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BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?

19 Oct 06 - 06:22 PM (#1863664)
Subject: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy

Having had discussions over the previous aeons with family, colleagues, casual acquaintances & close fiends, etc; its still a mystery why toilet roll holders/paper dispensers are placed in the position they most often are: that is quite low down so one can comfortably reach 'em from the sitting position, but quite inconvenient once one has arisen.

Seems it may be a gender thing.

According to my recent poll, girlies tend to remain sat down for wiping their orifices – whereas chaps on the whole are upstanding fellows when it comes to the cleansing of the nether regions.


The equipment, mostly fitted by chaps, appears to be situated for the ladies' convenience – but not for the erect male.

Your views, opinions, explanations??

19 Oct 06 - 06:43 PM (#1863669)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy


Forgot to add, after washing hands, the towel holders/driers are always in the correct & convenient position!

Inconsistency - get into groups & discuss!

19 Oct 06 - 06:52 PM (#1863675)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: jeffp

Thus it ever was; thus shall it ever be.

19 Oct 06 - 06:59 PM (#1863684)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: bobad

Vive le bidet!

19 Oct 06 - 07:06 PM (#1863693)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: GUEST,dozey sleepy grumpy happy doc bashful & snee

Wot's the problem chaps?

19 Oct 06 - 07:16 PM (#1863696)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: GUEST,Snow White

Equipment fitted for the errect male! Now we are talking

19 Oct 06 - 07:24 PM (#1863700)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Lox

I noticed that too snowy ...


"According to my recent poll, girlies tend to remain sat down for wiping their orifices ? whereas chaps on the whole are upstanding fellows when it comes to the cleansing of the nether regions."

... Is this true? I am a male of the species and I remain seated while the tissue deals with the issue.

Just on a point of practicality, surely standing up brings the walls of the canyon (as it were) closer together rendering some of it's more inaccessable regions ... well ... inaccessable.

When seated, these inaccessable areas become less inaccessable ... don't they?

Was this a mudcat poll? is there a hitherto hidden reason why this site is called the mudcat?

19 Oct 06 - 07:33 PM (#1863707)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: John O'L

I agree with lox, although I probably wouldn't have articulated it that way - I probably wouldn't have articulated it at all.

Perhaps we are getting in touch with the female within us...?
(I mean by doing it seated, not by articulating stuff that would probably be better left unsaid.)

19 Oct 06 - 07:51 PM (#1863719)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Lox

Are you saying you've got a female in the canyon?

19 Oct 06 - 07:51 PM (#1863720)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bert

Why not have TWO, one up, one down?

19 Oct 06 - 08:22 PM (#1863743)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: bobad

And on the left and right sides so as not to discriminate against handedness.

19 Oct 06 - 08:54 PM (#1863756)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Just leave an extra roll on the toilet tank where it's easily accesible to anyone, regardless of posture.

19 Oct 06 - 09:18 PM (#1863778)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bobert

Eraect or not, I'm still a guy an' the toidy paper should just' be in reach... If it's on the floor and you can coax it over with a foot, that's fine with me... What ain't fine is findin' there ain't none or the roll rolled too far away to snag without havin' to get up... Now that is a bummer!!! Fir real...

But heck with toidy paper... That's like small potatoes...,. It this toidy seat thing that has me and the Wes Ginny Slide Rule up all night...


19 Oct 06 - 09:22 PM (#1863783)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: John O'L

Like the constipated mathemetician Bobert? Worked it out with a...surely not the Wes Ginny Slide Rule? No. He worked it out with a pencil

19 Oct 06 - 09:32 PM (#1863787)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Gurney

There is also the point of where horizontally to fit it, as it is often inconvenient on Gib/Drywall. Some people use the dispenser as a handle when rising, and if it isn't on a stud, it will tear loose.

All the trouble in the world, and we are discussing positioning of toilet rolls?

19 Oct 06 - 09:42 PM (#1863793)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: John O'L

That's something we can fix. Anything bigger needs to be a consesus decision, and the corporations take control while we are weighing pros & cons.

Just fix the dunny. All else will follow.

19 Oct 06 - 09:53 PM (#1863795)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Don Firth

Ever checked for skid-marks, Mr. Happy?

19 Oct 06 - 10:39 PM (#1863807)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bill D

Put it an average position...I can't imagine many folks who would be UNABLE to reach it....if you are 7 feet tall and stand up, tear some off THEN stand up...(I suspect the standers sort of bend over, anyway!) Go to any commercial building and measure..there are almost universal standards for the height of things like this.

Geeze....such profound problems we solve here!

19 Oct 06 - 11:10 PM (#1863826)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: JohnInKansas

It has been reliably reported that the ultimate authority on this subject was one Lyndon Johnson, who frequently invited (demanded) staff and correspondence to continue meetings in "the room" while he relieved himself.

In one fairly notorious instance he was accompanied by a full fleet of international press correspondence when he launched into an extended tirade about the improper placement of the paper dispenser. Being a "man of action" sometime soon after he ordered the "reconstruction" of all the "rooms" at the Whitehouse to relocate all the dispensers according to his personal specification.

It was my understanding however that he had no particular objection to the height of the dispensers, but was offended by the placement of them directly beside the "seat," where, in his objection, "you have to twist around and reach behind yer ass to get to it."

So far as was reported, his complete specification for dispenser placement was never released publicly, but probably could be found in his personal papers at the Johnson library. It was suggested by one reporter that "the assward edge of the dispenser should be at least even with, or forward of, the most forward edge of the seat in sitting position." I don't know if that was a quote, and poor Lyndon is now inaccessible for further consultation.

As to the proper use of the paper once it has been dispensed and is at hand, my only "formal instruction" was from my own mother. She reported that in her youth the local "Doc" had responded to an outbreak of "mysteriously propogated feminine infections" by discretely(?) suggesting to the ladies society that the women of the community should be advised to "try to wipe front to back so they quit pushing the shit into the other hole." I've not surveyed (or observed) to determine whether this advice is widely followed, or even generally known.


19 Oct 06 - 11:12 PM (#1863829)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Rabbi-Sol

Just remember, "The job is never complete until the paper work is all done."

19 Oct 06 - 11:12 PM (#1863830)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Sorcha

I think we should introduce Mr Happy to Skipy.

20 Oct 06 - 12:27 AM (#1863861)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: catspaw49

Kee-riced on a fuckin' crutch!!! Are you goofed up or something Mr. Happy?

Mr. Happy, this thread leads me to believe YOU are an asshole regardless of what or where the roll you wipe it with is found! Are you some kind of limp dick fanook? Why would you mount the thing high? Do you wipe your cock and balls off or what?

Just mount the thing where it ain't jabbin' into your side or back when you're sitting there blowing a load and make sure it's filled with something you can wipe with......None of that stuff that's like wax paper! Also be sure its not in an easy spot for some broke-dick mamalucca to piss all over.............

Are you smoking something? If so, send me some...............geeziz....................


20 Oct 06 - 06:50 AM (#1864024)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Michael

What annoys me is when the roll is put on the dispenser so that it un-rolls from the back and you have to scrabble about against the tiles to find the end (of the roll I mean!!).
I probably annoy others by always, where ever I am, turning it round but I hope to educate the world by example.

20 Oct 06 - 07:28 AM (#1864049)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Grab

JiK, since my wife was afflicted by a recent attack of same, the nurse gave her that advice. So it seems that parents *aren't* teaching that any more.

Looks like I'm a reactionary on the sitting-down-to-wipe side. And never mind the narrowing of the canyon - surely there's some danger from cling-ons unclinging...?

20 Oct 06 - 08:04 AM (#1864075)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: JennyO

Michael, I'm the same as you - I prefer to have the paper hanging down on the outside. Unfortunately I live with someone who has a multitude of annoying little habits. One of those is mounting the toilet paper with the paper coming out from the back near the wall if he has been the one to replace it. I turn it round every time, but he never changes it back. I've done it hundreds of times. He never says anything, and neither do I. I need to reserve my complaints for slightly more important matters - as it is, he accuses me of making him wrong all the time, so it's not worth the grief for such a small thing. Knowing him, he probably hasn't even noticed.

As for the other annoying habits - don't get me started!

20 Oct 06 - 08:15 AM (#1864087)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: JohnInKansas

Grab - The wisdom of the past seems to fade away ....

Michael -

The main problem with accessing the initial gripping point depends mainly on the roll being perfectly dry. A too narrow side clearance between throne and wall, or a too low position of the dispenser may subject the dispensable material to the spray inevitable with flushing - especially with the seat down so that the spray is jetted to the sides thru the crack, with the result that the initial separation of a grippable fragment is much more difficult due to a soggy (and sticky) roll.

If the paper fails to separate easily it's likely because of "dampness," although inferior quality of the material used may be a contributing factor.

Once a suitable grip is obtained, pulling slightly upward on the paper helps to lift inner bore of the roll off the roller and makes it significantly easier to extract the appropriate length of useful material. This upward action is facilitated by having the paper exit the roll from the bottom.

If the paper comes off the top of the roll, the normal tendency is to pull downward on the exiting length, especially if the user is seated, thereby causing it to lock up on the roller and leaving the patron with an inadequate tiny patch insufficient for the intended purpose. The inevitable consequence of top-exiting installation is that numerous people get multiple tiny bits off the roll, some of which are invariably dropped on the surrounding floor and ultimately stick to one's shoes on exit.

Top-exiting installation of the roll is appropriate only for commercial installations where the "non-spinnable" damping devices are used to make it impossible for anyone to extract a usable piece of material. Since with these dispensers it's necessary to crank the roll directly to get an extended piece, the top-exit installation gives an additional couple of inches (depending on the remaining roll diameter) of pump-out before the extended strip is soiled by contact with the bits on the floor.

US Army Field Manual FM-269-46517A, Care, Maintenance, Preservation, Stocking and Shipping of Sanitary Facilities, Supplies and Equipment gives explicit instructions for the correct procedures, although it does note that deviations may be required for unusual installations and expecially where proper maintenance has been neglected by prior personnel. The Appendix on "Field Expedients When Normal Facilities Are Unavailable" should be consulted before approaching most commercial facilities where maintenance has been done by persons of suspect qualifications and skill1 with the expectation of use.

1 Or where someone may have meddled with the maintenance.


20 Oct 06 - 09:00 AM (#1864135)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Becca72

The advice mother spoke of is widely known and widely followed by the female community.
My own mother and grandmother also forbade us from sitting down completely in any public facility. Thus the development of the "hover". Strong thigh muscles are plentiful in my family.

20 Oct 06 - 10:04 AM (#1864218)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bunnahabhain

Was somebody just looking for the least important, most non-political thing possible to start a thread on?

20 Oct 06 - 10:22 AM (#1864235)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: JennyO

Probably, and it just shows that Mudcatters will argue about ANYTHING!

20 Oct 06 - 10:28 AM (#1864243)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: bobad

They will NOT!

20 Oct 06 - 10:37 AM (#1864252)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: JennyO

OH yes they WILL!

20 Oct 06 - 01:29 PM (#1864397)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Becca72

No SA!!

20 Oct 06 - 01:38 PM (#1864403)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: catspaw49

John....Anyone who would pull the paper from underneath would use the wax paper type of TP......and also eat shit and run rabbits!


20 Oct 06 - 01:45 PM (#1864406)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bill D

Despite John's detailed technical explanation, ALL TP in my house is, and will continue to be, mounted so that it exits from the top/front of the roll. It is simple to unroll the desired length, then place the fingers on the top of the roll and tear off at the desired perforation while holding the next sheet firmly in place.

If the dispenser is mounted so as to become damp from splashes, THAT needs to be changed. I can't say I have EVER had that problem..(and I even lived in Kansas for 35 years! *grin*)

20 Oct 06 - 01:48 PM (#1864411)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: catspaw49

And Bill DON'T eat shit and run rabbits!!!!

So there John!!!!

LOL..........I love this place.(;<))


20 Oct 06 - 02:47 PM (#1864458)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bill D

now, now, spaw! I spects you am a WEE bit hard on those misguided souls who like to hide the end of the TP roll back against the wall!

(Just remembered...I knew a woman in Wichita who DID run rabbits.....hmmmmm)

20 Oct 06 - 05:16 PM (#1864603)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: catspaw49

.....oh my....................................


20 Oct 06 - 07:29 PM (#1864693)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Lox

Brothers and cistern

Well I'm sure it's been said that mudcatters know their s**t if not that they're always talking s**t.

Come on, they're on a roll. Let's just absorb it all and not let ourselves get too flushed by the whole thing.

20 Oct 06 - 07:58 PM (#1864708)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: John O'L

I'm intrigued by the image of the TP getting wet from its proximity with the bowl.

This could help.

20 Oct 06 - 08:00 PM (#1864710)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Lox

THAT looks extremely uncomfortable!

20 Oct 06 - 08:35 PM (#1864731)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Liz the Squeak

I'd just be happy if I didn't bang my elbow or shoulder on the bloody dispenser as I perform my duties or in the act of standing... I have an ample pair of cheeks, there are occasions when I'm practically sitting on the sanny bin tucked down the side, especially in portapotties and recently refurbished pub toilets. There was one that was so tight a squeeze that I couldn't open the door without standing on the seat and then stepping through the gap...

They should be positioned so that when seated, all you need do is reach out with your hand from your lap, and tug gently.


20 Oct 06 - 09:04 PM (#1864759)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: JohnInKansas

Of course variations in anatomy, flexibility, coordination, and the specific configuration of the facility may require "adjustments."

Limited observation had previously suggested a possible behaviour affecting the preference for off-the-top versus from-the-bottom mounting of the roll. The suspicion occurs that those who "turn the roll" to produce a satisfactory "hanging piece" and then grab at the top to tear it off will prefer an upper exit. Those who simply grab the end and pull will find it easier if the paper exits from the bottom. This divides the population neatly into "pullers" versus "1rollers," which may be about as firmly entrenched a division of philosophies as merits discussion.

1 "rollers" often may also be called "danglers" with some justification.

Of course there is the subdivision of "pullers" between those who reach over with the off hand to grasp the tissue near the roll to make the final tear-off, and those who just flip the hand up under the protruding part to grasp near the roll, with the extended paper neatly folded, so that it's ready for use when the rip is accomplished. This may require more dexterity than some can master.

That, of course, brings us to the further categorizing of people:

Fold or Wad?


20 Oct 06 - 10:33 PM (#1864810)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: GUEST, Topsie

The ones I don't like are the really mean ones that have some kind of a ratchet in them that stops the roll at just the wrong moment, leaving you with just ONE sheet. What use is that?

The ones that amused me most were the ones at my university that were designed so that you (i.e. students) could not remove the roll without a key. Their trade mark was 'Dreadnought'.

20 Oct 06 - 11:53 PM (#1864844)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: John O'L

I've found that the ones with the ratchet arrangement invariably leave me holding a piece of paper only the size of my thumb. Not even a single entire sheet will come loose witrhout the most meticulous two-handed coaxing. If ever there was a justification for wanton vandalism, that would be it.

21 Oct 06 - 07:04 AM (#1864957)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mrs.Duck

Last night on Jonathan Ross's Show he showed the latest trend - black toilet paper. He seemed horrified by Michael Ball's suggestion that this would make it difficult to know when you'd finished. I have wiped many bottoms in my time and quite frankly once you're stood up its a lot harder to deal with - sit down MrH!

21 Oct 06 - 07:45 AM (#1864963)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: bobad

"Fold or Wad?"


21 Oct 06 - 08:19 AM (#1864981)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: JohnInKansas

bad boy bobad!


21 Oct 06 - 12:03 PM (#1865088)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Uncle_DaveO

Bad Boy!   



Dave Oesterreich

21 Oct 06 - 12:29 PM (#1865107)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bill D

"fold or wad"

ah, FOLD...carefully measured for individual circumstances. Less waste, no surprises!

And the most important issue of all... BRAND of paper! They are not created equal. (We had a thread awhile back on type & technique).

22 Oct 06 - 05:40 AM (#1865501)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy

All in our family were taught that the front to back technique was correct, the opposite having potential for causing various health problems [see above].

Unless one is a contortionist, I can't see it being possible to remain seated & enact the front to back method.


............& then there's those ridiculous single sheet dispensers!

Even worse than the enclosed roll type.

If the single sheet type jam up, its well nigh impossible to extract any paper at all!


Also, type of tissue: the 1st kind I recall in UK was 'IZAL'

It was horrible, hard, shiny stuff like tracing paper, totally non-absorbent.

But even worse than that, years ago when in Belgium - not even a sit-upon toilet, rather a 'squat-thrust' with straining bars! - the 'toilet tissue' was green with the texture [both sides] of sandpaper!! AAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!

I'm a 'waddist' & prefer a wad or pad of tissue to do the biz.

22 Oct 06 - 05:52 AM (#1865503)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Liz the Squeak

I'm a waddist too.... much more secure and can be utilised in a multitude of different ways -

The Solid wad - secure but uses a lot of paper.

The Wad, Wipe and Flip - wadded around the fingers with a tail several sheets long left. Tail is flipped over to provide a new, clean surface after each wipe. Maximises paper useage but care must be taken not to dangle the end in the pan.

The Wodge and Pray - a handful of paper crumpled up and applied once or twice. Can lead to embarassing dags or famous East End of London gangsters (Ginger Marks). Usually used in a cold bathroom or when in a hurry.

The people who annoy me most are those who leave just a couple of sheets on the roll.... enough to make it look viable, but not enough to complete the job - and all so they don't have to change the roll. Limpit is an expert at this trick.


22 Oct 06 - 07:38 AM (#1865545)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?

Conversation in a public loo:

22 Oct 06 - 08:08 AM (#1865558)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: GUEST,...

(What happened to my post just then?)

to continue...

Conversation in a public toilet:

"Any paper in your cubicle?"
"No, sorry."


"Have you got change for a tenner?"

22 Oct 06 - 08:16 AM (#1865562)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy I sit, broken hearted,

paid a tenner, and only f****d!!

22 Oct 06 - 11:19 AM (#1865664)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bill D

When I KNOW I'm going to be in a new environment for awhile, I sometimes carry a reasonable supply of tissue of my own choosing...just to avoid the sandpaper/tracing paper problem noted above.

"Be prepared"

22 Oct 06 - 06:01 PM (#1865942)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah yes... and those tissues with the nose balm in are equally useful on the other end....


22 Oct 06 - 06:41 PM (#1865973)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bunnahabhain

Annoy everyone equally, fix them to the ceiling....

24 Oct 06 - 06:37 PM (#1867658)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy

'equally useful on the other end....'


You have another end??

24 Oct 06 - 07:39 PM (#1867711)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh yes..... I'm sitting on it at the moment.


24 Oct 06 - 08:30 PM (#1867753)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Tweed

One wad / multiple wipes? Standing up to wipe your ass? My god, do you Brits have a paper shortage over there or what?
Use it once for crissake and then get rid of it. Carry a crow bar for the one-sheet dispensers, or to get into the next stall for more. Stuff the toilet full of it,but keep your butt clean, goddamm!! can't go around smelling like shit.

24 Oct 06 - 08:56 PM (#1867770)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bobert

Ummmmmm, upon further relection, screw tidy paper... Corn cobs good 'nuff fir my granddaddy and he lived to be 88 years old so corn cobs good nuff 'fir me...

Ummmmmm, Part B... Who really cares??? Womenz allways win this one so here's what I say... I say what we men needz is our own bathrooms that womenz ain't allowed to use... Then we can do what we men have to do, when we want to do it and where we want to do it... I built the P-Vine a bathroom in the new house and put everything in the dumb places that womenz want stuff... Fine, let her have her little bathroom fantasy, right???

The I have my "men's room" and I got all my funky rat that she hates in there and an old flour sack filled with good ol' Virginny growed corn cobs an' thats the way I like it... Ya' know, they don't make no corn cob dispensers, do they???

End of friggin' toidy paper dispenser argument...

Bobert (alias "Real Man", alias "No Toidy Issues Wuss", alias "Corn Cobs Rule", alias "Get the Heck Outta Here, I Built You Yours and This One is Mine", alias, "Always Throw the Cobs Down Wind"...)

25 Oct 06 - 04:11 AM (#1867944)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Liz the Squeak

Corn cobs + piles..... not a happy picture.


25 Oct 06 - 05:16 AM (#1867969)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy

25 Oct 06 - 05:17 AM (#1867971)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy

12 May 09 - 08:17 AM (#2629760)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy

..........folowing on from this happy discourse, while musing this morning in the wee room, I pondered why it is that while dining chairs, waiting room chairs & so on have standardised heights, toilets on the hole whole are frequently a few inches lower off the ground, thus making arising more difficult for those knocking on in years, like yours truly.


12 May 09 - 12:03 PM (#2629977)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bill D

Since many homes have only one, and must be used by children as well as adults, the 'standard' height is low enough to allow most folks to have their feet on the floor as much as possible, and to bring the knees 'up' a bit, giving the body the most efficient angle for for easy elimination.. (I had an entire book on the design of bathrooms once)
IF one needs other heights, they can be ordered from specialty plumbing suppliers.
IF one has really, really special needs, it is possible to make the toilet adjustable in height. I know someone who designed one, bought necessary parts (sleeves, hydraulics...etc) and installed it to make use by handicapped persons easier. It works fine! has about 6 inches adjustable range, I believe.

12 May 09 - 12:28 PM (#2630000)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Rapparee

To quote Abraham Lincoln, "Long enough to reach the ground."

12 May 09 - 01:49 PM (#2630058)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bill D

To add to my post: Since it is hard to reduce height, toilets are made lower. If one needs to raise it, there are many gadgets available

For those looking for money saving TP ideas, try this page

12 May 09 - 02:49 PM (#2630118)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Every home should have one.. ;0)

12 May 09 - 02:58 PM (#2630130)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: olddude

When I was a kid in high school the darn thing was mounted on the wall behind the John

Now how is that suppose to work .. and I have seen it the same way in public places also ...Dah

I guess if a persons head rotated 360 it would be ok

12 May 09 - 03:00 PM (#2630134)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: olddude

don't go listening to music either, the tappin foot got that old congress guy in a world of trouble at the airport John ...

12 May 09 - 03:53 PM (#2630180)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

When the paper is mounted on the wall behind the toilet, it should be mounted high enough that it's accessible by reaching over one's head. Sorta like reaching for the rip-cord on a parachute. When you grab a handful, you're supposed to yell "Geronimo!"

12 May 09 - 04:21 PM (#2630211)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: gnu

The latest here in public toilets is mounting the one-million-feet-roll dispenser under the grab bar so that no human, disabled or otherwise, can get hold of the one-millionth-of-an-inch thick paper, which has no perforations (arrrggghhhh), without contorting into a pretzel shape.

12 May 09 - 05:21 PM (#2630265)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: robomatic

In one of my workplaces, the guy in charge of bathroom maintenance decided for some reason we had to economize on TP, so he had installed brand new 'hangers' where there was a tab on the roller which engaged a small knob or 'stop' thus prohibiting the roller from rolling a full 360, in fact, it couldn't roll more'n 180 degrees. Since the roller was plastic and the knob was metal, those of us with jacknives (all of us) whittled away at yon tabs until we had rollers which would really roll.

12 May 09 - 05:36 PM (#2630274)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: frogprince

I try to avoid having to use the johns in the local businesses, mainly because of the paper they've been installing lately. In the local grocery, I found paper so thin that it took at least six feet of the stuff folded up to be usable. I thought "at least it can't get any worse". I was wrong. I encountered some in a donut joint that was so thin that there were actually numerous voids missing.   I think they may have caught some flak for that; they've gone back to some that is at least much better.

12 May 09 - 05:36 PM (#2630275)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I understand attempts to control waste, but making it difficult for people to obtain the amount of tissue needed to properly cleanse themselves seems counterproductive. If you were the boss, would you rather shell out a few extra bucks for toilet paper or have your employees smell of unwiped shit?

12 May 09 - 05:46 PM (#2630284)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: frogprince

I had serious doubts as to whether the junk could possibly be so cheap that the buyer would come out even after people unrolled enough to serve the purpose. That's bypassing the question of who would even try to be that damnably stingy.

12 May 09 - 05:52 PM (#2630295)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: gnu

Yup. Sobeys grocery has flush sensors, faucet hand sensors, door sensor lighting, FRESH FLOWERS, a survey card and pen... and shitty toilet paper!

12 May 09 - 06:02 PM (#2630308)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Joe_F

Live & learn. It had never occurred to me that anyone would stand up to wipe. Hence, I accepted the conventional height without thought.

However, it does mean that you have to bend over if you are standing & want some paper for some other purpose.

There's a lack of toilet paper,
So they wait until it's vapor,
And they light it with a taper,
    In Mobile.

12 May 09 - 06:04 PM (#2630309)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Spleen Cringe

Whatever happened to rubbing your arse on the carpet?

13 May 09 - 05:36 AM (#2630641)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy

carpet? - Luxury! 8-)

13 May 09 - 12:47 PM (#2630950)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Bill D

"Afterwards I wiped my tail with a hen, with a cock, with a pullet, with a calf's skin, with a hare, with a pigeon, with a cormorant, with an attorney's bag, with a montero, with a coif, with a falconer's lure. But, to conclude, I say and maintain, that of all torcheculs, arsewisps, bumfodders, tail-napkins, bunghole cleansers, and wipe-breeches, there is none in the world comparable to the neck of a goose, that is well downed, if you hold her head betwixt your legs. And believe me therein upon mine honour, for you will thereby feel in your nockhole a most wonderful pleasure, both in regard of the softness of the said down and of the temporate heat of the goose, which is easily communicated to the bum-gut and the rest of the inwards, in so far as to come even to the regions of the heart and brains. And think not that the felicity of the heroes and demigods in the Elysian fields consisteth either in their asphodel, ambrosia, or nectar, as our old women here used to say; but in this, according to my judgment, that they wipe their tails with the neck of a goose, holding her head betwixt their legs, and such is the opinion of Master John of Scotland, alias Scotus."

       Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel, Chapter 1.XIII

13 May 09 - 04:30 PM (#2631108)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: JHW

Does BS mean   Bog Standard?
I've often wondered.

13 May 09 - 08:42 PM (#2631246)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Joe_F

While we are on that subject, here is an oddity: When a roll runs out, I buy a new one on the next shopping trip, and put it on top of the tank for when the replacement runs out (I am an inventory management freak). But if a guest uses my toilet in the meantime, I almost invariably find that he or she has started in on the spare rather than using the roll that is in the dispenser. Why is that?

13 May 09 - 08:52 PM (#2631252)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?

Notice on cubicle wall, gents, Ratagan youth hostel, Scotland, 1974: "Economy drive: please use both sides of the paper."

27 Jul 09 - 08:21 AM (#2687916)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy

27 Jul 09 - 04:31 PM (#2688273)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Penny S.

To pick up on a point by Liz, many, many modern ladies loos, including a prizewinning set on the M4, have doors which open inwards, rotating through the only standing space. Judges by a man without going in.

Apart from the obvious problem for users, unless size - 1, this means that cleaners cannot access the whole cubicle, and that if anyone has a problem, they cannot be reached from outside. Fainting, heart attacks, or drug related issues. Why don't doors open outwards?


28 Jul 09 - 02:22 AM (#2688565)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Liz the Squeak

Toilet doors don't open outwards because they could hit the person standing waiting or washing their hands. In public places where space is a premium, it is often not possible to have the sinks in a separate part of the bathroom. The exception to this should be disabled cubicles, designed for use by those in wheelchairs, where an inward opening door would mean no room to turn the chair around. The one in my office is carefully placed next to the kitchen so that anyone coming out of the toilet can successfully hit anyone coming out of the kitchen with their hot drink or food...

I remember using one in Belgium where it was possible, when seated, to see into the hotel foyer over the top of of the 'saloon' style doors...


28 Jul 09 - 05:22 AM (#2688614)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mr Happy

I recall being at a house party in which when you entered the house via the front door, you had a view up the stairs.

At the top, you could see the louvre doors of the bathroom.

If the light was on,because of the angle of the louvre slats, you could plainly see anyone sitting there!!

28 Jul 09 - 07:05 AM (#2688651)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Penny S.

In the prizewinning loos at Heston, the basins were in a separate part of the room, with the loos down corridors with the space between the opposite doors larger than one door, if smaller than two - though I'm not sure about that.

I'm going to check out distances from now on. But I still think that there should be room for someone to stand in the loo and swing the door round without being forced against the seat.


28 Jul 09 - 08:01 AM (#2688680)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Nigel Parsons

"In days of old,
When knights were bold,
And paper not invented.
They wiped their arse
On clumps of grass,
And went away contented!"

28 Jul 09 - 01:00 PM (#2688859)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Liz the Squeak

Reminds me of a comment I made last Friday night...

Now that pubs and clubs are non-smoking, I notice that they no longer smell of smoke. Instead they smell of other people's farts or as I paraphrased: 'The Great Unwiped'.


28 Jul 09 - 01:14 PM (#2688870)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: VirginiaTam

Every bathroom should have one of these especially if you do a lot of entertaining.

I have seen some hilarious entries in one at a house I used to clean.

Almost as funny as Mudcat.

28 Jul 09 - 01:27 PM (#2688882)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Peace

The height of the dispenser should take into account the length of the roll of paper. For example, the quick way to figure it is to multiply Pi (3.14159) with the diameter midway through the roll. That will let you know that the entire roll is x feet long unless you're in Canada where it would be x meters long. So, with that underconsideration, and if you intend to make full use of the roll, and say the whole roll is 125 meters long, don't hang the dispenser more than 124 meters from the floor. As you take say a meter of paper to wipe your unmentionables be sure to leave at least a foot in the US or a meter/3 in Canada so you can pull on the roll and get paper, else you'll be using your hand and no one will want to be your friend. I worked all this out earlier. A word of caution, I think this is a really stupid idea. And the fuckin' calculator fell in the bowl, blocked it when I flushed and there's about 1/2" of water on the floor if yer in the US or 2.54 cm/2 if yer in Canada and a perfectly good mathematical instrument has gone to its great reward in the sky.


29 Jul 09 - 05:12 AM (#2689445)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Penny S.

I know I am responsible for thread creep, but there wasa story on the radio about a 67 year old diabetic woman in Australia who was trapped between her toliet and the inward opening door for a week until her neighbour heard her while putting out his washing.


29 Jul 09 - 06:28 PM (#2689948)
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
From: Mrs.Duck

I am lucky enough to work in a school where we have a toilet that not only washes your bum but blow dries it afterwards! I have put this on my list of luxuries should my lotto numbers ever come up. I even use it if I haven't 'been' :)