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BS: No Offense Meant, But...

09 May 06 - 02:05 PM (#1736276)
Subject: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Anonny Mouse

This is by far the weirdest forum I've ever been on. Seems like everyone can use the "F-bomb," and while I'm no puritan by any stretch, it's just weird to see on a forum (to me at least). Also, ya got some "characters here" that seem to attract all sorts of attention no matter what they post. I s'pose "Martin Gibson" is one--but seems like "Bobert" is in there too, and "Shambles" etc.

Not complainin' here--jest an observation. As much as y'all seem to dump on him, I tend to like MG's posts--even tho I don't agree with all of 'em. Maybe that's 'cause he more or less "welcomed" me into this place. Meanwhile I tend to think this is a pretty freewheelin' kinda place. May take me awhile to catch on the "spirit" of Mudcat. Just my 5 cents...maybe someone will ditch this thread--although I can't think of why. I'm still a noob here in my estimation. So y'all attack this or whatever...I'm still hanging out here now and again. Maybe it's my upbringing, but I hate the word "fuck" and other epithets. Seems to me it would be classier to fuggedaboudit...but don't expect that'll happen. Meanwhile, y'all have a good day!

09 May 06 - 02:10 PM (#1736279)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: CarolC

So let's don't talk about them. Let's talk about you.

What kind of music do you like? Are you an instrumentalist, a vocalist, or both? How many accordions do you own? Help us get to know you better.

09 May 06 - 02:15 PM (#1736283)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: MMario

*grin* I think there are wierder ones - among others perhaps the one I "went away" for the weekend and on return found I had been elevated to demi-godhood.

09 May 06 - 02:21 PM (#1736287)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: CarolC

Ohhh... tell us about that one, MMario!

09 May 06 - 02:23 PM (#1736290)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Clinton Hammond

"but I hate the word "fuck" and other epithets"

Oh well eh... the world is fulla things that you might hate, but have no control over....

09 May 06 - 02:38 PM (#1736309)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Amos

Let's explore that, Mouse...why is it exactly that you hate the word "fuck"? Is it the fact that it often used as an expletive (as in "Fuck you, Fuck this, Fuck off, and What the Fuck?). Or is it the literal definition, and its resonance with physical intimacy between male and female body parts, which makes you uncomfortable (as in "I would like to fuck her" or "I wish he would fuck me"). I can appreciate your not wanting to see language with violent overtones used between civilized human beings. But surely, the world would be a much less interesting place if sexual congress between males and females were not as interesting, and entertaining, as it is.

Is there some other word for such delights that you would prefer to see used? We aim to please! (You aim too, please).


09 May 06 - 02:43 PM (#1736318)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Clinton Hammond

"used between civilized human beings"

Show me some!

09 May 06 - 02:47 PM (#1736320)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: wysiwyg

Anonny Mouse, Mudcat is very, very old (in terms of the Internet). It was among the very first forums (fora?) and still has much of the personality with which it started. It's not trying to be like later evolutions of the form and, hopefully, never will.


09 May 06 - 03:02 PM (#1736345)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...

Mouse, the place is pretty much low brow.

09 May 06 - 03:10 PM (#1736360)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: The Shambles

I have litle problem with the words that are just perfect when you hit your thumb with a hammer or spoken in the heat of the moment.

When writing and when you have time to choose the words you use carefully - there is not that excuse for deliberately deciding to write such words. That is a fact - not a judgement

D.H. Lawrence used these words in his novels to try and reclaim some accuracy for describing these acts when terms like 'intercourse, penis and vagina - were just not the words that real people used.

But although not being at all prudish about it - the fact that a poster has the time to choose any words - the fact that they have carefully chosen to use these on a public forum - is something that I probably do find a little offensive (if that is the right word).

But that is my problem. As I can freely choose not write such words and others can freely choose to write them...........

09 May 06 - 03:15 PM (#1736368)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Nigel Parsons

As has been suggested above, words are not rude, merely the use to which they are put. I thought I'd used this quiz here before, but couldn't find it. Please note that none of the answers are swear words (but if you wish to be offended they all could be



1        Who served as Chief Economic advisor to the (UK) treasury from 1999 to July 2004?
2        What word means to raise the water level in a stream or river by creating a blockage downstream?
3        What do engineers do to quickly remove rock when excavating a tunnel?
4        Apart from 'Hobo', what is another American tern for a tramp?
5        What word means to prepare a handgun for firing, by raising the hammer?
6        What word describes a file, or rasp graded between rough and fine?
7        Ayatollah Khomeini was a cleric of which branch of Islam?
8        What word can describe someone who locates surreptitious listening devices for espionage?
9        In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Bottom the weaver is given the head of which creature?
10        Which bird can be seen in Britain with types called 'Blue', 'Grey' & 'Coal'?
11        What word describes either an undercooked piece of meat, or a savage battle?
12        What is the popular dice game played in America?
13        Who is the best-known character created by A.A.Milne?
14        What word was previously used to describe pound notes?
15        What word describes either detractors, or pieces of front door furniture?
16        What term describes those who rend horse-flesh for the meat trade?
17        And what name describes repairers of shoes?
18        What word describes a plant coming into flower?
19        Which forename is often used as a slang term for a private detective?
20        In times of national emergency, which arm of the (UK) services provides emergency telephone services?

09 May 06 - 03:16 PM (#1736370)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: MMario

That is, if one assumes the "carefully chosen", though the circumstantial evidence would be that frequently the words typed are not carefully chosen. YMMV.

09 May 06 - 03:33 PM (#1736390)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: catspaw49

I commend to you a wonderful book by the late and great Allen Sherman titled "The Rape of the A.P.E." ..... the APE being the American Puritan Ethic. In it is a chapter called "Short Chapter, Long Footnote" where the chapter is one word long (Fuck.) and the footnote runs on for 25 pages discussing most aspects of the word....truly hilarious.

The earliest use of fuck on this forum was probably me but its irrelevant. I grew up with the word as a part of the speech pattern of many members of the community where I lived. Listening to first generation Italian-Americans before someone pointed out the kid listening was wonderful in its flow......"I tellya' Nicky, what that fockin' douchebag did to my car is a fockin' crime!" (Fock is the phonetic fuck.....If I am after phonographic accuracy)And here I tended to write in the same speech pattern I often use myself....and often in mixed company as well. Yes, I do try to watch it at times but I have little truck for those hung up on the concept of "dirty words."

Anyway, welcome again to the 'Cat....There are indeed all types and all sorts around here and contrary to what some say, we like that here. Take most of my posts with a grain of salt and a soupcon of humor. Matter of fact, take most other postings that way too!!!


09 May 06 - 03:41 PM (#1736400)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Bobert

Well, I may stir some folks and confess to have used the "F-Lite" word, as in friggin' but in the 5 or so years Iz been here I don't believe I have even used the "F-unLite" word... Might of fact, though no Puritan myself, I don't use any cuss words... Okay, I was brought up to not use the term pissed off but now I see it on prime time TV and so I have taken to using it as it seems to have been taken off the cuss word list... But that is the extent of my cussin'...

But now if they go and put danged on the list, I'm in serious trouble...

Bobert (cussless ol' cuss)

09 May 06 - 04:20 PM (#1736435)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

The current view of the word is a product of current mores and custom, and is dependent on changing moral attitudes.

I suspect that this, like many Anglo Saxon four letter words, started out as a perfectly functional descriptor of a natural function, and therefore was acceptable to all at that time.

It is no more dirty per se than many others of the type, but perceptions have changed. I understand that there are many modern people who are just as repelled by that other long established four letter word, "work".

Don T.

09 May 06 - 04:23 PM (#1736439)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: MMario

Don! Come on, there are limits to what one wants to see in print. the 'w' word is beyond mine...

Bstn, I was convinced while growing up was a four-letter word.

09 May 06 - 04:23 PM (#1736440)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: BuckMulligan

Golly. In the nearly 20 years I've been participating in onlline forums and "discussion boards" etc. This place is not even in the running for "weirdest." And one could expunge every expletive, pseudo-expletive, and near-expletive from every posting, and not change the character of the place a jot or tittle. It's the characters who post that make the character of the place. The postings of those who contribute something other than musical knowledge, artistic fellowship and general bonhomie would not be upgraded an iota by changing the diction. And their posts would be just as amusing.

09 May 06 - 04:28 PM (#1736446)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: MMario

hey Buck! How's your brother mike and his steamshovel?

09 May 06 - 04:31 PM (#1736451)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: BuckMulligan

Hey MMario - that's a literary reference that hadn't occurred to me, neatly done.

09 May 06 - 04:34 PM (#1736454)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: MMario

*grin* you are probably sick of it.

09 May 06 - 04:34 PM (#1736455)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Janie

Words may just be words, but if one tells some one to 'fuck off' there is not much question but what the intent is to insult, put down, or offend. Same with calling people pricks, dicks, bastards, assholes, ass wipes, cunts, whores, bitches, douchebags, etc. Words are only words. But communication is about intent, and when used as noted, especially in written communication, the words are clearly intended to insult and disrepect the humanity or integrity of the other individual.


09 May 06 - 04:37 PM (#1736457)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Clinton Hammond

"the words are clearly intended to insult and disrepect the humanity or integrity of the other individual"

You say that like it's a bad thing.... some people deserve to have their humanity and integrity insulted and disrespected

That's why we HAVE 'cuss words'... to 'cuss' people....

09 May 06 - 04:37 PM (#1736458)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: MMario

except, remember that according to the US court systems, it is *not* about intent, but only about perception. Which is one of the major problems with the USA today.

09 May 06 - 04:38 PM (#1736459)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: M.Ted

That was a good choice, Spaw--you set the tone around here, and pretty much guaranteed that Mudcat will never be eligible for public or private funding, and that the digitrad an all of the archives will always carry the authentic ambience of a cow-pasture--Well played.

09 May 06 - 04:42 PM (#1736461)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: MMario

heck, profanity and scatology certainly hasn't stopped the feds from funding a lot of other stuff; neither has criminality, corruption, or common sense.

09 May 06 - 04:43 PM (#1736463)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: number 6

MMario ... good post. True approach to the subject of this thread.


09 May 06 - 04:44 PM (#1736466)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Clinton Hammond

"according to the US court systems"

But this isn't the US... it's the internet.... and contrary to what Bush would LIKE people to think, they do NOT control what goes on here....

09 May 06 - 04:50 PM (#1736470)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Janie

Clinton--I don't pretend to always practice what I preach--but I disagree with you.

MMario--It is about both. I may be forgiven for not realizing that my action or words are offensive to some one from a totally different culture or experience, but on this forum, and at least 75% of the time as we go about our daily lives in this country, most of us have a pretty good idea of what might be 'perceived' as offensive by most people or by well-known minority populations.

ex. Tarheel may not have meant to be highly insulting and offensive when he posted his racist joke. But issues of racism are well enough known in this country that there is no good excuse for his being ignorant enough to think he could make that joke in a public forum, even though it is nearly entirely a 'white' forum and not have many of usperceive it as highly offensive.


09 May 06 - 04:52 PM (#1736476)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Janie

I'm not suggesting certain 'words' be banned from the 'Cat. But let us not pretend that they are not often used as extremely disparaging insults here.


09 May 06 - 04:59 PM (#1736483)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Amos

I await Anonnymouse's dissertation in response to my questions about his feelings regarding the word "fuck", which was th eoriginal topic.

Of course, they are often used as insults. A few people, like Clinton and a couple of others too low-minded to even name, believe that denigrating others is a normal part of dialogue, and that it exemplifies courage, or integrity, or some such, to unleash a stream of guttersnipe words at another person in order to express some disagreement. The real shortfall in doing so is that using coarse language that way (rather than the way Catspaw uses it) reflects on a weakness of vocabulary, a lack of imagination, a predilection for base emotions, and an inability to handle subtle or discriminating ideas well. Thus, it reflects far more poorly on the user than on the target of his abuse.


09 May 06 - 05:09 PM (#1736491)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Clinton Hammond

Bullshit Amos...

It says "I don't care about you or your opinion enough to warrant giving it more than a string of expletives"

That wounds people like you who think, quite erroneously, that everyone else needs to give a flying monkey crap about the passive-aggressive, wet-blousing that Nannies like you try to pass off as valuable.....

"Clinton--but I disagree with you."
Fair nuff.... It'd be a boring old world if we all agreed all the time... but what specifically did I say that you disagree with?

09 May 06 - 05:59 PM (#1736528)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Wesley S

Oh Clinton - You're so cute when you try to act irritated.

09 May 06 - 06:06 PM (#1736533)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

Yes. If I had a son, I would want him to be just like Clinton.... Heh! I'd want him to be a total shithead who takes delight in preying on anyone he perceives as weaker or more vulnerable than himself, in other words, and in the bargain be proud of himself for so doing. Yup. A real man. That's what he'd be. Like Clinton.

09 May 06 - 06:32 PM (#1736552)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: CarolC


Where did the little mouse go? Here, mousie mousie mousie...

Yoo hoo... oh yoo hoo, Anonny Mouse! Where did you go?

09 May 06 - 06:52 PM (#1736572)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: The Shambles

Subject: RE: BS: Do you need to be censored?
From: catspaw49 - PM
Date: 15 Apr 06 - 08:15 AM

BTW, I would be remiss if I didn't bite here so here we go.......

Okay Sham......I know I'm going to regret this.........You seem to have added a new phrase to your volumes of "Sham's Liturgical Bullshit." What the fuck are these "founding principles?" I get this vision of Max in colonial garb and sitting with Franklin and Jefferson................


09 May 06 - 07:23 PM (#1736597)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

No offense meant, Roger, but...

Fuck off with the paste-from-old-threads routine.

09 May 06 - 07:24 PM (#1736600)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: The Fooles Troupe

"believe that denigrating others is a normal part of dialogue, and that it exemplifies courage, or integrity, or some such, to unleash a stream of guttersnipe words at another person in order to express some disagreement."


And don't worry, complaints about and any public reference to any such recent incidents here have again been purged to protect the, er whatever...

09 May 06 - 07:33 PM (#1736617)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: catspaw49

Are you implying I didn't choose my words carefully Roger? Or are you implying I didn't choose my words correctly? In either case, I remember writing that and I chose exactly what I meant and wanted to say.

And remember that Max, even in colonial garb, has written "fuck" here on numerous occasions......not to mention the assorted discussions he's had about ball blasting! LOL............


09 May 06 - 07:35 PM (#1736620)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

It's amazing the number of people in this world who aren't willing to just have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.

And then there are there who say that Shatner can't act and Neil Young can't sing! Philistines, all of them!

09 May 06 - 07:38 PM (#1736622)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: The Shambles

Subject: RE: BS: Is closing threads censorship?
From: Little Hawk - PM
Date: 09 May 06 - 07:36 PM

Anybody out there listening? Close this fucking thread. Do it now.

You can quote me, Roger. ;-D

09 May 06 - 07:39 PM (#1736624)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

Thank you, Roger. That's lovely. You get "A+" for responding so quickly.

09 May 06 - 07:39 PM (#1736625)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace

"Philistines, all of them!"

They deserve a homeland, too.

09 May 06 - 08:08 PM (#1736660)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Ebbie

hahahahah - Peace, you are incorrigible.

09 May 06 - 08:12 PM (#1736661)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Clinton Hammond

"You're so cute when you try to act irritated"

Where was I acting irritated? Cause I wasn't.... Irritated, OR acting.....

09 May 06 - 08:21 PM (#1736669)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

Your whole existence is an act...and so is everybody else's.

09 May 06 - 08:24 PM (#1736675)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace

Shakespeare's plays are presented today in five acts. Just some trivia between insults . . . .

09 May 06 - 08:30 PM (#1736678)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Amos

Aww, CH, you don't fool me with your "closer Martin Gibson to thee" act. If you'd understood halfa what I said you'da agreed wit me. I am quite sure of that. LOL!!!

But, as usual, being the diligent pseudo-intellectual ne'er-do-well and California air-head that I am, I have delved deep into my vocabulary of New Age mystical buzzwords and prepared an appropriate response, out of the goodness of my heart and because I love you. It is clear you are a pained soul in need of acknowledgent, validation and some sort of closure. So I offer you the Argeau invocation, known to sensitive and aspiring spiritual beings at every level of this Great Tree of Life in which we are all clambering:

Argeau phuque yerself.


09 May 06 - 08:30 PM (#1736679)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Ebbie

And how many acts used there to be? (Hmmmmm That may be badly phrased.)

09 May 06 - 08:36 PM (#1736684)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

(sigh) If only Godzilla would visit Windsor and give Clinton that sorely-needed sense of "closure" you allude to, Amos... with his foot.

09 May 06 - 08:39 PM (#1736688)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace

I think five. But that's a guess.

09 May 06 - 08:51 PM (#1736696)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace

However, he wasn't much of a writer. Not very original at all. Take "Hamlet" for example. Damned thing's filled with quotes, ya know? Like, what's THAT about?

09 May 06 - 09:31 PM (#1736711)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Anonny Mouse

Amos:" I await Anonnymouse's dissertation in response to my questions about his feelings regarding the word "fuck", which was th eoriginal topic."

No dissertation Amos. Guess it just goes back to how I was raised...and all that childhood/adolescent stuff. My Dad (and we're not puritans, or religious fanatics or whatever) was just really strict about such-which of course goes right to Lenny Bruce's (or George Carlin's) truth about the suppression of a word, or idea, or whatever giving it power.

Carol C--if you're really interested in my mundane little world, here's a bit y'all can ignore or not. I AM an amateur musician; play a bit of piano, but my main instrument is guitar, 6 or 12...and a bit of 5-string banjo. Like many of you, grew up in the great Folk Scare--Kingston Trio, PP&M, Limeliters, etc. Had "groups" (trios or quartets) in High School, College and Grad School. 6 years of voice; a lot of a'cappella choral background. Pretty diverse tastes musically-don't consider myself a folk music snob, and know a lot less about it than most of you, which is what attracted me to Mudcat in the first place. I'm not going to get into my vocational aspects, but I do a good deal of writing--professionally (although I am only published in a very few arcane publications; nothing any of you would have seen or read).

As for "dissertations" (re: Amos) yes, you can see I can be verbose. I have great respect for the written and spoken word, hence my somewhat "puritanical" attitude to vulgarity. It isn't that I am not vulgar myself on occasion...but I prefer it not infiltrate my writing (even on an informal forum). So, if I haven't bored you all to tears, that's a snippet of my background. Grew up in the northeast; lived in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and upstate New York. Wish I could say I play like Tommy Emmanuel, Phil Keaggy, Leo Kottke or Doyle Dykes--but, alas, I DON'T. I think that's it for now.

09 May 06 - 09:47 PM (#1736719)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I have no problem with people using the word "fuck". What I hate is when people type something like "f**k" instead. Like we're supposed to go, "Gee! I wonder if they mean 'fink'? Or maybe 'fork'? You don't imagine they might mean 'fuck', do you?"

Look, it's plain that you're thinking "fuck". It's plain that you mean "fuck". So just fuckin' type "fuck"!

09 May 06 - 09:52 PM (#1736724)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace

What the f#ck are ya talkin' about?

09 May 06 - 09:53 PM (#1736725)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace


$#@% &#% fuck $%# &* %#$%@&' #$%@#?

09 May 06 - 09:56 PM (#1736728)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Anonny Mouse

LOL. Yeah--that's a buncha bullshi%.

09 May 06 - 10:00 PM (#1736731)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: frogprince

Silly bunch of muddyfolkers....

09 May 06 - 10:00 PM (#1736732)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: number 6

Peace .... Henry iv Part II has 4 Acts and 5 scenes.


09 May 06 - 10:15 PM (#1736742)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

Hey, Bee-Dub?

F*ck off. ;-)

09 May 06 - 10:16 PM (#1736744)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Janie

But whose counting, eh?

09 May 06 - 10:17 PM (#1736748)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Janie

hmmmm but jWHO's counting, eh?

09 May 06 - 10:18 PM (#1736750)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Janie

Well sh*t f*cking damn!!! Nevermind.

09 May 06 - 10:27 PM (#1736754)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: number 6

Disgusting how some people around here act .... absolutely disgusting. Listen to yourselves .... foul mouthed lot, all of you.


09 May 06 - 10:28 PM (#1736755)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace

I agree, sIx. Preverts . . . .

09 May 06 - 10:47 PM (#1736769)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: CarolC

Thanks, Anonny Mouse. I remember your first post here (at least under that screen name). You were sent here by "Breezy" of St Albans, when he was busking.

So no accordions, huh? Well, no-one's perfect, and I'm sure your heart is in the right place.

09 May 06 - 10:53 PM (#1736777)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

The one thing I can't stand is when people use the word c&%$##&^%(r.

That's just terrible, in my opinion. Such people should be &%$*%ed, the rotten *^%&%^$ers!

09 May 06 - 10:54 PM (#1736781)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: number 6

Did you ever write for any of the many comic books LH ??


09 May 06 - 10:58 PM (#1736786)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: catspaw49

I don't think so Six, but he IS an avid fan!!! Good catch there. I know he's very partial to Vaughn Bode's "Cheech Wizard"...........................................hehehehehe....gotta' go!


09 May 06 - 11:08 PM (#1736798)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

You rotten swine...

09 May 06 - 11:12 PM (#1736802)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: catspaw49

Aw geez Hawk.......I was just startin' to feel better too.......And now those memories of the Chief, the Big Gay Pig come flooding painful............tragic..............Hawk, you gawdamn broke-dick mamalucca........................


09 May 06 - 11:54 PM (#1736834)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Ron Davies

Annonymouse--your "Puritanical" attitude toward vulgarity"?--you must not be the most observant person to grace Mudcat. Who do you suppose is by far the foremost exponent of vulgarity to denigrate others? (as opposed to humor, which is how Spaw uses it). Why, it's your buddy "Martin"--as you, as a member, can easily ascertain by checking his record--which you might possibly want to do before defending him as a "stand-up guy". As you probably know, it is in fact possible to stand up for beliefs--even aggressively--without the vulgarity your friend seems to think is necessary.

09 May 06 - 11:58 PM (#1736836)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

The Chief is waiting for you, Spaw, in the world of spirit. Yes, just shortly after you pass through those shining gates, expecting now to receive your heavenly reward for all the good works you did while on Earth, you will be startled to hear a familiar snorting and grunting will turn in shock to see that gigantic porcine form (now sporting little angel wings) bearing down on you inexorably and proving that pigs DO fly...drooling in anticipation of the vile act he is about to perform on you, his beady little red eyes glowing with unfathomable lust as he siezes you in an unbreakable grip and...

10 May 06 - 12:42 AM (#1736860)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Anonny Mouse

Ron: "Annonymouse--your "Puritanical" attitude toward vulgarity"?--you must not be the most observant person to grace Mudcat. Who do you suppose is by far the foremost exponent of vulgarity to denigrate others? (as opposed to humor, which is how Spaw uses it). Why, it's your buddy "Martin"--as you, as a member, can easily ascertain by checking his record--which you might possibly want to do before defending him as a "stand-up guy". As you probably know, it is in fact possible to stand up for beliefs--even aggressively--without the vulgarity your friend seems to think is necessary."

You'll get no argument from me on that...and I have nicely (I think) pointed that out to him on a couple of occasions in posts. And I wouldn't have any problem stating publically--whether he cares or not--I don't think it's necessary. I'd wager he doesn't speak like that to his wife, or son in London, or his business associates. In all honesty, I think he's a bright guy, who would appear even brighter (IMO) if he didn't resort to that kind of stuff. However, I have no control over that.

As for being "my buddy" I really don't know him, other than his name is made-up (as is mine for my own reasons). I respect his seriousness about his faith for some of the other things, I wasn't around for them, which isn't to deny they happened. But when I first started posting here, I made it clear I was a "tabula rasa" on personalities here; I was not, by nature, a confrontational person most of the time, I have a thick skin (and head, some would maintain), and I simply tried to treat him the same way I'd treat any of you. Now, if he...or someone else here-started in on me for no good reason, I would not hesitate to call them to task on it, whether they cared or not. I'm not some "wimp" incapable of mounting a reasonably cogent defense of myself, or some of my opinions.

I know that a lot of you have axes to grind with MG. I don't happen to have any, so I'm not dealing with him as though I do. He was respectful enough to me, and while I might agree posts of his were indefensible, I'm not here to defend him, or really anyone else. We happen to share a fondness for the bane of some of your existences--the Kingston Trio. So, I figure it won't hurt to be civil. For me...or him. Frankly, I think he's a better person then he lets on here. Why that is, only he would know. So, I "spoke my piece," and I'll just leave it at that. Y'all think or do what you wish.

10 May 06 - 02:17 AM (#1736890)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

Very sensible comments on your part, Anonny Mouse. I see no reason why you should immediately jump on the "Let's all get together and condemn this one person whom we have all agreed is so terrible" bandwagon the moment you join a group that is new to you...nor do I see why you should engage in a vendetta against him when he has not attacked you personally, just because other people choose to for their own personal reasons, based on their past encounters with him.

I see no reason why you should have your integrity questioned either for being civil to him...or friendly to him...since he has given you no cause to do otherwise at this point.

Sounds like a pretty elitist kind of thing going on if you are questioned for such behaviour merely because you won't conform to other people's anger against Martin.

I also disagree with Martin's penchant for talking abusively to various people (same as I disagree with Clinton Hammond's penchant for the same)...but I have no personal reason to go on a vendetta against him. He has been respectful and reasonable to me also...(I gather because my personal style or attitude doesn't happen to bug him.) We do disagree fundamentally on various political issues, but it doesn't seem to result in personal rancour between us.

I sometimes agree with Martin, sometimes don't, and that's okay.

Matter of fact, if I agree or disagree with something anyone here says I will say so...regardless of whether or not I happen to like or dislike them. I can't stand Clinton Hammond, but if he says something I agree with, I will state that agreeement. I don't believe in automatically ALWAYS disagreeing with people just because I don't like them. What's the use in that? It indicates no ability to think, but only the ability to emotionally react on the basis of a grudge. That's what dogs do. Once they hate someone, they're ALWAYS out to get him, regardless. It's nothing for a human being to be proud of, to act that way.

10 May 06 - 02:46 AM (#1736908)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: The Shambles

Subject: RE: BS: Is closing threads censorship?
From: Little Hawk - PM
Date: 09 May 06 - 07:36 PM

Anybody out there listening? Close this fucking thread. Do it now.

You can quote me, Roger. ;-D

10 May 06 - 03:15 AM (#1736920)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Little Hawk

You clearly did not spot the twinkle in my eye when I said that, Roger. It was a joke. For all I know, of course, you may have had a twinkle in your eye too when you copied and pasted it in this thread. ;-)

Be assured, I do not jump in with comments like that because I dislike you. I don't dislike you. I just thought it was an amusing thing to say at that moment.

But...if you wish to take it seriously and get offended...well, nothing much I can do about that, is there?

I think you need to distinguish between people who are genuinely attacking you and people who are just joshing a bit...which is what I was doing when I posted that.

10 May 06 - 03:30 AM (#1736933)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: The Shambles

I also think you need to distinguish between people who are genuinely attacking you and people who are just joshing a bit...which is what I was doing when I posted that.

10 May 06 - 05:37 AM (#1736993)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: GUEST,weelittledrummer

someone once told me that 'fuck' was the only word that could be used as every part of speech, being a noun, a verb, fucking an adjective, a pronoun....however it just occurred to me - its not an adverb...

you can't do something in a 'fuckly' sort of way.

although people with a major speech impediment, might say:-

Fuckily enough I was freaking to fartin fibson on the fudfat....

Forry fot fur fee forking about......?

10 May 06 - 05:50 AM (#1736999)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: The Shambles

Perhaps writing words like this and expecting it to be seen as humourous is expecting too much?

The use of the F word can be funny - but perhaps not in writing?

Many stand-up comedians have used the word to good comic effect, when used sparingly but perhaps too many lesser ones have used it too often to get a cheap laugh?

Some now use it practically ever other word in their act - limiting the comic effect of the word and to the general detriment of the performance.

Perhaps it was a stage - like that in literature - that needed to happen but that time has possibly passed?

10 May 06 - 06:59 AM (#1737030)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Ron Davies

Annonymouse--"a stand-up guy" was a direct quote --from you--describing "Martin". A 'stand-up guy' does not need to denigrate through profanity rather than make any attempt to defend his position through facts or logic. As long as you understand that, we are on the same page.

If this is considered "elitist", somehow I can live with that.

10 May 06 - 09:15 AM (#1737107)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Anonny Mouse

Ron: hoisted on the pitard of my own verbage. Well done, sir. For the record I really didn't intend this thread to wander off as it has--and mea culpa for listing MG among my "characters" on Mudcat. Just came to mind. I was really more interested in my observation of language...uh..."customs" here. To that end...

Maybe at least those of you who subscribe to Lenny Bruce's defense of the profane will agree that common usage diminishes the impact of the word (?). Again, I'm really not trying to be condescending here...not the point. I take part in a couple of other forums (and no, they ain't for hoity-toity holy rollers or something) where anyone using such language is edited (yes, CENSORED!!!) and gently warned at least a couple of times (usually by "mods" and PM's-maybe on a thread) to cease and desist. If they don't, their membership is terminated. Obviously, that ISN'T the case here, so I chuckle sometimes when I read some of the outrage over censorship here. Seems to me it's pretty free-wheelin'.

If this is coming off as whining, or complaining, it isn't meant to. I simply stated my personal preferece to avoid it when possible, especially when I write. However, yas are all free to do as ya please-free speech and all that. It was just an "observation" from a relative new-comer. Guess I whacked the hornets' nest, eh? I'll be more circumspect in the future. We can move on, if ya like...

10 May 06 - 09:37 AM (#1737120)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: catspaw49

No need to be circumspect.......Say what you mean and don't worry about it. The "censorship" issue as used by Shambo and his two or three followers is complete bullshit because this joint IS as you say pretty freewheelin'. We don't bite.

And like you I'm involved with several other forums where language and even the threat of a personal attack is zapped immediately. The software zaps most language and the mods zap the creative he!! and the like. One of those is one of the web's largest, an autoracing forum, and believe it or not, I'm a mod there. There are 18 separate forums and most of them divided into several segments. No one argues over the is the way it is. If you do want to argue, you take it up privately with the management/admin staff. If you decide to start a thread or make a post about it, it gets zapped....and there are rarely any explanations. Usually a warning is enough to stop most things.


10 May 06 - 09:37 AM (#1737122)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: frogprince

"Move on" ? Annony, that's not the Mudcat way; we gotta keep fussin' and fumin' over this for a coupla hundred more posts, at least. : )

10 May 06 - 10:03 AM (#1737138)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Anonny Mouse

Thanks 'spaw and frogprince. Since we ARE taling about this, I have "heard" one of the etiologies of the "F" word was that it was an abbreviation for Fornication Under Consent of the King. Probably a "urban legend"--but it was some British thing. Since we have that nice Anglo-mix here, maybe someone can disabuse me of this once an for all.

10 May 06 - 10:06 AM (#1737140)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Amos

It is a myth, AM. I believe you can check it out at


10 May 06 - 10:09 AM (#1737145)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Amos

For one thing, it is only in the 20th century that words formed from acronyms start to appear with any regularity.

Here's an excerpt from Snopes' study:

"ccording to the alt.usage.english FAQ:

[Fuck] is a very old word, recorded in English since the 15th century (few acronyms predate the 20th century), with cognates in other Germanic languages. The Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang (Random House, 1994, ISBN 0-394-54427-7) cites Middle Dutch fokken = "to thrust, copulate with"; Norwegian dialect fukka = "to copulate"; and Swedish dialect focka = "to strike, push, copulate" and fock = "penis". Although German ficken may enter the picture somehow, it is problematic in having e-grade, or umlaut, where all the others have o-grade or zero-grade of the vowel.
AHD1, following Pokorny, derived "feud", "fey", "fickle", "foe", and "fuck" from an Indo-European root peig2 = "hostile"; but AHD2 and AHD3 have dropped this connection for "fuck" and give no pre-Germanic etymon for it. Eric Partridge, in the 7th edition of Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (Macmillan, 1970), said that "fuck" "almost certainly" comes from the Indo-European root *peuk- = "to prick" (which is the source of the English words "compunction", "expunge", "impugn", "poignant", "point", "pounce", "pugilist", "punctuate", "puncture", "pungent", and "pygmy"). Robert Claiborne, in The Roots of English: A Reader's Handbook of Word Origin (Times, 1989) agrees that this is "probably" the etymon. Problems with such theories include a distribution that suggests a North-Sea Germanic areal form rather than an inherited one; the murkiness of the phonetic relations; and the fact that no alleged cognate outside Germanic has sexual connotations.

In plain English, this means the term's origin is likely Germanic, even though no one can as yet point to the precise word it came down to us from out of all the possible candidates. Further, a few scholars hold differing pet theories outside of the Germanic origin one, theories which appear to have some holes in them. "


10 May 06 - 10:11 AM (#1737148)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: GUEST,*daylia*

Profanity and "bathroom talk" (including continuous references to various physical functions, secretions, fluids etc) never fails to turn me off. WHen I come across it here on Mudcat, I usually just skip that post. After 25 years of raising 3 verbose and energetic boys singlehandedly, believe me, my tolerance level and/or any inclination to see foul language as harmless, fun or funny is worn down to nuthin. NO doubt some will consider this highly intolerant and offensive, but so sorry -- only the linguistically, developmentally and/or socially challenged use profanity or bathroom talk on a regular basis. IMO.

The Japanese have an interesting take on "foul language" ... Apparently they approach it cautiously because of beliefs in "Kotodama" or 'word spirits':

Kotodama appear when spoken, written, or even thought and they can easily be "tainted" with ill intentions and evil spirits. Even today, Japanese avoid words that imply harm to keep away tainted evil Kotodama. This, of course, can be reversed to bring about harm to someone or something, and common everyday words are used profanely in this case.

HA! Mudcat is probably just swarming with 'em by now. Hey, maybe we should hire an exorcist, Kotodammit all!    :-D

10 May 06 - 11:03 AM (#1737206)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: The Shambles

No need to be circumspect.......Say what you mean and don't worry about it. The "censorship" issue as used by Shambo and his two or three followers is complete bullshit because this joint IS as you say pretty freewheelin'. We don't bite.

If 'freewheeling' is another way of saying 'unfair' - I would agree. Though I would not claim to speak for anyone but myself - only from my own experiences.

10 May 06 - 11:17 AM (#1737220)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: The Shambles

This link to a thread in the HELP forum may be interesting.

10 May 06 - 11:55 AM (#1737258)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Clinton Hammond

" If you'd understood halfa what I said you'da agreed wit me."

I understand way more than half of your pseudo-intellectual vocabulary of New Age mystical buzzwords... that's why I dismiss them easily....

10 May 06 - 12:07 PM (#1737269)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Amos

Argeau redux, CH! :)


10 May 06 - 12:17 PM (#1737276)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Bill D

re: naughty language...a repost, copied here to make a point.


Ban all them naughty words, I say! How are we gonna keep the intrinsic panasche and force of good cuss words if everyone and their 2nd cousin Charlie are using them in every 2rd utterance! Next thing, Dan Rather will be reporting on "another fucking car-bomb in Iraq"!

Do you not understand the value and power of occasional use of the forbidden? Otherwise we end up with this example of an Aussie bloke showing the descent into totally useless blather, like a Valley Girl using words like, ummm.... 'like'...

""Oh, I 'ad a fine time last was a fuckin' beautiful day, so I got in my fuckin' car and went for a nice fuckin' drive...till I came to this fuckin' park, and decided to get out and take a fuckin' walk. Well, I walked about a fuckin' mile and here was this fuckin' lovely lass walkin' just ahead of me..I gave her a fuckin' cheery greetin' and we hit it off right away. So we walked on down the fuckin' lane till various things in our fuckin' conversation made me quite fuckin' aware that we were fuckin' interested in the same fuckin' I looked at her...she looked at me...and we fuckin' smiled and went over a fuckin' fence and behind a fuckin' tree where no one could fuckin' see us......and 'ad sexual intercourse!"

10 May 06 - 12:35 PM (#1737288)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Anonny Mouse

Amos: thanks for taking the time to post the info. I suspected it was a buncha crappola, but ya never know! BillD--yer post is hilarious!'s so rad,! LOL. -El Mouso

10 May 06 - 01:50 PM (#1737334)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Kaleea

boring old cuss words. ho hum.

Why is it that few people pepper their conversations with creative cussing? It's much more entertaining, and shows that when yer fussin' yer delightful cussin' is a sign a somewhat higher intelligence. Don't know how?
Don't be such a brainless twit. Even filthy swine deserve a little mud now and again. Not every donkey's p'toot is capable of lower, much less higher reasoning. Even a poltroon such as you (you know who you are) is capable of learning a few creative metaphors.
   And, dear intelligent Catters, for a truly stubborn horses' hind end, use the art of "Irish Diplomacy." Read P. G. Wodehouse--he was a master of the art. For you uneducated buffoons, "Irish Diplomacy" is the art if telling a man where to go so that he looks forward to the trip!

Now, try inventing some of your own non deleteable and colorful metaphors.

10 May 06 - 05:16 PM (#1737464)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace

Column 1            Column 2            Column 3

artless             base-court          apple-john
bawdy               bat-fowling         baggage
beslubbering       beef-witted         barnacle
bootless            beetle-headed       bladder
churlish            boil-brained       boar-pig
cockered            clapper-clawed      bugbear
clouted             clay-brained       bum-bailey
craven             common-kissing      canker-blossom
currish             crook-pated         clack-dish
dankish             dismal-dreaming    clotpole
dissembling         dizzy-eyed          coxcomb
droning             doghearted          codpiece
errant             dread-bolted       death-token
fawning             earth-vexing       dewberry
fobbing             elf-skinned         flap-dragon
froward             fat-kidneyed       flax-wench
frothy             fen-sucked          flirt-gill
gleeking            flap-mouthed       foot-licker
goatish             fly-bitten          fustilarian
gorbellied          folly-fallen       giglet
impertinent         fool-born          gudgeon
infectious          full-gorged         haggard
jarring             guts-griping       harpy
loggerheaded       half-faced          hedge-pig
lumpish             hasty-witted       horn-beast
mammering          hedge-born          hugger-mugger
mangled             hell-hated          joithead
mewling             idle-headed         lewdster
paunchy             ill-breeding       lout
pribbling          ill-nurtured       maggot-pie
puking             knotty-pated       malt-worm
puny                milk-livered       mammet
qualling            motley-minded       measle
rank                onion-eyed          minnow
reeky               plume-plucked       miscreant
roguish             pottle-deep         moldwarp
ruttish             pox-marked          mumble-news
saucy               reeling-ripe       nut-hook
spleeny             rough-hewn          pigeon-egg
spongy             rude-growing       pignut
surly               rump-fed            puttock
tottering          shard-borne         pumpion
unmuzzled          sheep-biting       ratsbane
vain                spur-galled         scut
venomed             swag-bellied       skainsmate
villainous          tardy-gaited       strumpet
warped             tickle-brained      varlot
wayward             toad-spotted       vassal
weedy               unchin-snouted      whey-face
yeasty             weather-bitten      wagtail

Take one form Column 1, one from Column 2 and one from Column 3, you unmuzzled rump-fed ratsbane.

10 May 06 - 05:56 PM (#1737496)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Wesley S

Hey Peace - That's a GREAT way to get a new band name !

10 May 06 - 06:42 PM (#1737538)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Rustic Rebel

I suppose one could take a word from each list and apply it towards someone else. It would end up basically the same as calling someone a fucked up asshole. Depends on how you take it you sheep biting, unmuzzled, harpy! Ouch-sting!
I don't mind the use of cuss words. I certainly don't believe it has a whole lot to do with the intellegence of a person that uses them. I believe one could use the Cafe for a prime example of that! Many here are extremely intellegent and still utter fuck on occasion.
I also notice how a group of people react when 'fuck', 'motherfuckin', 'let's fuck', the list goes on, when used in a song. It's like people suddenly go wild! The attitude of the crowd changes with whoops and whistles. Maybe the 'fuck' genes kick in! Strange huh?

10 May 06 - 08:05 PM (#1737585)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace

All those words or phrases are from ol' William Shakespeare's plays. Jus' in case anyone is interested. It's been kicking around the www for years.

10 May 06 - 08:10 PM (#1737588)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: frogprince

As for the origin of that evil F word, I'm inclined to a theory I really haven't found elsewhere.
How do you spell the word for "words that sound like what they mean"?
Onomatapia? That ain't right, and I don't know that I can get close enough right now to look it up in the dictionary to see how to spell it.
Anyhow, it doesn't take to much to figure out the origin of the word "piss", for example, unless you're seriously deaf.
Now sometime when you're gettin' a little lovin, and things are gettin' pretty juicy, try to hold down the moans and groans, and if the bed or whatever you're on at the time isn't too squeaky or crunchy, listen for the little sounds you may hear...

10 May 06 - 08:15 PM (#1737591)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: M.Ted

I turns out that there are plenty of words in Shakespeare--it is said that his plays consist of nothing else.

10 May 06 - 08:16 PM (#1737595)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace

Neat info here . . . .

10 May 06 - 08:17 PM (#1737596)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Peace

Good one, M.Ted.

10 May 06 - 10:59 PM (#1737728)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Amos

Oh, thou roguish, pox-marked strumpet! How the divinity within thee doth shine
Through the very paint of thy trade! How shall a good soul ken his course,
When such coarse-hue'd angelic powers do from hedge-born roots
Bloom before him?

(Exit stage right, stropping a bodkin and mumbling).


10 May 06 - 11:04 PM (#1737731)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...

(Exit stage right, stropping a bodkin and mumbling).

Not in front of the children.

10 May 06 - 11:37 PM (#1737745)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: JennyO

And now - the moment you've been waiting for - here they are..........


11 May 06 - 06:22 AM (#1737861)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: freda underhill

any relation to the Eastern Gobble-gutz?

11 May 06 - 02:43 PM (#1738234)
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
From: Anonny Mouse

"GUEST"--good one! I believe this has gone about as far as it can. I appreciated *most* of the responses. Not tryin' to alter a "tradition"--just expressing my own feelings on this stuff. Again, you can read my posts or not; it's unlikely I will revert to the profane to express myself, although not always. This is NOT a warrantee--just some random thoughts. Thanks, folks. Been interesting!