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BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

19 Apr 06 - 04:06 PM (#1722116)
Subject: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

There ya go find out the truth about this racist organisation.

19 Apr 06 - 04:35 PM (#1722159)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

and those who want to hear what the BNP says in the interest of fair debate.

20 Apr 06 - 04:08 AM (#1722569)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

More information on this racist scumbag organisation.

20 Apr 06 - 04:15 AM (#1722571)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,clairerise

i wonder why these groups dont stand against the BNP?

i saw grifin on sky five live and he openly said there used to be bad elements in the party but most but not all had gone and some remained.

get the bnp for anything but not honesty.

heres the sky news five live debate. makes interesting reading for both sides.

20 Apr 06 - 04:19 AM (#1722575)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

im counting the for and againsts.

20 Apr 06 - 04:53 AM (#1722581)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

Griffin has also been covertly recording making racial remarks at a BNP meeting, along with others who said similar things.
They are only doing what the Labour Party has done, changed it's clothes to make it look appealing to voters, while underneath it's still the same control freaks, and tax and spend party it's always been.
A vote for the BNP is an endorsement of racism.


20 Apr 06 - 05:08 AM (#1722591)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Richard Bridge

It is however worrying that even staunch New Labourites are predicting an increase in BNP support because there is a large body of voters who find all the three main parties fail to address their concerns

20 Apr 06 - 05:21 AM (#1722596)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

Well Richard I for one look at those clowns in Westminster and Edinburgh and ask myself "Who do they think they are representing?"
MPs are mostly lawyers or Politics graduates these days, and they are parachuted into whatever constituency it looks like they might have the best chance to win.
They have no local connections in most cases, and only buy or rent a home in the constituency to make it look good. Their connection with their constituents is at best tenuous, and at worst laughably absent.
This is why people look for alternative parties to vote for, and the BNP knows this, so they have re-branded themselves in a softer image in order to garner these malcontent votes.
It is up to the main parties to redress the balance, and it is up to all of us to remind people of the real ethos behind the BNP.
They are a Neo Nazi party with racist underpinnings, with a large proportion of it's members having criminal records.
Would these same disenfranchised voters vote for the KKK?
I think not, and there's nothing to choose between them from where I sit!

20 Apr 06 - 05:21 AM (#1722597)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

agree. the problem is that johns remarks are understandable. but combatting the bnp by calling them nazis and thugs hasnt worked has it?

otherwise they would not growing still.

there is to be another way

20 Apr 06 - 05:23 AM (#1722599)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: clairerise

yes but why do the public vote bnp and not another party? theres plenty of them out there. but why bnp?

it is an uncomfortable question

20 Apr 06 - 05:37 AM (#1722607)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

The reasons have been given on many TV Vox Pop street interviews. People feel like second class citizens in their own country.
The perception, fostered by the BNP and others is that immigrants get preferential treatment in housing and Social Services.
It is up to the government to set the facts straight on these calumnies.
The BNP is closer to the people in many ways, and it's the fault of the major parties for getting above themselves and losing the common touch.
Most times empathy and warmth beat doctrinaire philosophies hands down.

20 Apr 06 - 08:35 AM (#1722689)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Mrs.Duck

Maybe the government are scared to admit just how deeply institutional racism still runs. But the idea that if you ignore the BNP they will go away is not working either. They are an inherently racist organisation who will only stand for local people if they happen to be white and behind the public front there are still many who undertake more 'direct' action.

20 Apr 06 - 08:54 AM (#1722701)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Dave the Gnome

The government is more than scared to admit the racism is instutional. Not just the UK government but all the worlds governments, big business, the established religions and anyone else in power.

While 'isms' is being fostered the populous will believe that many ills are the fault of Blacks, Moslems, Americans or whoever is out of favour in that particular corner of the globe. Unfortunately you are going to get people believing that certain political parties cause those problems as well. It is the Labour Party. It is Republicans. It is the BNP?

In all current societies, as far as I know, it is far easier to blame someone else than to take responsibility so we believe whoever tells the most plausible lies. Some people will believe Bush. Some people will believe Blair. Some will believe the Mullahs. Some the BNP. Some even believe me!

Until such a time as we can all govern ourselves, with due respect for everyone else, we are going to need someone in power. While there is someone in power there will be someone else to blame. While there is someone else to blame we are not going to take responsibilty. Catch 22.

When are we going to get this anarchistic paradise? I dunno. Not my job to predict these things...



20 Apr 06 - 08:57 AM (#1722704)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Dave the Gnome

Oh - sorry - I do have another answer. Monarchy. Lets go back to a king or queen ruling the country. No-one is elected. No-one is to blame. If they overstep the mark have a revolution and put a presidential dictator in place. They mis-behave? Revolt again and re-establish the monarchy. Keep the buggers on their toes if they think they might loose their heads!


20 Apr 06 - 09:11 AM (#1722710)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

Should make for gruesome viewing at Tyburn Tree Dave
When Charles II ascended the throne, one of the first things he did was to have the remains of those who signed the death warrant of Charles I dug up.
The said remains were hung in chains and exhibited to the publc as a warning.

21 Apr 06 - 08:10 AM (#1723671)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Grab

The perception, fostered by the BNP and others is that immigrants get preferential treatment in housing and Social Services.
It is up to the government to set the facts straight on these calumnies.

Calumnies? I'd call them outright lies.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a few more people voting BNP. If you've been crapped on by the Tories and Labour both, and you've not gone to the trouble of finding out any facts, then you might pick the BNP. More likely though is that you'll end up with the Lib Dems, or UKIP. Probably not with the Greens, bcos that requires a principled stand and someone who can't be arsed to find out the facts won't do it.

Luckily it'll only be a few more people. I think we're underestimating what everyone knows about the BNP - which is that they *are* thugs and Nazis. The vast majority of the country won't touch them with a bargepole, any more than they'd vote for the local Marxist candidate.


21 Apr 06 - 08:22 AM (#1723685)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Gillian Brookbourough

Like it or not the BNP are really getting their act together and they will be making inroads in next months election. People ae expressing their feelings more and more about the problems in their areas which this party wishes to address.

You can howl and bark all you wish, but if people turn out and support them they cannot be ignored. There is more racism in Britain than there has been for a long time. This is fact. I myself am not a racist, but can understand the feelings that some have expressed on television and through the media.

It's like over in Ulster, many unionists state publicly that they do not agree with with the bigoted D.U.P. party of Ian Paisley, yet when it comes to the election, his party come out on top, year after year.

Voters do use the secret ballet to express what they don't always say in public.

21 Apr 06 - 08:29 AM (#1723689)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

If you vote for or supoport the BNP, you are supporting racism.
Don't forget it is common for people and parties to hide their true colours in order to get elected, ask the Trade Unions what they think of this current manifestation of their beloved Labour Party!

21 Apr 06 - 09:23 AM (#1723721)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

in that case john that makes the BNP no different to the other parties?

21 Apr 06 - 09:29 AM (#1723728)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

If you vote for or supoport the BNP, you are supporting racism.

tell that to their muslim bnp candidate and turkish candidate and according to google their jewish candidate

the wolf hides well

21 Apr 06 - 10:52 AM (#1723788)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Paul Burke

As I said in another thread, there were Jews who supported Hitler. They thought he didn't mean all those nasty things, it wouldn't be that bad, that he might even send the European Jews to Palestine. They were wrong, just a bit.

So it's not a hidden wolf, but a wolf in sheikh's clothing.

21 Apr 06 - 12:21 PM (#1723850)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: clairerise

scary. big predictions for bnp gains in telegraph

BNP set to win seats as support surges;jsessionid=TVQHD5IFXY3C1QFIQMGSFFOAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2006/04/21/npoll21.xml&sSheet=/portal/2006/04/21/ixportaltop.html

21 Apr 06 - 12:36 PM (#1723867)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Gillian Brookbourough

If there wasn't support for this party they wouldn't be here. Just because you feel it's alright to have English as the second language in some London schools there are those that don't agree with with you. So what your saying is their wrong and your right ! Very democratic.

21 Apr 06 - 12:44 PM (#1723879)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Emma B

I'd love to have English taught well; it might enable you to say "they're wrong" "Gillian"
Please keep your racism off this site!

21 Apr 06 - 01:17 PM (#1723919)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Dave the Gnome

You don't have to be a recist to be a bud spoller, Emma. Just look at Sir jOhn from hull9. I stongly suspect that most 'Guests' on this thread will be BNP plants though - Apologies to those who aren't (especialy you, Paul - I know from your other posts you are far from it!) Just to be on the safe side let us let any advertising for the BNP die. I should not have posted before realy. I will not do so again on this thread.


Dave the Gnome

21 Apr 06 - 01:42 PM (#1723956)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Emma B

I know Dave, we need more people like jOhn (or do I mean nOrman) in here these days - I just think that anyone who is critical of people whose second language is English might grasp the elements of grammar themselves before they open their mouths and spout rubbish!

Cheers to you too

21 Apr 06 - 01:43 PM (#1723958)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Gillian Brookbourough

Emma B, And of course you are right ?
I suppose your never wrong and others are not allowed an opinion.
You'll get your answer in May.

21 Apr 06 - 01:47 PM (#1723966)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

Here we go not voting for nuts in May, nuts in May, nuts in May!

21 Apr 06 - 02:43 PM (#1724030)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: clairerise

im not sure objecting to english as a second language in schools is racism? it is social commentary of a right wing kind i suppose. But unfair to say racist.

as for plants on mudcat. possible, but with so much support gathering for the BNP, the question has to be asked whether or not it is inevitable for bnp supporters to be legitimately on mudcat?

personally i believe in society to accept all peoples so would never vote bnp. But, i equally dont think the answer is not to talk about them. if that worked, we wouldn't be in the position were they are getting the support they are getting.

22 Apr 06 - 07:09 AM (#1724532)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

for all the talk on here. how many are actually going to actively campaign against the BNP this election?

An honest yes or no.

22 Apr 06 - 07:11 AM (#1724533)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

I would if they were standing in my area. Not enough working class high unemployment areas in the Highlands for their type of crap to take root in.

22 Apr 06 - 07:20 AM (#1724534)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Beer

Just by posting this Giok you are already doing your part.

22 Apr 06 - 07:27 AM (#1724536)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

can you not travel john?

beer i dont think posting on mudcat is somehow going to prevent a local councillor getting elected. with all respect.

22 Apr 06 - 07:28 AM (#1724537)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

what about the others. im asking because talk is cheap. action is priceless. yes or no. how many on here will be actively campaigning against the BNP?

22 Apr 06 - 07:35 AM (#1724539)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Beer

I agree with you guest, but the fact that Giok posted this thread he has enlightened me to something I was not aware of. All the way to Canada.

22 Apr 06 - 07:39 AM (#1724542)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

canada. well that's not going stop people in a local ward council stop voting BNP?

seems to me, and it is fucking dissapointing, that for all the talk on here. i would hazard a guess that not one person will actually campaign against the BNP this election.

Phonies. When they elected, you'll be to blame.

23 Apr 06 - 04:43 AM (#1725132)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

I'm doing my bit by exposing them at every turn, we're not even having elections in Scotland this year, but it doesn't mean that the abhorrent BNP can't be railed against from all quarters.
The internet, and good old word of mouth are very powerful tools against racists.

23 Apr 06 - 11:01 AM (#1725308)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

cyber activism is the activism of the lazy. john im afraid, and i genuinley mean this, you are a phony.

23 Apr 06 - 11:08 AM (#1725312)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

Hee hee, you certainly spell like a BNP member!

23 Apr 06 - 11:14 AM (#1725318)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Emma B

Guest above - I'm not very fond of anonymous posters and John will probably not forgive me for saying this, but as he is going into hospital this week to try and halt a long period of painful and progressive lack of mobility I feel your comments are more than a little misplaced!
I think everyone should do as much as they are able to combat the BNP and, exposure via the forum, (which they are happy to use to peddle their own lies) is fine by me!

23 Apr 06 - 11:51 AM (#1725338)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Gillian Brookbourough

That's right everyone, only Emma is allowed an opinion. We are all so very wrong. None but her should speak. It must be so very heartwarming Emma to be so self righteous ? In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. In your case it's the one eyed woman.

23 Apr 06 - 12:07 PM (#1725348)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Emma B

"Gillian" if you only took the time to listen and read - you would see that I am expressing what I "feel" and "think" to be true not condemning anyone else for their origins or ethnicity like some of the other posts I have read. I believe I am allowed MY opinions about others actions however, and while our political system is free enough to allow you to express your repugnant remarks permit me to counter them too.
Am I stopping you speaking? - it would appear not!

23 Apr 06 - 12:45 PM (#1725375)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,dianavan

Gillian -

I doubt very much if English is taught as a second language in London. In Vancouver we have French immersion schools but English is still not considered a second language. The students are considered to be bilingual. The waiting lists are very long. Parents in Canada want their children to speak more than one language.

Can you please answer this question - What is the language of instruction in the schools where English is a second language?

23 Apr 06 - 03:34 PM (#1725494)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Gillian Brookbourough

As families around Britain celebrated the day of the English national saint; whether by a traditional family roast with all the trimmings, a fete, carnival or just quiet reflection on what was a beautiful spring Sunday, it is worth remembering just who George really was, his origins and deeds which laid the foundations of his sainthood, if he were alive today he would call, God save Ulster.

23 Apr 06 - 03:48 PM (#1725498)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,dianavan

Gillian - Please answer the question, "What is the language of instruction in the schools where English is a second language?"

...or stop exaggerating.

I think St. George (if he ever existed) would expect you to be more considerate and courteous to others.

23 Apr 06 - 03:49 PM (#1725499)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,ifor

Dear Gillian
actually George was probably a Turkish or Byzantine knight with nothing to do with England although christian crusaders did sack Constantinople during the first crusade thus fatally weakening it as a bulwark for christendom!
As for his deeds ...I think you will find out that the dragon is a mythological creature!!

23 Apr 06 - 03:55 PM (#1725502)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Farnsworth Knoblick

Auntie Gillian: Let them have it both barrels as you did those nasty fellows who spanked my bottom so many years ago. I much preferred it when you spanked my bottom.

23 Apr 06 - 03:56 PM (#1725503)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

"God save Ulster"


That's great... Lets imagine what someone from the 4th Century would have said if he were alive today. Nice forward thinking there.

What language would he have said 'God save Ulster' in?

23 Apr 06 - 03:57 PM (#1725504)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

You wouldn't say that if you met my first M in L Ifor
G. ☻

23 Apr 06 - 04:03 PM (#1725507)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

Gillian is obviously referring to the Sick Counties, which although it is geographically close to the original Ulster, is still not really Ulster, and it is wrong to describe it as such.
It is more correct to call it Norn Iron.

23 Apr 06 - 05:23 PM (#1725566)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Gillian Brookbourough

Was just talking to Arlene Foster in Ulster on the phone there and she has been reading some of your viewpoints, really so many of you are out of touch with modern society. Will be actually glad to get back to Ulster if this is modern British thinking. Just as she said there,At home our party is listened to and Mr. Blair doesn't push us around ! I have lived in Ledbury, Manchester and London, and consider myself a part of British society, Mays elections will see more of this beautiful country eroded if many like some above get their way.

23 Apr 06 - 05:34 PM (#1725574)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Farnsworth Knoblick

I do so look forward to your return, Auntie. Please bring the patent leather belt.

23 Apr 06 - 05:50 PM (#1725586)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Gillian Brookbourough

Now now Farnsworth Knoblick you are sounding a little naughty. Lets focus on the issue here. I have lived and worked among so many decent honest British people and to be really frank, Any thing I have said is a true reflection of their views,and yes mine too.

I jolly well wish some of you wouldn't be so judgemental of the true British law abiding within our society.

I love my British culture and you may well ask what is a Democratic Unionist ? It's a better woman than some I could look towards on this

We in Ulster faced so much and saw our rule of self government fall because of similar views expressed here.

23 Apr 06 - 08:40 PM (#1725674)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,dianavan

...but you haven't answered my question.

I guess that means you weren't being quite truthful.

In fact it means you were spreading hateful views of immigrants.

BTW - Have you learned to speak Gaelic (Irish) yet?

I think you should be treated by the Irish the same way you treat immigrants in England.

24 Apr 06 - 03:32 AM (#1725824)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

Irish Gaelic is not required to be taught in schools in the north Dianavan, and is very little spoken especially amongst the Protestant Irish.
It was at the insistance of an American, Eamon de Valera that Irish Gaelic was made a mandatory part of primary education in the Irish Free State. Most of my friends didn't ever speak it again once it ceased to be part of their required learning.
It would sometimes appear that love of the Irish Gaelic culture is more prevalent outside of Ireland.

24 Apr 06 - 04:25 AM (#1725846)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Kweku

This liberalism will eventually choke this world.

in the name of democracy groups like the bnp will thrieve,but leave democracy and dictators will also thrieve.but seriously I think there must be a time to deal with groups that divide societies and forget about human rights.this was successfuly done in the West years ago to purge communists.

why can't it be done now?

24 Apr 06 - 04:57 AM (#1725861)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Gillian Brookbourough

Very well said Quarcoo,

Yes a lot has to be done. Really things are getting so out of control and if you were to listen to some of the remarks above you can see some people seem to bury their heads in the sand.

I myself belong to a Democratic party, the D.U.P. and we keep pressure on the government to preserve such rights.

I as you will note gave a young lady a fools pardon is a previous post, calling the values I defend, racist.

The party that I belong to has a record on human rights and fairness second to none, and is that is very well known and respected.

The late Sir Basil Brook is a shining example of the type of person this country craves for modern leadership.

If as stated these values I hold and defend are so wrong, why is it that our party leader, Doctor Paisley has topped the polls in Ulster in recent elections ?

My party stands for Britishness, family values and a christian culture, in that so wrong ?

24 Apr 06 - 05:03 AM (#1725867)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

It also stands for Protestant domination on Northern Ireland, and would never ever have given the vote to Catholics unless it was forced to do so.
Religious apartheid is as obnoxious as that based on the colour of a person's skin.

24 Apr 06 - 05:13 AM (#1725872)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Wandering Willie up the Falls

Gillian, Do you really know Arlene Foster, I really think she is the goods, I may be of a different persuasion and I hear she wears Union Jack knickers, but that would never be a problem, OOOH Arlene.

24 Apr 06 - 05:33 AM (#1725883)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Emma B

"Gillian" I don't know why you have chosen to grace this particular thread with your erroneous certainties of what is "right" and "wrong"
It may well be that you see a logical connection between the spurious "patriotism" of the so-called "loyalists" and the BNP, both of whose "nationalism" is based upon a hatred of their fellow-men of a different colour or creed.

I also don't know why you have chosen to single myself out of the many who so obviously do not agree with your narrow bigoted outlook, and make assumptions and call me names when you know absolutely nothing about me.

Let me tell you a little more -

I have no respect for the self-styled "Doctor" and "Reverend" * whose hatred of his fellow (Catholic) Christians is infamous and who has sought to make homosexuality illegal. Neither do I feel any different about anyone who abandoned the party of the peace process to jump upon his political bandwagon.

* Ian Paisley - from Wikipedia "He undertook theological training at the fundamentalist Barry School of Evangelism (eventually renamed the South Wales Bible college), and later, for a year, at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Hall in Belfast, though he graduated from neither.

In 1946 he was ordained, in a ceremony at the independent Ravenhill Evangelical Mission Church on the Ravenhill Road in Belfast, by four ministers from four different denominations whose ecclesiastical authority from their churches to ordain is disputed. A common mistake is the assumption that Ian Paisley personally led an exodus from the mainstream Presbyterian Church in Ireland (the largest Protestant denomination in Northern Ireland). Ian Paisley was never a member of that church, and was never one of its ministers. He is a member of the loyalist Apprentice Boys of Derry. He is a former member of theOrange Order. He resigned from it in 1962 in protest at the failure to discipline a senior member for attending the Roman Catholic Mass. He addresses the annual gathering of the Independent Orange Order every Twelfth of July.

Paisley's use of the title 'Dr.' derives from an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree awarded by the unaccredited Christian college named Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina. Bob Jones, Jr. was a close personal friend and a co-leader with Ian Paisley in the international Fundamentalist movement, and Paisley continues to maintain a friendly relationship with the institution"

24 Apr 06 - 05:38 AM (#1725885)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Gillian Brookbourough

It is clear to me that those of you who don't hold any moral values or respect my right to speak on behalf of my Britishness now wish to go down the road of a culture sadly to often seen nowadays in our society.

Yes William I am a personal friend of Mrs, Foster, who I respect and admire greatly. When I am home I spend a lot of time in the Fosters and also when she is over in her Mayfair suite in London.

She can't understand the willingness of many in London to abort their culture. For example yesterday on St, Georges day there were few natonal flags flying in the capital, I imagine they may cause offence ?

John, Roman Catholics in Northern Ireland enjoyed their own schools for centuries and their sports games too.

Really John, if you are saying the D.U.P. are racist or sectarian this could not be farther from the truth, we are a democratic party who clearly are a lot more patriotic than you clearly are.

24 Apr 06 - 06:07 AM (#1725896)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Emma B

Oh and by the way "Gillian" I do hold moral values!
To quote Sarah Roy, the daughter of Holocaust survivors -
I believe in "bearing witness, raging against injustice and foregoing silence,compassion, tolerance and rescue......"

I respect your right to speak although I disagree with what you say.

24 Apr 06 - 06:31 AM (#1725903)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Mrs.Duck

Well said Em! I always feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand when I hear the term 'Britishness'. We are a mixture of so many origins and are not even a single country. The cultures of Scotland, Wales, England and Ireland not to mention regional differences vary to such an extent that it is difficult to refer to 'Britishness' unless (as I fear in many cases) you are referring to white.
I enjoy the cultural tradtions of England, dance song and music but find myself in the minority as so many who talk of 'Britishness' want nothing to do with their own culture just to put down someone elses.

24 Apr 06 - 10:54 AM (#1725947)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: GUEST,Farnsworth Knoblick

Auntie: You are the tops. Remember when we played waterpolo and three of the horses drowned? You mentioned above that we must be frank with eack other. I agree. Today I shall be Frank and tomorrow you be Frank. This is SUCH fun.

24 Apr 06 - 11:48 AM (#1726003)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

To get back to the BNP.They really are a complete set of vicious racist thugs.They have crawled out of the sewers because they believe that with their brutes in suits approach at a time when many feel let down by Blair and New Labour they will get a hearing .

However ,they are a crowd of thugs with criminal records as long as your arm. These are people who boast about shoving dog mess throught the doors of asian shopkeepers, who have convictions for violence and football hooliganism, one of the BNP members wanted to start a race war and blew up hundreds of people in Soho and Brixton eight years ago.The BNP leader ,Griffin ,was in Washington recently meeting an unsavoury crew of nazis and racists and stormfront thugs at a conference to further their race hate fantasies.

But they can be stopped now and in the future just as they and their predecessors have been stopped in the past.

The United Front tactic of combining to stop the nazis ,whatever other differences we have works but we have to take these anti semitic racist thugs seriously !!!

24 Apr 06 - 12:57 PM (#1726089)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Kweku

Liberalism = allowing every Tom,Dick,Harry and Mary to get away with everything they want to do. because how can racist groups be allowed to operate in these modern times when the authorities know very well that these people are just anarchists. then it means that the authorities themselves are racist and love to see what is going on.

for an African it is sometimes incredible to hear of advanced countries having serious racist problems.because all we see on CNN and BBC is an angelic west with nothing wrong but everthing good.

if Mugabe says hey! Mr Briton give me my land back he is the worst leader the world has ever seen.but what about leaders who allow hate groups to thrieve.

what a hypocritical world.

24 Apr 06 - 01:06 PM (#1726094)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Emma B

For the information of folks who may not be familiar with "Gillian's" icons

The late Sir Basil Brook is a shining example of the type of person this country craves for modern leadership -

"There are a great number of Protestants and Orangemen who employ Catholics. I would point out that Roman Catholics are trying to get everywhere… I would appeal to Loyalists, therefore, wherever possible, to employ protestant lads and lassies." Sir Basil Brooke. Unionist Minister, later Prime Minister of Northern Ireland.

also a definition of Unionist "democracy" -

             "Politically, Ulster would always send a majority of Protestant MPs to Westminster, and there would always be a majority of Unionist MPs in the Northern Ireland parliament. However, control was also established in local councils, even when the Protestants were in a minority. The vote was restricted to householders and property owners (thus ruling out many of the Catholic poor). Boundaries were redrawn to secure the maximum possible number of Unionist councillors. This process was called 'gerrymandering'. From Ireland a Divided Island

I agree with Giok "Religious apartheid is as obnoxious as that based on the colour of a person's skin"

Currently the BNP is electioneering on the basis of Islamophobia using scare tactics and photos of the London bombings

24 Apr 06 - 01:10 PM (#1726105)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

either way, whilst we are all talking, more and more and more reports coming in of bnp advances and expected gains.

if this is the level of opposition, cyber-activsism, then the BNP are going to walk in.

24 Apr 06 - 01:35 PM (#1726123)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: John MacKenzie

Like a fart in a hurricane Guest, like a fart in a hurricane!

24 Apr 06 - 02:07 PM (#1726155)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
From: Divis Sweeney

Regarding this lady, Emma and John please find response on other BNP thread.


24 Apr 06 - 03:38 PM (#1726228)
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP

"My party stands for Britishness, family values and a christian culture, in that so wrong ?"

"Britishness" - explain exactly what you mean by that? what race? religion? background?

"Family values" - who doesn't stand for that?

"Christian Culture" - Now you're starting to scare me! Relgion and politics should NEVER mix. I'm serious about that.

"Really John, if you are saying the D.U.P. are racist or sectarian this could not be farther from the truth, we are a democratic party who clearly are a lot more patriotic than you clearly are."

"Patriotic" - I love the idea that anyone who is critical of a right-wing party is automatically non-patriotic. I'm as patriotic as anyone, but that doesn't mean I'm a right-wing loon, running around cheering about 'Britishness'.

Come on now Gillian, give those early Bob Dylan albums tunes listen. I recommend 'With God On Our Side'.
