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Folk song in Orkney

31 Mar 06 - 05:23 PM (#1707858)
Subject: Folk song in Orkney
From: Santa

We'll be in Orkney the first week in May, is there anything/anyone we should make sure of seeing?

01 Apr 06 - 06:43 AM (#1708092)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: GUEST,Hen Harrier

Yep, try Johnny Mowatt, the organiser of the Folk Fest later in the month for a start , he should be able to give you the lowdown of anything that may be happening while you're there.

01 Apr 06 - 08:16 AM (#1708131)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney

Ring of Brodgar, Mais Howe, Scara Brae - wonderful place.
Don't know about folk song anymore

01 Apr 06 - 10:16 AM (#1708182)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: kendall

The Ring of Brogar is a must. Predates Stonehenge.

I attended a community variety show in Kirkwall back in 1988, and the MC told a joke about an American. He didn't know there were two of them in the audience, so after the show, I asked him if he made a habit of telling jokes about Americans. Well, of course he knew the minute I spoke that I wasn't from around there, and Annie told him I was a folk singer. Next thing I knew, we were invited to his home where we made music until the wee hours. Try that in New York city!

01 Apr 06 - 12:51 PM (#1708260)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: Effsee

Sessions alternate between the Ferry Inn & Stromness Hotel on Wednesdays, though there may be others which I don't know about.

02 Apr 06 - 09:01 AM (#1708740)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: Santa

Thanks for the tips: the prehistoric sites are perhaps the main reasons for going but I was wondering is we could hear some folk singing while we were there.

03 Apr 06 - 07:28 AM (#1709391)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: GUEST,noddy

Tomb of the Eagles, The earl's Palace, The Wrigley Sisters.

03 Apr 06 - 07:29 AM (#1709392)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: GUEST,noddy

Oh Yes and an absolute MUST is the Italian Prisoner or war Church.

03 Apr 06 - 07:38 AM (#1709395)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: GUEST,noddy

The maritime museum in Stromness, the Mid Howe broch and BIG stalled tomb on Rousay, and the Broch at Gurness. The old Man of Hoy and the Dwarfie Stane. The round Church at Orphir. The Distilery!
That should do.
Orkney festival is at the end of May. If you are there then go to one of the concert/celidh out of Stromness for a GREAT experience. Music Food Dancing And great hospitality.

03 Apr 06 - 07:59 AM (#1709404)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: GUEST,Raggytash

A week isn't long enough, I spent a month there back in 1979 and only saw a fraction of the antiquities. A viking village was being excavated on the Brough of Bursay (where Skara Brea is) at the time.
Like Noddy says the tomb on Rousay is a must, the Italian Chapel is one of the most beautiful creations, the story goes that back in the sixties the chapel was falling into disrepair and the Orkadians contacted the Italian govt who found the original painter of the fresco who was flown to the Orkneysm touched up his original work and was made an honory Orkadian. It is a most fabulous place and I have to admit to a bit of jealously, it's a place I MUST visit again

03 Apr 06 - 09:01 AM (#1709430)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: MartinRyan

A few years ago, I arrived into Stromness aboard the Norwegian tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl. We docked about 10 a.m. and were due to leave next morning. I went on a monumental tare, interspersed with visits to many of the sites mentioned in this thread.

Next morning, I'm sitting bleary-eyed at breakfast.... The guy opposite me (Sottish and about my own , considerable, vintage) looks at me and says: "Jeez, I think I drank in very place in Stromness where you can get a drink, yesterday - except the British Legion Club. They wouldn't let me in, ' cos I'm not a member!". "There you go!" sez I " They let me in - and I'm not even British!"

As we sailed out to sea, I sang a long version of "Lady Franklin's Lament", having visited the house she stayed in to organise one of the searches for her husband.


03 Apr 06 - 02:17 PM (#1709511)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: Megan L

The wrigley sisters have a cafe in Kirkwall often have live music. I didn't know so many of you were explorers.Hope you aren't comming with a tent last year they got blown away, literally he he he.

03 Apr 06 - 03:20 PM (#1709588)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: MartinRyan

... and while I see it - make that "Scottish" rather than "Sottish", although, come to think of it.....


03 Apr 06 - 05:14 PM (#1709699)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: Alio

We had a magical week there last year - including the folk festival. It's the first place I've been to where I truly felt as if I was walking through history. Quite awe-inspiring - and so beautiful too.

And the local malt whisky's (Highland Park) pretty good as I found out one afternoon! I never made the evening concerts that day!!


04 Apr 06 - 04:04 AM (#1709999)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: GUEST,Raggytash

There's two local whiskys, the other one is called Scapa

04 Apr 06 - 04:35 AM (#1710017)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: Cath

One place to check out is Woodwick House near Evie on Mainland. They have gigs of all kinds on there and they do have some quite big names. Apart from the Wrigley's cafe in Kirkwall I don't think there are any other regular sessions apart from those already mentioned earlier in Stromness - but don't expect Orcadian music there!

06 Apr 06 - 04:22 PM (#1712127)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: Megan L

Oh we have a wide variewty of music covering most tastes

02 May 06 - 12:07 PM (#1732157)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: Santa

Thanks folks, but which is the Wrigley Sisters' cafe? Or is it a case of wandering around and listening for the music?

Flying out tomorrow.

02 May 06 - 02:50 PM (#1732275)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: Megan L

Santa the REEL is on Castle street, the one leading from Tullochs Garage up to the Tourist office

09 May 06 - 04:17 AM (#1736014)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: GUEST,noddy

let us know how you got on.

11 May 06 - 11:41 AM (#1738063)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: Santa

Well, I spotted the Wrigley Sisters' cafe on the way in from the airport, so that was a good start. The archeology was superb, weather was fine (a bit of wind and one morning's rain). Wildlife spotted included an orca pod off the Tomb of the Eagles.

What we didn't get to was that Saturday night session - but as it turned out that was just as well. On arrival at the airport I waited for the bags whilst Mrs Santa wandered off to look at the craft ads. Came a call - "I know that jewellery!" From a contact at the Durham Folkworks, some years ago. So we were off to Fluke Jewellery on the Thursday, via Maes Howe, Skara Brae, etc.... Yes, it was the same jewellery, a whale's tail, but whilst Roger was more than welcoming Jo was not in. "Ring tomorrow, she'll be upset at missing you." So the call was made, and the urgent message passed back that for the first time ever a singaround was being organised at the Wrigley's that very night.

It was a great night. Many thanks to all who sang: Bruce, Sarah-Jane, Emma and their mother, Robert, Billy, Jan and Sonia, Jo and Meg. If I've missed anyone I'm sorry - but not as sorry as we would have been had we turned up on Saturday night and been told "Oh, you should have come yesterday!" So it is special thanks to Jo and the advertising boards at Kirkwall airport.

Orkney is now so much lighter by the removal of silver that it has probably floated further north, and the hoard did provide a diversion for the baggage checker at Aberdeen - how come it went through Kirkwall with no trouble?

11 May 06 - 08:55 PM (#1738526)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: nager

We spent a week there two years ago and, like a previous writer has said, it was nowhere near enough. We cycled, walked and took a couple of bus trips but nowhwere near enough time. History like I have never seen or felt before. And yes, there was music. but can't rember names of the places now.

12 May 06 - 06:50 PM (#1739380)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: GUEST,old git

The Roaring Forties performed at the festival in 2005.... probably the best gig we've ever had and yes Johnny we would love to do it again!!!

13 May 06 - 08:19 AM (#1739728)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: Megan L

Glad you enjoyed it santa. Will tell mr mowatt next time i see him old git :)

30 May 06 - 05:11 AM (#1749888)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: GUEST,noddy

Glad you enjoyed yourselves. Fantastic place fantastic scenery fantastic people.

30 May 06 - 10:07 AM (#1750028)
Subject: RE: Folk song in Orkney
From: GUEST,Blackford John

Tarneybackle also performed at the 2005 festival. Despite pleading, threats etc, we did not get a return for 2006.

We spoke to Craobh Rhua last year who took about ten years for a return - Roaring 40's - keep trying!!!