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Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

19 Sep 06 - 09:10 PM (#1838742)
Subject: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

Why do I keep getting this message?

19 Sep 06 - 09:19 PM (#1838745)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Midchuck

One guesses that Max is working on the system, and has to turn it, or portions of it, on and off as he works.

There's been very little down time in the last few months. You're spoiled, Sins. We all are.


19 Sep 06 - 09:21 PM (#1838746)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

It's been getting worse all day. My guess is the server is running out of memory or some resource and that with a reboot it will run happily for another few weeks.

19 Sep 06 - 09:30 PM (#1838751)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: bobad

So would it kill someone to let us know what's up already?

19 Sep 06 - 09:33 PM (#1838752)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

One guesses that Max is working on the system, and has to turn it, or portions of it, on and off as he works.

Given that it is currently available one second and not the next, it's hard to imagine anyone would have time to make a change (and perhaps observe the effect) in between placing the system on and off.

Also, as I noted before, the pattern seems consistant with a condition deteriorating.

19 Sep 06 - 10:20 PM (#1838774)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: wysiwyg

As I described in the Help forum, this condition resolves (today) most times, with just a simple refresh (or two or three). I hope they will tell us why this is happening, but it isn't really as "down" when you get that as you might think it is.


19 Sep 06 - 10:45 PM (#1838782)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Amos

It's a timing issue, but as Suzie Q says above, hit the Refresh button until it catches the wave.


19 Sep 06 - 10:57 PM (#1838783)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: George Seto -

if there were someone there actually taking it down they probably would. PLEASE be patient. It only take a second to press the [Refresh] button once or twice. Thanks for being patient with the hiccups that occur from time to time.

19 Sep 06 - 11:02 PM (#1838786)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

Well the temporary overloading of this is what I would go for:

"10.5.4 503 Service Unavailable

The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The implication is that this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay. If known, the length of the delay MAY be indicated in a Retry-After header. If no Retry-After is given, the client SHOULD handle the response as it would for a 500 response.

      Note: The existence of the 503 status code does not imply that a
      server must use it when becoming overloaded. Some servers may wish
      to simply refuse the connection."

I just think it is getting overloaded more frequently for some reason which I guess is a resource becoming shorter in supply, eg. a memory leak in the system is starting to affect things.

19 Sep 06 - 11:06 PM (#1838789)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: wysiwyg

There are now four threads on this, three of them in the Help forum (where it should be).


19 Sep 06 - 11:10 PM (#1838790)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: JennyO

This happened a few weeks ago (17th August, according to a thread on the Help Forum). It was only like that for a day or two last time, and It is noticeably deteriorating now like last time.

My guess is the server is running out of memory or some resource and that with a reboot it will run happily for another few weeks.

I'd say Jon is spot on with that guess. It would be my guess too.

As some have said, we really are spoilt these days - this is nothing compared to the trouble we used to have!

Jenny (off to potter in the garden)

20 Sep 06 - 12:43 AM (#1838822)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Stilly River Sage

Reminds me, I haven't sent any money to Mudcat for a while. . .


20 Sep 06 - 03:56 AM (#1838887)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Paul Burke

The answer is in the thread "I don't look good naked anymore". Joe has been deleting spam attacks. Simple as that.

20 Sep 06 - 05:21 AM (#1838934)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

Mudcat gets spammed daily. I doubt if we will see the 503 for another month.

20 Sep 06 - 05:32 AM (#1838939)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Joe Offer

You and I don't look good naked anymore, Paul - but I doubt that's the reason for the 503 messages.
All I found was one Spam message. Most likely, the 503 messages were caused by a glitch....or a gremlin. Those are technical terms - they mean more-or-less the same thing. Aren't you glad you asked?

20 Sep 06 - 06:45 AM (#1839005)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: kendall

I'm much more concerned about Dick Cheney coming here at our expense in Airforce one for no other reason than to raise money for the republicans.
I'd hate to have his nerve in a tooth.

20 Sep 06 - 05:24 PM (#1839496)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

Thanks all. I had just installed a Norton Anti-Virus Update and was afraid it was causing problems. It has done some interesting things to my system.

Susan - another of your "rules"? There is a title option in the creating a new thread which is TECH. I used it. If it's a problem for you, don't open the thread.

20 Sep 06 - 05:25 PM (#1839499)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Clinton Hammond

Norton is a virus all on it's own, but it's not causing the flood of 503 erros at mudcat.....

20 Sep 06 - 05:33 PM (#1839505)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: wysiwyg

Screw you, Sinsull.


20 Sep 06 - 05:40 PM (#1839511)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

Actually, one of the messages said that the server was down for updates. Once Norton was updated, I kept getting a simple error message. Now if I can only figure out why Norton keeps logging me out of every website I visit. Sigh.

20 Sep 06 - 05:42 PM (#1839513)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Clinton Hammond

Cause Norton is a total piece of garbage....

20 Sep 06 - 05:46 PM (#1839515)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Joe Offer

Yeah, I didn't know about that rule either. Can't say I really know how to define what the difference between help and the regular forum, except that in general, music and BS should NOT be posted on the Help Forum unless the main forum is down. I guess I'd say if SINSULL wanted to report the 503 message, she should report in in the Help Forum. If she wants to express frustration with the 503 message, sh can do it where she wants.

Oh, and in general, the Help Forum is for handling problems, not for goofing around. We don't mind a little humor there, and it's open for conversation when the main Forum is down; but certain people get out of hand there. The Help Forum is supposed to be a place where people can post their tech problems when they need help from a moderator. We moderators monitor the Help Forum so we can deal with those problems.

It's a burden on us if we have to sort through a bunch of dumb one-liners to find the people who really need help.


20 Sep 06 - 05:49 PM (#1839517)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

Screw you, Joe Offer.
heh heh

20 Sep 06 - 05:53 PM (#1839521)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Jeri

Maybe Norton thinks the cookies are tracking cookies. There must be some setting you can change. Personally, I found the best way to fix problems with Norton was to un-install it and get a quality antivirus that doesn't include the automatic fart extractor. I actually agree with Clinton. Norton sucks,

20 Sep 06 - 06:38 PM (#1839548)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: JohnInKansas

Sinsull and Clinton -

It is unlikely that Norton is "logging me out of every website I visit." Unless you have one of the "advanced" Norton options, Norton doesn't care about cookies unless they contain viral stuff.

Updates to Windows, in both Win2K and WinXP have changed the definitions of the security levels in your browser. The same changes may apply to other (obsolete) Windows versions if you've updated IE itself. The "Internet" security level commonly used in IE is now much more restrictive of what default actions are permitted.

If you have NOT RTFM, it may have escaped your notice that web sites without a "security certificate" may be allowed to place a temporary cookie on your machine that will be deleted when the visit is ended. You must generally enter the name of any "uncertificated" site into your browser settings to allow a "permanent" cookie. (Mudcat has no certificate, unless it's changed recently.)

In IE, click "Tools | Internet Options," click the "Privacy" tab and then the button labelled "Sites." Type "" (no quotes), or the addy of whatever site you want to allow permanent cookies for, in the "Address" block, and then click "Allow."

Other browsers should have similar settings.


20 Sep 06 - 06:53 PM (#1839560)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

Thanks, John. I will do it before I shut down tonight and see if things improve.

20 Sep 06 - 06:57 PM (#1839566)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: catspaw49

Screw you John,

I don't really give two shits but I kinda' like to keep that crap going...............


20 Sep 06 - 07:01 PM (#1839568)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Jeri

Screw you, Spaw, you bitch.

20 Sep 06 - 07:04 PM (#1839569)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: The Fooles Troupe

That's what I like, a nice friendly...

20 Sep 06 - 07:06 PM (#1839571)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: catspaw49

Screw you Fool, you broke-dick mamalucca......


20 Sep 06 - 07:10 PM (#1839573)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: The Fooles Troupe

I wave my leg in the air at you...


20 Sep 06 - 07:12 PM (#1839574)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Seamus Kennedy

Screw all of you!
Get a life!
When the 'Cat is down, do something productive;
go for a walk, learn a song, cop a few guitar licks off
records, bake a cake, drink a bottle of whiskey, neuter a
badger, spay a weasel...anything!

Me, I had weasel ovaries and badger balls on toast for dinner.


20 Sep 06 - 07:14 PM (#1839575)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: catspaw49

Well geeziz......That's just disgusting! I don't want to play anymore....You've ruined the game..................fockindick.....................


20 Sep 06 - 07:14 PM (#1839576)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: JohnInKansas

I certainly must thank Spaw for his most kind offer. It's one of the better (in fact one of very few) such I've received recently.

Having seen his picture numerous times, and after reviewing various memorabilia relating to his habits and proclivities, it is apparent that every available orifice which he might offer is far too riddled with crud, crap, and other unfavorable crudescences to elicit a favorable response to the offer at this time.

I will, however, promise to "blow him one" at the next opportunity.

Of course, had the meddling old fool not responded so promptly, I might have been the recipient of the much more interesting offer from Jeri.

Damned meddlin' ol' bugger.


20 Sep 06 - 07:17 PM (#1839577)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Cleigh O'Possum

Then Blow Me. You can you know!


20 Sep 06 - 07:17 PM (#1839578)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: wysiwyg

Spaw has no stomach. Screw Seamus---??? hm, don't tell Hardi....


20 Sep 06 - 07:45 PM (#1839596)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Jeri

John, I'm flattered! Screw you! And the horse you rode in on! No, wait... I think I'm channelling Catherine the Great. Forget the horse.

I figure that after the civilization-destroying fiery cataclysm, I'll be sitting around reminiscing about the 'good old days' with the cockroaches, and John in K will be getting the LAN up and teaching the roaches how to defrag.

I had a root canal today. It was a nice diversion from some of the threads around here.

Seriously, though, I hope never to have Norton on another computer. I think it's probably best for people on LANs or those who have an IT office they can call to debugger it or call Norton when the year subscription expires after two months and ALL you probably have to do is uninstall it then reinstall it and input the secret code found in the box in the middle of the maze in that 'Demon Spawn: Norton, the Game' game you have to buy for only $375.00 more.

Seamus, oh fer...

20 Sep 06 - 07:46 PM (#1839598)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

I think I'm going to throw up

20 Sep 06 - 07:50 PM (#1839602)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Jeri

Oh, and I got a load of 503's yesterday, but not one today. I wonder if it's a memory thing or a pipeline thing or what.

20 Sep 06 - 07:54 PM (#1839607)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

Waal, I gotcher pipeline rite heer Miz Jeri but iffen yer talkin bout roots, I got me a reel goodun.....Y'all wanna' see?


20 Sep 06 - 07:58 PM (#1839612)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Seamus Kennedy

I was going to have weasel ovaries and badger balls on toast again tonight, but there wasn't a piece of bread in the house.


20 Sep 06 - 07:59 PM (#1839613)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: wysiwyg

You have them on BREAD?


20 Sep 06 - 08:49 PM (#1839646)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

Something may have been lost between all this screwing and mention of Norton.

503 has nothing to do with Norton, or anything you have on your computer.

To get the 503, you computer has connected to the Mudcat server and the Mudcat server has responded telling you it can not perform your request and made an (OK somewhat cryptic and perhaps misleading - but hey, it's a computer..) attempt at letting you know why it can't.

20 Sep 06 - 08:57 PM (#1839652)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: catspaw49


Screw you Jon. Or piss on ya'.

Really Jon that's pretty okay. See, it's better to be pissed off than pissed on BUT it's also better to be pissed on than pissed through 'cause that would make you a prick.

The Little Pissant

20 Sep 06 - 09:02 PM (#1839654)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: JohnInKansas

Most of the recent messages I've gotten have said "the server has been placed offline by the operator." The offline incidents have been very brief, and would be consistent with what I'd expect if "the operator" just needed to copy a new (edited?) file to the server drive(s) or extract one to work on offline.

I just assumed somebody was doing maintenance and/or working at fixing some of the remaining bugs from the last big 'n.

In a couple of incidents when I did NOT get an error message, the front page failed to load all the little bits and pieces, but after the next interruption everything was back to normal.

Of course, the "incidents" always seem to happen when I hit "Submit;" and of course "Back" doesn't work when the server is shut down; but I try to avoid taking it personally....


20 Sep 06 - 09:09 PM (#1839660)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

But spaw, we don't do pissed the same way as you. We can both just be pissed but I could be merry at the same time.

So (pissed) up yours ;-)

20 Sep 06 - 09:13 PM (#1839662)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Pretty Kewl to watch as the Bagle morphs into Beagle and all those mailings like find active servers to spill into.


Innoculate, Isolate, Elliminate the Ingnorant

20 Sep 06 - 09:14 PM (#1839663)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Mr Happy


20 Sep 06 - 09:23 PM (#1839669)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

Most of the recent messages I've gotten have said "the server has been placed offline by the operator." The offline incidents have been very brief, and would be consistent with what I'd expect if "the operator" just needed to copy a new (edited?) file to the server drive(s) or extract one to work on offline.

Totaly incosnistant IMO. John. Unless you know a human capable of analysing what needs to be done, making the decision, and performing those action within intervals of less than a second and maintaining that process for several hours (having started from a point where I first saw it this time round 10am that day when it was running at about 1 per 30 minutes and built up in pace from there over the day).

20 Sep 06 - 09:26 PM (#1839671)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

(maintaining that process every second or so)

20 Sep 06 - 09:52 PM (#1839678)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

WOW! Has someone in my thread been given The Golden Shower Award? Long time no see.

20 Sep 06 - 09:57 PM (#1839680)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

So that was what the link was Sinsull? One good reason for not posting as a member I guess - it only works for poeple logged on...

23 Sep 06 - 10:09 AM (#1841484)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Clinton Hammond

503 error continues

23 Sep 06 - 10:13 AM (#1841485)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

Doesn't seem to fit into my previous thoughts this time round with it coming back so quickly and as far as I've been aware being so bad so soon - I've seen the other rounds start with maybe me hitting one every 1/2 hr to start with. Oh well...

23 Sep 06 - 10:35 AM (#1841487)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: wysiwyg

Look, the point of putting info about this in the HELP FORUM is that Help is ALWAYS likelier to be up, when there's a problem, than a forum thread. Get it?


23 Sep 06 - 11:00 AM (#1841497)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Jeri

No, it's not more likely to be up. They're on the same server. Is this really worth the bad blood to chastise someone for something you don't think they should do? The post crossovers don't matter. The petty bickering over control issues does. IMO.

I'm getting more 503's than I ever have, and if I try to open the thread in Help, it's going to take another 15 minutes, and it's not worth it. I'm here now.

23 Sep 06 - 11:37 AM (#1841506)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: catspaw49

Bite me Jeri

........Had to be said...........


23 Sep 06 - 11:49 AM (#1841508)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: wysiwyg

They're on the same server.

Right, the FAQ is a pack of lies.

But don't bite me, Jer. :~)


23 Sep 06 - 11:58 AM (#1841511)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

FAQ is wrong at the moment Susan. www and help are running on the same server.

In terms of other things, as far as I know they use different databases (one on MS SQL server and help using access) but that's about it so there could be a circumastance where MC database is down and help would work but I think that's about it.

23 Sep 06 - 12:07 PM (#1841512)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: JennyO

Yes, this 503 error is happening on the Help forum too, so in this particular case, it makes just as much sense to post here as on the Help Forum. As Jon said, they are both on the same server - didn't use to be, but they are now.

And yeah, Jon, so much for the theories eh? I thought you had it sussed. Oh well, back to the drawing board...

23 Sep 06 - 01:17 PM (#1841521)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Cruiser

I am wearing my Browser Refresh Button out, but that will at least let you post and read for awhile (as mentioned above)

23 Sep 06 - 01:58 PM (#1841527)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

Nice to see everyone getting along.

23 Sep 06 - 01:59 PM (#1841528)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

Interesting to note: When I tried to post the above three times the cursor was in the upper-right quadrent of the submit box. I moved the cursor to the far-left part of the submit box and it posted.

23 Sep 06 - 02:48 PM (#1841533)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

I got a ID 10 T error message :|

23 Sep 06 - 02:49 PM (#1841534)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable


23 Sep 06 - 03:37 PM (#1841550)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

It does indeed.

23 Sep 06 - 03:40 PM (#1841552)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Sorcha

The only thing we know is that we will know nothing.

23 Sep 06 - 05:24 PM (#1841629)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: bobad

And all is now well again in Mudcat Land.

23 Sep 06 - 10:05 PM (#1841770)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

For reasons unknown, Error Messages have stopped. Following the advice given here, I have resolved my disappearing cookies issue. Thank you.

24 Sep 06 - 05:29 AM (#1841880)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Liz the Squeak

You realise that if this had been your WORK service, you would all have just downed tools and buggered off to do something else instead.

If the Cat goes down, there are plenty of other things to play with... like finding out why my screen fades to creamy yellow every now and then... or playing with my real cat..... or just letting Max get on with his life for a change.


24 Sep 06 - 06:02 AM (#1841894)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

What are you on about Liz?

If YOU want to start that sort of thing...

I haven't seen much in the way of complaint about it being down and I see no reason to belive this thread has in any way prevented Max from getting on with his life. He hasn't even posted to it.

I do of course realise that had been my own web sites, I would dropped what ever I might have been doing to keep people informed and get the matter resolved as quickly as I can. It's the way I work.

24 Sep 06 - 06:41 PM (#1842382)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Fred Fnord

Ugh... mudcat is running on MS SQL and ... ACCESS?

Now I feel all dirty.


25 Sep 06 - 04:36 AM (#1842661)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Liz the Squeak

Put it down to PMT, toothache and generally PO'd with people wingeing about not being able to get on here... Some folks early in the thread made noises like Error 503 was a personal vendetta.

I'm not mad, I've just been in a very bad mood for 30 years.


25 Sep 06 - 09:54 PM (#1843330)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

Screw you Liz!
Hope the tooth gets better.

26 Sep 06 - 06:06 AM (#1843515)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,jOhn

Waht all this is about?

26 Sep 06 - 06:11 AM (#1843518)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

Mudcat's had an intermittant problem lasting several hours a couple of times lately (in an otherwise excellent run) and been producing this error message. It seems to be clear now.

26 Sep 06 - 04:19 PM (#1844012)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Clinton Hammond

It's back again....

Or still

26 Sep 06 - 05:37 PM (#1844048)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: wysiwyg

Screw you, 503. I'm gonna send in 99 to kick your ass!


26 Sep 06 - 05:47 PM (#1844059)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Bill D

I tried to read this thread, but it is temporarily unavailable, so I am typing this in an obscure blog based in Liechtenstein...they promised to send it over when it's safe.

26 Sep 06 - 08:12 PM (#1844128)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: RTim

What is up with this 503 error - it is becoming a problem.
There MUST be something wrong, you should not keep getting this error - I've been out of computing for ten years, but I know when there is something wrong. Who maintains this system?

Tim Radford

26 Sep 06 - 09:11 PM (#1844157)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Herga Kitty

It's doing it again...


27 Sep 06 - 01:10 PM (#1844195)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Clinton Hammond

And again....

and again......


27 Sep 06 - 01:26 PM (#1844207)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Greg B

I agree...some explanation and organizational damage-control
is in order. Max? Max?

Can we be of help? I'm a bit of a Cold Fusion maven.

27 Sep 06 - 01:52 PM (#1844240)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: JohnInKansas

Aha! Something new has happened.

After getting the "503" for about 4 hours, I finally came back and found that - for the first time in years - I HAD NO COOKIE!

Max must have needed some of that cookie dust to loosen up the mainshaft bearing or to polish some gears, or some such.

(Or maybe he needed a cookie to bribe the kid(s) to quit playing webmeister?)

Fortunately, I found my password and managed to get logged back in.


27 Sep 06 - 02:13 PM (#1844270)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Bill D

well, thanks to the guys in Liechtenstein for sending my post over! (I heard they had to route it thru Tasmania, but since Tasmania has no '503', but runs on '313', it worked out ok!)

Glad I can now post right from here....*grin*

27 Sep 06 - 02:15 PM (#1844273)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Scrump

I was getting this all day at work (so that's why he's been so quiet, you're thinking). It seems OK now I'm at home. We found today we had problems with our email which seems to have got blacklisted by spamcop or some such (wrongly, I should add - we don't send spam of any kind!). Could this have somehow been the cause of the 503 message, does anyone know?

(I might not see the response until this time tomorrow if it is the problem!)

27 Sep 06 - 02:17 PM (#1844277)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Clinton Hammond

"Could this have somehow been the cause of the 503 message"
No.... the problem is not on your end... the problem is on Mudcats end.....

27 Sep 06 - 03:18 PM (#1844344)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,dax

Max had to tighten a few screws on the receipricator to keep the hard drive from degenerating into a floppy. This caused a back up overflow in the dummy ram and the spillover contaminated the boot drivers.

27 Sep 06 - 03:21 PM (#1844350)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: MMario

you think? I thought possibly a leak in the IP refirigerant

27 Sep 06 - 03:35 PM (#1844360)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Bill D

" keep the hard drive from degenerating into a floppy."

probably had to reboot Viagra 2.04....I hear that on a Mac, a similar program is built in.

27 Sep 06 - 05:37 PM (#1844486)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: JohnInKansas

I'd suspect it was more like the bit-bucket, where all the lost bits go, just got full. Everyone knows you have to shut everything down in order to empty an overstuffed bit-bucket 'cause otherwise you'd get s... (bits) all over the floor.


27 Sep 06 - 06:07 PM (#1844511)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Mudcat Mushrooms (kept in the dark and....)

Why can't Joe or a clone ask Max what is going on then tell us so all the speculation would end and we all might possibly learn something?

Definitely not complaining, just a simple inquiry.

27 Sep 06 - 06:16 PM (#1844520)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Jeri

Max has never been that good at telling people what's going on, and he probably knows we're all wondering what's up. I don't have any means to contact him that you don't GUEST. I'd LIKE to believe they're planning something big for Mudcat's 10th, but I'm not holding my breath.

27 Sep 06 - 06:34 PM (#1844538)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: katlaughing

Me, too, Jeri.

27 Sep 06 - 07:23 PM (#1844587)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: MaineDog

I saw it too. The page was signed by Max. Let him do his thing.

27 Sep 06 - 07:35 PM (#1844602)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

Sorry MD,

The page was not signed by max aS personal message about this problem, That is a defualt address shown where a default error merror page is produced. Like filling in a little box when you set up the server, duh - who am - email addreses - hey - when the server is set up...

There may be good reasons for all sorts, but at least try the planet of reality on these things MD. There was no personal input.

27 Sep 06 - 09:26 PM (#1844682)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Max

Several reasons for this lately.

1. I've been doing some work on our data. Backup routines, analysis, indexing, etc. We have A LOT of data, so it's tricky to not overload the server. I used to do it at 3am to not effect things, but I can't stay up that late anymore.

2. Spam is increasing. We get hammered every day with thousands upon thousands of attacks from people and worms and spiders trying to use our site for nothing we want. We usually have more manpower to deal with it, but:

3. We're down a very key member of our staff due to an ongoing family emergency. Our planned upgrade for the 10th anniversary includes a great deal of behind the scenes defense systems, but is delayed due to this issue that I will talk more about pretty soon.

4. General traffic increases. We're getting more hits.

5. I've been out of town for some time.

Everyone relax, take a deep breath. My phone number is on the contact page, you can call me anytime and I'll personally explain you everything and tell you a story and sing you a song. Call me.

27 Sep 06 - 11:52 PM (#1844719)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Cruiser

Thank you Max.

28 Sep 06 - 12:26 AM (#1844726)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Max! Aren't you about due for another baby?

28 Sep 06 - 04:05 AM (#1844785)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: John MacKenzie

It happened to me at least 100 times ☺

28 Sep 06 - 05:29 AM (#1844816)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Geoff the Duck

Thanks for the explanation Max.
Did the Ice Cream with a Flake in it arrive from WYSYWYG without melting, then?

28 Sep 06 - 06:07 AM (#1844827)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

As a point of interest which I suppose could be of use to someone here. While I don't have vast amounts of data, I do have the backing up, etc. needs.

My situation is that I have 2 machines, one I run purely as a web server which is permanatly on. The other is my general purpose machine, which I use for development, browsing the internet or anything else. This machine may be on or off but I want to get a regular backup of my databases there where I can do whatever I may want with it at my leisure. What I do is schedule regular cron (read task manager for win) jobs to run this script on the server:

when=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S`
mysqldump $1 -h$2 -u$3 -p$4 | bzip2 -c >$filename
mail -s$1" backup" -a $filename jon < /dev/null
rm $filename

This script takes the details of the database I wish to back up, performs the backup, which it then "zips" to a file named with the database and the date/time of the backup. It then emails me the backup. When I start my general purpose machine up in the morning and check my email, I recieve the back ups that were taken in the early hours of the morning as email attachments.

28 Sep 06 - 09:55 AM (#1844995)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: katlaughing

Giok, you had 100 babies?**bg**

28 Sep 06 - 10:26 AM (#1845018)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: John MacKenzie

Yup 1 for each of my babies, and one more for the road!
[kat, does that mean you actually read this stuff? ☺]=

28 Sep 06 - 11:01 AM (#1845045)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Greg B


I've found it useful with MySQL machines, to have a second,
smaller, MySQL box which mirrors the data on the first

We do data analysis, backups, etc. on that machine and
that way anything I do (like an outrageous query) affects
only the backup machine.

Another fun scenario is for all writes to take place on the
primary machine, but move reads and browsing to the #2

Finally...I think this thing is on the old CF Forums, which
is pretty weak in terms of performance and reliability. We've
been pretty impressed with VBulletin.

28 Sep 06 - 11:37 AM (#1845077)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Clinton Hammond

More traffic? HA

28 Sep 06 - 12:30 PM (#1845145)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable

It's lambing season in Scotland, kat. Giok's had a long cold winter.

Thanks, Max. My original question was out of frustration with my computer not Mudcat. Norton's update has created a few problems and now they have the nerve to send Pop-ups telling me I'm not covered. ARGGGHHHH! This after they send me a receipt.

By the way, when is Lightnin' due?


28 Sep 06 - 12:41 PM (#1845157)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Clinton Hammond

I can't believe anyone still uses Norton......

28 Sep 06 - 12:50 PM (#1845161)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Jeri

I uninstalled Norton with extreme prejudice, and I'm running Avast!. It's free, it works, and it's small and sleek, and not cumbersome and primarily intended to make money for its owners because of users' dependency. Plus, it's got a pirate word for a name, which is, like, so cooool! Just my opinion.

28 Sep 06 - 07:30 PM (#1845529)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: GUEST,Jon

Greg B. I think Mudcat uses SQLServer, not MySQL (although I presume replication is possible) and while I believe it was based on an old CF demo program, it has had a lot of modification.

28 Sep 06 - 07:51 PM (#1845548)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Max

I'll be posting an update soon... about the family and the cat.

28 Sep 06 - 07:52 PM (#1845550)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Bill D

Like Jeri says, Avast is a good anti-virus...I happen to use AVG, because I'm used to it, and it works too.

Norton was fine when it was *Norton*, but who knows who runs it now? They are acting more like Adobe and Real everyday.

30 Sep 06 - 01:07 AM (#1846581)
Subject: RE: Tech: Error 503 Service Unavailable
From: Stilly River Sage

I switched for a while to the Earthlink free security program (there is a fee if you don't have Earthlink as your internet provider). It kept crashing the computer--the blue screen of death is not my favorite thing to encounter when I push the "enter" button to do something innocuous. Since switching back, reluctantly, to Symantec, it has blocked more things I want to do but the computer hasn't crashed. It is a trade-off.