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Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings

22 Apr 06 - 08:13 AM (#1724563)
Subject: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: Rusty Dobro

Every few weeks I discard a set of perfectly serviceable, though dull-sounding, guitar strings. Can anyone suggest a way of using these? So far I've found that unwound strings are the best thing for clearing out blocked windscreen-washer jets, and although I haven't put it to the test, I am reasonably confident that they would make excellent garrotting equipment. The coloured ends of D'Addario strings could be collected to make a colourful art work, though not, I feel, by me.

Any thoughts?

22 Apr 06 - 09:54 AM (#1724611)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: katlaughing

Don't know if they are still doing it, but the Second String Project was collecting them for musicians in third world countries.

22 Apr 06 - 09:55 AM (#1724612)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: Bob the Postman

Guitar strings can be used to knit attractive durable baby clothes, such as this adorable bonnet and jumper set

22 Apr 06 - 10:13 AM (#1724620)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri


22 Apr 06 - 11:03 AM (#1724645)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: GUEST,ClaireBear

I have a long-departed friend named Wally, who was a saving kind of guy. Never threw anything away. Now, Wally wasn't the type to replace strings merely because they sounded dull...

But, once a string was actually broken (assuming, of course, that it couldn't be knotted and restrung on the guitar), he'd weave the cast-off one into a Turk's-head knot, which he'd then wear as a men's ring or use as a scarf ring on his sailor costume.

Kinda different, was Wally. But the Turk's-heads actually looked quite lovely.

22 Apr 06 - 11:35 AM (#1724668)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: JohnInKansas

Lots of things, from pickholders to stick on your guitar to soap trays and towel holders for the bath, are appearing with "stick-on" mountings consisting of a foam-core ** "management" tape adhesive pad.

A wound string is the perfect "saw" for cutting the foam out to remove these nefarious objects with minimal damage to the original surface.

** "management" = adj.: two-faced, grasping, grabby, often ineffective, and leaving lots of dirt wherever applied.


22 Apr 06 - 11:57 AM (#1724684)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: Ebbie

Well, I always use a guitar string to hang up the telephone directory. It's a slow way to dispose of discarded strings though. :)

22 Apr 06 - 01:20 PM (#1724753)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: JohnInKansas

Wind them up and create a record breaking tourist attraction for your community.

No one (known) has yet tried for the record for the largest ball of wire.


22 Apr 06 - 02:08 PM (#1724771)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: Peace


22 Apr 06 - 03:08 PM (#1724790)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: Ebbie

Be the first in your neighborhood to build a song fence around your property. It's easy- just post them in such a manner as to catch the wind and let the breezes lull you to sleep to the swelling and fading, the rise and fall of melody. Tibetan bowls will have nothing on you and your dreams will thank you for it. And on a stormy night can you imagine Wagner?

22 Apr 06 - 03:08 PM (#1724791)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: Bert

Fitted with a couple of handles the plain ones make good cheese cutters and the wound ones make good clay cutters.

22 Apr 06 - 03:37 PM (#1724814)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: katlaughing

Ebbie, I LOVE that idea!!

Were telegrams not wireless these days, this would give new meaning to "singing telegrams!"

22 Apr 06 - 05:17 PM (#1724877)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: Ebbie

Actually, kat, I too love the idea. Now all we have to is find someone who can tell us HOW to do it!

22 Apr 06 - 07:21 PM (#1724939)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: katlaughing

Well they'd have to be strung tight and played loose.:-)

22 Apr 06 - 07:40 PM (#1724949)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: kendall

Rabbit snares

22 Apr 06 - 07:42 PM (#1724951)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: Big Al Whittle

The secret of re-using guitar strings is never to wash your hands after going to the toilet, even if they are literally caked in crap. Carry on playing.

and then.......

when you take the strings off, boil them in shallow water. and reduce the liquid until it is really scummy and vile. Sieve and place on a shelf to cool.

The resultant liquid is really excellent for poisoning people.

22 Apr 06 - 11:03 PM (#1725028)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: Bert

Ebbie, that's an Aeolian harp

22 Apr 06 - 11:15 PM (#1725035)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar stri
From: Little Hawk

I use them for many different hobby purposes when building model kits. You can use a piece of old guitar string to...

- apply crazy glue or other glue in small amounts
- simulate a radio aerial on a plane or a tank
- simulate rigging on biplanes
- simulate small parts on ship models, etc...

22 Apr 06 - 11:43 PM (#1725041)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: katlaughing

Ah, Bertdarlin', how could I have forgotten those! Thanks for the reminder. Wonder if I could use an old psaltery for one of those? I might have to talk Rog into helping me make one.


22 Apr 06 - 11:48 PM (#1725043)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Ebbie

Thanks, Bert. I knew there was a name for the concept. What I'm picturing is more comprehensive- I'm thinking of a vast area- a 'perfuming of the air', so to speak. However, as I'm not fond of artificial perfumes, the noise would probably drive me batty! I'm not terribly fond of wind chimes, although I know I'd get used to wooden or reedy ones.

There is a house nor tar from where I live that always makes me feel that I'm hearing wind soughing through strings, and yet when I stand still and listen I don't hear a thing. Should check that out- I already know some of the history of the house.

22 Apr 06 - 11:55 PM (#1725047)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Bert


a Psaltery is about the same thing, just tune it to a single chord and place it in your window. You might have to adjust the height of the sash to get it singing properly.

I hate wind chimes as well Ebbie.

Did you know that in Califoria they make them out of styrofoam for those who don't like the noise?

22 Apr 06 - 11:58 PM (#1725048)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Peace

Keep one complete set in yer guitar case. The day will come when you break a good one and really need a B string--or someone else will. Ya know it happens.

23 Apr 06 - 12:03 AM (#1725052)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: katlaughing

I might try that, Bert, but I think I'd have to restring it first...arghhh! The same strings are on it from when I bought it years ago on ebay and they are tough, old, strong strings. Not sure even a strong wind could get much out of them.:-)

I love windchimes, btw, and soft bells in the wind.

Ebbie, there was an old Alfred Hitchcock story I read as a teen which gaveme the chills, but i loved it. A woman was in a house alone during an horrific windstorm. She kept hearing noises on the wind and finally figured out the wind was the howling, remorse, etc. of lost souls wanting to be set free or somesuch (it was a long time ago.:-)

23 Apr 06 - 12:14 AM (#1725055)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: number 6

The 'D' string is good for replacing broken hinges on old Zippo lighters.


23 Apr 06 - 12:25 AM (#1725067)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Bert

Try tuning it down a fifth or more kat.

23 Apr 06 - 12:48 AM (#1725080)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: JennieG

You could always make one of


23 Apr 06 - 01:09 AM (#1725087)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Peace

How about this: Collect lots and lots. When you have tens of thousands, wait until Halloween and wrap someone's house with them. THEN ring the doorbell and run away fast.

23 Apr 06 - 07:38 AM (#1725200)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Schantieman

Emergency repairs to minibus exhaust pipe (when the mountings break)
Threading new elastic through glass-fibre tent pole centres
Foam saw (mentioned above)
Playing tunes (best to leave them on the guitar for this)


23 Apr 06 - 09:06 AM (#1725243)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: GUEST,buttonsmillie

You can send them to me!
I teach elementary music classes and we are doing a unit on chords with my 5ths. I am using VERY simple guitar and Bari-uke chords to keep their interest and I have a terrible mixture of instruments from any source imaginable-donations, yard sales, purchase orders, etc. You need to be there to hear the sound! Keeping strings on the instruments is a major problem so any donations, ideas, or help in the matter would be appreciated. Actually getting the feel of the instruments and trying to have them understand the simple chord structure is my main goal. They don't really hear themselves individually as 13-18 kids are playing at the same time. I would LOVE to have community volunteers continue with real class lessons after school next year after I do this unit. I hope to add some autoharps in a couple of weeks, also.

23 Apr 06 - 09:17 AM (#1725251)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: breezy

repair handles on guitar cases

the hinge on shubb capos

23 Apr 06 - 11:18 AM (#1725323)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: katlaughing

Jennie, those would only work if they all had *underwires*. LOL!

buttonsmillie, good for you!!

24 Apr 06 - 02:38 AM (#1725798)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Genie

I usually donate mine, as intact sets, to thrift stores.   They can get a buck or so for a used set, or they can use them to restring a guitar someone has donated.
(You'd be surprised how often I see a guitar at a thrift shop that is missing strings or has strings so bad you couldn't possibly tell how the guitar would sound.   If it has a full set of semi-decent strings, they can get a better price for the guitar. Or, if the guitar still plays and sounds like crap even with those strings, there's less chance some sucker will pay too much for it.) :-)

I also like the idea of donating the used strings to organizations that will give them to beginning students or people are really strapped for $$.

Of course, used guitar strings are also handy for strangling banjo players and accordionists. ;-D


24 Apr 06 - 03:57 PM (#1726245)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: TheBigPinkLad

You can get at least twice the life out of your wound strings by immersing them in carbon tetrochloride. Don't sniff it though, it's carcinogenic.

The brass eyelets can be threaded onto top E to B plain strings to make fishing lures. Excellent for bass <-- hah! fish joke!

24 Apr 06 - 04:13 PM (#1726263)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Mark Clark

Actually, BPL, you're not as far off as you think. I've used plain guitar strings to make leaders for use when fishing for Northern Pike or other large powerful fish with sharp teeth. You must be careful, though, not to kink the wire or the leaders will just snap on you.

      - Mark

24 Apr 06 - 09:14 PM (#1726526)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: JennieG

Underwires, Kat....very good! I hadn't thought of that.

No, my idea was to tie old guitar strings to each other and make a fence across the outback with them. If people chose to leave items of underwear on them as further decoration that could be encouraged too.

Just think of the tunes such a fence could play!


24 Apr 06 - 09:28 PM (#1726538)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Looped already ... ideal for snares.

And Spring is the season for hares.

Nothing beats a fresh hare pie.


24 Apr 06 - 11:26 PM (#1726592)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Phil Cooper

Margaret has used the ball ends of my discarded strings for earring stuff.

12 May 06 - 03:01 AM (#1738737)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Cluin

Guitar strings are lousy for snares, garg. I tried them when I was a kid. They're too shiny, springy and don't lock shut.

James Gordon has found a profitable use for his old strings:


12 May 06 - 04:21 AM (#1738773)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: redsnapper

I use them in sculpture. Even won a first prize once for a sculpture incorporating used instrument strings. Please dont send me any though... I have plenty of my own!


12 May 06 - 11:13 AM (#1739031)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Chief Chaos

If you have a window that suicidal birds are always choosing as their preferred "Lover's Leap", form a vertical wire fence with about 1/8th of an inch (or the metric equivalent) between strings.
This slows down the birds without breaking their necks and does not badly obstruct your view. Do not string too tightly (you might need the window for a fire escape). Depending on the prevailing winds it does make an interesting harp.

12 May 06 - 11:25 AM (#1739043)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Clinton Hammond

"James Gordon has found a profitable use for his old strings:"

35 bucks?!?!?!?!

As frigg'n IF!!

12 May 06 - 06:25 PM (#1739368)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: DavidHannam

clean your teeth?

12 May 06 - 07:15 PM (#1739395)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings

Wasn't there an episode of MASH where old ferret face (Maj Burns) accused a Korean person of making devices which blow up (don't want to use the "B" word in case dubblepew & his nat'l security fellers are lookin over m' shoulder) with used guitar strings?

12 May 06 - 07:34 PM (#1739404)
Subject: RE: Has anyone got a use for old guitar strings
From: Mooh

Trap those ball ends in a plastic container like the ones you get prizes in from a gum machine (or "KinderEggs"), or a Tupperware salt/pepper shaker, and you've got a home made shaker egg like those much loved at sessions the world over. This might be musical suicide outside of a primary classroom, LOL!

Peace, Mooh.