with everything...and, in those rare instances that I do not, I support the right of others to believe what they wish.

05 Feb 06 - 08:11 PM (#1662542)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk

Dave, you are SO right! Brilliant comment.

(I meant ON this forum, mate....not out there in the hard, dangerous world!)

Bee-dub - Yes. That's why we have to all agree to do it at the same time.

05 Feb 06 - 08:46 PM (#1662583)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Janie

So...les'see. If I agree with you, it means I consider you my enemy. Then, the more I agree, the bigger a twit I think you are.

THEREFORE: If I disagree with you, it follows thatI consider you my friend. The more I disagree with you, the more you might assume I like and respect you!



Bobert and Martin are best friends;')


05 Feb 06 - 08:50 PM (#1662589)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Once Famous


Talk about pretzel logic.

05 Feb 06 - 08:52 PM (#1662590)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk

Bobert and Martin have nothing but respect and adoration for each other. As do we all. That's what this forum is all about, eh?

05 Feb 06 - 08:52 PM (#1662591)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Cluin

That's some catch, that Catch 22.

05 Feb 06 - 08:56 PM (#1662592)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Once Famous

Speak for yourself, LH

I have no respect for a babbling idiot who pretends he's a black blues singer and tries to write like one.

05 Feb 06 - 10:50 PM (#1662600)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: number 6

Wasn't that you today L.H. standing down in Champlain Park burning a Danish Flag .. in the middle of a snowstorm at that?


05 Feb 06 - 10:52 PM (#1662603)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: wysiwyg

All I know is, LH has turned his other cheek to me. Thank God! I was getting orful tired of looking at the other one!

Can anyone agree with me on which one is cuter?


05 Feb 06 - 10:53 PM (#1662604)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Amos

You missed the boat on that one. Bobert does not pretend to be a black blues singer, and he writes, in jest, like a white hillbilly, not like a black blues singer. You got a pretty tine ear for a musician, there, Martin. But of course I agree with you.


05 Feb 06 - 10:54 PM (#1662606)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: wysiwyg

.... but he'll have to drive his nuts without me! :~)

Don't they generally steer themselves wherever they wish to go, anyhow?


05 Feb 06 - 11:35 PM (#1662623)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Bert

Hey, I've got FRIENDS on this forum that I don't agree with.

05 Feb 06 - 11:54 PM (#1662628)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Kaleea

Since I'm in the radical center, I've been doin' that for years to avoid confrontation. Using mm hmm & humor are usually good for dealing with zealots.

oh, uh huh. mm hmm.

06 Feb 06 - 12:01 AM (#1662635)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk

My nuts were driving ME for years. Still do sometimes. Mostly driving me crazy. They led me into some of the worst mistakes I have ever made in my life!

6 - That wasn't me. It was Shane. He's down here doing research on dumb girls. He heard that Orillia girls are not too quick on the uptake, and thought he might get lucky here. He didn't, though, so he's burning flags in protest. I think. It's hard to tell exactly what goes through Shane's mind sometimes.

Martin - You can't mean that. Bobert assures me that you and he are like brothers. ;-)

06 Feb 06 - 08:47 AM (#1662760)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: jacqui.c

LH - I'm glad we're not enemies, otherwise I would have to agree with you that Shatner is The Man!

06 Feb 06 - 11:29 AM (#1662853)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Ebbie

Beaming here- it is so nice to agree with everyone. Happy day.

06 Feb 06 - 12:03 PM (#1662871)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Janie

Ey up!


06 Feb 06 - 12:05 PM (#1662873)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: GUEST,number 6

Shane's a moron L.H. ..... I certainly hope you don't hang out with him. You have some standards to uphold.


06 Feb 06 - 12:23 PM (#1662888)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk

That's true, but he makes an interesting character study if you are studying the decline and fall of western civilization.

06 Feb 06 - 12:25 PM (#1662890)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Amos

BEtter to battle against it than sit around with your finger in dark places studying it.


06 Feb 06 - 12:32 PM (#1662897)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk're saying I should punch Shane out? Or try to reform him?


Have you ever tried to persuade a dog not to roll in shit?

06 Feb 06 - 02:42 PM (#1662993)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Dave the Gnome

I don't think I would like to drive my enemies nuts. Cut them off, yes. Drive them, no.

BTW - Do you know what causes most driving accidents? The nut holding the wheel:-)



06 Feb 06 - 09:03 PM (#1663352)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Cluin're saying I should punch Shane out?

Don't hurt yourself.

07 Feb 06 - 12:40 AM (#1663503)
Subject: RE: BS: How best to drive your enemies nuts...
From: Little Hawk

Thanks for that thought.