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BS: tarheel's wife...

06 May 06 - 12:56 AM (#1733839)
Subject: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: tarheel

i kindly ask for your thoughts and prayers for my wife peggi...
she has pneumonia and has been in the Forsyth Medical Center, in Winston-salem,n.c.,for a week now!
thank you all very kindly!

06 May 06 - 12:58 AM (#1733841)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Bert

Lot's of love on its way.

06 May 06 - 01:05 AM (#1733845)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: alanabit

From here too. Hope she recoveres quickly.

06 May 06 - 01:15 AM (#1733852)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Boab

Surround your Lady with Love. That will be constant no matter what. May she be with you for many good years---

06 May 06 - 02:15 AM (#1733860)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: GUEST,John O'L

Hope she's well soon. Good thoughts her way.

06 May 06 - 02:49 AM (#1733866)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: dianavan

I hope she returns home to you soon.

06 May 06 - 03:05 AM (#1733871)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: John MacKenzie

Tar I'm sorry to hear this news, and please tell Peggi from me to get well real soon.

06 May 06 - 03:22 AM (#1733876)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: suzi

Get well soo and light coming your way...


06 May 06 - 06:02 AM (#1733909)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: gnu

Thoughts and prayers.

06 May 06 - 07:01 AM (#1733921)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: jacqui.c

Good wishes from Maine, tarheel.

Here's hoping that Peggi recovers quickly.

06 May 06 - 07:40 AM (#1733931)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Bobert

(((Prayers on the way, T-heel...)))

06 May 06 - 07:49 AM (#1733936)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Sandra in Sydney

good wishes coming from this end of the globe


06 May 06 - 08:18 AM (#1733950)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: The Fooles Troupe

My sympathies.

06 May 06 - 08:29 AM (#1733955)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Megan L

thoughts and prayers on the way tarheel.

06 May 06 - 08:31 AM (#1733957)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: RangerSteve

Same here. Steve

06 May 06 - 08:42 AM (#1733959)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Catherine Jayne

Healing thoughts from London.

Hope you're feeling better soon Peggi.

Khatt and Micca x

06 May 06 - 08:46 AM (#1733960)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Big Mick

Yep, count me in. Got her in my thoughts and prayers.

All the best,


06 May 06 - 09:27 AM (#1733975)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Rapparee

While I might disagree with what you say, I'll defend to the death you're wife's right to get well. Best wishes come from Idaho.

06 May 06 - 10:02 AM (#1733992)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: katlaughing

Giving thanks, here, for Peggi's complete and swift healing.

All the best,


06 May 06 - 10:06 AM (#1733995)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hey, Tar: I know how hard it is when our wife (or husband) is struggling with serious health problems. It's a helpless feeling. But we are not helpless. We'll keep your wife, you and all who love her in prayer.

Last Sunday, I sang with a Men's Chorus and the chorus to one of the songs applies here. It got me through some hard times recently:
When you're going through a hard time, find hope that there will be a blessing on the other side of "through."

On the other side of through
There's a blessing waiting for you
Hold fast, hold fast, your troubles will not last
There's a blessing, yes a blessing
On the other side of through


06 May 06 - 10:37 AM (#1734005)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Alba

Healing thoughts and energy to you Peggi.
Hope You get to come Home soon to rest and recuperate.
Best of Wishes

06 May 06 - 10:38 AM (#1734007)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Ebbie

The best of wishes for your wife's good health, tarheel.


06 May 06 - 11:57 AM (#1734064)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Amos


I am adding my wishes to those surrounding Peggy and wishing her rapid recovery.


06 May 06 - 12:25 PM (#1734077)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Barry Finn

Hi Tarheel
All the luck in the world to you & yours

06 May 06 - 12:37 PM (#1734088)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: CarolC

Best thoughts and wishes for Peggi's complete and speedy recovery.

06 May 06 - 01:05 PM (#1734106)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: wysiwyg

Me too.


06 May 06 - 02:21 PM (#1734143)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: number 6

Peggi has my thoughts and prayers Tarheel.


06 May 06 - 08:15 PM (#1734200)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: skarpi

Tarheel, all the best over the big ocean thoughts and prayers
get well Peggi.
All the best Skarpi Iceland.

06 May 06 - 09:06 PM (#1734232)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: SunnySister

Hi Tarheel,

Adding my healing thoughts to the rest of the gang's. Please post when you can to let us know how Peggi is doing.


06 May 06 - 10:32 PM (#1734283)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: tarheel

UPDATE on peg....
she is improving slowly and surely,but will still be hospitalized for awhile...
i really do appreciate all the prayers,concerns and well wishes for a speedy recovery for peg!
you folks are wonderful and i am choked up with emotion by your support here for peg and me!
may God richley bless you all!

06 May 06 - 11:12 PM (#1734315)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Ebbie

With all the whiz bang doodads we have available today, we sometimes forget that pneumonia is still a serious threat. I'm glad that she is responding to medical attention, tarheel.

06 May 06 - 11:27 PM (#1734324)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: GUEST,Dani

Best wishes and a hug from not far away, Tarheel. She's lucky to have you there by her side.

Dani in Orange County

06 May 06 - 11:32 PM (#1734329)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Janie

Glad to hear she is doing a bit better, Tarheel. Will keep her in our thoughts and prayers.


06 May 06 - 11:47 PM (#1734342)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Rapparee

I've had pneumonia several times, and a couple times I danged near died. Yes, even with the best antibiotics it's still dangerous. When she does get back home, make sure she takes it very, very easy for a while.

(Pneumonia got me out of Phys Ed during my sophomore year of high school. The school wasn't finished for my first year, and I had had foot surgery for my third year for an excuse. For my last year of high school, well, I hadn't been around for PE for the first three, so I wasn't missed. And then, a week after graduation, I went into Basic Training....)

07 May 06 - 12:28 AM (#1734362)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: GUEST,SunnySister

Thanks for the update, Tarheel. I will continue to send her my best healing thoughts. I'm so glad she's improving. May it continue to be at the very least a slow but steady improvement.

Remind her once she is released to eat yogurt and acidophilus so she can get her flora back to normal after the antibotics. Doctors forget to remind people. I nearly died from it and am on a crusade to make sure people who've already had a tough time of it, like your dear Peggi, don't have it any worse.

Please take care of yourself so that you can continue to be there for Peggi :)

--SunnySister, the nagger

07 May 06 - 01:59 AM (#1734390)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...

Lots of prayers and good wishes for both of you from this corner, too. Be well , Peggi.


07 May 06 - 02:51 AM (#1734403)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Little Robyn

Love to Peggi and Tarheel.

07 May 06 - 11:32 AM (#1734519)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Azizi

Best wishes for your wife's speedy recovery.


07 May 06 - 02:24 PM (#1734626)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...

I will keep Peggi in my thoughts and prayers, tarheel. Meantime, take care of yourself - sleep, eat, etc. She needs you healthy right now.

07 May 06 - 02:28 PM (#1734628)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: GUEST,Wesley S

Yes thanks for the update. Here's hoping her improvement continues.

07 May 06 - 03:13 PM (#1734668)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: fat B****rd

Best regards from Charlie.

07 May 06 - 10:13 PM (#1734976)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Ron Davies

Best wishes for her speedy recovery.

07 May 06 - 10:14 PM (#1734978)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Peace

Same here, Chuck.

07 May 06 - 10:20 PM (#1734982)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Amos

A serious bout of pneumonia requires a long rebuilding process even after the immediate threat is over. In my later 50's it took me a full year before I felt I really had my energy back after a close call with pneumonia. Make sure the lady takes it easy and doesn't try to jump back in to full swing too quickly, man.


07 May 06 - 11:40 PM (#1735038)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: tarheel

PEG UPDATE...sunday night,5/4/06
peggi is still in the hospital...doctors are continuing to make cultures to help them administer correct meds for her improvement.
the improving is coming slowly for sure.
again my thanks to you all for your suggestions and experiences with pneumonia,in reference to when peg may be well enough to come home.
will keep you all updated here!

07 May 06 - 11:43 PM (#1735040)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: tarheel

THAT UPDATE should have read, 04/07/06...sorry...

07 May 06 - 11:45 PM (#1735045)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Bobert

"Progress" is the operative word her, T-Heel...

You all hang in there, now...

08 May 06 - 01:17 AM (#1735089)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Barry Finn

Glad to hear she edging toward's the better.

08 May 06 - 01:23 PM (#1735436)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: frogprince

Just got back on line and found this; more prayers on the way from Michigan.

08 May 06 - 01:29 PM (#1735440)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: LilyFestre

From Pennsylvania too.....


08 May 06 - 06:04 PM (#1735639)
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
From: Tannywheeler

Special healing ritual:
go to grocery store; bring home:
1 chicken
1 celery bunch
1 yellow onion
1 bunch carrots
1 bunch parsley
1 container bay leaves
1 jar whole peppercorns
1 container whole cloves
At home: get out big (stovetop compatible)pot, at least gallon-size. Open chicken wrapping, fish around in cavity for innards-bag and remove paper/cellophane/waxpaper stuff around/under/in chicken. Place chicken, neck, gizzard, heart in pot with half cup of cider vinegar or white wine. Break up 2 or 3 celery stems and place in pot. Leave skin on onion, cut it (from neck to root) in 4 roughly equal wedges; press one whole clove into each cut side of onion and place onion quarters in pot. Chunk up 2 carrots in 3 or 4 parts and place carrots in pot. Take 5 or 6 parsley stems, tear leaves into pot, break stems and place in pot. Place 2 whole bay leaves (fresh or whole) in pot. Place half teaspoon peppercorns in pot and about that much salt. Cover all ingredients with good water. Place pot on burner and light. Bring just to a boil, turn down to LOW simmer, cover & let cook for about 1annahaff hrs. Remove pot from heat. Place colander in bowl, remove chicken from pot and place in colander. Put pot back on burner. When chicken has cooled enough, remove skin, debone, putting meat in refrig. container with good lid. Put skin, bones, cartilege, etc. back in pot and let cook another hr annahaff. Turn off and let cool. Pour thru colander into storage container (liquid may be strained thru smaller strainers now). Wipe out pot. Put stock back into pot; if you have them, do more celery, onions, parsley, etc. Bring back to a boil, turn WAY down to simmer, and let reduce to about 2 thirds of orig. amt. of liquid. Strain, put in lidded container(s) for refrig. If serving immed., taste for salt. This is powerful medicine. Taken one warm cup at a time while resting, it can DRASTICALLY increase one's sense of well-being and bodily comfort. It is nap-inducing and peacefulness-enhancing. Always serve with salt shaker so patient can adjust to personal preference.          Tw