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BS: West Point Grads Against the War

26 Aug 06 - 11:02 PM (#1819809)
Subject: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: 282RA

When Lt. Watada refused to go to Iraq on the grounds that he believes the war to be illegal, he is not alone in that conviction. The following link demonstrates with excellent thoroughness that many military members agree with him.

While I as a veteran of the Middle East would go to Iraq if I was ever called upon to do so (easy for me to say since my chances of ever going back are nil), I do not fault a soldier who refuses to go. "But he's disobeying a direct order!" Yes, but a soldier is REQUIRED NOT to obey an illegal order and Lt. Watada feels the order to fight in Iraq is such an order and feels he is fulfilling his military duties in refusing.

He is not a conscientious objector (whom I feel have no business joining the military in the first place) and has stated he would gladly go to Afghanistan which bellieves is a just war but not to Iraq. He is willing and ready to face a court-martial and is fully prepared to receive a dishonorable discharge and all the hardships that accompany someone who receives one. That makes him a man of honor in my book.

Lt. Watada, I salute you, sir.

27 Aug 06 - 12:21 AM (#1819819)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: artbrooks

Just to avoid any possible confusion, 1LT Watada is not a graduate of Hudson High, and none the three individuals listed as founders of "West Point Graduates Against the War" are Iraq War veterans.

27 Aug 06 - 10:05 AM (#1819960)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: GUEST,AR282

But this guy is:

27 Aug 06 - 10:59 AM (#1819984)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: katlaughing

And, so are the fellows who have deserted and agreed to speak with a reporter for the TIMES: You wouldn't catch me dead in Iraq. Watrada is mentioned. Here's an excerpt from one of them:

The US used to be something you could say you were proud of," he adds. "You go to another country now and say that you're an American, you probably won't get a lot of happy faces or open arms, because of the man in charge. It's amazing what one person can do. The leadership totally screwed up any respect we had." His rejection of US policy in Iraq is making him question his sense of national identity. "In my heart I'm not American… if it means I have to conform to what they stand for," he says about the Bush administration. "I'm not American because America has lost touch with what they were. The founding fathers would definitely be pissed off if they found out what America's become."

My thanks to Canada for being there for our veterans who cannot take the insanity anymore. THEY are heros, imo.


27 Aug 06 - 12:38 PM (#1820017)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: artbrooks

AR282, what is your source for saying that General Baptiste graduated from West Point? Hudson High is hardly the sole source for Army officers and/or general officers. Kat, there is no indication in the article you linked to that any of the individuals interviewed are either officers or are West Point graduates.

27 Aug 06 - 02:49 PM (#1820111)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: 282RA

What is your souce for saying that I said Batiste was a West Point graduate? You said none of the founders of the website were Iraq vets. I said that Batiste was. Why don't you just shut up and quit trying to deliberate ruin my threads? Fucking dope.

27 Aug 06 - 02:55 PM (#1820116)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: pdq


How does it feel to be on the receiving end of Mudcat's genial hospitality? Enjoy.

27 Aug 06 - 02:55 PM (#1820117)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: artbrooks

Sorry, I assumed that "but this guy is" referred to the basic topic of the thread. My error.

27 Aug 06 - 04:35 PM (#1820172)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: katlaughing

I didn't say they were, Art. I meant they were Iraq veterans who are ALSO against this insane war. Rather than start a new thread with the link, I thought it might fit in, in this one.

Also, it looks as though Rumsfeld is trying to keep the AWOL possibilities limited even more: click.

My apologies for the slight thread drift...*sheesh*.

27 Aug 06 - 04:53 PM (#1820189)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: artbrooks

Kat, IMHO, any veteran of any war who isn't against this stupidity is certifibly insane.

27 Aug 06 - 10:53 PM (#1820416)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: katlaughing

On that, I certainly agree, Art!

28 Aug 06 - 04:32 PM (#1820955)
Subject: RE: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
From: kendall

I'm a veteran and I was against it from day one.