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BS: Bad Back Question???...

18 Oct 06 - 08:28 AM (#1862081)
Subject: BS: Bad Back Question???...
From: Bobert

Well, this thread should be entitled "Karma Bites the P-Vine" 'cause in pullin' all them things out fir me to trip over she has pulled her back out as well...

... but I loves the gal an' it's been almost 10 days and she still has spasms and pain in the lower back... We're now on the way to Luray for a 3rd consecutive day to see the the quack-t-prator who has been starppin' her into a traction machine then making these "adjustment" with this little jack hammer thingie... Betweem treatments she's been layin' 'round on an ice bag...

... but the pain persisits...

... so any one have any experiences with this kinda thing and more importantly, other than oxicotent what, if anything, should she be doing to get the pain to subside???

Sniff... I hates to see her this way...


18 Oct 06 - 08:31 AM (#1862082)
Subject: RE: BS: Bad Back Question???...
From: John MacKenzie

3 consecutive days seems a tad over the top Bobert my friend, if it's muscular then it needs rest painkillers and warmth, if it's mechanical then the Cairopractickler is your man, but it sounds musculiar to moi!

18 Oct 06 - 08:36 AM (#1862083)
Subject: RE: BS: Bad Back Question???...
From: Becca72

I'm prone to back spasms myself. She should probably be alternating with heat and cold (about 20 minutes each) and there is a good stretch wherein you put your foot on the seat of a chair or on the staircase about 2 or 3 steps up and stretch into it. NSAIDs taken every 4 hours (advil, ibuprofen, etc) unless she's on something stronger given by the doc. Sitting down is the worst position to be in. Best to either stand or lie down. And keep going to the bone cracker if it's helping.
Oh, and tell her I can empathize and it totally sucks!! Hope she feels better soon.

18 Oct 06 - 09:20 AM (#1862107)
Subject: RE: BS: Bad Back Question???...
From: Dave Hanson

Cairo is a long way to go for treatment, better go to a chiropracter.


18 Oct 06 - 10:04 AM (#1862150)
Subject: RE: BS: Bad Back Question???...
From: The Fooles Troupe

I gave some recent practical things that have helped me - both short term and long term in a very recent thread about back pain - can't find it now. I recommend the stretch I detailed...

18 Oct 06 - 11:06 AM (#1862214)
Subject: RE: BS: Bad Back Question???...
From: Sorcha

Last time my lumbar spasmed very badly, the Osteopath put me on flat on my back bed rest, ONE pillow allowed under head for 4 days. Alt. heat and cold. Then, an injection, cortisone, probably, and only then would she allow the chiro. manipulation and TENS unit therapy.

18 Oct 06 - 12:25 PM (#1862289)
Subject: RE: BS: Bad Back Question???...
From: Mrrzy

Nowadays I think they say, and it works for me (degenerative disk disease, 2 back surgeries already) is exercise rather than rest. While you are lying down, do the assigned stretches. Try not to sit is great advice, as is the heat/cold thing. Also, don't overlook the benefits of a good massage - you'll feel better AND it helps with the muscle problems. Just make sure the massage therapist knows what's up before they start...

Bites the big one, back trouble does. My latest episode was a sacro-iliac sprain - I didn't even know you could sprain your ass! Months to recover from that one, especially since I had a sitting job...

18 Oct 06 - 12:40 PM (#1862310)
Subject: RE: BS: Bad Back Question???...
From: Desdemona

I, too, suffer from periodic back problems, and they really can just suck the joy out of existence when you're having a flare-up. I had a bad week around the beginning of this month, which rendered me unable to participate in pretty much anything for 4 days...while painkillers can help you to relax and maybe get some sleep, what's really needed is something that will stop the spasms. I find heat pretty helpful, and a prescription muscle relaxant like Flexiril (sp?) can be useful as well. Last year I had the worst episode of my life, and after spending an afternoon in the ER on an oxycontin drip, they sent me home with Valium as a muscle relaxant, and it really seemed to help. Large doses of naproxen or ibuprofen if your tummy can take it...a good stiff drink often helps, too! Most helpful of all to me have been the very gentle stretching exercises given to me by a physical therapist (which I *much* prefer to chiropractic, I must say, having tried both)'s often possible to head a flare-up off at the proverbial pass if you recognise the signs and treat them accordingly.

All the sympathetic best; I hope she's herself again very soon!
