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BS: trouble logging in

19 Apr 06 - 04:55 PM (#1722191)
Subject: BS: trouble logging in
From: GUEST,clairerise

anyone else having trouble logging in? i login in but then it logs me back out. i dont want to be a guest.

19 Apr 06 - 05:02 PM (#1722198)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: Sorcha

No...but how many actual 'memberships' do you have? Forget a password or summat?

19 Apr 06 - 05:11 PM (#1722204)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: Alba

Best put your problem up in the help section clairerise. Just click....Here

19 Apr 06 - 06:00 PM (#1722257)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: GUEST,clairerise

what a horrible thing to say sorcha.

19 Apr 06 - 06:18 PM (#1722281)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: Sorcha

But, is it true???? Horrible? No. Rude maybe.

19 Apr 06 - 06:40 PM (#1722305)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: Bill D may just be a problem with settings for cookies. Don't make assumptions.

clarerise...see if you have told your browser to reject cookies or something. It's easy enough to accidently choose an option you didn't intend.

19 Apr 06 - 10:35 PM (#1722432)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: Sorcha

Sorry, was the 'style'.....seems a lot like other posters who have disapeared into the ether...

19 Apr 06 - 10:40 PM (#1722436)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: Bill D

still....give the benefit of the doubt. Everyone who bothers to USE a name is ok until they prove otherwise.

20 Apr 06 - 03:54 AM (#1722564)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: JohnInKansas

Most browsers can be set to accept or reject cookies. If you're set up to accept cookies it usually means that a 'cat cookie will remain on your machine for the next session here.

You usually can be set up to reject cookies, but enter a "permission" to accept cookies only from sites you list in an "accept" window. If mudcat is listed, the cookie you get when you log in should stay there for subsequent sessions.

A website can give you a "session cookie" that disappears when you leave the site. Few sites do this.

Most browsers can be set to accept "session cookies" only, in which case a "permanent" cookie like mudcat's should be deleted when you leave the site (or sometimes if you change pages on the site.

Some browsers can be set to delete all cookies when the browser is closed.

It's probably in Tools - Preferences or Security,(?) depending on which browser you use, and - if it's one of those funky ones, on which of the few hundred plug-ins you've selected.


20 Apr 06 - 06:02 AM (#1722621)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: Joe Offer

I've noticed that if I log out and then click login, Mudcat recognized me - but does not give me access until I submit my password. If I log out a second time, I'm no longer recognized - which may mean that the second logout removes all traces of a Mudcat cookie.
I'm wondering if logging out twice might help all these people who have trouble with corrupted cookies.
-Joe Offer-

20 Apr 06 - 09:39 AM (#1722735)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: GUEST,leeneia

It's Greek to me. I'm a member of the Mudcat, yet I am constantly labelled Guest.

There is no place to log into on the Forum Home page. And when I go to Help and enter "cookie" all I get is info on deleting cookies. Nothing on blocking or unblocking them.

My new Windows XP has a nice write-up about cookies. However, my Windows 98 gave information on handling cookies, yet it never defined them, leaving the whole field something of a mystery. I have no doubt that, one way or another, plenty of Mudcatters are trying to deal with bad service such as this.

20 Apr 06 - 10:38 AM (#1722782)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: jeffp


If you look at the top right of the Forum main page, you will see a drop-down menu (you must have javascript enabled for this; most people do). Click on that drop-down menu and it will, surprisingly enough, drop down. One of the options on that menu is to log in. That should take care of you.


20 Apr 06 - 11:14 AM (#1722821)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: Bill D

leenia..a cookie is just a tiny piece of 'code' that is offered by a site such as Mudcat and stored by your browser. If your browser (controlled by you) allows it to remain there, the next time you go there, the site 'looks' for the cookie and if it is there, 'recognizes' you and gives you all the rights of members.

Does your browser ask you anything about cookies when you browse? Did it ever? If no, then it is assuming if you have given it a basic instruction..all 'yes' or all 'no'.

As noted above, you can find out by looking in the menus and seeing how the settings are. It SHOULD be possible to tell the browser to accept Mudcat's cookie, no matter what it does with others.

20 Apr 06 - 11:17 AM (#1722829)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: clairerise

many thanks to every1. have sorted it now. my cookie options was unticked on allow sites to set cookies.

johninkansas special thanks.

20 Apr 06 - 11:25 AM (#1722842)
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
From: Bill D

wonderful, clairerise!