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BS: Names that have gone out of style...

20 Feb 06 - 07:00 PM (#1674226)
Subject: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

Augustus - short forms: "Auggie", "Gus". Used to be quite popular in the 1800's, judging by cowboy tales. Not any more.

Agatha - short form: "Aggie". Almost unknown now except for Agatha Christie. Try finding a female named Agatha who is younger than 80.

Cora - Once quite popular. Not any more.


20 Feb 06 - 07:10 PM (#1674240)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bert

Well that is obviously not a serious attack so any reasonable clone will just laugh and let it go.

20 Feb 06 - 07:13 PM (#1674248)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: John MacKenzie


20 Feb 06 - 07:15 PM (#1674250)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Jerry Rasmussen


Never sure that it was in style.

Elmer... my Father's name and my middle name.

I am so out I'm in.

20 Feb 06 - 07:17 PM (#1674254)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin


20 Feb 06 - 07:18 PM (#1674255)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

You're right, "Little Hawk" is out of style.

It was hugely popular with North American Indians in the old days...translated, of course, from their various original languages...but it's almost unheard of now. That's okay, because my real given name in this life is out of style now too. It is presently reserved only for silly animals on TV comedy shows, really dumb husbands on TV comedy shows, and odd cartoon characters. Too bad. It was such a fine name for centuries...

It could have been worse, though. My parents could have named me "Ralph"!

Here's another name that's gone out of style:

Prudence - short form: "Pru"

20 Feb 06 - 07:19 PM (#1674256)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Beer

Ignore it. Works as well.

Alice was big as was Gloria and Joan.
Could be wrong but I don't think they are around much in the younger generation.

20 Feb 06 - 07:19 PM (#1674257)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

Daphne - WAYYYYY out of style....

20 Feb 06 - 07:19 PM (#1674259)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

Your first name is my middle name, actually. named for my grandfather.

Midle names is where a lot of out-of-style names end up.

20 Feb 06 - 07:20 PM (#1674261)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Auggie

Hey, I resemble that 1st post !

20 Feb 06 - 07:21 PM (#1674263)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

Edith, Edna, Enid, Eulalia

20 Feb 06 - 07:23 PM (#1674265)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Beer

Agree with you on the middle name thing.

20 Feb 06 - 07:23 PM (#1674267)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...

My mother and step mother were both named Edna. Mildred is another you don't hear much anymore. Or Ida. Or Genevieve. May.
All aunts of mine.

20 Feb 06 - 07:23 PM (#1674268)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bert


20 Feb 06 - 07:24 PM (#1674269)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

"Eulalia"?????? You gotta be kidding!

Here's a book title: "The Ululations of Eulalia", a Victorian drama of a young women who perishes of consumption after losing her beloved in the Sepoy Mutiny.

20 Feb 06 - 07:24 PM (#1674270)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

Bert is rare. Even rarer than Burt.

20 Feb 06 - 07:25 PM (#1674274)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

Thelma, Elma, and Selma.

20 Feb 06 - 07:30 PM (#1674280)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Clinton Hammond


20 Feb 06 - 07:32 PM (#1674281)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: The Fooles Troupe

My grandfather used to tell me that he had heard of 'Honest John', but never heard of a 'Robin John' before he met me...

20 Feb 06 - 07:33 PM (#1674282)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: number 6

Jason, Justin, Troy, Amber, Gertrude.

I actually like the name Elmore (Elmore James) ... wanted my daughter to name my grandson that ... for some reason nobody was receptive to that.


20 Feb 06 - 07:37 PM (#1674287)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

My Dad's family: Alecta (what?), Winnifred (nody would do that to their kid today), Edward (not heard as often now, but not rare either), Floyd (my dad, with a middle name Calvin because my grandmother heard it in a song about a mining disaster and liked it... the name, not the song), Phillip and Phyllis (the twins) and the youngest Cathleen (a common name in the family.. there where 3 cousins of theirs with the name).

My grandfather's family had some old names too, not necessarily the names themselves, but in the nicknames... Walter (called Toddy), Alex (Sandy), Teresa (Tess), Alonzo (Bing)(???), Albert (Ab)... I forget the others, about half a dozen more.

My buddy named his sons Will and Jack. Jack is not short for anything; that's his given name.

Why is 'Jack' usually considered "short" for 'John'?

20 Feb 06 - 07:39 PM (#1674291)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Ebbie

I know people with just about every one of those names! (Little Hawk, Selma Hayek?) Some of them are 70 years old and up - but I know a young (14) Alice, a 9-year old Gloria and a baby, Joan. As well as an Edna and an Edith.

Don't know a Eulalia or an Algernon but I do know an Aloysius and a a Tadeuz.

Some other names in my life that have turned with the wheel: Eli, Elias, Elijah, Noah, and Moses (know several of those: Moses, Mo and Mose.)

20 Feb 06 - 07:40 PM (#1674292)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Beer

My son's name is "Aaron" and my only grand child is "Noah" Maybe not out of style but sure is out of date.

20 Feb 06 - 07:44 PM (#1674296)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...


20 Feb 06 - 08:01 PM (#1674320)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Joybell

The flowers (and other plants)
Violet, Rose, Daisy, May, Daphne, Petunia, Pansy, Marigold, Iris, Hazel, Hyacinth, Ivy, (Holly's in though) Myrtle, Jasmine.

Then there's mine and it's companion name Gay. Cheers, Joy

20 Feb 06 - 08:08 PM (#1674330)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

The months: April, May, June, August... I've heard January and July used as propernames too.

Then there's Tuesday and Wednesday

20 Feb 06 - 08:18 PM (#1674346)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Amber and Beryl are about the only gemstone names haven't fallen out of fashion. Ruby, Pearl, Opal and Sapphire are ancient history.

20 Feb 06 - 08:23 PM (#1674351)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

I met a prostitute that went by Sapphire once.
And a stripper that called herself Ruby.

20 Feb 06 - 08:36 PM (#1674367)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

And Jade's never been very popular except as a stage name for (usually) Asian strippers, prostitures and pornstarlets.

20 Feb 06 - 08:50 PM (#1674374)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: bobad

Haven't seen the name Cleophus for a long time, had a school principal named Brother Cleophus a long time ago.

Never had any kids but always thought if I had a boy I would have liked to name him Benny, a name which always conjures up a sidekick of Top Cat's from the cartoon shows.

20 Feb 06 - 08:57 PM (#1674379)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin


20 Feb 06 - 09:01 PM (#1674383)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

You don't see Placenta as a name much these days.

20 Feb 06 - 09:08 PM (#1674384)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

Bartholomew and Bart seem to be out of favor as well, not to mention Rufus.

20 Feb 06 - 09:10 PM (#1674388)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

Dudley has also been out of style for a long time.

20 Feb 06 - 09:32 PM (#1674401)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

Lance. (except for dogs)

20 Feb 06 - 09:33 PM (#1674404)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Amos

Aramantha, Eunice, Eurydice, and Llewellyn are kind of rare....


20 Feb 06 - 09:35 PM (#1674408)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Once Famous


and of course:


20 Feb 06 - 09:39 PM (#1674413)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

I know a woman named Sophie, but it's rare all right. So is Amos, for sure. I have met exactly one Amos face to face in this life so far, and that was in 1968.

20 Feb 06 - 09:50 PM (#1674426)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Beer

Cyril. I think that is how you spell it.

20 Feb 06 - 09:55 PM (#1674431)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

I know a Cyril. His wife is named Goldene.

20 Feb 06 - 09:56 PM (#1674432)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin


20 Feb 06 - 09:59 PM (#1674436)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: bobad


20 Feb 06 - 10:00 PM (#1674437)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

Mabel used to serve Black Label (a Canadian lager our parents were fond of).

20 Feb 06 - 10:07 PM (#1674442)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: jaze

Hortense---thankfully can't say I've ever met one!

20 Feb 06 - 10:08 PM (#1674445)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: JennyO

MG mentioned my middle name, Dorothy. Yes, it's true about the middle names. Lots of the old family names are tacked on, to keep the old rels happy.

My poor son really copped it. My husband at the time (now my ex) insisted he should be called George, because he liked a plain old fashioned name. On to that, he added Solomon, because he liked it, and I threw in Henry, after my grandfather. If you think that is bad, if I hadn't settled for George, he might have been Cecil or Aloysius, his other serious suggestions. So I didn't have much choice - it was the best of a bad lot - and this might give a clue as to why he is now my ex.

A lot of the plain names like Peter, James, Michael etc seem to be losing ground to the more exotic ones - the two little kids next door to me are named Tyson and Nader.


20 Feb 06 - 10:09 PM (#1674446)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: kendall


20 Feb 06 - 10:11 PM (#1674448)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I believe the names of all the great-aunts I had on both sides of my family have been mentioned somewhere in this thread. Except Aunt Mary. I don't suppose that one will ever go out of style.

20 Feb 06 - 10:36 PM (#1674471)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: dulcimer42

When I entered school in the late 40's, early 50's, there were 3 Sharons in my class, and two Karens.   This was in a class of about 20 some kids.   You don't hear of many Sharons any more.... except for people about my age.

20 Feb 06 - 10:39 PM (#1674472)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Beer

How about:
''''''(My middle name Alphonse)
My brothers and sisters

20 Feb 06 - 11:08 PM (#1674482)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Kaleea

I know Doreen, George, Hortense, Dorothy, Drucilla, Winnifred, Karen & Sharon who are all about 50. Then there's my nephew, Amos who is 33.

    How's about Ezma, Lula Mae, Doris, Zilpha Idella--all my elder relatives!

20 Feb 06 - 11:36 PM (#1674506)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Joybell

Hepzibah is rare now. My mother always insisted it was her real name but it wasn't it was Doris.

20 Feb 06 - 11:43 PM (#1674509)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

The thing I can't figure is, what happened to the name George? One of the Beatles was a George, for gosh sakes, and that's almost the last time the name was given any respect. It seems to be inconceivable for anyone to name their son George anymore. Then you've got that stupid George of the Jungle, and Curious George, for God's sake. Why? Why pick on a perfectly good name that was popular for about the last 1,000 years or more of European civilization and turn it into a label for nerds and monkeys?

Well, today you know what a boy's name will be? Anything that used to be a surname. Try Tyler, Harper, Tanner, Hunter, Carver, Taylor, Archer, just pick your favorite surname and make it his first name....but DON'T call him "George"!!!!

21 Feb 06 - 12:02 AM (#1674519)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

And I don't think George Bush and his dad have done much to help the situation either... (sigh)

21 Feb 06 - 12:08 AM (#1674522)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Elmer Fudd

Oh you wascals! Look no further!

21 Feb 06 - 12:08 AM (#1674525)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: SunnySister

You guys have mentioned some of my favorite names such as Winnifred, Zilpha, Drucilla, Cecil, Millicent, and so many others. I love old names!

Some that haven't been mention are Lucy or Lucia, Dale, Wilbur, Charlotte, Georgiana, Esther, Ethel, Ruth, Deliliha (I don't know how to spell it)... so many that should, in my opinion, be brought back.

One of my favorite men's names is Grayson. Once new a wonderful older man with that name and thought it was beautiful.

21 Feb 06 - 12:09 AM (#1674526)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Severn

While pretty much single-handedly trying to put the name Severn on the hit parade so it can even be remembered long enough to be forgotten, had I been named after my father (rather than after a great-grandfather), my middle name would have been Everett. A few of them around in his day, but not many now. We even had a next door neighbor named Everett who had a parrot who called his name out, bringing my father up from the garden needlessly, and even me occaisionally home from a friend's place (sounding similar from a distance), thinking someone was calling us from our back porch.

Damn that bird!

21 Feb 06 - 12:10 AM (#1674529)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: alison

Hamble, (remember the playschool doll?)
Gertrude (Gertie / Trudy)



21 Feb 06 - 12:11 AM (#1674531)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: The Fooles Troupe

May I suggest

John -> Jaques -> Jack

21 Feb 06 - 01:55 AM (#1674576)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: JennieG

Euston Francis - that was my uncle's name. His sister's (my mother's) maiden name was Mavis Davis.


She was born in 1924 when Mavis was a very popular name for girls, and my uncle was named for his father (Francis) and his father's boss(Euston).

My paternal grandfather was Hiram, he had a sister named Remillion.

I went to school with several other Jennifers, we are all on the slightly shady side of 50 now!


21 Feb 06 - 02:09 AM (#1674582)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Doug Chadwick

My mother is Doris. Her sisters were Edna and Irene. You don't find many amongst today's children

But her brothers were William and Charles and both of those are still going strong.


21 Feb 06 - 02:31 AM (#1674586)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: GUEST,Guest, My Other Name

My non mudcat (legal) name is Harriet, which was apparently very common in the late 19th and early to mid 20th century, and now has all but disappeared. (at least in the US after the 1950s or possibly early 1960s. It may be slightly more existent in England, I think.) I really dislike it, which is why I'm signing on as a guest and not letting it associate with my Mudcat member name! I have actually looked into how to do a legal name change, but so far have not taken the plunge. Still on my mind, though.

Like most people my age or older who I know with this name, I was named after an older relative named Harry.

My mother's middle name is Florence, which you don't really hear anymore either.

21 Feb 06 - 02:34 AM (#1674588)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Keith A of Hertford

I have met a few other Keiths, but they are all about my age (56)

Soon we will all be gone.

21 Feb 06 - 03:58 AM (#1674607)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Jeanie

It's interesting that quite a lot of the names that people have listed above as having gone out of style in the United States are very popular (again) for children in Great Britain. Over the past few years, I have come across several of the following in the classes I teach here in the UK: Sophie, Henrietta, Rose, Daisy, Ruby, Jade, George, Lucy, Charlotte, Harriet, Florence.

I think we will have to wait another 30 to 40 years or so before those good old 1950s names become popular again, Keith. What about Susan ? And Barry ? Bring back the Barries !

- jeanie

21 Feb 06 - 04:03 AM (#1674610)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: GUEST,dianavan

Cuin - I have some pretty odd nicknames in my family, too. Especially those that were nicknamed in the 30's and 40's.

Like: My uncle 'Speedball' (nuthin to do with drugs), Winter who was nicknamed 'Windy' and of course, Frankie for Frances. Marlyce, Gladys, Irene, Aunt Billy whose daughter was Bobby Anne, Jules, Diel, and Percy to name a few.

...and that generation named their girls two names: Diana Lynn, Diana Ray, Patty Sue, Donna Tina, Vicki Lee, Karen Marie and so on. The boys of that group are Linden, Martin, Garner, Dennis.

Names I hope have gone out of style forever: Jason, Travis and Justin.

The newest generation (0-5) have names like Jane, Oliver, Bradley, Anna, Max, Abbey, Emma, ...all very traditional and somewhat sweet.

BTW Littlehawk - I've been meaning to ask you; Is your mother's name Sabre or Sabra or something like that?

21 Feb 06 - 04:13 AM (#1674616)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Paul Burke

Maud, Pamela, Oscar, Adolph (wonder why?), Stella, Priscilla, Hecubah, Calypso, Wilfred, Oswald, Gabriel...

I expect a lot depends on popular books (all those Sams who owe their name to a Master Gamgee.. watch out for Eustace? or was he the baddie?) and actors/ film stars/ celebrities in general or the characters they play- Wendy from Peter Pan onwards (I've seen reference to it as a boy's name in the 17th century), Samanthas from Bewitched... expect a revival of that if the film takes off.

21 Feb 06 - 04:38 AM (#1674629)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: mooman

Guest, My other name,

I know and have worked with both Harriets and Florences. I like both names.



21 Feb 06 - 05:09 AM (#1674635)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Crystal

Sidney is a name one finds less and less now, of my contempories I know one guy who has it as a middle name. Maude and Martha are both on the way out too!

21 Feb 06 - 05:15 AM (#1674637)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: freda underhill

Elsie (my mother's name)

Esme (my late mother-in-law's name)

Elspeth, Maud, Arthur.

21 Feb 06 - 05:35 AM (#1674647)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Keith A of Hertford

What Jeanie said applies to Jason, Travis and Justin, all having become recently popular in UK

21 Feb 06 - 05:49 AM (#1674654)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: David C. Carter

Cecelia was my mother's name,I never met anyone else with that name.
Had an uncle name Horrace,another was named Wilfred.Grace seems to have gone by the way.I new a guy in Yorkshire name of Mortimer,he called himself Mort.Some names seem to have been popular depending on the reigning monarch at the time.Victoria,Albert,George etc.I heard that Woody Guthrie was named from Woodrow Wilson.Don't know how true that is though.Over here,John-Jacques,Jean-Marie--Le Pen!Now there's a lot of Kevins wandering about.Some say it's a Breton name.Most times it orriginates from the father being a Kevin Keagan fan.Thought of some more:Stanley,Nathanial,Archibald!Derrick,Enoch!I can't go on...

21 Feb 06 - 06:54 AM (#1674677)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Dave Hanson

Adolf, now that has been out of style for a long time, in my 59 years I've never come accross any Adolfs, except Hitler and Eichman, funny that.

Woody Guthrie was definately named after Woodrow Wilson.


21 Feb 06 - 07:05 AM (#1674684)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Flash Company

Speaking as someone who came dangerously close to being named Percy,my father changed his mind on the way to the Registrar, I can't help but notice that I would not have many namesakes.
Looking at some earlier posts, I do know a 14 year old Aaron(Not Jewish) and quite a lot of Joshua's, so I guess it is a case of what goes round, comes round.
As no-one else has said it, yes, Woody's full name was Woodrow Wilson Guthrie.

Brian(by devine intervention)

21 Feb 06 - 09:51 AM (#1674765)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: jonm

Two generations ago included Douglas, Elsie, Lillian, Archibald, Ida and Francis. One generation included Kathleen and Cynthia.

I tried to get my kids unique but not strange names - succeeded with Hazel, but Toby has just become popular again.

The mother-in-law was criticised for giving her son "one of those new names" - Adam!

21 Feb 06 - 09:54 AM (#1674767)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Crystal

My sister is a Hazel, I'm a Rosemary, but we got those names because my parents are hippies rather than because they wanted somthing unusual!

21 Feb 06 - 10:05 AM (#1674777)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: katlaughing

Flora Estella

The very first post reminded me of Horace and Augusta Tabor, mining baron and hsi wife in early Colorado. She was from Maine.


21 Feb 06 - 10:17 AM (#1674784)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: ranger1

I must come from an odd pocket, as there are a ton of Jasons around here. The most recent one being named after my other half. Other kids in the circle of acquaintances are: Sophie (2 yrs of age), Elizabeth (3 and a half), Frankie (four), and Eddie (five), Alex (six), Ben (three) and Nathaniel (five).

21 Feb 06 - 10:31 AM (#1674796)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: McGrath of Harlow

The oddest thing is the way that Mary, which for hundreds of years was consistently by far the most common girls' name, has become so rare = I think that's true both in Engkand and the USA.

21 Feb 06 - 10:37 AM (#1674801)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...

Many members of my parents families had woderful names, Hadji(for Harold) Gaetan, Alfreda, Hattie, Sophia, Gertrude, Migus, Maxim, Edmund, and loads more. Sophia(Sophie is a back in a faddish sort of way. I hate the trend for last names for first names.. here are some common Girls ones at the moment..Mac Kenzie, Taylor, Cameron, Kenzie, Tyler.

In the school where I work here the most popular names
Alex (boys and girls)
   I reckon you can tell when someone was born by knowing when thier name was a huge Wayne..dozens of them in the fifties.Do you know anyone under fifty who is called Wayne ?

21 Feb 06 - 11:17 AM (#1674842)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Keith A of Hertford

Wayne became very common here in the 70s.

21 Feb 06 - 11:48 AM (#1674885)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: GUEST,petr

no too many Adolphs anymore.

21 Feb 06 - 12:07 PM (#1674914)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Alice

It is a very rare occurence that I meet another Alice, maybe once every ten years. I suppose if I lived in England it would happen more often. A person named Alice started an "Alice Study" web page, contacting women on the 'net named Alice. Alice study

21 Feb 06 - 12:50 PM (#1674940)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...

There is also a Lois society in Canada. Lois is very uncommon, isn't it ?

21 Feb 06 - 12:52 PM (#1674941)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

There were a lot of Adolfs up to the 1940s. After went out of style. Another famous Adolf at that time was Adolf Galland (German fighter ace) and another was Adolf Malan (British fighter ace! He was customarily called "Sailor" Malan by his squadron mates in the RAF). These 2 Adolfs nearly tangled a few times over the Channel, and they probably met after the war to reminisce about the old days.

Dianavan, why would you ask if my mother's name is Sabre or Sabra????? Her name is Mary.

21 Feb 06 - 12:58 PM (#1674946)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...

Wasn't there a french actor called adolph maonjou or something ? I have probably totallt screwed up the spelling.

21 Feb 06 - 01:46 PM (#1674994)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Donuel




21 Feb 06 - 02:08 PM (#1675012)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: katlaughing

My son-in-law, in his 30s, is named Wayne.

New ones in our family include


all boys:-)

21 Feb 06 - 03:45 PM (#1675099)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Wolfgang



21 Feb 06 - 04:34 PM (#1675146)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Most flower/plant names have fallen out of favor: Lilly, Daisy, Rose, Tansy, Hyacinth, Fern

The only ones that are common nowadays are Ginger and Heather. Of course Heather is way too common. So much so that there'll be a revolt against it soon and no little girl in the English-speaking world will be named Heather for the next forty years.

21 Feb 06 - 05:23 PM (#1675208)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Firecat

Regarding Little Hawk's comment in the very first post about Cora, I've just started work experience at a nursery today, and one of the little girls there (3 years old) is called Cora. We also have Maisy and Monique.

As to the flower and plant names, I bet there's going to be a renaissance for Rose (if there hasn't been already), because of the Doctor Who character, and if you count variant spellings of Fern (Ferne, Fearne), that may well be popular some time due to the UK TV presenter Fearne Cotton.

What I'd like to know is if Harry, Ron (or Ronald) and Hermione have increased in popularity in the wake of the Harry Potter books.

21 Feb 06 - 09:07 PM (#1675378)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: GUEST,Ricardo

Porfirio has been out of style ever since Porfirio Diaz, the late and unlamented dictator of Mexico.

21 Feb 06 - 09:30 PM (#1675402)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: bobad

I saw Gillian Apps, a member of the gold medal winning Canadian women's hockey team, being interviewed this evening. She is the grandaughter of the old-time hockey great Syl Apps, Syl being a contraction of Sylvanus, a name definitely gone out of style.

21 Feb 06 - 09:35 PM (#1675405)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Beer

WOw! That's interesting Bobad.

21 Feb 06 - 09:45 PM (#1675421)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: katlaughing

Saw an unusual one, today. I guess you'd call it Creative Spelling for a boy's name:



21 Feb 06 - 11:28 PM (#1675473)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: GUEST,MarkS

Muriel - My Mrs middle name (after her mom)
Jules - My late dads middle name.
My middle name - dont have one. Anybody else have just a first and last name only?


22 Feb 06 - 04:58 AM (#1675587)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Paco Rabanne

'Anus' never really took off as a christian name did it?

22 Feb 06 - 07:19 AM (#1675677)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: The Fooles Troupe

Watch Uranus tonight ted...

22 Feb 06 - 08:51 AM (#1675758)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...

Wesley, Great name I always thought..Geordie, Horace, Clyde, Gary seemed all the ragfe at one time but I think the fad is over. Silas is seldom heard anymore either. Grand girls names which have passed out of fashion Lorna, Irene, Bridget, Elinor, Eva, Nina, Marian, Coleen, Anna, Beverly.

22 Feb 06 - 09:40 AM (#1675802)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Rapparee

Athelstan, Cnute, Beowulf, Hrothgar.... Edwina, Edwulfa....

22 Feb 06 - 09:49 AM (#1675812)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Paco Rabanne

99 isn't heard much nowadays either.

22 Feb 06 - 10:29 AM (#1675862)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Leadfingers

But 100 is still going strong Ted

22 Feb 06 - 10:34 AM (#1675869)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: David C. Carter

"Tai Chi Made Easy"-Robert Parry.
Reviewed by-Adolph R Mangeot(Corydon USA)

Ho Hum


22 Feb 06 - 10:35 AM (#1675870)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: MMario

Caruso, Rademus, Gustavo - all names in my family within living memory but with only one represented in a current generation, none in the latest generation.

22 Feb 06 - 11:22 AM (#1675932)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: jaze

Growing up, I was always called "Jimmy". I always disliked it mainly because everywhere in my life there was a "Jimmy" bigger than me(I'm a very small,thin man).So naturally I was always "little Jimmy" which I really hated. Since moving to Virginia, and giving my name as James- I've been James ever since and have come to like that name. For years it was on the ten most popular boy's name lists,but no more. Every now and then someone will be brazen enough to call me Jimmy. James

22 Feb 06 - 11:47 AM (#1675957)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: GUEST,graciek

My name is so old it is in again: Grace

Sort of off topic but soemone once pointed out to me that persons of Irish ancestry seem to end up with shortened versions fo their names ending in "y" or "ie."   I gave this some thought and came up with a list of names in my family history:

Herbert - Herbie
Margaret - Peggy
Margaret - Lollie
Terrence - Terry
Grace - Gracie
Jacqueline - Jackie
Daniel - Danny
Christopher - Chrissy
Melissa - Missy
Thomas - Tommy
Mary Grace - Gracie
William - Billy, Willie
James - Jimmy
Timothy - Timmy
John - Jackie

22 Feb 06 - 12:32 PM (#1675995)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bill D

you all haven't even touched some of the names in my family...

My parents were destined for each other. My father had brothers Ralph & Lewis...he was named Audley(guess how letters to him were often addressed? He went by A.W. a lot) mother had siblings Patricia, John & Albert...she was named Eudora Parilee...(by her mother, Myrtle Saphronia!!(Who had a sister named Jelina!)

My great-grandfather was Tarsus

...further, deponent sayeth not.

22 Feb 06 - 02:06 PM (#1676064)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Little Hawk

Marlon. Other than Brando, I've never heard of one.

22 Feb 06 - 02:12 PM (#1676069)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bill D

Marlon Perkins, formerly of the St. Louis zoo and the first TV wildlife program.

22 Feb 06 - 02:17 PM (#1676074)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bill D

(Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom) Google will show you LOTS of semi-famous Marlons)

22 Feb 06 - 02:21 PM (#1676077)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Sooz

Lots of Jades, Aarons and Hayleys in the UK teenage population. Can't remember when I last taught a Mary.
Daftest name I've heard recently was "Jellybean" in a school near Lincoln.
I don't have a middle name - mostly beacause my Mum hated hers (Maud).

22 Feb 06 - 02:26 PM (#1676083)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Keith A of Hertford

Homer was never an English name.
I imagine it has declined in the US now.

22 Feb 06 - 02:44 PM (#1676095)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bill D

so has Jethro

22 Feb 06 - 04:05 PM (#1676166)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: GUEST,petr

question for Wolfgang

if bat in German is fliedermaus (flying mouse)
is batman- fliedermaus mensch?

22 Feb 06 - 04:40 PM (#1676184)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Scoville

Jason, Justin, Troy, Amber, Gertrude

I never knew a Gertrude my age (b. mid-1970's) but I sure knew a load of the rest of those, here in the U.S.

I went to high school (class of 1996) with a bunch of Jennifers, Jessicas, Michelles, Heathers, Amys, Ambers, Brittanys, Mollys, etc. Then, I got to college and everyone was C/Katherine. There were also Ruth, Hazel, Nettie, Celia (her sister was Lucinda), Evelyn, Elise, Lydia, Nora, Imogene, Delphia, and Burgundy. My given name is Alethea and there were TWO of us. The name selection changed completely even though the kids were the same age group. It was bizarre. My cousins all have "serious" names (Anna, Mary, Caitlin, David, etc.).

My brother is Carl, which is somewhat odd for a guy in his mid-20's. My one grandmother was Ruth Helen. I could have been a Ruth and not minded. I don't mind my real name but it's a pain to have to explain it/spell it/pronounce it all the time (ah-LEH-thee-ah). My other grandmother was Josephine Mary and I wouldn't want either one of those. I lisp so I could never be an Ethel or an Edith.

I find myself rebelling at the latest trend in cutesy naming. Sorry, but I don't want to find out 20 years from now that my brain surgeon is named Mykynzy or Gabbryell, as I recently saw suggested on a baby-name site when I was looking for a name for a foster cat. Yeesh. Give a kid some dignity. I've decided if I ever have kids they're getting one "normal", or at least traditional and recognizable name, and one oddball one so they can be distinctive without having to to live with a "weird" name every day.

22 Feb 06 - 04:44 PM (#1676189)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: katlaughing

I don't hear Arthur much anymore, nor Myron, my uncle and one grandpa whose middle name was LeCroix.

Beulah - an aunt, a grandma and a great-grandma (not related to one another except though marriage)

Courtney as a boy's name

Also, watched an old movie about Edison. One of the male actor's real first name was Lynn.

My next-door neighbour in CT hated her first name, Abdulia, so she went by Juji, pronounced "joo-gee." I though both were really kewl names.

I had another friend who went by Abe, but his real name was Avenicio, which I loved.

22 Feb 06 - 04:44 PM (#1676190)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Scoville

And an Alice. There was an Alice at college. Only Alice my age I ever met.

In the past couple of years I've met one woman named Cinnamon and two named Sundae (one was Sundaie but it was the same idea).

23 Feb 06 - 02:52 AM (#1676548)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Celtaddict

My family has a long line of Jephtha (a man's name, alternating with Jesse) on my mother's side, and Aholiab on my dad's. (A minor prophet. Very minor.) Also sisters Ruby, Rachel, and Ruth; Etta Mae, Marinda, Matilda, Harriet Jesse (yes, spelled in the masculine, no 'i,' named for her father and grandfather). Lloyd Eugene (brother of H. J.) A grandfather was named Faye. Nieces Margaux Marinda and Claire Aviva. And a ten year old nephew named Ezekiel.

23 Feb 06 - 03:44 AM (#1676563)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: JennieG

There is a 5YO girl in the junior section of the school where I work named......

wait for it......


And that is how it is pronounced too.

Having worked in schools for over 20 years I have come across some doozy names. But this one takes the cake.


23 Feb 06 - 04:35 AM (#1676585)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Purple Foxx

Whilst none were commonplace all of the following were genuine forenames in Victorian Britain.Abishag,Feather,Lettuce,Uz,Tram,Water,Wonderful,Murder(!),Energetic,Despair,Clapham,Ham & Brained.
So much for the "Good Old Days."

23 Feb 06 - 04:42 AM (#1676589)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

St. John, strictly upper crust.

(pronounced roughly Sin-Jin)

23 Feb 06 - 04:42 AM (#1676590)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

Sherlock and Mycroft.

23 Feb 06 - 08:08 AM (#1676707)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Mr Red

The only problem with unusual names is that there is no hiding - If Mr Red does anything newsworthy - it is this Mr Red that is identified. Mr Red has to behave............

Middle names are often mothers' maiden names and that can cause some ribaldry - but for a real excruciating childhood and a rather extrovert, devil may care and devil coloured adulthood - try an invented name.

As a shy modest folkie you can trust me on this .............

23 Feb 06 - 08:51 AM (#1676744)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: The Walrus

If we're on odd family names, My first name is Alfred although I tend to use my middle name (strangely, Alfred seems to have come back, there are at least two boys called "Alfie" in my neighbourhood* - I hated the name), my Father had the names Ernest & Charles (both names which are less popular thar in previous years) and my Mother had Emma and Amelia (Emma made a brief comeback), but then I have/had Aunts called Freda (not a contraction), Betty (ditto), Violet, Nell, Eileen, Sally(not a contraction) and Rita and Uncles Herbert and Jack (middle name "Vierstraat"), many of these names have been carried on (as middle names - what a surprise) in the current generation(s) (either in their Children or Grand-Children#)


*Not Guilty ;)
# Oddly, NOT Vierstraat

23 Feb 06 - 09:30 AM (#1676780)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: jaze

Doesn't Michael Jackson have a brother named Marlon?

23 Feb 06 - 11:49 AM (#1676884)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Uncle_DaveO

My father-in-law (born 1898, died about 1992) rejoiced in the given name "Courtney". That was a male name then.

Courtney Moore was VERY close-mouthed about his middle name. Only in her father's last years did my Beautiful Wife discover that middle name: "Oronto". I just wonder what the reference was when his parents gave him that.

Dave Oesterreich

23 Feb 06 - 12:09 PM (#1676894)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: dulcimer42

I had an uncle who was some big position guy in the navy... name was Howard Clessie Ford. He legally changed that middle name to just an initial. I guess it was hard to be a big navy man with a name like Clessie.

23 Feb 06 - 12:18 PM (#1676903)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bill D

I have been of the opinion for many years that parents should 'give' a child only one name, and allow them to choose another of their choice at some arbitrary 'adulthood'.

23 Feb 06 - 12:18 PM (#1676905)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: dulcimer42

I had a girl in the Kindergarten class I taught named Asiha.   Pronounced as the continent Asia.   I just figured her mother liked the sound of it, but didn't know how to spell.

My mother in law, from Kentucky, is named Ventla - Pronounced like Ventlie. She insists that's the way it's spelled and the way it's pronounced. One is not a nickname for the other.   I've never heard of this name before.

23 Feb 06 - 12:22 PM (#1676907)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: *Laura*

I know lots of Sophies. Several Lucys, several Georges, more than several Aarons and a Harriet or two.
Those names definitely aren't out here!


23 Feb 06 - 05:20 PM (#1677118)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: katlaughing

My great-grandpa's middle name was Dowd, but pronounced "dode."

There is a real estate agent's sign on a house across the street from us. her first name is Jeptha.

23 Feb 06 - 08:27 PM (#1677239)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: jaze

Working in a hospital and having to frequently visit the Labor unit, I hear of some really strange names. One lady named her daughter Pajama.When asked where she got that name she said she saw it in the Sears catalog and liked it. Another poor unenlightened soul wanted to name her daughter Vagina-because she liked the sound of it. They suggested Virginia instead:>)

23 Feb 06 - 08:49 PM (#1677254)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Bert

I once had a customer named Ashit.

24 Feb 06 - 12:44 AM (#1677384)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Helen

For the past few months, but not for much longer unfortunately, I have been working at the Registry of Hatches, Matches & Despatches so I get to see names from all the different eras, depending on the birthdates of people named on the various certificates.

In the last couple of months I have put through about 3 new birth registrations for babies named Imogen. That's not counting what other staff might have put through as well.

I don't know what has sparked that off, but funnily enough the first Imogen I ever met was just before I started at BDM the first time around, which was a year ago.

Names I haven't seen on new births:


Names for babies/kids that I have heard here in Oz recently:


My nephews' names (2 of them):

Amos (18 years) - named after a grandfather on our side & an uncle on Amos' father's side)
Llewellyn (25 years) (named for the Welsh connection in our family)


24 Feb 06 - 12:48 AM (#1677387)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Helen

There have been a couple of occasions where parents have spelled the name Joseph as "Joesph" on the birth rego forms. We have to leave the spelling "as is" if that is the way they want it, but we can question them on whether it is the correct spelling.

It all ends up on the certificates as it is spelled on the registration form.


24 Feb 06 - 08:19 AM (#1677586)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Mr Red


Was your father-in-law a fisherman by any chance? - (Courtney Moore for those not up to speed)
OK a quip but it does demostrate the problem I highlighted to Joy's cousin when the baby was due - try names and all contractions against the surname before deciding. Their name is Downward.

I did hear tell of a couple adopting after a long saga of disappointment and vetting and rejection. They decided that the girl would be a joy to care for - the social worker pointed out that Ms Rider would not thank them for calling her Joy!!!!

26 Feb 06 - 08:29 PM (#1679842)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Cluin

One lady named her daughter Pajama.

That's grounds for a slap right there.

26 Mar 06 - 04:25 PM (#1703338)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Firecat

I'm now in Year 2 and we've got two Georgias, a Thomas, three Samuels (although two prefer Sam), an Alice, a Sara, a Charles and a Lewis.

26 Mar 06 - 04:58 PM (#1703368)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...

Here in Merseyside, Amber, Jade, Jason, Sophie, Lucy, Dale (both for boys and girls), Aaron (pronounced arun not air-ron), Joshua, Wesley and Wayne are still going strong in the junior age ranges. As to Waynes under 50, how about Wayne Rooney (early 20s)?
Favourite nanes I've come across are Saraya ('Why are you called Saraya?' 'It's cos of me mum - she's some sort of an Arab') and Corrina Antoinette.

26 Mar 06 - 06:29 PM (#1703427)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Big Al Whittle

I once knew a teacher who sworn he'd taught a kid called Orson Cart.

Other teachers assured that Albert Hall was a very common misfortune.

I bet boys called Everard have a lot of fun. I bet it breaks the ice at parties. I would have liked to been called Everard.

26 Mar 06 - 10:12 PM (#1703517)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: frogprince

My mother was a "Gertrude", named for a character in a book that was already archaic then. ("The Lamplighter"). Her father's middle name was Harlan, as in Colonel Sanders.
   We have one little friend in grade school named Ezekiel, and a great niece about two weeks old named Olivia.

27 Mar 06 - 08:18 AM (#1703755)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Crystal

Hepzabah dosn't seem to be in use any more. As for silly/cutsy names Myshele, prounounced Michelle (the poor girl is 20!) and Dolphin (who calls their child Dolphin?)
I did know a James Bond in school, his brothers were called Luke and Paul. I guess his parents wanted traditional names and didn't think it through properly!

27 Mar 06 - 09:54 AM (#1703817)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Big Al Whittle

could have been worse....Premium or War, or Brooke

27 Mar 06 - 10:26 AM (#1703834)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: GUEST,me

Haven't noticed many little Osamas lately - I suppose it depends what neighbourhood you live in, though.

27 Mar 06 - 12:39 PM (#1703921)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: GUEST,Mandoleer

Have just remembered three kids a small cousin got friendly with at a camp site. One I can't remember the name of, but the other two (girl and boy) were Laura and Ashley. Might have been accidental... Around here, Jasons and Jades tend to have siblings called Chelsea and Kayleigh and Dean.

27 Mar 06 - 03:21 PM (#1703998)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Becca72

I went to school with 3 other Rebecca's and about 100 Jennifer's and Allison' of the other Rebecca's was a good friend of mine, who now has 2 children, Alice and Henry...and we're all in our early 30's...the traditional names are making a comeback.

28 Mar 06 - 02:26 PM (#1704874)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: Long Firm Freddie

There aren't many Gilberts about these days, I find.


29 Mar 06 - 02:00 AM (#1705368)
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
From: JohnInKansas

Most of the names cited as "out of favor" still seem to be reasonably common in my area, but then we are a century or two behind the rest of the world.

A very common name ca. 1940 for girls was Enola, but that lasted only a few (war) years. It might be popular again someday(?).

For unusual(?), it would be difficult to beat my Great Grandmother Berthsheba Elianor. I doubt that either of those shows up very often, and I doubt if either of them will pop up on newborns anytime soon.

The family does include one Geneva and one Radine, neither of which - so far as I know - was ever very common.

John (4th of 5 consecutive generations of - )