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Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend

29 Apr 06 - 07:54 AM (#1729843)
Subject: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend
From: woodsie

This from BBC:
"A small quantity of cannabis resin has been found at the Scottish home of Defence Secretary John Reid.
Police are to take no action over the discovery, made during a security sweep of the property in Lanarkshire, since it was unclear who had owned it."

In my day if it was found on your property, you were responsible.

29 Apr 06 - 08:47 AM (#1729858)
Subject: RE: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend
From: GUEST,Dr Price

In that case, John Reid goes up in my estimation. Way to go, man!

29 Apr 06 - 09:12 AM (#1729882)
Subject: RE: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend
From: John O'L

Woodsie, you probably weren't Defence Secretary at the time, and besides, you must surely have heard of the 'It's-Unclear-Who-Owns-It' defense strategy? Works every time.

29 Apr 06 - 10:12 AM (#1729911)
Subject: RE: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend
From: PoppaGator

In my day if it was found on your property, you were responsible.

As always, it all depends upon who you know, and who you are. If you're a nobody, or indeed a notorious hippy, you can get hauled off to jail for anything found on your premises, even if it was placed there by the very authorities who so conveniently "found" it. If you're a well-connected big shot, apparently, you can use the "Unclear-Who-Owns-It" defense.

PS ~ isn't this BS?

29 Apr 06 - 10:25 AM (#1729915)
Subject: RE: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend
From: Rapparee

Unless it's music-related, down she goes!

29 Apr 06 - 10:32 AM (#1729918)
Subject: RE: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend
From: Ernest

How many people live on his property? Didn?t the article say more about it?

29 Apr 06 - 04:10 PM (#1730098)
Subject: RE: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend
From: fat B****rd

Hasn't the place been "Swept" before ??

29 Apr 06 - 04:42 PM (#1730117)
Subject: RE: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend
From: Sorcha

Send some to Our Fearless Leader....he NEEDS it

29 Apr 06 - 05:14 PM (#1730158)
Subject: RE: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend

It was found in a guest bedroom. It has a street value of 85pence. It could be twenty years old.

29 Apr 06 - 07:33 PM (#1730224)
Subject: RE: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend
From: dianavan

Sorcha - Now there's a concept!

Tony Blair, George Bush and Stephen Harper having a toke together.

Is there any hope?

29 Apr 06 - 10:26 PM (#1730313)
Subject: RE: Minister John Reid :Dope Fiend
From: Richard Bridge

Woodsie, the Robinson case establishing that permitting premises to be used for the consumpiton of drugs required actual knowledge, was decided in the very early 60s - just before your time. It was taught as established law by the time I went to university in 1967.