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BS: Happy Birthday gnu !

07 Mar 06 - 01:55 AM (#1686982)
Subject: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: number 6

This is your day gnu ... wishin ya a happy, healthy one and may ya have many, many more.


07 Mar 06 - 02:57 AM (#1686991)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Morticia

Happiest of happy days, gnu!

07 Mar 06 - 03:11 AM (#1686993)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: freda underhill

hey, gnu, Happy birthday to you!!


07 Mar 06 - 03:48 AM (#1687009)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Metchosin

Happy Birthday to gnu
Happy Birthday to gnu
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Happy Bithday to gnu

07 Mar 06 - 04:47 AM (#1687040)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: autolycus

Happy birthday, gnu.

May you have the day you want.


07 Mar 06 - 05:09 AM (#1687047)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: John MacKenzie

You old bugger, you kept that one quiet, well you're not going to escape that easily, I shall ask Robin to post one of his Birthday Bundles especially for you.

'It's good gnus week ♪♫'

Happy Canuck Birthday to ya.


07 Mar 06 - 06:05 AM (#1687078)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Emma B

hope you heard the Happy Birthday chorus at midnight Brit time but just in case.............
Happy birthday to gnu!

07 Mar 06 - 06:48 AM (#1687100)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: The Fooles Troupe

Hippo Birdies Two Ewes!
Hippo Birdies Two Ewes!
Hippo Birdies, Hippo Birdies!
Hippo Birdies Two Ewes!

Greetings from Foolestroupe T.W. (MA)...

07 Mar 06 - 07:04 AM (#1687111)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: bobad

Good on ya gnu

Wishing you a gnu day

Happy Birthday

07 Mar 06 - 07:13 AM (#1687121)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: jacqui.c

Happy birthday darlin'. I'll raise a glass to you tonight, or maybe earlier if Mary and I have lunch out.....

07 Mar 06 - 07:21 AM (#1687127)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Azizi

Have a GREAT birth day and all other days!

07 Mar 06 - 08:13 AM (#1687169)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Alba

HAPPY BIRTH DAY!! Did you hear me? I shouted from my back field..:)

Have a Great Day and an even better Year ahead Darlin.

Love and Light

07 Mar 06 - 08:17 AM (#1687175)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !

Happy Birthday, Gnu with a capital G. Enjoy!

07 Mar 06 - 08:44 AM (#1687204)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Raptor

I shall raise a glass or two in your honor before the day is done.

You are one of the catters I admire most.


07 Mar 06 - 08:52 AM (#1687209)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Amos

Well done, well done, you old Canuck
With rubber boots, worn pickup truck
With country lodge, and sundry goods,
And endless miles of frozen woods.
Well done on circling the sun,
And keeping things that would become
Without your sturdy hand, undone.
I hope you think to thank your Mum!
I'm sure she'll smile and say to you
"Life's always better when it's Gnu!"

Happy BDay, mate!


07 Mar 06 - 10:20 AM (#1687279)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: leftydee

Happy Birthday, Buddy! My best wishes!

07 Mar 06 - 10:23 AM (#1687288)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Peace

Happy Birthday, Gnu.

07 Mar 06 - 11:04 AM (#1687337)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: ToulouseCruise

Happy b-day from a fellow 'Brunswicker!

(Well, actually, I am FROM P.E.I., but I live here, so I guess that is close enuf...)


07 Mar 06 - 11:33 AM (#1687366)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Skipjack K8

Gnoo, old love, hope you have a spiffing day, even if it is a dry one! I always knew you were great enough to be Piscean.


07 Mar 06 - 12:09 PM (#1687404)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: gnu

Thank you, thank you, thank you.........

I am having a great day. And your kind wishes have made it even better.


07 Mar 06 - 12:56 PM (#1687451)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Megan L

ach m'darlin beuy ahm no fur believin yer anithir year older. tak care mind oan guid folk like you are awfy hard tae find .

07 Mar 06 - 01:21 PM (#1687466)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: MBSLynne

Happy birthday gnu!!

Love Lynne

07 Mar 06 - 02:51 PM (#1687537)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Severn

Today is the day when it sounds like a bodhran can play melodies,

A day to honor a man who can converse with a moose and be just as witty and entertaining as he is to us,

A day to honor a true Patriot, even if he does get into curlers from time to time (Sports Talk, folks, don't worry),

A man to whom not just trash talking, but also acting upon the subject is said by him to be his favorite activity of the week,

A man who is kind to his mother and is on tap as tops at typing tipper tips, raise some glue to the Gnu!


07 Mar 06 - 05:21 PM (#1687687)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: bfdk

Happy Birthday, Gnu!

Best wishes,


07 Mar 06 - 05:23 PM (#1687690)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Shanghaiceltic

Hey Gnu Old Chap, have a nice day. Happy Bidet to you.

07 Mar 06 - 06:06 PM (#1687737)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Big Mick

Happy B-day to one of my favorite catters. Take care, my friend. And git yer arse to The Getaway so's I can pour you a proper pint of the vile, black stuff.


07 Mar 06 - 06:28 PM (#1687760)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: ranger1

Happy birthday, gnu! We share a birth month. I knew you had good taste!

PS Did you ever get rid of the skunk stench on your truck?

07 Mar 06 - 08:24 PM (#1687868)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: ragdall

HaPPy BirTHdaY, Gnu!!!

"May you live as long as you want
and never want as long as you live."

07 Mar 06 - 08:29 PM (#1687875)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Janie

Is today the start of a brand new Gnu?

Happiest of years to you.


07 Mar 06 - 08:32 PM (#1687878)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !

Jacqui and I raised a toast to you today at Appleby's. Sorry for the tacky surroundings but it is the thought that counts. Be well, my friend.

08 Mar 06 - 08:28 AM (#1688181)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: gnu

What a day... from start to finish. Well, actually it didn't finish until today. About 3AM as I recall. The last of the "guests" just left. If I was a good Cat'lic, I'd have some splainin ta do. Lent went out the window last night. But... no coffee!

Thanks, thanks, thanks for the good wishes.

gnu... with a small "g"
(and a big head)

08 Mar 06 - 09:10 AM (#1688203)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Rapparee

Oh, yeah, I meant to say Happy Birthday but forgot. So I hope it was happy and all and that you got to go down in the woods that day and were in for a big, albeit pleasant, surprise. I hope that every bear that ever there was WASN'T gathered there for certain because they'd bat you around and leave a really messy mess. So I hope that your birthday wasn't spent being battered and bitten and clawed and eaten by bears, but if it was I wish you a speedy recovery.

08 Mar 06 - 09:19 AM (#1688212)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Tig

Hippo Burpdays for yesterday Gnu

Lots of love and hugs
Tig, The Badger and Firecat

08 Mar 06 - 10:33 AM (#1688258)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: *daylia*

Happy Birthday gnu!

08 Mar 06 - 11:53 AM (#1688328)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: kendall

And as many more as you want.

08 Mar 06 - 12:08 PM (#1688340)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Beer

Glad I took a peek down below the line. All the very best.

08 Mar 06 - 02:10 PM (#1688414)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: catspaw49

I knew not gnu that the day was for you ..... But gnu, both I knew and you knew, as well as gnu too, that Joe knows not from birthday threads and I knew and you knew what we have all known in the knowable realm so this is no news of anything new when I say, gnu, Joe thinks these threads are boring and therefore it becomes incumbent on me to remedy that situation.

Now you know and I know that you, gnu, knew full well that I would do know.....something to make the thread different and not just a parade of HBD greetings, so.............

...fuck off......


08 Mar 06 - 05:45 PM (#1688610)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: gnu

Aw, gee, you guys. The love and warmth... sniff.

08 Mar 06 - 08:20 PM (#1688691)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Bobert

Man, sorry missed yer Birthday, pal, but I did send you a CD in the mail... That count fir anything???


Din't think so...

But hope yopu enjoyed it...


09 Mar 06 - 05:07 AM (#1688973)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: Phot

Hiccy burp day to Gnu!
hiccy burp day to gnu!
Sorry I missed it, but I was out doing stuff out here, Hope you had a really great day. All the best.

Wassail!! Chris

09 Mar 06 - 05:49 PM (#1689543)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: CarolC


I can't believe I'm late to wish you a happy birthday!


(posted using the free wi fi at the taco bell down the road... we get internet on Monday)

09 Mar 06 - 06:00 PM (#1689552)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: skarpi

I´ll be late as always


All the best Skarpi Iceland.

10 Mar 06 - 01:41 PM (#1690153)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday gnu !
From: gnu

Thanks, each and all. I really do appreciate your kind wishes. And, to close this thread, a special thanks to Joe for not posting to it.
