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Art Blakey's Birthday squabble

11 Oct 06 - 05:03 AM (#1855613)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: Wolfgang


may I repeat my request that you may henceforth add the birthdate to the thread title to make it more informative?

my first request:
may I ask you here to include the respective date in the title. That would make these threads more user friendly.

your response:
Then rather that post here only to judge - please by all means place there anything that you judge would make those threads (and any other threads) more interesting and informative. I place only the little information I do to encourage others to post their contributions. I also learn a lot form this and also from surfing to find the information.

That used to be the postive way things used to work on our forum - before posters were encouraged by the negative example given ONLY to pass judgements on the worth of a thread or post or of the worth of the poster and to call them names. And encouraged to simply swoon with horror at the thought of seing the titles of more than one thread at a time.

If it is a thread with little information - why not encourage other posters to provide it?

If a thread is questionably music related - then add it and attempt to keep it there - rather only judge it and than ask that it be relegated to the BS.

These birthday threads were an idea to try and return some of the old spirit of shared fun and joint discovery that makes our forum different to those sites obbsessed only with order.   

To encourage the act of posting - not to find ways that CAN only inhibit the posting of reasonable discussion.


11 Oct 06 - 05:38 AM (#1855634)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: The Shambles

You may Wolfgang -

However, I find that after a short while - the birthdate (which I always provide in the thread itself) seems to appear in the title - as if by magic.................If this thread does not disappear altogether - you will see this happen.

The problem - as you well know is that - with the longer names - ordinary posters like me - do not always have enough characters available to them to place the birthdate in the title.

Perhaps Wolfgang - you could tell our forum what part Art Blakey's has played in your life?

12 Oct 06 - 03:51 AM (#1856535)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: catspaw49

It's nice to know you've been a source of irritation to even those closest to you for your entire life(:<))


12 Oct 06 - 10:06 AM (#1856771)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: The Shambles

However, I find that after a short while - the birthdate (which I always provide in the thread itself) seems to appear in the title - as if by magic.................If this thread does not disappear altogether - you will see this happen.

Well it has happened in every one of these threads - - except this one..........

12 Oct 06 - 10:15 AM (#1856780)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: Wolfgang

Well it has happened in every one of these threads - - except this one.......... (Shambles)

That's an untrue statement as can easily be checked by doing a forum search with 'birth' for the last fourteen days.

Shambles, if you would add the date to the title as I have asked you more than once it would not happen at all!


12 Oct 06 - 10:48 AM (#1856829)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: Wesley S

"Closed threads and deleated posts" takes up about 31 spaces. "Art Blakley's Birthday" takes up about 21. It looks to me like there would be room to add "Oct 11th" without running out of room. Try it.

12 Oct 06 - 10:54 AM (#1856839)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: The Shambles

Shambles, if you would add the date to the title as I have asked you more than once it would not happen at all.

Now I am confused. Do you still so badly want to see the birthdate in the thread's title or not? And why does it matter so much to you what other posters choose to post or not? Is it really any of your business?

You have asked me and I have explained. But you can carry on asking as many times as you wish - and I will not feel that this will give me the right to mock you, ask for restrictions to be placed on your posting or ask for you to banned.   

I have already explained to you that with the number of characters available to ordinary posters - it is not always possible to include the birthdate in the title. When that problem is addressed and solved - I will then be able to do what you keep on requesting me to do.

Did you hear much of Art Blakey's music in Germany? I have the impression that jazz was popular there?

12 Oct 06 - 10:59 AM (#1856848)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: The Shambles

"Closed threads and deleated posts" takes up about 31 spaces. "Art Blakley's Birthday" takes up about 21. It looks to me like there would be room to add "Oct 11th" without running out of room. Try it.

I have already explained to you that with the number of characters available to ordinary posters - it is not always possible to include the birthdate in the title. When that problem is addressed and solved - I will then be able to do what you keep on requesting me to do.

How about this one?

Ralph Vaughan William's Birthday 12 Oct 1872

12 Oct 06 - 11:04 AM (#1856856)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: Wesley S

So you're just being pissy to make a point? It's not really about adding information that people can use to the Mudcat.

12 Oct 06 - 11:06 AM (#1856860)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: catspaw49

Ya' know Guys, the Mudcat Piss&Moanmeister has such a long list of non-issues that we need some sort of classification system just to keep track of them. This one for instance has several variants and it would be nice just to say, "Oh yeah....You mean P&M 18, Variant C."


12 Oct 06 - 11:14 AM (#1856871)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: Wesley S

I've often wondered how many files he has to have in order to keep track of all of Joe Offers quotes that he plans to cut and paste. Let alone all of the other people { fellow posters } on his "enemies list".

12 Oct 06 - 11:19 AM (#1856879)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: The Shambles

And just who is doing all the moaning in this thread about Art Blakey's birthday?

12 Oct 06 - 11:29 AM (#1856892)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday

'the Mudcat Piss&Moanmeister'

That is fast becoming you, catspaw49. You spend too much time stalking Shambles.

12 Oct 06 - 11:29 AM (#1856895)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: Wolfgang

why does it matter so much to you what other posters choose to post or not? (Shambles)

My God, Shambles, if everyone would react this way to a simple request...My request is comparable to asking new members to post song lyrics in lines the next time or to add the author if they know her. It is not the world but just helpful. Why do you intend to treat a simple suggestion as a part of your crusade?

Shambles, as I have explained the very first time I have asked you to add the date my concern is the user friendliness of the forum. I think adding the date makes the title more useful, particularly in searches, that's all.

Do I understand you correctly that you do not add the date in cases when it is easily possible for you for the only reason that it may be difficult in other cases? This argumentation, BTW, has been completely missing in your first response to my request. Actually, in your first response you did not even say whether you would follow my suggestion or not. And a reason for saying no to the suggestion I could not find in that response either.

I will then be able to do what you keep on requesting me to do. (Shambles, emphasis mine)

Of course you are able even now, but you may not be willing. Why not say it as it is?

BTW, I wouldn't mind it at all if you only would add the date when it is possible for you.

Shambles, there's a thing that irritates me in our conversations here. You consistently fail to acknowledge when an error you have made is pointed out or a wrong information you have given is corrected. A simple three word sentence like "I stand corrected" or "I have erred" or "I was wrong" would do. Or do you hate admitting having given a wrong information like the one when you claimed that only to this birththread the date was added so far?


12 Oct 06 - 11:38 AM (#1856914)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: The Shambles

TECH Longer thread titles please

Closed threads and deleted posts

12 Oct 06 - 11:42 AM (#1856919)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Why do we need a date? Why do we not need a date? Why do we care? Why does Spaw take an opportunity to swipe at Shambles? Why do we turn this thread into a pissing contest?   Why am I bothering?

Place nice children.

12 Oct 06 - 11:44 AM (#1856921)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: The Shambles

Subject: RE: BS: Washing snotty handkerchifs
From: JennyO - PM
Date: 23 Sep 06 - 03:17 AM

It always amazes me, the people who come onto threads where the subject can be very clearly seen without opening them, just to read them and criticise us poor little plebs for wasting our lives on them. Obviously they don't mind wasting THEIR lives to do that.

12 Oct 06 - 11:45 AM (#1856922)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday

JennyO has a brain.

12 Oct 06 - 11:59 AM (#1856941)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday
From: MartinRyan

Worse than a twenty minute drum solo....

12 Oct 06 - 01:56 PM (#1857047)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday squabble
From: The Shambles

Many changes have been aonymously imposed on this thread (or now thread's) and its title - but still Art Blakey's birthdate has not appeared in the title.

12 Oct 06 - 01:58 PM (#1857048)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday squabble
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

no big deal here. The intent of the thread is evident, a birthday thread exists above the line.   Sounds good to me.

12 Oct 06 - 02:01 PM (#1857052)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday squabble
From: M.Ted

I was surprised to see Art Blakey's name here--I was very fond of his version of Caravan, particularly his drum solo--not twenty minutes, but quite long, and truly great--and, yes, I bought it because I did "wanna hear Caravan with a drum sola".

12 Oct 06 - 02:12 PM (#1857062)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday squabble
From: The Shambles

Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
From: Wolfgang - PM
Date: 12 Oct 06 - 11:53 AM

Has Art Blakey's birthday been 'hijacked'?

Yes, Shambles, it has, and you've been the one to start that with your response to a simple suggestion, a response that had nearly nothing to do with my request but all with your crusade.


12 Oct 06 - 05:35 PM (#1857206)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday squabble
From: Peace

Has anyone noticed that buffalo wings taste lots like chicken?

13 Oct 06 - 08:25 AM (#1857725)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday squabble
From: jacqui.c

And I can't see how little things like that could get a buffalo off the ground...

13 Oct 06 - 08:42 AM (#1857746)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday squabble
From: The Shambles

These birthday threads were my attempt to enable posters to be positive and honest about the LIVES of musical notables (rather than about their deaths) and for our forum to be informed how these people and their music had affected their lives.

Certainly to be more positive that OBIT threads on our forum currently are. Where anything other than uncritical praise will bring calls from other posters judging other poster's comments to be unsuitable and asking for the threads to be censored.

Subject: RE: Please Delete Spam
From: SRS
Date: 16-Sep-06 - 03:49 PM
There are several nasty posts in the Ann Richards obit thread that need to be removed, but this one in particular:
It's a nasty mischaracterization of the politics and the woman being discussed, and has no business in an obit thread.

To which calls our 'moderators' seem only too glad to oblige.

I had hope that these thread would have escaped such things and avoided the sort of pedantry and the minding of other people's business, that we have seen encouraged here.

But perhaps a line can now be drawn under this and any future threads can be either read or responded to or ignored?

13 Oct 06 - 03:31 PM (#1858106)
Subject: RE: Art Blakey's Birthday squabble
From: Wolfgang

Why do you suggest to respond without reading first, Shambles? I prefer not to respond without having read first.

Wolfgang (pedantic and grinning)