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BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

18 Feb 06 - 09:54 AM (#1671885)
Subject: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Raptor

You have been a friend to many here.

This threads for you.

We want you to stay.


18 Feb 06 - 09:55 AM (#1671886)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies

Also, Azizi, please don't go.

18 Feb 06 - 09:57 AM (#1671887)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies

It's true--Mudcat would be much the poorer without either Bruce or Azizi.

18 Feb 06 - 09:57 AM (#1671889)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Raptor

Yeah Azizi we love you too.


18 Feb 06 - 09:58 AM (#1671890)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: number 6

Peace and Azizi .. think twice, you have many more firends here than you know.


18 Feb 06 - 10:07 AM (#1671895)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: rumanci

For Peace, Azizi and all the other gooduns teetering on the brink of leaving
You are wonderful folks
Don't go far away any of you
About time this place started pulling together with a bit of teamwork and a real showing of support and friendship and yes Clinton that even includes you LOL

18 Feb 06 - 10:09 AM (#1671899)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: gnu

You got that right.

18 Feb 06 - 10:10 AM (#1671902)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: number 6

I was thinkin of packing it in early this week, it was Peace who convinced me to stay.


18 Feb 06 - 10:13 AM (#1671910)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies

The vast majority of us communicate--and even argue--without attacking each other with stupid vulgar remarks. Those of us that do communicate have to stay--and not surrender to the few idiots.

18 Feb 06 - 10:15 AM (#1671911)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: number 6

Bravo Ron ... with you on that.


18 Feb 06 - 10:25 AM (#1671922)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Beer

Rumanci........Right On.

18 Feb 06 - 10:29 AM (#1671924)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies

Sometimes I think that if we're going to stay below the line, we should all just go to the Rocky and Bullwinkle thread--you can just feel the tension ease.

18 Feb 06 - 10:38 AM (#1671929)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Oaklet

Aye, Mr Murdoch. Listen to Nige - she speaks from Bognor in East Sussex. If you want to go, then go but come back immediately 'cause from what you've written here over the years, you obviously have a lot to contribute. Making people smile can't yet be a crime anywhere, surely.

Bugger - I think the server must be down...

18 Feb 06 - 10:39 AM (#1671930)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Once Famous

No retreat. No surrender.

18 Feb 06 - 11:20 AM (#1671943)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: GUEST,jcd

Bruce and Azizi this forum needs you more than you need it right now. You are both witty and wise and too good to lose.

18 Feb 06 - 11:36 AM (#1671951)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: GUEST,mack/misophist

When people offend you, remember that every one is an asshole on some subject. Even me.

18 Feb 06 - 11:36 AM (#1671952)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Divis Sweeney

Always said the right thing at the right time. Brought me to my senses on more than one occasion. Take a few days to yourself, come back and read above posts. People enjoy your company,friendship and contributions. Now if I said I was leaving, that would receive a different response ! See you back soon Peace and you also Azizi.

18 Feb 06 - 11:39 AM (#1671957)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Amos

Geeze Louise; ya turn around for a few seconds, maybe distracted by a genuine troublemaker and badhat, and two of your best are wounded in the dust -- and by friendly fire, at that!!

I thought we didn't allow fratricide here.


18 Feb 06 - 11:42 AM (#1671960)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

For all of the women who have been stalked, harassed and are afraid to speak up I think the Mudcat could do without "Peace" for awhile.

18 Feb 06 - 11:43 AM (#1671965)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I stepped out for two weeks, just to breathe some fresh air. At first I must admit, I enjoyed a rancor-free zone. But I came back because I have too many friends in here to walk away. If the middle leaves, all that will be left will be the two poles. "And, wearing the black trunks, and weighing in at six thousand three hundred and eighty seven pounds is ..." I figured, why should I deny myself of the pleasure of the many for the sake of the few?


18 Feb 06 - 11:46 AM (#1671966)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: LilyFestre


    We're waiting on you my friend! :) Come back soon!

Even if you dont' come back here, at least check your PMs, k? I have LOTS for your professional eye to gander upon.......

Lots of love and hugs,


18 Feb 06 - 11:48 AM (#1671967)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: number 6

Hey Guest ... why not post in you real 'name' ... posting as you did (by hiding)leaves what you are saying as having no merit. This I feel is what it is all about ... Guests have no merit, they just create negative jibes without substance ... posting in your 'name' puts validity behind one's post.


18 Feb 06 - 11:53 AM (#1671970)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: vega

sIx, you want a name, here you are.

18 Feb 06 - 11:56 AM (#1671972)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: number 6

Thank you ... but I feel Vega's where pretty crappy cars, just like their Ford counterpart the Pinto.


18 Feb 06 - 11:59 AM (#1671974)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: rumanci

Exactly sIx

No merit, no substance and no responsibility taken by themselves for their own responses or contributions eh ?

and of course vindictive, personal attacks are the BIG no no round here when they're aimed at ANYBODY ??


in theory anyway

18 Feb 06 - 11:59 AM (#1671975)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hey, don't knock Pintos. I had three over a period of a few years. Wrote a song in honor of them with the lines:

"I drive an old Pinto gone long in the tooth
Known by every mechanic from here to Duluth."


18 Feb 06 - 12:01 PM (#1671979)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies

Nobody who signs just as "Guest" ever deserves any answer. There are so many of them--they even argue with each other. It's just shadowboxing--and a waste of our time. And they're mostly trolls anyway. Any "Guest" who wants to be taken seriously can get a handle--even the alphabet can--and has-- been pressed into service.

And I'm sure Brucie knows to ignore them.

18 Feb 06 - 12:03 PM (#1671982)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: number 6

OK ... Vega ... thanks sorry bout the post above ... musuderstanding on my part... good for putting that on the line.


18 Feb 06 - 12:41 PM (#1672003)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Little Hawk

One thing about leaving (as many have) can always come back at a later date. Many have done that too. Sometimes people just need a little break. To leave is not necessarily to leave forever.

18 Feb 06 - 12:51 PM (#1672010)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Bill D



18 Feb 06 - 12:59 PM (#1672018)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: wysiwyg

Bruce, or anyone else to whom this applies,

If you harassed anyone (according to their own definition of it), and failed to respect boundaries as laid out, GO.

If you used anonymity to argue with yourself in threads, GO.

If you cultivated needy people to rely on you for your own satisfaction, GO.

If you failed to respect warnings from any site administrators, GO.

ON THE OTHER HAND, if you did not-- WORK THINGS OUT WITH JOE. (Now, long before your time, I had to do that myself, so I am sharing personal experience, not preaching.)

Joe has seen it all, on the internet in general and at Mudcat in specific. He's in charge because he's the right guy to be in charge. If you aren't getting along with Joe, and you don't like the consequences, it's on YOU to seek reconciliation. That's just a fact, and it applies equally to us all.


Azizi, most of the people who you might expect to defend you in any way aren't at Mudcat often enough to see every thread, and few of us read all the threads. Many of us, in fact, just don't even look into the threads we KNOW are only going to stir up shit-- for our own mental health! If you really can't take it here anymore, that's your business; I'll respect your decision either way and wish you the best. But if you are going to decide it on the basis that people saw and failed to object to anyone mistreating you-- that would be a decision based on a misunderstanding of how Mudcat actually functions.


Kat, that was a great suggestion. But as you must know, it would just put the muck-posting on a temporary suspension during the moratorium. People would hold off doing it, just to make Joe look bad. Joe doesn't need for us to know what he knows. Max can review his decisions at any time, and that's between them.


The rest of you-- most of you posting in this thread are new enough to Mudcat not to know my own history here, so I'd suggest that you be thoughtful about exposing immature assumptions if you feel you MUST answer this post which I've addressed specifically to a few individuals, not to the community at large.


18 Feb 06 - 01:13 PM (#1672023)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies

Sorry Susan--a post like that conveys the view, warranted or not, that Mudcat is your private sandbox. Your views are reasonable--but they are your views. If they should carry more weight, we should be told why.

18 Feb 06 - 01:14 PM (#1672027)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: John MacKenzie

Vega 22 posts since Oct99, and 9 of them in threads relating to katlaughing, who is from her post in the other Troll Spotting thead not a fan of Bruce's?

18 Feb 06 - 01:15 PM (#1672028)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Bobert

Well, gol danged!!!


And I got my trainin' the same place at Dick Cheney got his... Get my drift???

So Bruce and MiziAzizi, just stay put... You don't gotta say nuthin' right now but don't make no sudden movements for the door...

(You really gonna shoot Bruce and Mizi, Bobert??? Like whad they do wrong???)

What kind of trick question is that, anyway... Stop trying to confuserate me, gol dang ed it... I gotta a gun...

(Is is loaded, Bobert???)


18 Feb 06 - 01:16 PM (#1672031)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

The rest of you-- most of you posting in this thread are new enough to Mudcat not to know my own history here, so I'd suggest that you be thoughtful about exposing immature assumptions if you feel you MUST answer this post which I've addressed specifically to a few individuals, not to the community at large.

Couldn't you have pm'ed them then?

ps. Screeching is never nice.

18 Feb 06 - 01:22 PM (#1672039)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies

Particularly your criticism of Azizi seems unwarranted. I have no idea about the other issues--but I would think we want to encourage participation by people of various different backgrounds--hence different perspectives--and different contributions. Just telling somebody who talks about a vicious racial attack that it's just "tough", "if you can't stand the heat....", etc. seems like the dead wrong approach. We, as a body of thinking individuals, can--without censorship-- in fact stand up against treatment like that she received. She should not feel she's alone in this.

18 Feb 06 - 01:52 PM (#1672064)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: katlaughing

Giok, that is because vega is my daughter. She reads a lot, but posts infrequently. The posts which you see, as her history, were from when I was in hospital last year recovering from heart surgery.

Susan, good to see more support for Joe and the thankless job he does.

18 Feb 06 - 01:58 PM (#1672071)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Once Famous

Ron Davies, you talk out of two sides of your mouth.

You are as guilty of hostility, baiting, and some real nastiness here as well as some others who think they own this place.

18 Feb 06 - 02:19 PM (#1672091)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

WYSIWYG posted: "If you harassed anyone (according to their own definition of it), and failed to respect boundaries as laid out, GO"

Does this mean you will be leaving us, Susan?

Or digging your bossy heels in even more?

18 Feb 06 - 02:21 PM (#1672093)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: GUEST,Wesley S

Well Ron - If anyone knows about "hostility, baiting, and some real nastiness" it's Martin. Maybe you should listen to him. He's the self appointed expert. Martin has spoken !!!

18 Feb 06 - 02:22 PM (#1672096)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Clinton Hammond



It won't matter one way or the other....

18 Feb 06 - 02:33 PM (#1672105)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: John MacKenzie

Well Martin as someone who at a rough guess has posted under at least 13 different names on Mudcat, I would think you would be the last one to accuse anyone else of dissembling.
    As far as I can tell, Giok, your allegation is not true. Martin Gibson posts as Martin Gibson. I don't like his combative posts at all, but it does seem that he posts under the same identity almost every single time. There's no doubt that he can be nasty, and that's why I've deleted hundreds of his posts.
    -Joe Offer-

18 Feb 06 - 03:22 PM (#1672146)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Cruiser

Perhaps the best solution is to filter out this BS section and enjoy the great music discussion above the line to the North that is the backbone of this excellent site.

The "stuff" down here is often definitely very rough and sometimes, diametrically, very good. No one should leave the whole site, just leave this "down South" (in more ways than one) section by filtering it out; just as you would filter out microbes in water you partake of.


18 Feb 06 - 03:28 PM (#1672152)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Once Famous

Giok, I have only posted as Martin Gibson. Why would I want to post as someone else? You look foolish suggesting it.

I've put my balls on the table as Martin Gibson and honked off enough that way saying what I really mean and meaning what I say.

Perhaps, as one of the self-appointed Mudcat elite clique of arrogance, it is you that doesn't want to be seen in that even phonier light as a Guest. After all, you use your real name here, which I feel is not very wise and gives you no real credibility. It's not who says it. It's what is said.

18 Feb 06 - 03:40 PM (#1672167)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: kendall

I must confess that I enjoy a good heated discussion, but when it sinks into gutter language and personal attacks, I don't enjoy it. If you can't share your thoughts and opinions without sinking into acrimony, then what you have to say is not worth reading. Swing as hard as you wish, but keep it above the belt.

18 Feb 06 - 03:44 PM (#1672172)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Clinton Hammond

"No one should leave the whole site"

People who want to leave, should leave.... It's not like they'll be missed...

18 Feb 06 - 03:44 PM (#1672174)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Cluin

Don't go away for good. Take a little break and come back after some fresh air. Do some creative stuff; flex those muscles, talk to some real people face to face. It works for me. I recommend it... and coming back.

Maybe the server will even steady out in the meantime.

18 Feb 06 - 03:52 PM (#1672191)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies


You're the unchallenged expert on smearing and vulgar attacks. I bow to your superior wisdom.

18 Feb 06 - 03:57 PM (#1672194)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Raptor

I'd miss you CH. Little Hawk would too!

Thats why we started the fan club.


18 Feb 06 - 03:59 PM (#1672197)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: SharonA

Yes, please do stick around, Peace, Brucie, Azizi, etc. I recommend what Cluin recommends! I tried it, and it works for me too.

What also works for me is that I now pop in for a visit from time to time, but not every day. When I do visit, I sometimes don't post at all. When I do post, I try not to stick around a thread long enough to get into a row with other posters -- I just say what I came to say, and then move on.

There's a wealth of interesting threads to read here; no point in raising one's own blood pressure arguing with people who play devil's advocates when one can learn something useful on another thread.

Speaking of what Cluin recommends, I've got to go talk to some real people face to face (specifically, I've got to perform MC duties at a house concert this evening). I'll be back... sometime. Hasta luego!


18 Feb 06 - 04:00 PM (#1672199)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Clinton Hammond

I wouldn't miss you....

18 Feb 06 - 04:03 PM (#1672205)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Raptor

You've hurt my feeling...

No wait... thats just a bit of gas. We're O.K.

18 Feb 06 - 04:03 PM (#1672206)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies


Particularly your attacks on Art Thieme, a talented man, and a good man (which you never try to be) and your attacks on Dick Greenhaus (can't remember why you attacked him--but then you never need a reason)--are way beyond the pale. That's just this year.

Then there are your vulgarisms for women, your ridicule of losing a child, and your ridicule of handicapped people, as well as your absurd attacks on Pete Seeger and your oh-so-subtle remarks on Kwanzaa. Anybody who thinks you've improved has a short memory and/or doesn't read very carefully. If the moderators have a leash on you, it needs to be shortened.

I can easily deal with you--the web is a medium of words--not your strong suit.

In fact, if you concentrated all your venom on me and left everybody else alone all the time, things would be a lot better around here.

18 Feb 06 - 04:09 PM (#1672211)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Cluin

Jeez, get a room, you two! You can cut the sexual tension around here with a knife.


18 Feb 06 - 04:10 PM (#1672212)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies

By the way, courageous "Martin," your post of 1:58 didn't sound very happy. I thought you were telling us how happy you were here, how you enjoyed yourself all the time (no pun intended, of course). You don't really sound overjoyed.   I keep asking you what I can say to make you happier, but nothing seems to work. As I said earlier, it's a puzzlement.

18 Feb 06 - 04:14 PM (#1672216)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Clinton Hammond

"You've hurt my feeling..."

Here's a quarter... go call someone who cares....

18 Feb 06 - 04:17 PM (#1672219)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies

Cluin is right. "Martin" has either pre-"Martin" syndrome, post "Martin" syndrome--or maybe just "Martin" syndrome. But whatever it is, it's a serious attack.

18 Feb 06 - 04:29 PM (#1672230)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: The Shambles

Joe has seen it all, on the internet in general and at Mudcat in specific. He's in charge because he's the right guy to be in charge. If you aren't getting along with Joe, and you don't like the consequences, it's on YOU to seek reconciliation. That's just a fact, and it applies equally to us all.

Who - apart from you and Joe - thinks that Joe is the right guy to be in charge?

Why do you think this?

Is it because there are no other candidates or any choice?

Is not Max in charge of his own website?

18 Feb 06 - 04:33 PM (#1672236)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies

Shambles the trashing religion thread is calling yooooooo--000----oooooo.

Please answer the call--you'll do less harm.

18 Feb 06 - 04:33 PM (#1672238)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Clinton Hammond

It would appear that NO ONE is "In Charge" here....

18 Feb 06 - 05:09 PM (#1672282)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
Date: 18 Feb 06 - 11:42 AM

For all of the women who have been stalked, harassed and are afraid to speak up I think the Mudcat could do without "Peace" for awhile.


ditto. I wonder how many of us there are?

18 Feb 06 - 05:13 PM (#1672286)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Cluin

I confess I don't even understand that one.

18 Feb 06 - 05:27 PM (#1672291)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Clinton Hammond

Harassed over the net?!?!

That's funny!

Like you can harass someone who doesn't allow you to harass 'em over the net....

18 Feb 06 - 05:35 PM (#1672298)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: DougR

Peace, Brucie: if you want to take a break do it! I did and was glad I did. I'm not back as much as I use to be, but enjoy popping in from time to time to heckel the liberals. You're both good guys and maybe a break would do you some good.


18 Feb 06 - 05:41 PM (#1672305)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ebbie

"For all of the women who have been stalked, harassed and are afraid to speak up I think the Mudcat could do without "Peace" for awhile."

Guest 1 and Guest 2 and Guest Combination, far be it from me to doubt a Troll. Let me just say: har har har har.

18 Feb 06 - 05:58 PM (#1672327)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Sorcha

I'll stand up for Bruce too. If he is a stalker, PROVE it. I refuse to believe it.

18 Feb 06 - 06:12 PM (#1672348)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: suzi

Brucie is a credit to mudcat...helpful, and very popular judging by how many catters want him to stay.... So stay with us Brucie...

18 Feb 06 - 06:21 PM (#1672360)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Emma B

I have personally always found Bruce extremely supportive and friendly and would be sorry to lose his contributions here.

18 Feb 06 - 06:30 PM (#1672368)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: GUEST,suspicious

Aah it's like the good old days. One 'female' starts a " I feel like I really need to do y'all a good deed by telling you there is a big meanie bogeyman on this forum." And not one of these 'females' has ever named a name or given any guts to the tale. Now if I was stalked by someone on here I'd be singing it from the rooftops. Hollow words don't ring no bells.

And what clinton said too.

18 Feb 06 - 07:27 PM (#1672417)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Clinton Hammond

"Hollow words don't ring no bells."

Nice one!

"If he is a stalker, PROVE it."
Yup... put up or shut-up....

18 Feb 06 - 07:37 PM (#1672426)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Cluin

Oh. That's what GUEST was getting at. Peace is a stalker and a threat? I wondered but I wasn't sure...

So GUEST managed to libel Peace and insult women who have suffered from REAL stalking all in one?

18 Feb 06 - 08:08 PM (#1672445)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: jaze

Did I miss something?? Whatever is going on, I'd like to say both Peace and Azizzi would be missed and I hope neither of them leave.

18 Feb 06 - 08:10 PM (#1672451)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: John O'L

Guest -

Could we have an indication of where an example of this stalking & harrassment can be found?

18 Feb 06 - 08:18 PM (#1672456)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: gnu

They ain't leavin. Neither is Joe. Hell no, we won't let them go.

Just a big misconfuzzilation.

I know this will be resolved because I have a fair bit of experience in "being human". I have been there more than a few times, in real life and here at the Café and as gnu or wildebeeste. To err is human, to forgive is bovine.

Don't have a cow, man. (Apologies to Bart Simpson.)

18 Feb 06 - 08:48 PM (#1672467)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Big Mick

See how easy it is to hijack a thread? Martin makes a crack and then sits back and laughs at how you all dance. From that one crack, we are now going down several roads that are unrelated to the thread. As much as you all profess to hate Martin, you sure like to let him use you.

Back to the subject at hand. I dislike public exits more than most things on this or any site. They aren't about leaving, they are about getting folks to beg you to stay. They are usually accompanied by some weak statement that attempts to justify the public exit. If you really want to leave, just do it and save us all the histrionics.

To the specific cases in this thread I say, we will be poorer for your leaving, but if you feel the need then fair winds. If this really is about disgust at some of the reactions to you by bigots, or perceived bigots, then I don't understand. Leaving is what they want you to do. Why would you ever give an adversary what they want. If it is about no one leaping to your defense, then I would say it is time for some deep introspection.

In either case, I will miss your posts and hope that you decide to stay.


18 Feb 06 - 08:55 PM (#1672473)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Once Famous

You know, it's gotten pretty bad already.

I don't swear here any more and still the censorship thing is getting out of hand.

big Mick, I think fewer people hate me here than you realize. I think that also bothers some of the management here.

There are plenty here who love what I write and how I write it.

Being truthful and bluntly honest with your feelings really disturbs some very thin skinned clones.

18 Feb 06 - 09:06 PM (#1672480)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Bobert

Actually, Martin, I'm sure this will come a big shock to you but most folks don't hate you here...

They just feel sorry for you...

But guess what??? Give up???

This thread ain't about you... It's about people who actaully care about ***other*** folks...


18 Feb 06 - 09:14 PM (#1672490)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Once Famous

bobert, you don't get it that I really could care less. Brucie has really been a friend here and was really the very first one who showed me some true warmth here and is now one of many. More than you realize and for sure more than you want to hear about.

So if it's about my friend Bruce, it's about me, also.

Screw you bobert telling me what this thread is about. You get plenty of good kicks in the ass here yourself for making comments without a fully functioning brain.

18 Feb 06 - 09:30 PM (#1672498)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: gnu

Hi Jack!!!

18 Feb 06 - 09:31 PM (#1672500)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Once Famous

No, Jack off!

19 Feb 06 - 04:57 AM (#1672650)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: The Shambles

Why would you ever give an adversary what they want.


Well if antone knows the answer to that one - it would be you Mick. Perhaps you could tell us?

The whole issue is NOT about dealing with those who do the childish and cowardly things online that some people seem to think it was created for and which they would never have the balls to do face to face.

It is about how others respond to this. Some see it as a green light to behave equally childishly and cowardly, but atempt to justify this response usually in what they think to be safe concert with others.

But the only thing that matters is to always ensure that the essential freedoms are NOT curtailed in any response.

For giving an adversary what they want is exactly what is being continued on our forum as the only policy. But the first mistake is to assume (especially on a discussion forum) that anyone who may hold, express and evidence a different view or do it in different way - is an adversary. They can be the very fresh air a stuffy room requires.

It seems that that is how Joe Offer, his fan club and anonymous volunteers would define an adversary and when they have done this - there is only one clunsy and counter-productive weapon in the arsenal for them to use against this perceived adversary.

And this selective censorship is exactly what ensures that this constant battle will continue. For it does not matter what judgement one posters may make of any fellow poster's personality or of their possible motives for posting what they do (good or bad). The only thing that matters is whether you respond or ignore what they say in their post.

It really has always been that simple for the only thing that is as sure as eggs - is that making any form of personal judgement about a fellow poster's assumed personality (good or bad) on a public forum - will only end up with responses in kind.

There are PMs and email for doing this - perhaps the use of this for these personal messages can be encouraged more as none of these add very much to any discussion?

19 Feb 06 - 05:16 AM (#1672658)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: John MacKenzie

And this selective censorship is exactly what ensures that this constant battle will continue. For it does not matter what judgement one posters may make of any fellow poster's personality or of their possible motives for posting what they do (good or bad). The only thing that matters is whether you respond or ignore what they say in their post.

But Roger we do ignore your posts!

Giok ☺

19 Feb 06 - 05:22 AM (#1672661)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: The Shambles

Why would you ever give an adversary what they want

19 Feb 06 - 05:34 AM (#1672663)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: John MacKenzie

Value judgement that one Roger, some people want attention, while others think that person wants a kick in the arse.

19 Feb 06 - 05:52 AM (#1672665)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Big Al Whittle

I would imagine we've all been offended at times on mudcat, and life being what is, we've probably given offence. I got so pissed off with recent the BBC4 programme thread (the BBC have recently done 3 part history of folk music, ommitting the names of everybody I have ever enjoyed on the folk scene and praising to the skies everybody who has ever emptied a folk club by boring people shitless) - I simply can't bear to open it.

However whereas in real life we would probably give those people that we disagree so profoundly with a wide berth, on mudcat - we see them talking about other aspects that they care about and we get a glimpse of their humanity and decency. For those qualities are in all of us, and none of us can go too long without revealing them.

personally I don't really see the point of having other noms de plume. And if I were Bruce Murdoch, with all his great talent I can't see how I would want to be regarded as anybody else.

I have enjoyed the posts of both these people - Bruce and Azizi. I hope they don't leave.

And Divis Sweeney I would miss you also very much, don't run yourself down.

19 Feb 06 - 09:46 AM (#1672783)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

I don't know all the details. I too hate public exits but understand that you may need a break. Whatever the circumstances, you will not be the first to leave and then come back and be warmly greeted.

Azizi - you are a treasure and will be missed.

Brucie - you are a dear sweet man who occasionally goes way off the deep end. You too will be missed.

Anonymous Drama Queens who choose to attack a man's character without identifying yourselves - I have said this before. You are BIG GIRLS and this is the internet. Use some common sense and for heaven's sake grow up.

19 Feb 06 - 10:52 AM (#1672831)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

Apparently, from the PMs I have ruffled some feathers. So I will explain a bit further: if I were being stalked or threatened, even over the 'net, I would first contact the police and the Forum owner and then do everything possible to avoid my stalker. By tweaking Brucie's nose at every opportunity, you appear to be a woman scorned rather than one who sees herself in serious danger from her stalker.

If he has "taken advantage" of you, you were a party to it. Each of us has a responsibility to protect ourselves on the internet just as we do in real life. If you meet a charming stranger on the street corner or are introduced to one by a friend in a bar, do you then believe every compliment? Do you invite him home based on those compliments? If so, you are going to find yourself in difficult situations.

I am genuinely sorry that you are hurt and/or frightened or have been "used". This doesn't give you the right to destroy a man's reputation anonymously. If you have a genuine criminal complaint, take it to the proper authorities. If not, let the rest of us figure it out for ourselves. One of us may actually find Brucie the perfect mate.
Poor Brucie!

19 Feb 06 - 10:54 AM (#1672832)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: wysiwyg

Did Peace actually make a public exit-statement? I never saw it, and so I don't understand where Mick's post about it came from. Was it assumed just because of the thread title?


19 Feb 06 - 11:32 AM (#1672878)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: *daylia*

Stop fretting, folks -- Bruce is not gone. He posted 18 times here yesterday.

And I'm pretty sure he started a thread, as a GUEST, called "No Advance made in the Mudslinging" too. It was deleted after an hour or so. I didn't read all the posts, so I don't know why it was deleted, but no doubt the 'powers that be' here had their reasons. (Not to be confused with excuses).

19 Feb 06 - 12:14 PM (#1672912)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

Bruce Murdoch is an ass. I'm quite certain he isn't gone from Mudcat, as this is his usual way of behaving here.

Azizi, on the other hand, likely is gone. And you can't blame her for that, after the way Bruce treated her, and the rest of the membership sat back and said nothing about it.

But then, that's par for the course with the Mudcat membership too. So it all works out the way it always works out here. The status quo, reinforcing asshole behavior by the membership, reigns supreme.

Azizi likely decided she was no longer willing to dance to the Mudcat tune...

19 Feb 06 - 12:33 PM (#1672931)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Amos

And you, sirrah, are a varlet and a dog with no legs and a shortage of understanding. Brcue Murdoch, far from being an ass, is one of the most talented musicians and generally intelligent people to grace these pages; and he at least has the courage to use a handle (well, most of the time. The majority of those who have dealt with him have found him to be considerate and articulate.   Hell, even Martin Gibson likes him!! He will wade into a scrap when he gets riled, but he is otherwise quite civilized. Go chase neutrinos.


19 Feb 06 - 12:40 PM (#1672942)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Jeri

I'm quite certain he isn't gone either. Mainly because he posted a bunch yesterday after this thread was started, but I don't think he EVER posted that he was leaving. You guys who talked about how you dislike public farewells: pretty funny, eh?

19 Feb 06 - 12:56 PM (#1672956)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Jeri

WYS, you beat me to it. I actually thought of it last night though.

19 Feb 06 - 12:56 PM (#1672959)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: GUEST,12:14

Hmmmmm, now what possibly could have happened to the post I submitted just seconds ago, saying that my own post above wasn't accurate either--intentionally.

Why would a person do such a thing?

To make a point, natch.

The point of how idiotic threads like this, full of misinformation, lies, and peoples' personal venom towards each other, are de rigeur here at Mudcat.

But one of the clones (Jeri I'm guessing) quickly deleted it because of the way I made my point.

Let's see if she'll let it stand: the membership here love the smell of each other's shit, and revels in the rolling in it.

There you go clones. Now get to work defending the delicate sensibilities of those reading in the Mudcat realm, and making sure they never need read strong opinions from any quarter (member or guest) about their precious, wonderful little world here.

19 Feb 06 - 01:09 PM (#1672973)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: LilyFestre

What is interesting to me about some of the posts here is that you folks seem to know who said what to who, when it was said and the context in which it was said. It amazes me how much time people spend here (including myself sometimes), the extent to which they take in the exchanges...all of it. I can't decide whether it's more like high school or hospital just is never ending, is it?


19 Feb 06 - 01:10 PM (#1672975)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: John MacKenzie

Then again there are some Guest posts that don't actually need the name of the poster at the top, as it's so obvious from their style who they are.

19 Feb 06 - 01:11 PM (#1672979)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

Selective censorship? Well of course! nothing else would make sense.

To the best of my meager knowledge, the only firm rule here is NO PERSONAL ATTACKS. If you can't deal with that rule then go somewhere and grow up.

19 Feb 06 - 01:17 PM (#1672989)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Jeri

Nothing your wrote in this thread has been deleted, guest. I'd guess maybe you had an oopsie when you meant to post?

19 Feb 06 - 01:21 PM (#1672991)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

A tempest in a teapot. Guess who

19 Feb 06 - 01:25 PM (#1672996)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: GUEST,12:14

Ah, my dear 1:11. New around here, are you? Personal attacks here are ALWAYS allowed, so long as the poster is attacking using the following rules:

1. The personal attacks can't be against a clone, especially the most thin-skinned, Joe and Mick (whom I believe was referring to Azizi, not Bruce Murdoch).

2. The personal attacks can't be against a popular member.

3. The personal attacks can't be against the ally/friend/relative of a clone or a popular member.

Which doesn't make this place look like high school as much as, say 1st or 2nd grade...

"I did not!"

"Did so!"

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

In perpetuity...

19 Feb 06 - 01:29 PM (#1673002)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: GUEST,12:14

And did I mention the above was the 100th post?

I'm sure we'll make it a few hundred more. If not here, then in so many other threads just like it...

19 Feb 06 - 01:48 PM (#1673022)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Azizi

I want to state without equivocation that I don't know what the hell GUEST 19 Feb 06 - 12:14 PM is talking about. Bruce is a friend of mine. I am happy to say that I have other friends here.

See Responses to Racism for the reasons why I first decided to leave this forum and the reasons why I'm back.

And thanks to those who publicly and/or privately asked me not to leave. I very much appreciate your comments.

That said, I would like to note that I agree with a poster upthread {sorry I can't remember which one} who said something like people shouldn't announce that they are leaving. They should just go.
Or maybe I should say that I agree that this should be the case under most circumstances.

However, [and I hope people don't think this comment is self-aggrandizing], but I think that because my reasons for leaving had to do with how people deal with offensive posts, there may be some value in the announcement.

Again, thanks, visit that thread if you have a mind to, and see ya around the 'Cat!


19 Feb 06 - 01:49 PM (#1673024)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Jeri

Will not!

19 Feb 06 - 01:50 PM (#1673025)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Ron Davies


Welcome back! You're a treasure (as Brucie is also).

19 Feb 06 - 01:57 PM (#1673030)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

"Nothing your wrote in this thread has been deleted, guest. I'd guess maybe you had an oopsie when you meant to post?"

Quite possibly was operator error, Jeri, which I can freely admit.

Now, can you admit just as freely that everyone who posts here has good reason to suspect (not in a paranoid way, but just suspect) censorship is also a possibility (just like operator error) when submitting a provocative or controversial post that "disappears" in this forum?

It's just the usual Mudcat hypocrisy that so many members here are ABSOLUTELY APPALLED when one of their own (Bruce Murdoch, asshole extraordinaire) is outed by the clones for posting anonymously, but no one has a problem with it when Max, Joe or the clones threatens to do the same to regular anonymous guests who post criticisms of the forum leadership?

The hypocrisy and double standards around here have become oh so utterly predictable, just like the censorship has.

And some of us even warned about this very thing, back when it all, just for good measure--I told you so.

19 Feb 06 - 02:13 PM (#1673048)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

So! Azizi is back. Brucie never left. And the censorship debate goes on. Everything is back to normal. Bye!

19 Feb 06 - 02:15 PM (#1673051)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Jeri

Sorry, replying to 12:14's funny argument script in my previous post, not Azizi.

To Azizi: did, replied!

19 Feb 06 - 02:18 PM (#1673056)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

Jer, you cut me to the quick.

19 Feb 06 - 02:36 PM (#1673067)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: jimmyt

well, well, well, I leave for a day and the place goes nuts, and for the life of me I can't quite get a handle on what is going worong except perhaps some folks are retaining water and feeling weepy. I hope it all gets sorted out and when the dust clears, Azizi are still here as valuable members of this quirky community.

I can say with absolute honesty that Brucie is one of my very favorite folks. He is smart, honest, maybe a bit emotional and reminds me of myself in responding and later thinking it thruogh a bit, but I cannot say anyone has more integrity then Brucie.

Honestly, Joe, it seems that you were commenting on how many posts Brucie makes, and I find this a bit hard to follow how this can hurt anyone. It seems the quantity of words are not the problem here below the line as much as the quality. If volume is the problem cutting out some completely silly threads (among which I have contributed to or even started) would be more sensible.

Anyway, Hopefully we can all shake hands and play nice again.

20 Feb 06 - 05:02 PM (#1674125)
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
From: Joybell

Me - I went away for a few days to a gathering and now I'm all behind. Always running along after - trying to catch up. Anyway - If you read this Peace - please stay. If you've gone, come back. I'd surely miss you. How ever can we have Joy without Peace. Doesn't make sense. Cheers, Joy