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BS: I'm not here any more.

28 Sep 06 - 10:07 AM (#1845007)
Subject: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,The guy who used to be here on a daily basis

I have left. I have walked out. I'm not visiting this forum any longer. I'm finished with it. Through. Done. I have left the building. I'm gone. You won't see me here again. Never. I'm outta here. Matter of fact, you didn't even see this post, that's how gone I am. Live with it, you creeps. You're going to have to do without me in future. I can certainly do without you. I don't even remember being here, that's how gone I am.

I'm not here any more.

28 Sep 06 - 10:14 AM (#1845011)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Bunnahabhain

We're never all here, not round here we're not....

Well, we're certainly not all there, and every 'there' must be a 'here' for somewhere.

28 Sep 06 - 10:15 AM (#1845012)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: MMario

Why does this remind me of Dolly Levi and Horace Vendegeldar?

28 Sep 06 - 10:16 AM (#1845014)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

It reminds me of Babyface Nelson.

28 Sep 06 - 10:27 AM (#1845019)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Paul Burke

I'm not all there either, so some folks say.

28 Sep 06 - 10:28 AM (#1845022)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: gnu

Darn. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

28 Sep 06 - 10:29 AM (#1845023)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John MacKenzie

It reminds me of the Monty Python Dead Parrot sketch!
Also Guest I think you should not post on this thread.

28 Sep 06 - 10:31 AM (#1845025)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: dwditty

I think it really depends on your definition of "here."

28 Sep 06 - 11:06 AM (#1845051)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: number 6

"Dolly Levi and Horace Vendegeldar"

Who the hell are these two ??


28 Sep 06 - 11:07 AM (#1845053)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Bill D

"As I was walking on the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today..
I wish to Hell he'd go away."

28 Sep 06 - 11:19 AM (#1845059)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Big Mick

Don't worry folks, this is a wannabe. I remember a guy who did this 7 or 8 years ago. Made a big deal of it, started a thread, ...... and in terms of words published, is still here today. ****snerk**** Anyone who doesn't know who I am speaking of?


28 Sep 06 - 11:20 AM (#1845060)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: jacqui.c

6 - from the musical 'Hello Dolly'.

28 Sep 06 - 11:24 AM (#1845065)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Stilly River Sage

and the poem is Ogden Nash.

For an editor, "here" is simply "there" anyway (enlarged so you can read it clearly).

28 Sep 06 - 11:29 AM (#1845069)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

I don't, Mick. It must have been before I was here, I guess.

28 Sep 06 - 11:31 AM (#1845071)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.


28 Sep 06 - 11:32 AM (#1845074)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

"I don't even remember being here, that's how gone I am."

Fu#k, man. You are great. Please pass it over here, will ya?

28 Sep 06 - 11:40 AM (#1845084)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Wesley S

Now can the going away party start? I'll bring the ice.

28 Sep 06 - 11:41 AM (#1845088)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Clinton Hammond

"I have left. I have walked out. I'm not visiting this forum any longer."

Who gives a shit..... just go....

28 Sep 06 - 11:41 AM (#1845089)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Kaleea

huh? who? where?

Well, I have this to say about that, :

    " . . .! "

28 Sep 06 - 11:44 AM (#1845095)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Rapparee

Philosophically, you are always "here" because you cannot be elsewhere than "here." Ergo, you cannot be anywhere than "here."

28 Sep 06 - 11:45 AM (#1845096)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

Mick, you can be such a mean, petty, arrogant ass. Why don't you wise up? You are a HUGE part of the problem.

28 Sep 06 - 11:45 AM (#1845097)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: number 6

Thanks Jacqui ... very good ... now that I get it.


28 Sep 06 - 12:17 PM (#1845132)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: The Shambles

Don't worry folks, this is a wannabe. I remember a guy who did this 7 or 8 years ago. Made a big deal of it, started a thread, ...... and in terms of words published, is still here today. ****snerk**** Anyone who doesn't know who I am speaking of?


Subject: RE: A warm goodbye, from The Shambles.
From: Big Mick - PM
Date: 22 Jul 99 - 09:58 AM

There is a distinction that I would make. This is different from the fella (you all know who I mean, won't say the name) that insists on taking his nastiness to the personal level and inflicts it in all threads. His attacks are personal and he makes it impossible to avoid him. If that is what was happening then I would leave. But instead of making it a show, I would just send personal letters to those that I were close to, explaining my decision instead of making a public display. I would probably do an email to Dick, Susan and Max, as well.

Hate to see you leave, Sham. I would have expected you to stay and promote and defend your views.


No comment required.

28 Sep 06 - 12:24 PM (#1845136)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Amos

Dang, I never would have guessed this thread was about you, Shambo-me-boyo. Live and learn, huh?


28 Sep 06 - 12:56 PM (#1845170)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

Of course you're not Here. You're GUEST,The guy who used to be here on a daily basis. Here plays Third Base and a banjo.

28 Sep 06 - 01:06 PM (#1845182)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Clinton Hammond

"Mick, you can be such a mean, petty, arrogant ass. Why don't you wise up? You are a HUGE part of the problem."

Like Mick has a monopoly on that....

Guest posts are a much bigger problem.

28 Sep 06 - 01:14 PM (#1845187)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

Oh. You meant Shambles. Okay, then.

Did you say something, Clinton?

28 Sep 06 - 01:15 PM (#1845188)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Clinton Hammond

Not to you, skitestain....

28 Sep 06 - 01:18 PM (#1845192)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

Oh, goody.

28 Sep 06 - 01:42 PM (#1845214)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: M.Ted

I love it when people make a point of telling you they've had it. My favorite, is"You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

28 Sep 06 - 01:50 PM (#1845217)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,John Huggen (ship's surgeon)

"Philosophically, you are always "here" because you cannot be elsewhere than "here." Ergo, you cannot be anywhere than "here."

Here ! Here!

By Jove! That is bloody brilliant.

In fact let's all drink to that.

28 Sep 06 - 02:08 PM (#1845237)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: gnu

Seems like you can't have a party without party poopers. I'm with Wesley S. Let's get this party started anyway. Ignore the party poopers and they will not go away, it'll just be more fun.

So, as far as GUEST leaving before I had a chance to say goodbye, I think it's really neither here nor there. Kinda like trying to put Descartes before des whores.

28 Sep 06 - 02:21 PM (#1845249)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Jeri

Monty Python Galaxy Song

Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown
And things seem hard or tough
And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft
And you feel that you've had quite enough

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving and revolving at 900 miles an hour
That's orbiting at 90 miles a second, so it's reckoned, the sun that is the source of all our power
The Sun and you and me, and all the stars that we can see are moving at a million miles a day
In an outer spiral arm, at 40,000 miles an hour, of a galaxy we call the Milky Way

So the planet revolves at 900 miles per hour. the earth orbits the sun at 90 miles per second (5400 MPH), the galaxy is expanding its way through the universe at a million miles a day (694.444 MPH), and rotating at the same time, at 400,000 MPH. I figure we're moving at about 1,100,744 MPH while we're sitting still, and we aren't travelling in a circle, so I figure we're never going to be where we are now...or were now...or then. One wonders how far we really go when we walk to the store, or how far that poor little bug has to travel when he crawls up...(No, Jeri, just let it go...)

(... just hit the damned SUBMIT button, Jeri)

28 Sep 06 - 03:25 PM (#1845309)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

I think you all got sucked in to trollery drollery.

28 Sep 06 - 03:42 PM (#1845314)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Big Mick

Sure there is a comment required, Shambles. You have just demonstrated again why I believe you should be banned. You take one comment, made 7 years ago, quote it in a vacuum, as if nothing had happened in the intervening time. You completely ignore the incessant rambling and attention getting ignorant drivel that you have put out since that has caused most people to come to the conclusion that your posts have no redeeming value. If you want to hold me to my words, fair enough. But use them in context, and post all relevant observations made by me. And you left out the most important one. You have been asked to leave by the owner. Please comply.

HG, it should have been obvious by now that your comments are not taken seriously by anyone. You blew whatever credibility you had years ago. Everything was good until I had the nerve to disagree with you on an issue. You went so far off the deep end, that all could see what you were about. Now you post anon, but your posts are so easy to spot as to be ridiculous. You are one of about 3 (including himself) that defend Shambles inane ramblings. Your comments about me have no effect, but to show you for the bitter person you are. Physician heal thyself is good sauce here.

Damn, it felt good to get that off my chest. Sometimes you just get tired of taking shots from people that offer nothing to the mix.

Back to the mists,


28 Sep 06 - 04:05 PM (#1845324)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John MacKenzie

Slow day in Minneapolis MN eh Mick?

28 Sep 06 - 04:11 PM (#1845330)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Big Mick

No, Giok, my belief is that this one is in Florida.

28 Sep 06 - 04:33 PM (#1845341)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,The guy who used to be here on a daily basis

Oh, for Christ's sake, NO!!!!! No, no, a thousand times NO!!! I thought I had left this accursed forum for good, but I had to stop in one last time and see how certain people responded to my farewell thread. (They say curiosity killed the cat...don't they?) And what do I see? My thread has morphed into another stupid wrangle between Shambles and Big Mick, etc...the usual, in other words.

The horror. The horror.

Look, I did not mean for that to happen. Never in my wildest dreams. It was the last thing I wanted to see happen. Trust me on this! My farewell thread has been ruined and utterly compromised by getting drawn into Shamblegate. My dramatic au revoirs, my final exit, my homeric taking of leave...has been turned to shit before my very eyes!

This is tough for me to say, but...(choke)(groan)(gritting of teeth)...

I am willing to come back immediately if you just all stop the Shambles-related wrangles on this thread right now! It's a hell of a blow to my dignity, but I will, okay? I'll return. I'll darken your door again, even though I swore I never would. I'll kibitz here with the rest of you on a daily basis, even though I'll hate myself for doing it. Just STOP with the Shambles vs whoever stuff, please! I can't take anymore of that!!!

I hope you all appreciate what this offer to return has cost me in destroyed peace of mind and loss of dignity, I really do.

28 Sep 06 - 04:37 PM (#1845344)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: IvanB

Frankly, I think we're missing the point here. I see the initial post on this thread as a parody of all the various "I'm going, won't you be sorry" messages we've seen over the years.

28 Sep 06 - 04:43 PM (#1845351)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,John Huggen (ship's surgeon)

"I hope you all appreciate what this offer to return has cost me in destroyed peace of mind and loss of dignity, I really do."

I'll dshrink to that.

28 Sep 06 - 04:44 PM (#1845354)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: bobad

Welcome back.

28 Sep 06 - 04:47 PM (#1845357)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Big Mick

Fair enough, but only if you leave Shatner wherever you went, you old reprobate. LOL. Sorry about that. My bad, and message received. LMAO.


28 Sep 06 - 04:48 PM (#1845358)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John MacKenzie

Tongue firmly planted in cheek ☺

28 Sep 06 - 04:52 PM (#1845362)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,John Huggen (ship's surgeon)

Oh my Gawd Ha, Ha, Ha, hiccup

Bloody good shport.

Let's all have dshrink, come on now hold yer glaases up while I pour us all one.

Let me fill me glass sfirst.

28 Sep 06 - 04:53 PM (#1845364)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

Heh! Heh! I love it. This place is amazing sometimes...

28 Sep 06 - 04:55 PM (#1845365)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

It's always good to see a prodigal son return, isn't it? Cause for celebration. Drinks all around!

28 Sep 06 - 05:01 PM (#1845369)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Wesley S

Isn't there a blues song called "How can I miss you when you won't go away"?

28 Sep 06 - 05:13 PM (#1845381)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

Excellent title. That's just how I feel about Clinton, as a matter of fact. I long to get a chance to miss him properly. If I were rich enough, I'd offer him a whole lot of money to move to Afghanistan on a permanent basis, where he could go around trying to convert the Muslim heathens to atheism...

28 Sep 06 - 05:17 PM (#1845386)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,Groucho

Hello, I must be going,
I cannot stay, I came to say, I must be going.
I'm glad I came, but just the same I must be going.
La La.

(Mrs. Rittenhouse/Margaret Dumont)
For my sake you must stay.
If you should go away,
You'd spoil this party I am throwing.

I'll stay a week or two,
I'll stay the summer through,
But I am telling you,
I must be going.

sound bite at

--from the film "Animal Crackers" 1930

28 Sep 06 - 05:30 PM (#1845409)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

I haven't been here for ages - about 6/7 years to be precise - dagnammit - I've been sucked back in to the black hole of mudcatta

28 Sep 06 - 05:32 PM (#1845411)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

Do you know Suzie Creamcheese?

28 Sep 06 - 05:49 PM (#1845426)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John MacKenzie

Before my time Guest

28 Sep 06 - 06:02 PM (#1845438)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

I remember you, lox. You poor soul. This place is like a tarpit...easy to get into...almost impossible to leave.

28 Sep 06 - 06:04 PM (#1845439)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox


28 Sep 06 - 06:25 PM (#1845456)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Bill D

"First you say will, and then you won't,
And then you say you do, but then you don't,
You're undecided now, so whatta you gonna do?"

28 Sep 06 - 06:28 PM (#1845460)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Bill D

Ya' know, I think this must be one of the popular places on the WWW to try to leave, but hard to ACTUALLY leave...*grin*

Must be the scintillating conversation!

28 Sep 06 - 06:34 PM (#1845464)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, that's probably it, Bill! ;-) Either that or it's the irresistible compulsion that most of us suffer from to get in the last word...

28 Sep 06 - 06:34 PM (#1845465)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,Ibo

Well sod off then

28 Sep 06 - 06:35 PM (#1845466)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

No. You sod off.

(See? That's how it works...)

28 Sep 06 - 06:41 PM (#1845469)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Bill D

say...what IS sodding, anyway? I don't believe I know how to 'sod' or otherwise.

28 Sep 06 - 06:46 PM (#1845472)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

No (just to get the last word in) the problem is that you can't even insult someone in good faith here without somebody wishing to investigate the origins of the insult.

I look forward to reading the debate about whether it is possible to insult someone in good faith.

And I bet you know a song about it too ...

In fact you're going to direct me to the right page on the digitrad using a blue clicky thing - I can feel it


28 Sep 06 - 06:46 PM (#1845473)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: bobad

♪♪You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave ♪♪

28 Sep 06 - 06:49 PM (#1845478)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

Well,bugger off then,is that better hog breath

28 Sep 06 - 06:52 PM (#1845481)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

who was the first person to be referred to as hog breath?

Do you think it stems from Religious attitudes towards pigs etc?

There must be a thread in that somewhere ...

28 Sep 06 - 06:57 PM (#1845486)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,Ibo

You have got me interested,who first said hogs breath? Was it Kermit to Miss Piggy

28 Sep 06 - 07:03 PM (#1845489)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

Yeah? Go flip yourself sideways from Sunday!

(Shane says that. It means SOD OFF!!!)

28 Sep 06 - 07:10 PM (#1845499)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

MMMM you are very interesting man.Are you a MORRIS DANCER?

28 Sep 06 - 07:12 PM (#1845500)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

look (exasperated sigh) you're complicating matters now.

What exactly are we talking about?

Sodding off, hogs breath or flipping sideways from sunday.

That's it -

I'm really going -

By the time you read this I will be in bed.

I won't even sneak downstairs to see if someone has replied or not -

You certainly won't catch me posting a reply -

Oh my god I think I'm developing hogs breath.

It's something you get when you spend all your time in front of the computer and don't brush your teeth ...

... and you end up haviing to clean the sod off ... before it builds up too much and you have to flip it sideways to sunday (in the vain hope that you'll do something about it then)

Help me

28 Sep 06 - 07:15 PM (#1845507)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: The Shambles

Now you post anon, but your posts are so easy to spot as to be ridiculous.

Mick - The only ridiculous thing being displayed here is your latest paranoia about your latest bogeyman.

No matter what rubbish you (as a 'moderator') publicly and irresponsibly inform our forum to be the case to fuel your latetset witch-hunt - it remains a fact that I have only ever posted on our forum under my membership name.

I will leave anonymous posting and imposed censorship - on our forum to our 'moderators' and will try to set a better example of posting behaviour than (some of) our 'moderators' do.

28 Sep 06 - 07:20 PM (#1845512)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

Lets talk about flipping hogs on a Sunday.I am the cuurent hog flipping champion of yorkshire.

28 Sep 06 - 07:20 PM (#1845513)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

"I look forward to reading the debate about whether it is possible to insult someone in good faith."

That wait may be a long one. It is demonstrable that before we can make 'sense' of what you said, Lox, we first must define the parameters of the vocabulary. First, what would constitute an insult? Second, what exactly do you mean by faith, and why would you assume that the faith you DO mean is necessarily good (or bad for that matter)? The 'looking forward' bit is also interesting, because it presupposes that you yourself have faith, and subsequently that 'faith' that you reference in your sentence quoted about will probably be shaded by the faith you possess.

Anyway, there are real philosophers here, so I will just say hello and how's it hangin'? Keep well. And you didn't answer me about Suzie Creamcheese.

28 Sep 06 - 07:26 PM (#1845525)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,ibo

I will try to insult you in good faith.Are you a christian morris dancer?

28 Sep 06 - 07:27 PM (#1845526)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John O'L

I left last night, but forgot to mention it.

Rest easy, I've decided to come back.
I mention this only for those of you who did or didn't notice my absence.

28 Sep 06 - 07:31 PM (#1845530)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,ibo

welcome back,you man of mystery.Are you a morris dancer.I once tried it but fell off the bonnet.

28 Sep 06 - 07:51 PM (#1845547)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

I think the creamcheese could be a source of the hogbreath

I would argue that looking backwards presupposes considerably more faith, especially when you're coming in to land, however I am pleased that your paragraph recognized more than one faith and appears to be open to the existence and validity of other hitherto unconsidered types of faith.

As for being shaded or illuminated, you can have faith that the parameters of my vocabulary could indeed require a satisfactorily long period of time to define, and in all faith I have no desire to be shady.

I am curious as to how you support the claim that there are real philosophers here or indeed where they are meant to be exactly, or perhaps less facetiously how one is meant to distinguish them from other types (note I have omitted definitions of "real" etc).

other than that - HI - it's hanging loose like a long neck goose - and you?

Now I really am going to bed

28 Sep 06 - 07:52 PM (#1845549)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John O'L

ibo I salute you patience and persistance. You've been waiting 20 minutes for an opening for that joke. I'm glad I was able to supply it.

28 Sep 06 - 07:56 PM (#1845555)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: pdq

Intended to produce a minor chuckle at best.

28 Sep 06 - 08:00 PM (#1845558)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

Everyone has faith, Guest. The only question is, what do they have faith IN? With most people, I find their faith in the power of money is practically unshakeable. This was not so, however, on the decks of the Titanic in its final few minutes...

28 Sep 06 - 08:40 PM (#1845581)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John O'L

Ah, Little Hawk, we'll never know the deals that went down on the deck as it angled upwards...Manhattan may have been sold back to the Dutch.

29 Sep 06 - 12:53 AM (#1845689)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

Oh, I'm sure some deals were offered... ;-) And a few may have been taken. But my point was that there are situations where money will do you no good at all...and people tend to forget about that most of the time. That's because they have a lot of faith in the power of money...far more, in most cases, than in God, King, or country.

29 Sep 06 - 03:26 AM (#1845722)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John MacKenzie

'Sod off' is I believe an invitation to go commit sodomy in another location.

29 Sep 06 - 04:07 AM (#1845748)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John O'L

I've always thought of 'sod off' as being pretty mild, but when you stop and think about it, it's really quite vulgar isn't it.
I guess I should've been more offended than I was all those times...

29 Sep 06 - 04:39 AM (#1845769)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Liz the Squeak

It's also the first name of Baldrick - Blackadders' servant who's been in the family since 1548, but then, so has syphillis.


29 Sep 06 - 06:45 AM (#1845823)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: gnu

Sodoff Baldrick? I did not know that. Thanks Liz.

GUEST, The guy who can't make up his mind... Thanks for not leaving before I could get a chance to say good bye.

29 Sep 06 - 08:35 AM (#1845903)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John O'L

Hmm. It's getting late here. Think I'll leave again.

I've had enough! I'm leaving! Good Bye! Sod Off!

29 Sep 06 - 09:57 AM (#1845951)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: *daylia*

Well I haven't been around here for awhile. And y'know what? It feels like have my own life back! I'm much less stressed, happier and best of all, I now have more time than ever to do all the things I LOVE to do! To spend time with the friends/family I'd neglected for so long staring at this computer screen I'd almost forgotten what they looked like. To dream and hypothesize and even dare to voice my ideas if I please, whenever I please, however I please without attracting the venom and bile and bathroom "humour" (?!?) of a slew of complete strangers.

Anything I miss about Mudcat? Well, yeah -- I do miss Mooh's posts. His friendliness and helpful advice/suggestions re guitars and music teaching. So I do check back here once in a while just to see what he's had to share ....

Anyways, it's been wonderful not being here for a bit. I'm really enjoying it! And it's gonna be a much loooooooooonger bit too. Guaranteed!

Just to please a few of you Mudcat relics, of course.


All the best,


29 Sep 06 - 10:06 AM (#1845953)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

"I will try to insult you in good faith.Are you a christian morris dancer?"

Thank you for trying to insult me in good faith.

Morris Dancer? Christian? SIR, I am a fu#kin' heathen and that's that. Use to be a regular, but have since become a guest. Prefer it that way.

29 Sep 06 - 10:06 AM (#1845954)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: *daylia*

Oh and I miss you too, gnu.

*sniff sniff*

Hey, if I sit here thinking about it long enough I'll probably start missing a whole lot more of you too. Egads egads ... that's IT for me now, I say! Cats may have 9 lives but I ain't wasting 8.9 of 'em at this computer anymore. I'm OUTTA here!

29 Sep 06 - 02:51 PM (#1846224)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

Bye, Daylia.

29 Sep 06 - 03:41 PM (#1846261)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

Just checking in to make sure I'm still not here.
Ta ta.

29 Sep 06 - 04:03 PM (#1846280)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: gnu

daylia.... farewell... adieu... parting is sucking sweet sorrow. I am remiss, in my missing you.

29 Sep 06 - 05:16 PM (#1846334)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

Farting is such sweet sorrow.

29 Sep 06 - 05:20 PM (#1846337)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

Partying is such sweet sorrow ... tomorrow

30 Sep 06 - 04:46 PM (#1847089)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

... hold on ...

... I recognize those footprints ...

... they're mine ...

... damn ...

... I've been going round in circles ...

... will I ever get out of here ...

... must ... carry ... on ... don't ... give ... up ...

01 Oct 06 - 07:28 AM (#1847471)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Mr Happy

it's the ultimate answer to the ultimate question:

'Why are we all here?'

'Because we're not all there!'

01 Oct 06 - 05:19 PM (#1847784)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.


01 Oct 06 - 07:20 PM (#1847867)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John O'L

Just dropped in to tell you I'm not coming back.

01 Oct 06 - 07:26 PM (#1847873)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

And I just dropped in to tell you I'm not coming forward.

01 Oct 06 - 07:47 PM (#1847883)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,Lobelia

I have left too. You lot are going to have to do without me. Don't bother begging and pleading either. I am not coming back.

01 Oct 06 - 07:52 PM (#1847887)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

That's it!

I've had enough!

01 Oct 06 - 07:55 PM (#1847890)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: bobad

I'm not here any more, or any less.

01 Oct 06 - 07:57 PM (#1847892)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

I've had it too! This is goodbye, forever. "Don't cry for me, Argentina..."

01 Oct 06 - 08:15 PM (#1847900)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John O'L

OK I'm back now.

01 Oct 06 - 08:15 PM (#1847902)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John O'L

Gone again!

01 Oct 06 - 08:18 PM (#1847904)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: bobad

Jeeze, we never know if you're coming or going.

01 Oct 06 - 08:19 PM (#1847906)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Well, I'm still here! I ain't goin' nowhere! Wanna try an' make me?

01 Oct 06 - 08:21 PM (#1847907)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: bobad I'm not inclined that way but thanks for the offer.

02 Oct 06 - 08:05 AM (#1848150)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

Uh Huh! So where are you now?

02 Oct 06 - 08:14 AM (#1848154)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,The guy who is once more here on a daily bas

I have returned. I have walked back in. I am visiting this forum frequently. I have restarted it. Rethought. Undone. I have re-entered the building. I'm back. You will see me here again. Frequently. I'm intta here. Matter of fact, you even saw this post, that's how back I am. Die from it, you heroes. You're going to have live with me in future. I can certainly not do without you. I even remember being here, that's how back I am.

I'm here again.

02 Oct 06 - 08:34 AM (#1848170)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

On toilet break

02 Oct 06 - 12:52 PM (#1848420)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: fat B****rd


02 Oct 06 - 01:12 PM (#1848430)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: gnu

You're back? For good? For better or verse?

Well, just in case, if I don't get the chance, byeeeee.

02 Oct 06 - 02:25 PM (#1848492)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

well it's a pity I'll never know - as I'm not here at all

02 Oct 06 - 02:46 PM (#1848514)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

Neither am I.

02 Oct 06 - 03:02 PM (#1848529)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

I don't know who you think you're talking to ...

02 Oct 06 - 08:49 PM (#1848850)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: John O'L

...but I know perfectly well who they think the're talking to.
Yes, I KNOW. OK. I will. I said I WILL!

02 Oct 06 - 09:01 PM (#1848859)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.

These posts would do well on the 85 billion thread, BTW.

02 Oct 06 - 09:16 PM (#1848869)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: Little Hawk

How would you know? You're not here.

03 Oct 06 - 10:29 AM (#1849231)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: GUEST,lox

excuse me ... just passing through ... can't stop ... very busy ...

03 Oct 06 - 11:10 AM (#1849258)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I once was lost, but now I'm found.

06 Oct 06 - 07:29 PM (#1852371)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
From: The Fooles Troupe

A grazing mace, how sweet the sound...