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BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies

08 Feb 06 - 12:28 PM (#1664297)
Subject: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: GUEST,Kath


I have just found out that I have NO oestrogen ( estrogen ). I am a woman, bye the way ! While I am waiting to see what my doc advises, I wondered if anybody knows of any alternative remedies or foods that could help.

Also, I can't seem to get much information on how this lack might be affecting me.

08 Feb 06 - 12:33 PM (#1664305)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: katlaughing

If you put in "estrogen" (US spelling) in google, there are many, many sites which come up with natural remedies for lack of estrogen.

When I went through early menopause, I took tinctures of hawthorn berry and dandelion root, about three times a day. It helped very much and I never even had to consider doing any hormone replacement therapy.

Good luck,


08 Feb 06 - 12:39 PM (#1664313)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: Janie

Yes. There is alot of information out there. But is the lack of estrogen causing problems or unpleasant symptoms? If not, why do anything?


08 Feb 06 - 02:41 PM (#1664415)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: wysiwyg


Do you have Turner's Syndrome or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

Are you of menopause age?

Trying to have children?



08 Feb 06 - 03:04 PM (#1664434)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: CarolC

If you feel you need to have some oestrogen in your body, you can get topical creams that replace oestrogen at health food stores. They work quite well. But I would recommend using a progesterone cream along with the oestrogen cream. You need progesterone even more than the oestrogen.

It's best to use the topical creams rather than using food sources, because that way, most of the oestrogen and progesterone go directly into your system and don't get eliminated by the liver as they do with food sources.

For your progesterone cream, you want one that has as its active ingredient, natural, pharmaceutical grade progesterone, and not "wild yam", and also not synthetic "progestogen"

08 Feb 06 - 03:59 PM (#1664488)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: Stilly River Sage

Seems to me your doctor is the one you should be asking these questions of. We have lots of opinions, but we aren't medical professionals.

That said, a good book with a holistic approach is Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Christiane Northrup.

The appendices have lots of good information about hormone replacement. I use those "wild yam" ones myself and think they are marvelous (they're bioidentical, not synthetic). No ovaries or uterous, so no need for progesterone.


08 Feb 06 - 03:59 PM (#1664489)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: Stilly River Sage

another british spelling, perhaps? uterus. . .

08 Feb 06 - 04:24 PM (#1664522)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: CarolC

Actually, women get quite a lot of oestrogen in their foods if they eat soy, carrots, alfalfa (as sprouts or tea), and other foods, and in the US, they also get it in dairy products, eggs, and meat (unless they use "organic" brands that are free of added hormones). So for such women, progesterone is needed to balance the oestrogen, because the progesterone produced by the body decreases as we age. Progesterone is found in some foods, but it is not anywhere near as prevalent as oestrogen in foods. Wild yam is definitely a source for progesterone, but it's not anywhere near as concentrated as the pharmaceutical grade progesterone, and therefore much less effective.

And medical doctors are the last people on earth to ask such questions of. Most of them are beholden in one way or another to the drug manufacturers and will do everything in their power to put women on drugs that are harmfull and produce undesirable side effects, and to steer women away from much more effective, less harmfull natural alternatives for hormone replacement.

08 Feb 06 - 04:34 PM (#1664528)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: CarolC

...and, also, most medical doctors don't even know about the natural alternatives.

08 Feb 06 - 07:25 PM (#1664703)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: bobad

Phytomedicine. 2002 Mar;9(2):85-92.         
    Efficacy and safety of a phytoestrogen preparation derived from Glycine max (L.) Merr in climacteric symptomatology: a multicentric, open, prospective and non-randomized trial.

    Albert A, Altabre C, Baro F, Buendia E, Cabero A, Cancelo MJ, Castelo-Branco C, Chantre P, Duran M, Haya J, Imbert P, Julia D, Lanchares JL, Llaneza P, Manubens M, Minano A, Quereda F, Ribes C, Vazquez F.

    Virgen de la Macarena Hospital, Sevilla, Spain.

    A multicentric, open, prospective, observational and no-randomized clinical trial was carried out in Spain with 190 postmenopausal women receiving a soy preparation rich in isoflavones (PHYTO SOYA, capsules containing 17.5 mg isoflavones). The main object of the present study was to investigate its efficacy in alleviating the symptomatology derived from the lack of estrogen, mainly hot flushes, but also other symptoms such as sleep disorder, anxiety, depression, vaginal dryness, loss of libido and bone pain. Each patient received 35 mg isoflavones per day in two doses. During the four months' treatment, a statistically significant decrease in the number of hot flushes with PHYTO SOYA was experienced by 80.82% women; only 5,48% patients did not improve with the treatment. The average reduction was 47.8%, which is equivalent to 4 hot flushes. All the other studied parameters also showed a statistically significant decrease. No severe side-effects were reported and tolerance was excellent. Treatment with PHYTO SOYA resulted in a significant improvement of the symptomatology that accompanies the lack of estrogen during menopause.

08 Feb 06 - 11:56 PM (#1664958)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: Stilly River Sage

My ob/gyn knew all about them. We've been tweaking the formula over the years to my great comfort. She's comfortable with patients who have done their research and want to try formulas that sound like they'll work. And I don't see anyone else out there with a prescription pad who can get this stuff for me.


09 Feb 06 - 12:24 AM (#1664976)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: CarolC

You are very lucky to have that ob/gyn. I had to find out everything for myself after many years of intense suffering. But I don't need a prescription for the stuff I use, and I've found it to be very effective.

09 Feb 06 - 05:46 AM (#1665070)
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
From: Crystal

Hi Janie,
Lack of oestrogen can cause a whole range of problems, although the worst one if you are British is osteoperosis (brittle bones, I'm not too good with spelling!). If you break your hip here a replacement is counted as "Elective surgary" (I'm not sure how it works in America) and you could be in hospital for weeks waiting for them to fix it, probably getting pressure sores because you will be have the surgary "tomorrow" for the next two weeks and so not need an air mattress!
This is a sore point with me, my grandmother died of a hospital aquired infection when she was kept waiting a week without an air mattress for a hip operation.

Lack of oestrogen can also cause depression, sexual dysfunction, and incontinance. Some sources say that Ginko Biloba extract can help, although there may be contraindications if you are taking other suppliments.