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Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA- 27 May 06

28 Mar 06 - 09:17 PM (#1705168)
Subject: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

Hello, all!

Well, we've lived in West Chester for the better part of a year, now, and we've decided it's time to have folks over for a day of singing, playing and jamming. So on Saturday, May 27th, any who'd like to come are invited to a folk music picnic at Dan and Geeta's in West Chester, PA. We can offer lots of outdoor space, a grill, some of the refreshment, music and - more importantly - a place to play your music. You can bring some food for the grill, your instruments, your kids if you'd like, and lots of songs and tunes!

If all goes well, we'd love to make this an annual event - but we figure we'll start small and see where it goes. So it's just a one-day picnic for now. If it rains, we'll all just be cozier in the house.

For those who are unaware, West Chester (aside from being home to the Great God Mudcat Itself) is in the Philadelphia area, and a very nice town.

We hope to see some Mudcat folks there! It should be a good time.

Dan Schatz

28 Mar 06 - 09:26 PM (#1705172)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA

I wish, Dan. Thank you for the invite and ENJOY!

28 Mar 06 - 09:27 PM (#1705173)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Big Mick

Barring a conflict I will be there, Dan with the wife and teenager in tow. We live so close that there is no excuse not to see each other once in a while.

Love to Geeta, Mom, and Bro.


28 Mar 06 - 09:35 PM (#1705176)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Big Mick

Mary, I live about 30 minutes from there. Come stay at my house, ........... but don't bring any gifts. *****snerk*****


28 Mar 06 - 11:22 PM (#1705258)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Bill D week before the WFF (Washington Folk Festival)...we shall see...

29 Mar 06 - 10:38 AM (#1705656)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

That's great, Mick! I have to admit I had forgotten or somehow missed that you were living here now. So this will be an extra treat for us!

Mary, anytime you feel the need, you just give us a call and come on down - it's not Maine on Memorial Day weekend, I'll admit, but on the other hand, it's not Maine on Memorial Day weekend!

Dan Schatz

29 Mar 06 - 11:51 AM (#1705711)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: karen k

Hey, Mick do you have room for me on Fri. night?


29 Mar 06 - 01:06 PM (#1705751)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Micca

Hi Sins, You are thinking of Braving West Chester PA AGAIN!!!!! well, you know who NOT to get road directions from this time!!!! and if you do get there, Have breakfast at THAT diner for me!! They knew how to make PROPER tea!!!

29 Mar 06 - 04:53 PM (#1705979)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Susan of DT

Dick and I will probably be there.

29 Mar 06 - 05:05 PM (#1705992)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: open mike

is that memorial day weekend?

29 Mar 06 - 08:37 PM (#1706126)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Big Mick

karen k, you don't need permission or an invite. You, m'love, are welcome and encouraged to come to our house any ole time you want. Hell yes, dearie, by all means get your Royal Backside down here. This is getting better by the minute!!!!!


29 Mar 06 - 08:54 PM (#1706138)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

Yep, that's Memorial Day weekend - though it's Saturday of that weekend. And Mick's right - this is sounding better by the minute!


30 Mar 06 - 12:54 AM (#1706273)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Big Mick

Damn!!! I didn't realize it was Memorial Day weekend. Sorry folks, but I will be in Michigan. Breaks my heart, cause I really would love to be at this one.


30 Mar 06 - 03:38 AM (#1706339)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: karen k

I'm so disappointed!
love ya anyway,

30 Mar 06 - 09:00 AM (#1706530)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: chris nightbird childs

Well, I would have been there if I hadn't moved from West Chester 5 months ago... I'm in CT now.

30 Mar 06 - 01:25 PM (#1706799)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

Sorry to hear you won't be able to make it, Mick - but there will be other opportunities. And we should get together in any case if you're this close!

Dan Schatz

31 Mar 06 - 10:38 AM (#1707572)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Nancy King

I'm hoping to rearrange my work schedule so I can be there. It should be do-able, but it hasn't happened yet. Nothing like working in a public library to mess up your weekends...

I hope to see a lot of fine folks there! Sorry you won't make it, Mick, but I trust I'll see you at the Getaway in early Nov. if not before. Karen, can you come anyway?

It should be a fine party -- Dan and Geeta have a great big back yard!


20 Apr 06 - 09:19 AM (#1722722)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz


20 Apr 06 - 10:20 AM (#1722763)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Susan of DT

Doesn't sound like a lot of people, Dan.

Karen - Do you want to stay with us?

20 Apr 06 - 10:57 AM (#1722801)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

I know it doesn't sound like a huge Mudcat crowd yet - but we do have a few folks here in town that will be coming. I go by the philosophy "Whoever comes are the right people to come. And however many come are the right number."

Perhaps another year we'll movce it away from Memorial Day weekend - it was hard to tell whether that would be an unsually convenient or unusually inconvenient weekend. Of course, a lot also has to do with my scheduled, working as I do on weekends! (It's wedding season, too!)

Dan Schatz

11 May 06 - 11:37 AM (#1738054)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Susan of DT

Is this still on, Dan? Please e-mail me directions at probably from the turnpike bridge or further South from I295 at whatever bridge is appropriate.

11 May 06 - 09:46 PM (#1738561)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: karen k

Can't make this one, Dan, but I hope you do it again. I'd love to come down. Have a great time.


11 May 06 - 09:47 PM (#1738562)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Nancy King

Yes, the party's still on, so y'all come! I plan to be there, and I hope a few other folks will make it as well.

Susan, Dan's probably tied up with meetings right now, but I'm sure he'll send you directions in plenty of time. I'll remind him.

See you soon,

11 May 06 - 11:07 PM (#1738612)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA

Linn is having her Tune It Or Die party that week end. I even cancelled my Song Circle. Wish I could be in PA.

12 May 06 - 03:16 PM (#1739255)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

We'll get directions to everyone. After Geeta gets her papers graded, she may even be able to post them to the web - though nop guarantees.

So far, we know we have Dick Swain and Nancy Matilla, Nancy King, Dick and Susan, Eric Cole, Geeta and myself, some local folks, possibly Murray Callahan, and a few other definite maybes. So though it's potentially small, it won't be TOO small. And there's always room for more! If you know of someone you'd like to encourage along, by all means do!

I'm off, as my mother says, to meetings this weekend - but I'll be able to get back to everyone in a few days.

See you soon!

Dan Schatz

12 May 06 - 05:47 PM (#1739356)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: beardedbruce

Wish I could go, if only to stop at the Stane Barn book store. But setting up for the WFF that day, so...

See you at the Getaway, if not sooner.

19 May 06 - 12:51 AM (#1743680)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

OK folks, here's directiosn for all. What we've done, so as not to post directions on a regular web page for all the world to see, is set up an evite card. To access the card, click here.

It's helpful if you let us know you're coming and if you're bringing any other folks along. It should be a good day, with lots of music and good company!

Dan Schatz

19 May 06 - 07:25 PM (#1744227)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Max

How do I get there from Matlack St? Just kidding. I think I'll be in town Saturday, I would love to come.

Count me in (assuming I'm welcome).


20 May 06 - 12:58 PM (#1744504)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

Looking forward to seeing you, Max! Hope you'll bring the lovely Lily and the rest of the family!


21 May 06 - 10:38 PM (#1745113)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

Great, Max! It's good to know we'll have Mr. Mudcat himself, father of truly endless (but edifying) threads!

Incidentally, you'd be amazed at how many people have trouble getting there from within West Chester. Check out the evite and call if you get into trouble!

Dan Schatz

24 May 06 - 09:38 AM (#1746467)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Max

What time is the event?

24 May 06 - 11:27 AM (#1746551)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

Hmm, that information does seem to be lacking from my original post. We'll start at noon and go until we're done. We're assuming most folks will be here for lunch and dinner, or at least all day grazing. We've got home-grown salad, hamburgers and veggie-burgers, hotdogs and (courtesy of my Ma) chicken wings - plus whatever else folks bring. Somebody just gave us an ince-cream maker, so if we can figure that out, maybe we'll have some homemade ice cream, too.

Dan Schatz

24 May 06 - 01:19 PM (#1746647)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: KateG

Ice cream is a great activity for this sort of gathering; we often get ours out for our Dulcimer Club gatherings. I make up the mixture the day before, sans the whipped cream (Joy of Cooking has great recipes). It then becomes an activity for the kids who don't play. They get to whip the cream, whack the bags of ice to crush it, and take turns on the churn. It does require a bit of supervision to set up and monitor, but not too much. And as a reward for their work, the kids get the first servings.

24 May 06 - 04:13 PM (#1746790)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: GUEST,Nancy

24 May 06 - 04:15 PM (#1746791)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

"Ince Cream," eh? Yummmm... Sorry Dan, couldn't resist. Also couldn't post pproperly, it seems.

24 May 06 - 04:16 PM (#1746793)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

...sstill ccan't ppost pproperly...

24 May 06 - 04:39 PM (#1746811)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: GUEST,Dan Schatz at the office

Humph! You give 'em an "ince" and they take a mile....

Dan Schatz

25 May 06 - 05:04 PM (#1747518)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

I'm looking at the weather forcast for Saturday and smiling to myself - so far it looks like after the rain comes through on Friday, we may have a few lingering showers in the morning, but partly to mostly sunny the rest of the day. Incidentally, this is a rain or shine event - if it rains, we'll move inside and be cozy.

It's looking to be a great day, all around!

Dan Schatz

26 May 06 - 04:20 PM (#1748109)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Max

This is turning out to be quite a party. My sources tell me some VIP's are going to be there.

If anyone wants to kick me in the balls, I will be allowing this tomorrow only, so you better show up or you'll miss your chance.

26 May 06 - 04:50 PM (#1748126)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Bill D

awww...and I am STILL up to my butt eyeballs in preparation for the WFF (Washington Folk Festival) NEXT weekend. Now if I had worked harder on crafts in March...

Like those Jivaro indians say "Plan ahead"

have fun everyone! Give Max a kick for me!

26 May 06 - 10:19 PM (#1748267)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Dan Schatz

Hey, my mother's going to be there. If she isn't a VIP, I don't know who is....

Dan Schatz

27 May 06 - 12:43 AM (#1748293)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Nancy King

Well, I don't know who is, either....

28 May 06 - 02:05 AM (#1748862)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA
From: Big Mick

What a wonderful gathering this was!! Dan and Geeta, thanks so much for being such wonderful hosts. It was my kind of party. Just a bunch of friends sitting around and swapping songs. And when the swapsters include Dick Swain and Dick Greenhaus, you will surely hear wonderful songs that you haven't heard before. I am a huge fan of Dick Swain's anyway, and the same goes for Greenhaus. Between them they probably know more songs than anyone I can think of.

And btw, if you get a chance to hear Dan and Geeta sing together, do not miss it. Two beautiful voices and just as beautiful people. These two are pure joy to be around.

Great fun, and one more magical, musical event in my life that I owe to the Mudcat.

All the best,


29 May 06 - 04:31 PM (#1749587)
Subject: RE: Folk Music Picnic in West Chester, PA- 27 May
From: Dan Schatz

Aww, shucks.

It was great to see and hear everyone - Mick, Dick and Nancy, John, Eric, Max, Dick and Susan, Murray and Chris, Nancy King, etc. Once the initial clouds passed, the weather was perfect, if a bit warm - but still NO BUGS and a great day for sitting outside swapping songs. I heard several I want to learn.

We'll hope to do the same thing in other years, but plan to switch to a less busy weekend.

Dan Schatz