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BS: Blair govt meltdown.

07 Sep 06 - 04:03 PM (#1829473)
Subject: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
From: akenaton

Prime Minister has stated some time ago that he will not contest the next election as Labour Party leader.
His unpopularity with UK electors recently, (mainly over his American alligned foriegn policy), has caused several junior members of his government to resign and a large majority of Labour Party members and Labour MP's to demand he resigns as Prime Minister and stands down as Party leader.

Blair has refused to name a date for his resignation and seems determined to be the first captain to take his ship down with him.
The Labour Party is presently tearing itself to pieces and leaving the Conservatives a seeming "shoo in" at the next elections.

Some time ago I started a thread contending that Blair was in fact mad and was determined to leave the Labour Party unelectable until all his crimes had been forgotten by the electorate and he could return in triumph

07 Sep 06 - 05:26 PM (#1829530)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
From: Bunnahabhain

Revenge has been a long time coming. The urge to gloat is strong, and I'm not resisting....

07 Sep 06 - 05:30 PM (#1829534)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
From: GUEST,dax

Is it still a Labour Party or has Blair moved it so far to the right that labour will support anything but....?

07 Sep 06 - 05:35 PM (#1829537)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
From: GUEST,dax

Blairs vision would seem to be a bit obstructed by Bush's hemorrhoids.

07 Sep 06 - 06:20 PM (#1829570)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
From: akenaton

link to original threadhere

07 Sep 06 - 07:30 PM (#1829616)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
From: Big Al Whittle

yeh, like it was so terrific before Blair and its going to be so great after him.

Wake me up when you get back from Planet Zog.

08 Sep 06 - 03:55 AM (#1829807)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
From: Mark "Tune-up" Blair

Blair is the best prime minister since Macmillan. There's no danger from socialism any more and all governments from now on will be conservative in the true tradition. When the nanny state is rolled back after the next election whichever party wins, people will start to learn proper responsibility for their own actions like it used to be. There won't be any more handouts for Eastern European economic immigrants and discipline will be restored in schools.

08 Sep 06 - 03:59 AM (#1829810)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
From: Paul Burke

I can't see Brown being any better. He's right behind privatisation of the NHS, PFI scams and so on. I used to support Labour, but it will be Green or nothing next time.

08 Sep 06 - 04:11 AM (#1829819)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
From: GUEST,Jon

yeh, like it was so terrific before Blair and its going to be so great after him.

True, Bliar followed on in the ways of the conservatives before him and it is unlikely that the new Labour leader will do anything to reverse the situation.

Bliar has done long term damage to our choice of government leaving us with (from the main 2) conservatism or conservatism. I think ir is well past the time we forgot about labour as being the opposition to the conservatives, all we are doing is supporting names, not principles.

08 Sep 06 - 05:03 AM (#1829841)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair govt meltdown.

Isn`t it great to see this lickspittle getting in the neck from his own party members, his alliance with the Bush government was looked on in the UK with disgust.
Thankfully we will soon see this creep disappear from our TV screens, anyone taking over would be advised to keep the US and it`s warmongerers a long way away from their misguided wars.

08 Sep 06 - 05:07 AM (#1829847)
Subject: RE: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
From: Big Al Whittle

Well no...

Sorry I don't agree.

The resurgence of the tories couldn't come at worse time for me.

When my wife first got ill, and it was obvious that before long my job and her job would have to go, and I was bound for a life taking care of her - it was 1976. I managed to hang onto my job for another couple of years with the support of my in laws - but it couldn't be sustained.

At that point at the end of the 1970's, her allowances came to just about the wage paid to a newly qualified teacher.

When Thatcher got in, the first thing she did was let inflation soar, and freeze my wife's allowances. It was effectively a 30 percent cut. It was a level of dastardliness that no Labour government would ever have done.

I became a musician - something I could fit in with taking care of a disabled wife.

Now just as my own health has gone into the toilet. And I can't work any more - the signs are in the seaweed - Chris martin is saying Vote Tory - in 1979 it was Paul Weller. Cameron has found his audience. Soon government by the assholes for the assholes will be the order of the day once again

People are talking about rolling back the nanny state. there is no nanny state - if you don't earn your own way in this country - you go straight to the wall.

Its in the air. We will be back to high unemployment rates, because that way you put a few extra quid into the pockets of the already stinking rich.