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Tribute to Hally Wood

06 Sep 06 - 04:46 PM (#1828681)
Subject: BS: Tribute to Hally Wood
From: Tannywheeler

On September 30, 2006, there will be such a program, summat informal, in a theater in Bethlehem, PA. A fan of Hally's started discussing a different project with me and it metamorphosed into this. The theater is small. Robin Roberts, Oscar Brand, Jean Ritchie, Joe Hickerson (among quite a few others) have agreed to participate, if health holds together. For those who may be interested in attending, contact Jim Mason( ) in Easton, PA. to see how many seats are left. Admission runs about $55 or $60. Thank you for your time & attention.      Tw

06 Sep 06 - 08:44 PM (#1828816)
Subject: RE: BS: Tribute to Hally Wood
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Hello Mudcatters- I'll just add a word to Cindy's announcement. I had suggested that she do this because it's a very small theater (seats about 75) and I wanted any Mudcatters who may live in the region to have a chance to be there if they remember and revere Hally Wood as so many of us oldtimers do! The evening will be informal,the "performers" will sit together onstage, and remember Hally in remembrances,- stories, songs, jokes, whatever. These will be filmed (or videoed) and made into something later (CD, DVD, or whatever is suitable. Pete and Toshi have said Maybe (as I have) because of health reasons, but Pete has already been interviewed just in case, and this will be shown during the evening and will be part of the finished show to be made.

There will be a break for rest and refreshments, then a second half. I think it sounds like a very friendly and enjoyable evening, and I know that Hally's strong and beautiful spirit will be there, for she loved the old songs that we do, had a most unique voice with which to sing them- and NOBODY can sound like her, ever again. I hope some recordins of her singing will be somehow incorporated into the evening's events. Hope to see some of you there- say Howdy, please!

07 Sep 06 - 10:40 AM (#1829225)
Subject: RE: Tribute to Hally Wood
From: Tannywheeler

I've led a charmed existance. Mama (Hally Wood) and Jean R. were friends, so the lovely KYTRAD is part of my life. If there were a way to get paid for knowing folks of lovingkindness & integrity, I'd be richer than Bill Gates & Warren Buffet combined. (Maybe like a lot of 'Catters.)    Tw

08 Sep 06 - 10:17 AM (#1829990)
Subject: RE: Tribute to Hally Wood
From: Ferrara

Oh, this sounds wonderful, TW! Wish Bill and I could be there.

Rita F

08 Sep 06 - 10:35 AM (#1830001)
Subject: RE: Tribute to Hally Wood
From: Big Mick

Wow, what a lineup.   I am going to see about making the trip north for this one. Our greatest singers feating one of their own. I sure hope I can make this one, and strongly encourage others to make the trip as well.

All the best,


09 Sep 06 - 04:19 PM (#1830765)
Subject: RE: Tribute to Hally Wood
From: GUEST,Syzygy


    Below is the newsletter that was e-mailed to all who have shown an interest..Please contact me if you need more information.

Jim Mason

Hello again;
>          I am continuing to reprint the old "news letters", but will
> start to delete the oldest one with the next e-mail.
>         Now if you are attending please:
> 1.    1.   Let me know.
> 2.    2.   Contact the hotel to make your reservation as they are
> only holding the rooms until August 31st.
> 3.      3. Send me a check in the amount of $60.00 for every guest
> that you want to attend, attendees appearing on stage do not need to
> send $60.00 for themselves, (if this needs clarification please e-mail
> me.
> 4.      4. Send me a list of songs you will want to sing and/or play
> and of stories and anecdotes that you will share with all.
> 5.    5.   If you can help transporting some who do not have a way
> of getting to Bethlehem, please let me know.
> Hello Everybody;
>          I hope all y'all are feeling well. Everything is going
> smoothly and the time table is intact. Attached is the agreement
> Comfort Suites has signed and they are just waiting for your
> communiqué to reserve your room. Please do so as soon as possible,
> they will end the offer on September 1st. The normal room charge for
> this time of year is about $160.00 so I think this is a good deal.
> For people arriving via bus, the station is only two blocks from the
> hotel. For anyone choosing to come via air, the hotel supplies a free
> van from the airport. The theater, hotel, bus station, and a
> restaurant I have contacted about a late night bite to eat are all
> within a seven-block circle. The restaurant is a good quality
> business that has been in Bethlehem for a long time. I am enclosing a
> copy of the first letter in case you have misplaced your copy. Please
> respond with your acknowledgement of attendance.
> Jim Mason
>          The Touchstone Theatre in Southside Bethlehem, PA has been
> rented for the night of September 30th, 2006 for the presentation of
> the tribute to Hally Wood. The theater will seat 75 people and all
> seats will cost $60.00 - which will include (besides a most enjoyable
> evening amongst old friends) food, beverages, and a CD of the event,
> to be mailed after production. The tribute, which begins at 6:00 PM,
> will be in two parts of about one and a half hours each, with a long
> break in the middle for some excellent Italian style nourishments by
> master chef Pasquale Crisci of Antonio's Restaurant of Easton
> PA. Beverages will be red and white wine, soda, water, and coffee.
> The production will be video recorded by Lou Reda Productions of
> Easton PA (a name familiar to viewers of The History Channel and A&E)
> and audio recorded by Signal Studios of Quakertown PA. The theatre
> will need no amplification, but sound and video equipment will be set
> up for recording.
>          The format shall be informal with the chief participants
> seated on stage talking casually speaking and/or singing as the
> program progresses with personal anecdotes, songs, and reminiscences
> of working with Hally and her connections to various facets of their
> lives through the years. Participation by the audience will be
> encouraged. The list of performers is still in flux, so please let us
> know ASAP as to your availability. At the moment the list of attendees
> is between ten and thirty. I realize this is quite a spread, but
> when responses return this will be much firmer. Without exception
> everyone who has been contacted, so far, have expressed a desire to
> attend - health allowing. They have all thought this is a great idea
> that should have happened long ago. Some people may not be able to
> appear in person due to health, but we will try to video record them
> at their homes, though, because of limited funds and the high cost of
> said recordings, this is just a possibility. This is already a
> wonderful tribute to Hally.
>          A trip is planned to Beacon, NY in July to record Toshi and
> Pete Seeger, still holding out hope that they will be able to attend.
> This video will not be a formal interview, but will allow the Seegers
> to reflect on their friendship/working relationship with Hally and
> what she seemed to bring to the "folk music revival" of that time.
> Other trips are being considered, if funds exist. There are some
> folks on the West Coast, Bess Hawes for one, who have shown interest
> in participating. An interview with them, via video, is not out of the
> question as yet. If the people interviewed at home are able to
> attend, then the video might be used in the making of a documentary
> about Hally for telecasting over PBS by Lou Reda Productions. A
> follow-up interview the day after the tribute is being considered by
> the local NPR station and it is hoped you might be able to participate
> in that as well.
>          Instructions regarding transportation and lodging will
> follow in the next e-mail.
> People contacted so far or to be contacted are as follows:
 Name                                   Attending
> Scott Atkinson                     NO
> Judy Bell                            Yes, needs transportation
> Mitc Blanc                           Probably
> Oscar Brand                        Yes
> Jill Brody                            Possibly
> John Cohen                         Possibly
> Ronald Cohen                      Probably not, will be on West Coast
> Art D'Lugoff                         Probably
> Barbara Dane                      Not
> Frank Davis                         Yes
> Ronnie Gilbert                      NO
> Arlo Guthrie                         Not, will be in Germany
> Nora Guthrie                        Not, will be in Germany
> Bess Hawes                         Probably not, lives on the West
> Coast
> Ellen Hawes                         Maybe
> Fred Hellerman                   Hopefully
> Joe Hickerson                      Yes
> Jac Holtzman                      No, will be out of the country
> Joe Jaffe                               Probably not, lives on the
> West Coast
> Libby Knight
> Annabel Lee (Levitt)          Yes
> John Lomax III                   Hopefully
> Larry E. McCullough          Yes
> Milt Okun                            Probably not, lives on the West
> Coast
> George Pickow                     YES
> Jean Ritchie                         YES
> Robin Roberts                      Yes
> Cynthia Faulk Ryland          Yes
> Robert Ryland                      Maybe
> Tony Schwartz                      Not
> Mike Seeger                         NO
> Pete Seeger                            Maybe
> Toshi Seeger                         Maybe
> Irwin Silber                            Not
> Roger Sprung                         Maybe/maybe not
> Anna Lomax Wood               Yes
> Henrietta Yurchenco             Yes, but need transportation
> If you know of anyone we have missed please contact us.
> If you want to bring friends they will be accommodated until we run
> out of seats.
> Cynthia Tannehill Faulk Ryland
> Jim Mason

10 Sep 06 - 05:23 PM (#1831383)
Subject: RE: Tribute to Hally Wood
From: Tannywheeler

P.S. Jim copied an early notice to participants in his hurry to get y'all some info. (For inst.: no Art D'L. or Mitch B.; Henrietta Y. has had a medical setback, and may not be well enough to make it {but those who know&love her hope for the best}); and the price of admission includes the food/drinks at intermission & discount for a meal after the program at a (specific) nearby restaurant(3-5 blocks).         Tw

24 Oct 07 - 05:23 AM (#2177892)
Subject: RE: Tribute to Hally Wood
From: GUEST,Margarita Pabon Ortega

Hi, how wonderful that I can finally find a way of contacting you Tanne. I am the Puertorican girl who considered herself Hally and Sing's Daughter while she lived in Puerto Rico.

I just found this thread and hope you receive this somehow. i've been trying to locate you...

I live in Miami now, and have photos of Hally with my family.

I'd like to contact you but don't know how.

I would've loved to have known about this event I wouldn't have missed it...

My e-mail is please try to contact me