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whitby folk week 2006

21 Apr 06 - 10:43 AM (#1723781)
Subject: whitby folk week
From: Mo the caller

We plan to return to Whitby after 15 years or more.
What has changed, what should we try not to miss?
Is the SLOW SESSION on this year?

Twenty years ago our Whitby week was :-
Lots of dance (all sorts tried)
Lots of hill running (between workshops)
Singing the choruses in a few sing-arounds
Playing a few tunes with Peter Mayes and Jane Ball
Singing harmony with Bread & Roses
A few concerts (we were there when The Kippers started)

This time round we are beginning to play in sessions, still are mainly interested in dance, but probably wont go to many late-night ceilidhs. And we'll qualify for pensioners cheaap tickets

21 Apr 06 - 12:13 PM (#1723843)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week
From: concertina ceol

well Mo I am probably in the perfect position to advise, I went in 2004 and 2005 before which my last visit was 1988!

I found that things had not moved on very much, the venues seemed smaller, the big bamboo is no more (it burnt down), the metropole is about half the size it was (the front bar is now a bar and a chinese resturant), but at least they have stopped the spa falling into the sea and rebuilt it :-)

As for the acts, the usuall mixed bag of fantastic to plastic, but mostly fantastic. 2006 will be the first year since Malcolm Storey has stepped down from organising so it will be interesting to see how it develops.

In short, it was great to come back and I thoroughly enjoyed Whitby revisited!

21 Apr 06 - 01:35 PM (#1723947)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week
From: Les in Chorlton

We went last year, first time since '82 and really enjoyed it. It seemed the same but their seemed much more of it. As a starter session player I found quite a few workshops and sessions that I could join in with. More places to eat and much excellent music. Needless to say the weather was no surprise, it rained a lot!

21 Apr 06 - 02:12 PM (#1723991)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week

I thought that _this_ was Malcolm's actual last year of organising - or have I got that wrong?

21 Apr 06 - 02:44 PM (#1724032)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Joe Offer

I really loved the children's concerts. It was a real treat to hear Cyril Tawney and Janet Russell sing for kids when I was in Whitby a few years back. I think I'll have a crush on Janet Russell for the rest of my life.
-Joe Offer, from California-

21 Apr 06 - 03:08 PM (#1724056)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Guest

One things for sure, you will not be going to the Albion Club
this year, Its been completely demolished !!!

Shock horror after 30 years Whitbying it,s gone

21 Apr 06 - 04:35 PM (#1724141)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

I'm booking my B&B so wondering where things are based these days, the sessions and concerts etc. My memory from 20 years ago is a lot of walking, up and down, and I believe the dance is at the Community College now so even more walking or driving, what is the parking like?

21 Apr 06 - 05:34 PM (#1724173)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: concertina ceol

The main dance venue for the August folk week is the spa ballroom, which is quite a big venue half way down the west cliff, most of the houses in the west cliff area are B&B's and that is where I stayed last year. West cliff is central to most things, concerts, sessions, workshops and dances - having said that it is a fair old yomp to the friends rowing club or middle earth on the east side if you are trying to get there for a 10am workshop!

Regarding Malcolm, I may be mistaken but I thought he was pretty clear that last year was his last as main organiser, although he has set up a team to continue the good work.

Les I didn't camp so I don't remember it being particularly wet this last year. There was one year I remember in the early eighties when the campsite was next to the abbey (there is a car park there now) and the fog was so bad that the fog horn was sounding solidly for two days! Happy memories.....

21 Apr 06 - 07:15 PM (#1724233)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

Hi Mo, George Garside will be running his 'slow & steady' sessions this year. For those who are camping Glen from Moor & Coast has hired the Community Collage this year to provide a temporary campsite. SeeThis Thread & the hills are still there. Last year the Community College was little used owing to the cost, (the performers campsite was moved up to Eskdale) but after 1 day & many complaints the dance teams were moved to the Rugby Club.

21 Apr 06 - 07:18 PM (#1724234)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: LesB

Whoops my cookie seems to have crumbled. That was me above.

21 Apr 06 - 09:32 PM (#1724327)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Charmion

Edmund and I are planning to make the scene, bringing a mandolin and our rain gear all the way from the Ottawa Valley. Right now we're concerned about quarters. I have asked Mrs. Duck for advice, and would be grateful for recce reports from other Catters with current knowledge of the terrain.

22 Apr 06 - 07:24 AM (#1724535)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: nutty

Charmion .... this site gives a flavour of what Whitby is all about.


22 Apr 06 - 03:26 PM (#1724808)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Commander Crabbe

Apparently there is an objection to the music licence for the bandstand area!

Watch this space


22 Apr 06 - 03:46 PM (#1724821)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Northerner

If you haven't tried storytelling before, give that a try. You may even see yours truly at the storyrounds having a go. I learnt storytelling at a workshop last year at Bleddfa, now I'm up at every opportunity to give it a try!

22 Apr 06 - 04:38 PM (#1724850)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: concertina ceol

How can there be an objection to music at a bandstand!

Anyway, there is more overflow of noise from the amusments and trawler ice tower than could be generated by even 20 melodeons......

23 Apr 06 - 04:50 AM (#1725133)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

If they object to "music" let them eat "morris dancers" instead. No licence needed - start early, carry on till midnight, teach all the families to morris dance (clashing their lolly sticks, waving their sandcastle flags).
Does this new act really mean you can't have music at bandstands?

23 Apr 06 - 04:52 AM (#1725134)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

And then get all the families to sign a petition against the act.

23 Apr 06 - 10:47 AM (#1725297)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Saro

Mo, I'm glad you remember singing with Bread and Roses, as I was one of them. Come and sing at the harmony workshops with me again this year if you can. I'll be there as part of Craig, Morgan, Robson.

23 Apr 06 - 04:58 PM (#1725538)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

Saro, I really enjoyed that. Will you be giving out music again? I'll certainly aim to come, unless it clashes with another Must. It was a whole week commitment, as I remember it.
Yes, I thought we'd seen you recently in the other group.

24 Apr 06 - 04:57 AM (#1725860)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Saro

Hi Mo, yes we'll give out music for the more complicated songs (not that anything will be really difficult), but we'll teach all the stuff by ear anyhow. You can come for just a day, or the whole week, but it is more fun if you do the week. We usually do a mini-concert for family, friends and any other interested parties, on the last day, rather than doing the workshop showcase, which seems IMHO to work better for the dancers...

24 Apr 06 - 11:15 AM (#1725971)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

The workshop showcase is full of people waiting for their turn and not many watching the others, or thats how I remember it.

24 Apr 06 - 11:18 AM (#1725978)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: kitchen piper

As far as I'm aware this is the last year. It was Malcolm that phoned us up to book us if that helps!

25 Apr 06 - 11:32 AM (#1726999)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

Anyone know who is replacing Malcolm !!

25 Apr 06 - 01:02 PM (#1727090)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: nutty

I have heard that he is being replaced by a "committee".

That could be interesting.

25 Apr 06 - 04:35 PM (#1727297)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Willa

The showcase in the last few years has had a large and appreciative audience.

The harmony workshop is one of my' musts' each year!

25 Apr 06 - 08:18 PM (#1727450)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,guest

I see that that very nice person Glen of Moor and Coast is providing a campsite for everyone this year?! What a benefactor!

Concerning all the rumours about Malcolm - there was an article in a recent EFDSS magazine which gave all the details - but then what would the EFDSS know?

I have it on good authority that Malcolm has not actually been involved in whitby folk week for at least five years as he left to give up smoking. The committee have apparently been taking it in turns to wind up an animated robot commissioned by Pete Heywood of the Living Tradition magazine and no-one has noticed the difference - but then what would the Living Tradition know??

Further reliable evidence points to the fact that Malcolm actually sold out to Steve Heap 10 years ago and has been pretending to be a consultant ever since whilst building up the National Folk Festival in New Zealand - but then what does Steve Heap know???

Finally the real truth appears to be that a steering committee of thirty has been set up to look at appointing a larger committee to replace Malcolm - but then what do I know????

C A Jones

30 Apr 06 - 02:50 PM (#1730666)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Commander Crabbe

Reference the objection to the music licence:

Apparently the objection was to the amplified music! The licence has been granted for music from the bandstand round to the crows nest but there can only be five amplified session per year!


30 Apr 06 - 06:10 PM (#1730844)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Northerner

Who else is going? I've booked into a B & B this year. No more day tripping!

04 Jun 06 - 07:22 AM (#1752633)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

My other memory is various years when the fog horn rprovided a continuous bass to every tune.

05 Jun 06 - 05:01 AM (#1753189)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: old salty

sadly,the fog horn is no more! the life boat flares are no more,but theres plenty of machines on the new life boat station to help us out.[if they can keep up!]

05 Jun 06 - 07:08 AM (#1753223)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: bill\sables

Red and Blue Mudcat Tee Shirts and sew on Mudcat Patches will be on sale again this year at my musical instrument stall in the Spa Pavilion all week.
Cheers Bill

05 Jun 06 - 02:55 PM (#1753441)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Surreysinger

I'm going - same flat booked as last year - deeply convenient for the chippie, and the Resolution. Looking forward to it......

24 Jun 06 - 09:23 AM (#1768023)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Anyone know what may or may not be happening for little kids this year. Ours are starting to get a bit old for the playtime session in the mornings but since the sad departure of Mogsy there has been nothing for their age (6-7). Children in performance and the orchestras provide for slightly older ones but not sure what else there might be.

24 Jun 06 - 12:09 PM (#1768084)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Northerner

Hello Mrs Duck! Your children should be old enough to try out some of the storytelling events now. Taffy Thomas has a fabulous tale coat with pictures of animals embroidered onto it. He asks children to point to one of the pictures and then tells a story based on that picture image. He does a great deal of work with children (in schools) and is brilliant with them. Events at the Family Club and in the schoolrooms are often suitable for schoolchildren (though probably not for the smallest of tots).

24 Jun 06 - 12:50 PM (#1768113)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Never known there to be a Taffy Thomas workshop only a spot in the later afternoon events. My older children all went to Mogsy in the afternoon until they were old enough for children in performance. The family club is usually much later in the day around tea time whereas I am referring to day time events.

24 Jun 06 - 07:08 PM (#1768325)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Northerner

Hello again! Sorry, I hadn't realised that you specifically wanted a workshop. The Family Club is indeed in the evenings. Are they old enough yet to listen to maybe part of an event? The 7 year old almost certainly is.   There are storytelling events throughout most days; Stanley Robertson's stories are also good and he does have some stories that are completely suitable for youngsters. If you have a season ticket you could always go for just the first half hour of an event. There are also storyrounds on most mornings; the story version of singarounds. Occasionally a youngster does get up and perform at them. I've seen some brilliant 11 year olds. Stories do go down well with many children. I would still say that it might be worth while looking in on one of Taffy's events as he is really brilliant with children.

25 Jun 06 - 08:03 AM (#1768604)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

That's another of my Whitby memories, missing the last dance and running like ... to fetch child from the creche at lunchtime. And the year they were all taken through the harbour crowds to rehearse for a performance on the beach; on my way across the bridge I noticed a lad talking to a policeman, when I arrived a parent was saying "but where is he?".
I imagine that with the child protection laws it is more complicated to organise events for unaccompanied children now.

25 Jun 06 - 05:46 PM (#1768939)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Guest

Hi, This year is due to be Malcolm's last 'solo' year, and next year onwards will be committee driven but small and selective. It WILL be in good hands. He does deserve a happy retirement after so many wonderful years. One of my highlights being an ex-pat southerner was to hear the great harmonies of Jinks Stack and since then the even more delightful voice of Graham O'Callaghan. I read an article once in Greenman Review from the USA describing him as the male June Tabor!. It's one of is rare visitations at Whitby, I hope that he continues to visit.

25 Jun 06 - 06:13 PM (#1768956)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Well Mo it didn't seem to bother the organisers when they had Keith Donnelly running a workshop solo with around 16 kids (technically illegal). He got them all worked up and then complained! I have never been aware of story telling events but then again I am talking about specific childrens events designed to give them something to do while we do other things. As I said earlier we have been attending for many years and the kids used to really enjoy Mogsy but nothing has been organised to serve the same age range in the sfternoon.

25 Jun 06 - 06:51 PM (#1768980)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

The more you think about what can go wrong, especially when you've got a crowd of children you don't know, the more you see the reasons for the red tape. But it takes the spontineity out of it.
I don't think I even had to sign my daughter in, so they may not even have known who they were supposed to have.

26 Jun 06 - 07:04 AM (#1769216)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

Perhaps you could organise something Mrs DucK

26 Jun 06 - 08:04 AM (#1769237)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Splott Man

D'you mean we won't have the pleasure of your issue at the creche this year? Perhaps Julia could sign them on as volunteers.

26 Jun 06 - 09:23 AM (#1769293)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Oh I think they might make it just this once Ned - afterall who is going to pass on the knowledge of trifle ballistics?
Guest - I am already committed to other things for three afternoons with the Scratch Morris and band.
Another problem we have encountered recently in Whitby is that new licencing laws are making it more and more difficult to take children into pubs although I do wonder if these might be relaxed in folk week.

28 Jun 06 - 08:19 PM (#1771564)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,baffled

I find it rather odd that Mrs Duck, who seems to know so much about this particular festival, in actual fact knows very little.

She could perhaps buy a programme instead of relying on other people to do it for her. She could also ask the people at the establishments she does frequent if they would be willing to act as unpaid child minders for her? Or maybe I'm being unkind and Mrs Duck has an aversion to all things official!

I'm sure such an aversion would be incurable - shame really because it means her kids are missing out on all sorts of fun.

But there you go!

29 Jun 06 - 02:36 AM (#1771762)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

Buying a programme is not an option yet. Whitby has the daft system of posting us a letter telling us how much postage to post back to get our 'free' programme. I'd rather just pay a bit extra when I booked. But it wouldn't be ready yet.

But there you go!

29 Jun 06 - 04:09 AM (#1771796)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,padgett

Well it its near Whitby time now so why not wait 'til you get there!

Havent bought a ticket for years but progs show all you need to know
(i have now been at least 36 years)

Hope to see all old and new friends around the official and unofficial (fringe) which has always been the friendliest bit together with the morning coffee breaks in the Festival office and/or Spa coffe shop

Fond memories of sitting with Fred Jordan and meeting people from all over UK and beyond

Malcolm has taken on a great deal over the years and will be a hard act to follow ~ volunteers are hard to find and keep and they too should be applauded for all the free time and energy expended

Great festiavls too depend on the energy and enthusiasm of those coming and memory goes back to three legged races up the steps (not me) and tiddly winks down the Abbey steps, eating competitions and cricket matches Yorks V Lancs ~ Tony Rose and Mike Harding and Tony Capstick what would Whitby have been like without 'em

Booker retrieved Mike H wallet from the sea one year (it nearly sank) joking of course and the year Barnsley won the sand castle competition altho Tony C had been told by Malcolm that we werent to win (or maybe not)

I'll shut up

29 Jun 06 - 02:46 PM (#1772174)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Actually guest, Baffled, I always buy a programme and visit the Wot about the kids introductory event and what is more have never expected or had FREE anything. Maybe if you should check your facts before making anonymous remarks!

29 Jun 06 - 03:50 PM (#1772208)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: oombanjo

me and Dixie will be there, is mrs Duck having a mudcat gathering ??

29 Jun 06 - 04:24 PM (#1772226)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

We hope to organise something on Thursday, John but the venue will depend on finding a pub that is willing to have us. We used the Board last year which worked well but I will put a notice up so everyone knows where. There are a number of cross ponders coming so they would be particularly interested in meeting up with other Mudcatters. We will also be doing the draw for Mmarios shawl, Angelica.

29 Jun 06 - 04:26 PM (#1772227)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

We had a mudcat gathering last year in the Board Inn bottom Abbey steps

Time this year and day?


30 Jun 06 - 08:51 PM (#1773180)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,baffled

OOO sorry Duckie

I gained my impression from your various contributions.

They appear to suggest that you are not willing to support the festival other than on the fringes and wherever it suits to have your children amused / off your hands. I am fairly certain that the festival subsidises the childrens events quite heavily but you could always ask them - if you can be bothered or care.

I tried the mind reading course but failed the first test when I couldn't find out where it was to be held!


01 Jul 06 - 04:29 AM (#1773315)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Geoff the Duck

01 Jul 06 - 06:34 AM (#1773374)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Nessie

Well done Geoff! That blank posting says a lot. Thanks for the restraint, way too much invective on threads at the moment!

01 Jul 06 - 06:41 AM (#1773378)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: jojofolkagogo

Actually I thought his remark was quite good !!!

~What's all this about tiddly winks and wallets in the sea ? and gathers in the Board ? ???    ???

I obviously miss SO VERY MUCH when I'm up there - if it's not in the programme how does one find out about all these other events going on around the place???


01 Jul 06 - 11:14 AM (#1773528)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

But if you've bought a season ticket there's not time to do all the things that ARE in the programme.

01 Jul 06 - 11:57 AM (#1773551)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Les from Hull

Jo-Jo If there's to be a mudgather sometime during the week, you'll probably find out from The Ducks (or me) by meeting up with Whitby Scratch Morris (featuring Orchestre Super Scratch) who dance out Monday, Wdenesday and Friday afternoons, often finishing up round East Side Market but meeting in Plough Yard about 1pm. But like all fringe events - subject to hiatus!

01 Jul 06 - 01:23 PM (#1773600)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Geoff the Duck

That's as in Hernia!

01 Jul 06 - 01:53 PM (#1773613)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Partridge

well!! I'm afraid i can't be quite as restrained as geoff. Jane is a great mother and does more that her fair share at whitby. Baffled guest you are as you describe yourself a poor guest who wont give their name.
I know we should not get upset or rise to guest posts, but in this case i think I had to.

lots of love Jane and Geoff

Pat xxxxx

01 Jul 06 - 03:49 PM (#1773674)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

This forum seems a better place to ask about what's going on than bothering the organisers at the moment. They have enough to do. So far the info on the website is fairly general e.g.
There is a full daytime and evening programme specifically for children at very reasonable prices. Children are also very welcome (with well behaved parents) at most events although sometimes we need to ask that you make other arrangements for them - especially for late night events. There are also a number of family events."

There is also a very long list of artists appearing.

Some of those artists post here, so we can find out more about what we have to look forward to (I now have 2 MUSTs before the programme comes out).

BTW I like the idea of chidren being welcome with "well behaved parents". A child taking part under its parents control is gaining a folk heritage, a toddler wandering uncontrolled on the dance floor is a danger to all, and it is the PARENTs whose behaviour needs to improve.
A well behaved parent will find suitable events to take or send her child to, as Mrs. Duck is trying to do.

01 Jul 06 - 04:03 PM (#1773678)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Rasener

For anybody still looking for self service accomodation at Whitby have a look at this link. We use them when we go to Moor and Coast.

Do an advanced search on this website for whitby for a week from 19th August. They have accomodation still left

03 Jul 06 - 08:14 PM (#1775150)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,baffled

Didn't realise you could only be critical if you had a recognisable psuedonym!!?

I will reiterate that I find it extremely baffling that some one who by their input appears to have a better than average knowledge of something in actual fact appears to know very little.

Mo is correct of course in that the people who really do a lot at Whitby, the organisers, have far too much to do to bother with answering questions that are fully explained on an easily accessible website.

But then I suppose the old adage about "taking a horse to water.." still applies.


04 Jul 06 - 03:31 AM (#1775326)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: early

I also find the lack of organisation for the fringe at whitby is frustrating It's almost like no one wants anyone else to know where they are playing in case someone hijacks their session or god forbid wants to come along and play. I ran a nightly session at the jolly sailors for six years first with Iain Glover and then with Spike until Sam Smiths pulled the plug. everyone knew we were there and that they were welcome to play. We had some great times with people coming back year after year and becoming friends along with guest spots from passing stars if they popped in to see what all the fuss was about,great times fondly remembered I just wish that the people involved in running Whitby Folk Week were more accomodating and supportive of the fringe as opposed to the derision that greats anyone who doesn;t buy a season ticket

04 Jul 06 - 06:40 AM (#1775405)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

Well Baffled, I don't you read what ANYONE says.
What I said was that DETAILED information is NOT yet available on the website.

What does 'early' think should happen about the Fringe? The official organisers have enough to do dovetailing a whole week's multiple choice, and entertaining and educating the general public with displays. And their primary responsibility is to those who are funding the festival by buying tickets. Maybe they would provide a link to a fringe website put up by a noble volunteer. Or maybe a Mudcat fringe thread would be informative (but maybe not). Would be useful to know what was going on. But then again, if people have a specific musical interest, and want to get together with their friends without someone coming in and playing Winster Galop yet again, or singing Beatles songs, why shouldn't they keep it secret.

04 Jul 06 - 07:03 AM (#1775424)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

Welcome to the selfish world of the Tap & Spile crowd ME ME ME

04 Jul 06 - 07:32 AM (#1775458)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Raggytash

Hi Early , the whole idea of a fringe is that it is spontaneous and unorganised. If the festival committee (bless them all for their stalwart efforts) were to take over the fringe it wouldn't be a fringe but an organised event. The fringe tales place normally in the Middle Earth, Fleece, Endeavour (evenings only) Black Horse, Tap and Spile, Elinsor and the Ship at least. There is also Glaisdale Sunday when I good few of us take the train to Glaisdale for a session in the Arncliffe Arms at lunchtime, train out 12:43 train back 4:30


04 Jul 06 - 07:46 AM (#1775466)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

The Tap and Spile has and will continue to welcome new faces. Judie Knight and Jim McDonald make a point of including any newcomers and encouraging them to sing. It has been discussed at length and of course if people meet together frequently over the years there will always be 'in' jokes but noone should feel that they can't join in.
As for keeping things a secret i think its more a case that folk say 'meet you in the ... for a session' rather than specifically setting out to exclude others. Session etiquette in my opinion is that you don't go in and try to hijack the event with something that doesn't fit but sometimes if someone says 'do you mind if ...' it will be greeted differently. I don't really think it is the responsibility of the festival organisers to publicise fringe events over which they have little control and have never felt that they try to ignore them either.

04 Jul 06 - 08:26 AM (#1775498)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,squeezeboxhp

having done the requisite 35 years coming to Whitby with small kids and now with their husbands i never found a problem with well behaved children and keeping them entertained like the dances outside the beach huts PM all you need to do is spot when they have had enough.
remember the tiddly winks at the bandstand when one of the contestants winked into a pint glass and swallowed the offending article.
as for info thanks would go to Mick Peat and Barry for organising the daily rag in the past.
this as every year Wednesday early evening the Sword teams usually meet at the pub at Beck Hole for a very informal dance out.

lunch time over head down again

04 Jul 06 - 08:42 AM (#1775517)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Paco Rabanne

I LIKE playing 'Winster gallop'

04 Jul 06 - 08:55 AM (#1775528)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: harpmaker

I hate to be the one to tell you Ted but, it realy is time now to learn another one!

04 Jul 06 - 10:42 AM (#1775622)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

Yes, Winster Galop is my only tune too, but I sometimes wonder...
Isn't it good when everyone joins in!

04 Jul 06 - 10:47 AM (#1775624)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Paco Rabanne

Les from Hull taught me 'smoke on the water' last night, so I'm tooled up tunewise. Are you coming to The Woolpack tonight Harpy?

05 Jul 06 - 04:54 AM (#1776407)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: harpmaker

No ted, totally outclassed/
I dont know smoke on the water:)
Me and chriss are comming to see you today!!!!
Our washing machine has broken down:(
So we was wondering if we could.........

Well Ime bringing my pond filters anyway!!

Thanks Ted, I knew you would want to help:) John&ChrissX

05 Jul 06 - 06:56 PM (#1777141)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: concertina ceol

I'm sorry to miss it this year - it sounds like you are going to have such fun ;-)

06 Jul 06 - 12:16 PM (#1777436)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

Guess what my daughter isn't due a baby during this year's fest, so I'll be there for most of it (going back early though for grand daughter's 1st birthday bash).

06 Jul 06 - 12:16 PM (#1777438)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,muppett

OOPS that last posting was me Muppett

06 Jul 06 - 02:21 PM (#1777525)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: oombanjo

Have the tickets gone out yet?? payed last year. not yet received ?

06 Jul 06 - 05:31 PM (#1777698)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Black Diamond

yes Oombanjo Ive received my tickets almost as soon as I paid up a few weeks ago. By the way Thank you for telling my husband and myself at Beverley Folk Fest when we were watching the pipes player outside Chez Nous about Shiftypig we went to watch them on the strength of your recommendation -they were excellent
Black Diamond

06 Jul 06 - 10:02 PM (#1777868)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

Muppett I knew it was you when you mentioned daughters and birthing and stuff. So how long will you be in Whitby for ?
Lots of love to the duck family and partridge and co.

07 Jul 06 - 04:03 AM (#1777977)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Partridge

Hi Chris good to see you at Cleck.

take care,


PS see you in Whitby

07 Jul 06 - 11:35 AM (#1778273)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Tig

Don't forget you owe me a dance Soldier Boy - or are you chancing the alternatives :-)?

07 Jul 06 - 05:36 PM (#1778495)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Sorcha

Sticks lower lip out.....hopefully next year.

09 Jul 06 - 07:35 PM (#1779831)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,baffled

Dear Mo


Dear Oombanjo

If you order something from, say, your W H Smiths and it doesn't turn up do you tell all your mates down the pub in the hope that one of them works for said establishment and can sort it for you? Or do you contact W H Smith and ask them where your goods are? Suggest you contact the festival via either the email address or by snailmail if you think there is a problem.

Dear All

I am reliably informed (by me 'cos I've seen them) that 2006 Whitby Folk Week programmes are on sale around Whitby and so I assume by post.


09 Jul 06 - 07:44 PM (#1779835)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Surreysinger

Hi Baffled! According to the festival website ticket holders will be sent details of postage required for the programmes with newsletter. They may be on sale in Whitby, but I've not yet received a newsletter by post .... so am now wondering whether I should chase things up. Anybody know any different??

09 Jul 06 - 07:55 PM (#1779843)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,baffled

Hi surreysinger

My experience is that the newsletter usually arrives about the same time as the programmes appear on sale. Suggest that if you've not heard by the end of the week you give them a nudge just in case it has gone adrift in the post.

09 Jul 06 - 09:18 PM (#1779885)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Surreysinger

Thanks, baffled! Will do.......

10 Jul 06 - 02:35 AM (#1780083)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

No newsletter here either

10 Jul 06 - 05:07 AM (#1780150)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: oombanjo

To Mo, Baffled, and all. To clear my question up . At Whitby fest I pay a year in advance eg at the fest this year I will pay for next year,and get a receipt,so not wishing to create a problem if one did not exist, I asked the question. "have the Tickets gone out yet". I have since contacted Malcom and he is sending my ticket numbers on so that I can collect them at the fest, Hope to see you all there.
Have a goodun cheers Oombanjo

10 Jul 06 - 06:05 AM (#1780175)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Rasener

Is Malcolm still running it oombanjo?

10 Jul 06 - 08:03 AM (#1780229)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: vectis

Tap & Spile exclusive
Not at all. very welcoming.
The room is small and therefore numbers are limited for safety.
The answer is to get there early to ensure a seat/standing space.

10 Jul 06 - 08:08 AM (#1780236)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Surreysinger

Villan - Malcolm is still in charge this year - as evidenced by a very big spread with at least two photographs in Living Tradition this month - this is his last year of doing so, and a steering committee is already in motion for next year from what I have read and understand from word of mouth.

10 Jul 06 - 12:04 PM (#1780377)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: oombanjo

say no more, question answered, I spoke to Malcom today and he says all the ticks are in the right boxes.
To Black Diamond glad you enjoyed them. The fringe gets one or two local up and commings to show-case their stuff every year. with the hope that they will be picked up by the fest agents.
Did Mrs Duck sort out a venue for a get together of mudbathers?

10 Jul 06 - 02:20 PM (#1780486)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Noot yet, John but will do when we get there. Obviously the new licencing laws regarding children may have an effect on choice. The Board worked well last year so may talk to them. And Guest Baffled when we do decide do join us.

10 Jul 06 - 07:52 PM (#1780663)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Baffled

Hello Mrs Duck

Is that an acceptance then?

I'm invariably too busy immersed in the actual festival to spend time with the fringe. I was there when Tony Capstick judged the sand castle competition on the beach but that's a long time ago - the photos are turning sepia!
Incidently the result was perfectly fair as far as Tony could remember?? and despite nasty rumours spread by some jealous runners up. Tony had already had enough drink to kill a normal person and so could not possibly be tempted by the promise of another one.


11 Jul 06 - 04:42 AM (#1780822)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Abuwood

My programme has not arrived yet either, it's usually here by now...

11 Jul 06 - 12:19 PM (#1781092)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

No, Baffled that was an invitation! Many of us have good memories of Tony Capstick. Mine is sharing his chips on my wedding day.

11 Jul 06 - 08:10 PM (#1781414)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Baffled

Mrs Duck

Thanks for the invite then!

Sorry but as already explained having got my ticket I shall be making the most of it so will almost certainly not be joining you - wherever you are.

Just for info; the First Inn Last Out is always keen to join in although it may be a bit off the beaten track for some.


11 Jul 06 - 09:31 PM (#1781445)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

Hey Mr and Mrs duck, Tig and Badger and Muppett and co where are you camping in Whitby this year? The Moor and Coast site at Whitby Community College or somewhere else. Where will you rest your weary bones ?

12 Jul 06 - 07:02 AM (#1781674)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Tig

Badger and I will be on the Artists Campsite since this year we are stewarding with (under?) Bill t'Bodger trying to keep some of the unrulier elements in bog roll!

12 Jul 06 - 07:18 AM (#1781682)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Surreysinger

Got my newsletter this morning, so now have details of the cost of postage for a programme!

12 Jul 06 - 11:06 AM (#1781821)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

We are booked into a cottage close to the Tap and Spill.

19 Jul 06 - 12:05 PM (#1787349)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

Another refresh - it,s so hot man!

19 Jul 06 - 03:44 PM (#1787547)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: oombanjo

I have just organised a 3-week trip to Ireland and have a ticket" payed for last year", for a large plot/spot at Stakesby school that I have booked in for a 7 mt camper. Any one want it for half price pm. me cheers Oombanjo.

22 Jul 06 - 08:32 PM (#1790264)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,baffled

Re oombanjo

So that's how modern socity is?

Grab as much as you can and sod everybody else?

23 Jul 06 - 03:46 AM (#1790478)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: oombanjo

Baffled, The ticket for the fest is bought and payed for . I thought that I could bless a Mudcatter with A full ticket for £50.00 for a ticket that costs £130. 00 to me that seems to be a good thing to do. Its no wonder that you call yourself baffled

23 Jul 06 - 07:39 AM (#1790581)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,baffled


I was refering to the amount of space you seemed to delight in taking up as an individual!

Sorry I did not make this clear.

23 Jul 06 - 09:07 PM (#1791198)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

GUEST,baffled. As the recipient of oombanjos very kind and generous offer for a far more than half price season ticket,including camping, I am with oombanjo.
What are you on about!
A 7 mt camper is about par for the course these days so nothing to worry about in terms of taking up space on this planet.
But just to get some kind of perspective here I will only be turning up with an 8 foot long tent, in place of his 7 mt long camper so oombajos offer is actually ecolgically a very good move.
It means more space for others to camp.
By the way GUEST baffled,what are your dimensions and what do you mean by modern socity ?

24 Jul 06 - 03:28 AM (#1791386)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,baffled by baffled

I've already got B&B booked, but I thought it was a good offer too.

24 Jul 06 - 11:35 AM (#1791685)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

GUEST baffled
I've just read through all your other inputs on this thread and you come across as a reight crabby old cuss.
So much negative vibes man! What's the matter with you ?
If you have nothing positive or constructive to say shut up and keep off this thread (and any other thread you could 'infect').
Chill out for heaven's sake.

24 Jul 06 - 08:24 PM (#1792150)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Baffled

Well what an ants' nest I kicked over there!

I was merely commenting on the me me me soci(e)ty.

It would appear that all is well that ends well and that the planet is about to be saved by soldier boy.

I had to register my details with the festival in order to be able to get onto the site. Is soldier boy aware of this requirement?

The form I got said this was for security and insurance purposes and in the current soci(e)ty I have to accept that's probably true.

25 Jul 06 - 08:13 AM (#1792575)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Well, Baffled, I suggest you register your details with us so we know who to avoid in Whitby!

25 Jul 06 - 11:25 AM (#1792749)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

Nice one Mrs Duck. See you in saddleworth.

25 Jul 06 - 11:41 AM (#1792771)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: oombanjo

Sorry everyone, I seem to have put a good apple on the table and should have realised that the good apples get attacked by worms.As far as space taken I would have had my wifw and grandson. cheers Oombanjo

26 Jul 06 - 10:19 AM (#1793661)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Mo

Back to the top of the thread where I was asking about Slow Sessions.
I was told that there would be some. Programme has just arrived and I am trying to choose from a wealth of options but I can only find one 'Gentle Music Session' Wed @1. Has anyone spotted more?
Can anyone give any hints about what the other sessions might be like? E.g at 5-7 on Wed there are 3 John Kirkpatrick in the Rowing club, Crosscurrent in the Fleece, Paul Burgess in Middle Earth. Is there any difference in repertoire, speed, crowding?

There's enough dancing to exhaust us if we did nothing else, so we've got value for our ticket

I see Alistair Anderson is doing "Beginners' Ceilidh band" has he done it elsewhere and has anyone been?
Mind you it clashes with the harmony singing.
And the Irish Set dance. So I'm pulled in 3 directions.

For Jim there's May Cheadle doing Intermediat Whistle and Beginners whistle (anyone hazard a guess where the line is?), Andy Casserley with an Anglo Concertina beginners workshop (anyone know what he regards as beginner?)- clashing with the whistle of course. Then there are 2 concertina repair workshops - do you suppose they'll be repeats?

Looking forward it

28 Jul 06 - 09:29 AM (#1795389)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy


28 Jul 06 - 04:55 PM (#1795699)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller


31 Jul 06 - 07:00 AM (#1797508)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Red and White Rabbit

I waas asked at Saddleworth why I havent been on Mudcat for a long time - reading some of the input here I have just remembered!!

As someone who works everyday for Malcolm running workshops and really enjoys the fringe as well I feel a little upset by the negative comments here
In answer to the question about May's Whistle Workshops

The beginners session May and I run together - I take the children and those adults who need a really slow pace we usually manage to learn 2/3 simple tunes in the week one of which is often the same tune as May's beginners group
The beginners group May takes is is for beginners who have either never picked up a whistle or have dabbled a little bit but want to build their confidence - they tend to be musicians or older 'children' or interested adults who can cope with a little bit faster pace. 3 - 4 tunes in the week often jigs and reels with the occassional waltz. She hasnt sent me the tune list yet so I cant tell you what it is

Intermediate - tends to be the people of all ages who have played a bit of whistle and can cope with the basics but want to extend their repertoire a bit. Has even had some experienced whistlers who want to learn some new tunes. Some people come back year after year to the same class as they only ever whistle Whitby week oters only come for one session.

The whistle workshops are progressive and we perform in the showcase on Friday - a fact that is often omitted in the programme - I do take people into my group who are just their for the day due to the more simplistic tunes but unless you are a musician this can be difficult in the other groups. I hope this helps

Mrs Duck - hope the ducklings will enjoy the childrens clog with me in the afternoon and that they enjoyed my children's workshops at Saddleworth - if they decide to keep cloggin all week we will be performing on riday in the Spa - my little cloggers will be dragons this year - we do dress up and Wednesday afternoon we dont clog very much spending most of the time costume making

As for the Tap and Spile - I only started going in 5 years ago - I started just by popping in for the odd song and then doing the rounds of the other places for a sing. The front room is very small and so gets full very quickly. It usually takes a whole night to get round the room and to let everyone have the chance of a sing. I quickly learnt if you want to go you cant easily just pop in and out you have to be prepared to stay and wait your turn - not everyones cup of tea but the harmonies and music are fantastic. Not everyone likes Jude, Jim, Ken or Ray's style of running a singaround or having a laugh - the regulars that are there do know each other well and often have 'in jokes' but thats the same everywhere. Stick around and you soon catch on. Not everyone likes the attitude of the landlord an land lady who have controll of when it is 'full' due to fire regulations. I can honestly say when I started going in they were all very welcoming to me and now I go back whenever I can - children and working dont always make this possible but its certainly the most welcoming singaround I have been to and my children have always been encouraged to sing there and really look forward to going.

Moan over
I'll shut up now

31 Jul 06 - 07:18 AM (#1797518)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Not a moan at all, Sue but a very sensible answer to above queries. Kids had a great time with you at the weekend and I hope they do stay with the clogging for the week - the promise of dragons will certainly tempt them :0) See you in a couple of weeks.

31 Jul 06 - 07:40 AM (#1797536)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Ruston Hornsby

r.e. slow and steady sessions: Isn't George Garside running these? It might be worth checking the programme for events listed against his name.

31 Jul 06 - 08:52 AM (#1797608)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,old git

The latest edition of "Living Traditio" has an excellent article by Graham Pirt about Malcolm and the history of the festival..worth a read!
(It also has a great set of photos and article about Cleethorpes festival...both by Pete Heywood)


31 Jul 06 - 10:07 AM (#1797665)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Paul from Hull

Hmmm....I'll have to try & get hold of a copy of Living Tradition then

31 Jul 06 - 02:20 PM (#1797950)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

'r.e. slow and steady sessions: Isn't George Garside running these?'
I could only find the one, on Wednesday, by him when I looked.
There's so much on I could have missed it.

31 Jul 06 - 04:12 PM (#1798083)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Black Diamond

George is only doing the one slow session this year, because he has been booked for an extra day for his beginners melodeon, which I did last year and can thoroughly recommend.
BUT Im not too sure of the what the following involve , and what the difference is between them, and I wondered if anyone knows. Festival Orchestra with Robin and Sam, Village Band with Dave Townsend and West Gallery with Dave again.
Many thanks
Black Diamond

31 Jul 06 - 04:28 PM (#1798097)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Geoff the Duck

Put a search for West Gallery in the Mudcat Forum search - there have bee discussions in the past - basically it is a form or style of "Church Song". A previous thread!.

31 Jul 06 - 04:58 PM (#1798130)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Black Diamond

thanks Geoff thats very helpful

01 Aug 06 - 07:34 AM (#1798573)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: vectis

Does anyone know the dates for next years Whitby I need them ASAP, preferably within the next few hours.

I need the actual dates rather than best guesses.

01 Aug 06 - 08:34 AM (#1798618)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

Whitby Folk Week is always held the week before August Bank Holiday ie 18 - 24 August 2007.

01 Aug 06 - 08:35 AM (#1798619)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: CannieShieldsLaddie

Sat 18TH TO Friday 24TH will be the dates.

It's always last full week in August.

01 Aug 06 - 08:41 AM (#1798624)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Betsy

To Guest Mo
Crosscurrent - a group of highly talented young musicians - a Must for you all to see before they (no doubt) get whisked away from the club circuit. Not your rollicky bollicky stuff , but certainly very accomplished musicians and fair amount of song.

01 Aug 06 - 07:08 PM (#1799296)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: vectis

Thanks, dates noted.

01 Aug 06 - 08:22 PM (#1799372)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,dawning (AKA baffled)

I see that real information (as opposed to personalised conjecture)is now the major part of this thread and that's good in my opinion.

I find that the vast majority of the queries regarding the official festival are answered on the website. I am also informed (and oombanjo confirms this!) that contact with the office usually receives a factual and helpful response.

Regarding the multiple choices that people are faced with. What a clever marketing ploy that is! Lots of people are almost invariably going to want to be there every year if only to get to that particular workshop / presentation / event at least once before they head for the big ceilidh in the sky.


01 Aug 06 - 08:58 PM (#1799410)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

Hello Baffled........still baffled then!

02 Aug 06 - 06:01 AM (#1799640)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Strange, I hadn't noticed any of my queries answered by the website which doesn't appear to have been updated at all. Kids are now looking forward to clogging in the afternoon with Sue. Madlion and her friends will be rapping and doing Children in performance. Geoff and I will be Scratching, singing and playing as usual and we will try to organise the mudcat meet from about 1 o'clock onwards on Thursday to give people who are involved in workshops a chance to pop in. I believe Nutty is still hoping to do her 'Folk on the Internet' workshop which no doubt Dick Greenhaus and Susan of DT may join in and of course Mudcat features highly in that. Wearing a Mudcat badge or t shirt is always a good way of identifying yourself to other mudcatters so even if you can't make the gather you can meet others.

02 Aug 06 - 07:25 AM (#1799679)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: nutty

Slight correction, Jane . 'Folk on the Internet' workshops are at Saltburn ....not Whitby.

Although I will be at Whitby for most of the week.

02 Aug 06 - 08:40 AM (#1799707)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

oops sorry, Hazel. Hope you're feeling better and will see you at Saltburn.

03 Aug 06 - 10:44 AM (#1800546)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

HELLO EVERYONE - just thought I would let you know that after the 100s of compliments last year, we have decided to put "Cropton Brewery" beer back on for this year.

Looking forward to seeing all the many friends I have made over the years - to Colin, Shep and Grahame "go steady on the beer - your on duty tonight".

After 17 years of working with the Supreme One "Malcolm" I think I will miss his quite deplomacy and mild manor ( joke ).

                   DAVE - RIFLE CLUB

05 Aug 06 - 05:12 PM (#1802331)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Rattler

Delicious was that Cropton, Dave. Hope you've enough - I'll be after some too!

08 Aug 06 - 10:21 AM (#1804373)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

I am disgusted at the prices that Moor and Coast are charging to camp at Whitby Community College (£10 per night!!)

This is blatant opportunism loaded on top of a good slice of egomania and selfish, grasping, rip off greed.

Shame on you Chris and Glen!

08 Aug 06 - 11:38 AM (#1804436)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: LesB

Soldier Boy, 3 different thread & 3 tirades against the M&C people. You really don't like them do you?

08 Aug 06 - 11:49 AM (#1804446)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Sadly there seems to be a general trend for festivals to charge exhorbitant rates for camping. Someone is making a lot of money out of it all and I am not just talking about M & C here or even specifically about Whitby. There was a time when a festival ticket included camping but now it is always added on as an extra even for performers!

08 Aug 06 - 08:00 PM (#1804853)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Insider

It really is most unfair for Moor & Coast to be attacked over providing a service which no one else (including Whitby Folk Week) was prepared to offer.

I am told that the reason Whitby Folk Week decided to cease using the Community College was due to the totally unrealistic cost and conditions being imposed by the college.

It follows from this that the charges merely reflect those costs and conditions.

The days of free (or virtually free) anything are at an end not the least because of the continuing escalation of the cost and hassle of staging anything due to the ever increasing burden imposed by the Nanny State dictated by our beloved leaders.

hey ho

09 Aug 06 - 03:16 AM (#1805042)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Rasener

Glen & Chris work tirelessly to provide services for the benefit of the folk world, and it gets on my tits, when somebody like you has a go at them.

I get people like you (not many) thankfully who criticise me for the way I run my folk club and how much better they can do it. But these sort of people are only in it for what they can selfishly get out of it.

You can gripe all you like Soldier Boy, but you would gripe even more if we all threw the towel in and you didn't have anywhere to go.

13 Aug 06 - 09:20 AM (#1808708)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Less than a week to go!

15 Aug 06 - 01:12 PM (#1810423)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

Sorry folks for my angry tirade against Moor and Coast about cost of camping at Whitby Community College. I realise now that this was not wholly deserved and have humbly apologised on the thread " Need Campimg During Whitby Folk Week ? "
I still think it is expensive but this extra camping site is most certainly needed during Folk Week.

Thanks everyone for your comments.

15 Aug 06 - 02:41 PM (#1810482)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: wigan

were is the slow session at? please

venue for gather yet mrs duck?

we'll be over on wed but that's all due to work committments, so want to meet as many friends as poss, espec those that couldnt make black dog.

see some at glaisdale otherwise hope to see you all on wed


16 Aug 06 - 05:53 AM (#1810985)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Paul D

I'll probably be at Whitby on Sat (19th) lunchtime and afternoon. Where would be the best place to head for with my fiddle for a session? - preferably leaning towards ITM/STM

16 Aug 06 - 06:27 AM (#1811001)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: flaj

I'd be interested in knowing where Jane and Geoff's Mudcat Meet is at on the Thursday also.

16 Aug 06 - 06:29 AM (#1811003)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

As I've said many times I am hoping the Board for the gather but as I am in Pontefract not Whitby can't sort it until we actually get there.

17 Aug 06 - 04:26 PM (#1812478)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: LesB

I'm ready for the off tomorrow. I,ve got my water wings & waders packed. Anyone know what the state of Stakesby site is at the moment? I'm hoping it's not a repeat of a couple of years ago when it was a mudbath.
Mind you if they go to a carpet fitting firm & ask for any old lounge carpets to be sent to the school instead of the tip & they lay, say 4-6 at the entrance with boards on top. That should cope with whatever the weather throws at us. (Axminster would be nice)

17 Aug 06 - 04:47 PM (#1812492)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Rasener

You can have some great fun mud wrestling.

17 Aug 06 - 04:58 PM (#1812501)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Bags packed just need to sort bits and bobs tomorrow and we'll be heading up on Saturday.

17 Aug 06 - 05:43 PM (#1812535)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: LesB

Les, I think you'll have the height advantage over me!

18 Aug 06 - 02:10 AM (#1812849)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Partridge

Didn't manage to get to whitby last year, so I'm really looking forward to this year. see you all very soon.
pat xx

18 Aug 06 - 02:57 AM (#1812856)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: John J

We're coming up this afternoon, just until Sunday evening I'm afraid :-(, stopping at the college campsite.

Any recommendations for 'fringe' attendees? We're looking at doing Glaisdale on Sunday.


18 Aug 06 - 04:23 AM (#1812878)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Herga Kitty

Leaving London soon - see you later!


18 Aug 06 - 09:48 AM (#1812935)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

5 day weather forecast is rain and drizzle - take a brolly and waterproofs - and let the fun begin. theres no way a bit of rain will dampen the spirits! onward..........and up!

18 Aug 06 - 03:32 PM (#1813210)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Paul Hudson says it will brighten up from Monday onwards but just in case I bought a new waterproof poncho to play the concertina under when out with the Scratch Morris band.

18 Aug 06 - 05:30 PM (#1813289)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Surreysinger

Knew I hadn't packed something - now going to hunt for the plastic poncho before it's too late! Nearly finished the packing now, then up at the crack of dawn (or it will be for me anyway) to get the train in the morning.... Who's Paul Hudson???? (I know I shall regret asking that one!)

18 Aug 06 - 05:37 PM (#1813296)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Geoff the Duck

Paul Hudson - Yorkshire/Lincs area Telly Weatherman.

18 Aug 06 - 06:11 PM (#1813336)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: 8_Pints

Wish I could come too, but circumstances are difficult at the moment.

Don't get too wet!

Have a great time.

Bob vG

18 Aug 06 - 07:52 PM (#1813392)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Rasener

Paul Hudson also does the weather for Radio Lincolnshire

19 Aug 06 - 07:00 AM (#1813665)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Sidewinder

Just an enquiry about whether a ghetto blasting gangsta rapper would be given an opportunity to plug into the vibe and get into the flow of de riddim at any point during the hanging of the crews?



19 Aug 06 - 12:19 PM (#1813805)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Rambler

There's no plugging in man. Tolally acoustic fringe sessions to chill the mind and vibe the waves!

Respect Bro

26 Aug 06 - 02:56 PM (#1819552)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Just returned from yet another wonderful folk week. The singing in the Tap and Spile was as excellent as usual and even Boats (youngest duckling) got a turn. Scratch Morris and the band were up to their usual standard especially with the addition of our Canadien contingent, Charmion. Mudgather was a small but select few but some good singing and music. Mmarios shawl Angelica was won by Ray Padgett. Photoes of him wearing it will follow. Thoroughly enjoyed my first go at Sacred Harp singing with Cath Tyler. And to cap of the week I even got kissed by Jack Sparrow and a Benedictine Monk (only one of these was in fancy dress). Only in Whitby eh!

26 Aug 06 - 03:02 PM (#1819560)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Herga Kitty

Mrs Duck - Boats' song (and drawings) in the Tap & Spile was one of the highlights! Sorry I didn't make the Mudgather in the Board.


26 Aug 06 - 03:41 PM (#1819587)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,CamoJohn

Oop - Missed the Tap + Spile stuff... There was so much on.

Now I need a week to heal (Mucho Walking)


26 Aug 06 - 03:51 PM (#1819590)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: dozy rozy

The highlight of my week was the magnificent food provided by the Endeavour.Wonderful fish paste sandwiches lovingly crafted by a highly trained chef.Put it on the list of ten things to do before you die!

26 Aug 06 - 05:09 PM (#1819636)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Partridge

One of the highlights of my week was the chiropractor who fixed my back - believe me the reduction in pain was a miracle! Dr Jim, you have my undying love.
Another was a special song made up for my benefit and sung to me in the tap - unfortunatley earlier in the day I got locked in a laxatory and the fire brigade had to get me out - guess what the song was.................."Oh dear what can the matter be"
thanks Jim
As always its meeting up and singing with some brilliant friends

Pat xxx

26 Aug 06 - 05:13 PM (#1819639)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Partridge

I think I just made up a new word "Laxatory" of course I meant lavatory.
I wonder what a laxatory is?
Pat x

26 Aug 06 - 05:56 PM (#1819661)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Mo the caller

I actually called a dance in the Spa with a brilliant young band, whose parents have been inspirations to me for many years.
If you get a chance to hear, or better still, dance to 422, grab it.

20 years ago I took part in a Folk Orchestra at Whitby run by Jane Ball. More recently we started playing in sessions largely due to the Folkworks CDs produced by David Oliver (which teach commonly played tunes slowly, then at reasonable speed).

422 has Emily and Sophy Ball fiddling   and Joey Oliver whistling as well as Ian Stephenson (guitar) Sam Pirt (piano accordion).

26 Aug 06 - 05:57 PM (#1819662)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Geoff the Duck

One of my low points was after I leaned over to put down the instrument case and my back went into spasm. Still uncomfortable.
On behalf of the Scratch I would like to wish Malcolm Storey a relaxing retirement.
Didn't get to many places - moving two seven year olds around takes a lot of time.
Heard some excellent singing in the Tap.

26 Aug 06 - 06:14 PM (#1819669)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Mo

Thanks for all the advice. The Middle Earth had some good sessions, and Jim enjoyed the whistle worshop and learnt something new.

I seem to have been at a different festival to Mrs. Duck, though I did see a children's procession playing "Salmon Tails" and walking along! (I've only just learnt to play it standing still and concentrating)

Wish I could have sung in the Harmony, who made it clash with Irish Set? Wish the Community College (10, and all day if we were'nt doing anything else), the Royal (11.30) and the Middle Earth (1.00) hadn't been about as far apart as you could get.

And we only put our waterproofs on once (a downpour at 10.30 on, Wed night, or was it Thurs)

26 Aug 06 - 06:48 PM (#1819696)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Geoff the Duck

A major problem at Whitby has always been the distance between events when one starts at exactly the sme time another finishes but they are 20 minutes brisk walk rom one to the other. These days the available veues are even further apart than 25 years ago when I first went for the week.
Next year there is a new organising group of six replacing Malcolm Storey. It might be worth writing with helpful suggestions about how the festival could be made more user friendly.

26 Aug 06 - 07:08 PM (#1819703)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,old git

as usual the maritme sessions in the Endeavour were brilliant...and the seafood spread on Friday was magnificent.
On Thursday we sang Shanties on the pleasure boat trip...songs with lots of "rolling" to match the "lumpy" sea...but raggy it was perhaps too much to sing a song about a ship going down...especially considering the green colour of poor Wombat's face.
after hearing so much about it I finally made FILO on Friday night...and it was worth it to hear all the local singers...thanks Stuart and everyone else for making me feel welcome.

27 Aug 06 - 04:44 AM (#1819871)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Red and White Rabbit

as per usual I saw very little of the festival - or the Tap or the Endeavour or the black horse etc etc. Heard it was good though!

Whistle work shop was incredibly well attended this year and little ducklings clogging and over acting as a green dragon brought lots of applause at the Spa showcase.

I have been asked to put together a list of suggestions for the new festival committee about how to improve the festival ( they dont intend to change things drastically) so if any one has any suggestions ( polite ones only please) let me know and I will pass them on - Thought it was maybe time the got a festival bus to do a "school to harbourside" run to help out those of us who run/ attend workshops but have never enough time to get to the Endeavour etc!!

27 Aug 06 - 07:10 AM (#1819910)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Terry Free

Well i had a ball!! Met some great people and sang my heart out at the Tap and Spile ....nb:if anyone finds my heart could they post it to me -----------------------------!!

go well and thanks all


27 Aug 06 - 07:36 AM (#1819917)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,MC Fat

You were a star Terry !!!!

27 Aug 06 - 07:51 AM (#1819921)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

No way, Terry. We insist you come back and claim it yourself! Sadly, Mo the one thing our children didn't make was the parade. Unfortunately the showcase overran by quite a long time so the children involved in the clog or whistles were too late to join the parade. Some of the playtime children were in tears and ours were disappointed as they had spent every morning making costumes and instruments in the kids with bits workshop. Also most of the audience at the Spa had gone to see the parade. Tighter scheduling and ensuring each group knows how long they have including changeover time should avoid this happening again.

27 Aug 06 - 09:41 AM (#1819946)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

Terry you were brill!!


27 Aug 06 - 01:42 PM (#1820060)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Tig

A great week - thanks to everyone on the Artists Campsite who didn't mess up the loos! I've done nothing but sleep since we got back yesterday.

Shame I didn't meet up with more of you even though I made the Gather. The times I got down town the Tap was packed and too hot for me. Hope to do the Campsite stewarding again next year - it was fun despite late nights and early starts.

27 Aug 06 - 02:08 PM (#1820077)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Northerner

Hello everyone! It was lovely to meet you all. I particularly enjoyed the trip to Glaisdale; goodness knows how many years it had been since I was there last.

Looking forward to seeing you all again next year!

27 Aug 06 - 03:38 PM (#1820141)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

Seven Directors I thought can anyone confirm

Kate Atkinson, Ann Clancy, John Howson, Barry Callaghan, Graeme Pirt

other two? any wrong?


27 Aug 06 - 03:46 PM (#1820148)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Leraud

I had a lovely 'last night' in the Tap and Spile, and hope to see you all again somewhere. There was some excellent singing and a wonderful atmosphere. Thanks everybody.


27 Aug 06 - 04:21 PM (#1820163)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: CET

I got to hear my favourite female singer, Janet Russell. I also enjoyed meeting the gang at the Tap and Spile. The standard of singing was very high. I would have stayed later on Thursday night, but the front room was already solidly packed and I was squeezed into the corner by the door when three or four more people piled in and stood about three inches in front of my face, so I had to bail.

I also had a great time retracing the steps of Mina Harker, Lucy Westenra and Count Dracula.

Whitby is a wonderful town. I would love to go back some day.


27 Aug 06 - 04:41 PM (#1820177)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Barry Evans and Chris Stephenson.

27 Aug 06 - 06:36 PM (#1820261)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Barb'ry

We had a fantastic festival - thanks to everyone for making it such a great week. Could we have more daytime singing sessions next year, please.
Terry (Free) we miss you already, please take our love back to NZ.
Barb'ry (and Andy)

28 Aug 06 - 04:47 AM (#1820541)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

Thanks the Ducks

Barry Evans not Callaghan (sorry!!) Barry I have known for years and is a dance caller

Chris Stephenson is I think a local chap with IT and business interests (or is he?)


28 Aug 06 - 06:23 AM (#1820563)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST, call me a snob, but .......

The biggest problem is that Whitby can't any longer cope with the festival during school holidays.

The place is already full of the oickies who go there for their holidays or on day trips. The streets are full of them - they've all got a bawling infant in a pushchair, a misbehaving youngster and a sullen teenager. And they've all got at least one dog, and most of them have an elderly person or an invalid with them. What is it about Whitby's cobbled streets that attracts so many pushchairs and wheelchairs? The sole purpose of their visits seems to be to coat the whole surface of the place with a variety of noxious substances - dropped ice-creams, fish 'n chips, chewing gum, vomit and dog shit being the most obvious. There are far too many cheap food outlets - if you keep feeding them they will keep coming back; feed them enough and they breed. The town council seems determined to attract more and more low-life, sending the town further and further downmarket.

Oh, and the car parks are totally inadequate, it was taking me 20 minutes of queuing to park the car no matter what time of day.

Whitby is too good to be wasted the way it is, so I'm not going during school holidays ever again.

28 Aug 06 - 06:24 AM (#1820564)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,aelfleda

Pleased you all had a good time in the Tap - wished I'd been well enough to make all the sessions!
Terry - sorry - we found bits of sausage & a little bit of cucumber in the room but no heart!

28 Aug 06 - 06:46 AM (#1820571)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Well I hope no plans are afoot to put it anywhere other than school holidays otherwise noone with children could attend!!!!
Yes, Ray, Chris is an IT specialist and thoroughly nice bloke who has been going to the festival for years and given us one of the best folk guitarists on the scene today - Ian Stephenson of 422 and the Kathryn Tickell band.

28 Aug 06 - 07:06 AM (#1820580)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

right Jane ta

Hello Jude!

Judy refers to one of Terry's songs (I hope)for those not in the know! and confused


28 Aug 06 - 08:16 AM (#1820624)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Other name I've heard is Jon Boden but I thought it was only six.

28 Aug 06 - 10:32 AM (#1820711)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,buspassed

Great weather, great week! The terrific dance teams much in evidence but where was the street music? We saw one bloke strumming solefully on the West Cliff one evening and spent a joyous moment or two watching a young girl complete with music stand and sheet music fiddling her heart out [and being justly rewarded with a case full of not so small change!] and that was all the street music we encountered. Are all those musical instruments being endlessly carried around merely for show or just for use in enclosed spaces?

Now for the embarrasing moment of the week, I noticed a sign outside the Met which said 'Sat. night Bouncy Castle in Ballroom'. looking thro' programme I could find nothing referring to this act/band so I ventured in to ask for details. Following what passes in Yorkshire for an 'old fashioned' look I was informed on normal Sat. nights a bouncy castle was erected in the ballroom to entertain the kids! Exit me quickly stage left!

28 Aug 06 - 11:04 AM (#1820728)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Geoff the Duck

Guest - Snob.
Many thanks for letting us know that you will not be in Whitby during school holidays. It will save us the effort of looking out for you.
Welcome again to the so-called oikies. We of the Whitby Scratch Morris Men will be out dancing to entertain you next year. We welcome the push chairs and toddlers who join in with the clapping (ballon stick sound effects) and put their hard earned pennies into the collection boxes which help to keep the festival finances afloat.
Welcome to the elderly folk who tell us how much they enjoy being able to watch the dancing and listen to the musicians. How it is a pleasure to be entertained by people who are also enjoying what they do and not in it for personal financial gain. We have you to thank for the fact that town wide festivals can take place at all.
Finally - thank you to the chip shops for feeding us something which all the family will eat.

28 Aug 06 - 02:12 PM (#1820844)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Red and White Rabbit

The directors are also to be supported by a troupe of Whitby regulars advising them from what I gather - Julia who runs play time and a guy- whose name I forget for the moment - who has taken over as editor of the wailor to try to name but 2 - still thought it was 6 directors but I will bow to your greater knowledge Raymond (thanks for the pint and remind me not to send Booker for a pint of TIGER again - I got a pint of cider!!)

28 Aug 06 - 02:32 PM (#1820863)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Partridge

Its Chris Stephenson of Windy Bottom fame who is named to be a director also Val Marsden



28 Aug 06 - 03:13 PM (#1820895)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: The Vulgar Boatman

Excellent week, ditto weather and we even got a table at the Magpie before we died of old age...
Only one downer - the goon at John Kirkpatrick's session at the Fishermen's Rowing Club who greeted JK like a long lost brother and then proceeded to ruin about 75% of the session by beating the crap out of a very loud banjo at every opportunity. Learn the tunes, Oh son of no father, then you won't have to vex our spirits with block chords better suited to an outdoor jazz band performance. Or even play a bit more softly - I have it on good authority that if you put a pair of old underpants in the back, it works wonders.
Many thanks to all those who made it happen yet again.


28 Aug 06 - 03:19 PM (#1820900)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Vectis sans cookie

I had a fantastic week. The T&S had some really excellent sings. The Endeavour shanty sessions were great fun and raised over £1300 for the lifeboat.
I'm sorry I didn't make the gather but it clashed with the shanty session. How about making it a bit later next year, say 3ish?
Caught some good workshops for a change but there was a shortage of singing workshops again. Whitby is certainly instrument orientated.

28 Aug 06 - 03:20 PM (#1820901)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

The festival was only spoiled by the huge bloke in red T shirt and yellow shorts rthat pushed his way THROUGH Cherie to get into the sing after she had told him that the room was full. The room limit is there to keep the room safe and comfortable, she doesn't do it to spite anyone. The room has to be evacuable through the only door quickly in case of fire. I'm glad he walked out when he didn't fget a sing when he wanted one and refused to wait his turn like everyone else. Folk doesn't need rude people like him.

28 Aug 06 - 04:00 PM (#1820926)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Herga Kitty

Ok, here's my topical (and never likely to be sung again) shanty from Jim Mageaan's silly shirts and shanties lunchtime session in the Endeavour on Wednesday lunchtime. (Jim did plaintively comment that it was supposed to be a silly shirts and shanties session, not a silly shanties and shirts session...)


MALCOLM'S FINAL FOLK WEEK (Whitby, 23 August 2006) Tune - the Rosabella

On Monday evening down in Robin Hood's bay x 2
I'm sure I heard a young man say
A Polish migrant stole my job today

So I'm off to have a sing at Whitby festival x 2
I'm off to have a sing at Malcolm's final fling
At Malcolm's final folk week

It's his 25th festival with all the old crew x 2
What will happen next year, will the old change to the new
After Malcolm's final folk week?

We walked to the Dolphin, it's a bloody long way x 2
Cos that's not the one in Whitby but in Robin Hood's Bay
In Malcolm's final folk week

The Pakistani bowlers made me grieve the other day x 2
They tampered with the ball, and then refused to play
So I came to Whitby folk week

And I'm here to have a sing at Whitby festival x 2
I'm here to have a sing at Malcolm's final fling
At Malcolm's final folk week

28 Aug 06 - 04:32 PM (#1820953)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Mudgather didn't finish until gone 5pm!! Timing is so those doing early workshops can get there while those going to 3pm starters can also make it. It was poorly attended this year which suggests people aren't really that bothered so unless someone else wants to organize something there won't be one next year.

28 Aug 06 - 04:38 PM (#1820962)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

Red and White Rabbit, Booker is a right nana!

I still owe you a pint R & W

I was told by Barry it was 7 directors (you know the one whose flippin name I got wrong)

Other helpers I suspect will be the likes of:
Val Marsden, Chris Sugden, Elaine Wood, Martin Bull, Sam Pirt also heard
Sam Dodds, Paul Davenport all possibles

28 Aug 06 - 04:41 PM (#1820964)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

I think Val is one of the group so it must be seven.

28 Aug 06 - 05:00 PM (#1820988)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

28 Aug 06 - 07:16 PM (#1821109)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: CET

I remember the bloke with the red T shirt and yellow shorts at one of the earlier shanty sessions. he practically squashed me into the fireplace.

28 Aug 06 - 07:50 PM (#1821142)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: The Badger

Graham Pirt, Barry Evans, Chris Stephenson, Kathryn Atkinson, John Boden, Val Marsden

29 Aug 06 - 04:13 AM (#1821437)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Red and White Rabbit

thanks Ray - but thought it was your round that had become the pint of cider!!

Badger that still only makes 6

29 Aug 06 - 07:13 AM (#1821505)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

I did notthink Jon Bowden was in a its a guy called Jon Howson and I understand that there is now a Patron

29 Aug 06 - 08:36 AM (#1821559)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Well no doubt with the new IT specialist the website will be far superior and we will all find out soo enough who is doing what. Good luck to them all from us.

29 Aug 06 - 09:45 AM (#1821631)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Squeezebox

The "guy called John Howson" will presumably be the banjo playing other half of Katie Howson both from the Old Hat Band who runs Veteran music and is deeply involved with the East Anglian Trad Music Trust, I would have thought(?). Via John we have access to such things of archieve recordings of people like Oscar Woods and Bob Cann (I'm looking at this from a melodeon player's perspective)and all sorts of things like that. He should be an asset to the team though I'm a little suprised at his involvement as he's based in Suffolk as far as I know...

29 Aug 06 - 02:54 PM (#1821923)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Surreysinger

Well according to one edition of the Whitby Wailer John Howson was shown as being responsible for Bookings next year - so I would reckon it must be he!!!

29 Aug 06 - 03:01 PM (#1821933)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Charmion

I'm back at the office, and Whitby seems like a noisy, bright blue dream. Edmund and I had the best time, and I hope some day we can return and stay the whole week. We had to leave for London on Friday so we could spend half the day Saturday getting to Heathrow and standing in line at Heathrow ... !

I loved playing with the Scratch Morris band, although I doubt anyone heard my one little mandolin through the bellowing of boxes. Melodious bellowing, of course.

29 Aug 06 - 03:14 PM (#1821951)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: LesB

I had heard that John was in charge of bookings, & I confess to being a little worried that he may have a bias.
I know Whitby has always had a lot of 'source' singers, and has always had a good balance of new & old, but I have felt in the last couple of years there have been a few omissions in the usual stalwarts, which has, in my opinion, upset the balance slightly.
I would like to see the balance restored by bringing back a few of the missing names (Steve Tilston, Pete Morton, Brian Peters etc),and adding others that didn't 'fit in' with the old regime. Such as Pete Coe, Jez Lowe. In other words a few more good 'club acts'.

29 Aug 06 - 03:32 PM (#1821965)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Folks"O"shields

Agree Les and what about Mick Ryan who's productions over the years was the highlight of the Festival for many people. The proof is there in that the songs from these productions are now widely sung.

29 Aug 06 - 04:59 PM (#1822050)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

29 Aug 06 - 05:26 PM (#1822072)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

Ann Clancy as I said is a director, financial person also Shepley FF 2007


29 Aug 06 - 05:26 PM (#1822073)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Guest you are starting to annoy me either say something or stop submitting.

29 Aug 06 - 05:51 PM (#1822082)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Hope this works

29 Aug 06 - 06:19 PM (#1822116)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Col K

Badger got 5 out of 6 correct. Not John Boden but John Howson.
There is only a committee of SIX.
I hope this clears everything up.

29 Aug 06 - 07:55 PM (#1822208)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

30 Aug 06 - 12:49 AM (#1822374)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Partridge

Anne is not a director, she is the company secretary.

pat x

30 Aug 06 - 04:21 AM (#1822456)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Splott Man

Thanks for the flattering shots, Mrs Duck! I suppose they show how good the beer was.

30 Aug 06 - 04:25 AM (#1822459)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Northerner

Oh my goodness! I should go on a diet!!!!

Seriously, thanks Jane!!

30 Aug 06 - 05:55 AM (#1822497)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

You're not on your own, Northerner!

30 Aug 06 - 07:27 AM (#1822541)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

30 Aug 06 - 08:12 AM (#1822571)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Terry Free

Well here i am again back in diry musty fusty dusty rusty crusty London again.It's been like heaven and hell!!?! Still i'm off to Dorset tomorrow and then Brighton...... and as you know " Oh i do like to be beside the seaside"

go well


next year eh? now where did i put that bank balance...... what do you mean i'm overdrawn.. i've still got fifteen cheques left.

30 Aug 06 - 08:23 AM (#1822586)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: dagenham doc

What was the web page to send the Tap and Spile photos to again please?


30 Aug 06 - 08:48 AM (#1822602)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Les from Hull

It's here!

30 Aug 06 - 02:45 PM (#1822881)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Some good photoes on there

30 Aug 06 - 03:56 PM (#1822943)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Herga Kitty

Terry Free - if you're off to Dorset, is there any chance you'll get to the Wareham Wail this coming weekend?


31 Aug 06 - 08:17 AM (#1823476)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,jOhn

I,m glad i dident go, reading guests post-it sounds like it was rubbish.
i was going to go, but couldent be arsed, and i wont be going till they ban-, old people, young people, cripples, dogs and people eating ice cream.
i suggest everyone else booycotts the town till then as well, that will show them.

31 Aug 06 - 08:41 AM (#1823499)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

31 Aug 06 - 11:24 AM (#1823618)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

What absolute boll***s Guest,JOhn!
This was a fantastic week. I've been going to this festival for about 10-12 years and I would rate it as the best ever.
What's your almighty gripe about?

31 Aug 06 - 01:19 PM (#1823694)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: dozy rozy

How glad I am that jOhn(isn't that american slang for toilet)couildn't be arsed to go to Whitby.Keep up the absense, and simply flush off.

31 Aug 06 - 02:25 PM (#1823736)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

I think John from Hull may be referring to the anonymous guest who says absolutely nothing and is irritating me!

31 Aug 06 - 02:39 PM (#1823748)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

Yes....reveal yourself "GUEST" and it is not only this thread where you are doing your silent,un-named bit to 'refresh' threads.

31 Aug 06 - 03:51 PM (#1823823)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Herga Kitty

I think jOhn from Hull was indulging in the English vice of irony (shame on you, jfh!) and referring back to an earlier post from "guest, call me a snob, but", whinging about the oicks in Whitby who are just there for the seaside holiday and get in the way of folkies looking for a car parking space.


31 Aug 06 - 04:24 PM (#1823854)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,old git

you took the words out of my mouth Kitty

01 Sep 06 - 01:20 PM (#1824731)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Charmion

Thanks for posting those pictures, Jane -- I've never seen myself playing before. I think I look either drunk or under sentence; by next year I'll have figured out how to smile.

02 Sep 06 - 07:16 PM (#1825636)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006

I have been reliably informed that the crab sandwiches in the endeavour are fresh.The landlord goes out religiously every evening and does his best to catch the very crabs that are available, in sandwich form, behind the bar.And he's not a chef.None of that poncy arty farty malarky for him.He's a COOK,and thats why they are not served on a bed of cress.

02 Sep 06 - 10:40 PM (#1825712)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy

Is that you dozy rozy?

03 Sep 06 - 06:04 AM (#1825816)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

A friend asked why is all the news bad news?

I would like to thank Malcolm Storey for taking up the reins 25 years ago following on I believe from Graham Binless of the EFDSS

Not everyone liked his methods(Malcolm) but you knew where you were and his strict adherance to the Traditional singers is to be applauded.
Have a good retirement Malcolm you did well mate!

An excellent team of helpers of all ilks have been vital in ensuring the smooth flow over the years and of course the guests

I also would like to make special thanks to Judy Knight, the Tap and Spile and Peter and Cheree Fleming 'the Management' for taking my hoiday money I enjoyed it but will never recover!!

Judy wasnt too well but always comes up trumps, buy her an eggcup somebody!

The singing room has seen once again and evidenced above some of the finest largely unaccompanied voices in Britain.
Now little Ron (whistling Ronnie) singing Scottish songs with his native North East accent/dialect is nearly as bad as Sid Calderbank with his Lancashire accent

Nice to hear Kitty, Pat and Lynne, Mike, Murph and Edna (sorry i missed you) Mitch, Carol et al[whoops forgot Jimmy and Ken]

All the Barnsley Fc (virtually) were in the No Smoke room and enjoyed it immensely

ps I have changed ny Email address to stop the begging letter (Thousands or More !)(joking) but if you need to contact me please pm and I will tell you new details
Time for a shower
Heres to a succesful 2007

and Dave (forget his surname) with his greyhound and similar songs was a treat

03 Sep 06 - 01:47 PM (#1826025)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Whippet, Ray!

03 Sep 06 - 01:49 PM (#1826026)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Herga Kitty

Padgett - if you mean the whippet that wouldn't run, that was Dave Brocksopp!


03 Sep 06 - 05:57 PM (#1826175)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: vikki

Great whitby as usual ! Did anyone happen to take any photos of the circus night at the tap and spile .. seen lots of other good photos but non of pink elephants and such like ! Would love to see them if anyone did. Cheers x

04 Sep 06 - 03:09 AM (#1826361)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Red and White Rabbit

I have a photo on my phone of Ron as said elephant but its not very good

04 Sep 06 - 03:28 AM (#1826365)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,padgett

Brocksopp never could remember! Ta Kitty
and i do actually know the man but we wont go into that either!!

That night I had my own pink elephants I think, I wasnt there


04 Sep 06 - 04:59 AM (#1826414)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: dagenham doc

I have some good shots from the Tap and Spile and a few from the circus night.."without blowing me own trumpet" but won't get back to N.Z for another couple of weeks. I'll post them up for sure.


04 Sep 06 - 05:19 AM (#1826424)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,padgett

My photos in for developing and will have on CD so gif images but where to post and how?


04 Sep 06 - 08:49 AM (#1826522)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Les from Hull

Ray - check my last posting which will take you to Brian's whitby photo site. You can email them to Brian from the link at that site.

05 Sep 06 - 03:55 AM (#1827206)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,padgett

Quite right Les, Brian said that ~ must be getting addled!

05 Sep 06 - 04:32 AM (#1827224)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,padgett

An excellent set of singing room photos from Brian see link above


05 Sep 06 - 04:54 AM (#1827231)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Saro

I had a great time as always, sad that the Festival won't be the same without Mr Storey, but hopeful for good things in the hands of an experienced team - a chance to maintain the traditional song focus that seems to disappear from the rest of the festival world. It was great to get into theTap and Spile for one evening session, even if my view of proceedings was mostly hidden by the previously mentioned large person! Still, he didn't spoil the great singing! Great to meet some Catters at the harmony workshops, sorry you coldn't make it Mo, maybe next year...
And I've now got a badge!!!

05 Sep 06 - 09:59 AM (#1827407)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Les from Hull

On the subject of Circus Night and photos, anybody got a photo of the Bearded Maggie?

06 Sep 06 - 12:59 PM (#1828525)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: dick greenhaus

Just a thought-
It's been suggested that Whitby should incorporate more modern, or "less-Trad" artists. I'd like to voice a loud disagreement.

Whitby is almost completely alone in being, essentially, an all-Trad festival. There are lots of places to hear more modern music; adding to the Whitby line-up would only dilute its unique appeal. IMO the best festivals are those that stick closest to a theme or idea or ideal--"something for everyone" generally translates into "not enough anything for anyone".

Themed festivals (like Mystic's Sea Music Festival) have been historically most successful when they stuck to their guns.

06 Sep 06 - 01:37 PM (#1828563)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mo the caller

here, here

06 Sep 06 - 01:38 PM (#1828565)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

Agreed Dick keep the basically traditional format


06 Sep 06 - 02:04 PM (#1828585)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: LesB

Dick & Ray, if you are refering to my thread above (29thAug)? I am not suggesting 'changing' Whitby Fest, I am simply suggesting that it be returned to what it was a couple of years ago.

06 Sep 06 - 02:57 PM (#1828621)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,andrew

personally i liked the young man that did a jig with the gorilla and the jig he did using a spade

06 Sep 06 - 03:24 PM (#1828633)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: LesB

Sounds like Simon

06 Sep 06 - 03:56 PM (#1828658)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

Err no Les!

08 Sep 06 - 09:49 AM (#1829968)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Bill t' bodger

Folk week was as always a great week, THANKYOU MALCOLM for making and keeping this the best festival in the country.

I know the festival is well spread but that is how the town is so we have to live with it, and sadly cars did not really exist when it grew up so parking is a problem at any time in the summer, I have to use mine a lot to get into town as it is nearly 2 miles from my little flat to the town center,

I would like to take the chance to thank all the campsite stewards for doing a great job this year, and pulling out the stops when I could not do some things cos I got an infection in my hands fixing the toilets on campsite, but these things are to be done.

I had a great week and hope things will not change too much, we often forget what a rich tradition we have in these little islands we call home

Good luck to the new commitee

Cheers B t'B

09 Sep 06 - 05:08 AM (#1830527)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,aelfleda

I've still got some photos to post on our website (including a bearded maggie & a pink elephant). Will try & get round to it this weekend but have only just got back from t'Algarve & going to a cocktail party on the beach this afternoon.
Cheers all

09 Sep 06 - 09:12 AM (#1830592)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

I have sent my photos to Brian for posting to the site having received a kick from Lynne Heraud!

Hope there are some you like!

Also have a few from Saltburn of Pat Ryan and Ken Howard, Th'Antiques and Glen Osborne. Whether Brian posts these or not is up to him but thought I 'd best let you know!


Any queries as to who is who let me know

18 Sep 06 - 09:59 AM (#1837382)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,Collierlad

All photo's received todate have been uploaded to the Whitby Folk Photo Centre WEB Site.
Thanks to everone who have sent photos, keep them coming!
Ray I did not receive any of Saltburn, if you have any I will post them on the site under an album called "Saltburn 2006"

24 Sep 06 - 10:01 PM (#1842541)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Soldier boy


25 Sep 06 - 12:42 PM (#1842966)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006


25 Sep 06 - 02:03 PM (#1843033)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Surreysinger

Yes - have to confess that the refresh confused me too!

25 Sep 06 - 02:53 PM (#1843070)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: nutty

It appears to be the only word that Soldier boy can spell at present.

10 Oct 06 - 10:07 PM (#1855492)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: dagenham doc

I have just come back from the South Island and this is the first chance i have had to send my photos to the site. Hope all is well with all.
I'm looking for u.k. gigs next year if anyone can suggest some clubs?


11 Oct 06 - 11:49 AM (#1855886)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: GUEST,collierlad

Just received & uploaded photos from Terry Free to Whitby Folk Photo Centre!Whitby Photo Centre

11 Oct 06 - 03:16 PM (#1856085)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: r.padgett

Brian I have a load more photos on my hard drive havent got round to sending as it takes a flippin age to send each separately will get round to it when work situation calms down a bit!


11 Oct 06 - 04:49 PM (#1856181)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Mrs.Duck

Thanks for the great photo of our Rowan singing Soldier, Soldier.

10 Dec 09 - 10:55 AM (#2785385)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: The Sandman

Malco Storey, a true Yokshireman, but not much good at cricket.

10 Dec 09 - 05:29 PM (#2785696)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Commander Crabbe

10 Dec 09 - 11:34 PM (#2785895)
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
From: Tyke

Now I'm worried. But not that surprised. Due to what is referred to locally as Whitby Time. The worry is that Commander Crab is one of Whitby's Coast Guards Let me assure you that Commander Crabs Response time is usually slightly quicker!