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everything scatter

28 Mar 06 - 10:12 AM (#1704630)
Subject: everything scatter
From: Kweku

living in a land filled constantly with bad news of all sort,is hell and just when you thought you were going to have a little nice nap a "politrickster" from the planet "puppetship" comes and pours cold water on your nice little nap.

"the former head of state Liberia has disappeared in Nigeria". and how did this come about? because the current head of state decided to make amendment to her electoral campaign promises and have decided to ask Nigeria to hand over Charles Taylor. my God what a political error and to think that women president would help get Africa out of her current prdeicament.

as to her understanding of the implications of her actions only God knows.but with the current unstable and volatile political situation in the Liberia, Gambia and Sierra Leonian triangle this woman should know better.but once again she couldn't have done it alone unless of course encouraged by foreign masters.this talk of handing over Charles Taylor to the war crimes tribunal in Sierra Leone started when she paid a visit to the U.S congress and made a speech punctuated by standing ovations.

sometimes when Africa problems comes up it is not even necessary to point out the foreign interferers,because they have established a trade in this field.

my question to fellow mudcatters can't the world leave Africa alone? .if we would slaughter ourselves let it be our problem.after all if we were so barbaric the Don Diego and the rest would never have a found a single soul when they first came here.

live and let us live.

28 Mar 06 - 10:26 AM (#1704641)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Paul Burke

I assume you're saying that asking for his extradition pushed Taylor into a corner, and that he has little option now but to return to his supporters in Liberia and perhaps re- ignite the region. But wouldn't he have just waited his time for this anyway if he still has significant support there?

As for leaving Africa alone, the simple answer is diamonds, oil, uranium. Before that it was slaves, gold, etc. The Moslem world didn't let Africa be before the Europeans arrived, and the Chinese or whoever won't be any better when the Americans have passed.

The question is whether social arrangements that worked, if badly, in the days of spears and bows and arrows can still work in the days of mass communications and mass destruction. And before anyone bites my head off, the question is directed as much at Europe and America as at Africa and Asia.

28 Mar 06 - 10:45 AM (#1704653)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Kweku

I believe it would have been better to have the man in sight than to make him dissappear.Sometimes it is better to leave the mole and wait for him to act before you do likewise rather than let him dissappear and loose all the information you could have gained.

as to the last line Paul,society is dynamic and just like Europe have learned to shape their society to meet their current would be so with Africa.

but look at the other side,if we kill ourselves and leave the whole vast continent empty of people but full of all the unimaginable resources,wouldn't it be best for the exploiters.

28 Mar 06 - 01:24 PM (#1704822)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: CarolC

Thanks for your perspectives, Quarcoo. We in the "West" don't get many opportunities to hear or read the points of view of people who live in the countries our governments are interfering with.

28 Mar 06 - 01:33 PM (#1704827)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Kaleea

ditto, Carol. Sometimes our news, while not exactly censored, is certainly filtered. Only items considered "newsworthy" by whomever make it into the national media sources.

29 Mar 06 - 06:13 AM (#1705472)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Paul Burke

Taylor arrested.

29 Mar 06 - 07:44 AM (#1705519)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: gnomad

It would be a fine idea if outside influences were to leave off meddling in Africa, and one or two other places, but vested interests being what they are I would deem it impossible to achieve.

If memory serves, the last nation to cut itself off from the world with any degree of success was Japan. That was before the world was shrunk by modern communications, pan-continental companies etc. The attempt eventually failed, and that was a relatively small country with limited resources to tempt outsiders.

The idea that left alone the indigenous people might simply wipe each other out is a pretty horrible possibilty, though a remote one IMO. It could well appeal to some of the powers and business interests which eye Africa's resources with such greed. What would prevent their addopting such a plan is that it would take more time than they care to invest, so they try and hurry the process along a bit, resulting in the mess we see today.

I will grant that much outside interference has a benign intent, some has a positive effect, but much is harmful, and a great deal is in truth self-interest wearing the clothes of altruism.

29 Mar 06 - 07:56 AM (#1705527)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Once Famous

OK, go ahead and slaughter yourselves and don't come to us to help you to grow your own food, also.

Have it your way. I'll watch for your picture in a National Geographic.

29 Mar 06 - 10:33 AM (#1705654)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Kweku


good news to the people who have been screaming for his head .but what purpose would it serve the ordinary Liberian who still have the live with the deplorable situation in Liberia. God help them,as we say "cow wey ino have tail na God they drive am fly".

Gibson,lack of history leads to uninformed statements and actions. Americans for the first time in a long while are asking themselves "why does the world hates us so much" and it is because the National Geographic made them believe they are the most loved people on earth.the Rednecks don't even believe in Washington again. come with me and I will take you on a journey of years.wait and see.

31 Mar 06 - 04:26 AM (#1707346)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Kweku

Prez Obasanjo of Nigeria wants a third term as Nigerian Prez,which is against the constitution, the Bush Administration objected to this.

Now Charles Taylor disappears whiles Obasanjo visits the U.S,he quickly organises his security agencies and Charles Taylor is arrested. The most perfect bargaining chip.

Now Obasanjo is sure to get a third in office with full backing by the U.S. As obasanjo said himself (i)i feel vindicated(/i).

The drama continues.

31 Mar 06 - 07:17 AM (#1707428)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Bunnahabhain

Well, Honest political leaders, who stick to the rules, and really are out to benefit the whole country, not just their family/tribe/elite would be what Africa would benefit from.

Actually, they'd just get 'borrowed' by the West as well, as we rather need them as well.

31 Mar 06 - 07:33 AM (#1707439)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Leadfingers

Quarcoo - Bear in mind that IF the interferers got out and let you all kill each other , there would be NO cheap labour to get the minerals out of the ground !!

31 Mar 06 - 10:31 AM (#1707569)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Kweku

can a Catholic ever understand a Protestant and vice-versa?

31 Mar 06 - 10:56 AM (#1707576)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Kweku

I am not so surprised that most people consider Africa a hopless case.

I will never give up on Africa, just as the Brits never gave up during the WW2. These days,Africans who live and work in the advanced countries come back home after many years to realize that those back home are better off than them.

It is just unfortunate that when the time comes many might not be around to witness it.

31 Mar 06 - 10:57 AM (#1707577)
Subject: RE: everything scatter
From: Paul Burke

They mostly do, Q. There are idiot Catholics, in Northern Ireland, in the Vatican, in South America, in Africa, everywhere. And there are idiot Protestants, in Northern Ireland, in Kansas, in the White House, and everywhere. But in all those places mentioned, and in all of the rest of the world, I suspect there's few of either group (or for that matter neither group) who could give a flying about another person's religion, or absence thereof, as long as it's not thrust in their face.

It's when extremists make the running, as in Northern Ireland, America, Iraq, and Liberia, that decent people feel forced into a sectional, defensive attitude, and communities become polarised.

I don't believe Africa's problems are caused by Africa any more than you do; but I also think that even if America, Europe etc. pulled out and promised to look the other way now, there are enough local demagogues like Taylor to create the polarisation necessary to give them a handle on power. In reality, decent African people have far more in common with decent American, European and Asian people than they have with African wealth- grabbers and power- seekers. And that's true for the others as well.