26 May 06 - 08:04 AM (#1747772) Subject: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Bobert Hmmmmmmmm? Today's Washington Post has s story entitled "Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection" written by Marc Kaufman (no pun intended)... Seems that NIH's Drug Abuse division commisioned UCLA to conduct a study to link the use of marijuana and lung cancer but rather than find that the "killer weed" contributes to lung cancer what was "found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some PROTECTIVE effect"... So light up fir good health... |
26 May 06 - 08:36 AM (#1747797) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: GUEST,saulgoldie Rooooooooooool another one, Just like the other one, That one's just 'bout burned to the end, C'mon, and be a real friend. Don't Bogart... I insist that with all the other drugs out there that cause far more havoc than pot could on a good day with a tailwind--alcohol, tobacco, meth, and others--that the bias against it is purely political and not based on any reason, whatsoever. |
26 May 06 - 08:43 AM (#1747800) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: freda underhill I know that lots of people seem to be able to get away with smoking dope for decades without any obvious ill effects, and good luck to them. however, I've got too many friends who've "gone potty" not to post this link.. links between cannabis smoking & psychosis freda |
26 May 06 - 08:50 AM (#1747806) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: GUEST,leeneia Thank you freda. The young nephew (age 25) of a friend committed suicide two years ago, and marijuana was definitely a factor. Marijuana is bad for people, it puts their children at risk, it wastes their money, and it stinks. |
26 May 06 - 08:56 AM (#1747810) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: GUEST In a recent talk with someone involved with drug rehabilitation, he expressed the view that "pot" was just as dangerous as cocaine or heroin due to its insidious nature and psychotic effect...Ake |
26 May 06 - 09:11 AM (#1747820) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Rapparee I suspect that marijuana, like other drugs, can be used for good or abused for bad. I have a nephew who got into it -- briefly -- and it aggravated his seizures AND got him stabbed (nasty but nothing life threatening) before his 17th birthday. Shame that people abuse what they have.... |
26 May 06 - 09:39 AM (#1747837) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Max Well now it all makes sense. I was on the pot when I decided to start this web site. |
26 May 06 - 09:43 AM (#1747839) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: freda underhill :-D lucky for us, Max! |
26 May 06 - 09:48 AM (#1747843) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: GUEST,Not that guest, not the other one, either In order to have a body of knowledge from multiple valid studies, we first need to drop the hysteria surrounding marijuana. For example, just say the word "marijuana" and watch many people flip right out. I DO suggest that, like alcohol and tobacco developing youngsters should not be allowed to use it. And I suggest that we have more studies, studies that are not falsely motivated and working towards a pre-determined outcome. And when we find out what the risks REALLY are, then we can warn people, just like we do with alcohol and tobacco. In any event, we should allow its use for medicinal purposes which it has been shown to have for glaucoma and boosting appetites for AIDS patients, and who knows what other conditions. On a personal note, I have self-medicated with pot on more than a few occasions. I was in the most desperate state of mind, contemplating suicide when I would decide to puff a little. The high gave my mind a rest. And when I came back from the hangover (that would last a couple of days), I saw the world differently. Had I not smoked, I likely would not be typing these words today. I DO suffer from depression, obviously--it's hereditary--but not schizophrenia or cancer. And most of the people I smoked with in college (and yes, high school) have turned out more or less like everyone else. Indeed, one of my generation ended up as president despite his drug activity. In life, almost everything has potential danger, and many people have stories. How many people were seriously injured last year from toothpicks, for example? Certainly cars and motorcycles. And bicycles. And all those things are legal. Haven't we discussed in other threads the extent to which we should be "protected" from life's dangers? |
26 May 06 - 09:55 AM (#1747853) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: GUEST It's nothing to do with the weed, it's because the big suppliers ALL sell also the killers - coke, heroin, speed etc. You buy weed off your local supplier, you are putting money in the pockets of merchants of death - no questions, don't say you just buy from a nice local middle class chap. You smoke dope, you pay the killers of men, women and children. Take responsibility for that. |
26 May 06 - 09:58 AM (#1747857) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: GUEST,Not that guest, not the other one, either I'd grow my own if it were legal. And remember that when you buy gasoline you are ultimately supporting terrorists, using your logic. |
26 May 06 - 10:19 AM (#1747871) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: GUEST,In recovery stay off pot ! it can lead to a lifetime of obsessive Star Trek and Dungeons and Dragons cult worship !!!!!!!!!!!! |
26 May 06 - 10:52 AM (#1747897) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: dianavan freda - Can you please unpack this statement for me? "Firstly, cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of experiencing schizophrenia symptoms, even after psychotic symptoms preceding the onset of cannabis use are controlled for, indicating that cannabis use is not secondary to a pre-existing psychosis." Does that mean those who suffered from schizophrenia had a previous diagnosis of psychosis? If so - What this study says is do not smoke cannabis if you've ever been diagnosed as psychotic. That seems like a no-brainer to me. I will agree that those with mental health problems should probably be using more appropriate drugs. |
26 May 06 - 10:58 AM (#1747908) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Ebbie Although I was a tobacco smoker for years, I've never smoked pot. (In Alaska it's still legal to have up to a certain amount upon you) I agree with those who think the decision to ban marijuana was a political one, because it makes no sense to accept and regulate alcohol which has far wider repercussions. It is bemusing to see just how deeply ingrained the ban has become- the benefits of hemp, which is related to the same plant family but has no 'salutatory' effects, are well known. It is a fibrous, quick-growing plant that has many uses from paper to rope and on. Yet even hemp is illegal. |
26 May 06 - 11:10 AM (#1747920) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Peace Growing hemp in Alberta is legal, but the conditions and restrictions are quite strict. (I think that if a random sample testsing of ten plants shows the THC content to be higher than a half percent, the farmer's whole crop is siezed and destroyed. (That's by memory and may be inaccurate--basically, the regulations are to ensure that THC content is not high enough to make smoking the stuff 'worthwhile'.)) The opinions about marijuana are as varied as the people who speak for one side or the other on the issue. For every report that shows THC to have beneficial, there is another to show it has harmful effects. Way back, the Canadian federal government funded the LeDain Commission which recommended decriminalization of psychotropic drugs but NOT legalization. Due to political pressures, that didn't come about in 1969/1970 when the final report was studied and debated in the House of Commons. There is an old adage I recall from the 1960s: If you smoke grass you don't know anyone who doesn't; if you don't smoke grass, you don't know anyone who does. Probably more than a little truth in that. |
26 May 06 - 11:12 AM (#1747922) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Bobert Smokin' pot only puts $$$ in the pockets of folks you'd rather not have the $$$ only if you buy it... I haven't bought any weed since the 60's... Grow yer own... As fir folks comitting suicide because of pot, I doubt it... There must have been other factors... Pot does not make ***normal*** folks suicidal and there is no evidence that shows it does... That's just some "reefer madness" madness... Yeah, alcohol is the real killer... Drunk drivers account for thousands and thousnads of folks diein' every year... And alcohol brings out the meaness in folks where pot brings out the peacefullness in most folks... Bobert |
26 May 06 - 11:13 AM (#1747923) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: frogprince "Firstly, cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of experiencing schizophrenia symptoms, even after psychotic symptoms preceding the onset of cannabis use are controlled for, indicating that cannabis use is not secondary to a pre-existing psychosis." I think that is saying that cannibis use was found to increase the risk of schizophrenia, whether or not the individual had shown indications of psychosis prior to the use of cannibis. As I get it, the site acknowledges that prior studies had left open the question of whether those subjects who developed schizophrenia had mental disorders prior to using cannibis. |
26 May 06 - 11:46 AM (#1747936) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Peace THIS could be YOU! |
26 May 06 - 12:28 PM (#1747955) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Clinton Hammond "you are putting money in the pockets of merchants of death" Just like you're doing if you buy cigarettes, or a bottle of whiskey.... or buy a car... or eat at McDonalds... or pay your taxes.... |
26 May 06 - 12:33 PM (#1747959) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Ebbie "For every report that shows THC to have beneficial, there is another to show it has harmful effects." Peace True, Bruce. But they don't ask that question about alcohol. |
26 May 06 - 12:40 PM (#1747963) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Metchosin Regarding the benefits, a friend is being monitored by his doctor for hypertension and was asked to keep a record of his blood pressure regularly for awhile. When the doc reviewed his readings after a few weeks, he noted some periods when my friend's high blood pressure dropped dramatically to a healthy level. When given the explanation for what he was doing during the time frame, when his BP was good, this being Canada, his physician, who was impressed with the results, which were working better than his brisk walks, suggested he keep on toking and asked him if he wanted a prescription for it. This being BC, my friend declined, stating that he had access to much better stuff than what was being supplied medically by the government. Word of warning though, regarding BC bud, a lot of the stuff on the street has been known to have been cut with crystal meth by the the bad guys involved with grow-ops here. Not something you would ever dream of fooling around with, without implicitly knowing your sources. |
26 May 06 - 12:53 PM (#1747970) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: bobad "the decision to ban marijuana was a political one" Hemp was prohibited to protect the wood-pulp paper, synthetic fiber, and petro-chemical industries, which are capital intensive(lots of $)while hemp fiber, oil, and protien production are, by their nature, decentralized and have low capital entry requirements. |
26 May 06 - 01:09 PM (#1747985) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Peace I hear that Ebbie. Cigarette smoke contains about 4000 chemicals. The government makes BIG tax dollars as do the tobacco companies. Same can be said of the booze industry. |
26 May 06 - 01:26 PM (#1747998) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Little Hawk I figure the best way to live longer is not to smoke anything at all... ;-D That's my solution. Find me an animal that will willingly inhale smoke. |
26 May 06 - 01:34 PM (#1748004) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Rapparee Hey, that's my "before" picture. And to show you that there were no aftereffects, here's the "after" picture. |
26 May 06 - 03:10 PM (#1748075) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Barry Finn My father died in his very late 70's, his best friend died in his mid 80's, they started smoking pot when they were in their late teens or early twentys just after WWII. Both lived very happy & healthy full lives. He had other friends that smoked & lived live long & hard but I didn't know them that well. I never saw it as harmfull & smoked throughout my teens but quit probably before I reached 20. So much for baised research. Barry |
26 May 06 - 03:19 PM (#1748080) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Little Hawk The thing is, people who die early (and smoke)...well, then you can sometimes draw a direct link of cause and effect there...but people who live to "a ripe old age" and smoke...who knows? We don't know how long they would have lived if they didn't smoke! We can only speculate as to what effect, positive or negative, it may have had on their lifespan. And no one is unbiased...except those who have no opinion or interest in the subject whatsoever. I know of no one like that, except for the very young...and the deceased. |
26 May 06 - 03:31 PM (#1748084) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: gnu LH : "Find me an animal that will willingly inhale smoke." When I was at Uni, some thirty years ago, I knews lots of them. |
26 May 06 - 04:24 PM (#1748110) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: dianavan bobad says, "Hemp was prohibited to protect the wood-pulp paper, synthetic fiber, and petro-chemical industries..." You can add to that cotton and tobacco which are all grown in the same area with the same soil and growing requirements. It was far more profitable to grow tobacco and much easier to control. |
26 May 06 - 08:25 PM (#1748221) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Ebbie In Juneau, I know some people who grow a couple of plants in a walk in closet. So far I haven't heard of anyone who's gotten busted for it. (Rap, why does your moustache point upwards?) |
26 May 06 - 08:36 PM (#1748229) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: akenaton Salvador Dali had a moustache which pointed upwards! He said that it enabled him to recive signals from outer space. Thinking back to some of Rapaire's old posts, its all beginning to make sense...Ake |
26 May 06 - 08:39 PM (#1748231) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Ebbie Oh, I see. |
26 May 06 - 08:43 PM (#1748235) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: pdq Damn sad that Salvadore Dali had to up'n' die before he could interviewed by Art Bell. |
26 May 06 - 09:24 PM (#1748244) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: McGrath of Harlow Just make sure you never mix it with tobacco, because that really is a killer, especially when inhaled deeply and held in, the way pot is normally smoked. |
26 May 06 - 09:41 PM (#1748253) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Bobert Why would anyone dilute perfectly good pot with a cancer causing agent, McG??? Oppps... Guess that was the point you were makin'... |
26 May 06 - 09:43 PM (#1748254) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Little Hawk Yes, pdq, but it's even sadder about Lao Tzu, I think. Here are some more things you would be wise not to inhale: model airplane glue, gasoline vapour, car exhaust fumes, chlorine, and acetone. |
27 May 06 - 04:00 AM (#1748322) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Peace . . . and another 12,000 chemicals in our atmosphere. Ain't it grand? |
27 May 06 - 11:46 AM (#1748498) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: pdq Pot smokers don't really live longer, it just seems that way. |
27 May 06 - 11:58 AM (#1748502) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: Little Hawk LOL! Yeah.....like.....ummm....yeah.... |
28 May 06 - 03:03 AM (#1748869) Subject: RE: BS: Smoke Pot 'n Live Longer From: GUEST You may cough a little |