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'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.

17 Jun 06 - 03:59 AM (#1762026)
Subject: BS: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

Having not seen Cara perform for over a year, I was heartened to see them do a 45 minute floorspot at Market Rasen last night. Their performance of new material showed a certain polish and heralded for me the desire to buy the next CD (When they make one). At the end of the performance they did a double encore...firstly 'Abbeyfeale' and on extra demand they played a request for 'The Faerie Queen'. The end of the performance drew applause which lasted almost a minute...people clapping for almost a minute is not a common occurence. If you get the chance to see Cara live...go to it.
To Mike, Dave and John...keep it up lads..Lincolnshire needs you!
Can someone please put up the blue clicky for their website.
Best wishes, Mike.

17 Jun 06 - 04:00 AM (#1762027)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

Please transfer to MUSIC section!

17 Jun 06 - 04:35 AM (#1762039)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: John MacKenzie

Especially for you GS.
They are a treasure indeed and should not be a buried treasure either.

17 Jun 06 - 05:19 AM (#1762063)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rasener

They are also on my website as a link GS

17 Jun 06 - 11:13 AM (#1762211)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Amos

Hear, hear!! Top marks -- glad they're back in harness!


17 Jun 06 - 11:49 AM (#1762233)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

Appreciated Giok..thanks muchly.

17 Jun 06 - 12:30 PM (#1762256)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Catherine Jayne

I haven't heard Cara play for over a year now since they played at our Handfasting last year. A wonderful and talented group!! If you haven't heard/seen them you must!!


17 Jun 06 - 01:12 PM (#1762280)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: the fence

Yep, it was a very nice nite at Market Rasen with plenty of talent on show, Cara were fantastic!!! Many thanks Les for a wonderful evening.

18 Jun 06 - 11:10 AM (#1762806)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

Don't forget to look at Caras future appearances and go see will not be disappointed. I thought they were good when I saw them over a year ago but they have improved on that. Best wishes, Mike.

18 Jun 06 - 12:46 PM (#1762879)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rasener

It was good to see you and Rosie there Phil.

18 Jun 06 - 12:52 PM (#1762885)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: BusyBee Paul

Catch the Cara lads at Four Fools this coming weekend (23 - 25th June) - I will.

So lads, get lined up for my hugs!


18 Jun 06 - 01:17 PM (#1762903)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

BBP you are just after a grope at the longjohns aren't you? LOL Watch out for the whelks!

18 Jun 06 - 01:21 PM (#1762907)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rasener

Does that make her a Cara Gropey?

18 Jun 06 - 03:06 PM (#1762975)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: BusyBee Paul

I've very proud to be a Cara Gropey!. Longjohns and whelks a speciality, a delicacy and definitely NOT to be sniffed at!!!!


18 Jun 06 - 03:46 PM (#1763005)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rasener

>>I've very proud to be a Cara Gropey!. <<

I've very proud - dear me Deirdre, after all your posts about my grammar. tut tut :-)

I am sure a good old sniff would do you the world of good. If you had been at MRFC on Friday, you would have been able to smell Oakley's boots. He took em off to perform, but he still left his socks on LOL :-)

18 Jun 06 - 03:56 PM (#1763016)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

Aghhh so they were socks were they? I thought it might just have been the colour of his feet LOL.

18 Jun 06 - 03:59 PM (#1763020)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rasener

Actually, I think they were David's long john's with closed toes :-)

18 Jun 06 - 04:46 PM (#1763069)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rockhen

Hear hear re Cara! They were great! Only wish I dared get up and jig about to one or two numbers...(OK OK no rude comments please, Twangy!)
I couldn't believe it when their set ended, it just seemed to fly by.Had a brilliant night on Friday, thanks to all who played/organised/ and G&T for doing a smashing job with the sound again.What a treat to hear three fiddles in one night, BTW, made a change and the variety was nice.

18 Jun 06 - 05:38 PM (#1763122)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rasener

You could have done Rockhen, and you never know you might well have got to hold the Twanglers as well.

It was a very different evening in terms of style of music, but the quality of the performers was excellent.

I felt the whole night went by very quickly.

I thought the Beltona Band played some very nice tunes.

James Raynard impressed me very much and it is so nice to see younger performers hitting the scene. I loved his

I really like Karen & Colin Thompson, and I thought Colin's harmonising with Karen was great. Karen was suffering with a bad throat and almost had to call off. I am glad she didn't.

Cara - well Cara are Cara. Their set was so tight and the music was magic. There last two tunes as encore were lovely.

All in all a great night

18 Jun 06 - 05:40 PM (#1763124)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rasener

James Raynard impressed me very much and it is so nice to see younger performers hitting the scene. I loved his last song, very nice. Nice guitar and fiddle.

18 Jun 06 - 05:44 PM (#1763130)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rockhen

Oooo-errr, please don't say such scary things, Villan! Poor Tangy will be most nervous! OOOppps I mean Twangy...left the first attempt at his name as i thought it was quite amusing...

18 Jun 06 - 06:14 PM (#1763156)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rasener

Tangy Twangy :-)

19 Jun 06 - 05:43 AM (#1763466)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Travelling Audience

Cara in our eyes...and ears.....are perfection.

19 Jun 06 - 08:34 AM (#1763571)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: freda underhill

I have all three of Cara's CDs and love them. They are three extremely talented musicians who perform both traditional and original songs with great dexterity. The music flows from them - their instrumentals are fantastic and the original songs they sing are very moving. I hope to hear them live one day!


19 Jun 06 - 10:37 AM (#1763696)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: BusyBee Paul

OK Les, you got me on that one - personally, I blame it on all the Black Sheep ale I was forced to imbibe at the weekend.


Don't mention boots (or wellies)

Still, it made a welcome change from whelks!

D :-)

19 Jun 06 - 02:39 PM (#1763894)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

Their music can be heard on the website above, my absolute favourite being "The Faerie Queen" but the three C/Ds are on my player permanently and help me get through the household chores...Ironing to Abbeyfeale is recommended.
Best wishes, Mike.

19 Jun 06 - 03:03 PM (#1763912)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rasener

Has Abbey got a nice feel then Mike LOL :-)

19 Jun 06 - 03:19 PM (#1763922)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

Who is Abbey Les?...never met the girl. I knew one once who lived in the South East...think she was called 'Westminster' LOL

20 Jun 06 - 01:28 PM (#1764797)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

I was told that Abbey was a 'National too. Not heard anything from them Cara lads on this thread...where are they?

25 Jun 06 - 05:36 PM (#1768931)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: BusyBee Paul

Just back from the Four Fools Festival where Cara did a stonking session with Tom McConville.

Well done lads, I hope you can get Tom to "guest" on a track or two of a CD sometime.

John - thanks for the tips in the guitar workshop.

Mick - thanks for the loan of the whistle for whistle & flute workshop.

Oaklet - thanks for not wearing the longjohns and keeping the whelks well hidden!.

Good to see you all again, thanks for a brill weekend.

Deirdre the roadie

25 Jun 06 - 05:41 PM (#1768936)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

Thanking Oaklet for not wearing jis longjohns! Wonder what you've been up to this weekend then....LOL Hope you had a great time BBP

26 Jun 06 - 05:00 AM (#1769166)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: BusyBee Paul

He'd have looked reet daft wiv his longjohns showing below his shorts GS!

26 Jun 06 - 05:07 AM (#1769169)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Raggytash

A treasure indeed, Oakley even has a sunken chest

26 Jun 06 - 06:02 AM (#1769181)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Rasener

Has he got any gold in it?

26 Jun 06 - 06:03 AM (#1769184)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Emma B

of course - a true "heart of gold"

02 Jul 06 - 03:04 PM (#1774177)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: GUEST,chucky

Treasure is a bit strong. Fair to middling more like. reminds of the bad old punch-the- horse are brill days.

02 Jul 06 - 03:55 PM (#1774213)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Georgiansilver

I used to have a girlfriend I called treasure...not because she had a sunken chest but because my mates all kept asking "Where did you dig her up"????

03 Jul 06 - 03:42 AM (#1774505)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: ossonflags

Oaklet and the rest of them "Cara" lads are indeed treasures.

"Guest Chucky" How dare you call one of the most brilliant musicians and good guys around "fair to middling".

David has more musical abillity, sensitivity and compassion in his little finger than most people have, or ever hope to have in the rest of their bodies.

David's time and invaluable contribution with us in the "bad old Punch The Horse are brill days" were some of the most memorable events in this owld fellas long life span.

Good, bad or fair to middling "Punch the Horse" is still going strong.

04 Jul 06 - 02:50 AM (#1775315)
Subject: RE: 'Cara' A treasure from Lincolnshire.
From: Wilfried Schaum

... and dont confuse them with the German Cara!. I prefer the North Lincs band, too.