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BS: Chickens coming home to roost

07 Sep 06 - 08:42 PM (#1829655)
Subject: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: Greg F.

Its good to see at least somebody gets it:

New poll says most Canadians blame U.S. for 9/11 attacks
Last Updated: Thursday, September 7, 2006 | 10:45 AM ET
CBC News

A majority of Canadians believe U.S. foreign policy was one of the root causes that led to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks...


08 Sep 06 - 07:07 AM (#1829873)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: Donuel

I have the dvd of the convention of scientists who have studied the WTC demolition and have analyzed the molten debris to be a specific expolsive used only to melt steel.

This is a forbidden topic and a death knell to the political career of anyone who brings it up in the US.



The DOD says they will no longer torture or use specialized techniques that border on torture. They will however reserve the right to prosecute detainees using only hearsay and secret evidence that will not be shared with the defense.

the small print of the the revised standards of engagement says that the CIA may still use whatever methods of torture they deem necessary.

08 Sep 06 - 07:22 AM (#1829881)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: John MacKenzie

Thermite, which is a mix of aluminium and steel, burns at a fierce heat. Give that the steel pre-existed in the building, and the planes supplied the aluminium and the ignition, you have the ingredients for a conflagration.
Fire needs oxygen, which would be drawn up the lift shafts by the hot air thus providing a chimney effect. This would be like blowing on a campfire to make it burn better.
All the ingredients for the disaster were thus assembled and we all saw what followed. However I do not give credence to the conspiracy theories regarding further explosives triggered at the base of the buildings.
The puff of white smoke seen at the base of one of the buildings could be explained by the fire blowing back down the lift shafts, which could be caused by an internal collapse, blocking these shafts and reversing the chimney effect.
There is a lot of facts and conjectures here

08 Sep 06 - 07:29 AM (#1829883)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: Donuel

Giok this is a forbidden topic. Any mention of a special ingredient found at the site that makes thermite even more effective should not be discussed.

Monty Python's Life of Brian:

"No one is to say the word Jehova..."

08 Sep 06 - 10:07 AM (#1829980)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: Bunnahabhain

Donuel, you are deep in paranoid conspiricy theories here. Have you ever seen a thermite reaction? Or a normal fire with some aluminium added? I have.

A few years ago I was mucking about in the garde with a simple furnace, fueled only on wood. I was melting some aluminium down on the side of it, and spilt it there accidentially. The steel bars in there melted easily. That was a whole 18" across, and had maybe 4 pounds of aluminium and 20 of wood at most in it, not a plane load of jet fuel and aluminium, plus an office load of paper, wood and plastic.

There are plenty of ways to make a thermite rection hotter, such as replacing the Aluminium with even more reactive Magnesium, or storing it in an inert atmosphere, which would allow you to use more finely divided ingrediants without them becoing oxidised by the amosphere before use. Nobody bothers, as it would cost more, and make little practical difference. If you're using a sledgehammer to crak a nut, it doesn't matter if it a 10 or 20 pound one......

08 Sep 06 - 03:48 PM (#1830191)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: robomatic

I don't see the energy contribution of the aluminum. It doesn't burn, does it? Is there some energy released in the oxidation?

As for Hakman's initial post, I consider most of his 'first posts' to be instigational in nature, somethin' to get things started. Why else insist that there are items 'not' to be discussed?

Anyhoo, Aljazeera's been releasing more claims by that bunco artist Bin Laden that claims HE had somethin' to do with it. But I'll stick with the poet laureate of New Jersey who said it was our brothers in Israel.

08 Sep 06 - 04:11 PM (#1830203)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: dick greenhaus

yes, the aluminum burns--drawing its oxygen from the iron oxide that's the other part of thermite. What's left is molton iron. They used to use the stuff to weld trolley tracks in situ.

08 Sep 06 - 04:35 PM (#1830210)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: John MacKenzie

More information on thermic heat generation. Please note it says that this MELTS concrete!

08 Sep 06 - 08:25 PM (#1830344)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: Tootler

What many people don't realise is that aluminium is in fact a very reactive metal. The reason it appears to resist corrosion is that the aluminium rapidly oxidises and the oxide forms as a very thin layer on the surface of the metal. Aluminium oxide is pretty resistant to attack by acid materials, but not by alkalis. For this reason you should never put cookware in a dishwasher as dishwasher detergents are highly alkaline and the aluminium is attacked by the alkali.

09 Sep 06 - 12:34 AM (#1830468)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: dick greenhaus

Just to be pedantic-
Thermite is a mixture of aluminum powder and iron oxide, or rust, not steel.

09 Sep 06 - 01:18 AM (#1830482)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost

Explosive "squibs" shooting out of the tower. Demolition charges:

Explosive squibs:

Core column support cut at angle (by thermate). Cut at angle so the column will shift sideways:

Piece of steel from WTC, cut by cutting charge:

09 Sep 06 - 06:51 AM (#1830562)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: Wolfgang

Debunking the myths

911 myths...


09 Sep 06 - 09:34 AM (#1830599)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost

Popular Mechanics is in the Hearst Group of publications. Wm Randolph Hearst was a govt operative who started the Spanish-American war with misreporting. The debunking in the Popular Mechanics article can be debunked. Phony science. But people want their news predigested and shat upon them.

And the other site is like the "Urban Myths" site, and Wikipedia. Mostly misinformation. Govt fronts.

19 men with boxcutters is the conspiracy theory. Someone shut off the surface to air missiles on top of the Pentagon (activated 24-7). Someone let the "hijackers" through the terminal gates (their names were on terrorist watch lists), etc., etc., etc.

Bush said a couple days ago that al Qeada has infiltrated American society and is putting out conspiracy theories. They didn't count on people having spine enough to say no to the lies, and now they're saying we're with al Qeada. The terrorists of 9-11 are in the White House and the Pentagon. We all know it.

09 Sep 06 - 09:50 AM (#1830604)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: GUEST,282RA

Conspiracy theorists simply go too far and end up killing legitimate debate. I do firmly believe the US govt DID deliberately bring about 9-11 but it had nothing to do with cruise missiles and hidden explosives. I simply believe that agents had infiltrated al-Qaeda and pushed for the idea of hijacking planes and flying them into the WTC. But that's the extent of it. Why would they need to go beyond that? That would be enough to frighten the public like the scared little sheep they are and let the idiot they put in the White House do any goddamn thing he wants to.

09 Sep 06 - 10:04 AM (#1830609)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: jaze

Interesting that the only 3 skyscrapers in history to "collapse" due to fire were at the World Trade Center. Remember the 3rd one? Fell around 5:30p yet it wasn't hit. The owner of the WTC said they decided to "pull" it(ie controlled demolition). It would take weeks to wire a 47 story building for demolition (according to demolition experts). They managed it in a few hours. Interesting.

09 Sep 06 - 04:46 PM (#1830782)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
From: Donuel

What don't you understand about forbidden?

I won't reveal any enhancments regarding explosives no matter how common the knowledge may be.
but yes I have ignited powdered aluminum many times.
I even electrictly ignited sheet aluminum.
Even if you do consider yourself an explosives expert
it is the height of foolishness to "chat" about it

09 Sep 06 - 11:35 PM (#1830969)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost

You can find a recipe on the www for thermite. Locating 'how to make' stuff about explosives is real easy.

10 Sep 06 - 12:29 PM (#1831174)
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost