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BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures

26 Aug 06 - 03:22 PM (#1819575)
Subject: BS: So much for One Scotland-Many Cultures
From: Hillheader

Link to Newpaper Article

I am ashamed to be Scottish today. There were suggestions that Boruc also made other gestures but these only surfaced after the event. At the time the Rangers fans message boards were only complaining about the act of Blessing himself.

Scotland has a tolerance campaign running as "One Scotland - Many Cultures". We have torn that to shreds in one fell swoop.

26 Aug 06 - 03:38 PM (#1819584)
Subject: RE: BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures
From: robomatic

Is this real? I will start off by saying I am ignorant of the ethnicity issues of the land, but was the player making the sign of the cross as a personal statement, or was there an understanding that it had public remifications.

robomatic, whose flying instructor regularly made the sign of the cross as a personal statement of confidence in my ability to land a taildragger in a crosswind.

26 Aug 06 - 04:42 PM (#1819623)
Subject: RE: BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures
From: dianavan

That is absurd.

26 Aug 06 - 05:19 PM (#1819644)
Subject: RE: BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures
From: bobad

Has the story been perhaps a tad embellished? Judging from the other stories headlined the Daily Mail strikes me as a sensationalist type rag.

26 Aug 06 - 07:36 PM (#1819721)
Subject: RE: BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures
From: Hillheader


It is real and absurd but not embellished. The Daily Mail is one of the most right wing and Conservative newspapers in the UK and it finds it astonishing that this could happen.

To reduce it to simplistics.

Rangers are a club who until 1988 had a policy of not signing Catholic players. Celtic were founded to provide food for (all) the poor of the East End of Glasgow - albeit those poor were mostly Irish and Catholic. Celtic have never had a sectarian employment policy. Rangers fans objected to Boruc making the sign of the cross. Buruc has an official caution for doing so.

The US equivalent? A black person walking the street on the opposite sidewalk from three Klan members, The Black person is prosecuted because the Klan man be offended and might want to kill him. A bit extreme perhaps but that is how it strikes me. The bigots win.

And in the land I live in today I need to add -- I am not a Roman Catholic.

27 Aug 06 - 05:48 PM (#1820229)
Subject: RE: BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures
From: Slag

US equivalent? Is that REALLY how you think things go here?????? I've been a lot of places in this country and to my knowledge I've never SEEN a Klansman. I know they exist and in concentration in some small out-of-the-way places but they are a pitifully small group. It's just that our Leftist media likes to give them BIG coverage when they are out cavorting. They love stirring up any animosity that may exist.

Do all you Scots go about in kilts all day long? Hoot Mon! Gotta love these stereotypes!

27 Aug 06 - 05:53 PM (#1820231)
Subject: RE: BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures
From: Peace

"It was the second time he had been warned for doing this gesture."

Maybe for an encore he should salute the people he got the warnings from with his middle finger.

28 Aug 06 - 08:26 AM (#1820629)
Subject: RE: BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures
From: Becca72

Slag, I think you misinterpretted what he said. I didn't take it that Dave was suggesting the Klan scenario actually happens here...he was saying it would be the equivalent of such, and therefore way over the top.

28 Aug 06 - 04:42 PM (#1820968)
Subject: RE: BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures
From: Bunnahabhain

There was a clarification today from the Crown Prosecution Service ( the body responsible for prosecuting crimes in the UK) This itself is as rare as hens teeth, and it stated the prosecution did not relate to him crossing himself, but to other gestures made with his fingers.

I though this thread would be about the public pronouncements recently by members of the Cabinet that Multiculturalism is not working, and the ones who are faring worst are those in certain minorites who are poorly intergrated.
Until recently, anyone pointing out this fairly obvious state of affirs would be instantly shouted down as a bigot or racist.

28 Aug 06 - 04:49 PM (#1820978)
Subject: RE: BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures
From: Big Mick

I read the link provided shortly after it was posted. I left a comment on the paper's website that this was just one more example of anti-Catholic bigotry. Several days on, and my comment has not been posted, even though others have. Same old, same old.

28 Aug 06 - 04:59 PM (#1820986)
Subject: RE: BS: So much for One Land-Many Cultures
From: Rapparee

According to the CIA Factbook, Poland is 89.9% Roman Catholic, with 75% actively practicing the religion. This is something like a basketball player at the University of Notre Dame making the sign of the cross before a free throw -- it shouldn't surprise anyone.