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BS: The daily gripe

14 Sep 06 - 03:16 PM (#1834564)
Subject: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

gripes you don't want to bring to the kitchen table but need some quick cathartic relief can be posted here...

Drivers on their cells who take shallow turns into other turning lanes so they won't have to steer with two hands.

14 Sep 06 - 03:28 PM (#1834581)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: gnu

Drivers who can't drive. Especially the ones who can't but think they can. Even moreso, the ones who can't but think they can and use a cellphone at the same time. Worse yet... the ones who can't but think they can who have to look at the passengers they are talking with while they are talking on the cellphone at the same time. And....

14 Sep 06 - 03:30 PM (#1834583)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Amos

Drivers who learned to drive by playing video games like Smash Nukem Destruction Derby, and treat other drivers as incovenient cartoons on their screen.


14 Sep 06 - 04:02 PM (#1834609)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Rapparee

I thought other drivers WERE inconvenient cartoons on my screen.

Lawsamercy, you learn something new every day!

14 Sep 06 - 04:16 PM (#1834623)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Georgiansilver

I was driving along this morning...minding my own business...but was so shocked to see a young girl using her mobile phone whilst driving that I dropped my shaver in my cereal.

14 Sep 06 - 04:39 PM (#1834647)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: kendall

Other drivers

14 Sep 06 - 05:54 PM (#1834720)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

I'm not sure whether this fits in 'daily', but here in the Wash DC area is the only place I've even seen where, when I see a yellow light, realize I need to stop before it turns red, and see in my rear view mirror someone behind me PULL OUT so they can pass me and RUN THE RED LIGHT! This has happened 4 times in the last couple of years.

The daily one is when there is a major intersection with double left-turn lanes, and when MY light turns green, seeing multiple drivers continue to turn left in front of me. It is usually only 2-3 in each lane, but I HAVE seen as many as 9 cars in 2 lanes run the left turn red....and this was ½ block from a police station.

14 Sep 06 - 06:04 PM (#1834728)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe

Drivers with a cigarette in one hand and a cell phone in the other who turn around and yell at the brat in the back seat who is kicking the seat in front just before she slams on the break as she almost rear ends the car in front. I kept hoping she would finally hit him so I could testify in court.

14 Sep 06 - 06:06 PM (#1834730)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

My gripe today.... I have toothache, it's my birthday and no-one started a birthday thread for me.... : (


14 Sep 06 - 06:07 PM (#1834735)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: pdq

happy birthday

14 Sep 06 - 07:55 PM (#1834806)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: The Fooles Troupe

Look again Liz...

Can you still buy Gripe Water?

14 Sep 06 - 08:07 PM (#1834812)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Stilly River Sage

My gripe about phones is the people who talk all of the time on their cell phones and ignore the people who they are actually WITH. Parents ignoring babies and small children while in the grocery store, for example. That's the perfect time for one-on-one time with a kid, but they miss the opportunity. And those who stay on the phone while they go through the checkout line. They treat the clerk like the hired help.

My biggest grocery shopping gripe, though, is the people who put their kids in carts and don't watch them. I'm sure some of these children are going to fall out and kill themselves. I has happened, all too often, in other places. One day I literally caught a child about to pitch out of the cart and scolded the mother for inattention. She was very nasty back. I should have pressed charges for child neglect.


14 Sep 06 - 08:25 PM (#1834827)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

MY biggest grocery store gripe is folks who block aisles...they just stand there, contemplating shelves and ignoring me saying "EXCUSE ME , PLEASE!" ... and they abandon carts in the aisle parked at the most awkward angle they can manage....

This is just subset of the "I'm not the LEAST interested in anyone's convenience except my own, and I can't be bothered to pay attention" syndrome

14 Sep 06 - 08:28 PM (#1834829)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: bobad

I'm with you on that one Bill, why the very thing happened to me just yesterday, as a matter of fact it happens nearly everytime I go grocery shopping.

14 Sep 06 - 08:35 PM (#1834835)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: JennyO

Drivers who force their way in from a side street, then slow down in front of you - often to turn off again at the next street.

Drivers who sit on a left turning lane waiting to be first out at the lights (going straight ahead), then race to cut you off when the light goes green.

I'm sure I'll think of more...

14 Sep 06 - 08:39 PM (#1834836)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bert

Bill, if "Excuse me" doesn't work try "Get out of the bloody way".

And move the abandoned carts a long way away.

14 Sep 06 - 08:41 PM (#1834838)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Tootler

One of my gripes is the pathetic sentences handed out over here (UK) to people who kill while driving a car.

There was a case featured on the news today of a driver overtaking on the brow of a hill, doing 80mph (speed limit 60) hit another car head on and killed the driver. Not only was this character speeding and overtaking in a stupid place, but he had no driving licence nor insurance. What did he get - 4 years and will probably be out in 2. If he had killed in almost any other circumstances he would have been charged with manslaughter with the possibility of life. (not that that means very much anymore)

The ultimate irony was that this character was speeding because he was late for a court appearance!

14 Sep 06 - 09:05 PM (#1834849)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

...and since no particular limits were set on
gripe topic
, let me say that I am THOROUGHLY tired of 'news'readers and journalists who seeingly never studied the English language or made any attempt to learn to pronounce word, both foreign and domestic!

Today it was a perky young female who read a story about "Eye-rack" where the "tear-ists" were causing problems.....Arrrgggghhh! Don't they TEST these people before they put them on national TV?

14 Sep 06 - 09:44 PM (#1834870)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: kendall

I agree, Bill. How about the ones who can't pronounce "Particularly" or Antarctic.

15 Sep 06 - 12:08 AM (#1834929)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

jeez everyone knows its Ouraq.

Support our troops stickers.
"The real meaning was if you hate the war you hate our troops"

Support Ouraq Civil War
Support our torture
Support our secret prisons
Support legislation to immunize the white house from war crimes.

15 Sep 06 - 01:21 AM (#1834961)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

Well I now have a birthday thread but I also still have the toothache! :$

Todays' new gripe.... Unsociable Parkers. People who park their cars so that others around them cannot get into the space or open their car doors. The lady who lives next door to me takes up a space big enough for two cars when she parks. She's not a bad parker, she does it so that they will have room to park their huge delivery truck right outside our house. I've seen her dash out of the house and move her car out so that the truck can pull into the gap left - her husband, the driver, has rung her from the top of the road and got her to move the car as he's driven down the road. She then parks the car in such a way that a space I would have parked two cars in, is taken up by one vehicle...

I don't mind a walk to the house - it's good for me after all, but when I am loading or unloading shopping etc, it's a real pain... and why is the van always outside our house and not theirs? Why can't he leave it across the road where he's blocking no view, obstructing no junctions and can still see it from his front windows....?


15 Sep 06 - 04:49 AM (#1835041)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bagpuss

Football commentators who can't pronounce substitute and say subtitute instead.

15 Sep 06 - 06:23 AM (#1835086)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: gnu

Next time you encounter an unattended shopping cart blocking the aisle, throw a few extra items in.

15 Sep 06 - 06:47 AM (#1835096)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

That's a great idea Gnu... maybe if there are two or three together you could swap the babies around too..... one woman nearly took the Limpit away because she was too busy chatting to her mate and grabbed the wrong trolley. She would have got her too if I hadn't had hold of the front end....

D'Oh!!! How stupid was I?


15 Sep 06 - 08:23 AM (#1835155)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: jacqui.c

Driving gripes - drivers who can SEE from a good distance that the traffic is funnelling from two to one lane and who get as close as they can to the meeting of the ways before trying to force their way in. (Some idiot always lets them in - I don't 'see' them, ever).

Rubberneckers who HAVE to slow right down to see the result of a crash on the other side of the carriageway. I ended up in a half hour queue of traffic purely as a result of this on the A1. Absolutely no problem on my side of the road, apart from the ghouls who had to see what was happening in the far lane on the other side of the divide.

Shopping gripe - all of the above (I just push my way through if the chatterers don't move after being asked three times) plus the ones who wait until all their purchases have been rung up to find their purse and ferret around for cash or card. Also the ones (UK) who insist on finishing packing all their shopping before paying - I've actually snarled at one to pay up and then finish packing (she did!).

15 Sep 06 - 09:19 AM (#1835211)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: number 6

Goddamnit .... the world is full of idiot drivers .... and shopping at the big supermarket, how do we do it?? .... my God!! It makes ya wanna go out into the wilderness and get away from it all ... live off the land, away from goddamn PEOPLE, way from unsolicited phone calls, away from big supermarkets, away from crazy drivers (drivers who are perfect like me).

Now ... this has got me thinkin ... and goddamn it, I think it's a gripe ... where the hell can one find a wilderness these days that isn't f'n cold, or isn't a goddamned desert. There is no place to get away from all our gripes.

Oh well. Grin and bear it ... hey, things are not that bad after all when one thinks about it.


15 Sep 06 - 10:02 AM (#1835235)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

There is something about being behind the wheel of a car that brings out the idiot in all of us.

I am very guilty of this, and I notice from a few of the comments that others have the same issue. We seem to get upset when someone passes us or cuts us off - even if an accident isn't imminent. The example that Bill D mentioned about the driver that passes him to run a redlight. That drives me nuts, but after the fact when I sit back to think about it I realize that no one was in danger. While the other driver was nuts, usually he or she does see that they are clear and not putting anyone in danger.

I think all of us have an issue with someone getting ahead of us, and when we are behind several tons of metal we get a sense of empowerment that shakes the morals of even the most dedicated of pacifists.   How often I wish I had a flame thrower or machine gun like the old James Bond car to deal with these presumptious drivers.

Usually if I just count to 10 and turn up the XM a bit I feel much better and move along at my own pace.

My gripe is about people who insist on wearing sweaters wrapped around their neck like some kind of fashion statement. Scum of the earth!

15 Sep 06 - 10:16 AM (#1835246)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Big Mick

Ron, I used to love Gallagher's comedy bit on how to deal with this. Suction cup dart guns with flags that say "Idiot". When someone accumulates too many the cops haul them off to jail.

BTW, great lineup for NERFA. And thanks for posting the JOE GLAZER piece on your blog.

All the best,


15 Sep 06 - 10:31 AM (#1835262)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: GUEST,thurg

Kendall - What is the mispronunciation of "Antarctic" that you object to? Does it involve the first "c"? Reason I ask: I was taught by a very finicky schoolma'rm in southern Ontario that the first "c" in "arctic" is silent, but I usually hear it pronounced, and any dictionary I've looked it up in gives both pronunciations ...

15 Sep 06 - 10:40 AM (#1835269)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Big Mick

How about interviewers who bring their own biases to an interview and insist on asking the same question, slightly differently until they get what they want? I used to hate Katie Couric on the Today show. If she had a particular bias (which was usually the case) on a given subject, she would literally steer the interview until she got what she wanted. Oddly enough, I enjoy her on the Evening News, but that is because she is just reporting the news. One of the major gripes and problems in 21st century TV is the "news as entertainment" phenomena.


15 Sep 06 - 10:48 AM (#1835273)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: jeffp

Funny, Mick. The times I remember seeing Katie Couric restate questions are when the subject of the interview has danced around and refused to answer the question asked, instead answering the question they prefer to answer (which wasn't asked).

15 Sep 06 - 10:53 AM (#1835276)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Big Mick

Jeff, I can remember times when she was good that way, although I think Lauer was much better at it. But those times, IMO, were far outweighed by the times she had a specific point of view that she wanted to promote.

All the best,


15 Sep 06 - 11:05 AM (#1835281)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"How about interviewers who bring their own biases to an interview and insist on asking the same question, slightly differently until they get what they want?"

IF they get the answer they want, then usually their line of questioning proved correct.   I don't know of the specific Couric incidents that you talk about, but I do know from working in a news studio that often the reporter will have solid information and tries to get the subject to confirm. The guest will often be evasive, but a good reporter will get to the truth.

News needs to tell a story. A good reporter has their facts and should steer the story in the direction that will tell it. You can see when a guest is either not telling the truth, holding back, or simply does not want to answer.

15 Sep 06 - 11:16 AM (#1835286)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

I agree, Mick...When that manhunt was underway the other day, and they 'thought' they had the escapee cornered, the N.Y. trooper at the news conference finally said..."I've answered that question 3 times now."

The reporters just keep asking stuff that they have been TOLD there are no answers to yet, or worse, stuff that they have been told is off limits and WILL not be answered.

...and while I'm at it, let me voice my gripe about the interviewers who phrase questions to squeeeeeeeze 'personal' and emotional responses from people. "So, tell us, Mrs. did it make you feel when you learned you had cancer and your husband had run off with the babysitter?"....They can compose 2 minute, compound-complex sentences designed to give then, (the interviewer), the most possible time on camera just to get a 4 second response from the interviewee. "Well, pretty sad, I guess".

15 Sep 06 - 11:21 AM (#1835290)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Big Mick

I don't have a problem with that, Ron, and I know I am speaking in generalities here. That is borne of watching this show in the morning for years. Again, if I am using the Today Show example, I never had a problem with Lauer's technique. He has pretty well been direct, and refuses to let the Interviewee off the hook. Russert is another one like this. You can try spin with him, but he will make sure the audience understands that well. With Couric, it has always seemed to me, she came at it from the angle of having a bias and then attempting to prove it. Just my opinion. And as I said above, she seems to do well on the CBS Evening News. I tuned in just to watch her debut, and now find myself watching this broadcast, one of many news related shows I watch and listen to.


15 Sep 06 - 11:25 AM (#1835299)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I have to admit that I did not watch the Today Show very much (and I was an NBC employee for 12 years!)so I can't really comment on her style. Your points about Russert and Lauer are well taken and I agree.

Bill D, I do agree with you about the personal comments. I do not care for the ambulance-chaser style that tries to choke emotion for the viewers. Too much like the film "Broadcast News".   However, as to your point about pressing the trooper - I think it the obligation of the reporter to get information.   If reporters took "no" for an answer we might not have uncovered Watergate, the Pentagon Papers and so many other issues since then.   Reporters have a right and an obligation to search for the truth and answers for their viewers.

15 Sep 06 - 11:34 AM (#1835315)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Big Mick

Bill D, I agree completely. What is it with the mandate to make someone cry on camera? I tire of it. I also don't like interviewers who ask a question, and then give their own answer to it, usually ending with a "Doesn't it?" or "Right?". One of my pet peeve comments by Couric was "Most people feel........". Totally inappropriate and a poor interview style. Just ask the question, and make the subject answer it. Do it in an engaging and informed style. Like Russert.


15 Sep 06 - 11:37 AM (#1835320)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

Oh sure, Ron...but Watergate was a different matter and the interviews were not conducted "live" on camera, and there was MUCH indication that information was being hidden. But if it HAD been live, and the guy tells you for the 5th time, "I'm not gonna talk about that", it's time to move on.

In the case of the trooper, he was being asked for the 4th time, "....and when the agent approached the suspect, what did the suspect do?"

Well, the suspect had turned, raised a pistol, then run away.....the trooper had not been there, and that was all he knew!

15 Sep 06 - 11:43 AM (#1835325)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: jeffp

I do think that Katie had gotten pretty bad in the last couple of years. My wife hated her because she wouldn't let the interviewees get a word in edgewise. All they got a chance to do was agree with the 5-minute question.

I do wish that somebody in a press conference would, after the briefer has danced around an embarassing qustion, just ask, "Why won't you answer so-and-so's question?" It would make those bullshit sessions a lot more fun.

15 Sep 06 - 11:43 AM (#1835326)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"But if it HAD been live, and the guy tells you for the 5th time, "I'm not gonna talk about that", it's time to move on."

I guess you are right in terms of a live broadcast. I think the audience would get the point that the guest is being evasive and holding back - and that the host gave plenty of opportunity to allow the guest to answer. Often THAT is the reason why questions are rephrased and asked again.

I do see your point about the trooper though. It sounds as if the reporter had air time to fill, saw they were at a deadend and tried to get the answer another way.

15 Sep 06 - 03:11 PM (#1835478)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

I get the willies every time I hear Bush and Cheney say "We didn;t ask for this war!" and "I wouldn;t do a single thing different in prosecuting this war."

My other gripe is CABLE TV
Once upon a time we bought it to have fewer commercials.
Last night I watched 22 minutes of cable TV while surfing from channel to channel to find something other than commericals.

I counted 7 minutes of actual programming and 15 minutes of commercials during that 22 minutes.

Cable news: THE BIG TEASE - they promise to cover something of importence (weather emergencies etc.). They say its "coming up" and it never comes up.

15 Sep 06 - 03:27 PM (#1835492)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bunnahabhain

Media people without the slightest command of the English language, or seemingly any language at all. When it's the proper news and analysis sections of the BBC, it's just not right. If you can't construct a sentence correctly, you don't inspire any confidence in your ability to analyse a situation, or get a straight answer of a professional liar politician.

BTW, number 6, if you want a wilderness that's not a desert, or deep frozen all year, there's a nice big one in Europe. The Chernobyl inadvertant nature reserve......

15 Sep 06 - 04:06 PM (#1835540)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Kaleea

I do NOT appreciate grapes with seeds!

I believe that all journalists who do not agree with me 100% whould be replaced with ones who do--then go after all the politicians who don't agree with me.

Why couldn't my neices & nephews have bought me a phaser which actually works as a phaser, instead of just being a remote control device for my tv that makes fun, phasery star trek noises.

How come I had to hear on the news instead of finding out in person about the atm machine that gave $20's instead of $5's?!

And why is it that in the rare event that I have played the lottery when it got well over $100 million, those dirty *+$%*^#@'s cheated & chose the wrong number?!!!?

15 Sep 06 - 05:06 PM (#1835591)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

modern packaging which keeps food safe, clean, fresh....if only you can get IN the package to eat it.
   I used to be able to open a package of chip ot nuts without scissors, and usually refold it to finish later. Now, if I pull and tear hard enough to get it open, it rips halfway down, daring me to figure out how to re-seal it.

15 Sep 06 - 05:14 PM (#1835600)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah... I have that problem opening CDs and DVDs.. They're not food products, what's in there that needs to be kept fresh in 2 layers of shrinkwrap and a security box? And why does the bloody stuff cling with static to every surface EXCEPT the waste bin?


15 Sep 06 - 05:24 PM (#1835609)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

"fresh" in not the's that CDs are small enough to slip in a pocket. They are hoping you won't take the trouble to cut thru all that stuff to steal it.

(LP records used to be fairly safe, but I worked in a store where they caught someone trying to smuggle one out in a frozen pizza box)

15 Sep 06 - 05:35 PM (#1835621)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh and whilst we're griping... my toothache has spread up my face and made my nose numb... Didn't realise until this morning when I couldn't see properly, only to find my glasses were lopsided due to the swelling... And this is AFTER the treatment.... I reckon that bloody dentist is just aching to get me in for a root canal job... but it's my thread cutting tooth (working on my own tailors notch) and I can't imagine life without it....


15 Sep 06 - 05:38 PM (#1835623)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

??? check to see it's not an infection!

15 Sep 06 - 06:07 PM (#1835633)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Tootler

Driving gripes -

drivers who can SEE from a good distance that the traffic is funnelling from two to one lane and who get as close as they can to the meeting of the ways before trying to force their way in. (Some idiot always lets them in - I don't 'see' them, ever).

I once read somewhere that the Engineers work out the effect of the narrowing from two to one lane on that basis that you should continue in both lanes until close to the narrowing and then merge in turn. The trouble is they never put signs up to that effect so people get over early rather than staying in lane until necessary.

What is much worse is when you have two lanes at a junction, say a turn left and turn right and there is a queue in one, so the impatient use the empty lane to queue jump. As you said, there is always some soft idiot who lets them in. There are a couple of places near where I live where that happens fairly regularly.

Rubberneckers who HAVE to slow right down to see the result of a crash on the other side of the carriageway. I ended up in a half hour queue of traffic purely as a result of this on the A1. Absolutely no problem on my side of the road, apart from the ghouls who had to see what was happening in the far lane on the other side of the divide.

The nearest I have come to an accident was caused by just that on the A1 near Wetherby. The car in front practically did an emergency stop to slow down to look at an accident.

16 Sep 06 - 04:03 AM (#1835825)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: alanabit

Those thugs on the Autobahn, who when you are overtaking lorries, but still maintaining a safe distance from the car in front, tailgate you and flash their lights ordering you out of their way. They have no compunction in cutting inside of you from the inside lane, if you need to keep distance from the driver in front. Why are these yobs let loose on anything more powerful than a bicycle?

16 Sep 06 - 09:10 AM (#1835948)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Ron Davies

A driver, who, after being forced to slow down while I crossed at a clearly marked crosswalk--there was no light-- yelled at me "I have the right of way".

Truly a classic.

16 Sep 06 - 09:42 AM (#1835958)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: jacqui.c

Yep, the overtakers cause a lot of problems.

I was driving at about 70mph in the left lane of the A1, with my five year old grandson in the car. Suddenly, this yahoo overtakes at speed and then pulls into my lane directly in front of me.

Then he sees the speed camera just ahead.

Luckily I have fast reactions and the car has excellent brakes.

16 Sep 06 - 11:48 AM (#1836012)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

Why is it that whenever I have a good sized gap in front of me (like the recommended 2 chevrons or 3 second gap), some impatient bastard pulls into it, just so they can get one car further ahead of me....

And why is it that when I drive in a bus lane before time by accident (the times had been changed the day previously and I hadn't realised) I get 'snapped and zapped', but the 8 bastards who undertook me yesterday evening in a 24hr bus lane, and then pulled in front of me with millimetres to spare will probably get away with it?

Oh, and the toothache is an abcess now... mega voltage anti-biotics after a sleepless night in screaming agony is helping a lot.


16 Sep 06 - 12:09 PM (#1836019)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

Well, LtS...I am famous for my long-distance diagnosis!

16 Sep 06 - 05:11 PM (#1836222)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Tootler

And there's what my dad describes as "abandoned in the car park".

They drive in and stop approximately in a parking space, get out and leave the car. It is usually at an angle to the space, intrudes on the space next to it and the front wheel is still on full lock. They are essentially selfish gits who cannot be bothered to park properly and in the process effectively occupy two parking spaces, which when the car park is full and spaces are at a premium is a pain in the proverbial.

Oh - and my observation is that the worst offenders are drivers of large cars.

16 Sep 06 - 05:38 PM (#1836248)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: RangerSteve

Those new cash registers that scan the bar codes. There seems to be a law that when you're grocery shopping, at least one item will not scan. And it's never a new item or new brand name. It's always something common, like milk or celery. I guess I'm supposed to believe that when I buy milk and it doesn't scan that I'm the first person in the history of the world to buy milk. When I'm declared King of the World, if an item doesn't scan, it will be free. If it's an every-day, common item, like milk, you'll get a coupon guaranteeing fee milk for the rest of the month. If it's the store's own brand, regardless of what the item is, you get it free for the rest of your life.

16 Sep 06 - 09:48 PM (#1836376)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Joe_F

The continual drizzle of insult & harrassment from the promotion "industry". "Buy one -- get one free!"! Hey, filth -- I am neither an idiot nor a shoplifter; I do not come into a supermarket in the hope of getting something for nothing. Just put the ******* price on it, and I'll decide whether to buy it.

16 Sep 06 - 10:08 PM (#1836386)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: frogprince

Speaking of self-service checkout counters:
"Please put the item back in the bag"
"Please put the item back in the bag"
"Please put the item back in the bag"
"Please put the item back in the bag"
"Please put the item back in the bag"
"Please put the item back in the bag"
"Please put the item back in the bag"
"Please put the item back in the bag"

I put it in, and left it in, you f**kin' piece of robotic junk...

17 Sep 06 - 04:27 AM (#1836483)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

That damned Barry whotsisname who SHOUTS at me to buy Cillit Bang.... he's still getting up my nose!

You can still buy gripe water but it's had the alcohol taken out and isn't worth it any more.


17 Sep 06 - 11:54 AM (#1836670)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Elmer Fudd

I have a gripe about paperwork. It proves the medieval concept of spontaneous generation because no matter how much of it I take care of, there always seems to be more of it. If it does not spontaneously generate, then it must breed. If I go away for a few days, I swear that the paper detritus on my desk is fruitful and multiplies.


18 Sep 06 - 04:00 AM (#1837175)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

That's why I always keep my desk full of paper.... sooner or later someone takes pity on me and takes some of it away. They never add any more.

Some of those bits of paper are now 3 years old!


18 Sep 06 - 02:08 PM (#1837578)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

Liz some oxycodone and a root canal can also do wonders for a toothache. They say a toothache shares the same pain levels as childbirth.

My gripe is that I have no Congressmen or women who have the guts to say "Hitler didn't observe the Geneva Conventions in his secret prisons either!".

18 Sep 06 - 03:03 PM (#1837620)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Elmer Fudd

That's much more than a gripe, Donuel. That's a call for someone, somewhere to speak up for basic human rights and truths we hold to be self-evident.


18 Sep 06 - 04:25 PM (#1837674)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

I'm on amoxycillin and something beginning with M.... and if this is what childbirth is like, I'm so glad I stopped at one child (I had a C-section and didn't feel a thing)..

My gripe today.... actually, apart from the ongoing toothache saga... nothing really!


18 Sep 06 - 05:30 PM (#1837719)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D


19 Sep 06 - 08:23 AM (#1838198)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bunnahabhain

The ridiculous habit of things I wish to do clustering in as few evenings as possible, so one day I'm supposed to be in three places at once, and the next two I'm free. GRRRRRRRR.

20 Sep 06 - 05:53 AM (#1838956)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

My gripe today.... why is it that one leg has twice as much hair as the other, but the one with the least hair takes twice as much wax?

And what does the Deity have in store for me that I need hairy elbows to deal with it??


20 Sep 06 - 09:08 AM (#1839089)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Sandra in Sydney

Sunny days like today bring 'em out

Young mothers pushing a baby/young child. Mother wears sunglasses, baby sits facing the sun, not hat, no sunnies, no awning on the pram/pusher. Fortunately today's child was asleep with his face turned into the back of the pusher. And we're not yet in full summer sun.

poor little sunburnt babies


20 Sep 06 - 10:33 AM (#1839153)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

I heard that it is a crime to not give a hat or sunscreen to kids in Oz due to the hole in the ozone that causes much more damage in the southern hemisphere.

20 Sep 06 - 11:50 AM (#1839217)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe

I believe that Supermarkets should have Men free days so that the rest of us can get on with our shopping. Here's why

they are often on a cell phone trying to find out what it is they are meant to buy, meanwhile the cart is plonked dead centre in the aisle.
Thet are dragged there and would rather be home watching telly, so they slump over the cart and look bored while blocking evryone elses way.
And finally, and this is the most irritating, they are surprised by the fact that one has to actually pay for the when the amount is tallied the long pocket and change rattling process begins, this drives me round the bend. And it often seems to happen in the ten items or fewer line...grrrrrrrr.

20 Sep 06 - 12:16 PM (#1839245)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: jeffp

Funny, I have the same complaints about the women at my local grocery. Maybe they should have an idiot-free day. Of course, they would have to lay off most of the staff as well.

20 Sep 06 - 12:31 PM (#1839262)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

My daily gripe is that my town and metro area and country is in decay.

AMERICA HAS BECOME THE UNDERDOG: in education, health and general satisfaction when compared to other nations world wide.

Heck we are #2 even in golf. The Ryder cup has found a home in Europe. Even in space NASA has to take a backseat to ESA. Thanks to Europe we can see double hurricaines on Venus this week and the true colors of Mars while our 30 year old shuttle is examining 4 pieces that just fell off the craft and are delaying their re entry.

If I look around my neighborhood I can tell you without exaggeration that the infra structure is in serious decay. Roads are rough, there are impassable traffic jams, the power out goes more than once a month, raw sewerage stinks in Rock Creek, In Georgetown the sewer is civil war vintage with power cable strung inside that explode sending man hole covers high into the air every couble months,
dead trees next to streets are left to drop in the street, crumbling overpasses have cracked my windshield when I drove underneath, phone service is noisey, 3 new bio war labs are being built less than 50 feet from the street, etc.

The social quality in my neighborhood is more strident, polorized and dangerous than I have ever seen it. A jogger was murdered 100 yards away, 3 have died from the Muslim sniper shootings, a kid killed and dismembered an immigrant kid in his garage and went to Isreal for immunity, a laptop was stolen with all the personal data of all the US veterans, neighbors have weekly religious fundamentalist meetings at their home to villify gays and other blasphemers de jour, certain 6 year olds are singled out to never play with other 6 year old kids because the parents do not "fellowship" at a correct church, kids left a plastic coke bottle filled with pine needles burning the yard, a neighbor told me abort northeners who don't shut the fuck up and asked where I keep my valuables, I have been double billed by my doctor and my dentist,
We had an code purple air quality day that resulted in my son going to the hospital (the alert was kept secret since a code purple would disqualify the county from federal EPA funds), when I tried to vote I had to do a provisional ballot since my address change did not take, No one was able to vote in my county since the electronic start up cards were not in any of the election judge packets so the polls would ipen late but only for provisional ballots which they had run out of ( it was said elections in Sudan and Nepal went better), etc.

My country is abolishing membership in the Geneva Conventions and debating legalizing torture, secret prisonsk, hearsay evidence, secret testimony and tribunals that only answer to the President- all in order to defend against the evil Islamo fascists.

Didn't Hitler abolish the Geneva Conventions in his secret prisons?

Much of my country's Constitution has been abolished. Bank records, phone records, data mining, spy cameras and spy software are all watching us every day. When my website that was critical of the administration gets erased . I was called paranoid. My country's national election was canceled and decided by a tribunal packed with the candidate's father. Election precincts show 4,000 votes for Bush when only 600 people live in the district.
Jobs have been shipped, pensions stolen, health benefits erased, chemicals dumped with impunity, depleted uranium taken from our on site storage nuclear power plants and put in artillary shells to poison future children of other gets worse....

Truth Justice and the American Way
it didn't take long to lose it

20 Sep 06 - 12:37 PM (#1839271)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

and yes at the grocery store those damn extra displays angled in the aisles snag the cart or spill.

20 Sep 06 - 04:02 PM (#1839428)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe

My experience is that it is mostly men who seem to shop as they drive..aggresively..without thought.

20 Sep 06 - 05:28 PM (#1839501)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

That's always mistified me... how can I spend £25 and come home with food for a week and yet Manitas will spend twice as much and the fridge will be empty?


20 Sep 06 - 06:01 PM (#1839526)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

I am male....I do 75% or so of the grocery shopping. I do not block asiles. I am good about watching bargains, unloading the carts properly, being ready with my cards, coupons, checks,,,etc...and I used to TEACH bagging groceries.

Maybe I should give lessons....*grin*....send them guys to me!

20 Sep 06 - 07:43 PM (#1839595)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

I am male and this summer I threw caution to the wind and put both kids in the cart and raced down grocery store aisles. I eventually ran into a life size card board stand up of Johnny Depp and pushed him 50 feet until he gave up and we ran over him.

The kids were in pure hysterics. Everyone survived, except Depp, and a good time was had by all.

and ah... my gripe is trying to get the store manager to give away stand up displays when they're finished. What are they, Ebay gold or something?

21 Sep 06 - 06:35 PM (#1840349)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Tootler

My wife got a display poster from a book shop. She went in and asked and they put her name on it.

When they were changing the display they phoned her and she went and collected it.

Obviously depends on the shop.

21 Sep 06 - 07:16 PM (#1840374)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe

I agree with the men in supermarkets thing..PLEASE , yes, a men free day...

21 Sep 06 - 08:02 PM (#1840405)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

The clear channel radio staions in my area...
(clear channel is the Bush propoganda AM radio 80% monopoly in this country.)
...has been running political ads to influence minority populations to vote Republican.

What they are saying is that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican so vote the way Martin would and honor his memory.

Thats not all...They go on to say the the Klu Klux Klan was founded by the Democrat Party.

Its no use debating the lies, afterall debating intelligent design is a waste of time too.

22 Sep 06 - 06:08 AM (#1840664)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Sandra in Sydney

Doneul - I'm not sure what the law is regarding sunscreen & protection for little kids, but most folks would do something. Tho I wonder if they take the same precautions when shopping as they would do on the beach.

When my brother moved to Brisbane 15 years ago, his 2 year-old son was not allowed into the yard for even a minute without hat & sunblock, and his playing area was covered with shadecloth. He told me that locals did not "fuss" as much with their children as the migrants from other states did. Familiarity breeds contempt?

NSW Cancer Council

Cancer Council shop showing safe sunwear

Protecting babies & toddlers

22 Sep 06 - 04:17 PM (#1841052)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bert

The difference between men and women in grocery stores is quite funny.

A man as a checker is always much slower than a woman checker.

Whereas a woman being checked out is much slower than a man and always waits until the last minute to start looking in her purse for her checkbook and when she has found it and is told the amount, THEN she decides it is time to look for her pen.

A man being checked out will, more often than not, have his cash in his hand ready to pay.

So choose a line with male shoppers and a female checker.

And you never see two men blocking the aisle gossipping.

And Bill D, you asked way back there "Don't they TEST these people before they put them on national TV? " Yes of course they do - IN BED.

22 Sep 06 - 04:51 PM (#1841076)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Becca72

My gripe today is with the woman in the minivan, in the left lane, chatting on her cell phone, who suddenly needs to cut me off because the righthand turn she intended to make all along is coming up within a few feet. And she has the audacity to yell at me for not letting her cut me off. I'm sorry, I have a 5 speed turbo and full coverage insurance. I'll take you on, lady. Sadly that has become my attitude...

22 Sep 06 - 05:28 PM (#1841108)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

"A man as a checker is always much slower than a woman checker."

that "always" will get you in trouble, Bert! I WAS a checker, and I was fast! This was in the days before digital, when you had to PUNCH the keys.

And there at least two male checkers in stores I go to even now that I will wait for, because they are better. (faster and bag better)

23 Sep 06 - 12:55 PM (#1841516)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: JennyO

The fastest checker I ever saw was in a supermarket I used to go to before I moved. It was a man, and he was truly poetry in motion. I always chose him if he was there, even if his line was longer, because I knew he was twice as fast as anybody else and I would get through faster.

At the supermarket I go to now, there is a very fast guy, only he is even more amazing. He is obviously a previous head injury victim, and only has the use of one hand, but not only is he fast, he sometimes does little tricks tossing small items in the air and catching them as he goes. He is a joy to watch - always happy and joking too.

And Bert, I ALWAYS have my cash or card ready to pay when they ring up the amount.

24 Sep 06 - 05:44 AM (#1841890)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Desert Dancer

Here in Tucson, Arizona, where the skin cancer rate approaches that of parts of Australia, it is against the rules for children to wear hats to school because of gang problems. Aargh. Issue 'em school hats as part of the uniform for P.E. class, I say.

~ Becky in Tucson

24 Sep 06 - 07:43 AM (#1841933)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: RangerSteve

I looked for shampoo the other day at the grocery store. There was an entire aisle devoted to the stuff. There used to be three types - dry, normal and oily, but not anymore. There's shampoo for permed, wind-blown, blow-dried, gray, blonde, red (but not brown) dyed, bleached, etc. I finally found just plain shampoo, but didn't want to smell like Spring Meadow, Autumn Peach, Kiwi-Strawberry Morning, or Citrus Summer. Finally, after walking a mile down the shampoo aisle, I found a bottle of Prell. Just plain old Prell. I'm afraid it's an antique that someone found in the basement and put out in hope that someone will buy it. I did. I should have bought all of them, in case it goes off the market. I guess my gripe here is that there are way to many products on the market now, all of them made way to fancy.

Oh, yeah, I also found a bottle of shampoo marketed towards men, at 15 dollars for 6 ounces. They have to be kidding, right?

24 Sep 06 - 08:02 AM (#1841940)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: jacqui.c

Today's gripe? People who want to set the definition of Folk Music in stone.

24 Sep 06 - 04:26 PM (#1842286)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

OOh.. I have that gripe but with bath/shower products. What is the bloody difference? Why will a bath product not work in the shower (well, if it's bath salts or cubes, OK...) but gel, lotion, creme whatever.. it's the same product. I bet if you substituted the expensive stuff for say... Fairy dishwashing liquid (which smells more like the spring meadow than the one my shampoo tries to emulate), most people wouldn't know the difference.

Remember the days when it was Radox, Three Wishes or granny's bath salts with a hint of Detol?


25 Sep 06 - 03:30 AM (#1842635)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bert

Today's gripe is, people who take me (or anyone else for that matter) too seriously.

25 Sep 06 - 04:42 AM (#1842667)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

Hey Bert, just so long as your credit holds good at the Tavern (which is due for reopening after the Bank Holiday fracas....), we'll take you any way you want!


25 Sep 06 - 09:01 AM (#1842804)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe

Lazy buggers who park in fire lanes and in handicapped zones.

25 Sep 06 - 05:38 PM (#1843192)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Tootler

Went to fill the car up today. After filling the tank and paying, I popped into the shopping centre next door for a few items. When I came out the price of petrol had dropped by 2p a litre.

26 Sep 06 - 01:47 AM (#1843435)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bert

Hey Squeaks, YOU can take me any TIME you want?

26 Sep 06 - 09:57 PM (#1844169)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bill D

I can't buy aerosol shaving creme without fragrance any more! I used to get "Barbasol" unscented, but now EVERYTHING has something added. My wife is very sensitive to chemical fragrances, so I have extra trouble being sure I rinse it TOTALLY off.....

And the same with dishwashing liquids....we used to get Dermassage...very gentle. Now almost everything is **extra** or **concentrated**, with fragrances and other intense stuff....and Dermassage disappeared. I wrote them....they sent me a list of who carries it now..(4 little local stores!), but they said it had been "reformulated"...meaning 'stuff' added. It is hopeless.

26 Sep 06 - 11:05 PM (#1844182)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

The dealership called and said your car is ready. I go and instead of 340 dollars they want $500.

I had to argue for 20 minutes for them to take the added electrical diagnostic charge off the bill.

I only asked them to put my water pump back on and tell me how much for a new battery.

When I start saying "when you talked to me on the phone..."

With their eyes rolling they pulled the "GET your story straight mister you didn't talk to ...ect."

After a few quotes I stole from Dick Cheney the manager got involved and eventually took off the extra charge.

Why they want to waste our time and practically insist we lose our composure when we are flagrantly ripped off is because...

most people go ahead and pay.

27 Sep 06 - 01:44 PM (#1844228)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe


27 Sep 06 - 02:04 PM (#1844256)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Kaleea

Computer "technicians" who say things like your hard drive has !~!@#$^%$#@!@#$%%^$##~!@#$%^&**(_)(*&^%$#@! and I can clean it up and @)(*&^%$#@! and +_()*&&^%$!$@#%*(&)_<>. . .
later . . . well, whoever built it _+)_(*&^%#$$%^&*'d the #$%&^(*)_&^$#^ and used some kind of codes, and without those codes, I can't #E$*()^&%$ the +_)(*&^%$#@$$%^&*()_><.

    now I'm left with a totally dead hard drive. where's my phaser?

27 Sep 06 - 02:15 PM (#1844275)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Becca72

I recently had trouble with the directionals in my car. I took it to my dad who said he thought it was the flasher. So on the way home I stopped at VIP Auto to see if they could replace the flasher (I only let them do the simplist of things to my car) and was told that it would be $68 up front because they had to hook it up to the diagnostic computer before they'd touch it, then the cost to repair whatever was wrong with it would be over and above that initial charge. When I asked if they could just replace the flasher and see if that fixed the problem I was told, "Oh, NOOO ma' could be a MAJOR ELECTRICAL PROBLEM" even though everything else was working fine. I opted to wait to see my own mechanic and lo and behold, it was the flasher and it cost me $63.81 to replace it.
And every time I've ever gone to Jiffy Lube for an oil change (they were the only option where I lived in VT) they told me my serpentine belt needed to be replaced. I once brought in my new car with 4400 miles on it and was told the belt needed to be replaced, so I know they didn't even look at the odometer...when I mentioned the mileage of the car the kid's face went sort of pale..seems I'd caught him in a little lie.
So my gripe today is being treated "like a girl" by mechanics. I may not be an expert, but I'm no fool, either.

27 Sep 06 - 02:50 PM (#1844317)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah yes... had that problem. My fan belt broke and I had trouble renewing it. When I did get it (it wasn't the same size as that quoted in the manual), I bought a spare. The next time the fan belt broke, I asked the Automobile Association to come and repair it (we were out on the road) and they insisted on bringing the quoted fan belt with them. I told them it wouldn't fit but still they tried.... After about 20 minutes I suggested they try my spare, which fitted perfectly. Not only did they try to charge me for their fanbelt (which I'd told them wouldn't fit) but they tried to charge me for the one I supplied!!


27 Sep 06 - 03:04 PM (#1844331)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bert

Jeans! who designed the bloody things. The pockets are too small to put your hand in and are in an awkward place.

Then, when you sit down, all your small change falls out into the sofa.

27 Sep 06 - 03:18 PM (#1844346)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: GUEST,ibo


27 Sep 06 - 03:19 PM (#1844348)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: nutty

German lorry drivers who almost run you off the road because they forget that the fast lane is on the right and that in this country you are not allowed to "undertake".

27 Sep 06 - 04:54 PM (#1844449)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Jim Dixon

Quick cathartic relief? Fat chance.

I've found that griping about things does NOT, per se, make me feel better.

What DOES make me feel better is hearing someone else say, "Yeah, you're right. Those guys ARE jerks" -- when I thought I might be the only one who saw it that way.

Fat chance of that happening here--without some anonymous GUEST piping in, "No, YOU'RE the jerk."

The jerks.

27 Sep 06 - 05:46 PM (#1844493)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe


27 Sep 06 - 06:46 PM (#1844550)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Tootler

Guest, Ibo. Get yourself a smallish rucsac. They are becoming increasingly common here. I use one myself.

27 Sep 06 - 06:53 PM (#1844557)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Tootler

Not providing adequate car parking - or charging a fortune for it when they do provide it.

Here in the UK there is a "four legs good, two legs bad" attitude to the car, yet They will not ensure adequate public transport. Public transport is generally unreliable and always b****y expensive. (or should I say always to both the last two items?)

27 Sep 06 - 07:43 PM (#1844605)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe


28 Sep 06 - 01:56 AM (#1844736)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Liz the Squeak

If there's a lunchpack on both sides... yes... not at all flattering. But a nice fat wallet in the right pocket can do wonders for a man's pulling powers!

Unless you are like Gavin... a guy who would only be hot if he got cremated. The biggest lunchbox in the world wouldn't compensate for his blatant charisn'tma and charmless interior.


28 Sep 06 - 07:11 AM (#1844855)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bunnahabhain

Insominia! grrrrrrrr. I like sleeping. It shouldn't be hard....

Or, if you don't want a rucksack, get a photographers shoulder bag. Mine regularly has a camera and bits in, and then the diary, phone, keys etc.... it becomes a combination camera bag and hand bag.

IBO, would you mind leaving off some of the capitals, there's a good chap.

28 Sep 06 - 07:15 AM (#1844860)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe


28 Sep 06 - 10:12 AM (#1845010)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Bunnahabhain

Thanks for clearing that up. You seem to be making sense, unlike most of the people who post entirely in capitals. On the other hand, I, being in Edinburgh, post almost entirely in a capital. Suppose I rarely make sense though.....

28 Sep 06 - 05:09 PM (#1845374)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: GUEST,Ibo

Hurrah,i have repaired my caps lock,small letters for you all from now on.

28 Sep 06 - 07:32 PM (#1845531)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: nutty

You could have just used the shift key Ibo

28 Sep 06 - 07:37 PM (#1845537)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe


03 Oct 06 - 08:25 AM (#1849143)
Subject: RE: BS: The daily gripe
From: Donuel

My gripe is that the two most beautiful emotionally touching commercials on TV are for GE (two babies touching hands in a grocery market aisle) and Dow Chemical (the human element Hu with beautiful folk music soundtrack and panoramas)

GE makes nuclear weapons and Dow...don't get me started.