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Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing

22 Feb 06 - 09:53 AM (#1675815)
Subject: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

This link was shared on the folk-dj list. Some very clever songs:

Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing

22 Feb 06 - 10:05 AM (#1675834)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: Wolfgang

I walked in-
to Dick Cheney's line of fire...

What fun to listen and I'm sure I'll laugh about it longer than most of you for I only did understand about half of it at the first listening.


22 Feb 06 - 10:09 AM (#1675837)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: John on the Sunset Coast

How about just using the term 'right wing' guys never use the term 'far left wing' (and rarely just 'left wing') and Lord knows thereis a lot of that. Let's have some balance of terms!!!

22 Feb 06 - 10:10 AM (#1675840)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: katlaughing


22 Feb 06 - 10:17 AM (#1675845)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: Amos

ROFLMAO. Thanks!


22 Feb 06 - 10:26 AM (#1675855)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: Greg F.

There's plenty of balance of terms. The Trotskyists & Stalinists are left wing & far left wing, respectively.

Don't know that anyone on the forum qualifies- tho there may be a few.

And folks that call the slightly-right-of-center U.S. Democrat Party
"Left-Wing" are simply idiots.

22 Feb 06 - 10:40 AM (#1675875)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Excuse me, Greg F., but just who has used the terms stalinist or trotskyite in say the last 35 or so years? Except of course in an historical context.

22 Feb 06 - 10:47 AM (#1675881)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: Paul Burke

Really, you Americans! You don't know what 'left' and 'right' mean in politics. You only know right to off the scale.

22 Feb 06 - 10:48 AM (#1675882)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"you guys never use the term 'far left wing' "

... and you guys never use the term "far right".   Listen to Rush, Ann & the rest of the clan and you will hear them often refer to the "far left".

Grow up!   It is just a joke. Extremists on both sides seem to be loyal to their "cause" and start taking offense when someone pokes fun at them.

Frankly, all politicians are open to satire.

22 Feb 06 - 10:51 AM (#1675890)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

here is another -

Cheney Plays Folsom

22 Feb 06 - 10:54 AM (#1675894)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: catspaw49

Thank you Ron........I shall clean my screen after changing my pants!

Nice post Greg. We have acquired a few around here lately......idiots that is.


22 Feb 06 - 01:03 PM (#1676010)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: Richard Bridge

There is one UK Marxist on here but I forget the name. I am an unreconstructed clause 4 man ("ownership by the workers of the means of production", etc) ie Labour not New Labour.

22 Feb 06 - 01:12 PM (#1676017)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: TheBigPinkLad

I have come to believe, over the years, that political ideology is shaped less like a bird/plane and more like a horseshoe. The extremities are closer than those standing on them would like to admit.

22 Feb 06 - 01:34 PM (#1676043)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: Bill D

some Republicans are listening to those gems and scratching their heads.."Huh? I don't see anything funny. Sounds like good, common sense to me!"

*giggle*..."Michael, Stow Your Dough Offshore" indeed!

22 Feb 06 - 01:56 PM (#1676058)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: alanabit

I laughed out loud. Thanks very much.

22 Feb 06 - 09:17 PM (#1676392)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing

Yes We Have No Bandanas?????

22 Feb 06 - 09:37 PM (#1676404)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

Please check out that thread where I posted a ton of the songs I collected depicting the life, times, and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Several of those songs were from the right wing of that era's point of view. They were definitely not in favor of THE NEW FRONTIER programs of J.F.K.---But then the assassination occurred and the nature of the songs being made changed completely. The whole collection is now in the Archive Of Folk Culture--at the Library Of Congress.


22 Feb 06 - 09:55 PM (#1676424)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Ron Olesko, actually I was referring to postngs here at Mudcat; you are correct about Rush-whom I never listen to except in passing, and Ann Coulter. I love her, but I also take her with a grain of salt.

As to politicians as the object of satire, I love satire when it is witty, but not malicious. I appreciated, anog others, Phil Ochs' "Here's to the State of Mississippi" for its irony and "Love Me I'm a Liberal"; "Barry's Boys" done by the Chad Mitchell Trio--but not "Ronnie's Boys", forced humor; and of more recent vintage the Capitol Steps and the Foremen.

23 Feb 06 - 05:18 AM (#1676598)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: ifor

There are plenty of great folk songs about social justice,work songs and the great political and social upheavals of our time etc.
There are also great songs in the folk tradition by writers such as Ewan Mccoll,Alistair Hulett,Dick Gaughan and Bob Dylan.
I can't think of a single folk song of the far right [ fascists,bigots or racists ] that deserves to be sung.

23 Feb 06 - 09:30 AM (#1676782)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"I love satire when it is witty, but not malicious"

Isn't malicious a rather subjective term? I do not think anything that was included in the piece could be called "malicious". It is satire.   

Also, tastes and acceptable comedy changes with time. What was taboo 20 years ago is now acceptable comedy.

As for Mudcatters not calling themselves "far left", I have yet to see a Mudcatter calling themself "far right" either.

So you are the one who loves Ann Coulter. Wow!

23 Feb 06 - 09:31 AM (#1676786)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

oh, and by the way - I chose the title of this thread because it is the title of the piece that is located on a non-Mudcat website.

23 Feb 06 - 10:38 AM (#1676840)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

The term says what Ron is looking for quite well. We in the USA know what it means here and now---and so do those people who advocate for the things that comprise a good definition of far right wing people.

Art Thieme

23 Feb 06 - 10:57 AM (#1676856)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: katlaughing

Art's thread on songs about Kennedy with a link in the first posting to a related thread.

23 Feb 06 - 10:54 PM (#1677358)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Ron- I agree with you when you that taste and acceptance of comedy has changed--for me not for the better. I would take the politcal humor of Mort Sahl Tom Lehrer or Vaughn Meader over a John Stewart or Bill (potty mouth) Maher anyday. The first three did not resort to four letter words to make a point, or mean spirited attacks. In other words, they used a velvet glove, not a claw hammer to make their points.
I did not mean that mudcatters call themselves far right or far left, I meant they mostly call others far right. I don't believe I have ever seen the term far left here.
Ann Coulter is my Michael Moore, but prettier.

Art- Your post of 10:38 AM sounds a bit Humpty Dumpty-ish to me. "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less." Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.

I thank you both for your responses, but I respectfully disagree with your points.

24 Feb 06 - 12:03 AM (#1677374)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing

wanna hear a republican say far right? here i am far right and proud of it. now how many enemies did i make here with that one sentance?

why do people in entertaiment assunme that everyone in the industry thinks like them? ive got a whole lod of similar songs about the left that i could post but something tells me you wouldnt appreciate it. if you wanna go for humor like this ive got some for you. songs about kennedy, chapaquitik, "president clinton and bill".....thats right conservatives do satire too and do it well.
i happen to love anne coulter too.

24 Feb 06 - 01:08 AM (#1677394)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

Kat, you beat me to it. But I just refreshed them too.



24 Feb 06 - 05:02 AM (#1677480)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: GUEST,Eric Bram

I see most of this discussion deteriorated -- almost immediately -- into the usual left/right name-calling.

My own experience with folk music (trying to keep what I have to say on point, related strictly to folk singing) is that there are few if any right-wing -- or even conservative -- folk singers, unless you want to include the "Jesus music" crowd. On the other hand, there are definitely quite a number of what I would call left-wing folk singers. These are folks who don't usually play traditional folk songs, but have a large repertoire of what I would call "protest songs." It's hard to play with these folks, because their songs generally badmouth or ridicule people whose politics they disagree with. Further, they expect everyone in the audience to have the same worldview as they do. These people are very polarizing when they sing, and while personally they are usually very nice, friendly people, who don't think they are doing any harm, to those who don't agree with them politically their songs come across as quite mean-spirited indeed.

I would say the same about right-wing folk singers, except I haven't met any. There are certainly anti-left (usually comedy) songs out there, but I never hear them around a campfire for instance, or at other "folk music" gatherings.

24 Feb 06 - 10:11 AM (#1677698)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"why do people in entertaiment assunme that everyone in the industry thinks like them?
... if you wanna go for humor like this ive got some for you. songs about kennedy, chapaquitik, "president clinton and bill"....."

And I thought it was short term memory that fails people when they get older.

Guest, you are picking some excellent examples of people and issues on the left that deserve to be skewered.   The earlier mention of Vaughn Meader, Jon Stewart and Bill Maher and I would add people like Jay Leno to that bunch.   They see the humor and the opportunity for satire and they go for it. Frankly, I have yet to hear any of on the "far left" take exception to their brand of humor.   If you operate in the public arena, you are subject to this scrutiny.

As for the folk music community being "left", well there is historical reasons for that. In the 1940's the left did embrace the style - more so than the right - and it continues to this day. From experience, I do think that the majority of the audience that attends their concerts agree with the political view, or have a reasonable respect. Not everyone agrees of course.   Not everyone uses the stage as a soapbox either.

Again, I do not feel this is a left vs. right issue. However, evidence that I have seen seems to show that the right seems to be taking more exception to the humor.

24 Feb 06 - 10:14 AM (#1677701)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

" here i am far right and proud of it. now how many enemies did i make here with that one sentance?"

Probably - none.   We do not even know who you are.

"i happen to love anne coulter too."

You should see her without the makeup.

04 Apr 06 - 04:11 PM (#1710491)
Subject: Songs of the Far Right
From: An Pluiméir Ceolmhar

I haven't been in the Café much lately,so forgive me if it's already been picked up, but I found this
on Chiff & Fipple and thought it would be appreciated in these here parts (even right-wingers have a sense of humour, don't they ;-)?).

05 Apr 06 - 02:29 AM (#1710852)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: paddymac

Guest with the far left songs - by all means, please do post them here. I like to poke good natured fun all over the spectrum.

05 Apr 06 - 08:48 PM (#1711547)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: GUEST,mack/misophist

Where does this discussion leave people like me; rather left on social issues and rather right on fiscal ones? I'm using those terms in their real (original) sense, oncourse, not the modern one.

03 Jan 07 - 06:09 PM (#1925942)
Subject: BS: Folks Songs of The Right Wing
From: voyager

For what it's worth....
   FSotFRW - Pinko Parodies of Politics

Poppa's Got a Brand New Baghdad

Geez....maybe it's time to drag out my Reagan era blues -
    'New Right's All Wrong'

ite feline ite

03 Jan 07 - 07:14 PM (#1926010)
Subject: RE: BS: Folks Songs of The Right Wing
From: Cluin

Nothing new there.

Let's travel back to 1964. Presenting... The Goldwaters!

I like their logo, anyway.

20 Mar 07 - 02:49 PM (#2002363)
Subject: Right Wing Folk Songs

Who says the right wing isn't into folk music?

Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing

20 Mar 07 - 05:59 PM (#2002548)
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
From: Ref

In Re: Ann Coulter

Ron, that should be "you should see HIM without the makeup!"