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BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is

09 Sep 06 - 01:17 PM (#1830667)
Subject: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,uilleannified

Recent events on the Internet and in Co Antrim = Ireland = have caused many to wonder about the real origins of Dr Paisley, his family, and his sanity.

It appears he has many doubles in Latvia and other far northern lands., and that instead of being a Ulster Socts he is really Latvian-Irish or bog-thick Latvian-Scots=Irish

The similarities are so strong that some in these far nothern regions show great emotion when Paisley appears on TV.

" I'd rather be bog-thick a Latvian-Huckster than an Ulster-Pakistani" said the good Doctor at a rally.


Coldness in winter being a way of life in Latvia, is Paisley as mad as he is cold?

09 Sep 06 - 05:38 PM (#1830822)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,beachcomber

Why don't you come right out , Guest uille annified, and admit that you just do not like us Irish -- any of us.
There is no doubt that anonymous insult must be the cheapest form of entertainment available but some prefer more of a cutting edge.

10 Sep 06 - 03:20 AM (#1831009)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Les in Chorlton

Just before this thread gets ever so slightly unpleasant, is Ian Pasley his real, as in given near birth, name or did he addopt it at some later date?

Just a story I heard.

10 Sep 06 - 07:44 AM (#1831085)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is

Les you could be right, i`ve heard him called a hell of a lot of different names.

10 Sep 06 - 08:06 AM (#1831091)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Divis Sweeney

You can say what you want about him, but he has a hell of a lot of support over here. His constituents adore him. He has done a lot for roads, housing and development in his area. Also always very well placed when it comes to information. He appears on the television and releases government policy days before they announce it. He brought the north to a stand still more than once, when his supporters ran the power stations and transport. His son lacks his charisma and is just known as "The Child". We would differ somewhat in our views, but I still respect him.

10 Sep 06 - 10:19 AM (#1831127)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is

Divis Bollocks, you crawler.

10 Sep 06 - 11:59 AM (#1831155)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Divis Sweeney

Well GUEST, spoken like someone who knows what they are talking about. Been involved over here I imagine.

10 Sep 06 - 12:10 PM (#1831161)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: number 6

Latvia I wouldn't consider a far northern land ... unless one considers Scotland a far northern land ... Latvia and and Scotland are on the same latitudes.


10 Sep 06 - 01:08 PM (#1831195)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,Theox

Only thing unique about Paisley is that he was born with two arseholes, the second where his mouth would normally be located.

10 Sep 06 - 02:19 PM (#1831237)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: ard mhacha

Please give this stupid Thread a quick death.

10 Sep 06 - 02:29 PM (#1831249)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Big Al Whittle

As DS says he's a man of considerable achievment. He has another branch of his church in Africa - I saw a TV programme, where he went off in a safari suit and preached to the Africans. And this mate of mine was looking through a record shop in Port Rush and they had all of his sermons on cassette, and apparently they sell quite a lot. I don't really know of any other preacher who has found a market for recordings of his sermons.

It seems so obvious to the English that he has more in common with his opponents than he does with us Brits.

Abuse of his side or the other side isn't going to sort out Northern Ireland. And to be honest, one thing is very clear - the more outsiders can keep their snouts out - and let the Irish make all the moves, and do all the talking - the better.

10 Sep 06 - 07:01 PM (#1831463)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Alison M

Divis, sorry to hear about your bike you mentioned on the other thread, but I am sure you will fix it soon. It seems that Guest is being hostile to you once again if it is the same person!!!

Guest, why don't you Google search for a LVF Website? I am sure you will find out all you need to know about DUP Ian Paisley. I found it an interesting read about him.

11 Sep 06 - 08:05 AM (#1831764)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Paul Burke

No pot-pourri!

07 Feb 12 - 08:19 AM (#3303632)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,Bluesman

Talking to a journalist friend of mine this morning, he informed me that Ian Paisley (Baron Bannside) is dying. He suffered two heart attacks last weekend and in currently on a life support machine in an Ulster hospital.

07 Feb 12 - 09:02 AM (#3303657)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Silas

Well, hard as it might be, I won't be sorry to see the back of him, he held up the peace process by at least a decade and was a vile man.

07 Feb 12 - 09:42 AM (#3303675)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Owen Woodson

A vile obnoxious bigot who did more than probably anyone else alive to perpetuate the religious divide in Northern Ireland. I for one will be glad to see him go. What's more, I hope we never see his like again.

07 Feb 12 - 09:56 AM (#3303681)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,Seayaker

I can't understand how he turned into the avuncular Elder Statesman when he just preached bigotry and hatred all through "the troubles"

07 Feb 12 - 09:59 AM (#3303684)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Silas

"Thank God I'm nearer home today than I've ever been; home sweet home where Jesus is, where the great Apostles are, where the mighty angels are, where all our blood-washed friends are," said Paisley

I think he may be in for a bit of a rude awakening...

07 Feb 12 - 10:23 AM (#3303704)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,Bluesman

In my time is Ulster he was hailed as a God among the Unionist community. He was scary. I only ever saw him once from a distance, the crowd that gathered to listen to him that day seemed mesmerised by him. Nobody could spread paranoia and hatred like him. Often he washed his hands when some of his audience became over-excited. Many loyalist paramilitaries have said they would never have become involved in violence had they not been inspired by the inflammatory rhetoric of Ian Paisley to counter the twin enemies of Rome and the Republic of Ireland.

The P,I.R.A. saw Paisley as one of their best recruiting sergeants. The Provo's murdered a few moderate unionist politicians, but they never even made an attempt on Paisley, he was more valuable alive.

Hard to believe Gordon Brown once said "Ian Paisley has made a huge contribution to political life in Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom," most of that contribution was malign. He must have forgot that for more than four decades, this roaring bigot played a vital part in fomenting sectarianism in Northern Ireland. Hard to believe they elevated him and his wife to the House of Lords.

Shed no tears for Ian Paisley. He did what he did for Paisley. Not for peace.

07 Feb 12 - 10:23 AM (#3303705)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

Can Thatcher be far behind?

07 Feb 12 - 10:36 AM (#3303715)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,Bluesman

Thinking that myself Chris.

07 Feb 12 - 12:46 PM (#3303793)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,Eliza

I used to grimace when he was referred to as "the REVEREND Ian Paisley", as anything less reverend is hard to imagine.

07 Feb 12 - 02:00 PM (#3303821)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,Bluesman

And also referred to as "Doctor"

07 Feb 12 - 02:37 PM (#3303840)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Will Fly

Some years ago, I walked into one of my regular haunts - a local bookshop in Lewes in Sussex. The owner's wife, a goo friend, suddenly came up to me with a piece of paper, which she handed to me saying, "What do you think of this?"

The piece of paper read, "Is that Ian Paisly round the corner, in the theological section?"

I wandered around the corner and, sure enough, there he was, reading something or other. A few minutes later, his family - wife and sons - came in and out he went with them. The owner's wife said to me that he was one of the rudest and most surly men she'd ever encountered. No surprises there, then.

07 Feb 12 - 02:57 PM (#3303851)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,Bluesman

I recall in 1988, Pope John Paul II had just begun a speech to the European Parliament, and Paisley shouted at the Pope, "I denounce you as the Antichrist!", holding a poster reading "Pope John Paul II Antichrist". Otto von Hapsburg snatched Paisley's banner and, along with other MEPs, helped eject him from the chamber.

08 Feb 12 - 05:23 AM (#3304213)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Dead Horse

Paisley was elected as a spokesman for a community that were fiercely loyal to this country and scared to death that they would be sold out by British politicians to live under a catholic dominated Eire.
The history of the struggles each side in that troubled land faced go back for centuries - each side with its own heroes and villans.
As much as I would like to be as biggoted as the majority on here, I find I cannot.
Paisley sat down and shared government in NI with former catholic terrorists who had killed and maimed thousands, and they sat down with HIM.
I walked the streets of Belfast with a rifle in my hands and I saw the problems that both sides of the divide faced on a daily basis.
over 1700 security forces were killed in NI during the 30 odd years of Op Banner - many of them were part time soldiers killed at their regular place of work while off duty.
Innocent civilians were murdered by both catholic & protestant paramilitaries with no regard for common decency.
Bombings took place nearly every day - some days as many as 30 significant bombs in one day alone. Outrages were committed throughout Europe in the name of 'Freedom', yet if any of you were pressed to name just one incident, I am willing to bet that the majority of you would be only able to come up with Bloody Sunday.
I find this sort of knee-jerk reaction to any mention of NI and its leading figures to be somewhat indicative of the general ignorance displayed in the postings above.
Guests should NOT be allowed to post, and this thread should be closed.
Sorry if this is a bit garbled - but I get carried away on this subject.

08 Feb 12 - 05:29 AM (#3304215)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,Eliza

Er... just why should guests not be allowed to post?

08 Feb 12 - 05:33 AM (#3304216)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is

"former catholic terrorists." The British army and government are the terrorists in the North of Ireland, not the hero's of the movement.

Our government sat the command of the Provisionals at the table, they were never going to defeat them. They had every right to be there. Paisly lead the "Third Force" he is pure evil and deserved a brush shaft put up his hole years ago.

08 Feb 12 - 05:38 AM (#3304217)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: MartinRyan

Hopefully the anonymous GUEST will identify himself/herself soon...

An aunt of mine was a constituent of Paisley's for many years and was full of praise for how he and his office looked after her and her community.


p.s. She was a Catholic nun.

08 Feb 12 - 06:05 AM (#3304229)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Silas

Poster is very quick to show the support of republican politicians for the IRA, yet seems very reticent of the DUP covert support for loyalist terrorists.

Anyway, its all thankfully now in the past, despite Paisley.

08 Feb 12 - 06:30 AM (#3304237)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: banjoman

I was told that Ian paisley got his doctorate from some obscure american university who offer degrees by post.
I remember well his tirade at Pope Paul and how he mobilised holders of shotgun licences to"defend" Ulster against "Popery"

The religious divide in Northern Ireland goes back centuries and has become little to do with religion nowadays. Its now a question of deeply held prejudices on all sides, laregly by non practicing "Christians"
The way to lasting peace is by rooting out those prejudices and starting with integrated schools where people can learn that they are not so different from the person in the next street or from across town

08 Feb 12 - 06:49 AM (#3304247)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Keith A of Hertford

Thanks for some much needed balance Dead Horse.

08 Feb 12 - 07:09 AM (#3304253)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is

Well the bottom line is Paisley has been exposed to the world as a bigot. A bigot who reflects the true face of Ulster Protestantism. Take Harryville as an example.

On the positive side. The leadership of the Provisional army council and army command have achieved their aim of governing the people of the North of Ireland. Senior members of both the army and command now hold positions in which they make decisions, change laws and meet and greet world leaders.

It has been a huge step for republicanism and to think unionists and loyalists have been made to accept this by the very government they once stood loyal to.

Paisley's time is now over, those who think like Keith have had their day. This is a new beginning and the leadership of the Provisional movement are now at the cutting edge.

-----------Please use a consistent GUESTname. JoeClone----------------------

08 Feb 12 - 07:20 AM (#3304256)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Silas

David Trimble and John Hulme made an enormous contribution to this too.

08 Feb 12 - 07:41 AM (#3304263)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Keith A of Hertford

The opinion of a Republican well known to this forum.

Divis Sweeney - PM
Date: 10 Sep 06 - 08:06 AM

You can say what you want about him (Paisley), but he has a hell of a lot of support over here. His constituents adore him. He has done a lot for roads, housing and development in his area. Also always very well placed when it comes to information. He appears on the television and releases government policy days before they announce it. He brought the north to a stand still more than once, when his supporters ran the power stations and transport. His son lacks his charisma and is just known as "The Child". We would differ somewhat in our views, but I still respect him.

08 Feb 12 - 07:55 AM (#3304270)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Silas

Nice bit of cut and paste Keith.

08 Feb 12 - 09:04 AM (#3304309)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: John MacKenzie


08 Feb 12 - 09:19 AM (#3304314)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: Nigel Parsons

Er... just why should guests not be allowed to post?

As it says Here:
You will notice that a couple of Guest-initiated threads questioning Mudcat editing policy were deleted today. They were deleted for two reasons:

We don't allow non-members to initiate threads unless they are legitimate music threads

We generally don't allow threads discussing Mudcat editing policy, because too often, an honest answer would require us to reveal information that we cannot discuss publicly. If you have a question about Mudcat editing, contact me or Max or Big Mick by personal message or e-mail.

-Joe Offer-

So it's not that Guests can't post, just that they shouldn't be starting threads in the BS section.



08 Feb 12 - 01:02 PM (#3304417)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Ian Paisley Latvian-Scots, and is
From: GUEST,grumpy

A very good friend of mine, a Nationalist from Portadown, was once persuaded to attend a meeting in the Orange Hall in Hillsborough, Down, in the late 1960s just to see what Paisley was up to.

Paisley made some rabble-rousing speech to a horde of his acolytes whose anti-Catholic thread reached its zenith when he used the word 'vermin'. "And we all know what to do with vermin, don't we?" demanded Big Ian, forming his hands into a rifler's stance.

Paisley has been an uncompromising, duplicitous and lying bastard for some fifty years (and an MI5 informer to boot). Good riddance to him and his appalling children, the idiotic Ian jr. and the god-awful Rhonda - she of the salacious photos with Sammy Wilson headlines.

Feck the bleeding lot of them!