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BS: My sons are employed!

06 Feb 06 - 05:19 PM (#1663118)
Subject: BS: My sons are employed!
From: Hollowfox

My oldest just started working today at Borders Bookstore, a Big Step Up from his career at McDonalds. And my middle kid was hired yesterday (started today!) at the Asian Chow food joint in the mall. He's been job hunting for months, so we're both delighted. I don't often get this much good news in such big doses, and I just had to share the news.

06 Feb 06 - 05:23 PM (#1663122)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
From: Amos

Well done to ya!! And them.

Some interesting lessons ahead!


06 Feb 06 - 05:23 PM (#1663123)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
From: Janie

Great news!

Way to go, youngin's!


06 Feb 06 - 09:06 PM (#1663357)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!

Buskers Make Better Bucks

06 Feb 06 - 09:21 PM (#1663371)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
From: wysiwyg

GREAT news. And not bad on the employee discount front, either!


Tell 'em I'm very proud.


07 Feb 06 - 11:30 AM (#1663868)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
From: GUEST,bbc at work

You're one up on me. Hearty congratulations! See you at Old Songs.



07 Feb 06 - 02:10 PM (#1663964)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
From: katlaughing

Congrats to you and them!!

08 Feb 06 - 08:22 AM (#1664181)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
From: The PA

Employment, lucky you. My son is due to go on one weeks work experience in July this year. He wants to do anything connected with film, television, photography, media, video. He has written 30 letters, made 12 phone calls and sent literally dozens of e.mails. In reply he's had just 2 phone calls saying they cant help him. All the rest have simply ignored his enquiries. I think this is absolutely disgraceful. What a way to treat a 15 year old who's trying so hard.

08 Feb 06 - 11:13 AM (#1664233)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!

Single and employed???? Does either one of them play the banjo?
Congratulations, Ms. Fox. It is a good feeling isn't it?

08 Feb 06 - 12:29 PM (#1664299)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!

congrats !

08 Feb 06 - 06:05 PM (#1664610)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
From: Hollowfox

No, no banjo playing. Both of them want to grow up to be starving artists, I think. We're all relieved, as I have been supportive and nagging at the same time. If it were too comfortable just to stay with Mom....(well, I'd probably plant an axe between somebody's ears, and then I'd have to bury him/them in the woods out back, and then there's the blood to clean up) it's better that they go off with my blessing to push their fortunes. Dan graduated from high school last June, and he's been hunting ever since, so I didn't give him too much grief, really.
PA, I'm sorry to hear that the powers that be are so uncooperative. Could it be his age that's a problem for them, perhaps because of child labor laws?

09 Feb 06 - 04:29 AM (#1665040)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
From: The PA

Here in the UK work experience placements for 15 year olds are quite the usual thing. Its only for a week, just to see what its like in the big wide world. I think the fundamental problem is that all the schools in the area do their work experience week at the same time so plaecements go really fast. However this cannot excuse the appaling bad manners in not replying, how long does it take to pick up the phone, send an e.mail, never mind putting a few words on paper. Luckily my brother has a recording studio so we may still be in luck.

10 Feb 06 - 12:31 AM (#1665780)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
From: LadyJean

I will remark that both excellent young men have been assisting me in my booth at Pensic for years. They are a great help putting up shelves, sorting books, and, of course publicizing our comic books. (We put a small chair by the bookracks for readers. They read. They laugh out loud. This brings business.)
Of course their real talent lies in mouse delivery. One of my fellow vendors and I had a small feud for years. I bought rubber mice, and sent agents to hide them in his booth. Hollowfox's pure souled, high minded offspring are mouse geniuses. They also did a fine job of circulating the flyers that implied he was selling obscene garden gnomes.

10 Feb 06 - 09:52 AM (#1665999)
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
From: Hollowfox

Oh thanks, LJ. I'm sure that's just what every prospective employer needs to hear about anincipient employee. *g* And let's not even talk about the nocturnal kitty litter delivery two years ago. hehehe Such helpful lads.