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bbc, have a great time in England

28 Jul 06 - 11:13 PM (#1795924)
Subject: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Barry Finn

Hi bbc
I see (from another thread) that you're heading to England this Tuesday with your son, I hope you'll have a wonderfull time. I know you mentioned that you'll be seeing Bill Sables, he's a lovely man as well as a great singer & musician but you already know that. I'm sure you'll be in good hands with Bill. I can't recomend anything there, never having been there myself (hopefully someday) but I'm hoping that my posting this attracts UK catter's & to tell them that this woman (that's you, bbc) is one of Mudcats gems. She's a bit shy & won't really impose herself or ask to be shown about but she's
worth her weight in gold. She's called (on the QT) when I was sick & broke & offered to send me to the Getaway at her expense & didn't want to payed back or anything else in return. She's as pleasant a person as you'd ever want to meet. Please take good care of her & above all return her, we don't care about her condition, just send her back home when she's ready.
Have a wonderful time bbc

28 Jul 06 - 11:29 PM (#1795929)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bbc

Ah, shucks, Barry! You're a sweetheart.



29 Jul 06 - 12:46 AM (#1795954)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Bert

OK. You English Catters, give her a good welcome.

29 Jul 06 - 03:20 AM (#1796013)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Big Al Whittle

where are you going in England - have you got it all planned?

29 Jul 06 - 06:44 AM (#1796090)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Yes, please let us know your itinerary!

29 Jul 06 - 07:46 AM (#1796107)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bbc

Well, I don't really have an itinerary; Bill will just be showing us the sights. We'll be seeing things from his home & taking a short trip to Edinburgh. I know Bill has a couple of playing engagements. I don't know if it's feasible for Mudcatters to come to them or if there will be time to get together. Probably best to ask Bill.


29 Jul 06 - 06:44 PM (#1796504)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: katlaughing

That's wonderful, bbc! Have a grand time!

30 Jul 06 - 11:52 AM (#1796944)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England

Have a wonderful time! And when Bill says "nekkid" he means "knackered".

30 Jul 06 - 12:13 PM (#1796960)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Liz the Squeak

Are you staying oop north or are you coming dahn sarf to Lunnon at all?


30 Jul 06 - 03:18 PM (#1797090)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Micca

Hey Barbara, if you show your boat in the Smoke we'll get some pigs in (well, enough for a tumble, anyway)and have a knees up, Let us know if you can in advance, Your China, Micca

30 Jul 06 - 03:29 PM (#1797094)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Sorcha

Fun fun fun INDEED! I'm green!!!!

30 Jul 06 - 03:31 PM (#1797096)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: fat B****rd

I hope you enjoy yourself in the UK. Edinburgh is wonderful but very much in Scotland. All the best from Charlie.

30 Jul 06 - 04:08 PM (#1797116)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Mrs.Duck

Hope to meet up with you. Will Bill bring you to the pub on Wednesday and which one is it this week?

30 Jul 06 - 04:28 PM (#1797129)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bill\sables

Barbara will be in The Jemmy Hirst in Rawcliffe this Wednesday for the session. Sam Pirt will be there as well. Thursday we should visit Whitby and Friday a day in York. Friday night I have a private ceilidh in Seaton Ross near Beverley and Saturday night a wedding ceilidh in Grimsby. From then we should be able to visit the Northumbrian coast and castles on the way to Edinburgh if we don't get marooned on Lindisfarne. From Edinburgh we will probably head West towards the Lake District and then back to Yorkshire via the Dales in time for a last night session in the George and Dragon in West Hadlesey

30 Jul 06 - 05:33 PM (#1797188)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Ooooooooooo, I'm so jealous! Bill is such a wonderful host- what a great trip you are going to have!

30 Jul 06 - 06:51 PM (#1797242)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bbc

Ah, thanks, Bill! Sounds great. I hope that answers some of the questions that were asked. Micca, I have no idea what you were asking. Is the Smoke a pub? Liz, we won't be in London this time; maybe next trip. Thanks for your good wishes, fat B****rd. Mrs. Duck, looks like we might meet; I hope so!

I better get some extra sleep, the next 2 nights. Looks like we won't be sitting around much, once we arrive! :)



30 Jul 06 - 06:57 PM (#1797250)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England

knees up? What on earth are you up to, Micca? And you a married man!

30 Jul 06 - 09:27 PM (#1797328)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Micca

Barbara, since I live in London my message is in Cockney Rhyming slang which, if done properly only the first part of the rhyme is spoken, so here is the "translation"
"Hey Barbara, if you show your boat(Boat race=Face) in the Smoke (long standing slang name for London )we'll get some pigs(Pigs ear=Beer) in (well, enough for a tumble(Tumble down the sink= drink), anyway)and have a knees up (Knees up as in "Knees up, Mother Brown= a dance or London equiv of a Ceilidh), Let us know if you can in advance, Your China (China Plate= Mate, friend, Buddy), Micca" hope to see you if you get to London, Micca

30 Jul 06 - 10:26 PM (#1797352)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bbc

I could have sworn I posted a response to you, Micca, thanking you for the translation. Caroline Paton has told me how much she enjoys the rhyming slang. I'm afraid London isn't for this trip. I hope we may visit there in the future. I've been, in the past, but my son hasn't.



31 Jul 06 - 06:47 AM (#1797503)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Mrs.Duck

We will certainly try to get to one or both Wednesday sessions - babysitter willing. Looking forward to meeting you.

31 Jul 06 - 07:18 AM (#1797517)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: kendall

Edinburgh, my favorite city, Athens of the north, sigh. However, you haven't been to England until you have seen London. There is nothing like it anywhere in the world.

31 Jul 06 - 07:54 AM (#1797550)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: My guru always said

Eeeh, these 'Northern' Catters are having all the fun! Maybe we'll get to meet if you do a London trip. Enjoy your visit & safe journeys.

31 Jul 06 - 07:55 AM (#1797552)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bbc

That's it; I can see, already, that I need to plan another trip in the future!


01 Aug 06 - 08:59 AM (#1798643)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bbc

Well, we're off from Albany this afternoon & from JFK tonight. Tomorrow morning should see us in Manchester. England, here we come!


01 Aug 06 - 09:00 AM (#1798646)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: MMario

I hope the airport is well air-conditioned. weather prediction is for relative heat index of 112 to 115 in NYC tonight!!

01 Aug 06 - 11:02 AM (#1798794)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England

Yup, Leo, I heard that. I think we are leaving the U.S. just in time, although I hear they're having a heat wave in England, too.


01 Aug 06 - 11:42 AM (#1798843)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: GUEST,noddy

Edinburgh will be VERY BUSY it is festival time. Everywhere to stay is likely to be booked.
If you do find somewhere go to the Royal Oak. It hosts the Wee Folk Club and has a great programme with a concert every night rather than just on Sundays.
If Edinburgh is full go to Dunkeld and the Taybank Hotel only an hour further North. ,or Stirling FC or Glenfarg FC or.... or... too many more to mention.

Try visiting Chester on the way up or down lots to see and hear. check outon the Folk Orbit site for venues ..lots and lots...

02 Aug 06 - 10:54 AM (#1799788)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bill\sables

They have arrived safe and tired and are now having a siesta before tonights session.

02 Aug 06 - 12:33 PM (#1799861)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Dave the Gnome

I met Bill at the airport this morning - Funny how things all come together. I was delivering something to him and as I was at a course near the airport it was convenient to drop it off there. I was a little late due to missing a turn off (probably asleep!) so as soon as I got there I checked if bbc's flight had arrived and that was late as well. I rang Bill and he had been delayed by heavy traffic! I waited around 20 minutes till Bill arrived and just as he did the arrivals board for bbc's flight had changed to 'collecting luggage'. So, I had travelled around 10 miles. Bill 60 or 70 and bbc a couple of thousand or so. For different reasons we were all delayed yet we all arrived in the airport more or less at the same time.You are blessed indeed Barbara:-)

Have a lovely stay and if you can fit in a trip to the rainy city we may well meet.



10 Aug 06 - 04:41 PM (#1806592)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bill\sables

Hope they arrived home safely. I dropped them off at Manchester this morning at 8 30 for a 10 30 filght to JFK. We had not heard the news of the delays at this time due to talking and not switching the radio on. If anyone has heard anything please let us know

10 Aug 06 - 04:59 PM (#1806600)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Dave the Gnome

Damn! I was at home. Poorly but at home all the same - You could have popped in for a cuppa on your way back. Give me a ring next time, Bill. And BBC, hope you had a lovely stay and a pleasent journey back. Hope you were not too delayed with all the fuss about transatlantic flights.



10 Aug 06 - 05:03 PM (#1806603)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Les from Hull

Barbara and David popped over to Hull yesterday to view our fair City. I've been thinking of them all day hoping that they were not to much delayed or inconvenienced. According to what I could find out, things were not as bad at Manchester Airport as they were at Heathrow.


10 Aug 06 - 05:04 PM (#1806604)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Mrs.Duck

It was a great pleasure to meet Barbara and son David. I hope you both have a safe and comfortable journey home.

10 Aug 06 - 05:25 PM (#1806618)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Barry Finn

Sure hope you had a good time, sounds it.
Wow, those UK folks sure made a fuss about your leaving. Sounds like they'd like you for an extended stay.

11 Aug 06 - 04:29 AM (#1807032)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bill\sables

I just heard from Barbara, They got home at 4am after delays in Manchester and no flights in JFK they were driven home by car.

11 Aug 06 - 04:42 AM (#1807037)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bbc

Thanks, folks. I'll post more later about the trip (really had a nice time!), but I did make some comments on the London bombs thread.

Off to bed now!



11 Aug 06 - 07:57 AM (#1807109)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Alice

Welcome home!

13 Aug 06 - 12:25 PM (#1808806)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bbc

Well, it's about time for me to report on my trip. It had a bit of a rough start & finish (food poisoning at the start that affected me for about 4 days & then the terrorist threat at the end), but a very nice middle part! My son, David, & I took the overnight flight from JFK in New York City. We arrived at Manchester Airport after minor heat-related delays & met Bill Sables without difficulty. We drove straight to Uppermill, Oldham to visit a relative of my ex-husband's for lunch & a chat. I hadn't seen her for 25 years & we had a great time together. Then, on to Bill's house in Rawcliffe, Goole. That was Wednesday, August 2nd. We took a brief nap, then got up for tea & went off to a music session at the nearby pub, Jemmy Hirst at the Rose & Crown in Rawcliffe. There, I was happy to meet Mudcatters Mrs. Duck & Geoff the Duck, windyb & jellybean, mouldy, Banjo-Flower, & frank-t. Great to see Sam Pirt again, who I had met in the U.S. I was sorry that I missed the opportunity to meet Dave the Gnome & Eric the Viking.

On Thursday, August 3rd, Bill & Lorna took us to Whitby & Scarborough, 2 seaside towns. Now, I'll know where you all are during Whitby Folk Week! Lovely place. On the way back to Rawcliffe, we stopped by a pub in Market Wheaton for a coffee & a little music. Friday, we did a little food shopping with Lorna in Goole & went by Selby long enough to buy train tickets & take a look at the abbey. That night, we accompanied Bill to a ceilidh he was calling at a goat farm in Seaton Ross, near Beverly. It included a hog roast & potluck meal. Bill was working w/ a 5-piece band, I think, which included windyb & jellybean. As explanation for the U.S. folks, Bill was calling introductory level line, circle, & square dances & was, sort of, the MC for the event. David was willing to be my partner & we had a great time. The food was great, too. By the time I left England, I had tried goat's cheese, butter, & yogurt--all good.

Saturday was a sort of mixed day. We drove by the paintball center run by the Sables' son & where Lorna works in the morning. Bill had a wedding ceilidh in the afternoon & David & I took a walk by the river in Rawcliffe & around the village, as well as taking a nap. Time changes are tough! Got up for tea & went out for Indian food. Sunday, we got up early & took the train 2 1/2 hours to Edinburgh. We were visiting during the Edinburgh International Festival
so Bill supposed we couldn't find lodging. Between that & the high cost of petrol, we decided on a day trip. Had a nice time looking at the castle & browsing the shops.

Monday, August 7th, took us to York, where we visited the Minster, walked the city walls, saw Clifford's Tower, visited Newgate Market & bought a gift for Sandy Paton that he doesn't know about, yet! We also walked by the river Ouse & saw the longboats & had beef & Yorkshire pudding for a pub lunch. Visited the York Dungeon
where actors allow one to experience some the the seamier parts of local history. Went home for tea w/ Lorna, who'd been hard at work all day.

Tuesday, we drove to the Yorkshire dales. Great scenery, featuring sheep, rolling hills, beautifully made stone walls & stone barns. We stopped by the Black Sheep Brewery in Masham, since we'd just had Black Sheep ale the day before! We visited Hawes & went cheese tasting at the Wensleydale Creamery. The Wensleydale cheeses truly *are* superb! We also visited a rope maker & a pottery studio. Went home for a quiet evening & off to bed.

Wednesday, for our last day, we visited Hull, a nearby seaport, famous for whaling in the past. Bill was able to contact Les from Hull, who was kind enough to walk us through his city, explaining as he went. It was a pleasure to meet Les. Hull was fun. It contains many historic buildings & pubs, as well as some interesting museums. We spent a little time in the interactive StreetLife Museum, which explains about everyday life in the past. The garden outside was lovely, too. David, Les, & I took several photos. Les & I seem to share an interest in nature photography. Bill encouraged us to visit the toilets at Princes Quay. Find out why from this website--Hull
. From now on, when I see Hull-based threads on Mudcat, I'll know where I am! We ended our last day having a meal out with the Sables & going for a brief time to a music session at the George & Dragon Pub in West Hadlesey. Got to see windyb & jellybean again & to meet selby briefly. On Thursday, August 10th, we got up early, drove to Manchester Airport & the fun began. Unbeknownst to us, many new travel restrictions had been imposed that day because of a perceived terrorist threat at Heathrow in London. It made for a lengthened & uncomfortable trip home, but we (& our luggage) eventually arrived safely.

I had been to England twice in the past, but it was a first for my son. We enjoyed the differences--driving on the left, variants in spoken & written language, foods, converting from dollars to pounds, coal power stations rather than nuclear, a much longer history that we could see all around us in buildings. Bill & Lorna made us feel welcome & comfortable & can't be thanked enough. All in all, a great visit!

best to all,


13 Aug 06 - 12:26 PM (#1808808)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: bbc

BTW, should this thread be in BS?



13 Aug 06 - 06:32 PM (#1809083)
Subject: RE: bbc, have a great time in England
From: Big Al Whittle

I think theres a fair amount of musical content. Sorry I missed you.